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BTS 1 2

V. Baisnée
re e
A. Goulvent &
F. Le Graverend ANNÉES
C. Vannier

Les nouveaux

4 nouvelles unités
Entraînements conformes aux nouvelles
modalités des épreuves
Exercices interactifs de grammaire

BTS 1 2
re e

Les nouveaux

V. Baisnée

A. Goulvent

F. Le Graverend

C. Vannier
Unit 1 Working Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
To start with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Text 1 — ‘Why should I have to work on stilts?’: the women fighting sexist dress codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Video — What causes stress at work? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Text 2 — Quiet quitting: the new workplace trend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Language at work — Les articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Let’s be pro! — Writing a CV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Checkpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Unit 2 Recruiting Talent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

To start with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Text 1 — The new way companies are evaluating candidates’ soft skills (and discovering
high-potential talent) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Video — AI recruitment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Text 2 — The new face of job-seeking: how social media has changed the way we look for work . . . . . 24
Language at work — Poser des questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Let’s be pro! — Writing a cover letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Checkpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Unit 3 Company Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

To start with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Text 1 — The new helicopter bosses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Video — No CEO: The Swedish company where nobody is in charge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Text 2 — Would you take a pay cut to get a better job title? It’s not as stupid as it sounds . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Language at work — Présent simple & présent en BE + V–ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Let’s be pro! — Prepare an elevator pitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Checkpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Unit 4 Economic Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

To start with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Text 1 — Soaring container-shipping costs lead to higher retail prices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Video — China’s nearly cashless society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Text 2 — Royal Mail workers on strike over pay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Language at work — Exprimer la quantité . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Let’s be pro! — Analyse and comment on a graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Checkpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Unit 5 Retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
To start with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Text 1 — Ultra-fast fashion is taking over — and using every trick in the book to get us addicted . . . . . 56
Video — Fair trade is improving lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Text 2 — Marketing to Gen Z takes new tech, channels, strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Language at work — Le génitif (le cas possessif) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Let’s be pro! — Writing a newsletter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Checkpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Unit 6 Advertising & Brand Awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

To start with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Text 1 — Successful global marketing strategy by McDonald’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Video — The Tube logo is ‘a great British brand’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Text 2 — What is emotional appeal and how to use it in marketing? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Language at work — Comparatifs, superlatifs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Let’s be pro! — Analysing a product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Checkpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

ISBN 978-2-216-14029-9
«Le Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle n’autorisant aux termes de l’article L. 122-5, d’une part, que, les copies ou reproductions strictement réservées à l’usage privé
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représentation ou reproduction intégrale ou partielle, faite, par quelque procédé que ce soit, sans le consentement de l’auteur, ou de ses ayants droit est illicite et consti-
tue une contrefaçon sanctionnée par les articles L. 335-2 et suivants du Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle. Le Centre Français de l’exploitation de la Copie (20, rue des
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d’utilisation aux fi ns de vente, de location, de publicité ou de promotion de l’accord de l’auteur ou des ayants droit.»
© Foucher, une marque des éditions Hatier – Paris, 2023.
Unit 7 Social Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
To start with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Text 1 — A fake influencer on Instagram: Lil Miquela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Video — Why it feels like Facebook is listening through your mic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Text 2 — Why digital marketing is important for small business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Language at work — Prétérit / present perfect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Let’s be pro! — Reacting to people’s feedback on social networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Checkpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Unit 8 Consumption Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

To start with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Text 1 — Is livestream the future of shopping?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Video — Online consignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Text 2 — Consumers crave authenticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Language at work — Parler de l’avenir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Let’s be pro! — Dealing with a complaint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Checkpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Unit 9 Going Abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

To start with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Text 1 — First work abroad experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Video — Why travelling is important . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Text 2 — How technology is revolutionizing travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Language at work — Infinitif ou V-ing ?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Let’s be pro! — Booking a hotel for a business trip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Checkpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Unit 10 Business and Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

To start with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Text 1 — Achieving gender equality in the workplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Video — Go behind the scenes at a McDonald’s photo shoot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Text 2 — Business as a tool for change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Language at work — Les groupes nominaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Let’s be pro! — Recording and leaving a voicemail message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Checkpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Unit 11 Making a Difference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

To start with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Text 1 — Wings cooperative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Video — Bee Better: How Bombas is helping the homeless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Text 2 — Fairphone raises €2.5M with crowdfunding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Language at work — La voix passive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Let’s be pro! — Making arrangements by email. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Checkpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

Unit 12 Creating a Sustainable Planet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

To start with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Text 1 — How Artificial Intelligence (AI) can save the planet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Video — Stop recycling! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Text 2 — Is Information Technology bad for the environment? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Language at work — Exprimer une condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Let’s be pro! — How to write an effective memo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Checkpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

Annexes Method for the exam . . . . 149 Linguistic tools . . . . . . . . . . 186 Phonetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Irregular verbs . . . . . . . . . . 188

Vos ressources
De nombreuses rubriques vous aident à améliorer
vos compétences écrites et orales en anglais.

→ Entraînez-vous → Exercez-vous
à communiquer, à la rédaction
à l’écrit EXPRESS écrite en WRITING
ou à l’oral ! YOURSEL rédigeant
un paragraphe

→ Améliorez votre prononciation de l’anglais


→ Entraînez-vous → Entraînez-vous
à l’épreuve à l’épreuve de
d’expression SPEAK compréhension WRITING
orale de FOR THE écrite de FOR THE
l’examen. EXAM l’examen. EXAM

→ Travaillez vos compétences professionnelles

au travers d’activités variées.

Let's be PRO!

Mode d’emploi des ressources numériques

Lorsque je rencontre un pictogramme ressource au fil des pages :
# vidéo Do visionaries make
good leaders?
Votre manuel Foucher s’enrichit
de ressources numériques
/23nca39 0:00 „ 2:24

1. Je vais sur

Des QR codes à flasher vous J’enregistre cette page dans mes favoris
donnent accès à de nombreux pour les prochaines fois.
fichiers audios et des vidéos.
2. Je saisis le code de la ressource indiqué
Des FLASHCODES permettent
© Éditions Foucher

dans le pictogramme. aussi d’accéder aux ressources

3. Je visualise ma ressource. depuis un smartphone


Working Life

Describe these workplaces. Say what your ideal work ◗ clerical work: le travail de bureau
environment is. ◗ a computer screen: un écran d’ordinateur
◗ to concentrate: se concentrer
◗ a crammed space: un espace bondé
# vidéo We can work from anywhere, but
telecommuting carries its own risks
◗ a cubicle: un bureau à cloisons
23nca36 0:47 „ 3:40 ◗ distracting: qui empêche de se concentrer
◗ an interaction: un échange
1. List some of the changes that have taken place in the office ◗ to monitor: contrôler
since the 1940s (layout, technology, office culture, ways of ◗ noisy: bruyant
working, etc.). ◗ an office layout: un aménagement de
2. Say how Adam felt when he started doing his work at home. ◗ an open-plan office: un bureau en espace
3. Say what consequence the growth of teleworking has had ◗ supervisor: un(e) superviseur/
on the Canadian population. superviseuse
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◗ to telework / work from home / work

4. Say what solution workers have found to counteract the remotely: travailler à la maison, à distance
negative sides of teleworking.

UNIT 1 - Working Life • 5

To start with

ACTIVITY 1 Types of jobs/work

1 Listen to these people talking about what they do. Match each person (a-g)
to a type of job (1-7).

a. • • 1. self-employed
b. • • 2. casual worker
c. • • 3. full-time job
d. • • 4. part-time job # audio
e. • • 5. moonlighting
f. • • 6. jobless
g. • • 7. internship

ACTIVITY 2 The difference between “job” and “work”

I’ve got a part-time job An activity (uncountable) There is a lot of work to do.
A paid occupation
as a waiter.
A place where you do Many people commute
A particular task Painting jobs can be tiring. your job to work.

A painting, piece of I have read the complete

Someone’s duty or My job is to get you through
music, book produced by works of Shakespeare.
function this exam.
an artist (countable) This is Van Gogh’s best work.

2 Job or work? Fill in the gaps with work or job.

a • She’s stressed because she’s got problems at work .

b • I’m looking for a job for the summer.

c • I got a lot of work done today.

d • This orchestra will be playing a work by Mozart.

e • Writing this report is your job .

f • I’ve got a big cleaning job to do today.

3 Choose a preposition from the boxes to complete these sentences with work.
out of for off in

a • I work for the BBC.

b • I was in work for two weeks. I got fired yesterday, so I’m now out of work.
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c • Mrs Taylor is not available today. She’s sick, so she’s off work.

6 • UNIT 1 - Working Life

To start with

ACTIVITY 3 Ways of working

4 Match. How are these people (a-e) most likely work (1-5)?

1. shift work 2. teleworking 3. clocking in and out 4. flexitime 5. commute to work

• • • • •

• • • • •
a. A shopkeeper b. A nurse c. An accountant d. An employee e. A software
in central London who in a hospital. with two young who works several developer who lives
lives in the suburbs. children who has hours a week in the country.
to be in the office. for a small company.

ACTIVITY 4 Workplaces: Apple Park

Apple Park covers 2.8 million square feet, accommodates 12,000 employees
and cost approximately $5 billion to build. The facility includes a fitness
center, an energy plant and acres of apricot orchards. The ring-shaped
building has been compared to a spaceship and the Pentagon.
Every detail has been carefully scrutinized, creating an end product that
Apple hopes will foster even greater innovation. It’s expected that by housing
so many employees in one facility, workers will be more likely to build
relationships with those outside of their team, share ideas with co-workers Apple Park, the corporate headquarters of Apple,
with different specialties and learn about opportunities to collaborate. located in Cupertino, California.

Inside, the building will be divided into modular sections, known as pods, that will be used for office work, teamwork
and social activities. Everyone from the CEO to summer interns will be placed into these pods, helping employees
build connections and discover mentorship opportunities.
AbiGaiL Hess, SePtember 15th, 2017 © CNBC (UK) LimiteD 2020. ALL riGhts reserveD ■

5 Find the facts about Apple Park.

Location Cupertino, California Fitness center, energy plant, apricot

Size 2.8 million square feet orchards

Cost $5 billion Type of workspaces Pods

Number of Encourage teamwork; help workers

12,000 Objectives of the design
employees build connections

# glossary
What impact does the working environment have
YOURSEL on our work?

◗ to boost productivity: améliorer la productivité ◗ safety: la sécurité
◗ indoor temperature: la température intérieure ◗ a sense of well-being: un sentiment de bien-être
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◗ to manage work-life balance: gérer l’équilibre ◗ stress-free: sans stress

entre vie personnelle et vie professionnelle

UNIT 1 - Working Life • 7

Text 1 Step by step

‘Why should I have to work on

stilts?’: the women fighting
sexist dress codes
1 It was at the beginning of a shift at Harrods that
Georgia Brown told her manager where to go.
Brown, then aged 22, was working for a temp agency
that supplied shop assistants to the department
5 store. She cannot remember the name of the
manager. But she does remember why she lost her
cool: she had had enough of being forced to wear
heels on the job. “Not just a mini-heel, but proper black
stilettos. Bear in mind, you’re on your feet in Harrods all
10 day – you can’t sit down,” says Brown. When she arrived at
work, there was a mandatory uniform check, after which she
would slip into flat shoes. This time, she got caught. “I said: ‘My
feet hurt; who are you to tell me I have to work on stilts?’,” says Brown.
After Brown’s outburst, Harrods notified her agency, and she was fired. […]
15 Women are often the victims of workplace dress codes, whether or not they
wear uniforms. But as women’s workwear increasingly becomes a more public
battleground in the fight for equality, this may change. […] Virgin Atlantic now
gives female crew the choice of trousers or a skirt and they no longer have to
wear makeup. […]
20 It is not illegal for employers to impose dress codes on women alone. “We haven’t
yet got to the position where you can say: ‘Having high heels in a dress code is
unlawful,’ says the barrister Harini Iyengar […] The problem is that it is hard to
prove that being forced to wear high heels is discriminatory on the basis of sex
– unless it is in a job that requires heavy lifting.” […]
25 Whatever the law may say, though, women are increasingly refusing to put up and
shut up. […] Employers are also seeing it as simply good PR1 to keep up with the
times. […] “It’s about choice, says Simpson – and modern values being reflected
in the uniform standard.”
1 • PR: Public Relations
Sirin KaLe, The Guardian, JuLy 11th, 2019 © GuarDian News & MeDia LtD ■

1 What does “stilts” refer to? Find the full word in the text.

2 Match the words from the text (1-5) with a synonym (a-e).

1. mandatory • • a. tolerate
2. fired • • b. strong expression
3. outburst • • c. controversial issue
4. put up • • d. sacked
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5. battleground • • e. obligatory

8 • UNIT 1 - Working Life

Text 1

3 Read the text and say whether these statements are true, false or not given.

a. Georgia Brown worked as a full-time shop

assistant at Harrods.

b. Harrods is a supermarket. F

c. Harrods is located in New York. NG

d. Shop assistants at Harrods are allowed to

rest during their shifts.

e. Georgia was fired because she refused to

wear stilettos at work.

f. Virgin Atlantic female crew must wear skirts. F

g. Employers are not allowed to force women

to wear certain clothes at work.

h. More and more women are rebelling against

imposed dress codes.

4 Complete the following summary with words from the text.

Georgia Brown, a shop assistant at Harrods, had had enough of wearing

stilettos at work. One day, she got caught wearing flat shoes and was fired .

Women’s workwear has become an issue at work, even though it is not illegal
for employers to impose dress codes on women.

Employers who want to keep up with the times let women choose what to wear at work.

# glossary
What do you think workers should wear 23nca00

(100-120 at work and why?

◗ business standards: les normes ◗ It is up to workers to decide:
de l’entreprise C’est aux travailleurs de décider.
◗ corporate culture: la culture d’entreprise ◗ professional behaviour:
◗ to implement a dress code: mettre un comportement professionnel
en place un code vestimentaire ◗ the right to express yourself: le droit
de s’exprimer
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UNIT 1 - Working Life • 9


What causes stress at work? # vidéo

Before watching
1 • Do you often feel stressed?
Open answer.

0:00 1:46

2 • What are the main causes of stress in people’s lives? KEY W ORDS
◗ the workplace: le lieu de travail
Losing a job; divorce; excessive workload; moving; children;
◗ employees: des employés, des salariés
harassment at work, etc. ◗ a pay check: un salaire
◗ health: la santé

Watching and understanding

1 Match the terms related to stress (1-6) to their definitions (a-f).
1. to take a toll • • a. take it easy
2. worry-free • • b. a total loss of energy and interest experienced as a result of chronic overwork
3. work-life balance • • c. amount of tasks
4. to relax • • d. harm or damage
5. burnout • • e. not anxious
6. workload • • f. harmony between one's professional and personal life

2 Listen to the presenter Laura Hutchison and complete what she says. 0:00 to 0:16

“The economy may be moving in the right direction , but Americans are more stressed
than ever .”

Name the different workplaces you spot 4 Choose the correct alternative.
in the video.
According to the survey, the proportion of American people
Office cubicles, vans, car workshops, warehouses, shops stressed by at least one thing at work is:

❒ 43% ❒ 83% ❒ 33%

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10 • UNIT 1 - Working Life


5 Listen to the reporter and pick out the two main causes of stress. 0:40 to 0:52

Low pay and unreasonable workload.

6 Read this list of other causes of job stress. Which ones are mentioned by the reporter?
❒ a. Not enough office space ❒ d. Not having a job in the desired field
❒ b. Annoying co-workers ❒ e. Bosses that are too demanding
❒ c. Too much commuting

Explain how the economic situation may have Listen to Brian. Why isn’t he stressed
7 8
an impact on stress. 0:52 to 1:17 at work? 1:18 to 1:34

As a result of the recession, employees are doing more Because he finds dealing with his two teenagers more
work with fewer resources for the same pay. stressful than work. He goes to work to relax.

9 Listen to the end of the programme. What does 22News invite viewers to do? 1:37 to end

Visit their website to find out five easy ways to reduce stress.


1. Listen to the following interview questions and write down (R) if the intonation rises
and (F) if the intonation falls at the end of the question.

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5


2. What do you conclude?

With yes/no questions, intonation is rising. With wh-word questions, intonation is falling. # audio

SPEAK 1. Give an oral account of the video.

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2. Prepare a questionnaire on stress. Write down about ten questions

EXAM (ex : Do you often feel stressed at work / school?). Interview your classmates
and teachers. Report on your findings.

