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University of Surrey

Faculty of Chemical Engineering

Information and Process Systems MSc
Research Dissertation (PRISE) (ENGM083)

A Qualitative Description study to Explore How to Revolutionise

the Oil and Gas Industry Through the Implementation of
‘Process Industry 4.0’ Technologies.

Jamie Maunder
URN: 6778899

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………….3
1.1 The Current Position of the Oil and Gas Industry…………………………….3
1.2 ‘Process Industry 4.0’s’ applications towards Oil and Gas Industry…….…....5
1.3 The Functionality of Big Data Analytics in the Oil and Gas Industry ……….6
2.0 Literature Review……………………………………………………………....10
2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………….10
2.2 Literature Search……………………………………………………………....10
2.3 Themes……………………………………………………………....................10
2.4 Literature Review……………………………………………………………...10
2.4.1 Big Data Analytics in Exploration………………………………………….10
2.4.2 Big Data Analytics in Drilling………………………………………………12
2.4.3 Big Data Analytics in Reservoir Engineering………………………………13
2.4.4 Big Data Analytics in Production Engineering…………………………….13
3.0 Methodology……………………………………………………………...........14
4.0 Results and Recommendation………………………………………………...15
5.0 Verification of Results and Recommendation…………………………….….18
6.0 Conclusion.……………………………………………………………............19
7.0 References.…………………………………………………………….............20

1.0 Introduction

This chapter introduces the dissertation and displays the focus of the research and how the
research question is determined. Background information is provided on the topic area and a
rationale for the topic of research is identified. The methodological approach is then
described briefly.

Background information on the problem at hand is detailed by evidence suggesting the oil
and gas industry is losing its essence of profitability (Brun, Trench and Vermatt, 2017). This
can be accredited to evidence provided by (Brun, Trench and Vermatt, 2017). It is estimated a
typical contributor towards the sector operates at seventy seven percent of its production
potential, explaining the increasing challenge surrounding profitability when developing oil
and gas products. (Williams-Derry, 2021). The consensus opinion is the operations of oil and
gas companies are being restricted as a result of increasingly more stringent environmental
policies being imposed. Brun, Trench and Vermatt, 2017 believes the issue to be far more
complex, as they have identified companies’ inabilities in the sector to operate complex
capital-intensive process facilities. They believe this is predicated on the industry’s collective
reluctance towards embracing analytical tools and techniques constituting part of ‘Process
Industry 4.0’. Experts in the field of ‘Process Industry 4.0’ are now starting to exude
optimism towards the trajectory of the oil and gas industry, and this is grounded in the
theoretical improvements of operational and productional efficiency that they believe can
easily be realised.

1.1 The current position of the Oil and Gas Industry:

The significance of the oil and gas industry amongst the global economy cannot be
understated, as it is considered to be the biggest sector globally in terms of dollar value
(Muspratt, 2019). Informative material pertaining to what products can be derived deems
petroleum to be the most important because it plays the role as the primary material for a
multitude of chemical products (Muspratt, 2019). Metaphorically, there is still a large amount
of tread in the tires in reference to the worlds dependence on oil and gas, where even amidst a
weakened global economy the oil and gas industry continues to wield incredible influence in
international economics and politics (Muspratt, 2019). There is an extra capacity for growth
possessed by the industry, due to a predominant amount of the technology being outdated. In
turn, this has led to prices for products far exceeding their true valuation. As of currently the
most potent threat to the flourishment of the oil and gas industry is the trend towards
renewable energy, where it is thought around eighty percent of newly commissioned
renewable energy will be cheaper than oil and natural gas if the industry does not alter their
derivation techniques (Muspratt, 2019).

Investment appeal towards the oil and gas industry is still very much prevalent, as this sector
is understood to be one of the largest in the world in terms of dollar value through its
contributions towards the global economic framework (Mcclay, Boyle and Schmitt, 2022).
Investors still have access to assistance regarding understanding complex jargon and unique
metrics through the development of new overviews, implying there is still great intrigue in
the industry (Mcclay, Boyle and Schmitt, 2022). The nature of the industry is multi-faceted; it
can be broken down into three separate production stages (Mcclay, Boyle and Schmitt, 2022).
The significance of the oil and gas industry following this blueprint cannot be understated as
it allows interconnectivity to take place between companies on differing stages. It is urged

companies remain specialising in certain facets to avoid bankruptcy (Mcclay, Boyle and
Schmitt, 2022).

Negative connotations towards the oil and gas industry are difficult to encounter. Through
meticulous research an article written by (Williams-Derry, 2021) was uncovered detailing the
inevitable demise of the oil and gas industry. Misconceptions currently embodied by
companies within the industry are highlighted. For example, the oil and gas industry’s
business model has been hinged on the idea that fossil fuel consumption would rise in
accordance with economic growth, and this has run congruent in the past. Yet, in recent times
oil and gas reserves have started to lose their financial relevance, as companies are finding it
increasingly more challenging to develop oil and gas at a profitable rate. It is believed the
main causation is the rise in prevalence of renewable energy sources and the enforcement of
new state climate policies (Williams-Derry, 2021). More legitimate sources however strongly
disagree with this concept, believing the loss of essence in profitability is a result of poor
operational and productional efficiency brought about by a reluctance to embrace ‘Process
Industry 4.0’ (Brun, Trench and Vermatt, 2017). It must be stated this article possesses pre-
judgemental bias, as it appears the main purpose of the web page revolves around
environmental preservation through the tightening of the rules and regulations that oversee
the production of fossil fuels. Therefore, the ruling out of the oil and gas industry being
deemed unprofitable can take place.

The hesitation displayed by companies within the oil and gas sector, towards relishing in
‘Process Industry 4.0’ is believed to be justified (Thought Leadership, 2022). There are
potential challenges, both external and internal, that can arise as a result of digitalising a
whole sector (Thought Leadership, 2022). These challenges can be described as ‘hurdles’ and
can range from catering towards complex cross-border regulations to the contention with
constantly changing market environments (Thought Leadership, 2022). Yet, vast benefits can
be provided by these technologies, for example advanced 4D modelling in seismic imaging
can be enabled more efficient and effective exploration. ‘Process Industry 4.0’ is positively
portrayed through the need for embarkment being clearly demonstrated, and it is clear there is
an awareness amongst experts that failing to successfully digitalise will result in the demise
and subsequent collapse of the oil and gas industry (Thought Leadership, 2022). The solution
to successfully integrate ‘Process Industry 4.0’ is to ensure there is a balance between change
and continuity at all times, and for caution to be exercised. As if companies are too brash
with their introduction, cybersecurity risks, interoperability challenges and transparency
issues will inevitably be encountered.

