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International Conference

EU in a Global World
Cluj- Napoca and Bistria Arcalia

8-10 June 2011

Universitatea Babe-Bolyai Facultatea de Studii Europene Jean Monnet ad Personam Chair Modelling the New Europe

Partners: Primria Municipiului Bistria Consiliul Judeean Bistria-Nsud Fundaia Societatea de Concerte Bistria

Wednesday, 8 June 2011 Opening of the Conference (Aula Magna, UBB)

10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 Rectors Opening Speech - Prof. univ. dr. Andrei MARGA Opening remarks by: Prof. dr. Grard BOSSUAT, Cergy-Pontoise University (Val dOise), France L'impossible politique trangre commune de l'Union? Prof. dr. Wilfried LOTH, Duisburg-Essen University, Germany Warum Europa? Antriebskrfte und Perspektiven europischer Einigung Prof. dr. Antonio VARSORI, University of Padua, Italy US/Europe relationship after September eleven Prof. dr. Michael GEHLER, Hildesheim University, Germany From crisis to crisis -- from success to success? European integration challenges and opportunities in the light of Europe's history (1918-2005) Discussions Lunch Piramida Restaurant

12.30 13.00

15.00 First Session (Aula Room, Faculty of European Studies) Moderator: Prof. Dr. Wilfried LOTH 1. Prof. dr. Tadeusz Kolodziej The Reasons for a Successful Integration of the European Continent and the Challenges of the Future 2. Asist. Drd. Drago Pun An Analysis of Monetary and Financial-Banking Correlations concerning the Euros Adoption by Romania 3. Drd. Miruna Balosin The Central and Eastern European Lobbying Experience 4. Lect. dr. Georgiana Ciceo The Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Inexhaustible Quest for its Institutional Consistency 16.30 Discussions 17.00- Coffee break 17.15 First session (Aula Room, Faculty of European Studies) Moderator : Prof. Dr. Grard BOSSUAT 1. Lect. dr. Radu Barna Peut le dveloppement en Europe tre influenc per lidentit rgionale? 2. Drd. Raluca Dima L'Union europenne et la religion transnationale - provocation ou opportunit? Ou mettonsnous la limite? 3. Drd. Adrian Corpdean Personnalits roumaines dans la diaspora de France. Une vision partage. 4. Conf. dr. Mircea Maniu Clustering for Knowledge Regional Development in North-Western Romania 18.30 Conclusions 19.00 Dinner

Thursday, 9 June 2011

8.30 Departure for Bistrita 11.00 Opening of the Conference at the Town Hall (The Municipal Council Room Bistria) Opening speech: the Mayor of Bistria - Ovidiu Teodor CREU Speakers: o Prof. Dr. Michael GEHLER o Prof. Dr. Grard BOSSUAT o Prof. Dr. Antonio VARSORI 12.00 Lunch offered by Bistrita County Council 14.00 Second session (Aula Room, Bistrita University Extension) Moderator: Prof. dr. Antonio VARSORI 1. Prof. dr. Nicolae Pun The Lisbon Treaty. Central and Eastern European Perspectives 2. Drd. Istrate Ligia, Adriana Bichi, Denisa Clina, Andreea Oran, Raluca Merauta, Crisanta Moldovan- The Lisbon Treaty, study cases The Baltic States between the Old and New Europe. The benefits of Lisbon Treaty for Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia Les implications du Trait de Lisbonne sur le cas hongrois Slovakia after the Lisbon Treaty. An Insight at the Institutional Level Prospects for institutional reform in Bulgaria in the post Lisbon The Lisbon Treaty and the Czech Republic- the Uncertainty of the Ratification Romania with its contributions to the Lisbon Treaty 3. Drd. Marius-Mircea Mitrache Poland, a Regional Power through the European Union. A New Direction of Its Foreign Policy 4. Lect. dr. Florin Duma European Carbon Market 16.00- Coffee break 16.15 Second session (Aula Room, Bistrita University Extension) Moderator :Prof.dr. Michael GEHLER 1. Drd. Oana Poiana The EU strategy for the Black Sea Region and the duality paradox of the regionalization process 2. Drd. Andreea Horea Russia -rebirth of the Empire versus European security3. Drd. Daniela Cervinschi The Framework for regulating migration flows in Romania A sustainable development view. Integration policies of Third Country Nationals 4. Drd. Claudia- Valentina Gdea Lattitude la Roumanie envers le projet Briand dunion fdrale 5. Asist. Drd. Radu Albu-Comnescu Institutionalism. Essay on a new academic profile 18.15-19.00 - Conclusions

14.00 The third session - Bistria la Confluene Europene (Biblioteca Extensiei ) Moderator Prof. dr. Mircea Gelu BUTA 1. Drd. Bogdan Dumitru Tradiia federalist n gndirea politic romneasc din perioada interbelic 2. Dr. Dorin Dobra Importana proiectului Briand pentru construcia european postbelic 3. Conf. dr. Mircea Mureianu, Lect. dr. Ion Bc, Asist. Eduard Schuster, Asist. dr. Andras Barta, Drd. Lia Cioanc Bistria in the light of European Tourism Flows 4. Dr. Marcel Lupe Proiecii ale modelului medieval european n burgul Bistriei. O extensie a grdinii medievale - plantele de leac dttoare de speran i vindecare. Referine vizuale i propuneri de configurare 5. Conf. dr. Cornelia Macarie Viziunea european privind discriminarea de gen-evoluie i perspective 6. Lect. dr. Ion Bc Valorificarea turistic a drumurilor vechi din judeul BN. Studiu de caz: Drumul Romanilor din M-ii Brgului 16.00 - Pauz de cafea 16.15 - The third session (Biblioteca Extensiei ) Moderator dr. Dorin DOBRA 1. Drd. Alexandra Pop Evoluia Romniei interbelice conform recensmntului din 1930 n context european 2. Drd. Vasile Duda Portrete, personaliti i artiti din Bistria ( secolele XVIII-XX) 3. Dr. Al. Uiuiu Bistria n circuitul european 4. Prof. dr. Mircea Buta Centru i periferia 5. Cercet. tiin. Corneliu Gaiu Bistria la intersecia civilizaiilor 6. Lect. dr. Ion Bc, dr. Adrian Onofreiu, Letiia Stoleriu Cteva consideraii privind comunitatea de romi din oraul Bistria 7. Drd. Dan Zbuchea Opiunile Rezistenei germane n privina unei Europe Unite. Exemplul Cercului de la Kreisau 18.15 - 19.00 Concluzii 19.00 Departure for Arcalia 20.00 Dinner at Arcalia Centre offered by the County Council BN

Friday, 10 June 2011 Guided Tour

18.00 Arrival to Cluj, Dinner

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Participants departure

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