Classroom Management Plan

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Jacob Kinslow


1. Rules

● The Golden Rule: Treat others as you wish to be treated

● Disrespectful language and insults are unacceptable
● Always raise your hand before asking a question to the teacher while class is in
● Respect others boundaries; keep hands and feet to yourselves

2. Rationale

● If we want a community of kindness and respect we must start with our own
behavior by being kind to one another
● We must wait our turn to allow others the chance to talk and not disrupt
● We must be respectful of other people’s personal space and not harm one another

3. Rewards

● Verbal affirmation/ praise

● Gold star next to name on name board
● Extra reading or recess time

4. Consequences

● Restatement of the rule/ warning to remind student

● Red x next to name on name board
● Time out from group activities
● Individual conference if multiple rules are broken
○ If rule breaking is constant, parents will be contacted
● Parent and student conference to discuss behavior

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