A further compelling angle to why companies in the oil and gas industry should be
incentivised to embrace ‘Process Industry 4.0’ is in recent times fatalities have gradually
increased each year, rising from fourteen in 2020 to twenty in 2021 (Davis, 2022). Sympathy
should be demonstrated towards the companies, as intense safety policies and procedures are
enforced to mitigate these unfortunate events. However, the question of whether the current
infrastructure in place is allowing the consideration of the safety of workers to be maximised
to its upmost potential should be asked (Davis, 2022). An emphasis must be placed on the
importance of the elephant in the room needing to be addressed, otherwise fatalities will only
increase year upon year through current technologies being placed under greater stress as a
result of increasing demand (Davis, 2022). It is highlighted upon implementing ‘Process
Industry 4.0’ technologies into oil and gas operations, noticeable improvements in safety will
be experienced, brought around by real time insights into safety risks being enabled. In order
to provide solutions for these complications, the importance of companies adopting a strong

safety culture cannot be stressed enough if they wish to notice success from the
implementation of ‘Process Industry 4.0’ (Thought Leadership, 2022).

1.2 ‘Process Industry 4.0’s’ applications towards Oil and Gas Industry:

The general concepts of ‘Process Industry 4.0’ can be effectively summated (System
Analysis Program Development, 2023). Three prior respective revolutions took place and can
be easily distinguished. An abundance of information has been acquired over time pertaining
to industrial occurrences from the fact society has experienced three full revolutions prior to
the fourth (System Analysis Program Development, 2023). This has brought forth what we
are currently experiencing today in the form of the fourth industrial revolution. The new
features of ‘Process Industry 4.0’ include its predication on a new approach to the
automation, monitoring, and analysis of supply chains through the utilisation of smart
technologies. This aforementioned smart technology can be itemized into 9 separate pillars,
that allow the bridging between the digital and physical worlds to be authorised (System
Analysis Program Development, 2023).

The significance of ‘Process Industry 4.0’ technologies’ role in the embarkment towards
improving the oil and gas industry cannot be downplayed (Heriot Watt University, 2022).
Upon implementation, it is understood the improvements will be recognised almost
instantaneously. Whether this be in the form of a reduction of costs, or the efficiency of a
process being enhanced (Heriot Watt University, 2022). A number of constraints currently in
place have been identified preventing the full rollout, in the form of regulatory frameworks
and data standardizations (Heriot Watt University, 2022). It is believed these constraints are
in place as a result of the industry’s naivety, through full confidence in the technologies
capabilities having not yet been instilled. These same constraints have primed the oil and gas
industry to be able to capitalise on the riches offered through digitalisation. All that is
required is for the regulatory boards to be educated on how upon implementation, operational
and production efficiency improvements will be experienced without the disruption of the
data security’s functionality, thus the adherent of the current regulations in place will occur.
These acts will enable companies to relish in ‘Process Industry 4.0’, allowing all aspects of
their operations to be revolutionized. It is detailed that upon the industry’s adoption of full
digitalisation, an anticipated one point 6 trillion to two point 6 trillion dollars’ worth of
revenue will be unlocked (Heriot Watt University, 2022).

The extent to which each of the 9 facets of ‘Process Industry 4.0’ can contribute towards the
oil and gas industry can be articulated exceptionally (Lu et al, 2019). All weaknesses
requiring the intervention of ‘Process Industry 4.0’ are identified, through the thorough
analysis of the industry being considered (Lu et al, 2019). A multiplicity of deficient areas
can be described, for example the industry’s inability over the last decade to truly grasp the
opportunity to use the data they have acquired in an effective manner. Alternate solutions
largely predicated on ‘Process Industry 4.0’ can rectify the problems at hand. Through
theorising, it can be discovered certain technologies would prove to be more use over others.
In reference to the problem mentioned above and additional issues identified amongst the
supply chain, Big Data Analytics would be able to provide a solution. Also, there is great
intrigue into the potential possessed by augmented reality and blockchain technology, from
the standpoint of minimising workplace accidents and improving data security respectively.
There is confusion as to why there is an essence of reluctance or complacency being
displayed towards companies embracing these technologies (Lu et al, 2019). Supported by
seventy percent of oil and gas companies in the United States not being familiar with the

concept and application scenarios of Big Data technology (IDC Energy 2022). A failing to
understand the motivations of said companies, means an urging to fully embrace facets of
‘‘Process Industry 4.0’.’ must take place (IDC Energy 2022)

The capacity for contribution of each of the nine pillars of ‘Process Industry 4.0’ when
applied to the oil and gas industry can be considered, from the standpoint of improving
operational and productional efficiency (Lisowski, 2021) . The main goal being the
identification of the technology that stands above its counterparts (Lisowski, 2021). The prior
acknowledgement of how the industry currently functions, allows an identification of
potential areas that would largely benefit from the revolutionary perspective industry 4.0
provides. Therefore, certain pillars pose greater potential for contribution than others. One
area paid great attention to is the data acquisition facet of the supply chain, where large
amounts of data is collected year upon year predominantly as a result of developments
situated in the seismic and sequestration fields (Lisowski, 2021). It is noted however, this
data is not being used to assist with the improvement of the supply chain, making it simply
stagnant (Lisowski, 2021). Big Data Analytics will play an important role in mitigating this
period of stagnation, in turn allowing companies in the industry to capitalise on the data at
hand. Upon implementing Big Data Analytics, improvements will be recognised in all facets
of the supply chain. Information is not provided on how other technologies can be used
indicating the applications Big Data Analytics possesses trumps those of its counterparts.

Recent technological improvements that exclude ‘Process Industry 4.0’ technologies, have
enabled companies present in the oil and gas industry to collate large data sets. Engineers are
encountering difficulties surrounding managing these data sets, where it is documented
petroleum engineers spend over half their time searching and assembling data before
beginning multidisciplinary analysis (Brule, 2015) . Year upon year, the complexity of
managing data is increasing at an alarming rate and if not attended to has the potential to
become a deterrent to performing analytics. Therefore, the strategy for the collection and
subsequent storage of data poses just as much importance as the analytical methods
themselves. This has led to the oil and gas industry to search for ways to rectify the problem
at hand, where a couple of alternate solutions have been unveiled. It is believed for Big Data
Analytics to be the most logical, through its showing of great promise in the analytical and
storage facets. Not only is the technology predicated on empirical statistical and stochastic
approaches, but it is also supported by the ‘Data Lake’ that is essentially a massively scalable
landing zone for semi structured and unstructured data of any type, making it an ideal choice
for companies (Brule, 2015). The legitimacy of (Brule, 2015) findings cannot be questioned,
due to it being used as evidence at an Energy Conference and Exhibition, self-evidently
placing it under rigorous scrutinization. Therefore, Big Data Analytics is the chosen
technology whose applications amongst the oil and gas industry will be considered.

1.3 The Functionality of Big Data Analytics in the Oil and Gas Industry:

Acting on ‘Process Industry 4.0’ technologies’ is not as easy as it initially seems, indicative
of the oil and gas industry currently showcasing levels of reluctance towards the
embracement of Big Data Analytics (Perrons and Jensen, 2015) The apprehension is largely
predicated off the idea that critics believe the transformational potential of the technology is
oversold and misunderstood (Perrons and Jensen, 2015). Intricate research has uncovered the
necessary framework is in place in terms of data generation, stating “Modern oil and gas
seismic data centres can easily contain as much as 20 petabytes of information.”, yet the fear
of full embracement is debilitating companies within the sector ( Perrons and Jensen, 2015).

