Mummy Rodiah Report On Balogun Fulani Microfinance Bank

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Financial exclusion situations persist around the world, despite the financialization processes of the
economy in recent years, and are widespread in low- and middle-income countries, affecting their
development potential. Balogun fulani Microfinance bank has thus been a response that combines
proximity to low-income clients with adapted, socially oriented and efficient practices. The growth of
the sector has been externally supported by development agencies, multilateral institutions and
other international organizations, which have deemed it to be a novel financial and development
instrument, but doubts still remain regarding its sustainability. The article studies the period 2013-2018
using a broad sample of traditional and microfinance banks, showing the feasibility of the sector in
terms of profitability, solvency and risk, and comparing this model with the traditional banking one in
those context.

Balogun fulani Microfinance is a banking service provided to low-income individuals or groups who
otherwise would have no other access to financial services. Microfinance allows people to take on
reasonable small business loans safely, in a manner that is consistent with ethical lending practices.

The majority of microfinancing operations occur in developing nations, particularly Balogun fulani
Microfinance bank, Balogun gambari, Ajikobi micro finance bank among others. Like conventional
lenders, microfinanciers charge interest on loans and institute specific repayment plans.

Balogun fulani Microfinance bank services is provided to unemployed or low-income individuals

because most people trapped in poverty, or who have limited financial resources, don't have enough
income to do business with traditional financial institutions. Despite being excluded from banking
services, however, people who live on as little as #1000a day do attempt to save, borrow, or acquire
credit or insurance, and they do make payments on their debt. Thus, many poor people typically look to
family, friends, and even loan sharks (who often charge exorbitant interest rates) for help.

The Role of Balogun Fulani Microfinance Banks in local Economic Development

The studies carried out according to what I confirmed that Balogun Fulani microfinance

banks is assist to reduce and alleviate poverty and enhance

economic development, particularly in developing economies. In Nigeria, they have

accelerated the operation of poverty alleviation programmes of the Government and

supported promising entrepreneurs while aiding new ones to emerge. The role of Balogun Fulani

microfinance banks in the promotion of local economic development is

entrenched in the objectives of the microfinance banking scheme in local that was
formulated in line with the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),

the local Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (LEEDS) and the

Vision 2020. These roles include the promotion of rural development through

financial intermediation, stimulation of productive activities in the rural sectors development of banking
habits among rural dwellers, ensuring the development of

an integrated local financial system and improving the economic status of small-

scale producers in the rural and urban areas.

a) Deposit Mobilization and Promotion of Saving Culture:

One of the requirements of Balogun Fulani microfinance clients is a safe place to keep their savings

so that they can build up large sums of money to meet several needs- payment for

shops, tools, accommodation, school fees, medical expenses, marriages, burials, etc.

These needs are met by the savings mobilization activities of the MFBs. Most micro

enterprises find it difficult to leave their shops and business premises for banking

transactions. The convenience of this role is that the staff of the bank go to the

customers at their houses, shops, etc. for daily collection of deposits and loan.

Balogun Fulani microfinance banks usually pay interest on the amount saved.
This role has helped to promote a healthy banking culture among the hitherto

marginalized groups.

b) Credit Extension to Customers: Credit delivery is perhaps one of the most

important roles of microfinance banks, as the loans extended are the main source of

funds used to expand existing businesses and in some cases to start new ones. The

credit delivery system in the microfinance banks exclusively focus on the poorest of

the poor, organize borrowers into small homogenous groups, and give loans to meet

diverse development needs of the poor without emphasis on tangible collaterals.

Many microfinance banks have a number of loans such as small business loans,

small entrepreneur lending, loans for hardcore poor, partnership build up

programmes, etc. Governments also encourage co-operatives to partner with the Balogun Fulani

microfinance banks to raise bulk loans for on-lending to the beneficiaries.

c) Employment Generation: MFBs also contribute immensely to job creation in

the rural areas through the provision of skills acquisition and adult literacy

programmes. It has therefore been acknowledged that the rural setting is an arena

of many industries and self-employed micro-enterprises, which could be empowered

to contribute significantly to the national economy. In some cases, the MFBs may

pass on new skills and production techniques to a micro enterprise under a profit.

