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Dei Institute – Online

University (DIOU)
Dei Institute - Online University (DIOU) is committed to
providing high-quality, Christ-centred education in an
inclusive and supportive environment. To uphold our
mission, values, and commitment to excellence, DIOU
has established a comprehensive framework of policies
that govern various aspects of university operations.
These policies are designed to ensure transparency,
fairness, and ethical conduct while promoting the well-
being and success of our diverse community of students,
faculty, staff, and stakeholders.
Admissions Policy
Introduction: Dei Institute - Online University (DIOU)
provides accessible, faith-based, and quality education to
individuals seeking personal and professional growth.
Our admissions policy is designed to ensure a fair,
transparent, and equitable process that aligns with our
mission and values.

Admissions Principles: DIOU's admissions process is

guided by the following principles:
1. Inclusivity: DIOU welcomes applicants from
diverse backgrounds, irrespective of race, gender,
religion, nationality, or socio-economic status.
2. Holistic Assessment: We consider a wide range of
factors beyond academic achievements, including
character, leadership potential, and life
experiences, to evaluate an applicant's readiness
for our programs.
3. Transparency: We provide clear and readily
available information regarding admission
requirements, procedures, and criteria to all
prospective applicants.
4. Fairness: DIOU is committed to a fair and
unbiased selection process that ensures equal
opportunities for all qualified candidates.
5. Faith-Based Values: Our admissions process
incorporates assessments of Christ-centred
character and competency, reflecting our faith-
based mission.
Admission Criteria: DIOU's admission criteria may vary
by program and degree level. However, common
elements include:
1. Academic Qualifications: Applicants must
demonstrate the required academic
qualifications for their chosen program, typically
through the submission of transcripts and
2. Character Assessment: Candidates are assessed
for alignment with Christ-centred character
values, emphasizing qualities such as integrity,
compassion, humility, and servant leadership.
3. Leadership and Management Competency: For
programs that include this assessment, applicants
are evaluated for their leadership potential,
problem-solving abilities, and management skills
within a faith-based framework.
4. Letters of Recommendation: Applicants may be
required to submit letters of recommendation
that provide insights into their character, abilities,
and potential to succeed in their chosen program.
5. Standardized Tests: Depending on the program,
applicants may need to submit standardized test
scores, such as the Dei Graduate Record
Examination (DGRE) or the Dei Graduate
Management Admission Test (DGMAT).
6. Interviews: In some cases, DIOU may conduct
interviews to assess an applicant's suitability for
certain programs.
7. Language Proficiency: For non-native English
speakers, proof of English proficiency may be
required through tests like the Dei Test for English
as a Foreign Language (DTEFL).

Application Procedures: Prospective students must

adhere to the following application procedures:
1. Submission of Application: Applicants must
complete and submit an online application form
through the DIOU website or designated
admissions portal.
2. Required Documents: Applicants should compile
and submit all required documents, including
transcripts, letters of recommendation,
standardized test scores (if applicable), and a
statement of purpose.
3. Character and Competency
Assessment: Applicants may need to complete
the character assessment (CA) and leadership and
management competency assessment (LMC) as
part of their application.
4. Interview (if required): Candidates selected for
interviews should participate as scheduled.
5. English Proficiency (if applicable): Non-native
English speakers may need to take the DTEFL or
demonstrate English proficiency through
recognized language tests.

Admissions Decision: DIOU's Admissions Committee

reviews all applications and assessments holistically.
Admissions decisions are communicated to applicants
through official channels, and admitted students are
provided with further instructions for enrolment.

Conclusion: DIOU's Admissions Policy is founded on

principles of inclusivity, transparency, fairness, and faith-
based values. We believe in providing opportunities for
all qualified individuals to access the transformative
education we offer. Prospective students are encouraged
to review program-specific admissions requirements and
apply in alignment with our policy and mission.
DIOU Academic
Integrity Policy
Introduction: Academic integrity is a fundamental value
at Dei Institute - Online University (DIOU). Upholding the
highest standards of honesty, ethical conduct, and
respect for intellectual property is integral to our mission
of fostering a learning environment that is rooted in
Christ-centred character and competency. This policy
outlines DIOU's commitment to academic integrity,
defines academic misconduct, and sets forth the
consequences of violations.

Principles of Academic Integrity:

At DIOU, academic integrity is upheld through the
following principles:
1. Honesty: All members of the DIOU community,
including students, faculty, and staff, are
expected to be honest in all academic
endeavours, including coursework, assignments,
examinations, and research.
2. Originality: Students are expected to submit their
own original work and to provide proper citations
and references when using the work or ideas of
3. Respect for Intellectual Property: Plagiarism,
unauthorized copying, or any form of intellectual
property theft is strictly prohibited.
4. Collaboration: Collaboration among students is
encouraged when permitted by the course or
assignment guidelines. However, it should be
clearly acknowledged, and individual
contributions must be distinct.

