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Retrieval task for chapter 1

Fact Evidence

Felix wears glasses.

Felix is currently living in


The orphanage is near a


The orphanage does not

have a lot of money.

All the children share the

same bath.

Felix has a good imagination.

Retrieval questions for chapter 1
Challenge 1

Once chapter 1 5th September 2019 H M I

1) What does Dodie want? 1 mark.

2) Why does Felix not give Dodie any of his soup? 1 mark.
3) Find and copy two words to describe the bathroom? 1 mark.
4) What does Felix ask Mother Minka? 1 mark.
5) In what way are Felix’s baths different at the orphanage to at home? 1 mark.

Extension- Write three retrieval questions about chapter 1 to show your understanding.

Challenge 2

Once chapter 1 5th September 2019 H M I

1) Why does Felix find it difficult to get to his table? Page 1. 1 mark.
2) What country is Felix living in? Page 2. 1 mark.
3) What secret does Felix tell us on page 3? 1 mark.
4) On page 6, Felix says the bathroom is freezing.
According to Felix’s imagination, why is it such a cold room? 1 mark.
5) ‘She’s peering hard at Borys, who’s got half the playing field under
his fingernails and toenails’
What does this sentence tell you about Borys? 1 mark.

Extension- Write three retrieval questions about chapter 1 to show your understanding.

Challenge 3

Once chapter 1 5th September 2019 H M I

1) Why does Felix find it difficult to get to his table? Page 1. 1 mark.
2) What country is Felix living in and how long has he been there? Page 2. 2 marks.
3) Felix tells us a secret on page 3, why is it a secret? 2 marks.
4) On page 6, Felix says the bathroom is freezing.
According to Felix’s imagination, why is it such a cold room? 1 mark.
5) ‘She’s peering hard at Borys, who’s got half the playing field under
his fingernails and toenails’
What does this sentence tell you about Borys? 1 mark.
6) What has Dodie done before that made Felix think he would be a
good doctor? Page 7. 1 mark.

Extension- Write three retrieval questions about chapter 1 to show your understanding.
Retrieval task
Challenge 1 Title: Retrieve 9th September 2019 Pages 9-12 H M I

After reading the text, use your retrieval skills to decide if these statements are true or false.

Pag Statement True False

9 Felix’s mum and dad pray to God a lot.
10 Felix had lost all of his teeth when he first arrived at the orphanage.
10 There is an ink stain on the front of Felix’s notebook.
11 Felix feels as though his parents a very modern.
12 Felix’s parents have given Father Ludwick a lift in their car.
12 Men with armbands, suits and hats arrive at the orphanage.
12 Jankiel has been at the orphanage for less than a month.

Challenge 2 Title: Retrieve 9th September 2019 Pages 9-12 H M I

After reading the text, use your retrieval skills to decide if these statements are true or false.
Provide a piece of evidence in your book to prove your answer.

Pag Statement True False

9 Felix’s mum and dad pray to God a lot.
10 Felix had lost all of his teeth when he first arrived at the orphanage.
10 There is an ink stain on the front of Felix’s notebook.
11 Felix feels as though his parents a very modern.
12 Felix’s parents have given Father Ludwick a lift in their car.
12 Men with armbands, suits and hats arrive at the orphanage.
12 Jankiel has been at the orphanage for less than a month.

Challenge 3 Title: Retrieve 9th September 2019 Pages 9-12 H M I

After reading the text, use your retrieval skills to decide if these statements are true or false.
Provide a piece of evidence in your book to prove your answer.

Statement True False

Felix’s mum and dad pray to God a lot.
Felix had lost all of his teeth when he first arrived at the orphanage.
There is an ink stain on the front of Felix’s notebook.
Felix feels as though his parents a very modern.
Felix’s parents have given Father Ludwick a lift in their car.
Men with armbands, suits and hats arrive at the orphanage.
Jankiel has been at the orphanage for less than a month.
Retrieval questions
Challenge 1 Title: Retrieve 10th September 2019 Pages 17-20 H M I

1) Circle the word that has the closest meaning to viciously. P. 17 1 mark

Poorly Violently Gently Compassionately

2) Find and copy a phrase that shows that the men are enjoying burning the books.
P. 17 1 mark

3) ‘’Mother Minka was complaining to us library monitors only the other week’’

What does the word complaining tell you about how Mother Minka was feeling? P. 17 1 mark

4) Why was Mother Minka unhappy with the library monitors? P. 17 1 mark

5) What does the word foreign tell you about the men who arrived? P. 18 1 mark

6) What reason does Felix believe Mother Minka has hired foreign librarians? P. 18 1 mark

Challenge 2 Title: Retrieve 10th September 2019 Pages 17-20 H M I

1) Find and copy a phrase that shows that the men are enjoying burning the books.
P. 17 1 mark

2) Why was Mother Minka unhappy with the library monitors? P. 17 1 mark

3) What does the word foreign tell you about the men who arrived? P. 18 1 mark

4) What reason does Felix believe Mother Minka has hired foreign librarians? P. 18 1 mark

5) When the Nazis see Felix, Mother Minka lies twice to protect him.

6) What are the two lies that she tells? P.19 2 marks

7) According to Mother Minka, why did the Nazis come to the orphanage? P.20 1 mark
Retrieval task- are the answers right or wrong?
Challenge 1 Title: Retrieve 11th September 2019 Pages 27-30 H M I

Check to see if these retrieval questions are correct or incorrect. Mark them with a tick or a

6) Why was it easy for Felix to escape from the orphanage? P. 27 1 mark.

2) On page 28, Felix stops to listen for Father Ludwick and his horse. Find and copy the verb
that the author uses to describe how Felix stops 1 mark

3) Where is Felix when he meet the pig? P.28 1 mark

4) What two ways does Felix know that there is nobody in the house when he first goes to enter
on pages 30 and 31? 2 marks

5) Using information from the text on pages 28 and 29, tick one box in each row to show
whether each statement is fact or opinion. 2 marks

Statement Fact Opinion

Felix hasn’t had a cake in a very long time. 
The pig that Felix can see is feeling sad. 
Felix has sore patches on his feet. 

Challenge 2 Title: Retrieve 11th September 2019 Pages 27-30 H M I

Check to see if these retrieval questions are correct or incorrect. Mark them with a tick or a
cross. Give evidence for questions 3-5 to show that the answer is correct or incorrect.

1) Why was it easy for Felix to escape from the orphanage? P. 27 1 mark.

2) On page 28, Felix stops to listen for Father Ludwick and his horse. Find and copy the verb
that the author uses to describe how Felix stops 1 mark

3) Where is Felix when he meet the pig? P.28 1 mark

4) What two ways does Felix know that there is nobody in the house when he first goes to enter
on pages 30 and 31? 2 marks

5) Using information from the text on pages 28 and 29, tick one box in each row to show
whether each statement is fact or opinion. 2 marks

Statement Fact Opinion

Felix hasn’t had a cake in a very long time. 
The pig that Felix can see is feeling sad. 
Felix has sore patches on his feet. 

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