Light is shed on the vastness of Big Data Analytics applications in comparison to historical
methods of data analysis, detailing the enablement of a multiplicity of system variables to be
monitored in real-time. It is emphasised how other sectors have come to realise the invaluable
insights that are there to be gained as a result of using this technology, and it is stressed
heavily the oil and gas sector must follow suit if the industry still wishes to reap success
(Perrons and Jensen, 2015).

Realistic solutions to the challenges that have arisen when concerning implementing ‘Process
Industry 4.0’ into the oil and gas industry have been unveiled (Benayoune, 2022). A
questionnaire explored the views and perceptions of sixty-nine senior manages present in the
oil and gas industry, on incorporating intense digitalisation into the supply chain (Benayoune,
2022). Filtration amongst the answers received, allowed intriguing reasons to arise as to why
they believe it is an issue. Commonalities included implementation cost, cultural change, and
a distinct lack of digital skills amongst the current labour force. The government plays a large
role in the assistance of overcoming these commonalities. It is believed the promotion and
support of research aimed at developing technologies is paramount in aiding companies’
understandability of ‘Process Industry 4.0’ through the relieving of regulatory frameworks to
ensure they do not act as barriers (Benayoune, 2022). Issues may arise however when
extrapolating this information across the whole Populus, as the research is only subject to the
oil and gas industry present in Omen.

It is believed Big Data Analytics can offer vast assistance to companies present in the oil and
gas sector (Padmanabhan, 2014). The oil and gas industries investments since its inception
into seismic software, visualization tools and other digital technologies of a similar sort have
made it no stranger to the process of analysing data. Yet, commonalities amongst the
technologies currently being embraced by the oil and gas industry have been identified; all
following the similar suit of outdatedness. The rise of pervasive computing devices,
affordable sensors that collect and transmit data and new analytical tools, all partly
constituting Big Data Analytics, has led to them being able to be applied into the supply
chain. The incorporation of these technologies would trigger a staggering rise in both
operational and productional efficiency. The informative perspective offered by these
findings is augmented through examples of improvement being provided for different facets
of the production chain, allowing a grander perspective to be offered on the situation at hand.
Though it must be mentioned, it is in the authors interest to bolster the extensivity of the
applications of Big Data Analytics to as great a level as possible, as the company the article is
affiliated to sell advice relevant to strategy, operations, and technology (Padmanabhan,
2014). Nevertheless, the prospects of Big Data Analytics and ‘Process Industry 4.0’ as a
whole still remain and are very viable from the standpoint of their applicability towards the
oil and gas industry.

A greater grasp on the origins and applications of Big Data Analytics can be achieved
through reading relevant observational studies (Simplilearn, 2023). The findings unveiled an
array of information pertaining to the subject (Simplilearn, 2023). The inception of Big Data
Analytics can be traced back to the very early days of computing that speaks to the extensive
history the technology possesses. This extensive timeline ensues confidence on the
capabilities of Big Data Analytics, as sufficient time has been provided for the basis of the
technology to be improved upon in a consistent manor. Ample evidence to suggest this
information has been formulated under good research with a well-versed consideration of
scope comes from it being founded on relevant case studies (Simplilearn, 2023). The most
flattering case study towards Big Data Analytics amongst the findings mentioned, is how

Starbucks utilise the technology to determine if a new outlet is required in a specific location
through assessing factors such as population, demographics, and accessibility of location
(Simplilearn, 2023). Something must be said to the very optimistic outlook that has no signs
of doubt or inhibition on the technology. This could either be gauged as a positive from the
perspective of the technology possessing no downsides or as a negative due to the author
potentially being bias or lacking rigour in relation to the research for this piece of work.

In a company’s efforts of digitalisation Big Data Analytics is an invaluable tool (Babati,

2017). This specific technology is the most important facet of a developing company, and if
used correctly possesses the capacity to stifle competition. Referring to data analytics as “a
new commodity” and “the oil of the digital era”, examples are provided as to where
improvements will be noticed if it is correctly utilised (Babati, 2017). Big Data Analytics can
be integrated towards the oil and gas industry through following a step-by-step plan that is
informative but also practical (Babati, 2017). This information is not based on findings
applied directly towards the oil and gas industry. Yet that doesn’t mean to say that this
information is not true or cannot run congruently with the industry. However, a financial
incentive is exuded on this information, as the intention of (Babati, 2017) is to sell advice
pertaining to successfully integrating Big Data Analytics. Meaning the neutral observer could
infer a preconceived bias towards this specific technology. There are possible risks associated
with placing full trust in this information, but nonetheless, I believe it to be a legitimate
source due to the company being accredited amongst their respective peers and above all their
own industry.

The term Big Data can be fragmented into three separate components, and this concept can
greatly aid in understanding this technology, allowing companies to be better equipped when
applying Big Data Analytics (Pence, 2015). The three facets of Big Data are titled ‘The 3
V’s’, and are volume, velocity, and variety, and failure to optimise these three key areas will
ultimately lead to a collapse of the technology itself within the certain field it is being applied
(Pence, 2015). However, upon further research it appears two further ‘V’s’ have been added
to provide an improved definition of Big Data (Ishwaeappa and Anuradha, 2015). Evidenced
by a qualitative investigation that led to the unveiling of novelty information relating to Big
Data (Ishwaeappa and Anuradha, 2015). It is believed the current three terms of volume,
velocity and variety embodied by companies using Big Data Analytics did not effectively
summate the technology, and in order to do so two new terms have to be added (Ishwaeappa
and Anuradha, 2015) . These two new terms of veracity and value ignited companies to again
compartmentalise their current understanding of Big Data Analytics, and in turn gain a
greater understanding of the technology (Ishwaeappa and Anuradha, 2015). The first term
volume refers to the quantity of data or information available (Ishwaeappa and Anuradha,
2015). Within the oil and gas industry companies have no issue collating large data sets but
lack the intuition or know how to capitalise on these said data sets through the utilisation of
processing tools provided by Big Data Analytics. The term velocity lays in reference to the
speed of data transmission and is predicated on the quantity and quality of processing units
that are installed (Ishwaeappa and Anuradha, 2015). Companies in the oil and gas industry
are encountering issues relating to their velocity, and this is largely based off of too few
processing units being in place relative to the volume of data being generated. Variety can be
described as the types of data that are being generated, whether this be structured or
unstructured (Ishwaeappa and Anuradha, 2015). Ideally companies desire structured data as it
displays elements of greater organisation and is less text heavy, hence maximising the
services provided by the Big Data Analytics tools. Thankfully for the oil and gas industry, a
large percentage of data collected resembles the characteristics of being structured, and this is

most prevalent in the upstream. Veracity overviews the quality and usefulness of the
available data and is largely predicated on the overall distinguishment between what is
‘clean’ and ‘dirty’ data (Ishwaeappa and Anuradha, 2015). It is vital companies display good
levels of veracity, otherwise the velocity of the process can be drastically affected. The
common practices implemented by the oil and gas industry currently produce devastatingly
poor levels of veracity, and this mainly stems from data being collected by human operators
through conventional manual data recordings. The final component value speaks to the
returned value of investments, as a result of implementing Big Data Analytics (Ishwaeappa
and Anuradha, 2015) . An example could be the identification of a piece of equipment failing
before it happens, in turn saving vast amounts of money as standby time is now negligible.