Forms of Academic Misconduct:

Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the
1. Plagiarism: Presenting someone else's work,
ideas, or words as one's own without proper
2. Cheating: Using unauthorized resources during
examinations or submitting work that is not one's
3. Fabrication: Falsifying or inventing information,
data, or citations in academic work.
4. Unauthorized Collaboration: Engaging in
prohibited collaboration on assignments or
5. Multiple Submissions: Submitting the same work
for multiple courses without prior approval from
6. Misrepresentation: Providing false information
or documentation to gain academic advantages.
Consequences of Academic Misconduct:
DIOU takes academic misconduct seriously, and
violations will have consequences. These consequences
may include, but are not limited to:
1. Academic Penalties: Depending on the severity
of the misconduct, students may receive a failing
grade for the assignment, examination, or course.
2. Educational Initiatives: Students may be
required to complete educational initiatives
related to academic integrity, such as workshops
or tutorials.
3. Disciplinary Actions: Repeated or severe
violations may result in disciplinary actions,
including probation, suspension, or expulsion, as
outlined in the DIOU Student Code of Conduct.
4. Transcript Notation: In cases of academic
misconduct resulting in disciplinary action, a
notation may be added to the student's academic

Students have the right to appeal academic misconduct
allegations and associated penalties. The appeals process
is outlined in the DIOU Student Handbook and should be
followed as specified.

Reporting Academic Misconduct:

Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to report
suspected academic misconduct to the appropriate
authorities, typically the course instructor or academic

DIOU is committed to fostering a community of learners
who exemplify Christ-centred character and competency
in their academic pursuits. Upholding academic integrity
is essential in achieving this goal, and all members of the
DIOU community share the responsibility to maintain
and promote the highest standards of honesty and
ethical conduct.
DIOU Tuition and
Fee Policy
Introduction: DIOU is dedicated to providing accessible,
high-quality education that aligns with our mission of
fostering Christ-centred character and competency. Our
Tuition and Fee Policy is designed to provide clear and
transparent information regarding tuition rates, fee
structures, payment methods, and refund policies to
ensure that students have a comprehensive
understanding of the financial aspects of their education.

Tuition Rates: Tuition rates at DIOU may vary by

program, degree level, and academic year. Detailed
information about current tuition rates can be obtained
from the Office of Financial Services. Tuition rates are
subject to periodic review and adjustment to meet the
evolving needs of our educational community.

Fee Structures: DIOU's fee structure is designed to cover

various services and resources provided to students.
These fees may include, but are not limited to, the
1. Application Fee: A non-refundable fee required
for processing admission applications.
2. Technology Fee: A fee to support the
maintenance and enhancement of online learning
platforms and technology infrastructure.
3. Course Material Fees: Fees associated with
specific course materials, such as textbooks or
digital resources, may be applicable for certain
4. Graduation Fee: A fee to cover the cost of
graduation processing, diploma printing, and
related services.
5. Late Payment Fee: A fee imposed on students
who fail to meet payment deadlines.
6. Other Fees: Additional fees may be assessed for
services such as transcript requests, credit
evaluation, or special administrative services.

Payment Methods: DIOU offers various payment

methods to facilitate tuition and fee payments, including:
1. Online Payment: Students can make secure
online payments through the DIOU student portal
using credit or debit cards.
2. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT): Electronic
transfer of funds directly from a bank account to
the university's account.
3. Check or Money Order: Payments can be made
by mailing a check or money order to the
university's financial office. Instructions for
mailing payments can be found on the DIOU
4. Tuition Assistance Programs: DIOU offers tuition
assistance programs, scholarships, or financial aid
options to eligible students. Information on
available assistance programs can be obtained
from the Office of Financial Services.

Refund Policies: DIOU's refund policies are designed to

provide equitable solutions in case of withdrawal or
course cancellation. These policies may include:
1. Withdrawal Refunds: Refunds for tuition and
fees for students who officially withdraw from a
course or program within specified deadlines. The
refund amount may vary depending on the timing
of the withdrawal.
2. Course Cancellation: In the event that DIOU
cancels a course, students may be eligible for a
full refund of tuition and fees.
3. Non-Refundable Fees: Certain fees, such as
application fees, are non-refundable under any

Appeals: Students who wish to appeal tuition and fee-

related decisions may follow the appeals process
outlined in the official university documentation.
Faculty Appointment
and Promotion Policy
Introduction: DIOU is committed to maintaining a
distinguished faculty of scholars, educators, and
professionals who align with our mission of fostering
Christ-centred character and competency. This Faculty
Appointment and Promotion Policy outlines the
principles and procedures governing the recruitment,
appointment, evaluation, and promotion of faculty

Principles of Faculty Appointment and Promotion:

1. Excellence in Teaching and Scholarship: Faculty
members at DIOU are expected to excel in
teaching, scholarly activities, and professional
engagement while embodying Christ-centred
2. Commitment to Mission: Faculty members are
expected to embrace and advance the mission,
vision, and values of DIOU.
3. Diversity and Inclusivity: DIOU values diversity
and inclusivity in its faculty and encourages the
recruitment and retention of individuals from
diverse backgrounds.
4. Merit-Based Evaluation: Faculty appointment,
evaluation, and promotion are based on merit,
considering the faculty member's contributions
to teaching, research, service, and alignment with
the university's mission.