UNIT 1 - Working Life • 11

Text 2 Going further

Quiet quitting: FOR TH E
the new workplace trend
1 (a) As the world of work has experienced managers about being compensated for
a drastic change since the pandemic, the the extra responsibility. “I was promised
change in workplace culture has resulted a pay rise, but it never materialised into
in a mindset that is currently dominating anything. I felt humiliated,” she says.
5 social media: “quiet quitting”. Despite the 45 “When I was working during Covid, it felt
name, it actually has nothing to do with safer to quiet quit than to leave and look
quitting your job. It means doing only for another job. It was a turbulent time.”
what your job demands and nothing more.
(e) Georgia began to turn down work that
Quitting doing anything extra. You still
10 show up for work, but stay strictly within was outside her job description and was
the boundaries of your job requirements.
50 met with criticism and often accused of
So no more helping out with additional slacking. But she didn’t care. “It felt like I
tasks or checking emails outside work was giving the power back to myself,” she
hours. says. Georgia eventually left her job. […]

(f) Not everyone’s on board with the

15 (b) Since the pandemic, an increasing
number of young workers have grown
55 quiet quitting phenomenon. Workplace
tired of not getting the recognition decorum expert Pattie Ehsaei expressed
and compensation for putting in extra her disagreement with it in a TikTok video,
hours. They’re saying no to burnout, and saying you’ll never succeed at work with
20 instead focusing on work-life balance. that mindset. “Quiet quitting is doing
The movement is centred around self-
60 the bare minimum required of you at
preservation and “acting your wage”. work and being content with mediocrity,”
she told the BBC. “Advancement and pay
(c) The term “quiet quitting” has taken increases will go to those whose level of
off recently after American TikTokker effort warrants advancement, and doing
25 @zaidlepplin posted a video on it that 65 the bare minimum certainly does not.”
went viral, saying “work is not your
(g) Joanne Mallon says she asks people
life”. Perhaps surprisingly, the overall
movement may have its origins in why they might be quiet quitting. Career
China, where the now-censored hashtag coach and podcast host Joanne Mallon
30 #tangping, meaning “lie flat”, was used says many of her clients have already
in protest against the long-hours culture.
70 started to quiet quit when they come to
her for coaching. She says that while she
(d) Quiet quitting gave Georgia the power would never advise someone to quiet quit,
to establish boundaries at work. Georgia she asks them what their reasons are for
Gadsby March, 24, from Devon, worked doing so. “Everybody has quiet quit at
35 in marketing for a retail and homeware 75 some point in their lives, but ultimately
company where she was doing overtime it might be a sign that it’s time to move
with no reward. After starting her admin on and get out of a space physically,” she
support role, she began taking on more says, as Georgia eventually did.
responsibility and was working nearly
Perisha KuDhaiL, 31st AuGust 2022,
40 60 hours a week. She approached her
© BBC News. ■
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12 • UNIT 1 - Working Life

Text 2

1 Match the people mentioned in the article (1-5) with their job or occupation (a-e).

1. Pattie Ehsaei • • a. The writer of the article

2. @zaidlepplin • • b. A career coach and podcast host
3. Perisha Kudhail • • c. A workplace decorum expert
4. Joanne Mallon • • d. A young marketer
5. Georgia Gadsby • • e. An American TikTokker

2 Fill out the table with the main information about the phenomenon of “quiet quitting.”

What? Doing the bare minimum at work

Who? Young workers

When? Since the pandemic

Why? Lack of recognition and financial compensation for hard work and long hours

Where? America, the UK, China

3 Answer the questions.

a. Why did Georgia start “quiet quitting”?

She was doing a lot of overtime and she didn’t get the pay rise that her employer promised her.

b. Why does Pattie Ehsaei disagree with the phenomenon of “quiet quitting”?
She believes it isn’t the right way to advance a career as people who do the bare minimum at work won’t get promoted.

c. According to Joanne Mallon, what should people who have started “quiet quitting” do?
They should resign from their jobs properly and physically leave the workplace.

4 Find words in the text that mean:

mentalité (a, f) mindset

limites (a) boundaries

heures supplémentaires (d) overtime

démissionner (a, b, c, d, e, f) quit

promotion (f) advancement

augmentation de salaire (d) pay rise / pay increase

le strict minimum (f) the bare minimum

WRITING 1. Write an account of the article in French in 180 words (+/– 10 %).
FOR THE 2. Give your opinion: Do you think “quiet quitting” is a good idea?
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EXAM (160 words, +/– 10 %).

UNIT 1 - Working Life • 13

Language at work Grammar p. 169

# exercices
Les articles

Soulignez les articles définis et indéfinis dans les phrases suivantes.

u “As the world of work has experienced a drastic change since the pandemic, the change in workplace culture has
resulted in a mindset that is currently dominating social media…”
u “…an increasing number of young workers have grown tired of not getting the recognition and compensation for
putting in extra hours.”
c. u “So no more helping out with additional tasks or checking emails outside work hours.”

d. u “They’re saying no to burnout…”

Complétez :

u Article indéfini en anglais : a/an

u L’article défini : the

Dites ce que les noms ou les groupes de noms en italique ont en commun.
u Absence d’article (déterminant zéro).

Complétez le tableau ci-dessous en donnant le type d’article : a / an / the / déterminant zéro.

u Cet article indéfini s’emploie devant un son « voyelle ». an

u Cet article s’emploie avec un nom singulier indénombrable pour parler d’une catégorie de choses
ou de personnes en général.
u Cet article s’emploie quand un nom pluriel dénombrable désigne une catégorie de choses
ou de personnes en général.

u S’emploie quand un nom dénombrable singulier désigne une chose / personne non spécifiée. a ou an

u S’emploie quand le contexte indique de façon claire ce à quoi le nom fait référence. the


u • Complete the following sentences with a / an / the / Ø.

a. Ø human beings are supposed to be more intelligent d. The position of chief executive officer is the most
than Ø animals. important position in a business corporation.

b. This film takes place in a small village in Ø France. e. At the end of the meeting, each participant agreed
on the decisions that had been made.
c. Ø health care professionals are looking for an
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effective way to manage Ø stress, prevent Ø burn out

and improve Ø patient care.

14 • UNIT 1 - Working Life

Let's be PRO!
Writing a CV
Curriculum Vitae (CV) means “course of life” in Latin. It is a summary of a person’s qualifications,
education and previous experience that is sent when applying for a job or internship.

1 Put the headings on the correct part of the CV below.

Education Interests Work Experience Contact Languages

2 Put the details in the correct parts of the CV.

Proficient with Microsoft Office – responsible for the daily management of the till – Bachelor’s
degree in Marketing and Sales – Marketing Intern – Baccalauréat (the equivalent of A-Levels)
– Economics – surveying customers online – offering face-to-face advice to customers on the
store’s products – Sales Assistant – native speaker

3 Write a professional profile for this CV. Use the words below.
Don’t write complete sentences.
creative – motivated – experienced in – excellent communication skills – persuasive in – holder of

Claire Vasseur
Sales and Marketing Assistant
Creative and motivated sales and marketing assistant experienced in assisting effective
marketing campaigns and running a store. Excellent communication skills and persuasive
in selling to existing and new customers. Holder of a BA in Marketing and Sales.

15 rue des Ormes, Strasbourg EDUCATION
+336958714 2020 Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Sales University of Strasbourg
SOFTWARE 2017 Baccalauréat (equivalent of A-Levels)
Proficient with Main subjects: Economics , Mathematics, Foreign Languages
Microsoft Office Kléber Secondary School, Strasbourg

From 01/01/2021 LUX STORE
French: native speaker to present Sales Assistant
German: fluent (Dijon, France) Main Duties: Serving customers at the sales counter, offering face-to-face
English: B2 (upper-intermediate)
Spanish: B1 (intermediate) advice to customers on the store’s products; responsible for the daily
management of the till.
From 01/03/2020 DATAIKU
Swimming to 05/09/2020 Marketing Intern
Travelling (Paris, France) Main duties: preparing a marketing campaign with the marketing
© Éditions Foucher

manager; surveying customers online.

UNIT 1 - Working Life • 15

Check point

1 Find the 10 words that are hidden in the grid horizontally

and vertically.

K K X O K A Q M A N D A T O R Y 2 Fill in the gaps with the correct

words from exercise 1.
a. He lives quite far from the city. He has
to commute to work every day.
J E Y U B S Z Z A G E Q F O Q O b. She was too overloaded with work.

H O C D L T H Q N F L U B O U N She ended up having a burnout .

A C N Q E Y T Q C I E L U N B Q c. Students often undertake an eight-to-ten-

U B Z B S X T X E C W P R L B Q week summer internship between their

Y W Q V S T M O I P O H N I R J first and second years.

J H P L F A B I I I R P O G S J d. Unemployment is higher than it was

N F L E X I T I M E K F U H S T in 1994 and almost half of young people
J S I N T E R N S H I P T T R E are jobless .
e. Some people are heavily dependent
S E T R Q A S N K F G B D N K G on moonlighting to make ends meet.
f. His company has introduced
flexitime arrangements to help

g. In this company, wearing a suit

3 Match these phrases.
is mandatory .
1. Women are often a. …as simply good PR
• •
the victims… to keep up with the times. h. Teleworking has reduced
2. It is not illegal b. …of being forced
• • commuting and improved people’s quality
for employers… to wear heels on the job.
of life.
3. She had had c. …of workplace
• •
enough… dress codes. i. She’s just finished a 12-hour shift
4. Employers are d. …the choice of trousers
• • at the hospital.
also seeing it… or a skirt.
5. Virgin Atlantic now e. …to impose dress codes j. He refuses to work too hard. He wants
• •
gives female crew… on women alone. a good work-life balance .

# glossary

Types of jobs: les types d’emplois ◗ a temp: un(e) intérimaire Managing stress at work:
◗ temping: travail temporaire gérer le stress au travail
◗ full-time: à temps plein
◗ an intern/trainee: un(e) stagiaire Ways of working: les façons de travailler ◗ burnout: l’épuisement
◗ an internship/work placement: un stage ◗ to lay off: licencier
◗ to clock in/out: pointer en arrivant/ en partant
◗ jobless: sans emploi ; chômeur ◗ overloaded: surchargé
◗ to commute: faire la navette
◗ moonlighting: le travail au noir; le cumul ◗ perks: des avantages en nature
◗ flexitime: des horaires flexibles
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d’emplois ◗ work/life balance: l’équilibre entre la vie

◗ part-time: à temps partiel ◗ a night shift: une équipe de nuit professionnelle et la vie privée
◗ self-employed: indépendant/à son compte ◗ a shift: un poste (= une période de travail) ◗ workload: la charge de travail

16 • UNIT 1 - Working Life

Recruiting UNIT

Talent 2

◗ an asset: un atout
1 Guess what these people are doing. Describe them.
◗ a graduate: un(e) jeune diplômé(e)
◗ to hire, to recruit: embaucher
2 Discuss. Do you think appearance affects getting a job?
◗ a job interview: un entretien
◗ a job seeker: un demandeur d’emploi
◗ a skill: une competence
◗ to be suited for a job: être un bon
# vidéo US: Major corporations begin
hiring autistic workers
candidat pour un poste
23nca37 0:00 „ 2:20 ◗ to be unemployed: être au chômage

1. Name the four major corporations hiring autistic workers.

2. Add the missing word: In this programme, autism comes under the
wider term of…
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3. Pick up the main assets and limitations of autistic workers.

UNIT 2 - recruiting taLent • 17

To start with

ACTIVITY 1 Job ads

➜ JOB VACANCIES Recruitment
Urgently required
We’re looking for a
A well established electrical engineering company is seeking
energetic personnel to fill the following positions:
Technician Qualification from recognized institution with a Requirements:
minimum of three years of experience in industry. Knowledge • Minimum HAVO/MBO level
of an accounting package will be an added advantage.
Good communication skills and a working knowledge of MS • Fluent command of English
Office are desirable. At least four traceable employment refe- and Dutch, spoken and written
rences are required. • Working knowledge of Microsoft
Qualification in Electrical or Electronics at a diploma level with • Must be highly organised and
at least three year’s work experience. process-oriented
Good communication skills and a working knowledge of MS
Office will be desirable. At least three traceable employment • Must be discreet and trustworthy
references will be required. • Must be able to work
3. WELDER/BOILER MAKERS independantly
Three years’ work experience and suitable qualifications required. —

To apply, send the required documents to To apply, please send your resume to

1 Say whether these statements refer to ad A, ad B or both.

a • The company has several positions to fill. A

b • The candidate needs to know how to use Microsoft Office. A and B

c • The candidate must be autonomous. B

d • The company requires references from the candidate’s earlier employers. A

e • The candidate will send their application by email. A and B

f • The candidate must be proficient in certain languages. B

g • This company requires several years’ experience in the job. A

h • The candidate needs to be properly qualified. A and B

2 Complete the following sentences with the words from the ads above.

a • To apply, send your resume and covering letter to the following address.

b • You must be fluent in English and German.

c • We are looking for an experienced engineer.

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d • We are seeking candidates to fill several job vacancies in our company.

e • You need to have an accounting qualification from a recognised institution.

18 • UNIT 2 - recruiting taLent

To start with

ACTIVITY 2 The selection process

3 Fill in the chart below with the steps of the selection process in the right order.
Interviewing candidates – making a job offer – advertising the job – making a shortlist
of candidates – reviewing CVs – testing the candidates’ skills – checking references.

Advertising Reviewing Making a Interviewing Testing the Making

the job ➜ CVs ➜ shortlist of ➜ candidates ➜ candidates’ ➜ references
➜ a job offer
candidates skills

ACTIVITY 3 Interview questions

4 Match the interview questions (1-5) with their answers (a-e).
1. Why are your reasons for leaving
• • a. I’ve got great attention to detail and I’m a team player.
your current employer?
2. Why did you change jobs b. I can be a little bit slow at finishing projects;
• •
so frequently? it’s because I’m very thorough.
3. What do you think you c. I like what I do, but I’m looking for more responsibility
• •
can bring to my company? with fresh challenges.
4. What is your greatest weakness? • • d. I wanted to acquire as much experience as possible.
5. What are your strengths? • • e. My determination. I know I can achieve my goals.

ACTIVITY 4 An unusual job interview (Suits, Season 1 Episode 1)

5 Watch the whole video and say whether the candidate # vidéo
(Mike Ross) managed to get hired as a lawyer by his
interviewer (Harvey Specter). Yes, he did.

6 Say whether Mike Ross displays these characteristics in his interview.

Justify your answers.
a. He’s very honest about his past. Yes, he tells Harvey about his past mistakes.

b. He graduated from a very No, he didn’t graduate from Harvard Law School, (which is a prerequisite
prestigious university. to be hired for the job).
c. He’s got exceptional skills. Yes, he has photographic memory. He can remember anything he reads.

d. He has a solid education. No, he dropped out of college.

e. He has high recommendations No, he’s not recommended by anyone.

from people.

f. He can take risks. Yes, he manages to outwit the police.

g. He’s very confident. Yes, he says he can become the best lawyer Harvey Specter has ever seen.

# glossary
What is your ideal job? 23nca00

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◗ a challenging job: un travail stimulant ◗ to make a difference: apporter un plus

◗ a great pay package: une très bonne rémunération ◗ to progress: évoluer

UNIT 2 - recruiting taLent • 19

Text 1 Step by step

The new way companies

are evaluating candidates’
soft skills (and discovering
high-potential talent)
1 Soft skills are the #1 talent trend of 2019, with 91%
of employers saying they’re very important to the
future of recruiting and HR. But the problem is that
they are notoriously hard to screen for. In fact, when
5 we asked 9,000 hiring managers and recruiters what’s
the biggest issue with the current interview formats
(like behavioral questions), 63% said it’s the inability to
identify soft skills.
It makes sense: a candidate probably won’t say, “Oh, yeah, I’m
10 an average communicator with sub-par1 time management skills
and almost no grit2.” But soft skills (e.g., accountability, leadership,
teamwork) are super important: they can be the difference between a great hire
and a toxic employee.
That’s where new solutions like predictive soft skills assessments come in. To fill
15 the gap between the need to measure soft skills and the inadequacy of traditional
interviews, companies like Koru and Pymetrics have developed pre-screening online
assessments – user-friendly tests that take candidates about 20 minutes to complete
and give employers a sense of their soft-skill strengths and weaknesses.
Whether candidates play neuroscience-inspired games or answer straightforward
questions, these online tests let companies screen large pools of talent quickly and
make smarter hiring decisions.
1 • sub-par: not up to standard, inferior
2 • grit: determination

GreGory Lewis, February 26th, 2018 © LinKeDIn CorPoration 2020, D.R. ■

1 What are soft skills? In the table below, write S for soft skills and H for hard skills.

time management S

typing speed H

machine operation H

communication S

computer programming H

teamwork S

leadership S

maths and statistics knowledge H

flexibility S
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creativity S

20 • UNIT 2 - recruiting taLent

Text 1

2 List the soft skills mentioned in the text.

Time management, communication, teamwork, accountability, leadership.

3 Explain the following figures from the text.

a. 91%: the percentage of employers who think soft skills are very important for the future of recruitment.

b. 9,000: the number of hiring managers and recruiters polled.

c. 20 minutes: the time needed to complete online assessments.

4 Say what the problem with traditional interviews based on questions is.
They’re not effective enough at identitying soft skills as candidates don’t mention their weaknesses during interviews.