Impact of microfinance on entrepreneurial


Balogun Fulani Microfinance bank is vital to the development of

entrepreneurship activities in local area, People have

access to capital for entrepreneurship development

in local area through microfinance. Balogun Fulani Microfinance has

affected entrepreneurship in the country positively.

The major contribution of Balogun Fulani Microfinance bank

to the developing economy like that of Nigeria is its

role in promoting entrepreneurship development in

the nation. One of the goals of entrepreneurship

routed by successful kwara state government has been

the reduction of unemployment and poverty

alleviation. A cordial thrust in public policy for the

achievement of indigenous entrepreneurship through

the provision of long term loans and equity capital

by banks for enterprise. Given the gap between

savings and invertible funds, the short fall is

provided by credit delivery. Many newly developed

and developing countries have therefore made credit

delivery an endurable strategy in the development of

entrepreneurship in both industry and agriculture.


This article shows that the Balogun Fulani microfinance

is evident tools for entrepreneurship development

due to the various services they offer and the role

they performs towards the development of the

local economy. Balogun Fulani Microfinance bank is identified to be one of the

key players in the financial industry that have

positively affected individuals, business

organizations, other financial institutions, the

government and the economy at large through the

services they offer and the functions they perform in

the economy. It is expected that with the current

reforms put in place by the Federal Government

through its regulatory authorities, microfinance

bank in Balogun Fulani will be able to compete

favorably in the local market and gainfully increase

entrepreneurship development in local government.

Balogun Fulani Microfinance bank have positive relationship

with the Nigerian economy represented by expanded

GDP. Although, interest rate is not significantly

influential, the results of findings of this study can

still be summarized that the microfinance
banks and their activities go a long way in the

determination of the pattern and level of economic

activities and development in the local economic.


The financial institution need to put more effort in

financing SMEs, their role need to be felt by the

SMEs in terms of growth and development.

The financial institution whose role needs to be

visible in promoting SMEs growth and development

is microfinance. SMEs themselves should be more receptive to new ideas and prepared to make

financial commitments to ensure growth.

This study recommends that guidelines by Balogun Fulani

microfinance bank to financ local level need to be

flexible to accommodate the local level only when

financial institutions appreciates and give technical

assistant to the local level would be contributing to the local level to ensure success in the local sector. It

the researcher hope that microfinance institutions in

Nigeria will develop more interest in supporting the

growth of local level.


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HomeLetterDeclaration for Internship Report Sample

Declaration for Internship Report Sample

Letter / 2 Comments / 6 minutes of reading

The declaration is one of the essential parts of the internship report. You can’t fulfill your internship
report without it. So, here we provide lots of declaration for internship report samples.

Table of Contents

Declaration format for the internship report

Declaration for an internship report

Declaration format for project

Declaration format for project report

Declaration sample for project report

A sample of student declaration format for project report

Declaration of internship report

Declaration in an internship report

Dedication of internship report

Declaration format for MBA project report

Declaration for internship report

Declaration format for the internship report


I, Suzan Kumar Shaha, hereby declare that the presented report of the internship titled “DEPOSIT
MOBILIZATION” of AB Bank Ltd (ISLAMPUR Branch)” is uniquely prepared by me after the completion of
three months’ work at Islampur Branch of AB Bank Ltd.

I also confirm that the report is only prepared for my academic requirement, not for any other purpose.
It might not be used in the interest of the opposite party of the corporation.





Department of Business Administration

Northern University of Bangladesh

Declaration for Internship Report

Declaration for Internship Report Sample

Declaration for Internship Report Sample

Declaration for an internship report


I am MD MAHFUJUR RAYHAN (JONY) hereby declare that the present report of the Internship. Titled

I uniquely prepare a report of Agrani Bank Limited after completion of three months of work in Agrani
Bank Limited, Hotel Sheraton Corporate Branch, Dhaka.

I also confirm that the report is only prepared for my academic requirement, not for any other purpose.
It should not be used in the interest of the opposite party of Agrani Bank Limited.


