Physics Finals Reviewer

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Physics Finals Reviewer

1. The boiling point of water is

-lower at low altitudes
-lower at high altitudes
-the same everywhere
-unaffected by air pressure
2. Boiling water does not increase in temperature when additional heat is applied because
- added input energy doesn’t increase the water’s internal energy
- The temperature doesn't change in the state of phase change
- The increase heating procedures increased boiling and therefore, increased
- None of these
3. The Temperature at the bottom of lake taal at this very moment is
- Uncertain
- But around 4 to 5 degrees celsius
4. A block of ice is being converted into liquid at melting point. During the process of
melting, its temperature
- Fluctuates
- Increases
- Decreases
- Is constant
5. Water droplets appear on a cold glass because water vapor in the air
- Condensed
- Melted
- Evaporated
- vaporized
6. Pour a litre of water at 40 degrees celsius into a liter of water at 20 degrees celsius and
the final temperature of the two becomes
- Undetermined
- Less than 30 degrees celsius
- About 30 degrees celsius
- More than 30 degrees celsius
7. As an object’s temperature decreases, its particles
- Gain kinetic energy
- Hit other particles harder
- Slow down
- Stop moving
8. If glass expands faster than mercury, the column of mercury in a thermometer would rise
when the temperature
- Undetermined
- Stabilizes
- Drops
- rises
9. Steam burns are more damaging than burns caused by boiling water because
- Neither of these
- Both of these
- Steam gives-up additional energy when it condenses
- Steam has more energy per kilogram than boiling water
10. The reason that the white hot sparks that strike your skin from a 4th-of-july type sparkler
(luces) don’t harm you is because
- The energy per molecule is very low
- It is light alone, no heat actually
- The energy per molecule is high, but little energy is transferred because of the few
molecules in the spark
- They have low temperature
11. The fact that deserts sand is scorchingly hot in the day and extremely cold at night is
evidence that the sand has a
- Blockbody character
- Low specific heat
- Low conductivity rate
- High specific heat
12. When heat added to a briskly boiling water, its temperature
- Decreases
- Increases
- Stays the same
- fluctuates
13. All of the following are characteristics of a real fluid flow, except
- Viscous
- Laminar
- Compressible
- rotational
14. In drinking water, the number of coliform bacteria should not exceed
- 100/100 ml
- 10/100 ml
- Zero
- 1/1000 ml
15. In a fluid flow, if the fluid travels parallel to the adjacent layers and the paths of
individual particles do not cross, the flow of the fluid is said to be
- Critical
- Uniform
- Laminar
- turbulent
16. As the diameter of the tube increases, the velocity of the fluid
- Does not change but the flow rate increases
- Increases
- Decreases
- Remains the same
17. Of the following substances, the least viscous at the room temperature is
- Crude oil
- Asphalt
- Sesame oil
- grease
18. The viscosity of a fluid in the SI system is Ns/m^2. It is also equal to
- 1 centipose
- 10 poise
- 1 poise
- 0.10 poiseuille
19. An assumption that means the density of the fluid is constant
- The fluid is incompressible
- The fluid is non-viscous
- The flow is irrotational
- The fluid motion is steady
20. Bernoull’s equation is based upon the
- Third law of motion
- Law of conservation of momentum
- Law of conservation of energy
- Second law of motion
21. An umbrella tends to move upward on a windy day principally because
- Air gets trapped under the umbrella, warms and then rises
- All of these
- Buoyancy increases with increasing wind speed
- Air pressure is reduced over the curved top surface
22. For the turbulent flow of fluid in a pipe, all of the following are true, except
- Reynold’s number will be more than 2000
- Flow of gasses and low viscosity is usually turbulent
- The average viscosity will be nearly the same at the center
- Pipe roughness affects the friction factor
23. A city of population 6000 has an average total consumption per person per day of 100
gallons. What is the city’s daily total consumption in the cubic meters per second?
