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Learning Task 2.

History and IP Rights

Name: Jemarie C. Lagado Offering No.: 20-1-00003 Class Schedule: MW 7:00-


Fill out the table below: Identify five specific characteristics, practices, or conditions
during the pre-colonial time and put them in the “Pre-colonial” column; in the second
column, “colonial period”, write the transition or the changes of the
characteristics/practices/conditions you identified in the pre-colonial column; in the third
column write how this transition affected the natives/IPs; and in the fourth column,
identify the rights violated in column 3 (refer to the attached pdf file of IPRA), based
your entry in column 4 on the rights and themes of the three legal instruments
mentioned in the discussion. Just use keywords or phrases to fill out the appropriate
information needed in each column. Make sure that each entry in the first column will
correspond to the other entries on the succeeding columns. Organized your answer well
to make it comprehensive.

Colonial Period
Pre-colonial (both Spanish and IP Rights Violated
Impact to the IPs
(e.g. communal American) (e.g. right to
(e.g. dispossession)
ownership) (e.g. private ownership)

 Not political  Centralized  Racism and  Equal

units government discrimination Protection and
 Collective  Exploitative  Poverty and Non-
Activity institutions underdevelopmen Discrimination
 Respective  Governed by t of ICCs/IPs
barangays provincial  Governed by  Freedom from
governed by executives. Spaniards and Discrimination
rulers  Bandala foreigners and Right to
 Surpluses are  Encomienda  Land Rights and Equal
not allowed system Resources Opportunity and
 Societies are  Uncontacted Treatment
egalitarian Tribes  Right to Self-
 Rights to
Domains &
Right of
 Role of Peoples

The table above is like a summary of this module. What is your reaction with
regards to the content of your table? Can you imagine now what happen to the
IPs before? With the existence of the laws, specifically IPRA in the Philippines, do
you think those negative impacts to the IPs still exist today?

 After filling up the table, my reaction concerning the content was dismayed. I was
dismayed by the fact that indigenous people have suffered a lot through time.
They have been struggling their whole lives, especially when it comes to their
living. What happened to the indigenous peoples before was upsetting, as the
indigenous peoples had no way out from the colonizers. In my opinion, with the
existence of the laws, specifically IPRA in the Philippines, negative impacts on
the indigenous people have lessened. But I supposed that some existed, as I
know that indigenous people are still struggling in many aspects of their lives and
when it comes to facing unexpected situations.

The table helps you see clearer on what really happened to the natives or the IPs
during the colonial period. It is important for you to remember this historical process for
you to understand more the situation of the IPs today, which we will be tackling for the
rest of the semester. In terms of knowing the Philippine IP communities, we’re almost
half way yet. Studying the historical process only introduces you to the situation of the
Philippine IPs nowadays. Before you submit this output, make sure to secure your own
copy because you will be using the same table in the later part of this subject.

Instructions on how to submit student output

Use MSWord for your output but save it as a PDF file, no other specific technical
format aside from the standard font size of 12 and font style, either Times New Roman
or Arial, is required. Don’t forget to write your name, class schedule,
LearningTask/Assessment no. and title.

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