ID: BBA 20071198

Batch No: 15th

Program: BBA

Major in Finance

Department of Business Administration

University Of Development Alternative (UODA)

Declaration for Internship Report

Declaration format for project

Supervisor’s Declaration

This is to certify that the internship report on Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. titled “Overall Banking System of
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd” is prepared by Raduana Chowdhury for the partial fulfillment of the BBA
program with a concentration on Human Resource Management (HRM) from Stamford University
Bangladesh. This report is an original work completed under my supervision and is free from plagiarism.

She is permitted to submit the Report.



Mrs. Chowdhury Shegufta Afrin


Department of Business Administration

Stamford University Bangladesh

Declaration for Internship Report

Declaration format for project report

Declaration for the internship report

I do hereby solemnly declare that the work presented in this Internship Report has been carried out by
me and has not been previously submitted to any other University, College, or Organization for any
academic Qualification, Certificate, and BBA Degree.

I hereby warrant that the work I have presented does not breach any existing copyright acts.


Md. Moffazzal Hossain

ID# WUB 01/07/12/341

Major in Marketing

Department of Business Administration

World University of Bangladesh

Declaration for Internship Report

Declaration sample for project report

General Banking Activities of Dhanmondi Branch, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited

Student Declaration

I, Ripon Mondal hereby declare that the presented report of the Internship entitled “General Banking
Activities of Dhanmondi Branch, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited” a study on Al-Arafah Islami Bank
Limited., Dhanmondi Branch, Dhaka is uniquely prepared by me after the completion of three months of
work experience at Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited.

I also confirm that the report is only prepared for my academic requirement, not for any other purpose.
It might not be used in the interest of the opposite party of the cooperation.

Ripon Mondal

ID# BBA050401463

Major in Finance

Department of Business Administration

Northern University of Bangladesh

Declaration for Internship Report

A sample of student declaration format for project report




I hereby solemnly declare that the report titled “ANALYSIS OF SME BANKING SYSTEM OF BRAC BANK
LIMITED.” is prepared and completed by me under the supervision and guidance of Ms. Afia Akter,
Lecturer in Finance, Northern University Bangladesh. This report has not been previously submitted to
any other university, college, or organization for an academic, qualification, certificate, diploma, or

I hereby warrant that the work I have presented does not breach any existing copyright.




ID: BBA 030200138

Department of Business Administration

Northern University Bangladesh

Declaration for Internship Report

Declaration of internship report


The project title is “Procedure of Opening L/C: A Case of Uttara Bank Limited”. Has been submitted by
Ashraful Alam, Roll No-060750, Reg No-699641, and To the Department of Bachelor of Business
Administration. Global Institute of Information Technology (GIIT), under National University, has been
accepted as satisfactory for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration.

Approved the style and content by

Signature of examiner
Signature Signature

——————– ——————–

Declaration for Internship Report

Declaration in an internship report


I humbly declare that this report is based on the work, carried out and no part of it has been presented
previously for any higher degree. The report was conducted in the Department of Business
Administration, Stamford University Bangladesh under the guidance of Prima Pervin, Assistant Professor
Department of Finance.

It is also declared that this report has been prepared for academic purposes alone and has not been/will
not be submitted elsewhere for any other purposes.


Shishir Sarkar

ID No. 02808421

BBA (Major in Finance)

Stamford University Bangladesh

Dedication of internship report


I do hereby declare that the internship report titled “Loan Disbursement & Recovery of Principal Branch,
Trust Bank Ltd’’ is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the awards of the degree
Bachelor of Business Administration, Major in finance in Northern University Bangladesh.
It is my masterpiece and has not been submitted by me before the awards of any other degree. To the
best of my knowledge, I didn’t breach any copyright act intentionally. I would be very happy to provide
you with any clarification regarding the report.


Abu Sayeed Md. Yousuf

ID-BBA 040200895

Department of Business Administration

Northern University Bangladesh.

Declaration format for MBA project report

Declaration Memo

Preparation of the report “Performance Evaluation of a Bank as a Financial Institution: The trust Bank

I, Lt Gen Moeen U Ahmed, PSC, CEO, The Trust bank Ltd. authorized under mentioned names from the
Company for preparing a report for evaluating the financial performance of the bank.

Please be noted that cooperation from each unit must be needed by them to prepare the report. So,
please extend your cooperative attitude and participate in the report for meeting the challenge of an
upcoming competition.