Faculty Appointment:
1. Recruitment: Faculty positions are typically
advertised nationally and internationally.
Candidates are evaluated based on their
qualifications, experience, scholarship, and
alignment with DIOU's mission.
2. Selection: The selection process involves review
by a faculty search committee, interviews, and
reference checks. Final selections are made by
the academic leadership.
3. Initial Appointment: New faculty members
receive initial appointments based on their
qualifications, experience, and the needs of the

Faculty Promotion:
1. Eligibility: To be eligible for promotion, faculty
members must have demonstrated excellence in
teaching, research, and service. Promotion
eligibility criteria are detailed in faculty
handbooks and policies.
2. Review Process: Faculty undergo a
comprehensive review process for promotion,
including self-assessment, peer evaluations, and
external review when applicable.
3. Promotion Ranks: Promotion may be sought to
higher academic ranks, including but not limited
to Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and
4. Tenure Track: Faculty members on the tenure
track undergo a separate evaluation process
leading to tenure.

Faculty Evaluation:
1. Annual Evaluation: Faculty members undergo
annual performance evaluations that consider
teaching effectiveness, research or creative
activities, service contributions, and alignment
with the university's mission.
2. Peer Review: Peer evaluations are conducted to
assess teaching effectiveness, scholarly
contributions, and service activities.
3. External Review: External reviewers, experts in
the faculty member's field, may be consulted for
an objective assessment of research or creative

Faculty Development:
1. Professional Development: DIOU supports
faculty professional development through
opportunities for research, scholarship, teaching
improvement, and leadership training.
2. Mentoring: Faculty members are encouraged to
engage in mentoring relationships to support
their growth and success.
Appeals Process:
Faculty members have the right to appeal decisions
related to appointment, promotion, or evaluations. The
appeals process is outlined in faculty handbooks and

DIOU's Faculty Appointment and Promotion Policy is
committed to fostering a diverse, accomplished, and
mission-aligned faculty. This policy ensures that faculty
members are evaluated and promoted based on their
contributions to teaching, research, and service in
alignment with the university's mission.
Student Rights and
Responsibilities Code
Preamble: Dei Institute - Online University (DIOU) is
dedicated to providing a transformative educational
experience that is rooted in Christ-centred character and
competency. As a community of scholars, students, and
educators, we uphold the principles of respect, integrity,
and accountability. This Student Rights and
Responsibilities Code outlines the rights and
responsibilities of students at DIOU, promoting an
environment conducive to learning, ethical conduct, and
personal growth.

Article I: Student Rights

Section 1: Right to Access Education
1. Every student has the right to access educational
programs and resources offered by DIOU without
discrimination based on race, gender, religion,
nationality, or socio-economic status.

Section 2: Freedom of Expression and Inquiry

1. Students have the right to express their thoughts,
opinions, and ideas freely and respectfully within
the bounds of academic discourse.
Section 3: Privacy
1. Students' privacy and personal information are to
be protected in accordance with applicable laws
and regulations.

Section 4: Academic Freedom

1. Students have the right to engage in academic
pursuits, research, and discussions free from
censorship or bias, in alignment with the
university's mission.

Section 5: Fair and Transparent Assessment

1. Students have the right to fair and transparent
assessment of their academic performance, with
access to grading criteria and feedback.

Article II: Student Responsibilities

Section 1: Academic Integrity
1. Students are responsible for upholding the
highest standards of academic integrity, including
honesty, originality, and proper citation in all
academic work.

Section 2: Respect for Others

1. Students are expected to treat all members of the
DIOU community with respect, including faculty,
staff, and fellow students, and to foster an
environment of civility.
Section 3: Compliance with Policies
1. Students are responsible for complying with all
DIOU policies and procedures, including those
related to academics, conduct, and technology

Section 4: Ethical Use of Technology

1. Students should use technology, including online
platforms and communication tools, responsibly
and ethically, respecting copyright and privacy

Section 5: Engagement in the Learning Process

1. Students are responsible for actively engaging in
the learning process, including attending classes,
participating in discussions, and submitting
assignments on time.

Article III: Grievance Procedures

Section 1: Student Grievances
1. Students have the right to seek resolution for
grievances related to academic matters, conduct,
or university policies. Grievance procedures are
outlined in the DIOU Student Handbook.

Article IV: Disciplinary Actions

Section 1: Violation of Code
1. Violations of this Student Rights and
Responsibilities Code may result in disciplinary
actions as outlined in the DIOU Student Code of

Article V: Amendments
Section 1: Amendments to the Code
1. This Student Rights and Responsibilities Code may
be amended through the university's established
governance processes to ensure alignment with
evolving academic standards and institutional

Conclusion: The DIOU Student Rights and

Responsibilities Code serves as a framework to promote
a community of respect, integrity, and accountability. By
upholding these principles, students contribute to the
fulfilment of our mission, embodying Christ-centred
character and competency in their educational journey.
Management By-laws
Preamble: Financial management is a critical aspect of
ensuring the sustainability, growth, and responsible
stewardship of DIOU's resources. These Financial
Management By-laws outline the principles, procedures,
and responsibilities related to financial matters within
the university, reflecting our commitment to
transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility.

Article I: Budget Management

Section 1: Annual Budget
1. DIOU shall prepare and approve an annual budget
that aligns with the university's strategic goals
and priorities.

Section 2: Budget Review

1. The Board of Trustees shall review and approve
the annual budget, ensuring its alignment with
the university's mission and financial

Section 3: Budget Monitoring

1. The President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
shall monitor budget execution, making
necessary adjustments to ensure fiscal
Article II: Financial Reporting
Section 1: Financial Statements
1. DIOU shall produce accurate and timely financial
statements that provide a comprehensive view of
the university's financial position.

