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Cover page

Course Facilitator: Dr. Maureen. Fatiaki

Student Name: Ilisapeci Sokovagone
Student ID: s11175122

Table of Contents

 Cover page.....................................................................................................................1
 Table of Contents...........................................................................................................2
 Introduction....................................................................................................................3
 Literature Review...........................................................................................................4
 Use of AI in HRM Background.....................................................................................5
 Findings & Discussions..................................................................................................6
o [Benefits of AI in HRM]................................................................................................6
o [Challenges of AI in HRM]............................................................................................7
o [Specific Examples].......................................................................................................8
 Recommendations..........................................................................................................9
 Conclusion......................................................................................................................9
 References....................................................................................................................10

Artificial intelligence is a software tool that can function at the same level as human
and animal intelligence in every aspect of life (NAGRANI, 2020). It can take up any
challenging human tasks by providing the right needed information in a very quick response,
which makes work easier, and simpler for employees (Verma, 2018). This sort of program
has become popularized around the globe, regarding technology, business, schools, and
services, and as a result, it will not only transform the way we do things, but also how we
interact with others, and what we know about ourselves (Tai, 2020) (Saini, 2023). In terms of
work, AI has taken a toll on the recruitment and selection process by demonstrating its ability
to solve concerns, or related issues by finding the right candidate and delivering the right data
at a quicker efficient time (Worakamol Wisetsri, C.Vijai,Kasidit Chueinwittaya,Puttithorn
Jirayus, 2022).
Given that the modern world is constantly changing, the strategic use of artificial intelligence
has made a major impact on the HR process and recruitment. Many HR employers have used
AI tools as they can perform a mixture of automatic and human tasks that help to provide a
flexible working environment (NAGRANI, 2020). According to studies, AI has advanced
beyond the standard level of technology and it has become a potential tool for promoting
moral behavior and reducing biases that can occur in interpersonal interactions (NAGRANI,
2020). The purpose of this study is to;

 Discuss the role of AI on employers and employees

 Examine the Impacts of AI on HR departments around the Pacific Island countries
 Assess the overall aspects of AI in HR (impacts, advantages and disadvantages)

This study is important as it would help us to find out more about Artificial intelligence, in
terms of cost-efficiency, time improvement, flexible work systems, and solving possible
challenging future issues for HR workplaces. Cost efficiency is the sense of how HR
managers can save more costs while using AI to complete repetitive tasks, whereas time
improved, how AI saves more time for employees and employers to focus on the main aspect
of their job. With a flexible working environment, AI does establish a flexible working space
among staff members and employers. Lastly, how does AI is the best problem solver for any
future challenging issues?
To obtain accurate data information, this study will then apply secondary data-level methods,
including journal articles and existing academic journal articles to gain a deeper knowledge
of the purpose of this study. Reports to obtain data from different individuals based on the
topic of AI. Additionally, case studies will be used to gain in-depth information about
artificial intelligence and provide a broader context of its aspects in the HR environment
around the Pacific Island countries.
In summary, this research study will then explore the potential impacts of AI in HR, in
regards to cost-efficiency, time-saving, flexible work surroundings, and being a problem
solver. Conducting a comprehensive research methodology would allow us to combine
enough information to understand AI’s role in reshaping the HR aspects, with a focus on the
Pacific Island Countries.