5 Say why detecting soft skills is extremely important when recruiting a future
Soft skills can make the difference between a great recruit and a bad one.

6 Say what the new solutions available to employers to detect soft skills are.
They can use online soft skills assessments developed by companies such as Koru and Pymetrics.

7 Pick out two different formats for online soft skills assessment.
– Neuroscience-inspired games.
– Traditional questions.

# glossary
/ 23nca00
Choose three soft skills and say which of them
(100-120 you possess and which you need to work on. Give examples/situations
words) that show that you have or haven’t got those skills.

◗ to be a good listener: savoir écouter ◗ self-motivated: motivé(e)
◗ to cope with stress: gérer le stress ◗ a team leader: un(e) chef(fe) d’équipe
◗ an effective communicator: un(e) bon(ne) communicant(e) ◗ well organised: organisé(e)
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UNIT 2 - recruiting taLent • 21


AI recruitment # vidéo

Before watching

1 • What does AI stand for?

Artificial Intelligence

0:00 2:50
2 • Why would a company need AI to hire people?
To deal with a very high number of applications.

3 • What are the possible downsides of using AI

in recruitment? KEY W ORDS
◗ an assignment: une tâche
Applicants may prefer interacting with humans rather than
◗ a bias: un préjugé
recruitment bots. The lack of personal interaction may turn some ◗ raw talent: le talent naturel
people away. Recruitment bots might not be able to identify ◗ top-tier: de premier rang

personality, work ethic and character.

Watching and understanding

1 How many Chinese students graduate every year? Tick the right answer.
❒ 4 million ❒ 7 million ❒ 10 million

2 Say which graduates had a chance of getting a job at L’Oréal.

Only those from the top universities.

Explain the problem faced by companies Describe how L’Oréal has simplified
3 4
such as L’Oréal. its recruitment process this year.

Because they receive too many applications, they have Applications are completed online with a mobile phone
to restrict the number of candidates and they run the risk and there are only three simple questions to answer.
of omitting good profiles.
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22 • UNIT 2 - recruiting taLent


5 Say who analyses the answers. Point out what aspects of the answers
they pay attention to.
The computers of a start-up company based in Shanghai.
Essentially the language: vocabulary, sentence structure.

7 Say what advantage computers have over other forms of recruitment according to Robin Young.

They can select people without any bias.

8 Complete what the reporter says about the results of this year’s recruitment at L’Oréal.

“This year, of the 70 new recruits , more than a third come from universities
that wouldn’t previously have been considered .”

9 What type of recruits is L’Oréal looking for according to Jacob Bonk?

L’Oréal is looking for raw talent and for recruits who will fit into the company culture.


The /h/ sound is a voiceless or unvoiced sound. This means that your vocal cords do not vibrate when you
make this sound. Instead, you use a puff of air to produce the sound.
1. Listen and repeat these words. 2. Now say these sentences out loud.
who how holiday behind a. Job-hungry graduates
her hello help b. How does a company go about choosing the best?
c. Her high computer score
# audio d. You can programme it to act like a real human.

SPEAK 1. Give an oral account of the video.

FOR THE 2. Role-playing: a job interview at L’Oréal
EXAM a) The interviewer: write three questions to ask the candidate. They should
be about leadership, team-play and innovation (key L’Oréal values).
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b) The candidate: prepare answers to those questions. Don’t forget to

illustrate them with examples.
c) Role-play the interview. Don’t forget to give feedback at the end.

UNIT 2 - recruiting taLent • 23

Text 2 Going further

The new face of job-seeking: FOR TH E
how social media has changed the way
we look for work
1 Technology has changed the way job-seekers times as of last month. #Hiring is also one
find work, and how recruiters find potential of the top UK hashtags of the year, he added.
So how essential is social media in finding new
[…] Today, prospective candidates are work, or prospective candidates?
5 increasingly using social platforms to advertise
their skills and experience, and to “build
35 LinkedIn has more than 26 million companies
their brand”, and recruiters are turning their on its platform, many of which actively use it
attention to these sites more than ever before. to discover and hire new talent. One of these
is online fashion giant Asos. Its talent brand
Ask any recruiter which social media tool is and engagement partner, Holly Middlemiss,
10 best for job-hunting, and the majority will say 40 said the retailer had been using social media
LinkedIn, which has more than 15 million active to recruit and attract potential employees for
job listings and 25 million job-seekers visiting years, and did so by direct messaging passive
the site every week. But Facebook and Twitter job-seekers – those not actively searching for
are also being utilised to a greater extent. In a job. Asos also utilises its own careers page
15 February, Facebook announced that it was 45 to showcase the company culture and get an
expanding its job-finding function to more “authentic voice across to our audience”.
than 40 countries, including Britain, raising
the prospect that it will come to compete with Ms Middlemiss said social media was
LinkedIn as the go-to employment network particularly beneficial because the retailer is
20 for job-seekers and businesses alike. It claims able to engage with a wider “targeted” audience.
that one in four Americans now look for a job
50 “As a business, we don’t want to spam people
on the social network. with irrelevant job information, so we ensure
we utilise social media by pushing the right
And while Twitter often flies under the radar content towards the right audience,” she said.
as a tool for job-searching, the ability to use
25 hashtags such as #jobs, #jobsearch and #careers While Asos continues to use traditional
helps individuals locate job listings posted on
55 methods of recruitment, such as attending
the site, and recruiters are able to find active career fairs, conferences and larger recruitment
job-seekers. A spokesman for Twitter said #jobs events, there is an increasing focus on social
had been one of the most popular hashtags in networks, she said.
30 Britain this year, used more than 3.3 million SoPhie Smith, SePtember 18th, 2018
© TeLeGraPh MeDia GrouP LimiteD ■

1 Find the facts.

a. Names of the social media networks mentioned in the text: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter

b. Number of job listings on LinkedIn: 15 million

c. Proportion of American people looking for jobs on social media: one in four
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d. Number of companies registered on LinkedIn: 26 million

24 • UNIT 2 - recruiting taLent

Text 2

2 Choose the right alternative.

1. “raising the prospect” (l. 8) means:

a. drawing the attention to the fact

b. increasing the probability

c. announcing

2. “Twitter often flies under the radar as a tool for job searching” (l. 11) means:

a. Twitter is not well-known as a tool for job-searching

b. Twitter offers illegal methods for job-searching

c. Twitter doesn’t offer very good tools for job-searching

3. “to showcase the company culture” (l. 21) means:

a. to demonstrate what the company culture is about

b. to illustrate what the company culture is about

c. to draw attention to and emphasise the good aspects of the company culture

3 Answer the questions.

a. What is the growing trend among recruiters and job-seekers alike?

Both recruiters and job-seekers are increasingly making use of online platforms.

b. According to recruiters, which is the best social network for job-seeking?


c. What tool does Twitter possess that can help both job-seekers and recruiters?
Hashtags. They can help job seekers to find job listings and employers can identity quickly who’s looking for a job.

d. How does Asos use social media to attract potential employees? Pick out two different
They send direct messages to passive job seekers; they use the careers pages to promote the company culture.

e. True or false? Asos has completely stopped using traditional hiring methods.
False. “Asos continues to use traditional methods of recruitment, such as attending career fairs, conferences
and larger recruitment events…”

WRITING 1. Write an account of the article in French in 180 words (+/– 10 %).
FOR THE 2. Essay (100-120 words): What are the pros and cons of using social media
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for job-hunting?

UNIT 2 - recruiting taLent • 25

Language at work Grammar p. 184

# exercices
Poser des questions

Observez les phrases suivantes.

1. u Tell us what you do in your spare time. 5. u Why did you leave your previous job?

2. u Can you start next week? 6. u How long do you plan to work for us?

3. u Do you have a driving licence? 7. u I wonder why you didn’t finish your studies.

4. u What is your greatest weakness?

Classez les questions (1-7) en trois catégories (A-C).

Complétez la structure de base pour chaque type de question.

A u Questions fermées (oui/non) B u Questions en wh- et how C u Interrogatives indirectes

Numéro de la phrase 2,3 4, 5, 6 1, 7

Auxiliaire + sujet + verbe Pronom interrogatif + auxiliaire Verbe introducteur + pronom
+ sujet + verbe interrogatif + ordre de la phrase
affirmative ou négative (pas
Ou : pronom + verbe d’inversion du sujet et du verbe)


1 u Find the question corresponding to the words 2 u Translate the following questions into English.
in bold.
a. Tu parles anglais ?
a. I lost my job two years ago.
Do you speak English?
When did you lose your job?
b. Que t’est-il arrivé ?
b. I left my job because I was bored.
What (has) happened to you?
Why did you leave your job?
c. As-tu regardé la liste des postes vacants ?
c. I played tennis for five years, then I stopped.
Did you look/have you looked at the vacancies?
How long did you play tennis?

d. She’s 19 years old.

d. Je me demande quand il va venir nous voir.
How old is she?
I wonder when he’ll come and see us.
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e. I have told him nothing.

What have you told him?

26 • UNIT 2 - recruiting taLent

Let's be PRO!
Writing a cover letter
Your job

You’re a student who wants to apply for an internship in sales at the catering
company NVC. You’ve started writing a cover letter, but you haven’t finished it.

Your task

Complete the missing elements in your letter by following these five steps. Refer to
the method for writing a cover letter on page 151.

1 Begin and end the letter with the appropriate phrase:

Beginning: Dear Sir or Madam Ú Closing: Yours faithfully,
Beginning: Dear Mr / Mrs / Ms + surname Ú Closing: Yours sincerely,

2 Give a clear reason for writing.

3 Use linking words to join similar ideas together.

Ex: in addition, moreover, also, therefore, etc.

4 Conclude: say you’re the ideal candidate for the internship.

5 End your letter with a set phrase: “I hope to hear from you soon.”

1 Dear Mr Camden, Beginning

2 I am writing to express interest in the internship in sales Your reason for writing
advertised on your website. apply for… / express interest in… /
enquire about…
Say how you found out about the job:
website, newspaper, a teacher…

I am currently completing my second year at technical Your skills, experience and relevant
college. I am studying sales management and marketing, coursework
and I believe that I would benefit greatly from this

3 Moreover , I spent last summer working as a sales

assistant in a bakery, as detailed in my CV.

I am punctual , hard-working and willing to assist Your qualities

with any task related to sales. Choose the qualities which are most
relevant to the job:
3 In addition , I possess excellent communication and – punctual
negotiation skills . At the bakery, I was in charge – reliable
of dealing with dissatisfied customers: I listened to them – hard-working
3 and offered them refunds. – good communication and negotiation skills
– good team worker
I am also a fast learner : I always complete
– attentive to detail
my tasks ahead of time. – fast learner
4 I hope I have shown I am an ideal candidate for this internship. Conclusion: write a summary comment
(one sentence).
5 I hope to hear from you soon. Set phrase
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1 Yours sincerely, Closing (match with beginning)


UNIT 2 - recruiting taLent • 27

Check point

1 Complete these extracts from job ads

using the words in the boxes.
team closely opportunities dynamic

graduate skills previous 2 Write the words in the correct

order to make interview questions.
a. We are seeking a young, dynamic professional to join
a. work / in / you / Do / team / a / well
our marketing team.
Do you work well in a team?
b. You must have a positive attitude, strong creative skills ,
and an ability to work well in a team .
b. you / any / questions / got / Have
c. There are excellent opportunities for promotion within Have you got any questions?
the department.

d. We are looking for a graduate to join our company. c. should / you / employ / Why / we
e. You will work closely with the Chief Strategy Officer to Why should we employ you?
help create and develop new products.

f. You must have previous work experience in a similar d. start / could / When / you
position. When could you start?

e. leave / current / to / Why / you / employer /

want / your / do
Why do you want to leave your current
3 Match the verb with the noun.
1. to seek… • • a. a vacancy
2. to apply for… • • b. extensive knowledge
3. to recruit… • • c. a position
4. to require… • • d. a job
5. to fill… • • e. an accountant

# glossary

The job market: le marché du travail Building your CV: faire son CV ◗ an application: une candidature
◗ available: disponible
◗ to apply for: postuler à/pour ◗ achievements: des réalisations
◗ benefits: des avantages
◗ classified ads: des petites annonces ◗ a CV/a resume (US): un CV
◗ to hire: embaucher
◗ an employment agency: une agence ◗ a degree: un diplôme d’université
pour l’emploi ◗ a job interview: un entretien d’embauche
◗ knowledge: des connaissances
◗ a graduate: un diplômé d’université ◗ job opportunities: des débouchés
◗ a skill: une compétence
◗ a job centre: Pôle emploi ◗ a network: un réseau
◗ a strength: une force
◗ job-hunting: la recherche d’emploi ◗ to recruit: recruter
◗ a weakness: une faiblesse
◗ a job-seeker: un demandeur d’emploi ◗ required: exigé
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◗ to look for a job/to seek a job: chercher Recruiting: le recrutement ◗ requirements: les exigences
un emploi ◗ an advertisement/ad/advert: une annonce ◗ salary: le salaire
◗ an applicant: un candidat ◗ to suit/suitable: convenir/qui convient, adapté
◗ a vacancy: un poste vacant

28 • UNIT 2 - recruiting taLent

Company UNIT

Organisation 3

◗ a bully: un tyran
◗ controlling: dominateur(rice)
1 Describe the work situation in this picture.
◗ to be a good listener: être à
2 Give your opinion: say what the pros and cons of teamwork are. ◗ a line manager: un(e)
supérieur(e) hiérarchique
◗ management: la direction
◗ to report to: être placé(e)
# vidéo Do visionaries make
good leaders?
sous la direction de
0:00 „ 2:24 ◗ to be responsible for: être
responsable de
1. Fill the gaps in the comparison between the two leaders. (0:00 to 0:10) ◗ to be responsible to: être
– He gave the world iPhones and iPads and gained a reputation as a bully responsable devant
◗ a team leader: un(e) chef(fe)
along the way. d’équipe
– She makes delicious macaroons and changes the lives of young people
in the process.
2. Write down Steve Jobs’ qualities and shortcomings as a leader. (1:02 to
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3. Say what the main problem with Steve Jobs’ leadership was. (1:54 to 2:24)

UNIT 3 - company organisation • 29

To start with

ACTIVITY 1 The functional organisation

An organisational chart is a way of representing the structure of a company
or organisation in a visual way. It shows the relationships between people
and/or departments.

Board of directors

Managing Director / CEO

Production IT Finance Human Resources Research Sales and

(Information & Development Marketing

Distribution Accounts Recruitment Training

1 Study this organisation. Say which departments are in charge of the following tasks.

Packs and ships goods? Distribution

Pays the staff? Human Resources

Advertises a product? Sales and Marketing

Fixes computers? IT

Sends and pays bills? Accounts

Develops new products? R&D

Arranges courses for the staff? Training

# audio
ACTIVITY 2 Job titles

2 You will hear five people talking about their work. Match their names (1-5)
to their titles (a-e).
N. B.: Your line manager or superior is the person you report to or work under.
If you’re a manager, you’re responsible for or in charge of a team or a department.

1. Chen • • a. Finance Director

2. Edwards • • b. Human Resources Director
3. Pinelli • • c. CEO
4. Martinez • • d. Accounts manager.
5. Mizuno • • e. Training manager

3 Listen again to the recording and say who these people report to and what
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they are in charge of. Eg : Ms Pinelli is in charge of the finance department

She reports to the CEO

30 • UNIT 3 - company organisation

To start with

ACTIVITY 3 Types of legal structures

4 Match each type of structure (1-7) with a definition (a-g).

1. A private limited
• • a. A company owned by another.
company (LTD)
• b. When two or more people join together to run a business.
2. A public limited
• Each partner has an equal share in the net profits and losses
company (PLC)
of their business.
3. A non-profit
• • c. A company which owns and runs other companies.
• d. One person who has complete control of the business and
4. A partnership •
unlimited liability.
• e. A type of company whose shares are not traded on
5. A parent
• the stock market. It usually has less than 50 people and
the owner’s liability is limited.
6. A subsidiary • • f. An organisation with social or artistic aims.
7. A sole trader / • g. A company in the UK whose shares can be sold to the
sole proprietor • public. The shareholders are the owners and they elect
(self-employed) the board of directors.

5 Decide what type of organisational structure would suit the following businesses.

a • Two dentists who want to open their own practice.


b • A lawn-mowing service whose owner performs all the services, with no employees
and no outside investors.
Sole trader

c • A small electronics company in Scotland with 15 employees. The owner doesn’t have
to use her own assets to pay the company’s debts.
A private limited company

d • An organisation that uses volunteers to serve free meals to the poor.

A non-profit organisation

e • A large British pharmaceutical company whose shares are quoted on the stock market.
A public limited company

# glossary
Would you prefer working under someone or being 23nca00

responsible for people who report to you?