Section 2: Audit
1. An external audit of DIOU's financial statements
shall be conducted annually to ensure compliance
with accounting standards and regulatory

Article III: Revenue and Fundraising

Section 1: Revenue Sources
1. DIOU may generate revenue from tuition and
fees, grants, donations, investments, and other
sources consistent with its mission.

Section 2: Fundraising
1. DIOU may engage in fundraising activities to
support its programs and initiatives, adhering to
ethical and legal standards.
Article IV: Expenditure Control
Section 1: Expenditure Authorization
1. Expenditures must be authorized and approved
by designated university officials in accordance
with established procedures.

Section 2: Procurement
1. Procurement of goods and services shall adhere
to competitive bidding and ethical practices, with
a focus on cost-effectiveness.

Article V: Endowment and Investments

Section 1: Endowment
1. DIOU may maintain an endowment fund, with
spending policies designed to preserve the real
value of the endowment while providing financial
support for the university's mission.

Section 2: Investment
1. Investment of university funds shall be conducted
prudently, with consideration of risk tolerance,
liquidity needs, and ethical investment principles.

Article VI: Financial Accountability

Section 1: Financial Controls
1. DIOU shall implement robust financial controls to
safeguard assets and prevent fraud or
misappropriation of funds.
Section 2: Compliance
1. DIOU shall comply with all applicable laws,
regulations, and reporting requirements related
to its financial operations.

Article VII: Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to the By-laws
1. These Financial Management By-laws may be
amended through the university's established
governance processes to ensure alignment with
evolving financial standards and institutional

Conclusion: These Financial Management By-laws serve

as a framework for responsible financial stewardship,
ensuring that DIOU's financial operations support the
achievement of its mission and the well-being of its
academic community.
Advisory Board
Preamble: The DIOU Advisory Board plays a vital role in
providing strategic guidance, expertise, and support to
the university's leadership. These Advisory Board By-laws
outline the principles, structure, roles, and
responsibilities of the Advisory Board, reflecting our
commitment to fostering a diverse and knowledgeable
group of advisors.

Article I: Establishment and Purpose

Section 1: Establishment
1. The DIOU Advisory Board is established to
provide counsel and insights to the university's

Section 2: Purpose
1. The purpose of the Advisory Board is to offer
expertise, strategic guidance, and support in
alignment with DIOU's mission and goals.

Article II: Composition

Section 1: Membership
1. The Advisory Board shall consist of a diverse
group of individuals representing various fields of
expertise and backgrounds.
Section 2: Appointment
1. Members of the Advisory Board shall be
appointed by the President of DIOU in
consultation with the Board of Trustees.

Article III: Terms and Tenure

Section 1: Term Length
1. Advisory Board members shall serve renewable
terms, with the initial term determined upon

Section 2: Term Limits

1. There are no term limits for Advisory Board
members, provided they continue to actively
contribute to the board's mission.

Article IV: Roles and Responsibilities

Section 1: Advisory Role
1. The primary role of the Advisory Board is to
provide strategic advice and recommendations to
the university's leadership.

Section 2: Meetings
1. The Advisory Board shall meet regularly, either in
person or virtually, to discuss university matters
and provide guidance.
Section 3: Committees
1. The Advisory Board may establish committees or
working groups to address specific university
initiatives or projects.

Article V: Leadership
Section 1: Chairperson
1. The Advisory Board shall elect a Chairperson from
among its members to preside over meetings and
represent the board when necessary.

Section 2: Vice-Chairperson
1. The Advisory Board may elect a Vice-Chairperson
to support the Chairperson in their duties.

Article VI: Reporting

Section 1: Reports to the President
1. The Advisory Board shall report its
recommendations and activities to the President
of DIOU.

Section 2: Annual Report

1. The Advisory Board shall submit an annual report
summarizing its work and recommendations to
the President and the Board of Trustees.

Article VII: Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to the By-laws
1. These Advisory Board By-laws may be amended
through a majority vote of the Advisory Board
members, subject to approval by the President
and the Board of Trustees.

Conclusion: These Advisory Board By-laws establish a

framework for the effective operation of the Advisory
Board, ensuring that it serves as a valuable resource in
advancing DIOU's mission and strategic objectives.
Preamble: The amendment procedure for DIOU By-laws
ensures that changes and updates to the university's
governing documents are made in a transparent,
deliberate, and well-documented manner. This
procedure outlines the steps and requirements for
proposing, reviewing, and implementing amendments to
the By-laws.

Article I: Amendment Proposal

Section 1: Proposal Initiation
1. Any member of the DIOU community, including
faculty, staff, students, or trustees, may propose
an amendment to the By-laws.

Section 2: Written Proposal

1. The proposed amendment must be submitted in
writing to the Office of the President. The
proposal should include the specific text of the
proposed amendment, the rationale for the
change, and the name of the proposer.

Article II: Review and Approval

Section 1: President's Review
1. The President of DIOU shall review the proposed
amendment and assess its alignment with the
university's mission, goals, and governing

Section 2: Legal Review

1. If deemed necessary, the proposed amendment
may be subject to legal review to ensure
compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Section 3: Board of Trustees Review

1. If the President determines that the proposed
amendment is consistent with the university's
mission and governance, it shall be presented to
the Board of Trustees for review.

