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For Warbirds

The United States has weathered revolution, foreign invasion, Civil War, and a World War but in 1929
America faced its greatest challenge yet: The Great Depression. It failed.

The year is 1937. The once mighty United States has splintered under the weight of economic and
political chaos into 23 new nation states. These new nations are constantly in a state of upheaval. With
the devastation of the roads and railways, international commerce has come to rely on fleets of
Zeppelins. Far from the fragile balloons of our timeline, armor technology has advanced far beyond the
1930s of our timeline. Protected by layers of advanced composite armor, Zeppelins are flying

But with modern air shipping comes modern air pirates. Prowling the skies between the Americas for
loot and cargo, pirates (often surreptitiously funded and equipped by rival nations) field fleets of
advanced fighters.

To oppose these aerial villains, national governments and private security companies have responded by
forming their own air militias to fight the criminals.

It’s a time of daring-do and double crosses. Of heroism and villainy in equal measure.

Of battles that turn the skies Crimson.

Warbirds for Crimson Skies:

Crimson Skies makes some changes to the Warbirds rules. The rules for personal action are unchanged.
Fights with guns and fists are resolved as described in the Warbirds core rules.

The Warbirds aerial combat rules are not used. Instead, use the rules for the Crimson Skies wargame.
Copies of the boxed set are kind of thin on the ground these days, but you can probably find PDF scans
for free on the internet. (You are a Pirate, are you not?).

We will Detail how to create a character for Crimson Skies Below. What you should know is that
Crimson Skies character stats are rated from 1-10. The stats are Constitution, Natural Touch, Sixth
Sense, Dead Eye, Steady Hand and Quick Draw.
Creating a Pilot:

Creating a Crimson Skies character works exactly as described on pages 85-107 of the Outrider Warbirds
core rulebook. The differences start in warbird creation.

The rules for Plane Creation are detailed in the Crimson Skies core rules, and expanded in Beyond the
Crimson Veil.

Since CS characters have 5 Pilot skills instead of 4 (you don’t spend points on Constitution), things work
a little differently. To determine your characters stats in Crimson Skies, use the following rules.

Constitution is the same as your Health score. Exactly the same. You may not spend points to increase
it. At character generation, pilots get 7 Piloting Skill Points. You may only spend these points on Pilot
skills. Divide these points between each skill: Quickdraw, Dead Eye, Steady Hand, Natural Touch and
Sixth Sense. You may not put more than 3 skill points in any one skill.

Once you have that done, add one of your stats: Body, Mind or Spirit to each skill as listed +2 to get the
final value. Natural Touch adds Body, Sixth Sense adds Spirit, Dead Eye adds Mind, Steady Hand adds
Spirit and Quickdraw adds Mind.

Natural Touch Sixth Sense Dead Eye Steady Hand Constitution= Quickdraw
Health _____

Skill Points Skill Points Skill Points Skill Points Skill Points
_______+ ______+ ______+ ______+ ______+

Body Spirit Mind Spirit Mind

_____+ 2 ______+2 ______+2 ______+2 ______+2

=______ =______ =______ =______ =_______ =_______

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