- 0.1236
- 0.3620
- 0.0263
- 0.0623
24. In a well-designed aircraft wing, the velocity above the wing is great. As a consequence,
the pressure above the wing
- Is greater than below
- Is less than below
- Is equal to the pressure below
- Remains the same
25. The wind during stormy days is an example of a ____ flow.
- Viscous
- Chaotic
- Turbulent
- streamline
26. An express train goes past a station platform at a high speed. A person standing on the
edge of the platform tends to be
- Unaffected by the train’s passage
- Repelled from the train
- attracted/repelled depending on the ration of their speeds
- Attracted to the train
27. The volume of liquid flowing per second out an orifice at the bottom of a tank does not
depend on the
- Area of the orifice
- Density of the liquid
- Height of the liquid above the orifice
- Value of the acceleration due to gravity
28. According to Daniel Bernoulli, the pressure exerted by
- Fast moving air is greater than steady air
- Stationary air is less than fast moving air
- A stream of air does not depend on velocity
- Fast moving air is less than stationary air.
29. In a system of pipes in series
- Frictional coefficients are equal
- Velocities are equal
- Head losses are equal
- Flows are the same
30. Airplane flight is best illustrated by
- Pascal’s law
- Torricelli’s principle
- Archimedes’ principle
- Bernoulli’s principle
31. Odd man out
- Blaise Pascal
- Osborne Reynolds
- Evangelista Torricelli
- Daniel Bernoulli
32. A dam is thicker at the base than at the top because_____
- Water pressure is greater with increasing depth
- Surface tension exist only on the surface of liquids
- Water is denser at deeper levels
- It looks better
33. When a chocolate is cut into half, its density is____
- Halve
- Tripled
- Doubled
- unchanged
34. Pumice is a volcanic rock that floats in water, its density _____
- Is more than that of water
- Is less than that of water
- Is equal to that of water
- Depends on the density of water
35. For bodies that sink, all of the following are numerically the same except the______
- Loss of weight
- Weight of the displaced liquid
- Buoyant force
- Apparent weight
36. Which of the following cannot be a unit of weight density?
- N/m3
- lbs/ft3
- g/ml
- dyne/cm3
37. At the same depth, which exerts the greatest pressure?
- Salt water
- Glycerin
- Ethyl alcohol
- Liquid nitrogen
38. The density of a lake full of water is _____ the density of a cup full of lake water.
- Incomparable to
- Equal to
- Less than
- Greater than
- other:_____
40. A hydraulic structure built for the purpose of impounding or holding back water.
- Breakwater
- Dike
- Dam
- Open channel
41. An egg is placed at the bottom of a bowl filled with water. Salt is slowly added to the water
until the egg rises and floats. From this experiment, one concludes
- Salt sinks to the bottom
- The density of the salt-H20 solution exceeds that of the egg
- Buoyant force does not always act upward
- Calcium in the egg’s shell repelled sodium chloride

42. Three ice blocks are floating in bathtubs filled to the brim with water. Block A has large air
bubbles trapped in it. Block B has unfrozen water in it and block C has an iron spike embedded
in it. When the ice melts, what happens?
- All stays exactly the same
- Water level in A will stay the same while the other two spill over
- Water level in C will decrease while the other two remains
- Only water in letter C will spill over
43. Pascal’s principle is applied to all of the following except,
- Hydraulic lift
- Can crusher
- Car brakes
- Insect spray
44. Ice cubes submerged at the bottom of a liquid mixture indicate that the mixture
- Fails to produce a buoyant force on the ice
- Is less dense than ice
- Is composed of open-structured crystals
- Has dissolved air in the liquid state
45. A system which do not allow for physical transfer of matter; but allow energy to flow to and
from the system and its surroundings in form of heat, radion and work
- Closed
- Universal
- Isolated
- open
46. The food in the refrigerator is cooled by
- Neither of these
- Condensation of the refrigerating liquid
- Vaporization of the refrigerating fluid
- Either of these
47. The thermodynamic process in which there is no flow of heat in or out of the system
- Irreversible
- Isochoric
- Non-spontaneous
- adiabatic
48. _______ is a thermodynamic process, a phase transition in which gas transforms into solid
- Deposition
- Sublimation
- Condensation
- solidification
49. All of the following are examples of adiabatic process related to engineering except______
- Expansion of hot gasses in an internal combustion engine
- Freezing of water brought by refrigerant
- Liquefaction of glasses in a cooling system
- Compression stroke in a diesel engine
50. Heat cannot spontaneously flow from a colder location to a hotter location. From which
thermodynamic is it?