The team and their responsibility for the project will be,

Farhana Jahan, Team Head

Tanbin Afrin, Data coordinator

Shaharia Sutter, Analyst

Monjila Rahman, Data coordinator

Tasmia Rahman, Data coordinator

Thanks and best regards


Lt Gen Moeen U Ahmed


Trust Bank Ltd.

Declaration for internship report


This is to notify you that this report titled “Working Capital Management by Ring Shine Textiles Limited”
has been prepared for academic purposes as asked by our EMBA program curriculum, supervisor Prof.
M. Abdullah, Professor, Dhaka International University, Bangladesh. It is to be evaluated as a part of our
examination of this EMBA program.

This has not been prepared for any other purpose like reproduction, investigation, or publication. I do
hereby declare that the entire work unless otherwise, acknowledged, submitted as an Internship report
in the EMBA program under Dhaka International University is my independent and original work and all
the references have been mentioned here.


ATM Saiful Islam

MBA: 5th Batch

Roll No. 24

Dhaka International University

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Project Details

Department Internship


1.1. Background Of The Study

Internship is a requirement by the University of Buea as a partial fulfillment for the award of a B.Sc.
Degree. Against this back drop, I was privileged to be an intern for a period of 2months in UNICS plc. It
covered the period from 14th July to 30th August and was guided by a field supervisor.

Definition of internship

Internship is an opportunity to integrate career related experience into an undergraduate education by

Participating in a planned and supervised work.

Internship provides real-world experience to those looking to explore or gain the relevant knowledge
and skills required to enter into a particular career field. Interns generally have a supervisor who assigns
specific tasks and evaluates the interns overall work. Interns can be high school students, university
students or even adults interested in trying out a new career.

1.2 Characteristics Of Internship

It contributes to the student’s personal and professional development through challenging work
assignments and it is completed before the student graduates from the university.

It is planned and scheduled through consultation with the department or university so as to fit into the
undergraduate experience.

It involves a supervision component that is mentoring and educational.

It gives students a reflection and evaluation process at the conclusion of the internship.

Internship is most successful when the student, the university, and the employer all share responsibility
in making it a valuable experience.

1.3 Objectives Of Internship

To allow students to get acquainted with business practices and procedures used in various

To provide students with preliminary work experience that can prepare them for their future careers.

To allow students to apply theoretical knowledge acquired during university studies to practice.

To increase student’s skills that will help them in the future to find a job.

1.4 Importance Of Internship

Importance to Students

It helps students enhance classroom experience and further develop and practice the required skills to
solve emerging business problems.

It helps students get practical work experience and can brighten their prospects in the changing job

It helps students become more mature and confident of their own capabilities, develop personal skills
by gaining professional skills.

Importance to Employer

They can evaluate the students for potential full time employment

It gives the employer access to qualified candidates.

Students contribute a new labour force and ideas to the work place

Importance to the University

It makes the transfer out process easier for students

Internship helps with retention and graduation.

Overview of UNICS

UNICS Plc like all other Micro Finance Institutions was created with the aim of reducing poverty through
its banking services.
UNICS Plc carries out banking activities like receiving money from individuals and corporations thought
different ways and lending this money out to business men and companies in variety of ways to active
maximum returns and at the same time maintain sufficient liquidity to meet the daily demands of the

The assets of UNICS Plc consist of furniture and fittings, computers, printers, scanners, loans to
customer’s cash in bank and hand. Her major haplites include customer’s deposits of different types.

Historical Back Ground Of Unics Plc

Unity cooperatives society (UNICS Plc) is a Micro Finance Institution which has been in existence for 14
years. It was established on the 15th January 2000. This institution was created with main aim of
reducing poverty by providing banking services to the under privileged, UNICS Plc has also helped in
reducing the rate of unemployment in the society by employing young and vibrant youths

Today, UNICS Plc is a proud micro finance with 14branches spread through out the national territory.
The branches of UNICS are; Buea, Limbe, Kribi, Bamenda, Bafut, Bambili, Deido, Akwa, Bonaberi in
Douala, Head office branch, Yaounde marche’ central, Biyem- Assi in Yaounde and two sales points in
Douala which are in Dakar and Ndobo, a sale point in Yaounde Tsinga

General Objectives Of Unics

It encourages savings by its members bringing as many individuals as possible to save.

