Consumer Behavior

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A Quantitative Research Study Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School

St. Michael’s College, Basic Education Department
Iligan City




October 2023
Chapter 1


In the ever-evolving landscape of commerce, the digital realm has emerged as a

transformative force, reshaping the way consumers shop, interact with brands, and

make purchasing decisions. The advent of e-commerce has ushered in an era where

convenience, accessibility, and choice converge to redefine traditional consumer

behavior. This dynamic shift in retail paradigms necessitates a comprehensive

examination of online shopping trends and the underlying consumer motivations that

drive them. As online shopping continues to grow, businesses need to adapt their

strategies to meet changing consumer expectations.

This comparative exploration embarks on a journey through the multifaceted

world of online shopping, transcending geographical boundaries and spanning diverse

industries. Ultimately, it delves into the nuances of e-commerce trends, dissecting the

strategies and innovations adopted by businesses across the globe.

Undoubtedly, the e-commerce fashion industry is expanding globally due to the

growing number of internet users, higher disposable income, and innovative technologies

(Orendorff, 2019). Ecommerce has brought the shopping experience to their fingertips via

desktop and mobile devices, completely changing the way consumers shop (ESW,

2022). It is crucial to comprehend how consumer behavior changes inside this digital

environment given its recent rapid rise. Moreover, Han (2021) stated that “There are

multiple differences between E-commerce and traditional marketing, so consumers’

purchasing decision-making process shows some new features and rules.

Concurrently, the researchers scrutinize the intricate web of consumer behavior,

seeking to unravel the motivations that drive individuals to choose digital channels

over traditional brick-and-mortar stores.

This study aims to shed light on how e-commerce trends offering valuable

insights into consumer behavior specific to this vibrant market. By doing so, the

research hopes to provide a clearer picture of the opportunities and challenges facing

businesses and policymakers as they navigate the evolving digital shopping landscape.

This study covers the entire semester of the academic year 2023 – 2024.

Theoretical framework

Theoretical framework serves as critical pillars in academic research, providing a

conceptual structure that guides the inquiry, analysis, and interpretation of phenomena.

Rooted in established theories and conceptual models, a theoretical framework

establishes a solid foundation for understanding the relationships between variables

and constructs under investigation. It serves as a lens through which researchers can

view their topic of interest, offering a systematic and organized approach to studying

complex phenomena. By integrating existing knowledge, theories, and empirical

evidence, a well-developed theoretical framework not only enhances the coherence and

rigor of a study but also enables researchers to generate insightful hypotheses and make

meaningful contributions to the field.

The study draws from various relevant theories and models to provide a

comprehensive understanding of the research topic.

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM; Davis, 1989)

The Technology Acceptance Model, developed by Davis in the late 1980s,

explores how users come to accept and use technology. In the context of e-commerce,

TAM can help in understanding consumer attitudes and behaviors related to online

shopping platforms. It considers factors such as perceived ease of use and perceived

usefulness, which influence consumer adoption of e-commerce.

Consumer Decision-Making Process

The Consumer Decision-Making Process model encompasses various stages

consumers go through when making a purchase. It includes stages such as problem

recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision, and post-

purchase evaluation. This model can be applied to analyze how consumers make

decisions in the context of online shopping. It is the method used by marketers to

identify and track the decision making process of a customer journey from start to

finish. It is broken down into 5 individual stages. According to the study “All

marketing decisions are based on assumptions and knowledge of consumer behavior.”

(Hawkins, Mothersbaugh & Best, 2007). Understanding consumer behavior has

consistently been a central focus in marketing, as comprehending the reasons behind

consumer actions and purchasing choices empowers companies to enhance their

marketing tactics and achieve greater success in the market. Consequently, a pressing

concern for all modern marketers is how to effectively shape consumer purchasing

behavior in favor of their products or services.

Commitment-Trust Theories

This theory assumes that trust and commitment overpowers all other contextual

issues together with the exchange partner power which can be used to determine

relationship success. Hunt and Morgan (1994), justified the role of being committed and

trust in putting forward relationship marketing by insisting that they encourage

marketers to work at preserving the relationship investments. Commitment to

relationship according to this theory is the enduring desire to keep a valued

relationship which can be well related to customer versus. Trust may be defined as

“confidence in the exchange partner’s reliability and integrity” and commitment

defined as the desire or intention to maintain a valued relationship into the future.

According to Stern and Reve, (1980), this theory combines the economic efficiency with

the power theories to explain the development of customer relationship marketing.

Culture and Consumer Behavior Theory

Cultural theories can help in understanding how cultural factors, such as values,

norms, and beliefs, shape consumer behavior in different regions. This is particularly

important in a comparative study, as it can explain variations in e-commerce trends and

consumer behavior across cultures. Consumer culture theory encompasses a range of

theoretical viewpoints that examine consumption decisions and behaviors from a

perspective that diverges from traditional economic or psychological approaches.

Instead, it delves into the social and cultural dimensions, exploring the intricate

interplay between consumer actions, the marketplace, and the cultural significance

attached to them" (Arnould, E. J.; Thompson, C. J. (2005).

