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A. Title : The Effect Of Quizlet As Learning Media In Teaching Grammar at
Eleventh Grade students Of SMA N Bantarsari

B. Background of Problem
To make a good communication with others, grammar is the
important thing to help the english learners to learn the language.1
However, based on the preliminary research at eleventh grade students in
SMA N 1 Bantarsari, on 20 January 2022 there were some students’
problems in mastering grammar because of many factors. The result of
interviewing with eleventh grade english teacher in SMA N 1 Bantarsari
on 22 Maret 2022, said that students thought that grammar is difficult to be
mastering. Especially since the covid-19 pandemic, the learning process
that was originally offline class, have turned into online class. This
certainly has an impact,which is students' adaptation with the learning
media that they used and should have changed their learning way through
smartphones or computers. Futhermore, in the curriculum 2013 that
applicable now, the time for english is very limited that is only 2 lesson
hours in a week. So, the students have to be smart in their management
time to setting their learning style not only during learning process in
classroom. Moreover, the teaching strategy still used conventional
methods. It was monotonous and made students who have lack interest
will be bored. In short, there needs to be explore something new to
engaging students interest in learning grammar.
There are some researches have proposed to increase students'
interest by improving the learning media such as by using application and
for example Quizlet aplication. This application literally has been used by
several studies as an alternative media for learning English, but not many
teachers used it because of their limited knowledge. In accordance with the
statement from English teachers of SMA N 1 Bantarsari when
Yusuf Yuliyanto and Rokhmah Fitriyati, “Boosting Students’ Interest In
Learning Grammar By Using Quizlet,” in Proceeding of The 2nd ICoLLiT
(Surakarta: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2019), 118–121.
interviewed, they have not familiar Quizlet aplication and never used this
application as their part of learning media. meanwhile the latest teaching
trends, as well as huge technological advances, it allows teachers to take
advantage by using applications through many varieties of applications . 2
For the example by using Quizlet, it enables teachers to create intended
learning content according to students’ grammar proficiency and able to
enhance their grammar proficiency accordingly to the pace and time of
their learning.3 This application also has the unlimited activities and let the
students do the activities until they understand the materials. 4
Moreover,because of the interactive interface in Quizlet will also urge the
students to think grammar as an easy subject to learn and enjoyable.
There are several studies that have examined about the effect of
Quizlet application in several skills. As astated by Dhany Efita Sari in her
research on 2019, entitled Quizlet: Smartphone Learning Applications
Millenial Generation Era’s showed that ;Quizlet has various interesting
features and it is suitable for many disciplines, such as setting materials or
teaching materials using features flashcards. another benefit by using
Quizlet are accessible anywhere and anytime, wether a laptop or
smartphone. It can be said, with many benefit tools in Quizlet that can
facilitate teachers and students will be make a learning process is flexible,
not rigid, and challenging.5
Then a research conducted by Durratul Hikmah in her research
entitled Quizlet: A Digital Media for Learning Informatics Terms find out
some benefits of using quizlet. Through this study, it had been proven that
Quizlet had effectively improved students’ interest in learning Informatics
no. 14 (May 14, 2020): 84–90.
Cynthia Jentia et al., “Quizlet: Putting Grammar in Educational Apps,” International Invention &
Innovative Competition (InIIC)s 2 (2019): 174–178.
International English Language Teachers and Lecturers Conference, 2020, 102–108.
Dhany Efita Sari, “Quizlet: Aplikasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Smartphone Era Generasi Milenial,”
Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial 29, no. 1 (2019): 9–15.
term in English, overcome students’ boredom, created a new non-
threatening atmosphere, and raised up the students’ confidence to learn
English. This media got the good responses from students. They were
happy playing this game; it was simply because they got feedback as they
go through leaning activities.6
Another research a by Chynthia,Evie, Fransisca And Melor in their
International Invention & Innovative Competition (InIIC) journal research
entitled Quizlet: Putting Grammar in Educational Apps showed that both
of students and teachers agreed that Quizlet should be used as a
improvement learning media in learning English. By utilizing the existing
features in there, the teacher can make learning materials according to the
to the students abilities. Another advantage is that it is useful for teachers
to be able to use ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in
teaching and adapting to the learning style of our students' grammar
Based on the several studies that reviewed above,all of them have
succeeded in using Quizlet as a media in several skills. so far there is no
research found regarded the effect of Quizlet as learning media in
teaching grammar at eleventh grade of SMA N Bantarsari. To find out the
effect of Quizlet as learning media in teaching grammar,it needs
experiment research. In consequence so this research will examine the
effect of Quizlet as learning media in teaching grammar at eleventh grade
students,entitled : “The Effect Of Quizlet As Learning Media In Teaching
Grammar at Eleventh Grade students Of SMA N Bantarsari ’’

