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Scenario & Training Needs Analysis

Connective is a modern communication organization that helps businesses stay connected.

They specialize in helping distributed workforces collaborate with a suite of software tools like
video conferencing and cloud-based phone systems. Connective has a fully remote workforce
that is spread across the globe. They use their collaborative video conferencing platform to
communicate with each other

You are an HR associate at Connective. You are designing an upcoming training for two new
sales team members who are being onboarded currently. One of these new hires works in
Dubai, UAE (GMT+4) and one works in Cleveland, Ohio, USA (GMT-4).

The new sales team members need to be trained on Connective’s conferencing product,
Cloudcord. You have conducted a training needs analysis to determine what the training
needs to include. Here are the results:

Each team member needs to be able to:

● Use the product in order to demonstrate it to potential clients
● Understand the benefits of using the product
● Be able to answer questions about the product
● Explain how a company can switch to the product
Week 2: Suggest Training Types
For this activity you will suggest training types for the new Connective sales team members.

Review the scenario and training needs analysis. With this information in mind, which training
type or types would you suggest using with the sales team:

Considering the scenario and the training needs analysis for the new Connective sales team
members, here are the suggested training types:

1. On-the-Job Training: This training type is well-suited for teaching practical skills,
especially for using the product in real-life scenarios. Sales team members can learn
by doing, as they use Cloudcord during their day-to-day activities.

2. Simulation Training: Since Cloudcord is a software product, simulation training can be

valuable. It allows trainees to practice using the platform in a controlled, risk-free
environment, gaining hands-on experience and confidence.

3. Job Rotation: Job rotation can be beneficial to provide a broader understanding of the
company's products and operations. Sales team members can spend time in different
roles within the organization to learn how different functions relate to their sales

4. Internships: While internships are typically associated with entry-level positions, they
can also be used effectively for sales team training. Interns could work alongside
experienced sales professionals, gaining practical experience in selling Cloudcord.

Each of these training types serves a specific purpose in addressing the training needs
outlined in the scenario, from practical product usage to gaining a comprehensive
understanding of the product and its benefits. The choice of training type may depend on the
specific goals and resources available at Connective.

Why would your chosen training type work for this scenario and the needs of the sales team?

On-the-Job Training:

● Relevance: On-the-job training is highly relevant to the sales team's needs as it

allows them to learn while performing their actual tasks. They can directly apply
what they learn about Cloudcord in their sales presentations and client
● Practical Experience: Sales team members can gain practical experience and
develop the necessary skills to effectively use the product in real-world situations.
This is crucial for demonstrating the product to potential clients and answering
their questions.

Simulation Training:
● Safe Learning Environment: Simulation training provides a safe environment to
practice and make mistakes without real-world consequences. Sales team
members can experiment with the software, explore its features, and build
confidence in using Cloudcord effectively.
● Consistency: Simulations ensure consistent training experiences, which is
important for a remote team with members in different time zones. Everyone can
access and complete simulations at their convenience.

Job Rotation:

● Holistic Understanding: Job rotation can help sales team members develop a
holistic understanding of the company and its products. By spending time in
various roles, they can see how Cloudcord fits into the broader organizational
context, which can be valuable when explaining the product to clients.
● Cross-Functional Knowledge: Job rotation facilitates cross-functional knowledge
transfer, enabling sales team members to collaborate more effectively with
colleagues from different departments who may be involved in the product's
implementation and support.


● Mentoring Opportunities: Internships can provide opportunities for mentorship

from experienced sales professionals. This direct guidance can help new sales team
members quickly adapt to the demands of selling Cloudcord.
● Real-World Exposure: Interns can gain real-world exposure to client interactions and
sales processes, further honing their abilities to demonstrate the product and
answer client questions.

The chosen training types align with the scenario and the specific needs of the sales team
at Connective by offering practical, hands-on experiences, opportunities for skill
development, and a comprehensive understanding of the product, which are critical for
successful sales of Cloudcord. These training methods ensure that the sales team
members are well-prepared to meet the outlined training objectives.
Week 3: Prepare to Evaluate Your Training Program
For this activity, you will plan how to evaluate the upcoming new sales team member training at

Having reviewed the scenario and training needs analysis, you will now write a SMART goal for
this training. Remember SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant,

By the end of a four-week training program, newly onboarded sales team members will
achieve a minimum of 90% accuracy in answering client questions about Cloudcord,
demonstrate the product to potential clients with a success rate of 90%, and proficiently
explain the transition process to the product, ensuring they are well-prepared to effectively
promote and support Cloudcord in their sales roles.

