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Webquest: New Zealand

I. Geography and general information

• Go to

a) Where is New Zealand located ?

Circle New Zealand on the map and write a sentence below to explain where it is located.
Entoure la Nouvelle Zélande sur la carte et écris une phrase par expliquer où elle se situe (sur quel continent, dans quelle mer ou
quel océan, à côté de quel(s) pays ou îles).Tu peux faire le travail sur ce document ou écrire la phrase dans ton cahier.)




• Go to &/or open your book E for English p 60

b) Find the missing information. (Sur le site ci-dessus ou dans ton livre p 60, trouve les informations manquantes.)

LARGEST CITY : ………………………..

…………… ISLAND

CAPITAL CITY :…………………………

the country’s highest peak : ………………………

SOUTHERN ……………. …………………………… OCEAN

…………… ISLAND
• Go to:

c) Have a look at the FAST FACTS on the website below and complete the summary.
(Sur le site ci-dessus, regarde l’encadré bleu FAST FACTS puis complète le résumé ci-dessous.)

New Zealand is also officially named ………………………………. in Maori.

The capital is ………………………………… .

New Zealanders or Maoris speak two official languages : …………………………. and………………………………

There are about ………………………………………. inhabitants.

The currency (=money) used is ……………………………………………………………………………

• Go to

d) Circle New Zealand’s national flag. (Entoure le drapeau de la Nouvelle-Zélande)

What do the stars on the flag of New Zealand represent ? Why is there the Union Jack?
( Que représente les étoiles sur le drapeau de la Nouvelle-Zélande ? Pourquoi y a-t-il l’Union Jack ? )




II. History
Go back to : and match. (HISTORY)
(Relie les dates et les évènements ci-dessous en lisant la partie « History » sur le site ci-dessus)

In 1893 □ □ The Dutch explorer Abel Tasman visited the islands.

In the 1600s □ □ New Zealand became the first country to give women the right to vote.

In 1947 □ □ The Maori people arrived in New Zealand.

In the 1860s □ □ Captain James Cook came to the islands.

Around 1.000 A.D □ □ The British signed a treaty with the Maori.

In 1769 □ □ A 12-year war began between the Maori and the British.

In 1840 □ □ Peace was restored to the islands.

In the 1870s □ □ New Zealand gained its independence from Britain.

III. People and culture
 Go to these websites and find out information about the Maori peopleāori_people

Explain who the Maori people are : (Explique qui est le peuple Maori à l’aide des sites ci-dessus.)





 Go to: and answer these questions.

How do you say « hello » in the Maori language ? …………………………………………………………..……………………………

(Comment dit-on bonjour en langage Maori ? )

What is the traditional Maori « Haka » ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(Qu’est-ce que le Haka ? )


What is a « Moko » ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(Qu’est-ce qu’un « moko » ? )

 Go back to : (PEOPLE &


What nickname is used to call New Zealanders ( people from New Zealand) ? ……………………………………………………..
(Quel est le surnom des Néo-Zélandais ? )

What sports do New Zealanders like ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(Quels sports aiment-ils ?)

What is the name of the national rugby team ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

(Quel est le nom de l’équipe nationale de rugby ? )

 Go to and write down 5 movies that were

filmed in New Zealand. Circle the titles if you have seen the movies.
(Ecris le titre de 5 films tournés en Nouvelle-Zélande et entoure les titres de films que tu as vus.)

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IV. Wildlife

• Go to:

Find the names of some famous animals. (Trouve le nom de ces animaux.)

1) …………………………………… 2) …………………………………… 3) ………………………………

4) …………………………………… 5) …………………………………… 6) ………………………………


8) ……………………………………

V. Official symbols and unofficial emblems of New Zealand.

 Go to National symbols of New Zealand - Wikipedia

What is it ? What does it represent ? ……………………………………………………………………………………..



What is the name of the national plant ? ………………………………………………………………………………..

What are the 2 national anthems ? Which one is usually used ?


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