◗ a born leader: un chef naturel ◗ to micromanage: microgérer
◗ to make decisions: prendre des décisions ◗ to be told what to do: recevoir
des instructions
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UNIT 3 - company organisation • 31

Text 1 Step by step

The new helicopter bosses

1 Micromanagement isn’t a new phenomenon; there have
always been bosses who keep 32 close tabs on their staff. But
as the increase in workers performing their roles remotely
has fuelled insecurities in some managers, experts say the
5 pandemic has birthed a new swathe of remote helicopter
bosses: think helicopter parents, who hover over their
children and constantly monitor them, but for the workplace.

A July 2020 study in the Harvard Business Review, which

surveyed more than 1,200 people across 24 different
10 countries, showed that a fifth of remote workers felt their
supervisor was constantly evaluating their work, and one-
third agreed their supervisors “expressed a lack of confidence
in their work skills”. They weren’t imagining things: the
same study showed 38% of managers felt workers simply
15 weren’t as productive at home, and 40% had low confidence in their ability
to manage remotely. Even now, many managers are struggling to lead remote
teams using the traditional tools they once relied on.

These remote micromanagers bombard staff with constant check-ins and

calls, unnecessary Zoom meetings or overly detailed instructions. And experts
20 say it’s doing significant damage to their employees. Remote workers who
feel micromanaged by their boss are less engaged, less motivated and less
capable than ever before.
MeGan Tatum, 1st DeCember 2022, © BBC ■

1 Choose the right answer. “Helicopter bosses” are:

a • Top managers who fly to work. ❒

b • Managers who constantly monitor their employees when they work from home. ❒

c • Managers who control their remote employees using drones. ❒

2 Match the words from the text (a-g) to their equivalents (1-7).

a. keep close tabs on • • 1. increased

b. fuelled • • 2. large number
c. hover over • • 3. having trouble
d. swathe • • 4. watch carefully
e. monitor • • 5. count on
f. struggling • • 6. control
g. rely on • • 7. stay near
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32 • UNIT 3 - company organisation

Text 1

3 Say what the following figures refer to.

1,200 Number of people surveyed by the Harvard Business Review

38% Percentage of managers who think workers are not productive at home

40% Percentage of managers who are not confident about managing workers remotely

1/5 Proportion of workers who feel constantly evaluated by their managers

1/3 Proportion of workers who feel their supervisors don’t trust their skills

4 Answer the following questions about the text.

a • Why have managers become more controlling?

Because they don’t feel confident about managing employees remotely.

b • What is the relationship manager-employee compared to?

To a parent-child relationship.

c • How do bosses micromanage their remote employees?

They check on them all the time, they set up unnecessary Zoom meetings and they send too many detailed

d • What are the consequences of constant control on employees’ morale?

They don’t feel as engaged, motivated and capable as before.

# glossary
How should remote employees be managed? 23nca00

words) U S E F UL PHRASE S
◗ to balance personal and work life: concilier vie ◗ to manage one’s workload: gérer sa charge
privée et vie professionnelle de travail
◗ to build up trust: instaurer la confiance ◗ to track: surveiller
◗ flexible working hours: des horaires flexibles ◗ tracking software: un/des logiciel(s)
◗ to improve productivity: améliorer la productivité de surveillance
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UNIT 3 - company organisation • 33


No CEO: The Swedish company # vidéo

where nobody is in charge

Before watching
1 • Read the title of the video: what is unusual about
this company?
0:00 4:30
This company is unusual because it doesn’t have a CEO.


2 • Give your opinion: do you really need someone to tell ◗ a CEO: un PDG
you what to do at work? ◗ get rid of: se débarrasser de
◗ leadership: l’aptitude à diriger
Open answer. ◗ to make decisions: prendre des
◗ (the) management: la direction

Watching and understanding

1 Find which of the following cities are shown at the start of the video. 0:00 to 0:82

❒ Stockholm ❒ Paris ❒ London

❒ Frankfort ❒ New York

2 Spot where the reporter is. 3 Present Crisp (activity, location, staff). 0:33 to 0:50

The reporter is in Stockholm. Crisp is a Swedish software consultancy business with 40 staff.

4 Say what happened to Crisp two years ago. Describe how the staff make difficult
decisions. 0:52 to 2:15
Staff decided to bin the CEO.
They have conferences two or three times a year.
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34 • UNIT 3 - company organisation


Say what is unusual about Crisp’s financial Listen to Meg Whitman. Why does she think leaders
6 7
organisation. are necessary? 2:15 to 2:49

They don’t have a budget. Consultants are She thinks they are necessary to make decisions.
responsible for finding funding for their projects.

8 Complete what Drew Houston, the founder of Dropbox, says about having no CEO. 2:50 to 3:20

“Often infinite freedom like that can be pretty disorientating . It doesn’t always feel good, because
you no longer know what’s important , what you need to accomplish , how fast you need to be.”

9 Listen to Crisp staff. 3:21 to 3:58

a. Explain what’s wrong with the hierarchical structure according to them.

They think decision-making is too slow. People lack context to understand the reasons behind some decisions.

b. Quote the most important qualities for staff according to them.

Engagement and motivation.

10 Complete the reporter’s conclusion. 3:59 to end

“Many businesses may not want to go as far as getting rid of their CEO, but there are valid lessons to be
learnt from radical companies like Crisp.”


1. Listen to these words and mark the stress. 2. Practise saying the words. Make sure you stress
hierarchy company the right syllable.
organisation radical
decision leadership
recognise difficult
# audio

SPEAK 1. Give an account of the “No CEO” video.

FOR THE 2. Debate: for or against CEOs? Prepare three arguments for having CEOS. Your
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partner prepares three arguments against. Try to convince the other side.
Another student will act as a referee and say which side was more convincing.

UNIT 3 - company organisation • 35

Text 2 Going further

Would you take a pay cut to get FOR TH E
a better job title? It’s not as stupid
as it sounds
1 Millennials1 are reportedly sacrificing up to 30 ought to “follow our passion”; we have been
$10,000 a year for fancy-sounding positions trained to think about work as the defining
– but it could pay off in the long term. aspect of our identity. Although we are often
derided as lazy, we are actually workaholics
(a) According to a recent piece in Quartz by
who can’t unplug – a sentiment so widely felt
5 Ariel Schur, the CEO of an employment agency, 35 that a BuzzFeed article calling millennials “the
millennials are so invested in titles that they burnout generation” went viral in January. In
will take a pay cut for a better one. “I’ve seen this context, job titles are not just titles – they
candidates trade as much as $10,000 [£7,500] are a reflection of who we are.
in salary for what they consider a more valuable
10 title,” Schur wrote. […] (e) If you want to go deeper into an existential
40 void, consider the anthropologist David
(b) This isn’t because millennials are superficial,
Graeber’s argument that our economies
but because they are strategic. Social media have become “vast engines for producing
have trained us to think about the value of nonsense”. This has given rise to what he calls
our “personal brands”; as Schur notes, a fancy the bullshit job: “a form of paid employment
15 job title is “instant branding”. An impressive- 45 that is so completely pointless, unnecessary
sounding title doesn’t only make you look good or pernicious that even the employee cannot
online – it could also help you land a better justify its existence, even though, as part of the
position further down the line. conditions of employment, the employee feels
(c) Companies seem to have cottoned on2 to obliged to pretend that this is not the case”.
20 this. A 2018 survey found that 39% of employers 50 (f) The inflated importance of job titles goes
give promotions without a pay raise, up from hand in hand with Graeber’s theory about the
22% in 2011. Younger employees seem more “bullshitisation” of work: a fancy title helps us
likely to accept these deals: 72% of people cling to the idea that our work has meaning
under 34 said they would be willing to take a and, ergo, that our lives have meaning. Frankly,
25 new title without an improved salary, compared 55 more of us could do with help clinging to that
with 53% of those over 55. idea: more than a third of British workers think
(d) There is an existential element to this their job is meaningless, according to a 2015
generational preoccupation with job titles, YouGov poll.
too. Millennials have been fed the idea that we
1 • millennials: generation who reached adulthood around the year 2000.
2 • to have cottoned on: to have begun to understand.
Arwa MahDawi, The Guardian, MarCh 1st, 2019
© GuarDian News & MeDia LtD ■

1 What is the text’s key idea? Scan the text and choose one of the following options:

a. Millennials no longer feel that their jobs have any meaning.

b. Millennials would rather be given a valued title than get a pay rise.
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c. Millennials are workaholics.

36 • UNIT 3 - company organisation

Text 2

2 Match each paragraph of the text (a-f) to a title (1-6).

1. New job titles: a growing trend among employers and employees c

2. Job titles as a source of meaning f

3. The rise of the useless job e

4. Job titles as career facilitators b

5. Millennials’ investment in their jobs d

6. Trading salaries for job titles a

3 Explain how job titles are part of millennials’ career strategy.

They’re part of their personal branding, which will help them to get a better job eventually.

4 Choose the right alternative. “… a fancy job title is ‘instant branding’ ” means:

a. An original job title has the power to make someone identifiable and recognisable immediately.

b. An original job title can help advertise a job.

c. An original job title makes you sound silly.

5 Explain what the following figures mean:

a. 39%: The percentage of employers giving promotions without a pay raise.

b. 72%: The percentage of people under 34 who would accept a new title without a pay raise.

6 Say why millennials are so invested in their jobs.

Millennials are so invested in their jobs because they feel that their jobs are part of who they are.

7 Choose the right alternative. “A BuzzFeed article calling millennials ‘the burnout
generation’ went viral” means:

a. The article caused a major controversy.

b. The article spread rapidly through social media and was read by a lot of people.

c. The article spread a virus through the internet.

8 Read paragraph (e). Why are there more “bullshit” jobs today?
Because our economies produce more and more nonsense, so some jobs have become pointless.

WRITING 1. Write an account of the article in French in 180 words (+/– 10 %).
FOR THE 2. According to the author of the text, “Job titles are not just titles – they are
© Éditions Foucher

a reflection of who we are.” Discuss this idea. Do you agree or disagree?

(180 words, +/– 10 %).

UNIT 3 - company organisation • 37

Language at work Grammar p. 178

# exercices
Présent simple & présent en BE + V–ing

Observez les phrases suivantes.

a. u Even now, many managers are struggling to lead remote teams

b. u These remote micromanagers bombard staff with constant check-ins and calls.

c. u She calls her remote staff every day.

d. u I’m meeting my boss this afternoon.

Reportez le verbe principal et indiquez son temps.

a. are struggling Présent BE + –ing (3e personne du pluriel)

b. bombard Présent simple (3e personne du pluriel)

c. calls Présent simple (3e personne du singulier)

d. ‘m meeting Présent BE + –ing (1re personne du singulier)

Complétez. Dans quelle phrase le verbe indique-t-il…

u une action routinière ou répétée ? c

u une action qui se déroule en ce moment ? a

u un fait permanent ? b

u un arrangement futur ? d

u Le présent BE + –ing désigne une action qui se déroule en ce moment ou qui va se dérouler dans un futur proche.

u Le présent simple se réfère à un fait permanent ou une action routinière/répétée.


u • Put the verbs into the appropriate form.

a. Our company is expanding (expand) its activities e. We meet (meet) our suppliers on a regular basis.
in China right now.
f. Mr Calder is not feeling (not feel) well. He wants
b. We supply (supply) specialised equipment to the to go home.
oil industry. That is our activity.
g. What exactly do you do (you / do) in this
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c. I am flying (fly) to New York tomorrow. company?

d. The IT department is spending (spend) a lot of h. Mr Lambert is the chairman. He presides (preside)
money on equipment at the moment. over the board of directors.

38 • UNIT 3 - company organisation

Let's be PRO!
Prepare an elevator pitch
What is an elevator pitch?
It is a short summary used to describe a person in a quick and concise
way. It is based on the idea of meeting someone in an elevator and Tips
having a couple of seconds to chat. An elevator pitch is an important
How to prepare your elevator pitch
tool for your job search. It’s an effective way of telling a potential
employer and/or contact – such as someone you meet in an elevator – 1. Write it down.

who you are, how you can contribute, and what kind of position you’re 2. Keep it short: You want a pitch
that would fit into the average elevator
ride of about 30 seconds to two
minutes. In most cases, that means
less than 200 words.
Your task 3. Clarify your objectives. Identify
what you want to accomplish.
Now use this sample to create your own elevator pitch
4. Quantify your achievements.
and practise it with a partner.
5. Focus on your audience. Think
about what your listener needs and
highlight the advantages you could
deliver to them. State your ability to
enhance quality, save money or create
more efficient systems, using an
Hi. My name is.......................... . I have example from your past. Be prepared
to give more details if the other person
a degree in................ and/or I have......... has questions.
6. Highlight your strengths.
years’ experience in............................. . Use a positive statement about your
qualifications, focusing on your
I am currently looking for jobs such as strengths, and back it up with an
example. Don’t just say “I’m hard-
working,” but back it up with a specific
[name 3-5 job titles], and/or in [name
story such as, “Throughout my college
career I worked 20 hours a week while
3-5 industries or companies]. studying full time…” From there, move
on to a specific example that
is related to the type of work you are
I have experience in......... . In my past work seeking.
7. Rehearse carefully. Practise while
experience, [example of positive work looking in a mirror or record yourself.
Learn your pitch by heart. You can’t
experience]. That’s why I would like to read it from a piece of paper.
8. Be confident and enthusiastic.
continue to work as [your ideal position] Make eye contact with the person
you’re talking to.
in [sector].
© Éditions Foucher

UNIT 3 - company organisation • 39

Check point

1 Look at the wordbox below to find the answers to the crossword. 1

2 P U B L I C
Across 3 S
2. you can buy shares in this company
4. job losses
5. group of directors 4 R E D U N D A N C I E S
7. another name for the Human Resources L I
8. someone who has invested in a company 6 F 5 B O A R D
9. the top executive N - R
10. something to do with computers and
networks 7 P E R S O N N E L Y
- P
1. part of a larger company
3. working for himself/herself P L
6. charity
8 S H A R E H O L D E R
F 9 C E O
10 I T D

2 Complete the following text about a company with the words from the wordbox below.
Make the necessary changes.
Hello, my name is Enrico Sanchez. I’m the CEO (1) of CTO Electrónica Plc, so I’m the most important director in the
company. At first, all our business was in Barcelona. Now we have subsidiaries (2) in several countries. Two years ago,
we had to restructure (3) our organisation, as we were not efficient (4) enough. We decided to remove
layers (5) of management. Fortunately, we were able to limit redundancies (6), so most people were assigned
to new positions. Thanks to our IT (7) department, our communication is now more fluid, and our shareholders (8)
can look forward to more profit!

# glossary

Types of legal structures: Company positions: les postes de l’entreprise Running a business: diriger une entreprise
les différentes structures juridiques
◗ a board of directors: un conseil ◗ to be in charge of/responsible for: être
◗ non-profit: à but non lucratif d’administration responsable de
◗ a parent company: une société mère ◗ a CEO: un P-DG ◗ efficient/efficiency: efficace/efficacité
◗ partnership: le statut d’associés ◗ an employee: un salarié, un employé ◗ a layer: une strate
◗ private limited company: une société à responsabilité ◗ an executive: un cadre ◗ a redundancy: un licenciement
limitée ◗ IT (information technology): les technologies ◗ to report to/work under: être sous
◗ a public company: une société anonyme par actions de l’information/l’informatique la direction de
© Éditions Foucher

◗ sole trader/self-employed: à son compte ◗ (the) management: la direction ◗ to restructure/reorganise: restructurer

◗ a subsidiary: une filiale ◗ shareholder/stockholder: un actionnaire ◗ to run/manage a business: gérer une

40 • UNIT 3 - company organisation

Economic UNIT

Matters 4
Amazon’s market cap:

Countries with GDP less than

Amazon’s market cap of $1.7 trillion.
$1.7T $1.6T

$1.4T $1.4T
$1.4 trillion
South Korea
MEX IDN $1.6 trillion
$1.3 trillion
$1.3T $1.1T

$907B $793B
$1.4 trillion

$761B $703B Source: Mackeeper

1 Comment on the picture, using your personal knowledge of some ◗ an aftermath: des répercussions
of the countries listed. ◗ to cope (with): faire face (à)
◗ a corporate tax: une taxe d’entreprise
2 Are you surprised to see that Amazon has more money than some ◗ a dot-com company: une entreprise
du Net
countries’ GDPs?
◗ an emerging country: un pays émergent
◗ an industrialised country: un pays
# vidéo Canada signs the G7 minimum
global tax agreement
◗ market cap: la capitalisation boursière
23nca26 0:00 „ 1:08

1. Explain what this deal is about with the help of the Canadian
anchorwoman (0:00 to 0:16).
2. Say what significant step has been taken to end the current
harmful dynamic.
© Éditions Foucher

3. Explain what the tax is designed to do.

4. Name the companies which will be most affected.

UNIT 4 - economic matters • 41

To start with

ACTIVITY 1 Global payment trends

2019 2023
Global POS* payment methods
Cash 30.2% 18.7%
Debit Card 24.3% 26.3%
Digital/Mobile Wallet 21.5% 29.6%
Credit Card 20.9% 22.3%
2019 2023
Charge Card 2.1% 2.1%
Pre-Paid Card 1% 1.2%
*POS: point of sale
SourCe : WorLDPay GLobaL Payments RePort 2020.