Section 4: Board of Trustees Approval

1. The Board of Trustees shall review the proposed
amendment, deliberate upon it, and vote on its
approval. A majority vote is required for approval.

Article III: Implementation

Section 1: Notification
1. Once approved by the Board of Trustees, the
amendment shall be communicated to the DIOU
community through appropriate channels.

Section 2: Effective Date

1. The effective date of the amendment shall be
specified in the Board of Trustees' approval
resolution or as otherwise determined during the
review process.
Article IV: Recordkeeping
Section 1: Documentation
1. All proposed amendments, review decisions, and
approvals shall be documented and maintained
as part of the official university records.

Article V: Appeals
Section 1: Appeals Procedure
1. In the event that a proposed amendment is not
approved by the Board of Trustees, the proposer
may follow the established appeals procedure as
outlined in the DIOU governance documents.

Conclusion: The amendment procedure for DIOU By-

laws ensures a structured and transparent process for
proposing, reviewing, and implementing changes to the
governing documents of the university. By following this
procedure, DIOU can adapt to evolving needs and
circumstances while upholding its mission and values.
Curriculum and
Degree Program
Development Policy
Preamble: Curriculum and degree program development
are critical components of DIOU's commitment to
providing high-quality, Christ-centered education. This
policy outlines the principles, processes, and
responsibilities associated with the creation, review, and
enhancement of academic programs and curricula.

Article I: Curriculum Development Principles

Section 1: Mission Alignment
1. Curriculum and degree programs at DIOU shall be
aligned with the university's mission, values, and

Section 2: Academic Excellence

1. Programs shall uphold high standards of
academic excellence and promote student
learning and competency.

Section 3: Relevance
1. Curriculum shall be designed to meet current and
future academic and industry needs, fostering
career readiness and personal growth.
Article II: Curriculum Development Process
Section 1: Proposal Submission
1. Curriculum development proposals may be
initiated by faculty members, academic
departments, or university leadership.

Section 2: Review and Approval

1. Proposals shall undergo rigorous review by
faculty committees, academic leadership, and
relevant university bodies.
2. Approval of curriculum changes or new programs
shall be granted by the appropriate academic
governing body.

Section 3: External Review

1. External experts may be consulted to provide
insights and recommendations for program
development and improvement.

Article III: Degree Program Development

Section 1: New Program Development
1. The creation of new degree programs shall
adhere to accreditation standards, market
demand, and the university's strategic goals.

Section 2: Program Modification

1. Existing programs may be modified to enhance
their relevance and alignment with evolving
educational standards and needs.
Article IV: Program Evaluation and Review
Section 1: Periodic Review
1. All programs shall undergo periodic review to
assess their effectiveness, relevance, and quality.
2. Reviews shall consider student outcomes,
feedback, and industry trends.

Article V: Curriculum Design

Section 1: Learning Outcomes
1. Curriculum design shall clearly articulate program
learning outcomes that align with the university's
mission and program objectives.

Section 2: Core Curriculum

1. Programs may include a core curriculum that
emphasizes foundational knowledge and skills.

Section 3: Electives and Specializations

1. Curriculum may offer flexibility through electives
and specializations that cater to individual
student interests and goals.

Article VI: Program Assessment

Section 1: Student Assessment
1. Programs shall incorporate regular assessment of
student learning and competency.
2. Assessment results shall inform program
Article VII: Implementation and Resources
Section 1: Faculty and Staff Development
1. Faculty and staff shall receive support and
development opportunities to ensure effective
program implementation.

Section 2: Resources
1. Adequate resources, including technology, library
access, and academic support, shall be provided
to support program success.

Article VIII: Program Termination

Section 1: Termination Process
1. The termination of a program shall follow
established university processes and be
communicated to affected students.

Article IX: Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to the Policy
1. This Curriculum and Degree Program
Development Policy may be amended through
the university's established governance processes
to ensure alignment with evolving academic
standards and institutional needs.

Conclusion: DIOU's Curriculum and Degree Program

Development Policy establishes a framework for the
creation, review, and enhancement of academic
programs and curricula. By adhering to these principles
and processes, DIOU can provide transformative
education that aligns with its mission and prepares
students for success.
Online Learning and
Technology Policies
Preamble: Online learning and technology are integral to
DIOU's mission of providing accessible and Christ-
centered education. These policies are designed to
establish guidelines and principles that ensure the
effective and ethical use of technology in the university's
educational activities.

Article I: Technology Infrastructure

Section 1: Technology Accessibility
1. DIOU shall provide accessible technology
infrastructure to ensure that all students can fully
participate in online learning activities.

Section 2: Technical Support

1. Technical support services shall be available to
assist students, faculty, and staff in resolving
technology-related issues.

Article II: Online Learning Environment

Section 1: Learning Management System (LMS)
1. DIOU shall maintain a Learning Management
System (LMS) to facilitate course delivery,
content management, and student engagement.
Section 2: Course Design
1. Online courses shall be designed to align with
best practices in online pedagogy, emphasizing
learner engagement and interaction.

Section 3: Student Support

1. Student support services, including academic
advising and tutoring, shall be available to assist
online learners.

Article III: Online Student Conduct

Section 1: Code of Conduct
1. Online students shall adhere to the university's
Code of Conduct, promoting respectful and
ethical behavior in online interactions.