- First law of thermodynamics
- Third law of thermodynamics
- Zeroth law of thermodynamics
- Second law of thermodynamics
51. A thermodynamic process that requires external influence and effort to proceed forward in
form of work and catalyst in reaction
- Reversible
- Isothermic
- Adiabatic
- non-spontaneous
52. A heat pump generally comprises four key components. Which one does not belong?
- Compressor
- Condenser
- Evaporator
- Refrigerant
- Expansion valve
53. All of the following is true about heat pumps, except
- A heat engine that runs in the irreversible direction
- Transfer heat from a cold body to a hot body at the expense of mechanical energy
supplied to by an external agent
- Used to transfer thermal energy by absorbing heat from a cold space and releasing it to a
warmer one
- A device that is used to transfer heat energy to a thermal reservoir
54. Your feet feel warmer on a rug than on a tile floor in the same room because the rug
- Is a better insulator than the tile
- All of these
- Is usually warmer than the tile
- Has more internal energy
55. Thermal energy is transferred between any two bodies of different_____
- Latent heat fusion
- Temperatures
- Internal energy
- Specific heat
56. Ice put in a cooler in order to cool the contents. In order to speed-up the cooling process, the
ice can be
- Crushed
- Kept out of contact with the food
- Drained of icy water periodically
- Wrapped in newspaper

57. Two identical long, thin, solid cylinders are used to conduct heat from a reservoir at
temperature thot to a reservoir at temperature Tcold. Originally the cylinders are connected in
series and the rate of heat transfer is H. If the cylinders are connected in parallel instead, then
what would be the rate of heat transfer?
- 2H
- 4H
- 16H
- H/2
58. A paper cup of water held in flame will not set on fire. This is because
- Paper is an excellent conductor of heat
- The paper cannot become appreciably hotter than the water that it is in contact with
- The inside of the paper is wet
- Paper is a poor conductor of heat
59. An inventor discovers a harmless and tasteless salt, which, when added to water changes its
boiling point. The market value of this salt will be best if the salt
- Lowers the boiling point of water
- Is of low calorie
- Either it lowers or raises the boiling point as the food will be cooked anyway
- Raises the boiling point of water
60. Heat water will cool to room temperature fastest in a
- White pot
- Jackpot
- Black pot
- Silver pot
61. If a volume of air is warmed, it expands. If a volume of air expands, it _____
- Warms
- Is heated
- Cools
- Neither warms or cools
62. If you want to cook eggs by boiling them whilst in the mountains, you should
- None of these
- Use a hotter flame
- Boil eggs for a shorter time
- Boil eggs for a longer time
63. A good absorber of radiation is a
- Poor emitter of radiation
- None of these
- Good emitter of radiation
- Good reflector
64. Suppose you were served coffee at a restaurant before you are ready to drink it. In order for it
to be the hottest when you are ready for it, you should add cream
- When you are ready to drink the coffee
- Right away
- At any time
- After you have gulped it to the last drop
65. Also known as “apparent temperature” is what the temperature feels like to the human body
when relative humidity is combined with the air temperature is called
- Heat island effect
- Warming up
- Heat index
- Greenhouse effect
66. We feel uncomfortably warm on a muggy day because water molecules are
- Condensing on our bodies
- Evaporating from our moist bodies
- Trapped in our skin pores thus heat is trapped
- Preventing the evaporation from our moist bodies
67. A hotdog pants and breathes rapidly
- For no particular reason-some things happen the way they do
- To help evaporation occur in its mouth and bronchial tract
- To bring more oxygen to its lungs
- To impress dogs of the opposite sex
