C5 Kinematics of Point Mass 2

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Kinematics of the material point_2

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2.4 Velocity and acceleration in curvilinear orthogonal system of coordinates

Consider MP moving in three-dimensional space. The position vector of MP is written in
terms of an orthogonal parameterization of space r u1 , u2 , u3  as in eq. (1.6.1)1.
The velocity vector is calculated by using the chain rule for derivatives and eq. (1.6.3)2
dr r dui
v   hi e i ui . (2.4.1)
dt ui dt
The expression for the acceleration vector can be obtained by time derivative of eq. (2.4.1) as
dv  e
a  hieiui  hieiui  hie iui  hieiui  hieiui  hi i ul ui . (2.4.2)
dt ul
In-plane polar coordinate
In Fig. 6, we represented the velocity and the in-plane polar unit vectors for an in-plane
trajectory. For velocity, from eqs. (2.4.1), we have
v  re r  r e  vr e r  v e , (2.4.3)
and for acceleration
a  r e  e r r  r e  e r r  re . (2.4.4)
The results can also be obtained by a direct calculation starting with r  re r . By direct
calculation from eqs. (, we obtain
e r   e , e   e r . (2.4.5)
Next, the velocity is
d (re r )
v  re r  re r  re r  re  vr e r  v e
dt ,
and acceleration is
   
a  r  r 2 e r  r  2r e  ar e r  a e . (2.4.6)

y eθ
r P
i x
Fig. 6 Position vector r and velocity v in the in-plane Cartesian and
polar coordinates.

r  u1 , u2 , u3 
dr  hi ei dui , (1.6.3)
3 1 r 1 r
er   cos  i  sin  j , e    sin  i  cos j , (
hr r h u
For the circular motion, we set r  R  constant , and obtain
v  Re  v e , (2.4.7)
a   R e r  Re ,

  
ar a

where a r and a are the radial and transversal acceleration a , respectively.

Spherical coordinates
For velocity, from eqs. (2.4.1), we have,
v  r er  r e  r sin  e  vr er  v e  v e , (2.4.9)
For acceleration, from eq. (2.4.2), we have,
 
a  re  r sin   r cos  e  re r  re  r sin e
e r e e
 ul r  r  ul  r sin   ul , (2.4.10)
ul ul ul
 ar e r  a e  a e
The partial derivative of the spherical unit vectors are calculated with the formulae from Exercise
1.6.3 as follows.
e r e r e
 0;  e ; r  sin e ;
r  
e e e
 0 ;   e r ;   cose ;
r  
e e e
 0 ;   0 ;    sin e r  cose . (2.4.11)
r  
By replacement of eq. (2.4.11) in eq. (2.4.10), one obtains,
a  ( r  r 2   2 r sin 2  )e r  ( 2r  r  r 2 sin  cos )e
 e ( 2r sin   2r cos  r sin )
 . (2.4.12)
 ar e r  a e  a e
For   constant we obtain the velocity and acceleration for in-plane polar coordinates.

Exercise (2.4.1)
Calculate velocity and acceleration in cylindrical coordinates.

2.5 Kinematics of relative motion

Next, we consider motion of MP with respect to two reference systems, one fixed which
is usually called laboratory frame that we denote by S, and the other one mobile that we denote
by S' (see Fig. 7). The origin O' of S' has position vector r0, velocity v0, and S' is rotating with
angular velocity ω and angular acceleration ε respect to S. We denote by {ik} and by {ek} the set
of unit vectors of S and S', respectively. We denote the MP by P, and consider it has the position
vector r with respect to S and r' with respect to S'. This type of description of the motion is
useful, for example, in the study of the motion of a body close to the Earth’s surface. The
motions are classified as:
e3 x'2

i3 e2
e1 v0
r v

Fig. 7 Reference frames for absolute and relative

motion of a material point.

i) absolute motion, which is the motion of P with respect to S; ii) relative motion, which is the
motion of P with respect to S'; iii) transport motion, which is the motion of S' with respect to S.