In order for data to be collected and stored effectively there needs to be a mediator present
that allows communication to occur amongst data sets. Typically, this takes place in the form
of a coding language that will be pre-programmed before any data collecting occurs. Without
the necessary framework, Big Data Analytics would be rendered useless, as there would be
no levels of organisation present in the Big Data. Hence, Big Data Analytics would produce
incorrect results. Explained below are two of the most commonly observed languages that
allow Big Data collection to take place. The first is named Apache Hadoop (Ishwaeappa and
Anuradha, 2015). The technology is written in Java and functions through the use of digital
processing that is authorised by a cluster of computers. The significance of MangoDB as a
technology is detailed, where its language is predominantly written in C++ (Trifu and Ivan).
The main appeal of this processor is its adaptability, as it can cater towards a vast amount of
different data sets.

Companies having innovative technologies at their disposal that possess vast abilities to be
able to synthesise and reason data, are paramount in ensuring their acquired Big Data is
effectively processed to its upmost potential. When concerning Big Data Analytics, typically
companies will use a variety of different tools, some of the more outstanding ones are
detailed below. Light is shed on the promising technology labelled R. R that is a modern
functional programming language with the potential to render accurate results in a short time
span (Eglen, 2009). It possesses the capacity for rigorous software development due to its
object-oriented features, in turn allowing it to excel in the realms of high-volume analysis and
statistical simulations. An additional processing tool displaying levels of promise is Datameer
(Warden, 2011). A multiplicity of data processing tasks can be conducted through its output
visualisation tools being coupled with its user-friendly interface, making it a lucrative
technology amongst its counterparts.

To successfully integrate this technology, it must first be understood how the oil and gas
industry functions. The industry can be segmented into three parts, the upstream, midstream,
and downstream. Upstream refers to the acquisition of crude oil and natural gas, midstream is
the process of transferring crude oil and natural gas, and downstream is the conversion into
finished products (Mette, 2021). From conducting thorough research, I believe it would seem
logical to implement Big Data Analytics first in the upstream. This is because of a multitude
of reasons. Firstly, I believe there are the most application opportunities for this technology.
Secondly, the amount of data generated is incomparable to the other respective sectors,
meaning Big Data Analytics would be the most effective in the upstream. Thirdly, the
midstream and downstream are directly influenced with what occurs in the upstream,
meaning potential information could arise on how to revolutionize these areas as well.
Fourthly, the veracity of data present in the upstream is incredibly high, meaning no issues
will arise pertaining to the velocity of the process being slow. The question at hand is what

area of the upstream is Big Data Analytics most likely to have the greatest influence on, as it
is comprised of many different facets. Whether this be in exploring new areas to extract oil,
using cost effective drilling technologies, oil reservoir maintenance or the act of oil and gas
extraction through pump technologies. In order to uncover the answer, a literature review
must be conducted. Once the literature review has been completed, it will be subject to a
qualitative analysis mediated through the consideration of a hypothetical case study. The
intention, to uncover the theme of literature possessing the most insufficiencies in knowledge,
in turn revealing the most exploitable facet of the upstream.

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction:

The incentive of undertaking this review is to assess literature critically and meticulously that
is in relation to Big Data Analytics applications in the upstream of the oil and gas industry, in
order to gain an understanding of what is already known on the subject and to search for
evidence which important decisions may be based upon. It allows an understanding of
different approaches used to research this phenomenon, whilst additionally identifying gaps
in knowledge and highlighting areas for future research.

This chapter will specify search terms and databases used for identifying literature for the
review. Then, it will ascertain specific themes that have emerged from the literature. Each
theme will facilitate a place for where literature can be critiqued and links between studies
can be made. Upon completion of the literature review, gaps present in the research will be
identified and conclusive ideas will be able to be drawn upon.

2.2 Literature Search:

A comprehensive broad search of the literature from 2003 to 2023 was carried out using the
data base google scholar. A large amount of search terms were used to ensure all relevant
studies towards the hypothesis were covered. These included: Big Data Analytics
applications in the upstream, Big Data Analytics applications in the oil and gas industry, Big
Data Analytics applications in the upstream in the oil and gas industry. Abstracts would be
read and determined relevant if aspects of the work considered Big Data Analytics
applications in the upstream. Evidently, there is a good paucity of good quality literature on
the subject with many of the studies identified possessing relatively small sample sizes.

2.3 Themes:

From extensively analysing the literature four themes emerged which will guide the literature
- Big Data Analytics in Exploration
- Big Data Analytics in Drilling
- Big Data Analytics in Reservoir Engineering
- Big Data Analytics in Production Engineering

2.4 Literature Review:

2.4.1 Big Data Analytics in Exploration:

Literature relating to Big Data Analytics being present in the exploration phase of the
upstream is particularly limited with the observed studies all displaying vast similarities
(Roden, 2016; Joshi et al, 2018; Olneva et al, 2018; Murray et al, 2003). (Murray et al, 2003)
conducted a quantitative series of tests to aid interpreters with the comprehension of their
seismic data. This was achieved through implementing a basic multicomponent seismic
analysis and is the first example of Big Data Analytics being used in the explorative field.
The analysis took place it seemed over 5 stages, these included the generation of self-
organizing maps, a consideration of flat spots within the data and the application of
attenuation. However, difficulty is displayed in attempting to clearly articulate how the full
procedure was performed. The findings unveiled evidence of fluid contact and
subsequentially one potential new drilling location that was previously undetected.
Controversy may arise through the Gulf of Mexico being the chosen destination due to it
being one of the most important offshore petroleum production regions in the world. Inducing
the question would the technology be as effective in regions of less surplus. There is
correspondence amongst this study by (Roden, 2016), from the standpoint of both analyses’
being predicated off of multi-component seismic analysis. Although both processes of
analyses’ follow a similar notion, the difference in the outcome is noticeable, and this is
largely because of the timeframe of technological development between both studies. (Roden,
2016) undertook a mathematical study subjecting a hypothetical scenario to multi-component
seismic analysis, to quantify the true value the technology can provide companies. Similar to
(Murray et al, 2003) a 5-stage protocol was implemented, however the technologies at the
discretion of (Roden, 2016) were far superior. For example, the self-organising maps were
founded by the employment of machine learning tools for a greater predictive accuracy in
comparison to them simply being generated. The results received deemed Big Data Analytics
to be a significant contributor towards the betterment of exploration efficiency, yet the author
fails to place a value on this discovered improvement. The authors justifies his election of a
virtual location because of its generosity towards the project financially. It is hard to fathom
why a virtual location would be chosen for this study though, due to the inevitable concerns
of legitimacy and integrity it will undoubtedly receive, as data manipulation is easily

The above findings are in contrast to the work of (Joshi et al, 2018), from the perspective of
this study concerning the detailing of the benefits of analysing micro-seismic data sets. The
study utilised Big Data Analytics to synthesise the micro-seismic data sets, in order to model
the fracture propagation maps whilst hydraulic fracking occurred. A reluctance to implement
micro-seismic data sets was registered by the authors before partaking in this study, because
of the sheer volume of data that is generated. In order to combat this, the authors devised a
plan to ensure conventional tools were avoided and instead replaced by the Hadoop platform.
Upon applying the Hadoop platform, the authors discovered how a success ratio
improvement could be observed. This betterment was brought around as a result of improved
communication amongst data sets and potential anomalies being more easily detectable.