The Five Stages of Consumer Buying Process

Also known as the consumer decision-making process, is a series of steps that

individuals go through when purchasing a product or service. These steps help

consumers make informed choices by evaluating their needs, considering alternatives,

and ultimately making a purchase decision. The consumer buying process typically

consists of the following stages:

Need Recognition. In an E-commerce setting, the initial step in the consumer

buying decision process is to create demand. Unlike traditional markets, where both

internal and external influences play a role, online consumers are primarily influenced

by the Internet, which can be seen in the following ways. First, there's online media,

which provides various information that can directly or indirectly impact a consumer's

decision to make a purchase. Second, there are online communities where Internet users

share their shopping experiences in virtual spaces like forums and discussion boards,

and where product recommendations are common. Lastly, online businesses engage in

marketing activities like online ads, bidding, auctions, and public relations efforts, all of

which aim to stimulate consumers' desire to buy. Once consumers are influenced by

both internal and external factors, they may perceive a gap between what they want

and what they actually need.

Information Search. When consumers want to buy something and are ready to

buy it, they usually begin looking for information in different ways. For example, when

shopping online, they can use search engines, compare different shopping websites,

check out shopping forums, and use various tools to get all the information they need.

This is easier and faster than the traditional way of gathering information. Even though

online shopping has made finding information quicker and easier, some consumers are

more interested in gathering information than others.

Evaluation of Alternatives. Consumers will evaluate different products or

brands at this stage on the basis of alternative product attributes - those which have the

ability to deliver the benefits the consumer is seeking. Customer attitude and

involvement are factors that heavily influence this stage. When they choose things to

buy, they compare things like what they can do, how they look, how dependable they

are, how much they cost, and what kind of help they can get if something goes wrong,

all based on a certain set of criteria.

Purchase Decision. In online shopping, there's a lot of information available

about products, which helps people make smart choices. This means they're less likely

to make quick, impulsive purchases, and they can decide faster. Also, besides factors

like when and how much to buy, people also decide if they should buy online or in a

physical store. Many consumers gather information online but still choose to buy things

in traditional stores. Marketers should also monitor how the consumers use and dispose

of the product. Such information can be a very good guideline for the marketer.

Marketers can learn possible problems and opportunities relating to the product.

Post-Purchase Behavior. After people buy something online, they often compare

what they got to what they expected. This helps them decide if their choice was good

and guides their future purchases. If the product performance exceeds expectations,

consumers will feel very satisfied; If the actual performance of the product is roughly in

line with the expectations, the consumer will feel basically satisfied; If the performance

of the product does not meet expectations, consumers will feel disappointed and

dissatisfied. Moreover, consumers tend to talk about their feelings to their relatives and

friends around them, which can influence other people's buying choices when they read

these comments on forums, social media, blogs, and other places online.

Online shoppers get most of their information and inspiration from the internet

itself, including social media, online communities, and online marketing. When they

shop online, they can use search engines to find and compare products based on what's

most valuable to them. The internet is full of detailed product information, helping

consumers make smart choices. After making a purchase, consumers often share their

thoughts with friends and family online.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

A conceptual framework serves as the cornerstone of any scholarly investigation,

providing a structured and systematic lens through which complex phenomena can be

analyzed, understood, and explained. It represents a theoretical construct that guides

researchers in their exploration of the research problem, establishing the boundaries,

concepts, and relationships that form the foundation of a study. By delineating the

interconnections between variables and offering a structured approach to inquiry, a

conceptual framework enhances the clarity, coherence, and validity of a study's

findings. In this paper, the researchers presented a comprehensive conceptual

framework that served as the theoretical lens through which the researchers examined

and explored the intricate dynamics in business management. This framework not only

facilitates a deeper understanding of the phenomenon but also provides a basis for

generating hypotheses and contributing to the existing body of knowledge in the field.

This framework helps researchers and analysts understand the complex

interplay between e-commerce platforms and consumer preferences. Here's a structured

outline of such a framework:

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

E- commerce Consumer Behavior

Consumer Support Response

Mediating Response
Product Rating
The Purchase

Statement of the ProblemFigure 1.1 Research Paradigm of the Study

This study endeavors to analyze the behavior of Grade 12 learners at St.

Michael’s College concerning e-commerce trends and their interplay with consumer

behavior. It aims to uncover the underlying motivations that steer individuals toward

digital platforms instead of traditional brick-and-mortar stores.

Specifically, this study will seek answers to the following questions:

1. To determine the demographic of the respondents in terms of:

1. Age

2. Sex

3. Strand

4. Allowance

2. To evaluate how consumers, interact with e-commerce platforms, and what

factors influence their purchasing decisions, in terms of:

2.1 Service Quality

2.1.1 Tangibility

2.1.2 Reliability

2.1.3 Responsiveness

2.1.4 Assurance

2.1.5 Empathy

2.2 Price/Affordability

2.3 Availability/Accessibility

2.4 Delivery

3. What implications do these trends and behaviors have for businesses aiming

to thrive in the digital marketplace?


