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Name: Sollano, Christina Marie G Date: 11/06/23

Offering no.: Score:

“Connecting Thermodynamics to Everything: Dr. Jason Kahn”

1.) For Dr. Khan, what is thermodynamics?

 According to Dr. Khan, thermodynamics serves as the essence of chemistry,
showcasing possible occurrences and their limitations in the natural world. It
spans various natural phenomena and technological advancements. It also
stems from a concise set of basic principles.

2.) Explain why Dr. Khan said that “Thermodynamics is a powerful way of seeing the
 In his presentation, Dr. Khan emphasized that "Thermodynamics is a powerful
way of seeing the world," explaining that it unveils the foundational principles
dictating the behavior of both natural phenomena and technology. He highlighted
how understanding thermodynamics enables a deeper grasp of the fundamental
workings of the universe and diverse scientific occurrences.

3.) Explain how thermodynamics relate to our everyday life or in the field of science.
Give at least 3 examples.

- My answers were based on the presentation of Dr. Khan.

 Thermodynamics underlies all genetic engineering, DNA forensics, genomics,

and personalized medicines: Understanding thermodynamics is vital in these
fields as it helps scientists understand the energy dynamics involved in cellular
processes, genetic alterations, and the development of personalized treatment
methods based on an individual's unique biological makeup.

 Thermodynamics explains why fats have more calories than sugar, why bugs
distribute as they do in the soil and water, and why plants have two
photosystems: The principles of thermodynamics explain the energy
transformations and metabolic processes in biological systems, providing insights
into why certain substances yield more energy, how organisms utilize energy in
their environments, and the intricate energy conversion mechanisms during
photosynthesis and fermentation.

 Thermodynamics in connection to climate change since it explains why fracking

and nuclear power such complicated issues for environmentalists now:
Thermodynamics helps us understand the energy exchange processes in natural
and industrial systems, thereby offering insights into the environmental impacts
and complexities associated with various energy production methods such as
fracking and nuclear power, aiding in the formulation of sustainable energy
policies and practices.

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