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Patricia Dionne B. Nuñez


Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, plays a significant role in supporting

cellular functions within our body. In addition to its role in the formation of blood

vessels, cartilage, muscle, and collagen in bone, it also plays a crucial part in our body's

healing process (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2023). This potent antioxidant aids in boosting our

immune system and protects cells from damage caused by free radicals produced by

external sources like pollution, cigarette smoke, radiation, medications, an unhealthy

diet, and various other factors (Carr & Maggini, 2017). It is known to prevent common

colds and has been hypothesized as a treatment for COVID-19 patients (Cerullo et al.,

2020). Moreover, it is reported to lower cancer risks (Mragrì et al., 2020), reduce the

duration of upper respiratory tract infection (Vorilhon et al., 2018), and increase iron

absorption (Doseděl et al., 2021). As a result, people rely heavily on vitamin C for

various aspects including prevention and potential treatment of many illnesses; however,

our bodies are incapable to naturally produce vitamin C, so we must acquire it through

our dietary intake. It is mostly found in citrus fruits, berries, potatoes, tomatoes, and

many more. Also, vitamin C can be acquired as an oral supplement, usually in the form

of capsules or tablets (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2023). The recommended daily intake of

vitamin C per day is 75 milligrams (mg) for women and 90 mg for men. For pregnant

women, 120 mg per day are recommended (Zeratsky, 2022). The vitamin C intake

should keep within the tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs) established by the Institute

of Medicine (IOM) — 400 mg for young children, 1,200 mg for kids aged 9–13, 1,800

mg for teens, and 2,000 mg for adults (Rd, 2019).

In this experiment, the iodometric titration method was employed. This method

is utilized to determine the concentration of vitamin C in a solution through a redox

titration involving iodine. The method relies on the fact that ascorbic acid can be

oxidatively dehydrogenated by potassium iodate to form dehydroascorbic acid (Pt et al.,

2020). In this experiment, potassium iodate (KIO 3) is mixed to an ascorbic acid solution

that contains strong acid, iodate-free potassium iodide (KI), and starch solution.

Potassium iodate reacts with potassium iodide, which would eventually generate

aqueous iodine, I2, as shown in Equation (1).

KIO3(aq)+ 6 H+(aq) + 5 I−(aq) → 3 I2(aq) + 3H2O(l) + K+(aq) (1)

The iodine produced is used to oxidize vitamin C (ascorbic acid, C 6H8O6), which

then formed dehydroascorbic acid (C6H6O6) and iodide ion (I-) as shown in Equation (2).

C6H8O6(aq) + I2(aq) → C6H6O6(aq) + 2 I−(aq) + 2 H+(aq) (2)

The iodine will react with the iodide ions (I −)present to form a colored blue I 3−-

starch complex, signifying the endpoint of the titration (Santa Monica College, 2021).

The main objectives of the experiment were as follows: (1) to determine ascorbic acid

concentration (mg/500 mg) of vitamin C tablet from different brands (Rose Pharmacy,

RiteMED, Cecon, and Poten-Cee) by iodometric titration method; (2) to evaluate whether

the amount of ascorbic acid in vitamin C tablets has meet the required daily nutrient

intake set by RDA and is within the established ULs; and lastly (3) to utilize statistical

analysis on the obtained data in order to determine if there is a significant difference in

the ascorbic acid content between branded and generic vitamin C tablets.


Ho: There is no significant difference in the ascorbic acid content between branded and

generic vitamin C tablets.

Ha: There is a significant difference in the ascorbic acid content between branded and

generic vitamin C tablets.


A. Chemicals and Apparatus

The chemicals and apparatus used in the experiment were as follows: vitamin C

tablet (Brand: Rose, RiteMED, Cecon, and Poten-Cee), standard ascorbic acid, potassium

iodate (KIO3), iodate-free potassium iodide (KI), 6 M HCl solution, starch powder,

calibrated 50 mL buret (T1 & T3: Pyrex ® Class B and T2: Pyrex® Class A), buret clamp,

iron stand, 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask, 100 mL beaker, crucible with cover, crucible tongs,

mortar, pestle, spatula, 10 mL measuring pipet, aspirator, and analytical balance


Poten-Cee Sugar-free FC tab 500 mg Poten-Cee sugar-coated tab 500 mg

Cecon chewable tab 500 mg

Rose Pharmacy Ascorbic Acid tab 500 mg RiteMED Ascorbic Acid tab 500 mg

Figure 1. Images of vitamin C tablets from different brands.

