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1. Who is mainly responsible for a child's academic success, the parents or the teachers?
I think a child's academic success depends on their natural ability and their motivation to
succeed. Neither parents or teachers are responsible… it is the child him or herself. They have to
want to learn in the first place.
Parents and Teachers can both motivate the child to achieve. If both the Teacher and Parent
think that it is their responsibility to motivate the child, the chances of that child succeeding will
be higher, but not guaranteed.
2. Some people say that "Parents look after their children from the cradle to the grave". What
is your viewpoint?
This saying means that parents take care of their children really well throughout the lives of the
children. From the time the child is born until the child is an adult, they also worry about finding
a job and finding a marriage partner for their child. Throughout life, parents are always there to
stick with and accompany their children. This means that the love of parents for their children is
endless and limitless.
However, the concept could also raise concerns about over-dependence on parents. While
parents play an essential role in the lives of their children, it is also crucial for children to learn
to become independent individuals. Parents should strive to instill the values of self-reliance,
resilience, and the importance of making their own decisions as they grow older.

1. In life, experience and

ability are more important
than qualifications. Do you
agree or not? Explain.
1. In life, experience and
ability are more important
than qualifications. Do you
agree or not? Explain.
1. In life, experience and
ability are more important
than qualifications. Do you
agree or not? Explain.
1. In life, experience and ability are more important than qualifications. Do you agree or not?
I agree with that. Experience often brings valuable insights and skills that cannot be gained
through qualifications alone. Some individuals may not have formal qualifications but possess
exceptional skills and ability that make them incredibly successful in their respective fields.
2. The most successful people in life are not always the best educated. What do you think?
I think that can right. Education is still important. But it's not the only factor that determines
success in life. There are many successful people who took alternative paths to success. For
instance, Steve Jobs dropped out of college and went on to co-found Apple, one of the most
successful companies in history. And Oprah Winfrey, who is one of the most influential figures
in media, wasn't highly educated either."
A: Hi there, thanks for taking the time to speak with me today. Can you tell me a bit about your
journey to fame?
B: Of course, happy to share.
A: Great. How did you get started in your industry?
B: Well, it was a combination of luck and hard work. I always knew I wanted to pursue a career
in the entertainment industry, and I auditioned for any and every opportunity I could find.
Eventually, I landed a small role that led to bigger opportunities.
A: That's amazing. When did you realize that you were going to make it big?
B: It's hard to pinpoint a specific moment, but I think my breakthrough came when I landed a
lead role in a widely acclaimed film. That experience really put me on the map.
A: What was it like to suddenly become a household name?
B: It was definitely surreal. Suddenly, I couldn't even go to the grocery store without being
recognized. But it was also incredibly exciting and humbling.
A: Did you face any obstacles or challenges along the way?
B: Absolutely. The entertainment industry is notoriously difficult to break into, and I faced my
fair share of rejections and setbacks. But I never gave up, and eventually, my perseverance paid
A: That's inspiring. Do you have any advice for aspiring performers hoping to follow in your
B: My advice would be to never give up on your dreams, no matter how many times you get
knocked down. Believe in yourself, work hard, and always be open to learning and growing.
A: Thank you so much for sharing your story with me today. It's been a pleasure speaking with
B: Likewise, thanks for having me.
1. What characteristics do men and women look for in a relationship?
- Well, I think there are some universal traits that both genders look for, like honesty, trust, and
- Right, and it's also important to find someone who accepts and supports you for who you are,
and encourages your personal growth and individuality.
-Yes, I couldn't agree more. Ultimately, it's about finding someone who makes you happy,
brings joy to your life, and makes you feel loved and appreciated.
2. "Men make houses, women make home." What do you think?
- I think It is a bit old-fashioned, but I think it still holds some truth. Men bring their skills to the
table in building the structure, but it's up to women to add the heart and soul to make it a true
-That's a great way to put it. Together, men and women can create a home that's not only