Also, it aims at encouraging workers to invest, it provides a source of funding (loans ) for developmental

Moreover, it trains her staff in business management, control of money, good citizenship for economic
In addition, it participates in economic activities like paying taxes to the government.

Lastly, UNICS Plc employs vibrant youths there by reducing the level of unemployment in the economy
of Cameroon.


Project Details

Department Internship



1.1. Background Of The Study

Internship is a requirement by the University of Buea as a partial fulfillment for the award of a B.Sc.
Degree. Against this back drop, I was privileged to be an intern for a period of 2months in UNICS plc. It
covered the period from 14th July to 30th August and was guided by a field supervisor.

Definition of internship

Internship is an opportunity to integrate career related experience into an undergraduate education by

Participating in a planned and supervised work.
Internship provides real-world experience to those looking to explore or gain the relevant knowledge
and skills required to enter into a particular career field. Interns generally have a supervisor who assigns
specific tasks and evaluates the interns overall work. Interns can be high school students, university
students or even adults interested in trying out a new career.

1.2 Characteristics Of Internship

It contributes to the student’s personal and professional development through challenging work
assignments and it is completed before the student graduates from the university.

It is planned and scheduled through consultation with the department or university so as to fit into the
undergraduate experience.

It involves a supervision component that is mentoring and educational.

It gives students a reflection and evaluation process at the conclusion of the internship.

Internship is most successful when the student, the university, and the employer all share responsibility
in making it a valuable experience.

1.3 Objectives Of Internship

To allow students to get acquainted with business practices and procedures used in various

To provide students with preliminary work experience that can prepare them for their future careers.

To allow students to apply theoretical knowledge acquired during university studies to practice.

To increase student’s skills that will help them in the future to find a job.

1.4 Importance Of Internship

Importance to Students

It helps students enhance classroom experience and further develop and practice the required skills to
solve emerging business problems.
It helps students get practical work experience and can brighten their prospects in the changing job

It helps students become more mature and confident of their own capabilities, develop personal skills
by gaining professional skills.

Importance to Employer

They can evaluate the students for potential full time employment

It gives the employer access to qualified candidates.

Students contribute a new labour force and ideas to the work place

Importance to the University

It makes the transfer out process easier for students

Internship helps with retention and graduation.

Overview of UNICS

UNICS Plc like all other Micro Finance Institutions was created with the aim of reducing poverty through
its banking services.

UNICS Plc carries out banking activities like receiving money from individuals and corporations thought
different ways and lending this money out to business men and companies in variety of ways to active
maximum returns and at the same time maintain sufficient liquidity to meet the daily demands of the

The assets of UNICS Plc consist of furniture and fittings, computers, printers, scanners, loans to
customer’s cash in bank and hand. Her major haplites include customer’s deposits of different types.

Historical Back Ground Of Unics Plc

Unity cooperatives society (UNICS Plc) is a Micro Finance Institution which has been in existence for 14
years. It was established on the 15th January 2000. This institution was created with main aim of
reducing poverty by providing banking services to the under privileged, UNICS Plc has also helped in
reducing the rate of unemployment in the society by employing young and vibrant youths

Today, UNICS Plc is a proud micro finance with 14branches spread through out the national territory.
The branches of UNICS are; Buea, Limbe, Kribi, Bamenda, Bafut, Bambili, Deido, Akwa, Bonaberi in
Douala, Head office branch, Yaounde marche’ central, Biyem- Assi in Yaounde and two sales points in
Douala which are in Dakar and Ndobo, a sale point in Yaounde Tsinga

General Objectives Of Unics

It encourages savings by its members bringing as many individuals as possible to save.

Also, it aims at encouraging workers to invest, it provides a source of funding (loans ) for developmental

Moreover, it trains her staff in business management, control of money, good citizenship for economic

In addition, it participates in economic activities like paying taxes to the government.

Lastly, UNICS Plc employs vibrant youths there by reducing the level of unemployment in the economy
of Cameroon.

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