Abdulraheem Ibraheem Adewale

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Ashadu an laa ilaaha illallah wa ashadu anna muhammodan abduhu wa ro suuluhu amma baad,
wa ahudhu billahi minnas shaitoonir rajeem bismillahi rahmoni raheem. My name is Abdulraheem
Ibraheem. A young secondary school leaver aspiring for university, i will like to use this existing medium
to unveil the topic; navigating identity: balancing faith and modernity.

To start with, in this present situation we are globally when the power of civilization modernity
and globalization are shaping our lives, it becomes crucial and essential for us as Muslims or Ahmadi
Muslim to understand how to maintain a powerful Islamic identity while embracing the opportunities
and challenges of modernity.

As Muslims, we are blessed with a comprehensive way of life that encompasses every aspect of
our existence. Islam provide us with a very clear framework for living, guiding us in matters of faith,
worship, morality, family, society and governance. It is a complete code of conduct that has withstood
the test of time.

However, in this age of technological improvement and cultural influences, we find ourselves
grappling with various pressures that can potentially dilute our Islamic identity. The clash between faith
and modernity often leads to confusion and uncertainty, we witness conflicting ideologies, practices and
values that challenge our beliefs and question our commitment to Islam.

Moreover, to navigate this complex terrain, we must first understand the essence of our faith.
Islam is not a stagnant religion; rather it is a dynamic way of life that adapt to changing times while
preserving its core principles. The holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) exemplified this balance between
faith and modernity by adopting this teachings to the unique circumstances of this time.

Furthermore, the Quran as the ultimate guidance for Muslims provides us with timeless principles that
can be applied in any era .It emphasize the importance of knowledge, critical thinking and seeking
wisdom. Islam encourages us to engage with the world around us, to explore the marvels of science, to
contribute positively to society and to strive for excellence in all aspect of life. Allah (SWT) says in the
holy Quran (49:13) “O mankind, indeed we have created you from male and female and made you
people and tribes that you may know one another. The holy prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) also said “Seek
the knowledge even if you will have to go to China”. While the Holy Prophet was saying this, China was
one of the farthest countries to Saudi Arabia and there is no Islamic knowledge there then that the Holy
Prophet can be referring us to. But in this present age, China is one of the leading countries in Science
and Technology. Therefore, the Holy Prophet is referring us to scientific knowledge.

However, while embracing modernity, we must be cautious not to compromise our faith our
identity as Muslim is rooted in the belief in the oneness of Allah, the finality of prophet
Muhammad(s.a.w) as the seal of the prophets and adherence to the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.
These core principles must remain steadfast, regardless of the change in times.

Balancing faith and modernity requires us to critically evaluate the influences that surround us.
We must be discerning in our choices ensuring that our actions along with Islamic principles.

Conclusively, my dear AMSA members throughout Nigeria, navigating identity is an ongoing journey that
requires constant Self reflection, seeking knowledge and striving for balance. We should embrace the
opportunities that modernity offers while remaining steadfast in our faith by adhering to the principles
of Islam engaging with the world around us and seeking guidance from authentic sources we can
successfully navigate the complexities of balancing faith and modernity.

Was salaamun alaikum warahmotullahi wa barakaatuhu.

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