Review the following questions to make sure your goal fits the SMART framework:
1. Have you identified a Specific outcome?

Yes, the goal is specific. It outlines the specific competencies the new sales team members
need to achieve, such as answering questions, demonstrating the product, and explaining the
transition process.

2. Can you Measure the outcome to ensure it has been achieved?

Yes, the outcome is measurable. It specifies the achievement criteria of a minimum of 90%
accuracy in answering questions and a 90% success rate in demonstrating the product, which
can be objectively assessed through performance evaluations.

3. Is this goal Attainable for the new hires?

The goal is attainable for new hires. It assumes that the training program is well-designed and
comprehensive, providing the necessary knowledge and skills within a reasonable timeframe. It
also implies that new hires are expected to achieve these competencies with effective training.

4. Is this training Relevant to what the new hires need to do?

Yes, the goal is relevant to what the new hires need to do. It directly addresses the training
needs identified in the scenario, ensuring that the sales team members are well-prepared for
their roles.

5. Did you include the amount of Time it should takeWhat amount of Time should it take to
achieve this goal?
The goal includes a time frame, specifying that the training will be completed within a four-week
period. This time frame provides a clear deadline for achieving the outlined competencies.
If you answered No to any of the above questions, go back and revise your SMART goal.

Now that you have identified a SMART goal for the training, what are some ways you can
evaluate that this goal has been achieved after by the new hires?
To evaluate whether the SMART goal has been achieved by the new hires after the training,
you can implement the following methods:

1. Assessment Tests: Conduct written or online assessments to measure the new hires'
knowledge and understanding of Cloudcord, including its features, benefits, and the
transition process. Use a scoring system to determine whether they have achieved the
90% accuracy target.

2. Practical Demonstrations: Ask the new hires to demonstrate their ability to use
Cloudcord effectively in simulated or real client scenarios. Assess their performance
and success rate in demonstrating the product to potential clients.

3. Question and Answer Sessions: Organize mock client question and answer sessions
where new hires are asked to respond to inquiries about Cloudcord. Evaluate their
ability to provide accurate and effective responses.

4. Peer and Supervisor Feedback: Gather feedback from peers and supervisors who
work closely with the new hires. This feedback can provide valuable insights into their
performance in real-world situations and interactions with clients.

5. Customer Feedback: Once the new hires begin interacting with actual clients, collect
feedback from the clients themselves. This feedback can help determine the new
hires' effectiveness in answering client questions and demonstrating the product.

6. Evaluation Surveys: Administer post-training surveys to new hires to gauge their

self-assessment of their knowledge and abilities related to Cloudcord. Compare their
self-assessment to the training goals.

7. Performance Metrics: Track sales performance metrics after the training, such as the
number of successful product demonstrations, client inquiries converted into sales,
and the rate of clients adopting Cloudcord.

8. Observations and Role-Play: Observe new hires in action during their interactions with
clients or in role-play scenarios. Evaluate their proficiency in explaining the transition
process and effectively promoting Cloudcord.

9. Continuous Monitoring: Implement ongoing evaluations and check-ins to ensure that

the new hires maintain the required level of competency over time, as product
knowledge and sales skills can evolve.

By utilizing a combination of these evaluation methods, you can comprehensively assess

whether the SMART goal has been achieved by the new hires, ensuring that they are
well-prepared to meet the specific training objectives.
Peer Review: Designing a Training Experience
Training Delivery Method
Review the scenario and training needs analysis. Choose a training delivery method that will
work best for the two new members of the sales team.

Remember that Connective has a fully remote workforce that is spread across the globe
and the two new hires are working in different time zones.

Given that Connective has a fully remote workforce spread across the globe, and the two
new hires are in different time zones (Dubai, UAE, and Cleveland, Ohio, USA), it's crucial to
choose a training delivery method that accommodates these factors. Here, an
asynchronous training approach is well-suited for the remote and geographically
dispersed team. Asynchronous training allows each trainee to access training materials
and complete tasks at their own pace and at a time convenient for them.