1 Describe this graph.

This 2020 pie chart reports on the global payment methods in points of sale between 2019 and the forecast
for 2023.

2 Say which payment was forecast to be used most in 2023 and which will have
lost ground.
Digital/mobile wallets will have the highest projected growth with 30.2% in 2023 compared to a 18.7% in 2019.
Cash was forecast to see a significant decrease, down from 29.6% in 2019 to 21.5% in 2023.

3 Calculate the share of credit and debit cards in 2019 and their forecast for 2023.
They accounted for an accumulated 45.2% in 2019 and are projected to see a small increase to 48.6% in 2023.

4 Sum up your findings in POS trends.

Credit and debit cards already hold a strong position in POS sales. They are projected to keep growing and account
for nearly half of global payment methods by 2023. Digital and mobile wallets already accounted for almost
a fifth of global payment methods and are expected to surpass the use of cash in 2023, showing they are
transforming payments at the point of sale.

ACTIVITY 2 What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies are a digital means of exchange which However, concern over the safety of cryptocurrencies as
use cryptography as a means of security. […] an investment class remains front and centre in the minds
It is increasingly possible to use cryptocurrency to make of financial regulators around the world. Cryptocurrencies
purchases. Last year, for example, the payments giant and their volatile behaviour has prompted the UK’s
PayPal announced a service allowing its UK customers to financial watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority, to
buy, hold and sell cryptocurrencies through their accounts. describe them as “very high risk, speculative investments”.
Mainstream investors are also taking more than a passing “If you invest in cryptoassets,” it warns, “you should be
interest in cryptocurrencies. In what it referred to as a prepared to lose all your money.”
‘hedge against monetary and market risks’, investment Investment in any cryptoasset is speculative and your
firm Ruffer spent about £550 million (equating to 2.5% capital is at immediate risk. You will have no recourse to
© Éditions Foucher

of the £20 billion it has under management) on buying compensation if something goes wrong.
Bitcoin last summer. AnDrew MiChaeL, JuLy 8th, 2022 © Forbes MeDia LLC ■

42 • UNIT 4 - economic matters

To start with

5 Explain what cryptocurrency is and what it is used for.

Cryptocurrency is used to pay for online purchases with encrypted information which aims to secure
your purchasing experience.

6 Name the cryptocurrency mentioned in the text and how much was invested in it
in 2021 by the firm called Ruffer.
The cryptocurrency mentioned is Bitcoin, in which £550 million was invested by Ruffer.

7 Say how safe it is to invest in cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrencies are described as speculative by the UK’s financial watchdog, so if you invest in cryptoassets
you may lose all your money if something goes wrong. So it is a high-risk investment.

ACTIVITY 3 What does life as a minimalist look like?

I define a minimalist as someone who chooses to be intentional with what I have and how to genuinely stop wanting or
with what they allow in their life. This often refers to physical needing more. Over the course of nearly a decade, I’ve
stuff, but it can also refer to people, tasks, or even ideas. Overall, gone from working full-time at a job I hate, to working
the purpose of a minimalist life is to have more of what matters part-time by choice, to finally being self-employed and
and less of what doesn’t. It’s simple (but not always easy!). […] setting my own terms. I’m now a full time minimalist
Minimalists, like all people, come in different shapes and blogger, and I also teach decluttering courses. After living
sizes. My life is extremely different from how it used to paycheque to paycheque for most of my adult life, I’m
be, but I don’t consider myself an extreme minimalist. debt-free, and I have savings. Minimalism transformed
I don’t count my possessions, but I know that my wardrobe my financial life too.
is smaller than most. I still own a few too many pairs of But you know what? Despite all these outward changes,
shoes, but I’m finding that I’m not replacing them as they the way I feel is what really strikes me about my life as a
wear out. I own stuff—my husband collects records, I minimalist. There is a lightness of spirit, a sense of hope,
have art supplies, and my daughter has toys—but we all and a feeling of freedom and ease that I can feel in my
live comfortably in a 660 square foot apartment. I broke a bones. Life’s not perfect by any means, but I’m actually
life-long addiction to mindless shopping, and I no longer living my life—good and bad—instead of numbing myself
waste entire afternoons browsing the shops. I go weeks in the shops and at the office. I feel like I’m finally able to
and sometimes even months without buying anything move through the world as my true self.
new, and it’s not hard to do. I’ve learned how to be happy How I became a minimalist: my story of living with less, JenniFer,
11th AuGust 2021 ©, D.R. ■

8 Say if minimalism is only about owning less, according to the blogger.

For her, it is about wanting, needing less and only owning things that matter to her. It is also about having
a sense of freedom and feeling her true self with what she has.

9 Say if you would be able to live a minimalist life and what you would be ready
to give up.
Opinion personnelle

# glossary
Do you think today’s technology and globalisation 23nca00

have made people change the way they consume and live their lives?

◗ to be wealthy: être riche ◗ to live a comfortable life:
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◗ to enjoy the little things in life: apprécier les petites choses de la vie vivre une vie confortable
◗ to find personal fulfilment: accéder à l’épanouissement personnel ◗ to own: posséder

UNIT 4 - economic matters • 43

Text 1 Step by step

Soaring container-
shipping costs lead
to higher retail prices
1 More and more entrepreneurs are suf-
fering due to the dramatically increased
container-shipping costs. It is primar-
ily a result of the Covid crisis, although
5 other elements are also at play.
Today, Belgian companies pay up to ten times more for shipping a sea container with goods from China than
before. “Where we used to pay 1,800 to 2,200 dollars to ship a 40-foot container, it now sometimes costs up
to 24,000 dollars”, Nikolas Van der Veken of Fitnessking confirms in Belgian newspaper De Standaard. The
main result is that profit margins are coming under tremendous pressure. In addition to the price increase, the
10 entrepreneurs face additional difficulties: many shipping containers are delayed and arrive several weeks later
than scheduled.
Transport economist Thierry Vanelslander points to the Covid pandemic as the primary cause. “After the
lockdowns brought factories and ports worldwide to a standstill, there was a double catching-up to do. New
orders and already ordered products had to go out at the same time, and many companies also wanted to build
15 up additional stock.” In short, there is a substantial demand for goods, but only a limited number of shipping
containers and ships.
Moreover, the ports cannot keep up, especially since some important Asian ports have already been temporarily
shut down because of new Covid outbreaks. And there is also the blockage of the Suez Canal by stranded container
ship Ever Given: even though that is already several months ago, experts say that the consequences of that event
20 are still being felt. The busy canal was blocked for days back in March, causing a traffic jam of hundreds of ships.
Obviously, the high container-shipping costs are weighing on the economic recovery. […] When will the tide
turn? As long as the coronavirus pandemic is not under control, freight transport by sea will remain disrupted,
Vanelslander believes. The shipping companies are becoming the focus of critical eyes: the industry is dominated
by just a handful of players who operate worldwide. That is why they are currently in a position where they can
25 charge high prices.
JorG SnoeCK, 20th auGust, 2021 © RetaiLDetaiL, D.R. ■

1 Match the words in the text with their synonyms.

a. tremendous (§ 2) • • 1. halt
b. lockdown (§ 3) • • 2. huge
c. standstill (§ 3) • • 3. epidemic
d. outbreak (§ 4) • • 4. grounded
e. stranded (§ 4) • • 5. isolation

2 Tick what these expressions mean.

a. “A double catching-up to do” (l. 13)

❒ Twice as many efforts to become up-to-date
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❒ Catching an opportunity twice

❒ Making efforts to do something twice

44 • UNIT 4 - economic matters

Text 1

b. “The tide will turn ” (l. 21-22)

❒ The situation will change.
❒ The change will not come.
❒ The sea level will rise.

c. “To become the focus of critical eyes” (l. 23)

❒ To be in a bad situation
❒ To be judged
❒ To go unnoticed

3 The following table gives the reasons for the shipping industry being in a difficult
situation. Fill it in, giving:

a. Their consequences for shipping.

b. The reason why shipping costs are rising.


(§ 3)
– Lockdowns due to the Covid pandemic brought – They had to double their efforts to catch up.
factories and ports worldwide to a standstill.

– Substantial demand for goods – Numbers of shipping containers and ships are limited.

(§ 4)
– New Covid outbreaks in Asia – Temporary shutdowns

– A ship blocked the Suez Canal back in March – It created a traffic jam of hundreds of ships.


The industry is dominated by just a handful of players, the shipping companies, who operate worldwide.
So they are currently in a position where they can charge high prices.

4 Explain when the situation will change, according to Vanelslander’s conclusion.

The tide will turn when the coronavirus pandemic is under control, and when freight transport by sea is no longer

# glossary
How do you see the evolution of retail prices 23nca00

(80 words) in a two years time?

◗ the light at the end of the tunnel: la lumière ◗ the key stakeholders: les parties prenantes/
au bout du tunnel les acteurs clé
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◗ to get worse/better: s’améliorer/empirer ◗ to have a role to play: avoir un rôle à jouer

◗ it depends on: cela dépend de ◗ will end up (+ verb -ing): finira par

UNIT 4 - economic matters • 45


China’s nearly cashless society # vidéo

Before watching
1 • Read the headline and guess what a cashless
society means.
Noun+”less” means “without” like homeless (without a home)
or stressless (without stress) so a cashless society is a society
0:00 3:19
that works without using cash.

2 • Then imagine what means of payment the report

is about.
◗ an anchorman(woman) / presenter:
It may be about credit card payments, online payments, un présentateur des infos télé ou radio
and maybe mobile payments. ◗ an interviewee: un(e) interviewé(e)
◗ an interviewer: un(e) enquêteur(se)/
◗ a journalist: un(e) journaliste
◗ a passer-by: un(e) passant(e)

Watching and understanding

1 Listen to the video and answer the following WH-questions.
– The anchorman / presenter
– The journalist Ben Tracy
WHO is talking (and when possible, their job titles)?
– Two passers-by
– Andy Mok, an economist

WHERE is the report taking place? In Beijing, China

The video doesn't say but it was broadcast in 2017.

WHEN was the report made?

Smartphone/mobile payment which has become ubiquitous/which

WHAT is the main topic ?
has become the main type of payment.

Introduce the document with 3 Guess the meaning of these words.

the information collected.
a. to skip the step
• • 1. doesn't rule anymore
in between
This video broadcast in 2017 on
b. catching up • • 2. omnipresent
“CBS this morning” is about/deals
c. to catch on • • 3. to go straight from step 1 to 3, for example
with smartphone payment, which
d. is not king • • 4. to become popular
has become ubiquitous in China.
5. moving faster to reach
e. ubiquitous • •
somone's level
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4 Say what the male interviewee/passer-by thinks of cash payment. 0:38 to 0:52

It’s rare and weird. Only the elderly or people who don’ know how to use a phone pay cash.

46 • UNIT 4 - economic matters


List what you can pay with a smartphone and which mobile payment platforms are the most
used. 0:38 to 0:52

People can pay for clothes, food, bike rides, bus rides, rent and utility bills using Wechat and Alipay, the two main smartphone
payment platforms.

Why did smartphone payment catch on so Explain how smartphone payment works
6 7
quickly? And how long did it take? 1:33 to 1:58 and who you can you pay. 1:59 to 2:18

Because most of Chinese people have never used credit You simply scan a QR code to pay. You can pay at a farmer’s
cards. They went straight from cash to mobile phone market, a musician on the street or even a homeless person.
payment, skipping the step in between. It only took three

Say why Andy Mok says that mobile payment Explain the differences between China and the
8 9
is ubiquitous. 2:19 to 2:32 US in terms of means of payment. 2:33 to 2:54

Everyone uses it, from the largest cities, the fanciest Payments in the US are mainly made by credit card which
hotels to the most humble streetside shacks. means that China is much ahead of the US, which may
have a little bit of catching up to do.

10 Say why Chinese people never go out without their smartphones. 2:55 to 3:08

Because they can’t achieve anything without their smartphones.

# audio
1. Listen to the -ed ending verbs and repeat.
overstuffed – expected – moved – steamed – used – skipped – totalled – leapfrogged – sounded

2. Place them in the appropriate ending sound box.

/id/ /d/ /t/

expected - sounded moved – leapfrogged – steamed – used overstuffed - skipped

– totalled – happened

3. Draw a conclusion to make a rule.

The -ed ending is pronounced /id/ after the letters: T et D
The -ed ending is pronounced /d/ after the letters: V, G, M, S, L, N
The -ed ending is pronounced /t/ after the letters: F et P

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1. With all the information collected, give an account of the video to the class.
FOR THE 2. Discuss the advantages and drawbacks of mobile payment with your
EXAM classmates.

UNIT 4 - economic matters • 47

Text 2 Going further

Royal Mail workers FOR TH E
on strike over pay
1 More than 115,000 Royal Mail work- 35 strike dates are set.
ers have voted to go on strike in a But he said Royal Mail’s chief executive
dispute over pay. and board “should seriously consider
their futures” as the ballot was “also a
Members of the Communication vote of no confidence”. […]
5 Workers Union (CWU) backed the 40 “Postal workers won’t accept their
action on Tuesday after ballot papers* living standards being hammered by
were sent out three weeks ago. bosses who are typical of business lead-
Any strike dates are yet to be decided ers today - overpaid, underqualified,
but the CWU said if a walkout goes out of their depth.”
10 ahead, it could amount to the big-
gest-ever action taken by its mem- 45 Royal Mail said it had offered work-
bers. […] ers a “deal worth up to 5.5% for CWU
“In the event of industrial action, we grade colleagues, the biggest increase
have contingency plans to minimise we have offered for many years, which
15 customer disruption and will work to the CWU rejected”.
keep people, businesses and the coun- 50 “Despite nearly three months of talks,
try connected,” a statement said. the CWU have not engaged in any
The CWU is the latest of several unions meaningful discussion on the changes
to ballot for strikes in recent weeks as we need to make to adapt,” a state-
20 the cost of living soars. ment added. […]
Workers on the railways and at airports 55 Terry Pullinger, deputy CWU general
are also in pay disputes with employ- secretary, said the union wanted nego-
ers, with prices for goods in the UK tiations with Royal Mail, but claimed
rising at the fastest rate in 40 years. this was “rejected”, leaving reps with
25 The union said postal workers “will “no choice but to fight their disgrace-
not budge” until they receive a “dig- 60 ful imposition”.
nified, proper pay rise”.
Responding to a tweet in which Royal Inflation, the rate at which prices rise,
Mail said it was “disappointed” at the hit 9.1% in May and is forecast to go
30 vote, the CWU tweeted “dry your eyes higher later this year.
mate”. […] But while there have been calls for pay
65 rises, there are concerns that higher
Dave Ward, CWU general secretary wages to cope with the current cost
said there will now be a “small win- of living could fuel further inflation.
dow” for talks to avoid walkouts before *Ballot papers: bulletins de vote
MiChaeL RaCe, 19th JuLy 2022 © BBC News ■
© Éditions Foucher

48 • UNIT 4 - economic matters

Text 2

1 Read the text and say what this article is about.

It is about the decision of the CWU — the Communication Workers Union representing the Royal Mail workers
— to go on strike over a pay rise.

2 Say how the action was decided to be taken.

It was voted on three weeks ago and backed by the CWU’s members.

3 Give the consequences of the industrial strike.

Even though it will be the biggest action ever taken by the CWU — because workers on the railways and
at airports are also asking for a proper pay rise as the cost of living soars — customer disruption will be minimised
and people, businesses and the country will be kept connected.

4 “Dry your eyes mate.” (l. 30-31): Explain what reaction the CWU had in response
to Royal Mail’s tweet expressing disappointment.
They basically told Royal Mail leaders to “stop crying and deal with the situation”, suggesting that the workers
won’t give up.

5 Explain what the CWU describes as unfair.

Postal workers have to reduce their living standards while their bosses are underqualified and overpaid to perform
their job.

6 Say if a 5.5% increase was enough and what the CWU plans to do.
5.5% was rejected and they have no choice but to continue their fight until negotiations with Royal Mail resume.

7 Say what paradox is pointed out in the conclusion.

Inflation keeps rising and higher pay rises can lead to an even higher inflation rate.

WRITING 1. Give an account of the article in French in 150 words (+/- 10%).
FOR THE 2. Give your opinion: Do you agree that a pay rise is the ultimate solution
EXAM for better living conditions?
© Éditions Foucher

UNIT 4 - economic matters • 49

Language at work Grammar p. 170-171

# exercices
Exprimer la quantité

Observez les phrases ci-dessous et cochez la catégorie qui convient (dénombrable ou indénombrable)
aux mots soulignés. Justifiez vos choix.

a. u Many shipping containers are delayed. ❒ ❒

b. u The union wanted negotiations with Royal Mail. ❒ ❒
c. u Some important Asian ports have already been temporarily shut down. ❒ ❒
d. u A feeling of freedom. ❒ ❒
e. u Profit margins are coming under much pressure. ❒ ❒

Rayez les mauvaises réponses de la deuxième colonne et traduisez la première colonne.


