Activity II TCW

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Republic of the Philippines


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Mechanical Engineering Department



Name: Marfa, Joan T. Date: April 25, 2023

Section: ME-1202

PART I: Development (15 Pts)

The word ‘development’ is widely used to refer to a specified state of advancement or

growth. It is the process of progress, or changing from one condition to another. This
development caters several positive and negative outcomes. In line with these, cite three (3)
advantages and disadvantages of development (please explain each advantage/disadvantage in
not more than 200 words and please refrain from answering those that have been discussed).

 Increased Innovation: Development can lead to increased innovation and technological
advancement, which can improve productivity and efficiency in various sectors. The
generation of ideas and development of proposals is a vital part of the innovation process,
it usually involves supporting and facilitating activities focused on the exploration,
invention and development of new ideas. Development is essential for innovation, with
development, people can develop various knowledge and technologies as these innovation
can lead to much easier way of life.

 Improved Quality of Life: As development being an essential part of innovation and

these innovation leads to much better knowledge, ideas, machines, technologies and many
more together with science and technology, as these things were very much helpful to the
society in making their everyday lives much easier and convenient.
 Technologies like cell phone, pc and laptops paves way to much easier communication,
kitchen equipment like ovens, induction cookers and more make cooking much easier and
faster, and thus many more development in technologies leads the society to a much better
way of life. Development can improve the quality of life for people by providing better
access to healthcare, education, and other basic services. It can also lead to the
development of better infrastructure, such as roads, public transportation, and
communication networks.

 Environmental Sustainability: With development, environmental sustainability can be

attained since, the purpose of development is to raise people's living standards and quality
of life while maintaining the environment's resources. Development can promote
environmental sustainability, as it seeks to balance economic growth with environmental
protection and social development. This can lead to the preservation of natural resources,
reduction of pollution and thus overall protecting the environment.


 Overconsumption: As the world continues to revolve and as society continues to adapt to

the changes that this generation is facing, development and innovation had played a
crucial part on this, as it continues to improve and modernized today’s living, but with that
concept in mind. People tend to always just think of how they would make things easier
and comfortable to them, formulating such devices, and technologies without paying
consideration to its main source of resources, the environment. Development can lead to
overconsumption of natural resources and energy, which can exacerbate environmental
problems such as climate change and resource depletion.

 Dependence: Development can create a dependence on external resources or

technologies, which can be unsustainable in the long term. This can lead to economic and
political instability, as well as reduced autonomy. Developments like Economic can lead
to decreased dependence on foreign aid and increased self-sufficiency. When a country's
economy is strong and growing, it can generate its own resources and reduce reliance on
external support. Political development, such as democratization and the establishment of
rule of law, can reduce dependence on authoritarian leaders and systems.
When citizens have a say in how their country is governed, they may be less vulnerable to
the whims of individual leaders or political factions. Overall it is important to carefully
consider the potential impacts of development initiatives on dependence, in order to
minimize negative effects and maximize positive outcomes.

 Inequality: Development can exacerbate inequality, particularly if it only benefits a small

segment of the population. For example, if the best schools and healthcare facilities are
located in wealthy areas, it can create a divide between those who have access to these
resources and those who do not. This can result in social and political tensions, as well as
reduced social cohesion. To ensure that development promotes greater equality, it is
important to prioritize the needs of marginalized and vulnerable populations, and to ensure
that the benefits of development are distributed fairly and equitably.

PART II: Global Citizenship (5 Pts)

According to Caecilia Johanna van Peski, global citizenship is a “moral and ethical
disposition that can guide the understanding of individuals or groups of local and global contexts,
and remind them of their relative responsibilities within various communities”. Taking an active
role and participating in the social and political life of a community is vital in contributing for
solving certain problems. Being a global citizen is a great challenge to everyone especially for the
goal of attaining social and political transformation. Thus, as a global citizen, what global
problem would you like to accentuate, and how would you contribute in alleviating such threat
(indicate only “ONE” problem and explain it in not more than 7 sentences)?

A global problem that I want to recognize more is corruption. C orruption is a

global phenomenon that causes poverty, obstructs development and drives away
investment. Corruption refers to the misuse of power or authority for personal gain or
benefit, often at the expense of others. It involves dishonest or unethical conduct, such as
bribery, embezzlement, fraud, nepotism, cronyism, and favouritism and can occur in any
sector of society, including government, business, and civil society, and it undermines the
rule of law, distorts the allocation of resources, and erodes public trust in institutions. It
also undermines judicial and political systems that are supposed to serve the public good.
This is not surprising as the rule of law has weakened, the voices of the people
have become unheard, and public trust in government officials and institutions has been
eroded. It affects all regions of the world and all levels of society, but the impact is
greatest in developing countries, corruption erodes the trust people have in the public
sector to act in its best interests. It also wastes workers taxes or rates that have been
earmarked for important community projects – meaning people have to put up with poor
quality services or infrastructure.
In order for corruption to be reduced and totally vanished, as a citizen it is my
responsibility to get involve and be aware on what is happening around me, since the lack
of knowledge on social issues can lead to misconceptions and misunderstanding of what is
really going on. As a citizen myself, I do also know that it is my duty when I arrived at
age of 18 to register as a voter in Commission on Elections as it gives people power to
elect the rightful and suited person on the public service. Additionally, refusing to
participate in corrupt activities is another way in stopping corruption is to refuse to
participate in it, do not engage in bribery, kickbacks, or any other form of corrupt activity.
Stopping corruption is a collective effort that requires the participation of all members of
society. By taking these simple ways, we can play our part in creating a more transparent
and accountable society.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

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