Section 2: Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

1. Online students are expected to uphold the
highest standards of academic integrity and avoid
plagiarism in all online assignments and

Article IV: Privacy and Data Security

Section 1: Data Privacy
1. DIOU shall protect the privacy of student data and
adhere to all applicable data protection laws and
Section 2: Cybersecurity
1. Cybersecurity measures shall be in place to
safeguard the university's digital assets and the
personal information of students and faculty.

Article V: Online Assessment and Evaluation

Section 1: Assessment Integrity
1. Online assessments shall be conducted with
measures to maintain assessment integrity, such
as proctoring or secure testing environments.

Section 2: Evaluation of Online Courses

1. Online courses shall undergo regular evaluation
and improvement processes to enhance their

Article VI: Technology Use Policies

Section 1: Acceptable Use
1. Users of DIOU's technology resources shall
adhere to the university's Acceptable Use Policy.
Section 2: Copyright and Intellectual Property
1. Users shall respect copyright and intellectual
property rights in all online activities, including
course materials.
Article VII: Accessibility and Inclusivity
Section 1: Accessibility Standards
1. All online content and materials shall be designed
to meet accessibility standards to accommodate
students with disabilities.
Article VIII: Amendments
Section 1: Amendments to the Policies
1. These Online Learning and Technology Policies
may be amended through the university's
established governance processes to ensure
alignment with evolving technology standards
and institutional needs.

Conclusion: DIOU's Online Learning and Technology

Policies establish guidelines for the effective and ethical
use of technology in online education, ensuring
accessibility, security, and a positive online learning
experience for all members of the university community.
Code of Conduct and
Ethics Policy
Preamble: The DIOU Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy
sets forth the principles and expectations that guide the
behavior of all members of the DIOU community,
including students, faculty, staff, and administrators. This
policy reflects our commitment to upholding the highest
standards of integrity, respect, and ethical conduct in all
aspects of university life.

Article I: Ethical Principles

Section 1: Integrity
1. All members of the DIOU community shall act
with honesty, transparency, and integrity in their
academic, professional, and personal endeavors.

Section 2: Respect
1. Respect for the dignity, diversity, and rights of
every individual shall be fundamental to
interactions within the DIOU community.

Section 3: Responsibility
1. Each member of the DIOU community shall take
responsibility for their actions and decisions,
recognizing their impact on others and the
Article II: Academic Integrity
Section 1: Plagiarism
1. Plagiarism, including the unauthorized use of
others' work, ideas, or intellectual property
without proper attribution, is strictly prohibited.

Section 2: Cheating
1. Cheating on exams, assignments, or assessments,
as well as assisting others in cheating, is a
violation of academic integrity.

Section 3: Falsification
1. Falsifying academic records, documents, or
credentials is prohibited.

Article III: Conduct Towards Others

Section 1: Harassment
1. Harassment, discrimination, or any form of
bullying or intimidation based on race, gender,
religion, nationality, or other protected
characteristics is strictly prohibited.

Section 2: Respectful Communication

1. Communication within the DIOU community,
whether in person or online, shall be conducted
respectfully and professionally.
Article IV: Use of University Resources
Section 1: Responsible Use
1. Members of the DIOU community shall use
university resources, including technology and
facilities, responsibly and in compliance with
university policies.

Article V: Reporting Violations

Section 1: Reporting Mechanism
1. Any member of the DIOU community who
becomes aware of a violation of this Code of
Conduct and Ethics Policy shall report it to the
appropriate university authority.

Section 2: Non-Retaliation
1. Retaliation against individuals who report
violations in good faith is strictly prohibited.

Article VI: Enforcement and Sanctions

Section 1: Violation Consequences
1. Violations of this Code of Conduct and Ethics
Policy may result in disciplinary actions, including
warnings, probation, suspension, or expulsion, as
determined by the severity and frequency of the

Article VII: Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to the Policy
1. This Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy may be
amended through the university's established
governance processes to ensure alignment with
evolving ethical standards and institutional

Conclusion: The DIOU Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy

fosters a culture of integrity, respect, and responsible
behaviour within the university community. By upholding
these principles, all members of DIOU contribute to the
fulfilment of the institution's mission and values.
Research Ethics and
Integrity Policy
Preamble: DIOU is committed to the highest standards of
ethical conduct and integrity in research and scholarship.
This Research Ethics and Integrity Policy outlines the
principles, responsibilities, and procedures that guide
research activities within the university, promoting the
pursuit of knowledge with integrity, honesty, and respect
for ethical norms.

Article I: Ethical Principles

Section 1: Integrity
1. All research conducted at DIOU shall be
characterized by integrity, honesty, and
adherence to ethical principles.

Section 2: Respect for Participants

1. Researchers shall respect the rights, autonomy,
and dignity of research participants, ensuring
their informed consent and well-being.

Section 3: Objectivity
1. Researchers shall maintain objectivity, avoiding
bias, conflicts of interest, and undue influence in
their research activities.
Section 4: Transparency
1. Research findings, methods, and processes shall
be transparently and accurately reported,
allowing for the replication and verification of

Article II: Research Design and Conduct

Section 1: Ethical Review
1. Research involving human participants, animals,
or sensitive data shall undergo ethical review and
approval by the appropriate university committee
or review board.

Section 2: Informed Consent

1. Researchers shall obtain informed consent from
participants, providing clear and comprehensible
information about the research and their rights.

