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赣南医学院 2020 年来华留学教育招生简章



第一章 总则及基本情况

Chapter One General Provisions and Information

第一条 根据《中华人民共和国教育法》、《中华人民共和国高
Article 1 In accordance with the Education Law of the People's Republic
of China, Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China,
relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education of China and Jiang Xi
Provincial Department of Education, these articles of association are hereby
第二条 赣南医学院是公办、省属普通高等本科院校。
Article 2 Gannan Medical University is a provincial public-owned
第三条 学校地址:黄金校区(江西省赣州蓉江新区高校园区)、
章贡校区(江西省赣州市章贡区医学院路 1 号)。
Article 3 Gannan Medical University address is as followed: Huangjin
Campus, University Town, Rongjiang New District, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi
Province,341000,P.R.China. Zhanggong Campus-No.1, Yixueyuan Road,
Zhanggong District, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, 341000, P.R.China.

第二章 报名要求
Chapter Two Application requirements

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第四条 来华留学本科教育申请者高中学业成绩不低于 65%或者 B
不低于 65%或者 B 级。
研究生教育申请者拥有 WHO 承认院校的学士学位,
Article 4 International undergraduate program applicants should hold
his/her senior high school transcript of no less than 65% or B grade
(valid within two years) . Moreover subjects like physics, chemistry,
biology and English are no less than 65 % or B grade of the total marks.
International postgraduate program applicants should hold his/her
matched bachelor degree with good academic record of medical institution
which recognized by WHO.
第五条 临床医学本科教育预科生 60 名,研究生 5 名,招生录
Article 5 Premedical program candidate seats: 60, postgraduate program
candidate seats: 5. Admission are with no limitations of specific male and
female ratio.
第六条 考生身体条件必须符合中华人民共和国出入境检验检
Article 6 Physical condition of the applicants must conform to the
relevant requirements of the entry-exit inspection and quarantine of the
People's Republic of China and visa management, applicant of clinical
medicine field requires no color weakness and color blindness.

第七条 招收专业及学制
Article 7 Major, Length of schooling
Undergraduate: clinical medicine(MBBS)
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Postgraduate: basic medicine, clinical medicine, pharmacy and
public health.
2、学制:来华留学本科教育学制 6 年,包括一年医学预科教
学,5 年临床医学本科教学。来华留学研究生教育学制 3 年。
Length of schooling:
MBBS program: 6 years , including one year premedical program
and five years medical education.
Postgraduate:3 years.

第三章 录取规则
Chapter Three Admission Rules
第八条 严格按照教育部、江西省教育厅对于招收来华留学生的
Article 8 In strict accordance with relevant regulations of the Ministry of
Education of China and Jiang Xi Provincial Department of Education for
international students in China, based on the principle of fair and open,
intelligence and physique full measure of merit, we admit the best
Admission for premedical program: transcript requirements
qualified and pass the premedical program interview.
2、医学本科生录取要求:临床医学学习之前要求通过 HSK-3
级(临床医学第一年通过 HSK-4 级)和学校组织的入学笔试要求。
Admission for MBBS program: Chinese language proficiency with
HSK-3 test before MBBS program started and HSK-4 test in the first year

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of MBBS program. moreover GMU entrance exam (written test and
Admission for postgraduate program: Applicant shall pass the
post-graduate entrance examination organized by GMU (written test and
Other requirements: applicant must submit the documents of application
form, health certificate, certificate of no criminal record, bank statement
certificate which must meet the requirements of China, two
recommendation letters from the teacher of the previous study.

第四章 奖学金设置
Chapter Four Scholarships
第九条 奖学金设置
Article 9 Scholarship
1、江西省政府来华留学奖学金:本科生 20000 元/年/人,研究
生 25000 元/年/人,每年评选最优品学兼优学生。
Scholarship of the Jiang Xi government for International Bachelor Students:
20000 Yuan/year/person and 25000Yuan/year/person for top academic and
morality performance undergraduate and postgraduate students
respectively. Candidates will be evaluated yearly.
2、研究生助教奖学金:全额助教奖学金 39000 元/年/人,半额
助教奖学金 195000 元/年/人。研究生需要完成一定的助教工作
Assistantship scholarship for postgraduate student: full assistantship
scholarship: 39000Yuan/year/person; half assistantship scholarship:
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19500Yuan/year/person. Postgraduate student who apply the assistantship
scholarship need to take an assistantship work according to a guideline and
the scholarship used to pay his/her tuition and hostel fee.
For MBBS program students also can apply the following scholarship or
3、赣南医学院“一带一路”奖学金:2000 元/人/年,无名额限
制,申请者高中成绩超过总分的 75%或者 B 类、对华友好、尊师
GMU “Belt & Road” Scholarship: 2000 Yuan/year/person. No seats
limited for students who application transcript result over 75% or B grade,
friendly with Chinese culture and social custom, respecting to teachers,
nice daily behaviors and no any punishment record. Student can apply the
GMU “Belt & Road” Scholarship once each year.
4、赣南医学院校长奖学金:1000-3000 元/年/人,分为一等奖、
二等奖和三等奖,每门分数超过 65 分者都可以申请。
GMU President’s Scholarship: 1000 to 3000 Yuan/year/person with first,
second and third prize. No seats limited for students who pass every subject
over 65 marks.
5、HSK-4 奖学金:2000 元/人,第一年有效,无名额限制。
HSK-4 Stipend: 2000 Yuan/person, its available for the student who pass
HSK-4 Test in the first year. No limited for seats
6、赣南医学院助学金 400 元/月/人,每年 10 个月,根据德育、
GMU Morality Stipend: 400 Yuan/month/person,It’s evaluated by
student’s performance on morality, attendance and dormitory sanitation. 10
months evaluation in an academic year, no limited for seats.

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第五章 收费及其它
Chapter Five Payment and Others
第十条 收费标准:
学费:预科生教育:20000 元人民币/年,采用在线教学模式;医
学本科生教育:30000 元人民币/年,研究生教育 35000 元人民币
住宿费:4000 元人民币/年。
杂费:1300 元/年,包括医疗保险 600 元人民币/年、居留许可
400 元人民币/年、体检费 300 元人民币/年。
Article 10 Charging Standard:
Tuition Fee: 20000Yuan/year for premedical program student by online
teaching, 30000 Yuan/year for MBBS program student and
35000Yuan/year for postgraduate program students respectively.
Accommodation fee: 4000 Yuan/year for twin-bed room.
Miscellaneous fee: 1300 Yuan/year, including medical insurance 600
Yuan/year, residence permit 400 Yuan/year, medical examination fee 300
第十一条 学生必须在我校附属医院实习,并缴纳学费。
Article 11 All students shall do their internship at GMU affiliated hospital
with the same tuition fee.
第十二条 2020 年 11 月 30 日截止报名申请
Article 12 Admission recruitment deadline: December 30,
第十三条 联系方式
Article 13 Contact Information
Admission department: International Education College of Gannan
Medical University
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Post Address: Huangjin Campus-University Town, Rongjiang New
District, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, China
Post code:341000
4、联系电话:(0797)8169675 (电话/传真)
Tel:(0797)8169675 8169283(fax)
Recruitment website:
第十四条 本章程由赣南医学院国际教育学院负责解释。
Article 14 The responsibility to interpret the present measures shall be
by the International Education College of Gannan Medical University.

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