structurally sound but also a place of love and comfort for all who dwell there.
1. Why do most of the women like wearing make-up? How you do feel when you don't wear
make-up? In order to keep up our appearance, what shouldn't we do in a street?
- Well, there could be a few reasons. For some women, it could be a cultural norm - like feeling
pressure to look polished and presentable at all times. And of course, there are plenty of women
who wear makeup simply because it makes them feel better about themselves.
- Honestly, it can be a little scary. But I think it's empowering to embrace your natural
appearance and feel confident in your own skin. Plus, it's a time-saver in the mornings!
- Maintaining a good appearance extends beyond just personal grooming. It encompasses our
behavior, respect for others, and a display of values that encourage a positive and welcoming
society. Let's all strive to be mindful of our actions on the streets.
2. What do you think about this proverb: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,""?
- I think what might be attractive and appealing to one person may not be the same to another.
Diversity in perspective is what makes the world so interesting and beautiful in its own right.
- "Ah, I see what you mean. So, I guess it comes down to appreciating beauty in all its forms,
regardless of whether or not it conforms to society's standards."
A: Hi, what do you think about living alone or living with family?
B: Well, I think living alone has its advantages. You can have complete privacy and
independence. You can decorate your space however you want, come and go as you please, and
don't have to answer to anyone. It can also be a good way to learn to take care of yourself and be
A: That does sound nice. But what about the disadvantages?
B: Living alone can be lonely at times. You may miss having someone to talk to or share
experiences with. It's also your responsibility to take care of everything, which can be
A: That’s true, but living with family has its own perks too. You have constant companionship
and support, and it’s helpful in times of need. You can also share your problems and get advice
from people who care about you.
B: I agree that having family support is invaluable, but sometimes living with family can also
cause conflicts and disagreements leading to stress and tension.
A: Someone say that Parents should choose their children's marriage partner. What is your point
of view?
B: "I understand that, but at the end of the day, it's the child who has to spend their life with the
person they marry, not the parents. A forced or arranged marriage can lead to unhappiness and
resentment in the future."
A: But sometimes parents have better judgment and can make the right decision for their
children based on shared values, cultural or religious backgrounds, and financial stability.
B: Everyone has different opinions. Good luck with your decision.
A: So, what's your taste in fashion and music?
B: Well, I would say that my taste in fashion tends to be pretty relaxed and casual. I prefer
comfortable clothes that I can wear all day without feeling restricted or uncomfortable. As for
music I'm a big fan of chill and indie music. I like discovering new artists and going to concerts
when I can. How about you?
A: I'm more of a bold and colorful dresser. I like to experiment with different textures and
prints. I have a few favorite brands that I usually shop from. I'm more into classic rock and folk
music. I love the energy and passion behind it. I think everyone has their own unique tastes
when it comes to fashion, music, and everything else. It's what makes us who we are.
B: Someone say that we can't live without having taste. What is your point of view?
A: Absolutely! We can't live without having taste in something. It's what allows us to express
ourselves and make connections with others who share similar interests.
B: Exactly. Whether it's fashion, music, or anything else, our tastes reflect our personalities and
preferences. And that's something to celebrate.
A: How important is money to you?
B: Honestly, money is pretty important to me. It helps me pay for my bills, my rent, and my
basic necessities. Without money, life would be very difficult.
A: But do you think if you had no money, you could still be happy?
B: I think it would be a challenge, but it's possible. Happiness doesn't always come from
material possessions or financial wealth. It comes from within, and finding joy in the little things
in life.
A: That's true. So, what do you think about the phrase "Money is the root of all evil"?
B: On my opinion, I feel like it's a bit of an over-generalization. In fact, money can be a
powerful force for positive change when invested in things like education, healthcare, or
environmental protection. It's all about how we choose to use it.
A: Yeah, I see what you mean. Money can definitely bring out the worst in people, but it's not
always the sole factor in causing harm.
B: Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.

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