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Chapter 23: Connor feels the monster is with him, he goes in the direction of
Harry and starts to hit him, he believes was the monster that help him, all the
kids in the place were in silence and see the scene of Connor and Harry, the
first guy listening to the tale of the monster was so furious, Harry said to him:
“but you know what I see when I see you O’Malley? I don’t see anything” so
Connor asks to the monster what he did to help the man of the story and the
monster said: “I do the people see him”, Connor more furious hit to Harry
until a teacher showed up.
Chapter 24: Connor is in the office of the director with Mr. Kwan and Harry
is in the hospital, the director said to Connor that needs to eject him and he's,
scared but Mr. Kwan intervenes and said, that he will not suffer any
punishment but warns him because Harry's parents wanted to open a lawsuit.
Chapter 25: The days for Conor were the same: greys. The days passed and
passed, and nothing really changed. His grandma didn’t talk to him. His
mother was so sick to even talk to him; the monster wasn’t around. He was
still invisible to everyone. Except for one person; Lilly. One day when they
were in the classroom, Conor received a note. It was from Lily. She was
making gestures to him to read the letter. Conor eventually read the letter that
only has 4 sentences. But the most important message was that she writes “I
see you Conor”. After reading that Conor realized that there was one person
that has been seeing him since the beginning, When Conor was about to tell
something to Lilly, Mrs. Marl came to the classroom to talk to the teacher.
While talking both were looking at Conor.
Chapter 26: Conor was pulled out of the school to go to the hospital. They
visited her mother. She was smiling, but her eyes told Conor another thing.
She was sitting with the help of the bed (it was movable). Conor started
feeling angry just by entering the room. She told him about how bad she was
feeling and how the treatment wasn’t even working. Conor knew about the
end of her story. He knew what was coming. He felt betrayed and angry.
Conor reproached his mother because she told him that the medicine will help
her. He started to cry, and his mother tried to calm him. His mother felt bad
and pressed a button to subminister her painkillers. Conor's mother told him
that she wishes she could have given him 100 years. Conor called his grandma
to leave her room.
Chapter 27: Conor asked her grandma to leave him at his old house because
he needed to do. His grandma gave him just one hour and she came back to
the hospital. Conor went to the backyard where the church and the yew tree
were. He punched and shouted at the tree. The tree woke up and grab Conor.
He started to reproach the tree about how he lied to him. Because the yew tree
didn’t’ cure her. Conor asked the use of him f he wasn’t going to cure her. To
that, the monster replied that he came to cure him. And then the monster told
Conor to tell him the fourth tale.
Chapter 28: The Monster tells Conor that now it’s his turn to tell his tale, but
Conor tells him that he doesn’t know any tale, then the monster warns Conor
that if he doesn’t tell it, he will, and that he won’t like it. The monster set him
down on the ground, and Conor saw how her mother almost fell down a cliff,
because he caught her hands right on time, this was the nightmare he had
every night, her mother being pulled into the cliff by a monster, each time the
monster pulled with more strength and each time Conor lost strength. That’s
the truth of Conor O’Malley, the tree said, and then his mother fell down the
Chapter 29: He was still in the nightmare, and the Monster was pressuring
Conor into telling him the fourth tale, and also telling him the “truth” that he
let go of his mother, he let her fall down the cliff while Conor told him that it
wasn’t true, he said that her mother fell down on her own. You must tell the
truth or you will never leave this nightmare the monster warned. The truth was
that he let go of his mother, he did it on his own because he can’t stand the
idea of her other leaving forever, he just wants it to be finished. As a reward,
Conor felt relief, because it was the punishment he deserved.
Chapter 30: Conor finally woke up in the hill above his house, asking the
monster why he didn’t kill him, because according to him, he deserved the
worst. Conor always knew his mother wasn’t going to make it, he just wanted
the feeling of being left alone to be over, he wanted to stop thinking about it,
even if it meant losing his mother. The Monster told Conor that his mind
contradicting itself would only end if he spoke the truth, it would also help
him heal. Conor was tired, he wanted to sleep, so the Monster let him, also
letting him know that he would take the final steps of his walking, before
Conor went fully to sleep, he asked the monster one last question, why do you
always come at 12.07?
Chapter 31: Conor's grandmother finds him on the hill behind her house, she
was very worried, Conor apologizes and they quickly leave in the car.
Chapter 32: Conor and his grandmother arrive at the hospital and he tells
his mother not to leave, the monster stays with him and finally Conor lets her

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