Asynchronous Training Delivery Method:

1. Online Learning Platform: Utilize an online learning management system (LMS) or a

dedicated platform where the training materials, resources, and assignments are
available. This allows trainees to access content from anywhere in the world and at
any time.

2. Video Modules: Create pre-recorded video modules that cover various aspects of
Cloudcord training. Trainees can watch these videos when it suits their schedule,
pausing and rewinding as needed for a self-paced learning experience.

3. E-learning Modules: Develop interactive e-learning modules with quizzes and

assessments that enable trainees to test their knowledge and receive immediate

4. Documentation and Resources: Provide comprehensive documentation, user

manuals, and additional resources that trainees can download and study at their

5. Discussion Forums: Set up online discussion forums or chat channels where

trainees can ask questions, share insights, and engage with peers and instructors.
These forums should be available 24/7, allowing global participation.

6. Scheduled Check-Ins: While the training is asynchronous, schedule periodic

check-ins with the trainers or mentors for Q&A sessions or to address any
challenges trainees may face.

7. Global Accessibility: Ensure that all training materials and resources are accessible
from different time zones without restrictions.

8. Feedback Mechanism: Implement a feedback mechanism for trainees to provide

input on the training process and content. This feedback can help refine the
training materials.

Asynchronous training is advantageous for a globally dispersed workforce, as it offers

flexibility, accommodates different time zones, and allows individuals to learn at their own
pace. It also caters to different learning styles and preferences. However, it's important to
provide ample support and resources for trainees to ensure they can successfully
complete the training.

Why will your chosen delivery method be successful in this scenario?

The chosen delivery method, asynchronous training, is well-suited for success in this
scenario for several reasons:

1. Global Accessibility: Asynchronous training allows trainees from different time

zones, such as Dubai, UAE, and Cleveland, Ohio, to access training materials and
resources without being constrained by specific training schedules. They can learn
when it's most convenient for them, which is essential for a fully remote and
geographically dispersed workforce.

2. Self-Paced Learning: It accommodates various learning paces. Trainees can

progress through the training at their own speed, ensuring that they can
thoroughly understand the material and master the content before moving on.

3. Flexible Scheduling: Given the time zone differences, asynchronous training

removes the need for simultaneous live sessions, which might not be feasible for
trainees in different parts of the world. This flexibility ensures that all team
members can participate without timezone-related constraints.

4. Continuous Availability: Training materials and resources are available 24/7,

enabling trainees to access them whenever they have the time and focus to learn,
even beyond regular business hours.

5. Adaptability: The asynchronous model accommodates different learning styles

and preferences. Some trainees may prefer to learn through videos, while others
may opt for written documentation or interactive modules.
6. Feedback and Support: Scheduled check-ins and discussion forums provide
opportunities for trainees to seek guidance, ask questions, and engage with
instructors and peers, creating a support network even in a remote and dispersed

7. Scalability: Asynchronous training is easily scalable, making it suitable for

organizations with a remote workforce of varying sizes. It can be adapted to
onboard multiple new team members simultaneously or individually.

8. Cost-Effective: It can be a cost-effective training solution, as it eliminates the

need for physical training facilities and minimizes the expenses associated with
live, synchronous training sessions.

In summary, the chosen delivery method of asynchronous training aligns with the needs
of a remote, globally dispersed workforce, ensuring that the new sales team members can
access, engage with, and master the training materials on their own terms, ultimately
leading to a successful training experience.

Design Post-Training Evaluation

Connective always sends out a survey after conducting a training to ensure that the training
method and delivery were accessible and effective for the trainees. Write two potential
survey questions that could be used to evaluate the training’s success.

Question 1

On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree), please rate the
effectiveness of the training method in helping you acquire the necessary knowledge and
skills for your role.

1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Neutral)
4 (Agree)
5 (Strongly Agree)

Question 2

Did the asynchronous training format, which allowed you to learn at your own pace,
accommodate your schedule and timezone effectively? Please share any specific
challenges you faced and any suggestions for improvement.
Yes, it was highly accommodating.
Somewhat, it was accommodating but with minor challenges.
No, it was not accommodating; I encountered significant issues.
I have no preference; any format would have worked for me.

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