B. Procedure

Preparation and Standardization of KIO₃ solution

For the preparation of 0.01 M potassium iodate (KIO 3) solution, the KIO3 solid

was dried at 110 ℃ for at least 1 hour and then cooled in a desiccator. Subsequently,

1.1001 g of the dried KIO3 solid was weighed (to the nearest 0.1 mg) in a small beaker

using an analytical balance. A little amount of water was then added into the beaker to

dissolve the solid, followed by transferring the contents from the beaker into a 500 mL

volumetric flask. Then, it was diluted to mark. Thereafter, the flask was inverted several

times to thoroughly mix the solution. In preparing the starch indicator, 2.0044 g of

soluble starch was rubbed with 30 mL of distilled water into a paste. After this, the

solution was transferred to a 1 L volumetric flask. It was subsequently diluted to 1 L

with boiling water, and then heated until the mixture was clear. For standardization of

0.01 M KIO₃ solution, about 0.1 g of ascorbic acid was weighed directly into a 250 mL

Erlenmeyer flask using an analytical balance for two trials (T1: 0.1007 g ad T2: 0.1000

g). The mass added in each trial was recorded in the laboratory notebook. Afterward,

the solid ascorbic acid was dissolved in 50 mL of distilled water in an Erlenmeyer flask.

Then, 2 g of iodate-free KI (T1: 2.0003 g and T2: 2.0025 g), 2 mL of 6M HCl, and 5 mL

of starch solution were sequentially added to the flask. The flask was swirled to

thorough mix reagents. The buret was filled to 50 mL mark with 0.01 M KIO 3 solution,

and then the flask containing the standard ascorbic acid was placed below the tip of the

buret. The titration was then started by opening the stopcock slowly which added

volume of KIO3 solution to the flask. The stopcock was closed after reaching the

endpoint of the titration, marked by a blue color change of the solution lasting for 20

seconds. The volume of titrant delivered was then recorded and noted in the laboratory

notebook. Following that, the standard concentration of the KIO 3 solution was calculated

in molarity.

Analysis of a Vitamin C Tablet

Two generic (Rose Pharmacy and RiteMED) and two branded (Cecon and Poten-

Cee) Vitamin C tablets were prepared. Three (3) tablets of each Vitamin C brand (Rose

Pharmacy) were weighed on a weighing boat consecutively in an analytical balance.

They were then grinded into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle. Subsequently,

about 0.1 g of the powdered sample was weighed into an Erlenmeyer flask for three

trials (T1: 0.1019 g, T2: 0.1012 g, and T3: 0.1000 g). Afterward, 50 mL of distilled

water was added into each flask, followed by sequentially adding 2 g of iodate-free KI

(T1: 2.0013 g, T2: 2.0082 g, and T3: 2.0002 g), 2 mL of 6 M HCl, and 5 mL of starch

solution. The titration was started and the endpoint was marked by the blue color

change of the solution lasting for 20 seconds. The volume of titrant delivered was then

recorded and noted in the laboratory notebook. Then the milligrams of ascorbic acid per

500 milligrams of sample was calculated

C. Statistics

The ascorbic acid content in vitamin C tablets was expressed as mean ±

standard deviation ( X ± SD ). The data obtained from the experiment were statistically

analyzed using Data Analysis in Excel and RStudio as statistical software. To know

whether there is significant difference in the ascorbic content between the branded and

generic vitamin C tablets, one-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD test were utilized with 0.05

level of significance. In the class, every group conducted three experimental trials for

their assigned brand, resulting in a total of six trials for each brand.


In this experiment, the amount of ascorbic acid present in different vitamin C

tablets (branded and generic), namely Poten-Cee (not sugar-coated), Poten-Cee (sugar-

coated), Cecon, Rose Pharmacy, and RiteMED, was determined by using iodometric

titration method. In the iodometric titration experiment, the volume of the titrant

delivered at the endpoint (pale violet color), as measured by the calibrated buret, was

corrected using the calibration graph (see Appendix A). The raw data and the

calculations for determining the amount of ascorbic acid in each tablet can be found in

Appendices B and C. The result of the amount of ascorbic acid in each tablet was

measured in mg/500 mg, as shown in Table 1 and illustrated in Figure 1.