Law of velocities
By anticipating the axiom of absolute time in the classical mechanics (see section 3.1), we take
the time derivative of position vectors
r  r0  r' , (2.5.1)
and obtain
r  v abs  r0  r'  v 0  xk' ek  xk' e k  v 0  v rel  xk' e k , (2.5.2)
v 0  x 0 k i k (2.5.3)
is the velocity of O' with respect to O, and v abs is the absolute velocity of P (with respect to S),
and v rel is the relative velocity of P (with respect to S'). In section 2.2, the angular velocity
associated to the time variation of a vector of constant magnitude was defined by eq. (2.2.9).
Next, the angular velocity associated to the rotation of S' will be introduced.

P6 The quantity
i   ijk jk , with  jk  e j  e k (2.5.4)
is the i component of a pseudovector (see section 2.7 for definition of the pseudovector).
Proof P6
The time derivative e i can be expressed as a linear combination of {ek},
e i  ij e j (2.5.5)
Then, the dot product of eq. (2.5.5) with ek yields
e i  e k  ij e j  e k  ij jk  ik . (2.5.6)
From the orthonormality condition, we have
 ij  e i  e j . (2.5.7)
The time derivative of the above equation gives
0  e i  e j  e j  ei  ij   ji , (2.5.8)
that is ij is an anti-symmetric tensor of second order. Then, according to a tensor algebra
theorem, to any anti-symmetric tensor one can associate a pseudovector by relation
i   ijk jk .

P7 The pseudovector introduced by eq. (2.5.4) is the angular velocity of S'.

Proof P7
We multiply eq. (2.5.4) by the Levi-Civita symbol
 ilmi   ilm ijk jk   lj mk   lk mj  jk  lm  ml   lm
1 1 1
2 2 2
Then, from eqs. (2.5.9) and (2.5.5) one obtains
e i  ij e j   kijk e j . (2.5.10)
The dot product of eq. (2.5.10) with e m gives the m component
e m  e i   kijk e m  e j   kijk  jm   kimk . (2.5.11)
On another hand, the same m component is written as
ω  ei m   mrsr ei s   mrsr is   mkik   kimk , (2.5.12)
that is, by comparison,
e i  ω  e i . (2.5.13)

Then, according to eq. (2.2.9), ω is the angular velocity, which, in this case characterizes the
rotation of S'. Once we have introduced angular velocity of S', we can write eq. (2.5.2) as follows
v abs  v 0  v rel  ω  x ' k e k  v 0  ω  r ' v rel  v tr  v rel . (2.5.14)
v tr  v 0  ω  r ' is the transport velocity, which is velocity of P as it were fixed (the
components x 'k are constant) with respect to S'. If the components x 'k are constant
v abs  v 0  ω  r '  v tr . (2.5.15)

Law of accelerations
From the time derivative of eq. (2.5.13), we obtain
a abs  v abs  v 0  v rel  ω  x' k e k  ,
a 0  v 0  x0 k i k (2.5.17)
is the acceleration of O' with respect to O,
v rel  xk'e k   xk'e k  xk'ω  e k  a rel  ω  v rel (2.5.18)
is the relative acceleration of P with respect to S', and
 
ω  x'k e k  ω   x ' k e k  ω  x ' k e k  ω  x ' k e k
 ε  r 'ω  v rel  ω  x ' k ω  e k   ε  r 'ω  v rel  ω  ω  r ' 
and ε  ω  is the intrinsic angular acceleration. Concluding
a abs  a rel  v 0  ε  r 'ω  ω  r '   2ω  v rel  a rel  a tr  aCor , (2.5.20)
atr  a0  a  a , with a 0  v 0 , a  ε  r ' , a  ω   ω  r '  (2.5.21)
is the transport acceleration, and
aCor  2ω  v rel (2.5.22)
is named Coriolis acceleration.

End A of a bar of length L is moving to the right (see Fig. 8) with velocity vA. Both ends
are in permanent contact with the ground and the vertical wall. Find velocity vB and angular
velocity of the bar as function of  .


i vA
x A

Fig. 8 A frictionless bar moving on the

rectangular frame axes.