In the quest to unravel the intricate dynamics of e-commerce trends and

consumer behavior, these hypotheses serve as the guiding propositions that will be

rigorously tested and analyzed throughout the research journey. By establishing these

hypotheses, the researchers aim to shed light on the relationships, patterns, and trends

that underpin the digital shopping experience. Through empirical investigation, the

researchers seek to validate or challenge these hypotheses, ultimately advancing the

understanding of how e-commerce trends influence consumer behavior in the digital


Ho = There is no significant relationship between e-commerce trends and

consumer behavior in the digital age.

Ha = There is a significant relationship between e-commerce trends and

consumer behavior in the digital age.

Significance of the Study

The significance of a study lies in its potential to contribute new insights, address

gaps in knowledge, and create meaningful impacts in a particular field or discipline. By

identifying the importance of a research endeavor, the significance statement highlights

the value and relevance of the study to both academic and practical realms. It elucidates

the potential benefits and implications that can arise from the findings, ranging from

informing policy decisions, advancing theoretical frameworks, improving practices, or

generating further research. The significance of a study underscores its purpose and

justifies the allocation of time, resources, and effort, demonstrating its potential to make

a valuable contribution and enrich the existing body of knowledge.

The researchers' primary objective is to reveal profound insights into the digital

shopping behavior of Grade 12 learners concerning e-commerce trends. They assert that

this study holds substantial implications in the following areas.

Business Executives and Owners. This information is valuable for business

leaders and owners who are responsible for shaping the strategic direction of their

companies. They can use these insights to make informed decisions about marketing

strategies, product development, and customer experiences. It emphasizes the potential

for gaining a competitive edge in the e-commerce sector by implementing the insights

derived from the research.

Local and International Business Development Teams. Professionals

responsible for expanding a company's presence into new global markets can benefit

from these insights. They can use the research findings to understand the local

consumer behaviors, preferences, and e-commerce trends, which are crucial for

successful market entry and growth.

Government Officials and Policymakers. Elected officials and government

policymakers at various levels (local, regional, or national) who are responsible for

shaping and implementing policies related to commerce, trade, and consumer

protection. This information can help them make informed decisions about regulations

and policies that affect e-commerce and consumer behavior within their jurisdiction.

Educational Institutions. Universities, colleges, and academic institutions that

offer programs and courses related to e-commerce, marketing, and consumer behavior.

The study can be used as a resource for curriculum development and as a reference for

educators and students.

Academic Researchers and Scholars. Professors, researchers, and academics in

fields such as marketing, economics, consumer behavior, and e-commerce. They can

benefit from the study's findings as it provides empirical data and insights that can

inform their research projects and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these


Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce. Associations representing

specific industries or trade regions can promote cross-cultural understanding among

their members to enhance global trade relationships.

Economic Development Organizations. Entities tasked with fostering economic

growth within regions or countries can use the research findings to emphasize the

importance of e-commerce as a driver of economic prosperity and to design strategies

that leverage this potential.

Consumers. The primary audience for this statement is the general population of

consumers who engage in online shopping. It conveys the message that the study's

findings, when applied by businesses and policymakers, can lead to improvements in

the online shopping experience and provide consumers with more personalized and

satisfying interactions with e-commerce platforms.

Future Researchers. Future researchers, particularly those interested in the fields

of economics, business, and e-commerce, can draw inspiration from this research to

delve deeper into the complex relationship between e-commerce and economic growth.

This study provides a foundation for further investigation and analysis, encouraging

future scholars to explore and quantify the specific mechanisms through which e-

commerce drives economic prosperity and its implications for different regions and

industries. By building upon this research, future scholars can contribute to a more

comprehensive understanding of the role of e-commerce in the global economy and its

potential for continued growth and development.

The significance of this study extends to its capacity to enlighten and empower a

diverse range of stakeholders. It serves as a wellspring of insights that can bolster

business strategies, stimulate further academic inquiry, and enrich the comprehension

of the continually evolving realm of e-commerce and consumer behavior on a global

canvas. Ultimately, its multifaceted contributions resonate with individuals and

organizations across industries and disciplines, underlining its pivotal role in shaping

the contemporary landscape of digital commerce.

Scope and Delimitations

The scope and delimitation of a study define the boundaries and parameters

within which the research will be conducted. It sets the limits of the investigation,

outlining what will be included and excluded in the study. By establishing the scope,

researchers can focus their efforts on specific aspects of the topic, ensuring clarity and

coherence in their findings. The delimitation, on the other hand, identifies the

constraints and limitations that may affect the study's generalizability and applicability.

Together, the scope and delimitation provide a clear framework for the research,

guiding the researcher in exploring the subject matter effectively and drawing

meaningful conclusions.

The scope and delimitation of the study "UNVEILING DIGITAL SHOPPER


CONSUMER BEHAVIOR" define the boundaries and focus of the research.