Table 1. The amount of ascorbic acid present in different Vitamin-C tablets (500 mg)
AA Average
Brand of the Standard Reported
content amount found
tablet deviation value
(mg) (mg/500 mg)
* Poten-Cee
(not sugar- 500 423.5586541 10.48000628 4.2(±0.1) x 102
* Poten-Cee
500 274.4397244 14.57167928 2.7(±0.1) x 102
*Cecon 500 380.5334936 18.41611231 3.8(±0.2) x 102
500 416.7099344 10.85270447 4.2(±0.1) x 102
**RiteMED 500 420.4721706 7.856399819 4.2(±0.08) x 102
Note: *Branded; **Generic; AA-Ascorbic Acid


Ascorbic acid content (mg/500

) ) n y
ed ed co ac ED
at at Ce M

m ti e
o o ar
r-c r-c Ph R
ga ug
t su (s Ro
( no Ce
ee en-
-C t
n Po
Vitamin C tablet

Figure 2. Ascorbic acid content in vitamin C tablets.

In Table 1 and Figure 2, the results showed that the highest amount of ascorbic

acid was found in Poten-Cee (not sugar-coated), measuring 423.56 mg/500 mg, while

the lowest amount was found in Poten-Cee (sugar-coated), with a content of 274.44

mg/500 mg. The generic tablets from both Rose Pharmacy and RiteMED showed

satisfactory results, with the content of ascorbic acid measuring 416.71 mg/500 mg for

Rose Pharmacy and 420.47 mg/500 mg for RiteMED. Among the five samples, RiteMED

exhibited the smallest standard deviation, with a value of 7.86 (Table 1) and had the

smaller error bar (Figure 2). This indicates that data values obtained from the sample

are closely clustered together and that the measurement is precise. In contrast, Cecon

obtained the second lowest amount of ascorbic acid content, measuring 380.53 mg/500

mg, and largest standard deviation among the five samples, reaching 18.42 (Table 1);

and it also had the largest error bar as seen in Figure 2, which means that the data

points are more widely dispersed from one another; thus, the measurement is less


RiteMED 15.91%

Rose Pharmacy 16.66%

Vitamin C tablet
Cecon 23.89%

Poten-Cee (sugar-coated) 45.11%

Poten-Cee (not sugar-coated) 15.29%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Percent Error

Figure 3. Percent error for each vitamin C tablet.

The accuracy for each vitamin C tablet was expressed as percent error, as

illustrated in Figure 3. A sample calculation of the percent error of each tablet was

shown in Appendix C. The non-sugar-coated Poten-Cee had the smallest percent error

as it measured the highest amount of ascorbic acid content in the experiment, as

depicted in Figure 2. Thus, the measurement obtained from the tablet is more accurate

compared to other four (4) tablets. Conversely, the sugar-coated Poten-Cee exhibited

the highest percent error since it contained the smallest amount of ascorbic acid content

in the experiment, as seen in Figure 2. This indicates that, in comparison to other 4

tablets, it is less accurate.

Accordingly, each tablet of Poten-Cee (both sugar-coated and not sugar-coated)

contained 500 mg of Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin C (Dygen Pharma Distribution

Corporation, 2023). However, the results showed that there is a greater difference

between the sugar-coated tablet and the non-sugar-coated variant, with the latter

measuring a higher quantity of ascorbic acid compared to the former.

The lower ascorbic acid content in sugar-coated vitamin C tablet in an iodometric

titration could be attributed to the presence of sugar in the coating. Most tablets are

sugar coated in two methods, namely lamination and suspension; and one of the

ingredients used in each method include sucrose (iPharMachine, 2023). The lamination

method used 25 to 35%w/w sucrose, while the suspension method used 30 to 50%w/w

sucrose (Bhakar, 2023). In the study of Albusta and Ali (2019), of which the effect of

different storage conditions and sugar additives on the vitamin C concentration of fresh

orange juice was determined by performing a redox titration with iodine solution, it was

found that sucrose, which comprises of glucose and fructose, had little to no effect of

preserving the vitamin C concentration of orange juice. It is worth noting that

monosaccharides, like glucose, fructose, and galactose, are highly susceptible to

oxidation due to the presence of the aldehyde group, making them effective as reducing

agents (Ball et al., 2022). According to Albusta and Ali (2019), these reducing sugars

prevent the oxidation of L-ascorbic acid by undergoing oxidation themselves instead;

thus, preserving the vitamin C concentration. Unlike monosaccharides, not all

disaccharides exhibit reducing sugar properties. All disaccharides that contain a

hemiacetal group are considered to be reducing sugars. Examples of such disaccharides

include lactose, maltose, and cellobiose (Gunawardena, 2022). The presence of a

hemiacetal group in disaccharides enables the formation of an aldehyde through the

process of mutarotation (Ouellette & Rawn, 2018). This process involves interconversion

of the cyclic hemiacetals with the open chain form in solution (Ouellette & Rawn, 2015).