Section 3: Privacy and Confidentiality

1. Researchers shall protect the privacy and
confidentiality of research participants, data, and
sensitive information.

Section 4: Data Management

1. Data collection, storage, and analysis shall adhere
to ethical and legal standards, ensuring data
accuracy and security.
Article III: Authorship and Publication
Section 1: Authorship
1. Authorship of research publications shall be
determined based on substantial contributions to
the research, in compliance with accepted
authorship criteria.

Section 2: Plagiarism and Attribution

1. Plagiarism, including the improper use of others'
work or ideas without proper attribution, is
strictly prohibited.

Article IV: Collaboration and Conflict Resolution

Section 1: Collaboration
1. Collaborative research shall be conducted with
transparency, mutual respect, and clear
communication among all contributors.

Section 2: Conflict Resolution

1. Disputes or conflicts related to research shall be
resolved through established university
procedures and ethical principles.

Article V: Reporting Violations

Section 1: Reporting Mechanism
1. Any member of the DIOU community who
becomes aware of a research ethics violation shall
report it to the appropriate university authority.
Section 2: Non-Retaliation
1. Retaliation against individuals who report
research ethics violations in good faith is strictly

Article VI: Enforcement and Sanctions

Section 1: Violation Consequences
1. Violations of this Research Ethics and Integrity
Policy may result in disciplinary actions, including
warnings, sanctions, or research-related

Article VII: Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to the Policy
1. This Research Ethics and Integrity Policy may be
amended through the university's established
governance processes to ensure alignment with
evolving ethical standards and institutional

Conclusion: The DIOU Research Ethics and Integrity

Policy underscores the university's commitment to
conducting research and scholarship with the highest
standards of ethics and integrity. By upholding these
principles, researchers at DIOU contribute to the
advancement of knowledge in a responsible and ethical
Privacy and Data
Protection Policy
Preamble: DIOU recognizes the importance of
safeguarding the privacy and data protection rights of its
students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders. This Privacy
and Data Protection Policy outlines the principles,
responsibilities, and procedures that govern the
collection, use, and protection of personal and sensitive
data within the university, ensuring compliance with
relevant data protection laws and regulations.

Article I: Data Protection Principles

Section 1: Consent
1. DIOU shall obtain clear and informed consent
from individuals before collecting, processing, or
sharing their personal data.

Section 2: Lawful Basis

1. The university shall process personal data only
when there is a lawful basis for doing so, such as
the necessity of data processing for the
performance of a contract, compliance with legal
obligations, or legitimate interests.
Section 3: Data Minimization
1. DIOU shall collect and retain only the minimum
amount of personal data necessary for the
intended purpose.

Section 4: Transparency
1. Individuals shall be provided with clear and easily
accessible information regarding the processing
of their personal data.

Section 5: Security
1. Appropriate technical and organizational
measures shall be in place to protect personal
data from unauthorized access, disclosure,
alteration, or destruction.

Section 6: Data Accuracy

1. DIOU shall take reasonable steps to ensure the
accuracy and currency of personal data and
enable individuals to correct inaccuracies.

Article II: Data Collection and Use

Section 1: Purpose Limitation
1. Personal data shall be collected and processed for
specific, legitimate purposes, and not used for
purposes incompatible with the original intent.
Section 2: Data Retention
1. Personal data shall be retained only for the
duration necessary to fulfill the purposes for
which it was collected.

Article III: Data Sharing and Disclosure

Section 1: Third-Party Sharing
1. DIOU shall disclose personal data to third parties
only when necessary for the fulfillment of a
legitimate purpose and with the consent or in
accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Article IV: Data Subject Rights

Section 1: Access and Rectification
1. Individuals have the right to access their personal
data held by DIOU and request rectification of

Section 2: Data Portability

1. Upon request, individuals shall receive their
personal data in a structured, commonly used,
and machine-readable format.

Section 3: Erasure
1. Individuals have the right to request the erasure
of their personal data under specific
circumstances, in accordance with applicable
data protection laws.
Article V: Data Breach Response
Section 1: Data Breach Reporting
1. DIOU shall promptly report and mitigate any data
breaches, as required by law, and inform affected
individuals when necessary.

Article VI: Data Protection Officer

Section 1: Data Protection Officer
1. DIOU shall appoint a Data Protection Officer
responsible for overseeing data protection
activities, ensuring compliance, and addressing
inquiries and concerns related to data protection.

Article VII: Training and Awareness

Section 1: Training
1. DIOU shall provide training and awareness
programs to educate employees and
stakeholders about data protection principles and