C. Operational Definition
The researcher provided the following definitions based on the tittle:
1. Teaching Grammar
Durratul Hikmah, “Quizlet: A Digital Media for Learning Informatics Terms,” IJoEEL 01, no. 01
(2019): 1–9.
Jentia et al., “Quizlet: Putting Grammar in Educational Apps.”
In teaching grammar there are two techniques can be applied:
deductive and inductive. in Hastuti’s thesis, according to Thornbury
defined that a deductive approach starts with presenting a rule
followed by examples in which the rule is used. In contrast, the
inductive approach starts the explanation with some examples from
which a rule is inferred.8
2. Quizlet Application
The definition of quizlet according to durratul khikmah in ijoeel’s
journal, Quizlet is a free mobile and web-based education providing
learning tools for students, including flashcards, speller, learn, test, and
space race.9 Grammar in Quizlet aimed to maximise grammar
acquisition through the creation of study sets related to grammar
activities. As grammar learning takes a long time to be understood and
mastered especially for non-native speaker, students are able to carry
out grammar learning activities in a non-stressful way as they are in
charge of their own learning.10
D. Research Question
1. Does Quizlet influecing as learning media in teaching grammar at
eleventh grade students of SMA N Bantarsari?
2. Is there any significant effect of Quizlet as learning media in teaching
grammar at eleventh grade students of SMA N Bantarsari?
E. Objective and Significance of Research
1. Objective of The Research
The research’s goals as follows based on the problem
statement :
a. To find out how does Quizlet as learning media in teaching
grammar at eleventh grade students of SMA N Bantarsari.

Teacher Training, “Utilizing Learn English Grammar Mobile Application in Improving the
Students ’ Grammar At Smp Negeri 14 Palopo” (STATE ISLAMIC INSTITUTE OF PALOPO, 2021).
Hikmah, “Quizlet: A Digital Media for Learning Informatics Terms.”
Jentia et al., “Quizlet: Putting Grammar in Educational Apps.”
b. To obtain whether or not the significant affect of Quizlet as
learning media in teaching grammar at eleventh grade students
of SMA N Bantarsari.
2. Significance of Research
The research result is expected to be able to give some benefits
a. The teache
The teachers should be uprade using alternative media
when teaching english for their students.
b. The readers
The results of this research can additionally knowledge and
insight for readers who want to do research they should be
using another learning media that can be used when teaching
c. Further to help the other researcher conduct further research on
the same topic.
F. Review of Relevant Studies
Referring to the several sources related to this research , there are
some journals and previous research that correlates with this topic of the
First, the study was stated by Yusuf Yuliyanto dan Nur Rokhmah
Fitriyatiin in 2019, in their conference proceeding entitled Boosting
Students’ Interest In Learning Grammar By Using Quizlet. After analyzed
the data based on the questionnaire sheets that had been distributed, the
result shows that the participants mostly said that Quizlet is helpful to help
them. It can be said Quizlet will be able to increasing the students’
grammar mastery because the students will be more engaged in learning
due to its interactive interface.The similarity with this research is using
quizlet in learning grammar. The difference is on the method and object of
the research. The research by Yusuf Yulianto and Nur Rokhmah Fitriyatin
used A qualitative approach, while this research use a quasi-experimental
design.the object of their research is students of semester 2nd and 4th from
English Department of Tidar University,meanwhile on this research is
eleventh grade of senior high school students.11
The second, Hastuti has conducted a research entitled Utilizing
Learn English Grammar Mobile Application in Improving the Students '
Grammar At SMP Negeri 14 Palopo in 2021. The major goal of this study
is to find out how to utilize the Learn English Grammar mobile application
and the students’ responses to the Learn English Grammar mobile
application in improving the students grammar at SMP Negeri 14 palopo.
The similarity with this research is the focus the utilization of using
applications in learning grammar. The difference is on the the method and
object of the research. The research by Hastuti used classroom action
research, while this research used a quasi-experimental design. The object
of her research in ninth grade of junior high school students, meanwhile on
this research in eleventh grade of senior high school students.12
The third is a thesis by M.Rizky Setiawan in 2020,entitled The
Effectiveness Of Quizlet Application In Enhancing Senior High School
Students’ Motivation And Vocabulary Achievement. This study aimed to
examine the effectiveness of Quizlet Application in enhancing students’
vocabulary mastery and motivation. The similarity with this research is by
using Quizlet as a learningmedia, using quasi-experimental method, and
the object is senior high school students. The difference is on the located
on focus , that the research by Risky focuses on students motivation and
vocabulary achievement, while this research focus on teaching grammar.13
The fourth is a journal article that has been done by Cynthia, Evie,
Francisca, Tujang and Melor in International Invention & Innovative
Competition (InIIC) journal entitled Quizlet: Putting Grammar in
Educational Apps. This action research investigated the effectiveness of an
Yuliyanto and Fitriyati, “Boosting Students’ Interest In Learning Grammar By Using Quizlet.”
Training, “Utilizing Learn English Grammar Mobile Application in Improving the Students ’
Grammar At Smp Negeri 14 Palopo.”
M Rizky Setiawan, Nurhidayanto Pancoro, and Setyo Putro, “QUIZLET APPLICATION EFFECT ON
educational apps (Quizlet) in improving students grammar. The findings
revealed that both primary and secondary school pupils showed positive
improvements in their grammar after the intervention. The similarity with
this research is on the located focuses in grammar, using pre-test and post
test as data collection and using quizlet application as media. The
difference is on the object of the research. the object of this research is
senior high schools students, while their object are primary school students
and secondary school students. 14
The fifth is a thesis that has been done by Ayumi with entitled The
Effect Of The Quizlet Application On The Vocabulary Mastery Of
Students In Class VII Mts Al-Washliyah Bah Gunung on 2020. This study
aims to determine the effect of the quizlet application on the vocabulary
mastery observed and researched at Mts Al-washliyah Bah Gunung. The
research by Ayumi has similarities with this research; both use
experiment design and using quizlet application. The difference is located
on the focus skills, that research by her is focuses on vocabulary mastery,
while this research is on the grammar mastery. Other difference is the
subject of the research. This research subject in eleventh grade students of
senior high school,meanwhile her research in seventh grade students.15