An illustration of the formation of an aldehyde group from a hemiacetal group of lactose

can be seen in Figure 4. The formation of an aldehyde group in a lactose allows it to act

as a reducing sugar, making it effective in maintaining the concentration of vitamin C

and preventing its oxidation (Albusta & Ali, 2019).

Figure 4. Formation of aldehyde group from hemiacetal group of lactose.

The structure of sucrose, as shown in Figure 5, does not allow it to function as a

reducing agent since it lacks a hemiacetal group. Thus, sucrose cannot act as a reducing

sugar, making it ineffective in preserving the vitamin C concentration. With this

information, the reduced ascorbic content in sugar coated Poten-Cee could be attributed

to the presence of sucrose in the coating. In the context of this experiment, it is possible

that the ascorbic acid underwent oxidation rather than the sucrose.

Figure 5. Structure of sucrose.

The Poten-Cee is prepared as a sugar-coated tablet to mask the sourness of the

Ascorbic Acid and make it easier for people to swallow (Pascual Laboratories, 2023).

Accordingly, sucrose can be found in many medical dosage forms such as chewable

tablets (, 2023). Thus, the observed small amount of ascorbic acid in Cecon

chewable tablet is likely due to the presence of sucrose.

A one-way ANOVA analysis was employed to evaluate whether there are

statistically significant differences among the measurements acquired from the five (5)

vitamin C tablets. A one-way ANOVA (analysis of variance) is a statistical test used to

compare the means of more than two independent groups to determine if there is

statistically significant difference between the corresponding means of these groups

(Zach, 2021). This test uses variances to help determine whether the sample means are

equal or not. An F-distribution, which is conducted for ANOVA test, is utilized to compare

the two estimates of variance. This can be computed by determining the ratio of the two

estimates of the sample variance, as expressed below (Watts, 2022).

variance between groups

F= (1)
variance within groups

The calculated F-value is then compared to the F critical value, which can be

obtained from the F table. If the calculated F-value is less than the critical value, the null

hypothesis is accepted, therefore the test is not significant. In other words, it indicates

that the groups belong to the same population and any observed differences are likely

due to random variations (Otto, 2016). The summary of the one-way ANOVA result for

the 5 vitamin C tablets is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Summary of one-way ANOVA result from the five vitamin C tablets
Source of d
SS MS F P-value F crit
Variation f
Between 53762.98026 4 13440.74506 78.8772278 1.46071 2.895107
Groups 2 x10-11
Within 3237.615764 19 170.4008297
Total 57000.59602 23
* α = 0.05

As shown in Table 2, the F-value of 78.87722782 is greater than the F critical

value of 2.895107 (F > Fcrit). Furthermore, the p-value is 1.46071 x 10 -11, which is

smaller than the significance level (α) of 0.05. Simplilearn (2023) emphasized that if the

p-value is smaller than or equal to the alpha level (0.05), the null hypothesis is rejected,

implying that the difference of the measurements obtained are statistically significant.

Conversely, the null hypothesis is accepted when p-value>0.05. Since F > F crit and p < α,

therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. This indicates that there is a significant

difference in the ascorbic acid content between the means of measurements from the

branded and generic vitamin C tablets. In addition, the difference is unlikely due to the

random variability. However, ANOVA test results do not pinpoint which groups are

significantly different from other groups. Thus, it is necessary to identify which means of

measurements taken from 5 different vitamin C tablets exhibit significant differences

from one another. Follow-up analyses must be carried out to identify which groups are

significantly different and which groups do not (Smalheiser, 2017).

Post-hoc analyses are utilized as follow-up analyses which include a variety of

tests that have been developed to examine where the differences occur and estimate

how much they are different. The most commonly used post-hoc analyses include

Bonferroni Test, Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference (HSD), and Scheffe’s Test (Foster

et al., 2022). In this experiment, Tukey’s HSD test is employed as a follow-up analysis.

