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Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class _______

Date ______________________ Mark _________________________ Teacher ________________

1. You will hear part of a radio interview with Christopher Devers about running.
For questions 1 – 6 choose the best answer (a, b or c).
1. Christopher’s children…
a) enjoy eating well.
b) are teens.
c) are both very young.
2. In the beginning, Christopher started running…
a) three times a week.
b) five times a week.
c) every day.
3. What was Christopher’s first goal when he started running?
a) He has always enjoyed running.
b) He wanted to reduce his weight.
c) He wanted to run a marathon.
4. What does Christopher like in the running community?
a) The respect they show each other.
b) The competition between them.
c) The challenge they have to face.
5. Who did he cross the finish line with in Antwerp?
a) His children.
b) His daughter.
c) His wife.
6. What piece of advice does Christopher give to new runners?
a) Practise every day.
b) Work hard.
c) Be patient.

2. Listen to the text again and correct the wrong information.

a) Christopher is 43 years old.
b) He has already participated in 25 marathons.
c) His goal is to run 15 marathons before he turns 50.
d) After running, he does some stretching to prevent sore arms.
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3. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words.

How to encourage healthy eating habits in teenagers

As teenagers gain independence and make more of
their own food choices, parents can encourage
healthy habits by being a 1)_______________
eating role model, creating a healthy food
2) _______________ at home and talking about
healthy eating in 3) _______________ ways.

Being a positive food role model is one of the best

ways to encourage teenagers’ healthy eating habits.
Parents should show their children that healthy eating
is important to them. There are many ways they can do this, for example, by always
eating 4) _______________ and by choosing healthy food options.

Making time to enjoy healthy 5) _______________ as a family is one of the best ways
to model healthy habits.

The way parents talk about food has a big effect on their children’s eating
6) _______________. They should try to emphasise all of the good things about
healthy eating, instead of focusing on the effects of unhealthy eating.
(abridged and adapted)

4. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

a) Being an example of healthy eating might help promote good habits.

b) People should skip breakfast.

c) Families who dine together have worse eating habits.

d) Parents should make encouraging comments about eating well.

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Name ___________________________________________________ No. _______ Class _______

Date ______________________ Mark _________________________ Teacher ________________


Read the text below.

Keeping your brain in shape

Physical fitness gets plenty of attention, and for good
reason. A healthy body can prevent conditions such as
heart disease and diabetes, and help you maintain
independence as you get older.
Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness and shouldn’t be neglected. Mental
fitness means keeping your brain and emotional health in tip-top shape. It doesn’t mean
training for “brain Olympics” or acing an IQ test. It refers to a series of exercises that help
you slow down, decompress and boost a flagging memory.
It’s no surprise that the more you help your body, the more you help your mind. Physical
activity increases the flow of oxygen to your brain. It also increases the amount of
endorphins, the “feel-good” chemicals, in your brain. For this reason, it’s not surprising that
people who are in good physical shape also tend to enjoy a higher level of mental agility.
While exercise is good for the brain and the body, so is meditation. When you go to bed after
a long day, your body begins to relax. But the mind doesn’t always follow. Visualization can
help. You can often achieve a sense of peacefulness through imagery, the process of
picturing a tranquil scene or location. This practice can reduce tension in both your body and
your mind.
Mental fitness doesn’t have to take up a lot of your time. Spending a few minutes on it every
day can help you feel better and think more clearly. Your mind and your health are worth it. (abridged and adapted)

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1. Write T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences.

a) Physical fitness can avoid diseases.

b) A healthy body isn’t as vital as mental fitness.


c) Mental fitness can help you relax and weaken your memory.

d) Meditation is beneficial for your body and mind.

2. Answer the questions.
a) What can a healthy body do?

b) Why shouldn’t you ignore the importance of mental health?


c) What happens when you go to bed after a long day?


d) Why is meditation important?


e) How much time should we spend on mental fitness per day?


1. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
For each question, mark the letter A, B or C.

Child malnutrition is a major public 1) ____________ issue worldwide. An estimated 144 million
children under age 5 are too small for their age, 47 million are extremely skinny and 38.3
million are overweight or obese. Around 45% of deaths among children under 5 years of age
are linked 2) ____________ undernutrition.

Measuring the growth of infants and children is very important. Inadequate infant growth due to
poor nutrition leads to 3) ____________-nutrition in children in many low- and middle-income
countries, which, if followed later in 4) ____________ by an increased intake of calories, can
result in becoming overweight or obese.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has introduced the Child Growth Standards as a
diagnostic tool used to monitor and assess the nutritional status of infants and young children
worldwide. By 5) ____________ children’s height and body weight, the standards detect
children or populations not growing properly, or who are underweight or at risk of being
overweight, and who may require specific health services.