Dissimilar to the methods described above, (Olneva et al, 2018) documents how, when
applied to seismic data, Big Data Analytics can be used to cluster 1D, 2D and 3D geological
maps to help establish ideal drilling locations. The quantitative study occurred in the West
Siberian Petroleum Basin and the authors work was based on two main approaches. The first
method labelled ‘from general to particulars’ concerned using drilling data and regional maps
for 5000 wells. The second method noted ‘from general to particulars’ was based on the
interpretation of seismic and geological patterns for more than 40000km^2. The authors
determined the second method to be more favourable from its ability to be able to describe to

a greater detail the landscape in question. This correlates with (Roden, 2016) research that
found the utilisation of seismic data to be an effective tool in improving exploration

2.4.2 Big Data Analytics in Drilling:

In the oil and gas industry, the act of drilling produces a multitude of data in of itself. Key
contributors towards this specific data set include the data generated from the digital rig site
and manually entered data by human operators. Various forms of Big Data Analytics can be
applied towards this acquired data to notice improvements in scheduling or the act of
drilling. New data recording tools are being established on a frequent basis, where there are
now more than 60 different sensors at the disposal of companies to record various parameters
throughout the duration of the drilling operation. In turn, this has led to Big Data Analytics
being even more applicable than originally before (Truck 2023).

(Maidla et al, 2018) research found drilling performance is improved upon the application of
Big Data Analytics. The research was largely grounded in a quantitative study that, with the
intention of improving drilling efficiency, combined the current data source with the morning
report, electronic drilling records and differential pressure readings. The authors identified
the improvement stemmed from both drilling and formation parameters now being introduced
to the process. Conclusive ideas mentioned a potential hinderance towards the experiment
conducted, that the authors believed stemmed from a lack of consideration towards data
filtering and quality control. Resultingly, difficulties arose when quantifying the true amount
Big Data Analytics can improve drilling performance. The research suggests further studying
in relation to comprehending data filtering and quality control is required in order to ensure
the process functions at its upmost potential.

Whilst investigating Big Data Analytics relationship with the process of drilling, it appeared
there was continuity amongst a large amount of the literature. Indicative of a study being in
deep agreement with (Mailda et al 2018) and (Truck 2023) that is orchestrated by (Duffy,
Rigg and Maidla, 2017). It portrays the capacity for the technologies contributions towards
drilling in the oil and gas industry to be vast. Evidenced by an intricate case study based on
pad drilling in Bakken, where the inclusion of an automated drilling state detection
monitoring system incentivised improvements to take place in the drilling rig efficiency. The
findings revealed an improvement on non-drilling time of forty-five percent. This study is
larger than previous incidence studies so its generalizability is not limited.

The above findings are in contrast to work conducted by (Johnston and Guichard, 2015), who
sought to rectify a conundrum linked to oil and gas wells in the UK North Sea, relating to
risks associated with drilling operation safety. The authors believed additional data needed to
be gathered to allow Big Data Analytics to correctly function, and this led to them collecting
further drilling data, well logging data and geological formation tops. Issues arose however
when attempting to integrate it into the current dataset, because the coding language was
unable to cater towards all the different data types. This led to certain inputs being rejected
and the Big Data Analytics results ultimately being skewed. Besides the inaccuracies, from a
functionality standpoint, no issues were encountered by the analytical tools. It is paramount a
strong framework of Big Data is in place to allow the occurrence of accurate analysis. This
statement corresponds with (Truck 2023) research suggesting the importance of a vast
amount of acquired data being in place before being analysed by Big Data Analytics.

2.4.3 Big Data Analytics in Reservoir Engineering:

The field of reservoir engineering recently has come to prominence as a consequence of large
amounts of data being generated. This is hinged on the advent of distributed downhole
sensors being introduced into the market (Optromix, 2021). (Bello et al, 2017) became aware
of the emergence of this technology and delved on different ways one could capitalise on the
sheer quantity of data being generated. The authors elected to use this newly acquired
information to help aid with the development of a reservoir management application that
would largely be predicated on using Big Data Analytics. Before designing the service, they
fragmented their focus into four major components. The intention to ensure there was a clear
goal and objective for the programme. Upon the applications completion, amidst the four
components the most prevailing was the model builder. Regarding the model builder,
machine learning tools were used to do the training, model development and validation. Once
built, options on how to conduct Big Data Analytics would be presented and the most multi-
faceted option offered was the Apache Spark Machine Learning Tool. It cannot be
understated how significant (Bello et al, 2017) and other similar teams are in contributing
towards the overall betterment of reservoir engineering. Their provision of an application can
allow the modelling of reservoirs to take place, providing a different outlook on reservoir
engineering, in turn creating an increased understanding on the subject at hand.

Similar modelling methods to the one constructed by (Bello et al, 2017) were used by (Popa
et al, 2015). (Popa et al, 2015) used the concept of modelling to conduct an optimization on
heavy oil reservoirs that are under steam assisted gravity drainage and cyclic steam
operations. The authors research focused on a virtual version of Chevron’s San Joaquin heavy
oil reservoirs that in total included more than 14,200 wells. These number of wells provided
an array of structured and unstructured data, including various logs, temperatures, and
geological features. The findings unveiled a successful optimization that was mediated
through Big Data Analytics, and its conciseness cannot be questioned as the study was
subject to intense rigor from the large data base provided. Additionally, the above research
showcases the importance of a full virtual simulation being implemented before making
alterations to steam assisted gravity drainage and cyclic steam operations.

(Udegbe et al, 2017) used the application founded by (Bello et al, 2017) to improve the model
of a reservoir that had been hydraulically fractured. The authors achieved this by developing
a dual-permeability model that could allow various fracture parameters to be tested, in turn
enabling the required data to be generated. The improvements in the model were noticed once
the writers had used Big Data Analytics to apply the pattern recognition methodology
towards the now generated data. Revealing numerical underlying trends that could be added
to the model to improve its informativeness. The authors deems Big Data Analytics as a
successful tool in aiding reservoir engineering, displaying levels of agreement with the
research study conducted by (A.S Popa et al 2017). The report being issued by a large
number of professionals in the field allows nuances of bias to be irradicated from the
conversation. The research paper urges other companies within the industry to capitalise on
the potential Big Data Analytics has to offer.