The Tukey’s HSD test is a statistical method employed to assess whether there is a

statistically significant relationship between two sets of data. It compares the differences

between the means of values instead of comparing the pairs of values. The results of

the Tukey’s HSD test conclusion drawn will be based on the alpha value and

independent p-value (Nanda et al., 2021).

Table 3. Summary of Tukey’s HSD Test for different vitamin C tablets

Group 1 Group 2 p-value sig
Poten-Cee (not Poten-Cee (sugar-
0.0000000 yes
sugar-coated) coated)
Poten-Cee (not
Cecon 0.0014186 yes
Poten-Cee (not
Rose Pharmacy 0.9437218 no
Poten-Cee (not
RiteMED 0.9970596 no
Poten-Cee (sugar-
Cecon 0.0000000 yes
Poten-Cee (sugar-
Rose Pharmacy 0.0000000 yes

Poten-Cee (sugar-
RiteMED 0.0000000 yes
Cecon Rose Pharmacy 0.0010456 yes
Cecon RiteMED 0.0003521 yes
Rose Pharmacy RiteMED 0.9864579 no

Table 3 presents the summary of Tukey’s HSD test results among 5 different

vitamin C tablets. According to Table 3, it can be seen that there are significant

differences between sugar coated Poten-Cee and non-sugar coated Poten-Cee

(p=0.0000000), non-sugar coated Poten-Cee and Cecon (p=0.0014186), sugar coated

Poten-Cee and Cecon (p=0.0000000), sugar coated Poten-Cee and Rose Pharmacy

(p=0.0000000), sugar coated Poten-Cee and RiteMED (p=0.0000000), Cecon and Rose

Pharmacy (p=0.0010456), and Cecon and RiteMED (p=0.0003521). The significant

differences in the ascorbic acid content among the 5 vitamin C tablets, as determined

through the Tukey's HSD test results, are illustrated in Figure 6.

a a a
Ascorbic acid content (mg/500 mg)

) c ) n y
ed ed co ac ED
at at Ce m e M
o o ar it
r-c r-c Ph R
ga ug
t su (s Ro
o ee
(n -C
ee te
n Po
Vitamin C tablet

Figure 6. Tukey’s HSD test for the five vitamin C tablets.

As illustrated in Figure 6, there is no significant difference observed between the

two generic vitamin C tablets, Rose Pharmacy and RiteMED, when compared to the

branded Poten-Cee (not sugar-coated) tablet. In contrast, the branded vitamin C tablets,

Poten-Cee (sugar-coated) and Cecon, exhibit significant differences from Poten-Cee (not

sugar-coated), Rose Pharmacy, and RiteMED tablets. The significant differences

observed between the branded sugar-coated Poten-Cee and Cecon in comparison to the

other brands could be attributed to the presence of sucrose, as previously discussed.

Thus, in terms of the ascorbic acid content, there is no significant difference between

branded and generic vitamin C tablets. When choosing which drug to purchase, a

person should consider several factors including quality, effectiveness, and cost. In terms

of quality, generic medications are produced to an equivalent standard as their branded

counterparts. Furthermore, both branded and generic drugs contain the same active

ingredients in the same amounts. However, when it comes to the cost of both types of

drugs, generic drugs are less expensive since they do not have to undergo human and

animal studies unlike branded drugs (Akers, 2021). Hence, more people preferred

generic drugs over branded ones. However, it is recommended to consult a healthcare

professional for guidance on which vitamin C tablet is suitable for an individual to use.

In conclusion, all the vitamin C tablets tested in this experiment passed the

required daily nutrient intake set by RDA and can be consumed twice daily without

exceeding the Upper Intake Levels (UPLs) for vitamin C set by the Institute of Medicine

(Rd, 2019). This is recommended by some healthcare professionals to ensure one can

have an enough supply of antioxidants throughout the day. Exceeding the established

vitamin C tolerable UPLs could have adverse effects on health such as stomach upset,

diarrhea, and in worst-case scenario, kidney stones. The majority of vitamin C tablets

incorporate mineral ascorbates, such as sodium ascorbate, which is derived from

ascorbic acid. This is because it is less acidic and therefore, considered buffered.