The WHO Child Growth Standards have charts for boys and girls separated, 6) ____________
growth from birth to the age of 5. They are used in doctors’ offices, clinics and other health
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facilities, and by research institutions, child health advocacy organizations and ministries of

1. A health B healthy C unhealthy

2. A by B in C to
3. A above B good C under
4. A live B life C lives
5. A scanning B tracking C track
6. A covering B covered C cover

2. Match the adjectives (1 – 6) with the nouns (a – f).

nasty 1. a. nose
high 2. b. leg
twisted 3. c. cough
blocked 4. d. ankle
sore 5. e. throat
broken 6. f. temperature

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______

3. Choose the correct option.

a) Even though / Despite I felt sick, I went to the gym.
b) I always have breakfast in spite of / although not being hungry in the morning.
c) Although / Despite my efforts to stop smoking, I haven’t been very successful.
d) I avoid eating red meat and fatty food. I love them, though / although.

4. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
a) I was very tired, but I couldn’t sleep.
Although ________________________________________________________________
b) I had an injured foot, but I finished the race.
Despite _________________________________________________________________
c) Claire has a bad cough, but she won't go to the doctor.
Even though _____________________________________________________________

5. Complete the first conditional sentences with the verbs in brackets.

a) If you ____________________ (practise) sports, you ____________________ (feel) better.
b) If we ___________________ (keep) our brain active, we ___________________ (prevent)
many health issues.
c) If it ____________________ (not / rain) tonight, I ____________________ (go) jogging.

6. Rewrite the sentences using unless.

a) If she doesn’t show up, we will have to cancel the match.

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Unless she ____________________, we will have to cancel the match.

b) If you don’t stop eating junk food, you won’t lose weight.
Unless you ____________________, you won’t lose weight.
c) He won’t go back to work if he doesn’t rest his leg.
Unless he ____________________, he won’t go back to work.

7. Rewrite the sentences using the second conditional.

a) You forget your books at home because you don't put them in your
If you ____________________ your books in your backpack, you
____________________ them at home.

b) She isn’t healthy because she doesn’t do sports regularly.

If she ____________________ sports regularly, she
____________________ healthy.

c) I feel calm and balanced because I meditate every day.

If I ____________________ every day, I ____________________ calm and balanced.

Your school magazine has opened a writing contest. You have decided to participate.
Read this announcement and write about 100 words.

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PROGRESS TEST 5A Christopher: Be patient! The longer you run, the easier it
SCRIPT Interviewer: Thank you, Christopher.
PART A runner-christophe-devers(abridged and adapted)
Need the motivation to keep running? Listen to
Christopher's story and be inspired! PART B
How to encourage healthy eating habits in
Interviewer: Can you please introduce yourself to our teenagers
listeners? As teenagers gain independence and make more of their
Christopher: Hi, my name is Christopher. I am 33 years own food choices, parents can encourage healthy habits
old and I live in Belgium. I’m engaged to my girlfriend, by being a healthy eating role model, creating a healthy
and we have 2 children. Our daughter Quinn is almost food environment at home and talking about healthy
5 years old, and our little boy Mason is turning 2 next eating in positive ways. Being a positive food role model
month. We love to travel and enjoy our lives. I enjoy is one of the best ways to encourage teenagers' healthy
eating well. Thank goodness that I like running so eating habits. Parents should show their children that
much, otherwise, I would have a big problem! healthy eating is important to them. There are many ways
Interviewer: How long have you been running and how they can do this, for example, by always eating breakfast
many events have you participated in? and by choosing healthy food options.
Christopher: I started running in 2015. In the beginning, I Making time to enjoy healthy meals as a family is one of
didn’t run on a regular basis, but at the end of the the best ways to model healthy habits. The way parents
year, I went to a personal coach where I had to do a talk about food has a big effect on their children’s eating
physical test. From that moment on, I started running habits. They should try to emphasise all of the good
on a regular basis. At first, it was 3 times a week, but things about healthy eating, instead of focusing on the
this increased to 5 times a week now. Up to now, I effects of unhealthy eating.
have run around 25 races including 3 marathons.
Interviewer: What is your main motivation when running? habits/healthy-eating-habits-teens (abridged and adapted)
Christopher: At first, I wanted to lose some weight. But
since I started running on a regular basis, I really fell
in love with running and I couldn’t imagine a life
without running anymore. I also like to challenge
myself and push my limits. I have also given myself a
big goal, that is to run 50 marathons before I turn 50
years old.
Interviewer: What do you enjoy most about running?
Christopher: You get to spend time outside and there is
no better way to discover a new place than by putting
on your running shoes and getting out. Something I
like a lot is the respect that people show each other in
the running community. It doesn’t matter how far or
how fast you go, but runners respect each other
because you get out and do your thing.
Interviewer: What are your biggest achievements as a
Christopher: My biggest achievement was when I
finished my first marathon. When I started running, I
didn’t have the intention to become a marathon
runner. When I ran my first marathon in Antwerp, it
was a very special race for me and the most beautiful
experience I had was crossing the finish line together
with my little daughter.
Interviewer: Do you have any advice on how to avoid
Christopher: A very important thing for you to do is give
your body the time to recover. After finishing my run, I
always do some stretching. This helps a lot in
preventing sore legs the next day.
Interviewer: If you could give a single piece of advice to
new runners what would it be?