Literature Review
Businesses and consumer behavior have both undergone significant changes in the modern
era. Many individuals now seek to obtain information at a quicker pace thanks to the
advancement of technology. Artificial intelligence is capable of delivering information to
executives and employees with a more rapid response timeframe. This is why many HR
managers have decided to use this application as a component of their business structure
(NAGRANI, 2020).
While observing the competition amongst companies, for businesses to remain competitive,
they have turned to using artificial intelligence solutions. Mainly because AI has shown that
it may not only aid with the hiring process but also with other business operations. These
operations include online hiring, online training, and/or online competency management.
Employees are also given the option to receive assistance at any time, inside or outside of the
workplace, thanks to AI’s support (SWAPNIL AGGARWAL, PAYAL, 2023).
This program includes using chatbots and other automatic programs, where jobs are made
simpler for workers to become comfortable with their roles. It establishes a flexible working
environment, saving time and energy, and making life easier for HR professionals
(SWAPNIL AGGARWAL, PAYAL, 2023). As reviewed by (Dr. Kenneth A. Kovach,
Charles E. Cathcart, Jr,, 1999), AI has impacted HR processes like resource allocation, for
resource allocation, it can analyze data to handle present needs and forecast plans while
allocating resources. It predicts information and analysis data for local government’s
reference on enhancing how employees, funds, and facilities are allocated.
It plays a role in the hiring and selection of applicants. Applicants’ information can be
streamlined, computerized, and then stored. With that, applying artificial intelligence, HR
managers can speed up the hiring and selection procedure given the variety of job
descriptions, all while ensuring a quality fit (Dr. Kenneth A. Kovach, Charles E. Cathcart, Jr,,
1999). Interview scheduling, digital interviews powered by AI, and other procedures are also
other digitalized methods used.
In the Pacific, AI has been seen through corporations, educational institutions, technological
advancements, and services to address any significant upcoming problems. For instance,
technologies powered by AI have helped in anticipating and managing the outcomes of
climate change and devastating events since Pacific Island countries are constantly at risk
from natural disasters and climate change. This technology incorporates satellite photography
to identify trends in weather occurrences, enabling accurate forecasts and prompt alarms
(Cakobau, 2023).
Another point to highlight here is remote e-learning and remote- -working. Ever since the
COVID-19 epidemic, online learning, and remote working have shown to be useful in terms
of increasing students’ convenience while also providing extra opportunities for post-
secondary education. Additionally, it has made work easier for employees to work remotely
from home and perform tasks more quickly. The same holds for human resource managers as
well. Employees were able to undertake self-paced training, and the contents of their tasks
were consistent and accessible for reference, making work more enjoyable, and helping
employers track their employees' overall performance (Joel B. Johnson, Pritika Reddy, Ronil
Chand, Mani Naiker, 2021).

Use of AI in HRM Background
Since AI is being employed in various aspects of our lives, one area where it has had a huge
impact is human resource management (HRM). The management of human resources (HRM)
refers to the process of managing the staff of an organization and this process has historically
depended on manual and administration tasks (Jatobá, 2019). With the incorporation of AI, it
has altered the way human resources managers function, like reducing processes and boosting
decision-making. Linking both AI and HRM can be traced back to the late twentieth century
when technology started entering HR processes. The invention of computers and software
initially supported the digitization of staff records and basic HR operations.
This marked the starting point of a shift in HR toward automation (Jatobá, 2019). Also, the
invention of machine learning and artificial intelligence in the twenty-first century resulted in
true success. Systems that were powered by AI have allowed HR departments to effectively
handle enormous amounts of data. This information, whether it is about recruiting, staff
efficiency, or participation, can be evaluated and processed to provide valuable insights for
business decisions (Korinek, 2021).
Indeed, AI has drastically impacted recruitment, which is among the most important HR
roles. AI-powered chatbots and automated applicant tracking systems (ATS) have made the
recruitment and selection process more efficient and effective (SWAPNIL AGGARWAL,
PAYAL, 2023). These programs, allow HR professionals to browse through resumes, match
candidates to job specifications, and even perform initial interviews, saving time and effort in
the hiring process (SWAPNIL AGGARWAL, PAYAL, 2023). Likewise, employee retention
and involvement of employees are two of the additional fields where AI has had a significant
Predictive analysis AI tools can identify employees who are most likely to leave, allowing
HR managers to take preventative measures to retain valued employees. AI-powered
customized education and growth programs guarantee that employees receive training that is
tailored to their particular requirements (Supriya Dhananjay Paigude, Smita Chaitanya
Pangarkar, 2023). AI is also important in improving employee experiences. Chatbots and
virtual assistants provide employees with 24/7 support, answering queries, providing
guidance, and improving their overall experience with the firm. Ethical considerations have
become paramount as AI becomes increasingly integrated into HRM. HR professionals need
to ensure that AI algorithms are fair, unbiased, and transparent (Supriya Dhananjay Paigude,
Smita Chaitanya Pangarkar, 2023).
This ethical dimension is shaping the development and use of AI in HR (Grensing-Pophal,
2022). For the Pacific Island countries, the implementation of AI in HRM is part of a larger
worldwide trend. Organizations have recognized the advantages of artificial intelligence in
simplifying HR procedures, lowering costs, and increasing employee experiences. The
continuous challenge is to connect AI deployment with the region's distinct cultural and
regulatory features. As a result, incorporating AI into HRM marks a significant standard shift.
AI is altering the HR sector, from automating regular jobs to giving insights for strategic
planning. As technology advances, the future of human resource management in Pacific
Island countries and around the world will surely be increasingly AI-driven (Countries,