Teaching Grammar
a. Definition
Grammar is a rule about word structure to make a perfect sentence.
Grammar is the most important aspect to be studied and explored,
because using the correct grammar will form and build a correct

Jentia et al., “Quizlet: Putting Grammar in Educational Apps.”
M.Pd Siti Ismahani, The Effect Of The Quizlet Application On The Vocabulary Mastery Of
Students In Class Vii Mts Al-Washliyah Bah Gunung Thesis, 1968.
sentence.16 To be an effective language user, learners should
study grammar because grammar skills will help learners to
organize words and messages and make them meaningful.
Knowing more about grammar will enable learners to build better
sentences in speaking and writing performances. A good
knowledge of grammar helps learners to make sentences clear
enough to understand. Improper use of grammar will not convey
meaningful message.
a. The Importance Of Grammar
Based on the research by Yusuf Yulianto and Nurul on their
journal’s, some researcher said that the importance of grammar. the
first is from Hinkel & Fotos said that the teaching of grammar will
help the learners to foster the skills essential for their success in
using English. another is by Savage said there are two important
factors of the teaching grammar: (1) the function of the language
functions that students will use it in their daily life activities, and
(2) the surroundings in which learners use English. not only that, .
Not only that according Gengross said that, learning grammar had
the same sequence of stage. For example, the model text’s
presentation, lead-in, the model text’s reconstruction, text creation
and text sharing. These stages allow the students to comprehend
the teaching materials in grammar. In teaching grammar, these
aspects should be see for teaching and learning grammar not only
about grammatical structure merely, they are also used to give
meaningful expression both in context and meaning.17
b. The Rules Of Grammar Teaching
There are six rules according to Scott Thornbury as follows18 :

