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Turquoise-browed motmot

The Official National Animal of Nicaragua. While Nicaragua lacks a

single national animal, it is represented by a national bird, the turquoise-
browed motmot. Sporting a brightly colored turquoise body, this bird is
a dazzling sight throughout the country.

What is the dance of Nicaragua?

Nicaragua dance Toro Huaco is a traditional Nicaraguan dance that is
part of the Native American and Spanish cultural heritage of the
country. The term Toro Huaco means carnival parade of ragged men, or
rather, men disguised in rags.
What is Nicaragua’s traditional music?
The Garifuna community exists in Nicaragua and is known for its popular
music called Punta. Also, Soca, Reggaeton and Reggae is popular
throughout the country. Rhythms like the trova became essential to
writers in the post-war scenario of the 70s and 80s.

What is Nicaragua’s language?

The official language of Nicaragua is Spanish; however, according to the
Nicaraguan Population Census from 2007, Nicaraguans on the
Caribbean coast speak both Indigenous languages and English. Some of
the most common Indigenous languages include Miskito, Sumo, and
What kind of clothes do they wear in Nicaragua?
Typically women wear simple cotton dresses, while many men wear
work shirts, jeans, sneakers or sandals, and straw hats. Even
businessmen will often wear sport shirts, or leave off their jackets in hot
weather in favor of the guayabera —a long cotton shirt. Traditional
dress for women varies.

The national flower is known as the sacuanjoche.

The sacuanjoche flower grows on a conical tree that flowers around
May. Sacuanjoche flowers are most fragrant at night in order to lure
sphinx moths to pollinate them. sacuanjoche The national flower is
known as the sacuanjoche. The sacuanjoche flower (Plumeria) grows on
a conical tree that flowers around May. Sacuanjoche flowers are most
fragrant at night in order to lure sphinx moths to pollinate them.
The country’s national dish is gallo pinto fried rice mixed with black
beans and other spices. Corn maize is the staple of Nicaraguan
gastronomy and is used in many foods, such as nacatamal cornmeal
dough stuffed with meat and cooked in plantain leaves, indio viejo (corn
tortilla with meat, onions ect

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