Many placé devant un nom (dénombrable / indénombrable)

a. u many containers beaucoup de containers
exprime une grande quantité.

On utilise θ (rien) devant un nom (dénombrable /

b. u negotiations indénombrable) pour parler de personnes, ou de choses des négociations
en général.

Some placé devant un nom (dénombrable / indénombrable)

c. u some ports certains ports
exprime une certaine quantité indéterminée.

On utilise θ (rien) devant un nom (dénombrable /

d. u freedom indénombrable) pour exprimer une quantité non définie, liberté
une partie d'un ensemble.

Much placé devant un nom (dénombrable / indénombrable)

e. u much pressure beaucoup de pression
exprime une grande quantité non définie.


u • Use θ, many, some or much in the following sentences (only one answer is possible for each sentence).

a. We are very satisfied because many of the workers went on strike.

b. Some people love minimalist living but it is still an unusual way of life.

c. θ deliveries usually arrive on time but not lately.

d. If you lose all the money you have invested in cryptoassets, you won’t get θ help from the banks.
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e. They don’t have much hope that the negotiations will be successful.

50 • UNIT 4 - economic matters

Let's be PRO!
Analyse and comment on a graph
Your job

You work for a company which sells time-management smartphone applications

(apps) and wants to target the American market for its latest time-management app.
Therefore, your marketing manager would like to advertise it on social media to the
people who are most likely to use it: busy workers with children.

Your task

Analyse the graph below based on age groups.

a. Make proposals as to which two age groups are the most relevant targets.
b. Pick the two social media platforms most used by the target audience.

Tips ◗ busy: occupé/e/s
◗ the highest level: le plus haut niveau
• Identify what and who the graph represents. ◗ relevant: pertinent
• Define what to look for (here, the target audience and the social networks). ◗ to take care of: s’occuper de
• Select the first two age groups that are likely to match the target audience. ◗ work/life balance: l’équilibre vie privée/
vie professionnelle
• Select the two social media platforms that gather the highest percentage of ◗ to work long hours: travailler
users in the target audience. beaucoup d’heures
• When making suggestions, don’t forget to justify your choice with data (figures/
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• To illustrate your argument you can conclude with a catchphrase.

UNIT 4 - economic matters • 51

Check point

1 Match the words with their definitions.

a. a mobile wallet f gives the value of a company that is traded on the stock market.
b. inflation c is a digital means of exchange that uses cryptography for security.
c. cryptocurrency a stores virtual payment card information on a mobile device.
d. Gross Domestic Product e represents the level of prices relating to a range of everyday items.
e. the cost of living d is the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country in one year.
f. market capitalisation b increases prices and decreases the purchasing value of money.

2 Match the expressions with their definitions.

1. go on strike • • a. refuse to continue working over a dispute with an employer
2. feel in one’s bones • • b. money comes in and goes right back out again by the end of the month
3. something goes wrong • • c. a bad result happens
4. living paycheque to paycheque • • d. believe intuitively
5. the tide will turn • • e. need to work to get up to date
6. have some catching up to • • f. things will take another direction

3 Use the expressions from exercise 1 to complete

the sentences.

a. When employees are not satisfied with their working 4 Translate the sentences into French.

conditions they may go on strike . a. Many people pay by credit card but some pay with

b. After living paycheque to paycheque , a digital wallet.

minimalism transformed my financial life. Beaucoup de gens paient avec une carte de crédit mais
certains payent avec un portefeuille digital.
c. If something goes wrong , cryptocurrency
investors may lose all their money. b. Much of the dispute is due to a lack of communication.
Une grande partie du conflit est due à un manque de
d. I am convinced that the tide will turn and the
situation will come back to normal.
c. Lightness and freedom are what minimalists look for.
e. There will be some catching-up to do for the
Légèreté et liberté sont ce que les minimalistes
US to compete with China on mobile payments.
f. I can feel in my bones that there is a sense
of freedom.

# glossary

Economy: économie Means of payment: moyens de payment Money-related actions: actions liées à l’argent

◗ corporate tax: l’impôt sur les sociétés ◗ cash: des espèces ◗ to decrease: diminuer
◗ the cost of living: le coût de la vie ◗ a cheque (UK)/check (US): un chèque ◗ to increase/to raise: augmenter
◗ a GDP: un PIB ◗ a credit card: une carte de crédit (débit différé) ◗ to invest (in): investir (dans)
◗ living standards: des niveaux de vie ◗ cryptocurrency: la crypto-monnaie ◗ to negotiate: négocier
◗ market cap(italisation): la capitalisation ◗ a debit card: une carte à débit immédiat ◗ to own: posséder
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boursière ◗ a mobile wallet : un portefeuille mobile ◗ to pay for: payer

◗ a pay rise: une augmentation de salaire ◗ to rent: louer
◗ a profit margin: une marge bénéficiaire
◗ a wage: un salaire

52 • UNIT 4 - economic matters




1 Describe this photo and say what you think ◗ to boost sales: stimuler les ventes
◗ brand awareness: la notoriété de marque
experiential retail marketing is.
◗ to compete with: faire concurrence à
◗ an entertainment: divertissement
2 Why do you think shopping malls use experiential
◗ to increase foot traffic: augmenter
retail marketing? l’affluence
◗ a multi-sensory approach: une approche
◗ product visibility: la visibilité du produit
# vidéo Tokinomo interactive robots used by
the most innovative FMCG brands
◗ a shopping mall: un centre commercial
23nca51 0:00 „ 1:25 ◗ to stand ou:t se démarquer
◗ to stash (informal): planquer
1. Explain what Tokinomo is.
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2. What are the benefits mentioned in the video

of such experiential retail marketing?

UNIT 5 - retaiL • 53
To start with

ACTIVITY 1 Business vocabulary — talking about profitability

1 Match the nouns to create compounds and link them with their definitions.
Example: operating • • costs • • refers to the expenses that a business incurs over the normal course
of its operations

1 st noun 2 nd noun Definition

gross or • • flow • • the total amount of money a business brings in from sales in a given
total period
profit • • revenue • • money spent regularly to keep a system or organization working
running • • margin • • the total amount of money being transferred into and out of a business,
especially as affecting liquidity
cash • • expenses • • the amount by which revenue from sales exceeds costs in a business
sales • • share • • the portion of a market controlled by a particular company or product
market • • forecast • • a company's estimation of future product sales, based on a number of

2 Fill in the blanks using the compound nouns from exercise 1.

Thanks to our good annual sales, we are very proud to announce that the company
has doubled its total revenue this year, with a profit margin of 20 per cent.
Due to a good first quarter, the sales forecast predicts a significant increase
in revenue this year.
With a 15 per cent market share , the company leads the office supplies market.
Because of inflation, all operating expenses have increased but the company
has enough cash flow to cover the costs.

ACTIVITY 2 How do big tech companies make their billlions?

3 Analyse this pie chart
Revenue by Region T
Total Revenue
and answer the 

following questions. Net Income $94.7B


a • Say which Apple product CHINA

was the most profitable ASIA PACIFIC 7% Revenue

worldwide in 2021 and

which generated the lowest 
The iPhone generated the biggest Q4 2021 Global Services include Digital Content
and Services, AppleCare, Apple Pay,
Smartphone Sales
licensing and other services.
sales with 52.5% worldwide and 22%
8.7% 18.7%
iPad generated the lowest revenue 18%
with 8.7%. 9% 9.6%
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Other 32%

Source: Gartner


54 • UNIT 5 - retaiL
To start with

b • Name the continent where Apple is the most present and the percentage of its total revenue
on this continent.
The Americas account for 42% of its total revenue.

c • With this information, calculate its revenue on that continent alone.

42% of its $365.8 billion total revenues = $153,636 billion.

d • Say what share of worldwide smartphone sales iPhones accounted for in the October to
December 2021 period.
In quarter 4 of 2021, their sales represented 22% of worldwide smartphone sales.

ACTIVITY 3 What is dropshipping?

By marketing, selling, and providing customer service for the dropshipper’s goods, the retailer
becomes a third party receiving a profit. As the retailer in this arrangement, you set the selling prices,
so the final margins are up to you.

4 Complete with numbers 1 to 5 to explain how dropshipping works.

5 3 4 2 1

Supplier Customer pays You place You add Customer visits

packages and you for a duplicate products your online
ships the product the product order with to your store and orders
to your customer plus shipping your supplier online store a product

5 Share the pros and cons of this business model with a person who would potentially like
to start their own dropshipping activity.

• Pros: small startup investment, low risk, flexibilty

Small start-up investment: you don’t need to buy any stock ahead.
Low risk: you don’t need to invest a lot of money.
Flexibility: you can work when and where you want.

• Cons: reduced margins, shipping costs, competition, lack of quality control

Reduced margins: you are a reseller, and part of the margin goes to the supplier.
Shipping: most dropshipping wholesalers are based in Asia, which makes shipping costly and delivery times long.
Lack of quality control: since your product ships directly from the supplier to the customer, there’s no opportunity for you
to inspect the products you are selling.

Would you be ready to open your own company? # glossary
YOURSEL If yes, what kind? If not, justify.

◗ to ensure job stability and security: assurer une stabilité ◗ to be a risk taker: être un(e) preneur/se de risques
et une sécurité professionnelles ◗ to run online shop: gérer une boutique en ligne
◗ to manage a high-street store: diriger un magasin de rue ◗ to work for an international retail group:
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commerçante travailler pour un groupe international de vente

◗ the objective is to become your own boss: l’objectif est au détail
de devenir son propre patron

UNIT 5 - retaiL • 55
Text 1 Step by step

Ultra-fast fashion is taking over

– and using every trick in the book
to get us addicted
1 High street brands such as H&M and Zara have been
accelerating the pace of fast fashion for years, but the
4,414 new styles H&M added to its US website this year
isn’t even the worst of it – enter ultra-fast fashion.
5 […] Fashion, especially the cheap kind, is addictive.
That’s why ultra-fast fashion brands such as Shein keep
increasing the array of styles on offer, while social media
ads and customer-generated content such as “haul
videos”1 ensure that fashion addicts never forget about
10 their drug. […]
Georgia Willard, a 23-year-old student and former
fast fashion addict, tells me that her social bubble as a
teenager in Australia fed her addiction. “You felt like you
needed to have a different outfit every time you went
15 out to prove to people that you could dress properly
and look the part. I ended up buying outfits almost
every weekend.”
[…] Since then, the growth of cheaper, ultra-fast fashion
brands such as Boohoo, Pretty Little Thing and Shein,
20 whose annual revenue grew from $2bn in 2018 to $15.7bn
in 2021, has made the cycle of buy, wear, throw away and
repeat all the more difficult to escape. […]
For so many, it seems impulsion and consumerism are
more powerful than a desire for a world in which female
25 garment workers can work in a safe environment, let
alone live happy, full lives – some workers at factories
supplying Shein reported working more than 75 hours a
week. In one of them, workers got one day off a month.
30 Ultra-fast fashion is not good news for the planet, either. At this rate, by 2050 the fashion industry may use
almost a quarter of the world’s carbon budget. Around 60% of Gen Z say they have altered their personal
spending habits and behaviours to reduce their environmental impact, but they also seem to be pushing the
growth of ultra-fast fashion – the attitude-behaviour gap is huge.
Giving up fast fashion altogether is a tall order for young people still figuring out how to express themselves
35 and manage their finances in the face of years of austerity, rising university fees and the ubiquity of unattainable
beauty standards. It’s up to those of us with the time, energy and experience to hold the corporations to account.
1 • Haul videos: video posted online in which a person who recently purchased items discusses their experience.
Zainab MahmooD, 18th APriL 2022 © GuarDian News & MeDia ■

1 Explain what ultra-fast fashion means.

If high-street brands which offer 4,000 new styles a year are called fast-fashion brands, we can say that ultra-fast
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fashion brands offer even more new styles annually.

56 • UNIT 5 - retaiL
Text 1

2 Say what the author compares ultra-fast fashion with.

She compares it to a drug dealer who makes sure that their clients remain addicted.

3 Describe the strategy used by Shein to get its customers addicted and keep its content
The brand keeps offering a wide array of new styles and sends out social media ads and customer-generated

4 Using the example of Georgia Willard, say if this strategy pays off.
It pays off because she got so addicted that she bought new outfits almost every weekend.

5 How profitable was the ultra-fast-fashion market from 2018 to 2021?

Its annual revenue grew from $2 billion in 2018 to $15.7 billion in 2021.

6 Say which two ethical issues the author raises.

First, customers’ impulses and consumer urges are stronger than them worrying about working conditions
in the garment industry. Moreover, it is not environmentally friendly because by 2050 the fashion industry
may be using almost 25% of the world’s carbon footprint.

7 Explain the contradiction in Gen Z’s behaviour according to the author.

On the one hand, they have changed their spending habits for environmental purposes but, on the other hand,
they seem to be the ones partly responsible for the growth of ultra-fast fashion.

8 Name who should be accountable in raising awareness in Gen Z and why.

Businesses and society should be held accountable as this young generation is struggling with managing
their finances, dealing with austerity, high university fees and unreachable beauty standards.

# glossary
Give an account of the article in French in 140 words 23nca00

(100-120 (+/- 10%). What do you think of ultra-fast fashion taking over?
◗ to cause some historical brands to disappear: ◗ to look fashionable at affordable prices:
causer la disparition de certaines marques historiques être à la mode à des prix abordables
◗ to encourage child labour in poor countries: ◗ The shipping industry is very polluting.:
encourager le travail des enfants dans les pays pauvres L’industrie logistique est très polluante.
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◗ to induce overconsumption: inciter à la ◗ Styles are renewed every week.: Les styles
surconsommation sont renouvelés chaque semaine.

UNIT 5 - retaiL • 57

Fair trade is improving lives # vidéo

Before watching
1 • Read the headline and say what you expect the video
to be about.
It may be about the benefits of fair trade for workers in poor
countries. 0:00 2:04

2 • Give your own definition of fair trade.

Its is an ethical way to do business in which producers in poorer
◗ to address problems: aborder les problèmes
countries receive a fair share of the selling price for their product ◗ apparel: des vêtements
in richer countries. ◗ a factory: une usine
◗ fairness: l’équité
◗ a middleman: un intermédiaire
◗ a scholarship fund: un fonds de bourses

Watching and understanding

1 Describe what you see in the video.

The video starts with the only speaker who is the CEO of Fair Trade USA. We can also see many workers, men and women,
from different countries, mainly in Africa. At the end of the video we see children going to school and a girl being happy.

2 Say what problems workers suffer from in some African, Asian and Latin American countries.

For the agricultural working population on those continents, life is hard and unsafe because the laws protecting workers
are either too weak or not enforced.

3 Define fair trade according to the speaker.

Fair trade is trying to change workers’ lives with fair working practices but there is no handout, no charity.
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58 • UNIT 5 - retaiL

4 Fill in the table below to sum up where and how Fair Trade USA supports workers.
Country Fields Support provided by Fair Trade USA

Ghana Cocoa co-ops Creating scholarship funds and sending kids on to high school and on to college
to fight child labour

Rwanda X Investments in clean water and women's health

Uganda vanilla Vanilla farmers get 8% of the final export price without going through
middlemen. And the quality of the product is incredible.

Say why connecting with the Fair Trade buyers in the US has been beneficial for small family farmers
in Uganda.

They have been able to get a fabulously higher price because they are not selling to local middlemen.

6 List all the positive effects of fair trade on farmers.

a. on fair trade farms and apparel factories, workers work in safer conditions
b. they get bonuses
c. they can address problems with their management
d. they are more confident

7 Explain why Fair Trade brings hope, pride and dignity.

Because Fair Trade is not charity, its goal is to empower people to solve their own problems and that is what makes them
proud, hopeful and gives them a sense of dignity.

# audio

1. Find all the H-sound words in the video. 2. In some words starting with an H, the H is silent.
handout – harder – historically – health – higher – Can you name them?
high (school) – hope hour, honour, heir, honest

SPEAK 1. Give an account of the video.

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2. Would you be willing to pay more for a product if you know it was made
EXAM thanks to fair practices?

UNIT 5 - retaiL • 59
Text 2 Going further

Marketing to Gen Z takes FOR TH E
new tech, channels, strategies
1 The 15- to 25-year-olds of Generation Z have 30 Peace Out means the company only partners with
specific, uncompromising requirements of people who experience those issues – as opposed
authenticity, inclusivity and environmental to models with perfect skin.
sustainability – and on top of all that, they demand
5 a good deal. Influencer marketing, Gen Z style
It follows that effective marketing to Gen Z must Another way for marketers to connect with Gen
satisfy those demands – and technology is key. 35 Z consumers is to give them platforms to express
This group of consumers was the first generation their own values. PepsiCo’s version of this was
raised on touchscreens, smartphone apps and a 2020 Doritos2 campaign called Amplify Black
10 social media; these devices and platforms contain Voices, a partnership with Black Lives Matter. The
the channels where marketers can reach these campaign began with donating outdoor advertising
well-heeled shoppers: Gen Z represents a $150 40 to Black artists in their local communities. That
billion annual sales market that continues to led into Change Makers, which provided funding
gain purchasing power as the generation moves for local leaders to “drive the change they want to
15 through the educational system and into the see,” said Bart LaCount, PepsiCo vice president
working world, according to eMarketer research. of consumer insights.