Geographic Scope: The study's primary focus will be at St. Michael’s College,

Basic Education Department, located at San Miguel, Iligan City. The intention is to

conduct an in-depth examination within this specific geographic region, allowing for a

concentrated and comprehensive analysis.

Demographic Focus: The research will concentrate on a particular demographic

group, such as Grade 12 learners, within the chosen geographic regions. This

demographic is selected for its relevance to the study's objectives.

E-commerce Trends: The study will explore a range of e-commerce trends,

including online shopping platforms, mobile commerce, payment methods, and

emerging technologies.

Consumer Behavior: The research will investigate various aspects of consumer

behavior, such as purchasing habits, preferences, decision-making processes, and

factors influencing choices between online and offline shopping.

Comparative Approach: The study's primary approach is comparative, aiming to

identify variations and commonalities in e-commerce trends and consumer behavior

across the chosen geographic regions.


Time Frame: The study will focus on e-commerce trends and consumer behavior

within a specific time frame of one semester in the academic year 2023 – 2024.

Specific Demographic: The research will narrow its focus to Grade 12 learners at

St. Michael’s College, Basic Education Department, Iligan City

Limited Regions: The study may not encompass a global perspective but instead

concentrate on specific regions chosen by the researchers for the comparative analysis

and this is at St. Michael’s College, Basic Education Department, Iligan City.

Sampling Constraints: The research may be limited by the sample size and

accessibility of Grade 12 learners within the Basic Education Department of St.

Michael’s College, potentially affecting the generalizability of findings.

Data Sources: Data may be collected from a limited number of sources, such as

surveys, interviews, or secondary data, based on the availability of resources and access

to participants.

Resource Constraints: The study's scope may be influenced by resource

limitations, including budget, time, and personnel available for data collection and


These boundaries are essential for maintaining the research's focus and feasibility

while providing a clear understanding of its limitations.

Definition of Terms

In order to promote clarity and avoid any potential misunderstandings, it is

essential to define key terms within a study. The definition of terms section serves as a

concise explanation of the specific meanings and interpretations of significant concepts,

variables, or terms used throughout the research. By providing clear and precise

definitions, researchers ensure a shared understanding among readers and establish a

common language for discussing the subject matter. This section not only enhances the

overall comprehension of the study but also minimizes ambiguity, enabling readers to

grasp the intended meanings and nuances associated with critical terms that are central

to the research.

For clarification and a better understanding of the terms, the following are

operationally and conceptually defined:

E-commerce: E-commerce, short for electronic commerce, refers to the buying

and selling of goods and services over the internet or other electronic channels. It

encompasses online retail, online marketplaces, electronic payments, and various digital

business models. Electronic commerce, often abbreviated as e-commerce, emerged as a

relatively novel concept in the business landscape during the 1970s. Over time, a

transformative vision of electronic commerce has crystallized, wherein the Internet is

poised to become the indispensable conduit for conducting business as we approach the

turn of the millennium in the year 2000. (Wigand, 1997).

Consumer Behavior: Consumer behavior is the study of how individuals and

groups of consumers select, purchase, use, and dispose of products and services. It

includes the psychological, social, and cultural factors that influence purchasing

decisions. Walters (1974: 7) defines consumer behavior as the process whereby

individuals decide whether, what, when, where, how, and from whom to purchase

goods and services. Schiffman & Kanuk (1997: 648) define consumer behavior as "The

behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and

disposing of products, services, and ideas." Schiffman & Kanuk (1997: 6-7) elaborate on

the definition by explaining that consumer behavior is, therefore, the study of how

individuals make decisions to spend their available resources (time, money, effort) on

consumption-related items. It includes the study of what, why, when, where and how

often they purchase and how they use the purchased product. In addition, it

encompasses all the behaviors that consumers display in searching for, purchasing,

using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy

their needs.

Digital Shopper: A digital shopper is an individual who engages in online

shopping activities, including browsing e-commerce websites, making online

purchases, and interacting with digital shopping platforms.

Insights: Insights refer to valuable and actionable information or knowledge

gained from the analysis of data and observations. In the context of the study, insights

pertain to a deeper understanding of digital shoppers' behaviors and preferences.

Comparative Analysis: Comparative analysis involves examining and

contrasting two or more elements, such as e-commerce trends or consumer behaviors,

to identify similarities, differences, and patterns among them. Comparative research

commonly involves the description and explanation of similarities and differences

of conditions or outcomes among large-scale social units, usually regions, nations,

societies, and cultures. (Böhnke, 2008).

Geographic Scope: Geographic scope defines the specific geographical area or

region under study. In this context, it refers to the location of St. Michael’s College,

Basic Education Department, in San Miguel, Iligan City.

Demographic Group: A demographic group refers to a subset of the population

characterized by specific demographic attributes, such as age, gender, education level,

or other relevant factors. In the study, Grade 12 learners represent a specific

demographic group.

Online Shopping Trends: Online shopping trends encompass the evolving

patterns and behaviors of consumers when shopping online. This can include changes

in shopping frequency, preferences for certain product categories, and shifts in online

shopping platforms.