2.4.4 Big Data Analytics in Production Engineering:

A successful drilling attempt into a reservoir where oil is present should notice some levels of
success, as due to the oil being under severe levels of pressure it will initially flow through

the casing unit that is part of the drilling process. This process dwindles however, leaving
large amounts of unextracted oil waiting dormant in the wells. Production Engineering
concerns solving the issue of migrating this remaining oil from the wells towards the rig’s
storage tank. It is achieved through the insertion of a pipe possessing an operated pump at the
base controlled by a pump jack (Hanson, 2021). These pumps can occur in different forms
evidenced by studies carried out by (Gupta and Luigi Saputelli, 2016) and (Palmer and
Turland, 2016) that concerned Electric Submersible Pumps and Rod pumps respectively.

(Gupta and Saputelli, 2016) carried out an observational study to determine if Big Data
Analytics could be used to optimise the performance of electrical submersible pumps. The
authors speak to companies experiencing a decline in the pumps performance when exposed
to factors such as high temperatures and gas volumes, to the point of where it can be
interruptive to the process. Two tests were conducted on an identical virtual reservoir plane,
where one electrical submersible pump was left to function as it had done previously and the
other was alternated through the introduction of a Big Data Analytics mechanism. This three-
stage mechanism was provided, beginning with predictive measures being added to identify
an equipment failure before it happened, followed by a numerical diagnosis as to how this
failure was brought around, and closed by the prescription of preventative actions. The
findings ran congruent with the authors preconceived ideas, revealing the identification of a
failure that was immediately rectified, saving 1518 minutes of downtime. A corresponding
study conducted by (Sarapulov and Khabibullin, 2017) detailed noticeable improvements in
the performance of an electrical submersible pump upon the implementation of Big Data. The
notion of the study was to aid an oil and gas extraction company by supplying them with Big
Data, that had been acquired through overviewing upwards of 200 million logs extending
across 1649 wells. The results revealed a decline of the electrical submersible pump
overheating and unsuccessfully starting. The legitimacy of their findings cannot be
scrutinised because of the meticulous methods embodied when collating the data.

(Palmer and Turland, 2016) found Big Data Analytics to be a key factor in facilitating the
improvement of the performance of the rod pump. A three-step mechanism was introduced,
similarly employed by (Gupta and Saputelli, 2016), consisting of a data acquisition phase, an
automated workflow window, and interactive data visualisation that enabled the extraction of
results because of a user-friendly interface being present. These findings are consistent with
the ones of (Gupta and Saputelli, 2016) and (Sarapulov and Khabibullin, 2017)

3.0 Methodology

The research question is upon considering the literature that reviews Big Data Analytics
applications towards the upstream of the oil and gas industry, what is the biggest
insufficiency of research that can be amended through the construction of a conceptual case

A qualitative approach, sometimes referred to as a naturalistic paradigm, will be used for this
study enabling an in-depth rich understanding of how Big Data Analytics is perceived and
applied within the oil and gas industry (QuestionPro, 2023). A quantitative approach being
used to compare between literature was not deemed suitable due to this predominantly being
preliminary research on the phenomenon that is Big Data Analytics, and the data prevalent
only allowed a narrow focus on the subject opposed to a qualitative approach which enables a
more holistic picture. The approach will take form as research for a case study and can be
deemed pragmatic from the perspective of the researcher focusing on the dilemma at hand

whilst considering what methods are needed to rectify the problem. Recent growth in
research pertaining to this ordeal, has led to an increase of various advanced methodologies
causing some researchers to name their research as grounded theory or narrative study. Case
Study research differs from other forms of qualitative approaches. It is predicated on the
researchers’ findings meaning conclusions are not established on what is already known of
the subject and the works of others that are linked to this phenomenon. Case Study research
encourages acquirement of data concerning Big Data Analytics applications towards the
upstream and allows a clear description of what current practices are being embodied. During
the analysis phase, the researcher does not diverge from the data meaning the findings
mentioned are well supported by the informants’ experiences. Case Study research has
aspects of interpretation more so than other qualitative approaches, as the reader needs to
gauge comparisons between the data. One concern of this approach is determining if a non-
bias overview is possible. As it allows the writer to intertwine his own viewpoints with the
current theoretical knowledge, perhaps inducing a less balanced conclusionary perspective on
the literature being offered. Yet, this is very unlikely as researchers typically are more
interested in preserving their own integrity over pushing a false narrative.

The research for the consideration of what insufficiency the case study will exploit occurs
under the results and recommendation phase. Initially, comments will be made on potential
weaknesses prevalent in each one of the four themes that have been reviewed. These being,
Big Data Analytics in exploration, Big Data Analytics in drilling, Big Data Analytics in
reservoir engineering and Big Data Analytics in production engineering. Then, qualitative
comparisons will be drawn across these acknowledged weaknesses to identify the area of the
upstream displaying the poorest applications of Big Data Analytics. The comparisons could
take form in many ways. Examples being an insufficient amount of literature implies the
technologies capacity for influence has not been registered in that specific facet of the
upstream, or perhaps the authors for a certain theme seems very negative potentially
suggesting the technology is not being correctly applied. The researcher undoubtedly will
encounter these dilemmas, and this is why embodying a qualitative approach when
researching for a case study is paramount, as it allows the correct deciphering of this
information. Largely through theoretical evidence not being the sole consideration as it is
complimented with a human perspective. Once the theme with the greatest insufficiency in
research is uncovered, the case study can now be formulated. The general notion of the case
study is to provide a solution to the issues identified by providing a framework mediated by a
hypothetical case study that researchers can follow to ensure their findings can be deemed as

4.0 Results & Recommendation

The introductory ideas revealed Big Data Analytics to be the most suited technology towards
positively influencing the industry’s operability. It was determined that to allow the effect of
the technology’s implementation to be amplified to its greatest extent, the dissertation would
focus solely on integration within the upstream. A literature review was then conducted to
consider the position of Big Data Analytics and to overview current gaps in knowledge,
within the oil and gas industry. An extensive search revealed a variety of findings, some of
which more compelling than other, that largely took the form of quantitative studies. The
intention of this chapter is to draw qualitative conclusions from the results present in the
literature review, to identify potential pitfalls that can be capitalised on through either the full
or partial introduction of Big Data Analytics. Then narrow down these results, to reveal one
lone outlier whose applications exceed that of its counterparts.