45 The clothier a.k.a. Brands has tested many

Authenticity key to Gen Z marketing different combinations of social media influencers
“Authenticity,” in the context of marketing, for its marketing, said CEO Jill Ramsey. It has
means standing up for values or principles and settled on a mix of 17,000 “micro-influencers”,
20 backing that up with actions, rather than pushing who have fewer followers than the biggest names
disposable slogans. 50 on Instagram or TikTok. […]

Gen Z “smells” authenticity, said Craig Brommers, “We find that the smaller influencers, with
chief marketing officer for American Eagle smaller followings, actually are perceived as more
Outfitters. “They call B.S.1 very, very quickly.” authentic to the customer,” Ramsey said.

25 Peace Out Skincare founder and CEO Enrico “With Gen Z, you’ve got to let go a little bit and
Frezza launched the company in 2017 because his 55 be a little bit uncomfortable,” Brommers said.
own acne made him self-conscious. He set out “Yes, of course there’s training, but the reality is
to build a community for those struggling with that the Gen Z store associates are closer to our
acne and hyperpigmentation. “Authenticity” to customer than I am in my ivory tower.”
1 • B.S.: (vulgar slang) abbreviation for “bullshit”: nonsensical or completely untrue information
2 • Doritos: owned by PepsiCo
Don FLuCKinGer, 15th APriL 2022 © TeChtarGet, ■

1 Say what Generation Z consumers look for and why marketers should satisfy
their needs.
The generation of 15- to 25-year-olds look for authenticity, inclusivity and environmental sustainability
and they want to get good deals. Marketers should satisfy their needs because Gen Z represents
a $150 billion annual sales market and as they move into the working world they continue to gain purchasing
© Éditions Foucher


60 • UNIT 5 - retaiL
Text 2

2 Explain why authenticity is very important when marketing to Gen Z.

Because they stand up for their values and want businesses to back up their slogans with actions. If they don’t,
Gen Z will immediately feel it (‘smell it’).

3 Say what Enrico Frezza did in 2017 and PepsiCo in 2020.

– Enrico Frezza: launched the Peace Out Skincare company. He did not partner with perfect models but with
people like him, who struggle with skin issues.

– PepsiCo: launched a Doritos campaign in partnership with the Black Lives Matter movement to donate outdoor
advertising to black artists in their local communities and provided funding for local leaders to drive changes
in their communities.

4 Define a.k.a Brands’ marketing strategy.

After trying many types of social media influencers, they decided to turn to 17,000 less known, small influencers
with fewer followers than popular names, because they are seen as more authentic by the customer.

5 Say what Craig Brommers, chief marketing officer for American Eagle Outfitters,
thinks of Gen Z as store associates.
They need training and with them companies need to go out of their comfort zone. But they are closer
to the customers than companies’ marketing strategists who are too far from their values (ivory tower)
to understand them.

WRITING 1. Give a account of the article in French in 170 words (+/– 10 %).
FOR THE 2. Give your opinion: As a member of Generation Z, how do you feel about companies’
EXAM efforts to meet your values? Are influencers’ advice and recommendations important
to you?
© Éditions Foucher

UNIT 5 - retaiL • 61
Language at work Grammar p. 172

# exercices
Le génitif (le cas possessif)

Soulignez les différentes formes du génitif dans les phrases suivantes.

a. u In Rwanda, communities have invested in clean water and women's health.

b. u Microsoft's cloud service is the second most popular cloud service in the world.

c. u The retailer provides customer service for the dropshipper’s goods.

d. u Today’s ultra-fast fashion is not good news for the planet.

e. u Companies' marketing strategies must give Gen Z platforms to express their own values.

f. u The idea of authenticity can manifest itself in a number of ways.

Classez les cas génitifs soulignés ci-dessus dans la catégorie correspondante.

u possesseur au singulier + 's + nom (possédé) Microsoft’s cloud service / the dropshipper’s goods / today’s ultra-fast fashion

u possesseur au pluriel + ' + nom (possédé) companies' marketing strategies

u possesseur au pluriel irrégulier + 's + nom (possédé) women’s health

u possédé + of + possesseur the idea of authenticity / a number of ways

Déduisez la règle du génitif en complétant le texte avec les mots suivants :

pluriel • une personne • of • singulier • entreprise • une date/un temps • possession • ’ • ‘s.
Le génitif permet d’exprimer la possession lorsque le possesseur est une entreprise ou un groupe humain
(pays, institution, etc.), une personne ou une date/un temps . Lorsque le possesseur est un nom au singulier ,
on ajoute ’s après ce nom. Lorsque le possesseur est un nom au pluriel , on ajoute ’ après ce nom.
Lorsque le possesseur est un nom au pluriel irrégulier, la construction est la même que pour le possesseur au singulier .
On utilise of lorsque le nom qui suit désigne une chose ou une idée abstraite.


1 u Say if these genitive sentences are right d. With Fair Trade, the quality of the product is incredible.
or wrong, explain and correct them if needed.
Right Le possesseur est une chose.
a. Today’s spending habits demand authenticity.
Right Le possesseur est un temps.
2 u Put the following sentences in order and add
the genitive accordingly.
b. The new regulations of the company are approved
a. must / meeting / Monday / be / postponed
by the employees.
Monday’s meeting must be postponed.
Wrong Le possesseur est un groupe humain.
The company’s new regulations are approved by the employees. b. the / most / iPhone / is / profitable / product / Apple
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the iPhone is Apple’s most profitable product.

c. Standing up for ethical values is peoples’ choice.
Wrong Le possesseur est un pluriel irrégulier. c. this / consumers / of / group / called / is / Gen Z
Standing up for ethical values is people’s choice. This group of consumers is called Gen Z.

62 • UNIT 5 - retaiL
Let's be PRO!
Writing a newsletter
Your job

You are a junior business developer for a startup company called Fair & Ethical
Chocolate (FEC). FEC is a chocolate supplier for mass distribution which works
with small-scale cocoa farmers in Ivory Coast and Ghana through a fair trade
label called ‘Trade and Fairness’.

Your task

Write a newsletter article inviting all the distributors in your customer

portfolio to the fair as follows.
• Subject: announcing the most important information in this e-mail: the invitation.
• Opening: highlighting the company’s ethical practices.
First, remind them about your ethical practices with the farmers that you have been
working with for more than 10 years through the certified label ‘Trade and Fairness’.
• Body: invite the distributor to the Chocolate Fair and define what the ‘Trade and
Fairness’ label involves:
– supporting small-scale farmers and workers in sustainable production;
– monitoring the impact of your supply chain on these communities;
– guaranteeing the minimum price to the farmers for their crop, which they can invest
in their communities for better living standards and to fight the effects of climate
• Ending: pitch the benefits.
– Invite the distributors to taste your products during the chocolate fair, highlighting
their high quality.
– Inform them of a 15% discount on any chocolate order during the chocolate fair.
– Add a positive, friendly ending.

How to write an efficient newsletter
• Use a strong subject line: your newsletter competes with many
of other emails people receive. “Hook” the reader and prompt them
to open the newsletter and read your content.
• Get straight to the point: try to limit it to just one page so
keep it as brief as possible. Also remember, the most important
information should be placed at the top of the email.
• Use storytelling: you shouldn’t sell, but tell. Your stories must
have a message and communicate values. Tell your company
or product’s story. This will make it easier for you
to preserve authenticity without seeming arrogant.
• Pitch the benefits: the customer knows what you have to offer.
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UNIT 5 - retaiL • 63
Check point
1 Match the verbs with nouns to make
as many combinations as possible.
1. to boost •
• a. sales
2. to increase •
• b. foot traffic
3. to compete with •
• c. competitors
4. to stand out from •
• d. expenses
5. to decrease •

2 Fill in the mind map using the words below to define marketing strategies used
to increase sales and productivity.
non-traditional entertainment advertise experience customers

get product social media brand

Retailtainment Experiential retail

Uses entertainment for a better Uses non-traditional experiences
customer experience … to attract customers .
Influencer marketing Muti-sensorial approach
Uses influencers on social media Uses motion, sound and light to
to advertise a brand . get more product visibility.

3 Match the actors in online shopping to the following actions: supplies – sells – orders – ships –
delivers – buys using From or To and the appropriate arrows.
• •
• supplies • • supplies •

• sells • • sells •

• orders • • orders •
The supplier • • The retailer • • The customer
• ships • • ships •

• delivers • • delivers •

• buys • • buys •
• •

# glossary

Retail ◗ to order: commander ◗ experiential retail: la vente basée sur

◗ shipping: l’expédition l’expérience en magasin
◗ an apparel factory: une usine de fabrication
de vêtements ◗ a shopping mall: un centre commercial
◗ to compete with: faire concurrence à ◗ a supplier: un fournisseur
◗ to boost sales: stimuler les ventes
◗ a co-op: une coopérative Marketing
◗ a delivery: une livraison ◗ to compete with: concurrencer
◗ brand awareness: la notoriété d’une marque
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◗ a fair: un salon ◗ to increase foot traffic: augmenter l’affluence

◗ influencer marketing: le marketing d’influence
◗ fair trade: le commerce équitable ◗ a profit margin: une marge bénéficiaire
◗ product visibility: la visibilité du produit
◗ a garment: un vêtement ◗ profitable: rentable
◗ retailtainment: une stratégie de vente intégrant
◗ a high street: une rue commerçante du divertissement ◗ a revenue: un revenu

64 • UNIT 5 - retaiL
Advertising & Brand UNIT

Awareness 6

Billboards dominate the Time Square intersection in New York.

◗ a billboard: un panneau publicitaire
Have a look at the picture and say why these ads are likely
◗ branding: l’image de marque
to attract people’s attention. ◗ brand awareness: la notoriété
de la marque
◗ to come up with: imaginer, inventer
# vidéo The Secret Science
of Advertising
◗ a device: un dispositif
/ 23nca05 0:00 „ 2:23 ◗ innovative: innovant(e)
◗ to launch: lancer
1. Why do advertisers try to work on people’s emotions? ◗ to reach: atteindre
2. Explain why the use of colours is important in ads. ◗ to tap a market: exploiter un marché
◗ to target: cibler
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3. Say what the colours red, green and blue represent. ◗ values: les valeurs

4. What effect did celebrity endorsements have in the Seventies?

UNIT 6 - advertising & Brand aWareness • 65

To start with

ACTIVITY 1 Brand image

Velodays is a bike company in Scotland that provides personalised services in the field of smart city,
bikesharing, bike events and consulting. They help co-create bike and pedestrian-friendly cities.

1 Write what you think best corresponds to Velodays’ brand image.

a • The colour green expresses: a clean environment, which implies a healthy means of transport together
with a form of escapism.

b • The target is: broad, because biking is an activity for children, adults and sportspeople. That’s why the
gadgets are varied (pencil, eraser, computer key, T-shirt).

c • Velodays’ brand image is: attractive and efficient as it carries several messages and has a wide scope.

ACTIVITY 2 Victim of ads

2 Look at the picture. How would you describe
this man?
He is addicted to brands. He is an ad victim.

3 Read the following paragraph.

Everywhere we go, everywhere we look, we are inundated with messages. We don’t even
have to think for ourselves. All we have to do is sit on our comfy couch and be told how to
live our lives. From how to look, what to wear, what to eat, what our homes should look like,
to how to meet people, what to drive, practically every facet of our lives is taken care of.

4 Do you feel that our lives are like what the passage says?
No, it is slightly exaggerated. We can still decide what we want to wear, eat and do. Otherwise we would not be
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able to express our personality and that vision is very scary.

66 • UNIT 6 - advertising & Brand aWareness

To start with

ACTIVITY 3 The evolution of the Nike logo

1. 1971 2. 1978 3. 1985 4. 2000

5 Describe what has changed in the logo from 1971 to what it is like today.
The logo on its own was not very visible back in 1971. It became more and more important afterwards, painted
in black and then white until it came to represent Nike.

6 Explain why you think Nike has chosen to reduce its logo to what it is like today.
Because there is no need to add the word Nike for the logo to be recognisable. Nike’s brand image is famous
enough to speak for itself. You don’t need the name of the brand any more.

ACTIVITY 4 The problem with insertion advertising # vidéo

on YouTube

7 Watch the video and say what happened to Blake.

She was driving her dog to the vet’s. She was using a GPS when she saw a banner pop up on her telephone
saying there was a McDonald’s restaurant three minutes’ drive from where she was. Fortunately she was not
driving, for this would have been really distracting!

8 Describe her reaction.

She was shocked and perturbed.

9 Say what she thinks about this inserted ad.

She found this invasive, unwelcome and incongruous.

10 Explain why she found it inappropriate to see a McDonald’s ad at that very moment.
She had urgent issues to deal with and didn’t want to be distracted.

# glossary
When you hear the word advertising, what comes 23nca00

to your mind?

◗ I think of billboards, posters ◗ to be aware of new things, promotions, best prices:
in underground stations, TV and être au courant des nouveautés, promotions, meilleurs prix
radio adverts: Je pense à des ◗ to inform people about the existence of products: informer
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panneaux publicitaires, des affiches les gens de l’existence de produits

dans les métros, des pubs à la
télévision et la radio. ◗ to brainwash people: être responsable d’un lavage de cerveau

UNIT 6 - advertising & Brand aWareness • 67

Text 1 Step by step

Successful global marketing

strategy by McDonald’s
1 McDonald’s increasing success over the past decades was
because of the company’s ability to understand their diverse
target audiences.
Not only do they show understanding and support for
5 cultural diversity, they make sure to understand the country’s
preferences and values. For instance, in China, their rapid
urbanization has raised many concerns for the environment
and public health because of the water scarcity1 and pollution.
As a result, McDonald’s advertisements in China were more
10 focused on displaying fresh, clean ingredients. Another example
is India where 85% of the population cannot eat beef because of their
Hindu religion. As a result, McDonald’s tailors to this culture by not selling
any beef products in their stores but chicken and fish products instead. McDonald’s mascot in front
of the restaurant in Bangkok,
Moreover, in France, McDonald’s released a campaign called “Venez Comme Vous Etes”
15 which translates to “Come As You Are” to support the tolerance of the gay community. The
intention of this ad was to show that McDonald’s is a place where people can be themselves.
This campaign was released back in 2010, when the LGBTQ2 community was more accepted
in France than it was in America. I think this campaign is a great example of McDonald’s
humanizing their brand by understanding the cultural differences.
20 Their strong support for cultural diversity and ability to successfully see what sets every
country apart has a tremendous effect on their sales worldwide. Even with these changes,
they are able to keep a consistent branding so that it can be recognized worldwide.
1 • rareté
2 • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer
OCtober 10th, 2018 © Ewha Womans University, D.R. ■

1 Describe what you see and say if you think it corresponds well to Thailand.
React spontaneously.
The mascot at the McDonald’s restaurant shows Ronald McDonald standing in front of a restaurant with his hands
joined together in a sign of prayer which is unusual because McDonald’s is an American compagny. However, it is
a well-known sign of greeting in Thailand. It means respect, gratitude and welcome. It symbolises Thailand.

2 Read the title and explain what you infer about McDonald’s marketing strategy.
We understand that McDonald’s marketing strategy is directed to clients in a globalised world.

3 Find words in the text that mean the same as:

a. growing: increasing d. centered: focused g. encouragement:

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b. engendered: raised e. exposing: displaying

h. very great: tremendous
c. worries: concerns f. customizes: tailors

68 • UNIT 6 - advertising & Brand aWareness

Text 1

4 Find words in the text that mean the opposite of:

a. failure: success c. resemblances: differences

b. refused: accepted d. ignored: recognized

5 Explain what is meant by “McDonald’s tailors to this culture” (l. 12).

lt means that McDonald’s respects and adapts itself to the culture of the country and meets the needs
of the customers.

6 Say if these statements are right or wrong. Justify your answers.

a. McDonald’s preferred to stick to the Chinese wish to eat healthy food.

Right. “McDonald’s advertisements in China were more focused on displaying fresh, clean ingredients”.

b. McDonald’s doesn’t care about diversity in countries like India because of their religion.
Wrong. “McDonald’s tailors to this culture by not selling any beef products in their stores but chicken and fish
products instead”.

c. The LGBTQ community was not considered the same in France and in the US back in 2010.
Right. “The LGBTQ community was more accepted in France than it was in the US”.

d. In France, McDonald’s proved to be open-minded.

Right. “This campaign is a great example of McDonald’s humanising their brand by understanding cultural differences”.

7 In your own words explain what McDonald’s strength is.

McDonald’s strength is being able to meet people’s needs and preferences and respect people’s cultural differences
throughout the world while remaining recognisable.