E-commerce Platform: An e-commerce platform is a digital system or website

that facilitates online transactions between buyers and sellers. Examples include online

marketplaces like Amazon and dedicated e-commerce websites of individual retailers.

E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or

the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet.

These business transactions occur either as business-to-business (B2B), business-to-

consumer (B2C), consumer-to-consumer or consumer-to-business. E-commerce is

powered by the internet. Customers access an online store to browse through and place

orders for products or services via their own devices. (Lutkevich, B., Chai, W., & Holak,

B., 2022).

Consumer Preferences: Consumer preferences are the choices and inclinations of

consumers regarding product features, brands, pricing, and other factors that influence

their purchasing decisions.

Cross-Cultural Understanding: Cross-cultural understanding involves

recognizing and appreciating the differences and similarities in behaviors, values, and

norms across diverse cultural contexts. As described by VILA (2005), intercultural

communication may be defined as a communicative process involving individuals from

reference cultures which are sufficiently different to be perceived as such, with certain

personal and/or contextual barriers having to be overcome in order to achieve effective


These definitions provide a foundation for understanding the key terms and

concepts that will be explored in the study. Researchers can further refine and expand

upon these definitions as needed within the context of their research.

Chapter 2


The literature review section of this study presented a comprehensive overview

of the previous research and studies from various sources that are pertinent and

relevant to this study. These works have been identified as supplementary resources

that contribute to the studies overall strength and significance. By drawing upon this

existing body of knowledge, the researchers aim to deepen their understanding of the

subject matter and highlight the unique contributions of this study. Moreover, the

literature review helped to provide context and establish a theoretical framework for

the study, which is crucial for a thorough comprehension of the research. Overall, this

section of the study served as a vital foundation for the subsequent analysis and

discussion of the study's findings.

Related Literature

In the contemporary landscape of online commerce, consumers actively seek a

sense of community and camaraderie, even in their interactions with digital businesses.

Remarkably, a substantial 62% of e-commerce buyers express their desire to be part of a

community associated with an online brand, and they are open to generating content

for these e-commerce companies if given the opportunity. It is increasingly evident that

the future of e-commerce consumer behavior is trending towards a strong emphasis on

user-generated content (UGC). Consumers aspire to participate in the marketing efforts

of online businesses and yearn to become integral members of their virtual


Nosto (2022) explained that “as an online business, your strategic focus should

be on cultivating an environment that unites your consumers in a shared online space.

Looking ahead, encouraging your customers to become active members of your online

store's community can be instrumental in building a robust customer base and a

devoted following for your brand. This approach not only propels you closer to your

business objectives but also expedites the growth of your enterprise.”

Similarly, a study entitled “Online Consumer Behavior: Theory and Research in

Social Media Advertising and E-tail" states that “Today, consumers purchase products

and services in brick and mortar stores, through online Web sites as well as other

venues. They share information readily and instantaneously via multiple social media

outlets. Consequently, in many respects, researchers have had to rethink how to study

consumers' behavior. Indeed, one of the effects of the World Wide Web is to make

available to consumers throughout the world products and services any time of the day

and night. (Close, A. G., Ed., 2012).

Moreover, a study on the " Online Consumer Behavior Models: A Literature

Review " concluded that “Online shopping has come out of the apprehension period to

a new era of world where everybody wants to part of online world. Primarily the focus

was on building ‘trust' on online shopping web site as there was replacement of

salesman of physical place to a new virtual world. Trust leads to change in 'attitude'

which influenced purchase intention online. Both these variables have changes over a

period of time from 2002 to 2015. The most apparent factors of online consumer

behavior were/are saving on time, money, efforts remain constant motivators. It has

been observed there a strong need of a simple integrated model of online consumer

behavior rather than complicated models available. Today's consumer is technology

savvy and technology up gradations are self-learned.” (Kaur, B. & Khurana, S., 2017).

A study of Ha (2018) on the “Effects of Online Brand Community On Value

Creation Practices: Mediating Effects of Community Loyalty,” test results showed that it

has a significant effect that online brand community has the strongest effects on social

networking, it produces altruistic behaviors and collective actions, even without the

presence of moral responsibility. For example, social networking practice leads

members to behave altruistically by articulating behavioral expectations for community

members. Through brand use practice, members spontaneously accumulate expertise

on individual topics within online brand community, and it helps other members who

seek for reliable information regarding the consumption of a focal brand.

International Studies

“A Study on Impact of E-Commerce on Consumer Buying Behaviour (With Special

Reference to Grocery Products, Consumer of Coimbatore District)” (Lissy, N.S.
&Krupa, M., 2023)

The findings of the study revealed that young people falling between the age

group of 20 to purchase online. The study also finds that the majority of respondent

think buying groceries online is beneficial than buying groceries from the offline store,

and it is also cheaper than offline shopping. The above collected data also revealed that

price, delivery time, freshness, quality of products, speed, time saving are the most

significant factors for consumers while online grocery purchase decision.