We consider eq. (2.5.15) with v abs  v A , v 0  v B , L  Le1 , and L  L . Then, with   0 ,
ω  k , k  i  j , v A  v A , we have
v A  vB  ω  L ,
that is
v Ai  vB j  k  Le1  vB j  k  L  i cos   j sin    vB j   L  j cos   i sin   .
From the components equality of the above equation, we obtain
  0,
L sin 
that is ω has direction of the unit vector k, and
vB   L cos   v A cot   0 ,
that is v B has opposite direction to the unit vector j, as it should be.
 e1   cos  sin   i 
    for reading counter-clockwise θ from x axis to e1 .
 e2    sin  cos   j 
e1  cos  i  sin  j  e1     sin  i  cos  j  e 2
e2   sin  i  cos  j  e 2     sin  i  cos  j  e1 .
On another hand
e1  ω  e1  k  e1  e 2
e 2  ω  e 2  k  e 2  e1 .
By comparing the above expressions of e 1 or e 2 one obtains    (and  is positive as  
and   0 ) Also,   2   =>   

Exercise (2.5.1)
Draw schematically v abs , v tr , v rel and a abs , a rel , a tr , aCor when the material point has a
uniform circular motion about vector (axis) ω . ω is the angular velocity associated to the
mobile system of reference. Consider the origin of the mobile system of reference fixed with
respect to the laboratory frame ( v 0  0 ) (see ref. [2] for solutions).

Exercise (2.5.2)
Draw schematically v abs , v tr , v rel and a abs , a rel , a tr , aCor when the material point uniformly
moves parallel to the vector (axis) ω . ω is the angular velocity associated to the mobile system
of reference. Consider the origin of the mobile system of reference fixed with respect to the
laboratory frame ( v 0  0 ) (see ref. [2] for solutions and section 2.6.3).

Exercise (2.5.3)
Draw schematically v abs , v tr , v rel and a abs , a rel , a tr , aCor when the material point has a radial
uniform motion, that is perpendicular to the vector (axis) ω . ω is the angular velocity associated
to the mobile system of reference. Consider the origin of the mobile system of reference fixed
with respect to the laboratory frame ( v 0  0 )(see ref. [2] for solutions and section 2.6.5).
2.6 Applications
2.6.1 Linear motion
Linear motion (also called rectilinear motion) is a motion along a straight line, that is a one-
dimensional motion. The linear motion can be: i) uniform - linear motion with constant velocity
(zero acceleration), and ii) non uniform - linear motion with variable velocity (non-zero
acceleration). The kinematics characteristics of the motion along x axis are obtained as follows.
The acceleration is
dv(t )
a (t )  , (
and by integration, the velocity is
v(t )  v(t0 )   a (t )dt 
a ( t ) a ct
 v0  a (t  t0 ) , (

where v (t0 )  v0 .The velocity is

dx(t )
v (t )  . (
From eq. ( by integration we have
x(t )  x(t0 )   v(t )dt 
v ( t ) v ct
 x0  v(t  t0 ) , (

and if a (t )  a  ct ,
x(t )  x0   v(t0 )  a (t  t0 )dt 
v ( t ) v ct
 x0  v0 (t  t0 )  (t  t 0 ) 2 , (
where x (t0 )  x0 . The trajectory is x (t ) is a parabola if a (t )  a  ct . By eliminating the time
from eq. ( and (, one obtains
v 2  v02  2a  x  x0  , (
where v ( x ) is denoted by v.

2.6.2 Circular motion

Circular motion is the movement of material point along the circumference of a circle, that is
r  constant . The circular motion can be: i) uniform rotation - with constant speed, ii) non
uniform rotation - with variable speed. The kinematics characteristics of the motion have been
obtained for the in-plane polar coordinates through eqs. (2.4.7, 8). On another hand, by using the
intrinsic coordinates for in-plane motion, we find velocity and acceleration are given by eqs.
(2.3.7), (2.3.24), respectively. Since the circular motion is a simple motion, we can easily make
connections between the notions we introduced for the intrinsic and in-plane polar coordinates.
By inspection of the two coordinate systems, we find that
t  e , n  e r . (
For intrinsic coordinates, we have
v  st  Re , (
where R is the radius of the circular trajectory (see Fig. (9)). Since s is positively defined, we
obtain,   0 (counter-clockwise rotation) if e  t , and   0 (clockwise rotation) if e   t .
For polar coordinates
v  Re .
For relative motion by taking coincident origins of the systems S and S' (that is, r  r ' ), because
v rel  0 (since r  R is constant), and by using r  Re r , ω   k we have
v  ω  r '  k  R e1   Re 2   Re .
By comparing the last three equations one obtains    .

