Medical History - Exercise

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Medical History Questions. Complete the sentences.

1.Is the pain sev……..?

2.Do you have one or more of the following symptoms? vomit…….., swollen or ten……..
abdomen, faintness
3.Do you have diar……..?
4.You may have food poisoning or an infection of the dig…….. tract.
5.Did the pain start in the small of the back and move to the gro……..?
6.Is your …….. 38°C or above?
7.Is your temperature normal……..?
8.Is the pain in the lower abdominal…pain…..?
9.Have you been unusually const…….. and / or have you passed more wind than usual within the
past 24 hours?
10.Do you have a burning pain when you urinate……..?
11.Are urinating more frequent…….. than usual?
12.Is the pain mainly just below the ribs on the right side and have you been vom……..?
13.Do you have a burning pain on one side only and does your skin feel sen…….. along the site of
the pain?
14.Did the pain fol…….. excessive eating?
15.Is the pain in the centre of the up…….. abdomen?

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