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Last Monday, Jennie was at the canteen during the recess time as she was very hungry. All of a
sudden, Jennie witnessed two senior girls were bullying Jennie’s new classmate, Hyster at the
back of the canteen. The senior girls pushed Hyster until she fell down. Then, they laughed

Without thinking twice, Jennie immediately walked towards the two bullies. She
confronted and scolded them furiously. After being scolded, the bullies felt ashamed and they
apologised to Hyster. Then, they walked away quickly before the duty teacher noticed them.

Jennie comforted Hyster to calm down. Jennie also helped Hyster to stand and cleaned
Hyster’s uniform. Hyster thanked Jennie profusely as Jennie helped her a lot. Jennie was happy
because she managed to handle the bullies bravely. It was a memorable day for Jennie.

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