The Indian electronic commerce market has experienced significant growth over

the last two decades. The two key causes of this are increased use of internet access and

cell phone penetration. Furthermore, the increase in acceptance of internet purchases, a

s well as favorable demographics, have altered how businesses connect, engage, and

conduct business with consumers. It has changed the way India's ecommerce industry

operates. As the Internet continues to play a significant role in connecting information

and individuals, the demand on markets that have already adopted online services,

especially markets where selling goods online is new has increased.

“The Impact of E-Commerce on Consumer Purchasing Behavior: The Mediating Role of

Financial Technology” (Alshweesh, R. & Bandi, S., 2022)

The study found a set of results, the most important of which is the high level of

relative importance of e-commerce, consumer behavior and financial technology in

large-scale consumers and foodstuff stores in Jordan, and the existence of a statistically

significant ecommerce impact on consumer behavior, in addition to the fact that

through mediation in financial technology. The effect of e-commerce on consumer

behavior increased, and the mediation was partial. The study recommended the

necessity of continuing the large consumer and foodstuff stores in Jordan to enhance the

dimensions of ecommerce by understanding these stores of their importance in order to

increase efficiency and effectiveness and achieve the goals, by spreading awareness of

e-commerce, as well as continuing to pay attention to and adopt financial technology

because of its direct positive impact on consumer buying behavior.

“Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior in E-Commerce Business during
Outbreak of Covid-19: A Case Study on Top E-Commerce Websites” (Jawaid, M. H. &
Karim, E., 2021)
The research found that social media campaigns and television commercials had

no significant impact on the consumer buying behavior, whereas e-paper

advertisements and word of mouth marketing had significant impact on the buying

behavior of consumers during COVID-19. Based on the findings of this research, it was

recommended that e-commerce businesses must upload the articles on social media

regarding the product or services that are offered by the business so that the customer

attains a complete understanding of the products or services, which will attract the

customers and will influence the purchasing behavior of the customers positively.

Local Studies

“Empirical Analysis on the Preference of Negros Oriental State University Students to

Online Shopping” (Bancoro, J. C., 2023)

The study found that the perceived ease of use of the online shopping platform

primarily drives online shopping among the respondents, followed by convenience,

time saved, and security. Majority of the respondents prefer online shopping. Those

who do not cited product quality risks and product delay as the reasons.

“The Influence of Social Media Marketing towards Filipino Buying Behavior”

(Arellano et al., 2022)

The study's results categorize participants into three groups: students, employed

individuals, and parents, representing different life stages and purchasing behaviors.

Students are influenced by social media, becoming impulsive buyers, while employed

individuals are more practical, considering budget constraints. Parents rely on social

media recommendations but also have budget limitations due to family responsibilities.

Overall, participants' purchasing behavior initially aligns with personal preferences but

increasingly relies on social media for satisfaction. The study suggests the need for

quantitative data analysis to determine consumer behavior trends in the Philippines,

offering valuable insights for marketing specialists.

“Filipino Consumers’ Behavior towards Online Shopping” (So, M. I., 2019)

More and more people say that they prefer online shopping because of the many

advantages such as convenience, time-saving, and product variety. The behavior of

Filipino consumers towards online shopping and the factors that influence them to shop

online affects the marketers, entrepreneurs and businessmen about their strategies

towards online marketing. Filipino consumers have a unique buying routine as a way

of life. There are different factors such as personal, social, cultural and

psychological which can greatly affect a consumers’ behavior. These factors that greatly

influence consumers to buy online can cause to build up the product preferences

of consumers which can help the marketers, entrepreneurs and businessmen to lead to

an inevitable increase in market share and profitability. Therefore, having knowledge

about the consumers’ behavior and factors affecting them are beneficial to the

marketers, entrepreneurs

and businessmen in the online shopping world.

Chapter 3


The research methodology section of this study outlines the systematic approach

employed to investigate the research questions and achieve the study objectives. It

provides a detailed account of the overall research design, data collection methods,

sampling techniques, and data analysis procedures used to gather and analyze the

necessary information. This section serves as a roadmap that elucidates the

methodology's rationale and justifies the choices made in designing the study, ensuring

the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the findings. By following a robust

research methodology, the study aims to generate credible and meaningful insights that

contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field.

Research Design

The research design serves as the blueprint for conducting a study, outlining the

overall structure and methodology employed to address the research questions or

objectives. It encompasses various elements, such as the selection of participants, data

collection methods, and data analysis techniques. The research design plays a crucial

role in ensuring the validity, reliability, and rigor of the study. It determines the extent

to which the research findings can be generalized and the degree of control exercised

over variables. By carefully crafting the research design, researchers can effectively

gather and analyze data, providing a solid foundation for drawing meaningful

conclusions and making valuable contributions to the field of study.

This study adopted a quantitative and descriptive research design, employing

survey methods to collect data necessary for addressing the research questions.

Quantitative research focuses on quantifying and analyzing variables to yield results. It

involves the systematic analysis of numerical data using specific statistical techniques to

address questions related to who, how much, what, where, when, how many, and how.