Moreover, people who experience gastrointestinal issues with pure ascorbic acid are

advised to consider mineral ascorbates as an alternative (Supplemental Forms, 2023).

Some common errors that could affect the findings of the experiment include

misreading the volumes delivered from the buret, accidental spillage of the samples and

other reagents used, and inaccurate measurement of the reagents. Additional potential

sources of errors might arise from the air oxidation of iodide ions in the solution and loss

of iodine by evaporation from the solution.


Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a vital nutrient required by individuals

on a daily basis. It plays a critical role in boosting the immune system, combatting free

radicals, and serving as an antioxidant to protect cells from damage. Thus, it is

necessary to determine the ascorbic acid content of vitamin C tablets. The main

objective of this experiment aimed to determine and analyze the ascorbic acid content in

various brands of vitamin C tablets, including Rose Pharmacy, RiteMED, Cecon, Poten-

Cee (sugar-coated), and Poten-Cee (not sugar-coated). The experiment employed an

iodometric technique to measure the ascorbic acid content in these tablets. The results

of this experiment showed that the amount of ascorbic acid in the aforementioned

vitamin C brands were 4.2(±0.1) x 10 2, 4.2(±0.08) x 102, 3.8(±0.2) x 102, 2.7(±0.1) x

102, and 4.2(±0.1) x 102 (mg/500 mg), respectively. The results also showed that Poten-

Cee (not sugar coated) was the most accurate and RiteMED was the most precise.

Statistical tests, one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD tests, revealed that there were

significant differences in the amount of ascorbic acid content between branded vitamin

C tablets (Poten-Cee (sugar-coated) and Cecon) and generic tablets (Rose Pharmacy

and RiteMED). However, the generic tablets did not significantly differ from the branded

Poten-Cee (not sugar-coated). The deviation of Cecon and Poten-Cee (sugar-coated)

from the other brands of vitamin C used in this experiment could be attributed to the

presence of sucrose in the tablets. Studies found that sucrose is inefficient at

maintaining the concentration of vitamin C in a solution because its chemical structure

lacks a hemiacetal group, which is necessary for mutarotation and the formation of an

aldehyde. It is important to highlight those chewable and sugar-coated tablets, such as

Cecon and Poten-Cee (sugar-coated), contain sucrose. As a result, they are unable to

preserve the concentration of vitamin C in this experiment. Moreover, all the vitamin C

tablets passed the required daily nutrient intake and were within the tolerable UPLs.

In order to arrive at a definitive conclusion regarding whether there is a

significant difference between the branded and generic vitamin C tablets, this paper

recommends that future studies should conduct experiments with branded vitamin C

tablets that are free from sugar or sucrose because it would have a significant effect on

preserving the vitamin C concentration. Furthermore, this paper recommends the

utilization of additional vitamin C brands available in the local community to assess their

ascorbic acid content. Additionally, it is recommended to conduct multiple replicates for

each sample to ensure a high level of reproducibility.


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Zeratsky, K. (2022, April 28). Too much vitamin C: Is it harmful? Mayo Clinic.


Calibration Graph

Average Correction

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Volume Delivered (mL)
Calibration graph for Trial 1 (Class B)




Correction (mL)




-0.01 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Volume delivered (mL)

Calibration graph for Trial 2 (Class A)

Calibration graph for Trial 3 (Class B)

Figure 7. Calibration Graph of Buret.


Raw Data

Figure 8. Raw Data of the Experiment.


Sample Calculation

Trial 1 Sample Calculations

1 mol
0.1007 g ×
176.12 g
Molarity of std AA= =0.01143538496 M
50 mL ×
1000 mL

0.01143538496 M ×50 mL
Molarity of std KI O 3= =0.03087306956 M
18.52 mL

0.03056965539 M × 15.17 mL
Molarity of std vit .C= =0.009274833446 M
50 mL

g 1000 mg
mg Ascorbic Acid =0.05 L× 0.009274833446 M × 176.12 × =81.67418333 mg
mol 1g

mg 81.67418333 mg mg
AA= =801.5130847
g 0.1019 g g

mg AA 801.5130847 mg mg
= =400.7565423
500 mg 2 500 mg

Percent Error (Rose Pharmacy)

|actual value−theoretical value|

Percent Error= ×100
theoretical value

Percent Error= ×100=16.65801312%


Sample Input R Codes

Figure 9. R Codes for ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD.



Figure 10. Documentation of the experiment.


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