Y. C. G. Mali, "Writing gramatical sentences: voices of Indonesian undergraduates in EFL
Classrooms," Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, vol. 16. 15-21, 2016.
Yuliyanto and Fitriyati, “Boosting Students’ Interest In Learning Grammar By Using Quizlet.”
Teaching English Grammar, “Teaching English Grammar Today ’ s Class” (n.d.).
1) The Rule of Context Teach grammar in context. This can mean
context of language and context of use (meaning). If you have
to take an item out of context to draw attention to it, re-
contextualize it as soon as possible.
2) The Rule of Use.Teach grammar in order to facilitate the
learner’s comprehension and production of real language.
Always provide opportunities for learners to put grammar to
communicative use.
3) The Rule of Economy.Minimize presentation time to maximize
practice time.
4) The Rule of Relevance.Teach only grammar that students have
problems with. Find out what they already know.
5) The Rule of Nurture. Teaching doesn’t always cause learning.
Language learning is a gradual process. Provide the right
conditions for grammar learning.
6) The Rule of Appropriacy.Interpret all of these rules according
to the level, needs, interests, expectations and learning styles of
your students.
c. Techniques in Teaching Grammar
There are four techniques that can be applied in teaching
grammar as state by Bezusa in his paper such as 19 :
1) Using Song and Poems
2) Using Games
3) Using Story Telling
4) Using other media
2. Learning Media
The word of ‘’media’’ come from the Latin language and media is
a plural form of the word "medium" which literally means "mediator" is
the source of the intermediary message to the recipient of the
A Bezusa and I Samoylyukevych, “Innovative Techniques for Teaching Foreign Languages,”
Теорія І Практика Навчання … 6, no. 11 (2020): 2018–2021,
message.According to Heinich cite from Azhar Arsyad , the definition of
media is a communication channel tool. The example of media such as
films, television, charts, computers, applications and printed material. We
can conclude that, media can be considered as a learning media if they
carry messages to others. To achieve learning objectives,Heinich also
correlate between messages and media methods. So, it means the media
can support the learning and teaching process and the media can make it
more interesting.
According to AECT (Association for Educational. Communications
and Technology), learning media are everything that usually people use to
convey learning messages. in other hand learning Media should be said as
a learning component that functions to convey messages learning that can
help provide meaningful experiences for students. in short, learning media
is the things that people used to convey messages with others. the benefits
from learning media such as it will make easier for students to understand
something abstract to be more concrete. With the media learning is
expected to increase student motivation to learn.
3.Quizlet Application
a. Definition
Quizlet application is is a free website that lets us to make flash cards
individually or with a group. The cards can then be shared, reviewed
online in a variety of ways, or printed for offline use. In addition to
making our own sets of cards, Quizlet also gives us access to a database
with millions of flashcards ready for use. in other hand, the site allows
groups to be created, allowing students to work and communicate within
their group. As a powerful study tool, it offers four modes of learning such
as for flashcards, speller, learn, and test. It also allows us to play
competitive games, such as scatter and space race.20
b. History of Quizlet

According Durratul Khikmah in her journal research, quizlet is developed
by a student from California high school who’s namen Andrew
Sutherland on 2005.This idea came from his personal experience when he
will learn French.21 after that, this aplication released to the public in
January 2007 on a website. Then, in August 2012 Quizlet was released as
a mobile application for ios and for the android application in August
c. Advantages and Disadvantages
There are some advantages and disadvantages by using Quizlet
Application such as follow23:
1) The advantages of Quizlet
a) It functions as a memorization tool to assist students'
b) It offers a variety of learning modes, including four
study modes and two study games.
 Flashcard - Creating basic flashcards
 Speller - Typing what you hear
 Learn - Learning call-and-response type
 Test - Generating random tests
 Scatter game - Matching scattered terms and
 Space Race game - Typing while memorizing

c) It allows students to share their works with others in

Friends and Groups.
d) It is free
e) It is not required to install the software.
f) It can be operated in mobile devices.

Hikmah, “Quizlet: A Digital Media for Learning Informatics Terms.”
2) The disadvantages of Quizlet:
a) Some flashcards made by other users might give
misleading or wrong information. Be aware that the sets
are user created (like all things Web 2.0), so might
include inaccurate information.
b) It might be a problem in ownership of works.
3. Hypothesis
The definition about hypothesis according to Sugiyono explained that the
hypothesis is a temporary answer to the formulation of the research
problem. In which the formulation of the problem stated in the form of a
In this research, the researcher will use two hypotheses that there are
alternative hypothesis and also null hypothesis. The hypothesis are:
1. Null Hypothesis (H0) : There is no an effect of Quizlet as
learning media in teaching grammar
2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) : There is an effect of Quizlet as
learning media in teaching grammar
4. Research Method
1. Type of the research
The type of the research will use quantitative research approach.
According to Nana S. Sukmadinata , quantitative research based on
philosophy positivism which emphasizes in objective phenomena
that are studied quantitatively or carried out used numbers, statistical
processing, structure, and trial controlled. Meanwhile the type of
research that will use in the research is a quasi-experimental design
research. The main characteristic of quasi experimental design is is
the development from true experimental design, which it has a
control group but cannot fully function to control the external
variables which affect the course of the experiment.
2. Time and Location of the Research
This research will be held at SMA N Bantarsari, located in
K.H.Syarbini Street, No.2 Bantarsari. Gandrungmangu.The
research will be held from August until September 2022, in the
academic year 2022/2023.
3. Population and Sample of the Research
The population of this research is the eleventh grade at SMA N
Bantarsari in the academic year 2022/2023. The total of
population is 90 students that consist of 3 classes.