This approach aims to explain phenomena by gathering and analyzing data in

numerical form (Apuke, 2017). Survey research, as defined by Sukamolson (2007),

involves the use of scientific sampling methods and a well-designed questionnaire to

measure the characteristics of a given population. Statistical methods are employed to

analyze the collected data and derive meaningful insights.

Locale of the Study

The locale of the study refers to the specific geographical location or setting

where the research was conducted. It served as the contextual backdrop against which

the study unfolds, providing essential details about the physical, social, and cultural

environment that may influence the research outcomes. By clearly identifying the

locale, researchers establish the boundaries within which the study is situated and gain

a deeper understanding of the unique characteristics and factors that may impact the

research findings. The locale of the study sets the stage for exploring the research topic

within a specific context, allowing for a comprehensive analysis and interpretation of

the data collected.

St. Michael’s College is a Catholic learning institution administered by the

Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM) Sisters offering three levels of education: Basic

Education, Tertiary, and Graduate School. It is distinguished as the oldest Catholic

Institution in the provinces of Lanao Del Norte and the only Catholic School with

Higher Education in the city of Iligan serving clienteles with diverse cultural and

religious backgrounds. She was committed to provide transformative education to the

people of Iligan City and surrounding areas of two provinces.

The school embraced the new educational system mandated by the government,

that was, the Senior High School Program offering three academic strands such as

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), HUMSS (Humanities and

Social Sciences) and ABM (Accountancy, Business and Management). Computer

laboratory, Speech Laboratory, and Science Laboratory are made available for Senior

High School Students.

St. Michael’s College molds the Senior High School students to become a

responsible individual who are competent and equipped with skills and committed to

practice a living testimony of God’s compassionate love of the community and attain

potential as human beings in order to enhance the range and quality of life; and socially


Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are provided for students. These

activities are done under the supervision of club moderators/advisers. The activities

aim to promote and develop cultural, social and spiritual consciousness of the students,

so that they may become productive, responsive and creative members of the school,

family and society.

The Basic Education Department was granted Level III Re-accreditation status by

Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU). St.

Michael’s College continues to mold competent and responsible graduates who are

transformative agents committed to build a compassionate and loving community

(SMC Handbook, 2018).

Figure 3.1 Data Locale of the Study

The Respondents

The respondents of a study refer to the individuals who were selected to provide

data or information related to the research objectives. They play a vital role in

generating the primary data necessary for analysis and drawing conclusions. The

selection of appropriate respondents was crucial as they represent the target population

or specific groups that the study aimed to investigate. The characteristics and

perspectives of the respondents provide valuable insights into the research topic,

allowing researchers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon under

study. By engaging with the respondents, researchers can explore their experiences,

attitudes, behaviors, and opinions, thus contributing to a more nuanced and

comprehensive analysis of the research problem.

The study will target respondents from Grade 12, specifically those enrolled in

the ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management), HUMSS (Humanities and Social

Sciences), and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) strands

within the St. Michael's College - Basic Education Department. The research endeavors

will involve surveying a total of 183 potential respondents. To ascertain this specific

number of participants, the researchers will employ the Slovin formula, a reliable and

widely recognized statistical method used to determine an optimal sample size for the


Sampling Procedure

The sampling procedure is a critical aspect of research methodology that

involves selecting a subset of individuals or elements from a larger population to

represent it in a study. It ensures that the sample chosen will be a representative and

can provide reliable insights into the characteristics of the broader population. The

sampling procedure determines how participants are chosen and how their inclusion in

the study is determined, taking into account factors such as sample size, sampling

technique, and inclusion criteria. By employing a systematic and well-defined sampling

procedure, researchers can minimize bias, increase the validity and generalizability of

their findings, and make meaningful inferences about the population of interest based

on the characteristics observed within the sample.

In this study, a simple random sampling will be employed. This approach

guarantees that every potential respondent, regardless of sex or age, is equally likely to

be included in the sample. The study will encompass a carefully selected group of 183

respondents, ensuring a diverse representation of the population. Simple random

sampling, a widely acclaimed technique in research, plays a pivotal role in this

endeavor as it minimizes bias and guarantees the attainment of a truly representative

sample. Through this method, the researchers strive to maintain the highest level of

fairness and impartiality in the selection process." (Kothari, 2004).

Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering procedure is a crucial component of research methodology

that outlines the systematic approach employed to collect relevant and reliable data. It

encompasses various methods, techniques, and tools used to gather information or

observations related to the research objectives. The data gathering procedure includes

processes such as selecting the appropriate data collection methods, designing data

collection instruments or questionnaires, determining the sample size and sampling

technique, and implementing the data collection process. It is essential to ensure that

the data gathering procedure is carefully planned and executed to obtain accurate and

meaningful data. By following a well-defined data gathering procedure, researchers can

effectively capture the necessary information, analyze it appropriately, and draw valid

conclusions based on the evidence obtained.