68. If you were caught in the freezing weather with only a candle for heat, you would be warmest
- A tent
- An igloo
- A car
- A wooden shack
69. The main reason why one can walk barefoot on red-hot coals of wood without burning his
feet has to do with
- Mind-over-matter techniques
- Low temperature of the coals
- The high threshold of pain of the soles of our feet
- Low thermal conductivity of the coals
70. To walk barefoot on hot coals without seriously harming your feet, it would be best if your
feet are
- Oiled
- Wet or dry
- Dry
- wet
71. Fire fighters find that the temperature of a burning material is best lowered when water is
- Used in very small amounts
- Pointed away from flames’ center
- Sprayed as a fine mist
- saline
72. Evaporation is a cooling process and condensation is
- Neither cooling nor warming
- Either of the two
- Warming process
- Cooling process also
73. The heat energy acquired or released when a material changes phase.
- Specific heat
- Apparent heat
- Latent heat
- Internal energy
74. When stringing telephone lines between poles in the summer, it is advisable to allow the lines
- Be taut
- Allow ample space for birds
- Sag
- Be close to the ground
75. A brass pin is a little too large to fit in a hole in a steel block. In order to insert the pin on the
hole in the block, we should
- Heat the pin and cool the block
- Heat them both
- Cool them both
- Cool the pin and heat the block
76. Compared to a giant iceberg, a hot cup of coffee has higher
- Internal energy and higher temperature
- None of these
- Specific heat and internal energy
- Temperature but less internal energy
77. During very cold winters, water pipes sometimes burst. The reason for this is
- Water expands when cooling
- The thawing process releases pressure on the pipes
- Water contracts when cooling
- The ground contracts when colder pulling the pipes apart
78. Heat energy travels from an object with a high
- Neither of these
- Temperature to an object with lower temperature
- Both of these, for they essentially mean the same thing
- Internal energy to an object of lower internal energy
79. Consider a closed, rigid and sealed can of air placed on a hot stove. The contained air
undergoes an increase in temperature and pressure
- None of these
- Mass
- Procedure
- volume
80. When an iron ring is heated, the hole becomes
- Smaller
- Unchanged
- Undetermined
- bigger
81. When you touch a piece of ice with your finger, energy flows to
- The ice from your finger
- Your finger from the ice
- Actually both ways
- The surrounding air from your finger
82. Heat energy travels from an object with a high
- Neither of these
- Temperature to an object with lower temperature
- Both of these, for they essentially mean the same thing
- Internal energy to an object of lower internal energy
83. Consider a closed, rigid and sealed can of air placed on a hot stove. The contained air
undergoes an increase in temperature and____
- None of these
- Mass
- Pressure
- volume
84. Why does a+ glass sometimes break if you quickly pour boiling water into it
- The glass becomes hot and expands, causing the molecules to break
- The hot water cools when it touches the glass, shrinking and pulling the glass in
- Hot water expands, pushing the glass out
- The inside of the glass expands faster than the outside of the glass, causing the glass to
85. All but one are units used in measuring the amount of heat. Which is it?
- Calories
- Dynes
- Ft-lbs
86. Having the same mass and coming from the same initial temperatures, which of the
following cools down slowest when liberated of heat?
- Water
- Lead
- Steel
- aluminum
87. Of the following metals, the one that expands most a given temperature is
- Aluminum
- Steel
- Copper
- iron
88. When a chocolate is cut into half, its density is_____
- Halved
- Tripled
- Doubled
- unchanged

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