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# 3-letter language code as used in user dictionaries

language = ENG

# Avoid that slash is read literally, and add phrase boundary
!(E\d+)/(A\d+)! --> "$1 #\\pause=100\\ $2 "
!(E\d+)/(\d+)! --> "$1 #\\pause=100\\ $2 "
!(E\d+)/(E\d+)! --> "$1 #\\pause=100\\ $2 "
# replace I-[0-9] by Interstate followed by the number
!\bI-([0-9])! --> " Interstate $1"
# replace 'St' followed by NE, NW, SE or SW by 'street' i.o. 'saint'
!\b[Ss][tT](\.*)(\s+[NS][EWew]\b)! --> " street$2"
# replace 'St' followed by N, W, S or E by 'street' i.o. 'saint' and
# avoid missing end of sentence detection (non final abbreviation) in case of a '.'
following N,W,S or E
!\b[Ss][tT](\.*)(\s+[NSEW])([\s+\.,;\!\?])! --> " street$2 $3"
# replace the first Dr(.) by Doctor if there's a second Dr furter in the input.
![Dd]r\.{0,1}\s+([A-Z].+?\s+[Dd]r\b)! --> "Doctor $1"
# Add a . after N, W, S or E if this letter is followed by 1 to 3 words beginning
with a capital letter, and followed by
# St, Rd, Ave, Blvd, Dr or Bay
!(\b)([NSEW])(\s+)(([A-Z]\w+\s+){1,3})([Ss]t|[Rr]d|[Aa]ve|[Dd]r|[Bb]ay|[Bb]lvd)! --
> "$1$2.$3$4$6"
# Add a . after N, W, S or E if this letter comes after 1 to 3 words beginning with
a capital letter (MOS-2401)
!(\b)(([A-Z]\w+\s+){1,3})([NSEW])\s! --> "$1$2$4."
# Spell capital letter followed by 3 digits (not zero)
!(\b[A-Z]\d)([1-9])([1-9]\b)! --> "$1 $2 $3"
# Use 'double oh' if the middle 2 digits are zero of a 4 digit number following a
capital letter
!(\b[A-Z]\d)00([1-9]\b)! --> "$1 double oh $2"
# Pronounce 0 in 2nd position of a 4 digit number following a capital letter as
!(\b[A-Z]\d)0([1-9])([1-9]\b)! --> "$1 oh $2 $3"
# Pronounce 0 in 3rd position of a 4 digit number following a capital letter as
# knowing that a 3 digit number with 0 in the middle is pronounced correctly in
address mode
!(\b[A-Z]\d)([1-9]0[1-9]\b)! --> "$1 $2"
# Spell capital letter followed by 4 digits if the last digit is non zero
!(\b[A-Z]\d)(\d)(\d)([1-9]\b)! --> "$1 $2 $3 $4"
# Ignore parenthesis around M if following a capital letter and one or more digits
!(\b[A-Z]\d+)\(M\)! --> "$1 M "
# Avoid expansion of "Alt" into "alternative" when followed by a hyphen and a
capital letter and non white spaces
!(\b)Alt\-([A-Z]\S+)! --> "$1#/+Alt#/+ $2"
# avoid '.' at the end when an audio file is inserted
!(audio=\".*\"\\)+(\.)! --> "$1"
# avoid handling "Xi" as roman numbers if it is followed by a space plus a capital
letter (MOS-1853)
!\s+Xi+\s([A-Z]\S+)! --> "#/+'si#/+$1"
# insert a pause before "A St." in address mode
!(\x1b\\tn=address\\.*?\s+)(A\s+St\.)! --> "$1, \x1b/+e&I_'stR+it\x1b/+"

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