Literature pertaining to the exploration phase that I could identify all encountered similar
issues. Although setting out with the intentions of embodying mathematical studies, towards
the end of the research paper this idea would be aborted, and the authors would be forced to
provide a qualitative conclusion commenting on their findings. Largely campaigned on the
authors inability to be able to truly quantify the effects implementing Big Data Analytics had
on the exploratory field, and in my opinion was a result of a lack of understanding universally
on the matter at hand. Evidence of unsuccessful quantification occurring can be observed in
the study conducted by (Roden, 2016), where comments on the paper read “The results
received deemed Big Data Analytics to be a significant contributor towards the betterment of
the exploration efficiency, yet the author fails to place a true value on its discovered
improvement”. In the task of incentivising oil and gas companies to fully embrace Big Data
Analytics, I believe although it is important for research to be taking place on a consistent
basis, a greater emphasis must be placed on encouraging authors to provide statistical
evidence clearly justifying the positive impact the technology provides. Perhaps leaving
companies more inclined towards considering the addition of big Data Analytics and ‘Process
Industry 4.0’ technologies as a whole into their process chain.

A consideration of the literature relevant to the process of drilling in the upstream led to the
identification of key findings. Diversely to literature concerning the exploratory phase,
success was realised in one study from the standpoint of quantitative research unveiling
numerical results in its findings. Evidenced by the study shepherded by (Duffy, Rigg and
Maidla, 2017), whom noted a 45 percent increase in drill efficiency once Big Data Analytics
was intertwined in the process. Nevertheless, a predominant amount of the literature ran
consistent with the previously documented conundrum of authors being incapable of gauging
their findings numerically. In this instance, drilling performance was reviewed by (Maidla et
al, 2018) once its contemporaneous technological outlook had been coupled with notions of
Big Data Analytics. Conclusive ideas revealed the quantitative study may have been hindered
from a lack of consideration towards data filtering and quality control. Intensely delving into
the literature uncovered no evidence of a potential secondary study taking place, suggesting
either the author did not possess the tools at his disposal to rectify the issue at hand or the
problem was exceedingly complicated. A large number of studies exhibiting the issue of
quantifying their research does not bode well for how Big Data Analytics is perceived by the
oil and gas industry. Allowing a potential explanation to be provided for the aforementioned
timidity being exuded by companies when concerning this technology (Perrons and Jensen,

Upon the investigation and subsequent meticulous review of research papers and journals,
concerning how respected Big Data Analytics is in the field of Reservoir Engineering, it
seems the technology has attained a level of notoriety in this certain facet of the upstream.
The admiration is largely predicated on the applications towards model generation, allowing
workers to theorise on the effects that different hypothetical scenarios would have on chosen
oil wells. An unintentional collusion between two research journals transpired. (Bello et al,
2017) documented the process of constructing an application providing a platform for models
to be built upon, and fortuitously (Udegbe et al, 2017) utilised this same application in a
separate writing to improve a model of a reservoir that had undertaken the process of
hydraulic fracturing. (Udegbe et al, 2017) detailed the models improvements facilitated by
the application, noting the informativeness of the model had been bolstered through the
identification of underlying trends that previously had not been recognised. In turn,
authenticating the legitimacy of the application created by (Bello et al, 2017). Perhaps one

criticism of the available literature would be the focus seemed heavily concentrated on the
process of model generation. Although this constitutes reservoir engineering, a more
balanced review could have been attained if other aspects of the process were considered.
Examples could be the improved determination of an oil well’s likely expiration or a more
accurate risk assessment to gauge wells susceptibility towards oil spills.

Production engineering’s sole concern is identifying the most effective way in drawing oil
from wells to storage facilities that are present in oil rigs and is centred on the pumping
mechanism being efficacious. Big Data Analytics is believed to be able to contribute towards
this cause, supported by the literature being very complimentary towards its applications.
Consistencies present in the literature can be observed in the work of (Gupta and Saputelli,
2016) and (Palmer and Turland, 2016) from the standpoint of improving the operability of the
pumping mechanism, albeit the models differed as the electrical submersible pump and rod
pump were both considered respectively. Potentially inducing inconclusiveness towards Big
Data Analytics being applicable to the realm of production engineering, through the scope of
research being too wide thus inhibiting more intricate comparisons. Despite this
consideration, I believe the positives offered by the current scope outweigh the negatives,
through the vastness of Big Data Analytics applications being displayed. The seemingly large
scope of literature does not do justice on the variety of different pumps at the disposal of oil
and gas companies (DAE Pumps, 2018). Leading to my one critique, as in order for the
literature to cater towards the demands of all companies in the oil and gas industry, the
applications of Big Data Analytics must be considered amongst a larger variety of pumps
therefore requiring additional research. Otherwise, the issue of the oil and gas industry losing
its essence of profitability will be unable to be rectified (Brun, Trench, and Schmitt, 2022).

The intention of the results and recommendation phase is to identify gaps in the research
amongst the four themes considered, that can be compared between themselves to isolate an
outlier possessing the unequivocal greatest capacity for positive influence. A full reflection
on the results acquired through the literature review, has quite evidently allowed numeral
insufficiencies within the research to be identified. Confirmed by the acknowledgement of
the scope of literature connecting Big Data Analytics to production engineering being
summated as insufficient or studies correlating Big Data Analytics and reservoir engineering
struggling to be able to broaden their perspective outside of model generation, to name but a
few. Although insufficiencies of research in their own respective themes are displayed, the
literature was very intricately detailed and displayed Big Data Analytics in a positive light.
An asymmetrical outlook was observed in the beginning themes of Big Data Analytics in
exploration and Big Data Analytics in drilling. From the perspective of their being increased
levels of irregularity in the literature and the insufficiencies being more detrimental to the
industry’s’ prosperity. Evidenced by the research studies in both pieces of literature largely
being incapable of quantifying their findings, in turn rendering this information useless for
companies that are researching into the proposition of considering implementing Big Data
Analytics. Subsequentially, I deem it necessary to rule out the inadequacies of research
prevalent in the facets of reservoir and production engineering as they provide far less of a
hurdle for Big Data Analytics to metaphorically jump in order to be fully incorporated into
the oil and gas industry. As both of the remaining themes have almost identical
insufficiencies in their own respective literatures, a different angle must be taken in order to
determine a superior. This angle is predicated on the association of each theme, with the
intention of comparing the potential for contribution that each association has to the oil and
gas industry. Upon deep contemplation, the exploratory phase is deemed to pose more
significance. The oil and gas industry is encountering increased demand year upon year

leading to renown oil and gas reserves becoming scarcer, therefore for the industry to thrive
in the coming times it will become more reliant on the discovery of new reserves. An almost
sixty percent of estimated oil reserves and a mean 229.03 trillion cubic feet of natural gas
lays undiscovered; companies need to capitalise on this opportunity and in order to do so
need to be educated on the importance of the role of Big Data Analytics in aiding this venture
(Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 2021). This is only achievable through studies being
published demonstrating the differing applications of the technology and it is paramount the
findings are quantified.

