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6/16/23, 11:29 AM Treehouse Application 2023

Treehouse Application 2023

Please read the treehouse vision:
Tell us about yourself! Please answer honestly.

Name *

Gwen Kwong

What appeals to you about joining the treehouse community? *

Living close to CCF friends!

What could we do to serve you as a member of treehouse? *

Communication and cleanliness are a few things I value. I prefer for my living spaces to be really clean!

What do you hope to contribute to our community? *

I hope to get to know everyone at Treehouse better, be accessible to others, and help make a space where
people who don’t live there or aren’t a part of a Christian community feel welcomed.… 1/6
6/16/23, 11:29 AM Treehouse Application 2023

What do you like about the current Treehouse values and why? What is one thing that you think *
could be improved? (long answer)

I appreciate how Treehouse as a house of worship is highlighted in the vision. Worship is at the core of our
Christian faith and has implications in every aspect of our lives from our thoughts to our actions. It is no
less important in our homes where we feel most comfortable and others are less likely to be watching.
Something else that could be relevant to the rules section is having guests (although this might be more for
floormates to decide amongst themselves).

What are some bad habits that you have? (Be honest!) *

Sometimes I can be antisocial.

What rooms are you okay with taking? *

window room (main floor)

normal room (main floor)

closest room to kitchen (basement)

middle room (basement)

back room (basement)… 2/6
6/16/23, 11:29 AM Treehouse Application 2023

What rooms do you prefer? *

window room (main floor)

normal room (main floor)

closest room to kitchen (basement)

middle room (basement)

back room (basement)

Rate your cleanliness in common area *

Very messy

Very clean… 3/6
6/16/23, 11:29 AM Treehouse Application 2023

Rate your preferred noise level *

Very quiet

Noisy is fine

Rate your cooking skillzzz (Just for our curiosity :P) *

No experience

Very experienced… 4/6
6/16/23, 11:29 AM Treehouse Application 2023

Have you lived with roommates before? How was your experience with them? *

I have lived with a few roommates in the past. Our units were pretty quiet and very clean. We each managed
separate chores rather than taking turns with every chore. The most conflict I had with either of them was a
small discrepancy in temperature preferences or over utilities usage.

There is the option to participate on a cooking team each semester (Fall & Winter). *
Responsibilities include shopping, cooking, cleaning etc. with other housemates... is this of
interest to you?




Treehouse is a place where we try to hang out together play games, watch movies, get free
McDonalds fries, etc... sometimes planned, sometimes on a whim/randomly (that's the
treehouse way), how likely are you to propose something like this?

definitely not

definitely… 5/6
6/16/23, 11:29 AM Treehouse Application 2023

how likely are you to participant in something like this?

definitely not


Questions or comments?

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Forms… 6/6

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