For acceleration in intrinsic coordinates, we have

a  at  a n  
st  n (
For the polar coordinates, we have
a   R 2e r  Re . (2.4.8)
For relative motion with ε   k , and k  i  j  e1  e 2  e r  e (see Fig. 9), we have,
a  ε  r  ω   ω  r    k  Re1   2 Re 2   Re   2 Re r . (
By comparing the last three equations one obtains    .

y eθ er

P b x
e1 n t
θ x

Fig. 9 The unit vectors of: fixed coordinate system, i,

j; mobile coordinate system, e1, e2; intrinsic
coordinate system, t, n, b; polar coordinate system,
er, eθ. The position vector is r and velocity is v.

By comparing eqs. (2.4.8) and (, we obtain the angular acceleration as function of the
polar coordinates angle as,
   , (
and define the angular velocity as
   . (
According to eq. (, if we have a counter-clockwise (clockwise) rotation, then   0 ( 0)
. Since D is positively defined and has direction of b, we have D   for counter-clockwise
rotation and D   for clockwise rotation. The acceleration and velocities vectors are shown
in Fig. 10.

ω= ωD

r n

Fig. 10 Circular motion: case     0 and     0
according to convention used. Velocity and angular
velocity decrease with time.

For uniform rotation, ω is constant and    by time integration we have

  0   (t  t0 ) . (
For ε constant and with    by time integration we have
  0   (t  t0 ) , (
and with    again by time integration we have
 2
  0  0 (t  t0 )  (t  t0 ) . (
In eqs. (, 0   (t0 ) , 0   (t0 ) , and t0 is the initial moment.
Angular velocity is measured in,
d SI rad
SI  1 . (
dt SI s
Angular acceleration is measured in,
d SI rad
 SI  1 2 . (
dt SI s
2.6.3 Helical motion
In this application we describe the helix motion. The helix is given by the following t (time)
x  r cost , y  r sin t , z  vt , (
with r,  , and v constant. For   1 , r=3, and v=0.5 the trajectory is shown in Fig. 11 for
t  0,20  .
The time derivative of the vectors are
x   r sin t , y  r cos t , z  v ,
x   r cos t ,
y   r sin t ,
z  0 . (
The velocity and acceleration are computed as
v  r  x 2  y 2  z 2  r 2 2  v 2 , (
a  r  x2  y2  z2  r 2 , (
and they both are constant. From i) Exercise (2.3.2), we obtain the unit tangent vector
 r sin t i  r cos t j  v k
t . (
r 2 2  v 2
From ii) Exercise (2.3.2), we obtain the unit normal vector,
n   cos t i  sin t j . (
For this case of constant speed, v, we also can use, n  r r . From iii) Exercise (2.3.2), we have
the unit binormal vector,
v sin t i  v cost j  r k
b . (
r 2 2  v 2
From iv) Exercise (2.3.2), we obtain the curvature,
r 2
 2 2 . (
r   v2
From v) Exercise (2.3.2), we obtain the torsion,
 2 2 . (
r   v2
We find that both curvature and torsion are constant. Parametrization by the arc length s is also
used by t  s v as v=ct.
2 4
0 2 2
2 0
0 0
4 2
2 2


a) b)
Fig. 11 Circular helix with r=3, v=0.5, t  0, 20  , and: a)   1 ; b)   1 . Frenet unit
vectors are represented, t-blue arrow, n-red arrow, b-green arrow at t=4.5 and 12.2 for case a),
and at t=2 and 11.5 for case b).

