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-a person (me) in a room waiting for a “party” to talk about books

- Leo: hey, is this the place where the book talk is going to take place?

-Yo: yes, i think it is but i’ve been waiting for 30 minutes and no one has showed.

-Leo: ooh it’s a pity

Yo: yeah but at least im not alone, right?

-Leo: sure- wait is that Edgar allan poe’s book!?

Yo: yes, it is how do you Know?

Leo: i’ve been Reading his books for quite a while.

Yo: Thats so cool, what do you like about him?

Leo: i like how much influence he spread around that era. Actually, he was the most
influential writer during the Romantiscism.

Yo: oh, i personally like the style of narration he has with almost all of his story’s
protagonists act like they’re crazy.

Leo: And what other books of him have you read?,By the way, what story is your
favourite? I’m intrigued…

Yo: i have read Extraordinary Narrations and i love a story named Berenice it’s one of
the best i have read so far.

Leo: Yeah, that’s fine… (bored)

Yo: but you now what i love the most!! (Excited)

Leo: what is it?

Yo: that he used the halucinations produced by his alcoholism to créate new and
super fantastic books.

Leo: wow, that’s interesting. How do you know so much about him?

Yo: Well, I have to admit that I consider him one of the best writers in the whole world.
That’s why I investigated about him and his life.

Leo: but do you want to know what author made more impact on me?

Yo: who?
Leo: JK. Rowling, I love her creations

Yo: oh and what has she done?

Leo: how to start… well, you need to know that she’s a superation role model because
she was a single mother and sshe had some past trauma with his father also she had
an abusive husband and that must have been really hard but the best thing is that it
didn’t stop her to chase her dream and become an amazing writer.

Yo: Wow, she sure had a really hard life.

Leo: yeah she’s so inspiring.

Yo: and what books has she written?

Leo: i was waiting for that question, she has written a lot of books but i have enjoyed
Harry potter the most.

Yo: oh what’s it about?

Leo: You really don’t know it, it’s about an orphan that gets the chance to become a
wizard and then he has a lot of adventures.

Yo: it sounds really interesting maybe i should read it, how many books are there?

Leo: there are 8 books.

Yo: wow that’s a lot of books

Yo: and what book of the saga is your favourite?

Leo: my favourite book of the saga is the prisoner of azkaban.

Yo: Do you have any favorite character? Or do you love the main character like most

Leo: No way! I have my favorites… Now that you ask, I have to say that it depends
because we have the book and the movies, and you know…they are many differences.
I love Snape (the potion teacher) in the movies, the actor is terrific… and if you ask
me about the book… well…I think Hearmione is the one I love the most. I love them
both because they’re so passionate and they fight for the things they love and of
course, the people they love too. Sorry, I got excited… ahahaha And you? Do you
have any favorite characters?

Yo: Mmm I’d tell you but you might think I’m weird…

Leo: come on! Spit it out…

Yo: ok ok…It might sound weird, I know…but I must say that my favorite character is
the cat from the story the black cat hahaha…First, because I love cats, of course…
and second because without having the intención of revenge, the cat could avenge
his death.

Leo: you’re not weird..that’s interesting, besides… I love cats too :D

Yo: oh! Look… there’s the rest apparently …


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