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Wh- questions with verb to be.

Look at the answer and write the question.

1. ________ is Mary?
She’s in the kitchen.

2. _________that old man next to the door?

He’s my father, David.

3. ______________from?
My mother is from Huila.

4. _____________your birthday?
My birthday is on November 4th.

5. ___________book is this?
It’s my sister’s.

6. ________________________names?
My children’s names are David and Verónica.

7. _______________ sugar is there in cupboard?

There ‘s a lot of sugar in the cupboard.

8. _________________________?
My brother is fine. Thanks for asking.

My grandma is 82 years old.

10. _________________________?
My wife’s name is Johanna.

11. __________________ ___________?

My email is

12. ____________________like?
My best friend is smart, energetic, and generous.

13. _________________ at the Colombo?

I’m at the Colombo because I want to learn English very well.

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