2.6.4 Cycloidal motion

A cycloid is the curve traced by a point on the rim of a circular wheel as the wheel rolls along a
straight line without slippage. Next, i) we find the cycloid equation, and ii) we describe motion
in Frenet frame of the point on the rim by considering the wheel is rolling with constant speed.
i) We observe that arc length PI is equal to OI (initially, the tangent point I is in the origin
O and an imaginary rope wrapped on the wheel is left on the straight line when the wheel rolls,
see Fig. 12). Then the parametric equations of position of point P are
x  OI  PB  r  r sin   r (  sin  ) , (
y  O1 I  O1B  r  r cos   r (1  cos  ) , (
where r is the wheel radius and  is shown in Fig. 9.
ii) From the uniform motion of the wheel with speed v0 , we observe OI  v0 t  r and
consequently   v0 r and   0 .

v θ/2

P O1
θ B

Fig. 12 Cycloidal motion.
Cartesian components of velocity are
x  r(1  cos )  v0 (1  cos ) , y  r sin   v0 sin  , (
and the speed of P is

v  x 2  y 2  2v0 sin . (

We observe PI  2r sin , and consequently
v PI , (
that is I is the instantaneous center of velocity (see Chapter 6). In addition, from eqs. (
and (, we have
dy y sin  
   cot . (
dx x (1  cos ) 2
AB 
 cot , (
PB 2
we obtain from eq. ( and ( that
dy y AB
  , (
dx x PB
that is velocity of P always has direction PA, which is the tangent to the cycloid curve.
Cartesian components of acceleration are
v02 v02
x  sin  , y  cos , (
r r
and the magnitude of acceleration is
a x y  .
 2
In Frenet frame, we have the tangential and normal accelerations
dv   v02 
at   v0 cos  cos , (
dt 2 r 2
2 2 
v 2 4v0 sin 2
an   . (
Matching expression of the acceleration in Cartesian and intrinsic coordinates, we have

16 sin 4
2 1 2  v02
a  a n  at  v0
2 2 2
 2 cos  , (
R2 r 2 r
and obtain the radius of curvature is

R  4r sin  2 PI  PQ . (
Thus, at the end, as it should, we obtain the radius of curvature of cycloid only depends on the
geometry of the curve and not on the kinematics characteristics of P.
Problem 1
Consider a circular wheel rolls along a straight line without slippage such as the point on the rim
has constant speed. Find velocity of the center of the wheel. Prove that projection of acceleration
on the perpendicular to the straight line is constant, and reciprocal, if a material point moves with
constant speed on a planar curve and projection of acceleration on some straight line in the plane
is constant, then the curve is a cycloid.

2.6.5 Coriolis acceleration visualization

This application is suggested by https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Coriolis_effect
, where the animation of motion we analyze is presented. Laboratory frame, S, has unitary
vectors i, j, and S', has unitary vectors e1, e2 (see Fig. 13). The body moves uniformly with
velocity v (<0) in opposite direction to j and S' is rotating uniformly with angular velocity ω >0.
In S trajectory is the line in opposite direction to j. We want to find, kinematics characteristics,
that is, velocity, acceleration, and curvature in S'.

Fig. 13 Uniform motion of a point with respect to a rotating frame.

From eq. (2.5.14), we have

v abs  ω  r ' v rel (
v abs  vj (
v rel  x ' e1  y ' e 2 (
From eq. (, we have
j  sin  e1  cos  e 2 (
 e1 e 2 e 3 
 
ω  r'   0 0   (
 x' y ' 0 
 
where e 3  e1  e 2 . Thus, with   t , eq. ( gives the equations
v sin t  y ' x ' , for e 1 direction
v cos t  x' y ' , for e 2 direction
which can be reduced to
x '  2 x '  2v cos t
. (
y '  2 y '  2v sin t
With the initial conditions, x ' (0)  y ' (0)  0 and x '(0)  0; y '(0)  v , the solutions is
 
x '  vt sin t  vt cos  t   vt cos 
2 
 
y '  vt cos t  vt sin   t   vt sin 
2 
or by eliminating t
  
 v   
t 2 , r  x'2  y'2     (
 
Trajectory is the Archimedes' spiral, which for v  1 ,   1 is drawn in Fig. 14 for
t  [0,  / 2] (that corresponds to trajectory drawn in Fig. 10), and in Fig. 15 for t  [0, 9 / 2] .
For the  parametric form from eq. (, r  v ( 2   )  and   [ / 2, 0] .

