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IB. Juan Perón.

Assignm.5 – The Argentina Reader and BBC.

From the Argentina Reader: (Theme – Society before Perón).

Splendour and Fin de Sicécle (p.157-160).

1. According to the text, what does this period (ca. 1880-1910) mean in Argentine history?

It was the centaury of independence from Spain. Historians have discribed describe 1880 as
the year when the progress of national orginatsation was consummated. It was the year.
That General Julio A. Roca won the national elections and became the president.

2. What is General Roca known for?

General Roca is known as the ‘hero of the desert’. He led the military campaign that rebelled
against the Armerindain tribes in Patagonia, he claimed their land for states and openly
mimicked the westward expansion of the United States.

3. How does the text define the „so-called oligarchy“?

It defies them as ‘an educated, progressive and arrogant elite composed of liberals anxious
to advance Argentine prosperity through massive immigration, urbanisation and public
education.they were writers and thinkers committed to the scientific and materialistic values
of social Darwinism and Positivism who are a-closely related to landowning interests’.

4. What statistic does the text give concerning economic growth on p.158 and in what field?

5. How is that linked to the transformation of Buenos Aires into a modern city?

The Paris of South America (p.170-181).

6. Write one paragraph on how the text decribes the settings/situation of the upper class.
7. Write one paragraph on how the text describes the settings/situation of the lower class.

Watch the BBC series: A cook abroad with John Torodes.

8. What is John Torodes doing in Argentina?

9. With his guide Nadia (Argentina´s Nigella Lawson ), what is it that he eats?
10. Min 8, he goes to a cattle-market outside of Buenos Aires. At the end of the visit, why is he
so suprised and shocked, and even „heart-broken“?
11. Why is he happier on min 18:00 and what does he say about the surroundings and beef?
12. What does he drink on the farm and explain the beverage? Find af picture of Che Guevara or
Maradona or Messi with that drink and put it here.
13. On min 40:55 he stops at a road-side café-parilla (truck stop in the middle of nowhere). What
surprises him there?

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