Findings & Discussions

[Benefits of AI in HRM]
AI enhances HR departments in numerous ways, including saving personnel a sufficient
amount of time for performing challenging tasks, leading to improved reliability and
improved outcomes (Eniola Sanyaolu, Rebecca Atsaboghena, 2022).
Knowing that in past approaches, manually acquiring data was tough since the more data you
have related to human resources, the more time it will take you to examine that data. As a
result, AI is a good fit for combating this issue, assisting staff to accomplish their jobs at the
end of the day and moving their firm closer to a successful outcome (Eniola Sanyaolu,
Rebecca Atsaboghena, 2022). Artificial intelligence can pinpoint viruses or any errors with
data gathering and can effectively cope with and handle challenging tasks despite the large
volume of data (Eniola Sanyaolu, Rebecca Atsaboghena, 2022).
Another key point is cost efficiency. Because of how AI works, it produces value at a low
price, meaning enhancing work processes. This application evaluates and improves tasks,
determining mistakes and inefficiencies in processes. Another important aspect is predictive
maintenance. AI can track the state of machinery and other assets in real time, allowing
companies to avoid costly breakdowns while minimizing delay, resulting in lower expenses
(Eniola Sanyaolu, Rebecca Atsaboghena, 2022).
With this system, HR departments can delegate routine tasks so it will require much more
input from humans. I.e.; there include customer relations, a dynamic work environment, a
staff career a database, and much on strategies. This means that it gives an adaptable
atmosphere to the managers, HR supervisors, employees as well and customers (Eniola
Sanyaolu, Rebecca Atsaboghena, 2022).
Organizations that are also using AI tools have changed the designs and delivery of their
learning programs making them more effective. This program ensures customization of such
software making it possible for personalized and adaptive learning. Such an approach creates
a better learning environment promoting greater interaction among learners. In this regard, AI
can continually track the learner’s advancement and adjust the content as required. Such
consistency and relevance eventually lead to improved educational results (Eniola Sanyaolu,
Rebecca Atsaboghena, 2022).
Furthermore, the influence of AI goes further than just experiences of learning. It potentially
reduces cost expenses on different elements of running a business including recruiting and
training. With AI, it is possible to streamline the hiring processes through automation of
candidate screening as well as matching candidates to job descriptions, thereby saving on
time and resources used. Also, the analytic and forecasting power enables industries to make
strategic decisions based on actual data; thereby providing solutions that fit well in the
marketing schemes. By being proactive in this regard, they can confront future challenges
confidently, being ready for any surprises in the marketplace, enhancing their overall
performance and competitiveness in due course (Eniola Sanyaolu, Rebecca Atsaboghena,

[Challenges of AI in HRM]
Without a doubt, indeed, AI has a promising future in the field of human resource
management; nevertheless, this fact does not decrease HR professionals' concerns regarding
growing challenges. But one of the challenges in integrating AI into the HR function is first;
changing employee mindset. One concerning characteristic of AI is its pervasiveness, which
allows it to track multiple aspects of employee behavior. As a result, issues of AI misuse and
improper use of pooled data require considerable attention, as well as warning all
stakeholders about the repercussions. This will make implementation easier following such a
warning (Eniola Sanyaolu, Rebecca Atsaboghena, 2022).

Firms must have all of the necessary talents nowadays. There are various reasons for this, all
departments use artificial intelligence in the entire process of department operation,
beginning with human resources. However, despite this, employees frequently fail to
understand new technology-based tools since they are unfamiliar with AI. The possibilities
are that by this time, the HR department will be substantially limited in making day-to-day
decisions as technology takes over their abilities and functions in corporate management.

Secondly, some technologies are unable to monitor human emotion and gain insight into how
it drives human behavior, passion, and aspiration due to the shortcomings in the emotional
and psychological aspects of AI. It lacks human appeal and cannot distinguish which
characteristics the new entrant does or does not possess. AI is unable to comprehend or
positively respond to how diverse personalities interact in a group setting. However, personal
reading of people is something that technologies can never be able to replace for an HR
manager. While AI can be integrated into business solutions, it cannot handle all face-to-face
responsibilities performed by managers (Eniola Sanyaolu, Rebecca Atsaboghena, 2022).

Thirdly, is that no matter how smart an AI system may be, it will still rely on human
programming. Sometimes, it can introduce errors in the process, and such analysis relies on
historical data that displays certain patterns for prediction by artificial intelligence systems.
For AI such as deep learning, it has to use clean and good-quality data. Nevertheless, with
increasing users of AI algorithms and submission of data into these systems; AI systems may
by default acquire the prejudices characteristic in such data. For example; once an AI
becomes biased there is no way its results could be accurate as they will be skewed based on
the existing misconceptions or errors. The main issue highlighted in this is that AI may be
allowed to inherit human prejudice, leading to an unjust outcome (Eniola Sanyaolu, Rebecca
Atsaboghena, 2022).