1 XI MIPA 1 30
2 XI MIPA 2 30
3 XI MIPA 3 30
Total 90
Table 3.1
The Population of The Research

In this study, samples will take by random sampling technique.

Considerations used in random sampling The techniques are: (1)
students receive material based on the same curriculum with the same
teacher qualifications (2) Students are at the same level that are xi
grade (3) The age of students in class is same relative (4) the academic
score from the classes are average score , no one is the highest level.
To determine the class to be sample in this research, the
researcher will be draw lots from the entire population as follows:
1. From the three classes, two classes were taken randomly to
be use as sample.
2. Then from the two selected classes to be the sample in
this research, it will be drawn again to determine which
class will be selected as experimental class and a control
3. Then draw again which class will be a group experimental
and control groups with the provisions, if the first lottery
come out it mean it become the experimental group and if
the second draw come out it mean it becomes the control
In addition, there are only three classes so the researcher will use
the last class as a trial class because it is not selected as the control
class and experiment class.
5. Variable of the Research
In this study there are two variables, namely independent and dependent
1. Independent Variable (X)
Independent variables are variables that affect or cause
changes in something so that the dependent variable
appears.The independent variable in this study is the Quizlet
2. Dependent Variable (Y)
The dependent variable is a variable that is influenced by
independent variable . The dependent variable in this research
is the effect.
6. Techniques of Data Collection
To collect the data, the tests will be give to students, there are : pre-tests,
and post-tests that will be conducted in both groups in the experimental
and control groups. The research instrument is a test and will adopt from
daily test,midter, final exam and also adapt to the students’ handbook
material. It will validate by the validator and it will try out to trial class
before giving to the sample students.

1. Pre Test
the pre test will obtain by using a test before the researcher
give the treatment. The pre test is the form of multiple choice
test that consist 30 question, and the allocation is 40 minutes.
Then the pre test will be conduct on august 2022 coordinate to
the schedule of the control class and the experimental class.
2. Post Test
In this research, the researcher will conduct a post-test after
students get the treatment and the time allocation is 40 minutes
on September 2022. The post test use same form of multiple
choice test that consist 30 question.
7. Techniques of Data Analysis
To know the effect of using the quizlet application in teaching , it is intend
that the control group and the experimental group will be compare by
using the t-test, as follow

t = Total score
Ma = Mean of experimental group
Mb = Mean of control group
Da2 = Standard of deviation of experimental group
Db2 = Standard of deviation of control group
Na = Total number of experimental group
Nb = Total number of control group

After obtaining the t-test, the researcher will compare data from the t-test
and t-table. Hypothesis testing uses criteria with a significant level of 5%
(0.05). The conclusion will obtain as follows:
Hα is accepted if> t table or if Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05.
Ho is accepted if <t table, or if Sig. (2-tailed)> 0.05