5.0 Verification of results & recommendation

It has now been well documented literature connecting Big Data Analytics applications
towards the exploratory phase is deemed to be underwhelming. The weaknesses in research
are solely based on author’s inabilities to quantify findings, resulting in their conclusive ideas
lacking thoroughness. In the process of developing literature to directly influence an industry,
the importance of clear summations supported by concise statistical evidence being featured
cannot be overstated. As companies will place greater trust in literature supported by
quantified results opposed to vague qualitative statements, in turn improving the likelihood of
alterations being made to their own individual processes. Therefore, a larger abundance of
mathematical papers need to be established, in order for the oil and gas industry to be
revolutionised by Big Data Analytics. To achieve this, authors who wish to conduct research
in the future must be aided. I believe this can be achieved through the provision of a
framework for authors to follow meticulously, ensuring their research will possess conclusive
ideas that can be taken seriously. This framework will be mediated through a hypothetical
case study demonstrating numerically the applications of Big Data Analytics towards the
exploratory phase of the upstream.

Amongst the technologies considered within the exploratory phase, seismic sensors pose the
greatest significance. The technology functions through seismic waves being sent deep into
the earth and then the length of time recorded for the waves to return determines if oil and gas
reservoirs are present. Perhaps against their better judgement, geophysicists and
petrophysicists are only applying Big Data Analytics towards seismic sensors to a partial
extent. Evidenced by high-speed parallel computing and storage infrastructure being applied,
yet no consideration being made towards incorporating analytical technologies that can
synthesise data relating to rock types of nearby wells and data extracted from images of other
analogue areas. This partial application of Big Data Analytics towards seismic sensors, leads
to low resolution 3D geology models being generated. Not only are these models difficult to
interpret, but they are also the main justification as to where drilling takes place and can
typically lead to the provision of incorrect information. Thus, a rise in the number of
unsuccessful oil and gas wells being drilled for is incurred, in turn causing an increase in the
disturbance towards land and marine ecosystems. Upon the aforementioned data analysis
methods being incorporated into the operations of seismic sensors, an instantaneous
improvement will be recognised in exploration efficiency. This is engendered by the 3D
geology models now being able to be generated to a far superior resolution.

The above now being considered, a transition towards detailing the case study can seamlessly
take place. The stance of the case study will be that of hypothetical. Largely because
otherwise a significant amount of funds and time would be required to see it take place in real
life or virtually for that matter. To enable the commencement of the case study, firstly it
requires the corroboration of fifty different theoretical companies. Commonalities will be

shared amongst the companies, as will all be considered to be operating in the oil and gas
industry and their primary concern is the identification of new oil and gas reservoirs. A
quantitative emphasis being placed on this study means it is paramount the findings reveal a
numerical outcome that can easily articulate the extent of influence Big Data Analytics can
have on the oil and gas industry. The unveiling of a quantified figure is premised on revealing
a control group and experimental group through randomly splitting the fifty theorised
companies into two equal groups of twenty-five, where the companies in question will be
completely oblivious. Once achieved, alterations to the experimental groups exploratory
methods are made whilst the control groups implemented methods remain the same. This
occurs through the addition of analytical technologies, enabling the incorporation into the
seismic sensors data base of data pertaining to rock types of nearby wells and data extracted
from images of other analogue areas. All companies involved in the study must then record
their next ten explorative attempts and compare them against metrics that can deem either a
successful or unsuccessful attempt has been made at oil and gas acquisition. If the identified
reservoir produces per day more than 700 barrels of oil or 4132 cubic feet of natural gas it
can be regarded as a success, anything outside of this is a noteworthy failure (EIA, 2023).
The completion of all ten explorations occurring universally concerning all the companies
participating in the study, ignites the next phase of the case study. This will allow a
comparison to be documented between the totalled values for both the control group &
experimental group, authorizing the group possessing the most successful explorations to be
identified and a true value to be placed on the revolutionary perspective the full
implementation of Big Data Analytics can provide.

Many features in this case study separate it from other literature relating Big Data Analytics
towards the exploratory phase. When considered amongst its counterparts, the steps of how
the study was conducted are presented in a more logical fashion, in turn making it easier to
understand. Evidenced by (Murray et al, 2003) struggling to clearly articulate how his
experimental procedure was performed. Literature possessing increased understandability is
more appealing to prospective observers who are considering incorporating Big Data
Analytics into their process. Therefore, authors will recognise improved interactivity in their
work if they take greater due diligence when writing and will be motivated to produce higher
quality pieces of literature. The increased availability of improved literature relative to this
field, will allow insufficient research papers to be discarded, in turn creating a vicious cycle
as authors are again incentivised to produce greater quality work if they wish to have an

Above all, upon successfully implementing the steps provided in the hypothetical case study,
an achieved quantification of the findings can be observed. Something both (R.Rolen 2016)
and (Olneva et al, 2018) both struggled to achieve. This statistical finding that ideally would
be presented as a percentage comparison, displays concisely the impact fully implementing
Big Data Analytics has on the exploratory phase of the upstream within the oil and gas
industry. Mentioned previously, I spoke to attempting to provide a framework for future
authors to utilise. I believe this has been achieved, as not only is the study replicable but the
logical manor that it is presented in could inspire researchers to perhaps partake in their own
more logically inclined piece of research.

6.0 Conclusion

Deep introspection identified the biggest insufficiency in research to be in the exploratory

facet of the upstream revealing that literature concerning the applications of Big Data

Analytics struggled to quantify their findings. The provision of the hypothetical case study
rectified this issue, through contributing a piece of literature with a numerical outcome to the
current pool of research along with providing a framework for future researchers to follow.
This leads to the articulation of the vastity of the technology’s applications being able to be
improved, as the area of literature most hindering the prospering of Big Data Analytics has
now been amended to. Bolstered literature through studies now being able to quantify their
findings will lead to companies in the oil and gas industry being more inclined to consider
Big Data Analytics, through greater confidence being instilled in the technology.

A qualitative approach to the analysis of the literature review was considered, and the
approach was facilitated through ensuring research was acquired that could assist with the
development of a hypothetical case study. Bearing this perspective in mind, allowed the
consideration of the relationship between the literature and its context to take place enabling
seamless comparisons between themes. In turn, identifying the greatest insufficiency of
research proved to not be a hassle as complex numerical juxtapositions were not required.
Although it must be stated case studies are heavily reliant on the researcher’s interpretation of
the literature therefore conclusive ideas could be subjective. Nevertheless, upon reading the
literature I deemed the contextual consideration to pose too great of a significance to rule out
the implementation of a case study.

A reiteration of the title of the dissertation must now be shown, to allow the contemplation of
whether it has been successfully solved. It reads: how to revolutionise the oil and gas industry
through the implementation of ‘Process Industry 4.0’ technologies? This question is answered
but only to a partial extent, as the answer to how revolutionization is provided for the oil and
gas industry only concerns one facet of the array of technologies provided by ‘Process
Industry 4.0’. Although intended, to ensure a logical research paper could be presented with
one sole focus, I understand it fails to clearly paint a picture of the vastity of applications
‘Process Industry 4.0’ technologies possess. For the oil and gas industry to notice increased
improvements in their operational and productional efficiency, I am recommending to authors
upon reading this dissertation to consider the documentation of other facets of the nine pillars
of ‘Process Industry 4.0’. In turn, creating a surplus of literature that sheds light on the
benefits ‘Process Industry 4.0’ can provide.

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