Article VIII: Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to the Policy
1. This Privacy and Data Protection Policy may be
amended through the university's established
governance processes to ensure alignment with
evolving data protection laws and institutional
Conclusion: DIOU's Privacy and Data Protection Policy
reflects the university's commitment to protecting the
privacy and data rights of its community members while
ensuring compliance with applicable data protection
laws and regulations.
Student Services and
Support Policy
Preamble: DIOU is dedicated to providing
comprehensive and accessible support services to its
diverse student body, fostering a conducive learning
environment that promotes academic success and
personal growth. This Student Services and Support
Policy outlines the principles, responsibilities, and
procedures that guide the provision of student services
within the university.
Article I: Principles of Student Services
Section 1: Accessibility
1. DIOU shall ensure that student services are
readily accessible to all students, including those
with disabilities.
Section 2: Equity
1. Student services shall be provided without
discrimination based on race, gender, nationality,
religion, disability, or other protected
Section 3: Student-Centeredness
1. Student services shall be student-centered,
addressing the unique needs and aspirations of
individual students.
Section 4: Quality
1. DIOU shall strive for the highest quality in the
provision of student services, continually seeking
Article II: Academic Support Services
Section 1: Academic Advising
1. Academic advisors shall be available to guide
students in program selection, course planning,
and academic progress.
Section 2: Tutoring
1. Tutoring services shall be offered to assist
students in their academic studies and skill
Section 3: Library and Research Support
1. Access to library resources and research support
shall be provided to facilitate academic research
and learning.
Article III: Career and Professional Development
Section 1: Career Counseling
1. Career counseling services shall be available to
help students explore career options, develop
career plans, and prepare for the job market.
Section 2: Internships and Experiential Learning
1. DIOU shall facilitate opportunities for internships
and experiential learning to enhance students'
practical skills and industry readiness.
Article IV: Personal and Counseling Services
Section 1: Counseling
1. Counseling services shall be offered to provide
emotional support and assistance to students
facing personal challenges or crises.
Section 2: Wellness Programs
1. Wellness programs and resources shall be
available to promote students' physical and
mental well-being.
Article V: Accessibility Services
Section 1: Accommodations
1. DIOU shall provide reasonable accommodations
to students with disabilities to ensure equal
access to educational opportunities.
Article VI: Financial Aid and Scholarships
Section 1: Financial Aid
1. DIOU shall offer financial aid programs and
resources to assist students in funding their
Section 2: Scholarships
1. Scholarships shall be available to recognize and
support academic excellence and achievement.
Article VII: Reporting and Grievance Procedures
Section 1: Reporting
1. DIOU shall establish mechanisms for students to
report issues, concerns, or grievances related to
student services.
Section 2: Grievance Resolution
1. Grievances shall be addressed through fair and
transparent procedures to seek resolution.
Article VIII: Amendments
Section 1: Amendments to the Policy
1. This Student Services and Support Policy may be
amended through the university's established
governance processes to ensure alignment with
evolving student needs and institutional goals.
Conclusion: DIOU's Student Services and Support Policy
underscores the university's commitment to providing a
comprehensive array of services that empower students
to succeed academically and personally. By adhering to
these principles, DIOU fosters a supportive and inclusive
learning environment.
Dei Universe and
Research Gazette
Dei Universe and Research Gazette Guidelines
Preamble: Dei Universe and Research Gazette are
integral components of Dei Institute - Online University's
(DIOU) commitment to fostering a vibrant learning
community and advancing scholarly research. These
guidelines provide the framework for the operation and
use of Dei Universe, the social media platform, and DIOU
Research Gazette, the research publication platform.

Article I: Dei Universe Guidelines

Section 1: Purpose
1. Dei Universe serves as a social media platform for
DIOU students, alumni, faculty, and staff to
connect, share, and engage in academic and
social discussions.

Section 2: User Conduct

1. Users of DIOU Universe shall engage in respectful
and constructive interactions.
2. Hate speech, harassment, discrimination, or any
form of offensive content is strictly prohibited.
3. Users shall not engage in unauthorized
promotion or advertising.
Section 3: Content Moderation
1. DIOU reserves the right to moderate and remove
content that violates these guidelines.
2. Users are encouraged to report inappropriate
content to the platform administrators.

Section 4: Privacy
1. Users are responsible for managing their privacy
settings and controlling the visibility of their
personal information and posts.

Article II: Dei Research Gazette Guidelines

Section 1: Purpose
1. DIOU Research Gazette is a platform for
showcasing research findings and contributions
from DIOU faculty and students.

Section 2: Submission
1. Submissions to DIOU Research Gazette shall
adhere to academic and ethical standards.
2. Authors must ensure the originality and accuracy
of their work.
3. Proper citations and references must be provided
for external sources and prior research.

Section 3: Peer Review

1. Submissions may undergo peer review by
qualified experts to ensure quality and rigor.
2. Reviewers shall provide constructive feedback to
Section 4: Publication
1. Accepted articles shall be published on DIOU
Research Gazette, and authors shall retain
copyright ownership of their work.
2. Published articles shall be accessible to the DIOU
community and the public.

Section 5: Research Ethics

1. Research published on DIOU Research Gazette
shall adhere to ethical principles and guidelines.
2. Authors shall disclose any conflicts of interest or
funding sources related to their research.

Article III: User Responsibilities

Section 1: Respect for Guidelines
1. Users of DIOU Universe and contributors to DIOU
Research Gazette shall adhere to these guidelines
and ethical standards.

Section 2: Intellectual Property

1. Users shall respect intellectual property rights
and refrain from unauthorized use or
reproduction of content.

Section 3: Reporting Violations

1. Users and readers are encouraged to report
violations of these guidelines to the platform
Article IV: Amendments
Section 1: Amendments to the Guidelines
1. These Dei Universe and Research Gazette
Guidelines may be amended by DIOU to align with
evolving community and research needs.

Conclusion: Dei Universe and Research Gazette

Guidelines are essential for maintaining respectful,
ethical, and constructive online communities and
research dissemination platforms. These guidelines
contribute to a positive and collaborative academic
environment within DIOU.

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