Structure of the Research

To do systemic research, that is necessary to classify the structure of this
research. This research is divided into five chapters; they will explain as
Chapter I presents an introduction. It consists of a background of the
study, operational definitions, research question, objectives and
significances of the research method, and structure of the research.
Chapter II explains the theories related to the effect of quizlet as learning
media in teaching grammar.
Chapter III consists of a research method that deals with the research
design, time and place of the research, population, sample, instruments for
obtaining data, and techniques for collecting data, and analyzing data.
Chapter IV presents the research result, which discusses the the effect of
quizlet as learning media in teaching grammar
Chapter V presents the conclusion and suggestion of the research. The
conclusion states the answer to the research questions. Furthermore, the
suggestions for the future research are also available in this chapter.
Bezusa, A, And I Samoylyukevych. “Innovative Techniques For Teaching
Foreign Languages.” Теорія І Практика Навчання … 6, No. 11 (2020):
Chaikovska, Olha, And Lesia Zbaravska. “The Efficiency Of Quizlet-Based Efl
Vocabulary Learning In Preparing Undergraduates For State English Exam.”
Advanced Education 7, No. 14 (May 14, 2020): 84–90.
Grammar, Teaching English. “Teaching English Grammar Today ’ S Class”
Hikmah, Durratul. “Quizlet: A Digital Media For Learning Informatics Terms.”
Ijoeel 01, No. 01 (2019): 1–9.
Jentia, Cynthia, Ak Peter, Evie Nisha, A / P Sahathevan, Francisca Lina, Ak
Tujang, & Melor, Et Al. “Quizlet: Putting Grammar In Educational Apps.”
International Invention & Innovative Competition (Iniic)S 2 (2019): 174–
Rejeki, Sri, Diah Kristina, Agus Wijayanto, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta,
And Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. “Perception Of Vocational
Students Toward The Use Of Duolingo And Quizlet To Improve Their
Words Bank.” In Ineltal Conference Proceedings The International English
Language Teachers And Lecturers Conference, 102–108, 2020.
Sari, Dhany Efita. “Quizlet: Aplikasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Smartphone Era
Generasi Milenial.” Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial 29, No. 1 (2019): 9–15.
Setiawan, M Rizky, Nurhidayanto Pancoro, And Setyo Putro. “Quizlet
Application Effect On Senior High School Students Vocabulary Acquisition”
4 (2021).
Siti Ismahani, Mpd. The Effect Of The Quizlet Application On The Vocabulary
Mastery Of Students In Class Vii Mts Al-Washliyah Bah Gunung Thesis,
Training, Teacher. “Utilizing Learn English Grammar Mobile Application In
Improving The Students ’ Grammar At Smp Negeri 14 Palopo.” State
Islamic Institute Of Palopo, 2021.
Yuliyanto, Yusuf, And Rokhmah Fitriyati. “Boosting Students’ Interest In
Learning Grammar By Using Quizlet.” In Proceeding Of The 2nd Icollit,
118–121. Surakarta: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2019.
Bezusa, A, And I Samoylyukevych. “Innovative Techniques For Teaching
Foreign Languages.” Теорія І Практика Навчання … 6, No. 11 (2020):
Chaikovska, Olha, And Lesia Zbaravska. “The Efficiency Of Quizlet-Based Efl
Vocabulary Learning In Preparing Undergraduates For State English Exam.”
Advanced Education 7, No. 14 (May 14, 2020): 84–90.
Grammar, Teaching English. “Teaching English Grammar Today ’ S Class”
Hikmah, Durratul. “Quizlet: A Digital Media For Learning Informatics Terms.”
Ijoeel 01, No. 01 (2019): 1–9.
Jentia, Cynthia, Ak Peter, Evie Nisha, A / P Sahathevan, Francisca Lina, Ak
Tujang, & Melor, Et Al. “Quizlet: Putting Grammar In Educational Apps.”
International Invention & Innovative Competition (Iniic)S 2 (2019): 174–
Rejeki, Sri, Diah Kristina, Agus Wijayanto, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta,
And Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. “Perception Of Vocational
Students Toward The Use Of Duolingo And Quizlet To Improve Their
Words Bank.” In Ineltal Conference Proceedings The International English
Language Teachers And Lecturers Conference, 102–108, 2020.
Sari, Dhany Efita. “Quizlet: Aplikasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Smartphone Era
Generasi Milenial.” Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial 29, No. 1 (2019): 9–15.
Setiawan, M Rizky, Nurhidayanto Pancoro, And Setyo Putro. “Quizlet
Application Effect On Senior High School Students Vocabulary Acquisition”
4 (2021).
Siti Ismahani, Mpd. The Effect Of The Quizlet Application On The Vocabulary
Mastery Of Students In Class Vii Mts Al-Washliyah Bah Gunung Thesis,
Training, Teacher. “Utilizing Learn English Grammar Mobile Application In
Improving The Students ’ Grammar At Smp Negeri 14 Palopo.” State
Islamic Institute Of Palopo, 2021.
Yuliyanto, Yusuf, And Rokhmah Fitriyati. “Boosting Students’ Interest In
Learning Grammar By Using Quizlet.” In Proceeding Of The 2nd Icollit,
118–121. Surakarta: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2019.

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