Lastly, we know that chatbots are a convenient way to automate routine HR tasks. However,
it is considerably more important to be aware of the capability protection concerns they may
offer. When sensitive personal or commercial enterprise data is transmitted via these apps,
individuals can expose themselves, even their own private data information to cyberattacks
and identity theft. While chatbots boost effectiveness, strong security measures are essential
to protect the confidentiality of data shared through them (Pavlou, 2022).

[Specific Examples]

Recruitment and selection

Implementing artificial intelligence in the hiring process eliminates the problem of human
bias. Unlike human nature, which is prone to bias during employee hiring, Artificial
intelligence can seamlessly sort out, screen, and delegate qualified candidates to appropriate
roles within the organization in little or no time without the issue of human bias (Hamilton,
For its cons, while AI excels in impartial recruiting, it can fall short in terms of crucial factors
like company culture, and shared values in its decision-making process, AI can eliminate
human bias, but it might not comprehensively assess intangible elements that are integral to
organizational success, such as aligning with a company’s culture or values that remains as
the vital consideration when it comes to hiring processes (Hamilton, 2020).

Clear communication is a necessity, especially for larger companies. Success in this area
helps a company to optimize its performance objectives and grow towards the company ideal.
Some examples of its pros include the process of where employee engagement can be
automated through AI tools.
These tools can carry out intelligent surveys, and gather feedback in real-time, they can also
perform personalized internal communication directly with employees instead of the
traditional issuing of survey sheets. For its cons, despite the abilities that AI has proven to be,
there may be still some requirement for human involvement as most AI systems may not be
able to address all the unique challenges faced by each individual (Hamilton, 2020).
Staff Development
AI has quickly and efficiently offered awareness and education to staff employees using E-
learning platforms. It also monitors and evaluates each candidate's performance to ensure that
no employee falls behind in the learning process, allowing teams to complete each step on
The disadvantages in this may include that AI can reduce or eliminate human connection,
which is an important aspect for workers, especially when it comes to teamwork. This
program might have many benefits, however, one of its disadvantages could be a decline in
the level of interpersonal interaction and collaboration among workers, which is critical,
especially in team-based work environments (Hamilton, 2020).

Below are some of the recommended approaches to AI in the Pacific region;
1. Comprehensive training programs should be prioritized by Pacific Island countries.
These programs aim to integrate AI into HRM practices, enhancing the understanding
and proficiency of HR managers and staff employees with AI tools. By offering
practical training, individuals can adapt to the changing landscape and effectively le-
verage AI to enhance HR procedures. This approach ensures that the workforce is
adequately prepared to utilize AI technologies in their daily operations.

2. Establishing clear and enforceable ethical guidelines for AI is crucial. These guidelines
should incorporate regular audits of AI systems to identify and mitigate biases, while
ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards. Addressing ethical concerns
proactively enables organizations to foster trust among employees and stakeholders.
By implementing these guidelines, responsible and accountable utilization of AI in
HRM can be ensured, thereby enhancing its reputation and effectiveness.
3. Encouraging the development and research of AI at a local level is crucial in creating
tailor-made solutions that address the unique needs of Pacific Island countries. This
can be achieved by establishing partnerships with educational institutions and
promoting innovation in AI technologies. Investing in local AI capabilities enables
industries and businesses to create culturally appropriate and regionally relevant
solutions, thereby supporting economic growth while ensuring that AI applications
align with the specific context of the Pacific Island countries.

To summarize, this research study has provided valuable insight into the role- of Artificial
intelligence (AI) in HRM within the Pacific Island Countries. The objectives given include
discussing how AI affects both employers and employees. Furthermore, it derived into the
significant impact of AI on HR departments, uncovering both advantages and disadvantages.
The most important aspect of this research is its potential to revolutionize HRM practices in
Pacific Island countries. Organizations may make informed decisions on AI's role and
implications by knowing its role and implications. As technology advances, this research will
become increasingly important in influencing the future of HRM in the region. The
incorporation of AI with HRM implies a bright future. Although there are challenges, the
potential for improved efficiency, data-driven decision-making, and more equitable policies
is enormous. As we go forward, the cooperation of human expertise and AI skills will define
the road to success. This journey is defined by continuous development and adaptation, as
well as the PICs are on the verge of an exciting era whereby AI empowers HR professionals
and reshapes the employment landscape.


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