Institut Pendidikan Guru, Kampus Perlis: School Based Experience

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Communicative Activities, Instructional Language and Questioning techniques. My first day of school Based Experience starts in class year 6 A with 14 students on English lesson conducted by Mr. Sivamani. I able to observed the way of him conduct the class and get to know how important to choose a method or approach in a successful language learning classroom. Communicative method was chosen by him and I found that it is really effective with standard 6 students. The first thing he did after entered the class was recall the lesson that he taught previously whereby students responded very well to him. This type of activity can call as communicative activity where teacher engage with students to get attention from them. The topic that he focused on that day was conjunction. He introduced two types of conjunctions, and and because. With the help of textbook, he able to explained the roles and types of conjunction. He also set up an activity to involve students in real life situations by giving them chances to play roles where the students discussed their own dialogues among their groups according to the situation given by the teacher. Along their presentations, teacher will guide and correct their mistakes if got any. Below are some techniques that used by the teacher to questioned the students: 1. Wait Time: Teacher give students time to think after he pose a question to the group. Research has shown that even giving students 3 to 5 seconds to process a question increases quality and quantity of responses dramatically. 2. No Hands Up: Unless they are specifically asked to, students are told NOT to raise their hands when a question is asked. All students should be ready to answer a question, even if the response is, I dont know.

The focus of these techniques is to gain as much information as possible about what students know and dont know. Having this information about your students can guide your instruction as immediately as is practical.

Below is table created according to teachers instructional language: Teachers Language 1. To instruct i. Open your literature book on page 13 ii. Dont forget clean the blackboard before you leave the laboratory.


To praise i. Good job. ii. Well done. iii. Yes, that's correct


To encourage i. You're right, but not in this context, try thinking out of the box. ii. You can do it, try to do more better next time iii. Good thinking but not correct, try again.

According to the above table, I learnt that teacher should mastered the proper way of using instructional language in classroom. This is really important to motivate learners in classroom.

Teachers and learners roles In the process of learning, there are numerous things that play a significant role towards making it a smooth, pleasurable and constructive process. First of all, the teachers are those who set the tone for a great learning environment. However, a lot depends on the way the learners face the lessons and overall, learning, In my point of view, a learner must seriously take into consideration that learning is a great commitment. Most of the times, it requires hard work in order for it to be a successful procedure. Building up knowledge should be continuous; that is, the learners should consistently study so as not to have any gaps, for the reason that then they will have serious problems in their learning. Learning is like a chain, and each lesson and studying time is a link in the chain. If the learners fail to study or miss a lesson without making up for it, then they automatically break the learning chain and their learning is disrupted. For that reason, teachers are there to remind learners that both of them should stick to a schedule and that when a lesson is missed, it will surely be made up for. Teachers also must understand what kind of learner they are: are they visual, auditory, kinesthetic? This can be encouraged by the teachers. Not everyone learns the same way. It is important for them to decide on what kind of learner they are, as this will help them tremendously. Learning will become much easier and naturally, more pleasant for them. All elements combined, the learner is a person responsible for their advancement in learning and should be organized, attentive and should be prepared to study, so as to be successful in the work they have undertaken. In order for them to achieve this though, the teacher is responsible for the learning process to a great extent. If the teacher turns the classroom into an enthusiastic and encouraging place for learning (as well as organized), then the learner will enjoy being there as well.

Effective Classroom Management Classroom management refers to the actions a teacher needs to take in order to maintain order in the classroom which enables meaningful learning to take place. Based on my observation and interview of a teacher , a teacher should spend 90% on describing rules more completely and installing procedures more systematically and 10% on actual teaching. The rationale is that students will learn better and remember the material when they know what is expected of them in terms of how they should behave in the classroom. According to my analysis, there are some strategies that a teacher can be used to maintain an effective learning classroom. For example, decide in advance how we want our students to behave and then make these expectations crystal clear to the students. Not having well-defined rules or procedures leads to chaos in the classroom. As a teacher, we have the authority and we are in the charge. Teach rules and procedures as deliberately and thoroughly as academic content. It is easier after a while to assume the students have understood the rules and procedures but too often, this leads to neglecting to teach desirable behaviour. Spend as much time on management issues as academic content. It is infinitely easier to hurry through classroom rules and procedures just to start teaching. But the payoffs are lousy. During the first month of school and for the remainder of the school year, continue to review and reinforce these management issues. Failing to invest time required to teaching classroom rules and procedures will lead to a lack of accountability and proper learning. Kids thrive on structure and a proper framework for learning. Last but not least, we as a teacher should inform students of punishments or penalties and what they will be used for. These show how a teacher has to play their roles as a classroom manager to ensure the effectiveness of learning process.

Techniques in teaching language skills Teachers play an important role to help children master basic language skills because they can apply more flexible approaches to reinforce what kids are learning in classrooms. Professional teacher can provide unique activities, help with homework, and give personal attention to children who may be struggling with reading or writing. Note that the activities are organized around particular skills and techniques, rather than age, for the important reason that students in our classroom have various skills levels, regardless of their age. The activities must always be age appropriate, of course, a requirement that presents certain challenges when working with students whose skill levels lag behind their age group. The lesson ideas have to work with any age, but we need to be sensitive to the students' interests and prior knowledge in using them. The key to most education, especially to teaching reading and writing, is repetition, reinforcement and practice. Although that idea is nothing new, repetition sometimes gets a bad rap. When it's done poorly, it's called "drill and kill" mechanical reiteration until all interest and excitement has been drained away. Yet, it doesn't have to be that way. The challenge lies in finding ways to turn repetition and practice into engaging activities that students actually want to do. Like poets, athletes, dancers or anyone else, students learn through emulation and practice, yet it's easy to poke fun at the "drill and kill" exercises and worksheets students are often assigned as homework. Has anyone ever learned to play the piano without practicing scales? Repetition and reinforcement must occur, or children will not learn if the style of reinforcement is dull and draining.

Reflection In summary, the teachers came to a number of insights by the end of the Program. Their role had changed considerably as an outcome of their engagement in personalised learning. The traditional role of the teacher as a pedagogical specialist in literacy or numeracy had expanded to include new activities which involved providing a more personalised and holistic approach to students individual learning experiences. This was evidenced, for example, by the pre-enrolment service, which involved teachers moving outside the traditional classroom walls to support students decision making prior to enrolment. As teachers adopted new ways of working their levels of engagement changed and their willingness to share professional expertise, take risks in their teaching, and generate ideas increased. There was a change in the nature and quality of relationships between teacher and students. By personalising learning teachers and students had increased opportunities to recognise the unique talents, and skills of each other. This recognition led to increased respect and expanded interaction between all parties which in turn facilitated chances for collaborative learning. The teachers changing role involved a shift in acceptance of responsibility for their own professional learning. Teachers working within a collaborative context used in personalised learning, needed to become active and reflective learner themselves to enhance their knowledge of different pedagogies. Teachers professional learning became more integrated with their work resulting in more intense and productive professional conversations between teachers

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