 1.5  1.0  0.5
 0.1

 0.2

 0.3

 0.4

 0.5

Fig. 14 Spiral trajectory in S' for t  [0,  / 2]


 10 5 5 10


 10

Fig. 15 Spiral trajectory in S' for t  [0, 9 / 2]

Velocity in S' is
x '  v(t cos t  sin t )
y '  v(cos t  t sin t )
and acceleration is
x'  v ( 2 cos t  t sin t )
y'  v (t cos t  2 sin t )
A correct calculus should yield the same expression of relative acceleration as that computed by
using eq. (2.5.20). Thus
a abs  0  a rel  v 0  ε  r 'ω  ω  r '   2ω  v rel
 0
0 , (
 a rel  ω  ω  r '   2ω  v rel
ω  ω  r '   e1 2 x 'e 2 2 y ' , (
2ω  v rel  2 y ' e1  2 x ' e 2 . (
By adding the above two equations, we have
a rel   y ' e 2  e1  2 x ' 2 y '   e 2  2 y ' 2 x '  ,
x ' e1   (
We can check that substituting eqs. ( and ( in the last equality of eq. (,
we obtain eqs. ( For the spiral we obtained, can calculate the curvature with eq. iv) from
Exercise (2.3.2) as follows
r  r x ' y' y ' x'  2   2 t 2 
   (
x ' 2  y ' 2
3/ 2
v 1   2 t 2 3 / 2

2.7 Special topics

An important classification of vectors with respect to reflection (symmetry operation) can
be introduced easier now. Thus, a vector is called polar, if on reflection with respect to a
perpendicular plane it matches its mirror image. On another hand, a vector is called axial (or
pseudovector), if geometrically it is of equal magnitude but of the opposite direction to its mirror
image. It is obtained as vector product of two polar vectors. For example, the angular velocity is
an axial vector, and its geometrical description is shown in Fig.16. A simple picture, is as
follows. If c  a  b , then c1  a 2 b3  a3b2 . If a and b are polar vectors, by inversion (reflection
with respect to a plane perpendicular to the vector), a  a , b   b , consequently,
c1  a2  b3   ( a3 )( b2 )  c1 , that is, c is not changed. It is an axial vector.

-r r


Fig. 16 The velocity in circular motion is v  ω  r and by reflection the velocity

is -v and the position vector is -r. The velocity and position change the sign by
reflection but to respect the angular velocity definition,  v  ω  (r ) , that is ω
does not change by reflection.

Mathematically, a vector is called axial if it transforms under rotation R as (see, e.g., ref. [3]),
x′ = [R]x, for polar vector, (2.7.1)
x′ = det([R])[R]x, for axial vector. (2.7.2)
If the rotation is proper, polar and pseudo-vectors transform the same way. If the rotation is
improper, polar vectors transform as regular vectors, but pseudovectors flip direction.

[] H. Goldstein, C. Poole, J. Safko, Classical mechanics, 3rd edition, Addison Wesley, 2000.
[2] A. Hristev, Mecanica si acustica, Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1981.
[3] K-.T. Tang, Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Scientists 2: Vector Analysis, Ordinary
Differential Equations and Laplace Transforms, Springer 2007.

Further reading
1. J.J. Stoker, Differential geometry, Wiley, 1989. Discussion of the curvature and torsion for
plane a space curves in chapters II and III.
2. http://web.mit.edu/hyperbook/Patrikalakis-Maekawa-Cho/mathe.html. An electronic book
useful for algorithms in differential geometry.
3. P.P. Teodorescu, Mechanical systems, Classical models. Discussion of the relative motion in
chapter 5.

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