Prior to commencing data collection, the researchers took the proactive step of

seeking official approval through the submission of a formal request to conduct a

survey within the confines of St. Michael's College - Basic Education Department, with a

particular focus on Grade 12 students enrolled in the ABM, HUMSS, and STEM

programs. The data acquisition strategy hinged on the administration of a face-to-face

survey facilitated by the researchers, thoughtfully designed to engage the students

effectively. This methodological choice ensured a structured approach to collecting

responses from the target audience. Subsequently, the completed questionnaires

underwent meticulous tabulation, followed by a comprehensive analysis of the

gathered data. This analytical process will be instrumental in deriving valuable insights

and enabling the formulation of conclusions that align seamlessly with the overarching

objectives of our study.

Research Instrument

In the pursuit of sound research, the selection and development of a robust

research instrument stand as foundational pillars. A research instrument serves as the

bridge that connects the inquiries to valuable data, allowing the researchers to probe,

measure, and glean insights into the phenomena under investigation. In this study, the

researchers introduce and elucidate the design and deployment of the research

instrument, meticulously crafted to capture the nuances and intricacies of the research

questions. With unwavering commitment to methodological rigor, the research

instrument becomes the compass that guides the researchers toward meaningful

findings and a deeper understanding of the chosen subject matter.

The researchers will choose to employ an adopted survey questionnaire as a

pivotal tool to illuminate the complex landscape of consumer behavior regarding E-

commerce trends among Grade 12 learners within St. Michael's College - Basic

Education Department. This comprehensive questionnaire, tailored to the researchers’

study's specific objectives, will be thoughtfully administered to a carefully selected

cohort of 183 student-respondents drawn from three distinct academic strands: ABM,

HUMSS, and STEM, all within the academic community of St. Michael's College, Basic

Education Department. By utilizing this structured and purpose-designed instrument,

the researchers aim to gain a profound understanding of how these students interact

with and respond to the evolving dynamics of E-commerce trends.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical treatment of data is a crucial step in the research process that

involves applying various statistical methods and techniques to analyze and interpret

the collected data. This process enables researchers to derive meaningful insights,

identify patterns, and draw valid conclusions from the data. The statistical treatment

encompasses tasks such as data coding, data cleaning, descriptive statistics, inferential

statistics, hypothesis testing, and data visualization. By employing appropriate

statistical procedures, researchers can uncover relationships, trends, and associations

within the data, providing a solid foundation for making informed decisions and

drawing accurate conclusions. The statistical treatment of data adds rigor, objectivity,

and credibility to the research findings, ensuring that the results are reliable and

generalizable to the broader population or phenomenon being studied.

In this study, the data gathered from the survey questionnaire will be subjected

to a comprehensive statistical treatment to facilitate meaningful interpretation. The

researchers will employ various statistical techniques, including frequency and

percentage distribution analysis, to analyze the collected data. The frequency

distribution provides a systematic categorization of responses, highlighting the

occurrence of specific values or categories within the dataset. Additionally, the

percentage distribution allows for a relative comparison of different response

categories, offering insights into the proportion of respondents selecting each option. By

utilizing these statistical treatments, the researchers will be able to gain a deeper

understanding of the data, identify trends or patterns, and draw meaningful

conclusions that contribute to the study's objectives.

A. Frequency and Percentage Distribution. These will be utilized to figure

out how each variable's response distribution looked. In order to calculate

relative frequency, divide the frequency of each class by the total number

of observations. In this study, it will be used to describe quantitatively the

demographic profile of the respondents.


f/N x 100

f = frequency

N = total number of results

100 = constant value

B. Weighted Mean. It refers to the set of data taken from the average of the

population (Broto,2006). It is a statistical measure that calculates the

average value of a set of numbers, where each number is assigned a

weight based on its relative importance or significance. The formula for

calculating the weighted mean is:

Weighted Mean = Σ(X * W) / ΣW


X = each value in the dataset

W = corresponding weight for each value

C. Likert Scale. The Likert scale was developed by Rensis Likert, an

American psychologist and organizational behaviorist. Rensis Likert

introduced the Likert scale in the 1930s as a method to measure attitudes

and opinions by using a range of response options. The scale has since

become widely used in social sciences, psychology, market research, and

other fields to assess subjective experiences and perceptions. A Likert

scale is commonly used in to measure attitudes, knowledge, perceptions,

values, and behavioral changes. A Likert – type scale involves a series of

statements that respondents may choose from in order to rate their

responses to evaluative questions (Vogt., 1999).

Table 3.1

Level of Agreement

Rating Scoring Scale Descriptive


5 4.20 - 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.40 - 4.19 Agree

3 2.60 - 3.39 Somewhat Agree

2 1.80 - 2.59 Disagree

1 1.00 - 1.79 Strongly Disagree

Table 3.2
Level of Satisfaction

Rating Scoring Scale Descriptive


5 4.20 - 5.00 Extremely Satisfied

4 3.40 - 4.19 Very Satisfied

3 2.60 - 3.39 Moderately Satisfied

2 1.80 - 2.59 Slightly Satisfied

1 1.00 - 1.79 Not at all Satisfied

Reference List












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