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June 7, 2023

Dear UE CFAD College Secretary Ronwell Jason L. Bacani,

I, be joining the University of the East Yearend Commencement Rites of SY 2022-


I had my in-toga photo taken by KLIK Media Group, which will submit my selected
photo on my behalf for use in the slideshow of the commencement rites, as well as for
my transcript of records and for the eventual UE Panorama Yearbook 2023.

Attached is a clear voice-recording of myself saying my name properly, for the

reference of the readers during the commencement rites.

By participating in the commencement rites, I am giving my consent to the

University to include my photo, name, degree obtained, and honor and/or award, if any,
into the slideshow that will be part of the commencement rites. My photo and said
details (name, degree obtained, and honor and/or award) may also be used for possible
announcement purposes involving the honor roll or special awardees roster.

I acknowledge the following:

a. My in-toga photo and other details relative to my commencement will be

forwarded by my College/Graduate School, to the UE Marketing and University
Relations Department (MURD), and kept by the MURD for a maximum of five
years—after which my submitted files will be disposed of permanently.

b. My photo and other details relative to my commencement may be used as

publication materials for University activities and for promoting the University,
such as, but not limited to, announcements, advertisements, recognitions,
acknowledgments, promotions, and campaigns in any and all media, as well
as publication on the Internet, and will become the property of the University,
and be kept for use by the University.

c. My College/Graduate School will delete all communication threads and

submitted files regarding the commencement after one semester.

d. Should there be a change in IATF alert levels within the months leading up to
the graduation that may affect the possibility of holding a physical graduation, I
understand and agree that a virtual commencement may take place in lieu of a
physical one.

e. Should the commencement rites become virtual under the said circumstances,
I hereby extend the same consent I have given above for my name, photo, and
aforesaid details to be used in the slideshow of the virtual commencement
rites, and subsequently made available for later viewing to the general public
via online platforms such as YouTube and/or Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram. I am likewise aware as well that if the commencement rites will be
held virtual, it will be inaccessible for viewing within 48-hours post-live stream.

Thank you and keep safe.


Geraldine A. Bermundo

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