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During this SBA our theme was “Mental Illness” and we all had our individual topics.

gather this information we worked co operatively together as a group and we enjoyed doing
so. We researched on the internet together. We created a online group to draft our ideas,
brainstorm and communicate , this was effective for us, while doing so we helped each other
edit and revised. Also ,we are happy with the pieces we have done.
Our artifacts encapsulate our theme because they were about : eating disorder, anxiety (
which are both symptoms of mental Illness/ Depression), suicide and what factors contribute
to depression among teenagers. We also mainly focused on teenagers whilst doing this
The 3 artifacts that we have chosen to focus on during this group report is 2 articles and a
picture. We choose these artifacts because they each provided unique insights and
perspectives on the theme and individual topics that we are exploring . The first article by
Caitlin Geng focuses on the factors of depression including biological, psychological and
social factors. The second article investigates the interplay between anxiety, student
achievement, self-concept, and self-efficacy in both students with and without disabilities.
Anxiety’s detrimental impact on academic performance, self-efficacy, and self-concept is
evident, particularly in students grappling with anxiety issues. Lastly the picture from online ,
tells how having mental challenges coping with the outcome of their future and without help
of others, youngsters tend to turn to suicide in a way of escaping the pain they feel from
carrying the burden on not being a failure.

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