© Areal Editores 8

1. 1. c; 2. a; 3. b; 4. a; 5. b; 6. c
2. a) Christopher is 33 years old. b) He has
participated in 3 marathons. / He has participated in
25 races. c) This goal is to run 50 marathons before
he turns 50. d) After running, he does some
stretching to prevent sore legs.
3. 1) healthy; 2) environment; 3) positive; 4) breakfast;
5) meals; 6) habits
4. a) T; b) F; c) F; d) T


1. a) T
b) F. Physical fitness is as vital as mental fitness.
c) F. Mental fitness can help you relax and boost
your memory.
d) T
2. a) A healthy body can help you stay independent as
you get older and also avoid potential diseases like
diabetes and heart disease.
b) Mental fitness shouldn’t be neglected because it
keeps your brain and emotional health in tip-top
c) When you go to bed after a long day, your body
begins to relax. But the mind doesn’t always follow.
d) It reduces tension in both your body and your
e) We should spend a few minutes on it every day.
1. 1. A; 2. C; 3. C; 4. B; 5. B; 6. A
2. 1. c; 2. f; 3. d; 4. a; 5. e; 6. b
3. a) Even though; b) in spite of; c) Despite; d) though
4. a) Although I was very tired, I couldn't sleep.
b) Despite having an injured foot I finished the race.
c) Even though Claire has a bad cough, she won’t
go to the doctor.
5. a) practise / will feel; b) keep / will prevent;
c) doesn’t rain / will go
6. a) shows up; b) stop eating junk food; c) rests his
7. a) put / wouldn’t forget; b) did / would be;
c) didn’t meditate / wouldn’t feel
PART 3 Open answer.


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Aprendizagens Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação


Compreender, Texto e 1. Assinalar a opção 6 × 5p= 30p Resposta correta: 5 pontos

com facilidade, vocabulário correta. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos
discursos relacionados
produzidos de com os tópicos 2. Corrigir as frases. 4 × 5p = 20p Resposta correta: 5 pontos
forma clara. da unidade Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos
Desconto máximo para incorreções: 3 pontos

3. Completar o texto. 6 × 5p= 30p Resposta correta: 5 pontos

Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos
Desconto máximo para incorreções: 3 pontos

4. Distinguir frases 4 × 5p = 20p Resposta correta: 5 pontos

verdadeiras de falsas. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos


Aprendizagens Conteúdos Estrutura Cotações Critérios de classificação

Texto e 1. Distinguir frases 4 × 1p = 4p Resposta correta: 1 ponto
Parte 1 vocabulário verdadeiras de falsas. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos
Ler textos, de Corrigir as frases falsas. 2 × 2p = 4p Resposta correta: 2 pontos
com os tópicos
alguma Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos
da unidade
complexidade, Desconto máximo para incorreções: 1 ponto
escritos em
linguagem clara 2. Responder a 5 × 2p = 10p Resposta correta: 2 pontos
e corrente. perguntas sobre o texto. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos
Desconto máximo para incorreções: 1 ponto
Vocabulário 1. Assinalar a opção 6 × 1p = 6p Resposta correta: 1 ponto
Parte 2 relacionado com correta. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos
os tópicos da
Aplicar o 2. Ligar expressões. 6 × 1p = 6p Resposta correta: 1 ponto
vocabulário Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos
e os itens
gramaticais Concessive 3. Assinalar a opção 4 × 2p = 8p Resposta correta: 2 pontos
tratados. clauses correta. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos
4. Completar frases. 3 × 3p = 9p Resposta correta: 3 pontos
Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos
First Conditional 5. Completar frases com 6 × 2p = 12p Resposta correta: 2 pontos
o First Conditional. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos
Unless 6. Completar frases. 3 × 3p = 9p Resposta correta: 3 pontos
Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos
Desconto máximo para incorreções: 1 ponto
Second 7. Completar frases com 6 × 2p = 12p Resposta correta: 2 pontos
Conditional o Second Conditional. Resposta incorreta: 0 pontos
Vocabulário Escrever um artigo 20p Vocabulário adequado, erros de ortografia
Parte 3 relacionado com respondendo às irrelevantes e estrutura organizada e coerente:
os tópicos da questões. 14-20 pontos
Produzir um
unidade Vocabulário restrito e/ou inadequado e erros de
texto de 100
ortografia e estrutura pouco organizada: 6-13
Vocabulário restrito e/ou inadequado, erros de
ortografia e estrutura bastante desorganizada:
1-5 pontos
Frases incoerentes sem estrutura: 0 pontos

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