# glossary
/ 23nca00
Explain why Mc Donald’s restaurants work so well
(120 words) all over the world and what contributes to its strength and success.

◗ a cultural background: un contexte culturel ◗ to tailor to clients: s’adapter aux clients
◗ to enhance: mettre en avant ◗ to target: cibler
◗ to launch a campaign: lancer une campagne ◗ to value: valoriser
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UNIT 6 - advertising & Brand aWareness • 69


The Tube logo is ‘a great British brand’ # vidéo

Before watching
1 • Have a look at the picture and say what you recognise.
We are in London. It is a photograph of an Underground station.
0:00 2:32
The Underground is called the “Tube” by Londoners.

2 • Say what you expect the video to be about.

We can imagine the recording is going to tell us more about
◗ to define: définir
the London Underground. ◗ to stand out: ressortir, se détacher
◗ the Underground, the Tube: le métro

Watching and understanding

1 Watch the video and say in a few words what the main idea developed here is.

It is about the history of the London Underground: how and when it started and what it has become today.

2 Say when the Victoria line was opened and by whom. 0:00 to 0:25

The Victoria line was opened in 1969 by Queen Elisabeth II.

Among the following propositions, tick the right facts about the London Underground
listed by the journalist.
❒ It was an industrial success. ❒ It was destroyed during the war. ❒ It’s a worldwide-known brand.
❒ It’s a main means of transport for Londoners. ❒ It was a sanctuary during the war. ❒ It has a very bad public image.

What element has made the Tube such 5 When was the logo created? Tick the right answer.
a marketing success? 0:44 to 1:11
❒ 1808 ❒ 1880 ❒ 1908 ❒ 1928
The round sign/the “roundel”.

6 According to Michael Walton, why did the logo need to be simple and recognisable?

To make sure passengers could tell where they were within the underground network.

7 When was the map sketched? 1:12 to 1:26 8 What was peculiar about the map?
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The map was sketched in 1931. It was geographically inaccurate.

70 • UNIT 6 - advertising & Brand aWareness


9 According to Michal Walton, why was the map so successful? 1:26 to 1:45

It was successful because of its simplicity.

10 What did a lot of other countries in the world do?

They copied and plagiarised it.

11 Say when the posters first appeared and how many were produced after that. 1:46 to 2:09

They appeared in 1908. Thousands more were designed after that.

12 Explain what job the posters had to play. Choose among the list of words below the ones you heard.

a. advertise b. attract c. communicate d. sale e. advise f. warm g. sell h. warn i. post

They were there to communicate, sell, warn and advise.

13 Say what made these posters remarkable.

They were stylish.

14 Say what Tube branded items are sold and how much money such sales bring in. 2:09 to 2:19

It brings in £5 million a year from sales of mugs and keyrings.

15 Fill in the blanks with words you have heard. 2:19 to end

“While other great British brands have been reinvented and reborn , so much of the London Underground’s
identity has remained the same.”


1. Say whether the following vowels should be pronounced [i], [i:] or [ai].
advertise: ❒ [i] ❒ [ai] disruption: ❒ [i] ❒ [i:] ski: ❒ [i:] ❒ [ai]
demise: ❒ [i] ❒ [ai] price: ❒ [i] ❒ [ai] personalised:❒ [i] ❒ [ai]
mix: ❒ [i] ❒ [ai] entire: ❒ [i] ❒ [ai] requirement: ❒ [i:] ❒ [ai]
promise: ❒ [i] ❒ [ai] simply: ❒ [i] ❒ [i:]
2. Listen and check.

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1. Give a quick account of the video.

FOR THE 2. What other logos would you say are immediately recognisable with no need
EXAM of further words or explanation?


Text 2 Going further

What is emotional appeal FOR TH E
and how to use it in marketing?
1 Emotional appeal is a persuasion method used customers also have the need to feel unique
to create emotional feedback or response from 30 in their own way.
the target audience. Emotional appeals are
often used to manipulate an audience into When appealing to the emotions of your
5 making an emotional decision or giving an customers during the marketing of your product
emotional response. Emotional appeal is used you create a bond between your company and
to boost the effectiveness of an argument since the customers. As such customers will not
it’s very persuasive and this makes it a popular
35 hesitate to buy your products because they
choice among marketing firms. Some of the know that you will always play your part even
10 advantages of emotional marketing are that in the future and that you will be available to
it is memorable marketing, that is, it will not help with any problems that they may have.
be erased from the mind quickly and it brings Customers need to be assured that the balance
about positive associations with your product
40 of things will continue.
by attaching positive emotions to it. The major Nevertheless, if not done correctly, you run
15 disadvantage is that if you get it wrong then it the risk of sounding or looking insincere
might look as though you are playing on the and offensive. It is therefore very important
intellectual ability of your would-be audience. to choose the words and images to be used
Emotional appeal during advertising leads to
45 carefully, bearing in mind that emotions can
a fully engaged base of customers. Appealing be extremely evocative. However, the reward
20 emotionally to customers makes them start far outweighs the risk and it is important to
taking your company more seriously and as know that emotions are far superior to rational
such would even want to relate on a more thinking or the voice of reason. Therefore
personal level thereby creating a deeply loyal
50 to create a super-loyal customer base, start
customer base. Customers will stop considering showing them how your product is going to
25 your products as ‘‘the other product’’ and start make them feel rather than telling them. It is
considering them as ‘‘my product’’. a sure way of creating loyal and fully engaged
Just like your products need to be unique to
attract a large number of customers, your Hitesh Bhasin, Marketing91, AuGust 25th, 2018, D.R. ■

1 What does the title of the text suggest?

a. Marketing strategy and people’s emotions are linked.

b. Marketers’ role is to have an impact on people.

c. Marketers have emotional reactions.

2 Find words in the text that mean the same as:

a. increase: boost d. link: bond g. remember: bear in mind

b. delete: erase e. accessible: available h. benefit: reward

c. devoted: loyal f. insincere: untrue i. compensate for: outweigh

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72 • UNIT 6 - advertising & Brand aWareness

Text 2

3 Explain what the main role of emotional appeal in marketing is.

It boosts the effectiveness of an argument (better than words).

4 Quote two advantages of emotional appeal.

It is memorable, it brings positive associations.

5 What are the positive effects of emotional appeals on the consumers’ point of view?
They feel they have a strong link with companies, they feel reassured, they trust the company.

6 Say if these statements are right or wrong and justify by quoting from the text.

a. Emotional appeals are nothing but a manipulation of the target audience.

Right: “Emotional appeals are often used to manipulate an audience into making an emotional decision.”

b. The aim of emotional appeal is to convince people.

Right: “Emotional appeal is a persuasion method”.

c. Emotional appeal can be used to create a sense of belonging among the customers.
Right: “You create a bond between your company and the customers”.

d. Customers don’t hesitate to buy products even if the company doesn’t play a part
in the future.
Wrong: “Customers will not hesitate to buy your products because they know that you will always play your part
even in the future”.

e. The choice of words and images matters.

Right: “to choose the words and images to be used carefully”.

f. It is words over feelings.

Wrong: “Emotions are far superior to rational thinking”.

7 Explain in your own words what the best way to create a loyal customer base is.
The best way to retain customers is by playing on their emotions rather than using words.

WRITING 1. Give an account of the article in French in 200 words (+/– 10 %).
FOR THE 2. How do you explain that you can fall in love with a brand? Why and what
EXAM does it imply? (100 words)
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UNIT 6 - advertising & Brand aWareness • 73

Language at work Grammar

# exercices
Comparatifs, superlatifs

Observez les phrases suivantes. Traduisez ces phrases en français.

u Customers want to relate on a more personal u Les clients veulent s’identifier à un niveau plus
a. a.
level. personnel.

u Emotions are far superior to rational thinking. u Les émotions sont bien supérieures à la pensée
b. b.

u The best way to do this is by appealing to their u La meilleure façon de le faire c’est de faire appel
c. c.
emotions. aux émotions.

u It looks nicer with all these colours. u C’est plus beau avec toutes ces couleurs.
d. d.


u Dites comment on construit un comparatif On utilise more pour indiquer une supériorité si l’adjectif
de supériorité. est long ou –er (ou –r) s’il est court.

b. u Qu’indique “far” ? Superior est renforcé par far pour indiquer que c’est « encore plus ».

u The best est le superlatif de good. Pouvez-vous

c. The worst, the least, the furthest.
citer d’autre superlatifs irréguliers ?


1 u Transform the sentences using a comparative e. It is not (efficient) than we had expected.
or superlative.
It is not more/less efficient than we had expected.
a. I remember the ad about batteries as their (good) and
f. It was one of their (funny) ads, even (funny) than
the one about bulbs as their (bad) of all.
their previous one!
I remember the ad about batteries as their best and the one
It was one of their funniest ads, even funnier than their
about bulbs as their worst of all.
previous one!
b. The latest ad campaign is (interesting) than the previous
one. 2 u Translate the following sentences into English.

The latest ad campaign is more/less interesting than a. Les entreprises d’aujourd’hui sont plus performantes
the previous one. qu’autrefois.
Companies today are more competitive than they used to be.
c. They are said to be the (reliable) team.
They are said to be the most reliable team.
b. Cette campagne publicitaire est moins chère.
This advertising campaign is cheaper/less expensive.
d. The (much money) they invest in this commercial,
the (great) impact they think they will have.
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The more money they invest in this commercial, the greater c. C’est la plus belle mise en page et la meilleure publicité.
impact they think they will have. It is the nicest layout and the best advertisement.

74 • UNIT 6 - advertising & Brand aWareness

Let's be PRO!
Analysing a product
Your job

You’re a trainee in a marketing consultancy firm. Your job is to analyse

products for your manager, using a technique called SWOT analysis.

Your task
Learn to use the SWOT analysis and apply it to a product.

1 Match the four elements of the SWOT analysis with their definitions.
S = strengths • • internal characteristics that put your product at a competitive
W = weaknesses • • external conditions in your business environment that you can
capitalize on to increase your sales revenue and become more
O = opportunities • • external conditions in your business environment that can have
a significant negative impact on your competitive advantage
and profitability.
T = threats • • internal characteristics that give your product a competitive
advantage over its competitors.

2 Here are some ideas for a SWOT analysis of the SmartWatch.

Sort them under the right headings: S, W, O or T.
– It tends to be expensive Ú W
– Aggressive competition Ú T
– Battery life is limited Ú W
– Very convenient for receiving notifications, alerts, etc. Ú S
– Can be beautifully designed Ú S
– Innovative product Ú O

3 Prepare a Powerpoint presentation of a high-tech product for a meeting

with your managers. Use the structure below. Don’t forget to add visuals!
Slide 1: title of your presentation
Slide 2: describe the product
Slide 3: SWOT: use a template
Slide 4: make a recommendation based on your analysis

Here are some tips on how to conduct a SWOT analysis.
• Have a question or objective in mind from the start. For example, you could use a SWOT analysis to help
the company decide if they should introduce a new product or create a Unique Selling Proposition (USP).
• Conduct some market research and find out about competitors. Is your product better or worse than
the competition?
• Differentiate external and internal factors.
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• Be realistic and precise about your product. Use real facts.

• Keep your analysis short and simple (two or three items per factor).

UNIT 6 - advertising & Brand aWareness • 75

Check point

1 Fill in the blanks with these words:

loyalty stake lure

profitability attract
2 Choose the right answer.
provocative jingles eye-catching 1. The media department buys the … that is best suited to the
advertising campaign.
misleading impact
❒ a. place ❒ b. time ❒ c. space
a. Some provocative ads can be 2. Advertisers should choose the right … to express a message.
shocking but have a strong impact ❒ a. medium ❒ b. means ❒ c. way
on people.
3. The … … is the people the advertisers want to reach.
b. Commercials on television lure ❒ a. targets audience ❒ b. target audience ❒ c. targeting audience
people into buying products. They often use
4. Sometimes they use … marketing to reach a more specific audience.
jingles to be better remembered.
❒ a. niche ❒ b. determined ❒ c. delineate
c. Some ads should be denounced because
5. Creatives must … advertising approaches.
they are misleading.
❒ a. decide ❒ b. debate ❒ c. devise
d. Customer satisfaction matters just
as much as the firm’s profitability 6. Advertising campaigns are meant to … sales.

when marketing approaches are at ❒ a. boom ❒ b. boost ❒ c. grow

stake because customer
7. Some people say they feel … by the number of ads they see.
loyalty should always prevail.
❒ a. brainwashing ❒ b. brainwashed ❒ c. brain drain
e. These posters are eye-catching ,
8. … you look at it, … it seduces you.
yet they’ve failed to attract most
❒ a. The more… ❒ b. The less … ❒ c. The more …
people’s attention. the least the more the more

9. The … amazing thing is that these ads are in very bad taste!
❒ a. most ❒ b. worst ❒ c. more

10. This is the …. ad I’ve ever seen!

❒ a. cheaper ❒ b. less cheap ❒ c. cheapest

# glossary

Branding & Advertising: image de marque ◗ innovative: novateur(rice) Marketing tools: outils marketing
et publicité ◗ lucrative: lucratif(ve)
◗ a billboard/a hoarding: un panneau d’affichage
◗ to advertise: faire de la publicité/faire ◗ misleading/deceptive: trompeur(se)
◗ a catchphrase: une phrase d’accroche
la publicité de ◗ to plagiarise: plagier
◗ a display/a stand/a rack: un présentoir
◗ a brand trademark: une marque ◗ prime time: l’heure de grande écoute
◗ a layout: une mise en page
◗ to broadcast: diffuser (TV, radio) ◗ promising: prometteur(se)
◗ a leaflet/a flyer: un prospectus
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◗ a classified ad: une petite annonce ◗ provocative: provocateur(rice)

◗ a line/a range: une gamme
◗ to coax into buying: pousser à acheter ◗ reliable: fiable
◗ a niche market: un marché de niche
◗ to customise: personnaliser ◗ to sell: vendre
◗ a sample: un échantillon
◗ to entice: inciter ◗ a trend/a fad: une mode/une tendance

76 • UNIT 6 - advertising & Brand aWareness


Social Media

Have a look at the picture and say what these young people are
◗ a ban: une interdiction
doing and why they are using social media tools.
◗ to back up: soutenir
◗ censorship: la censure
◗ a comment: un commentaire
◗ to delete/to erase: effacer
# vidéo Social Media
for Businesses
◗ to deliver a message: passer
0:00 „ 1:54
un message
◗ a follower: quelqu’un qui suit, adhère
1. Watch the video and say what social media can be useful for, ◗ a member: un adhérent
besides communicating with your friends and relations. ◗ to post: poster, afficher
◗ to send, to dispatch: envoyer
2. Explain what benefits social media bring to your business.
◗ supportive: solidaire
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3. Say how Localsphere can help your company increase its

website traffic and obtain more visibility.

UNIT 7 - sociaL media • 77

To start with

ACTIVITY 1 Social media addiction

• Similar to addictive drugs, social media content and likes can trigger the release of
the pleasure chemical dopamine, which may explain why some people report feeling
addicted to these platforms.
• Some experts estimate up to 10 percent of people in the United States have social
media addiction but it is hard to put an approximate figure as so many of us regularly
engage with social platforms.
• Social media giants like Facebook, Tiktok, Twitter, and Youtube pour billions of dollars into advertising and hire
engineers that are paid to make content more addictive. These sites also track your activity, customizing your feed
to show you posts you are most likely to look at, watch, or comment on.
According to some surveys from 2020, Americans are spending as much as 17 hours per day looking at a screen,
and a good portion of this time is spent on social media. While kids, teens, and young people are the heaviest social
media users, most adults are also active on at least one social media platform, and many report having trouble
limiting their time on them. Also, there are many people who report social media has a negative impact on them,
their mental health, and their relationships, but continue to use it anyway, causing some experts to wonder whether
it’s possible to become addicted to social media.
EDmunD MurPh, meDiCaLLy revieweD by HaiLey Shafi,
18th January 2023 © ReCovereD, D.R. ■

1 Look at the picture and explain what message is conveyed.

The various platforms represented here are compared to addictive drugs.

2 After reading the article, say why these platforms are compared to addictive drugs.
A kind of pleasure is derived from social media content. The people who use the platforms feel irresistibly
attracted and find themselves trapped in this addiction. It is hard for them to limit and resist their use.

3 Say who mainly falls victim to this phenomenon and the consequences it may have.
Kids, teens and young people fall in this trap but also adults! These sites are clever enough to track people’s
activity and customise their posts to the users, no matter what the impact may be on their social behaviour,
mental health or relationships.

ACTIVITY 2 What is social media marketing? # vidéo
4 Fill in the blanks with words that you have heard.
“Social media marketing is a way for companies or brands to interact with customers,
maybe potential customers, in a social, natural way .”

5 Name the different social platforms that are quoted here.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.

6 Say why people come and visit these platforms.

To see their families, catch up with friends, hear and discuss the latest news, share stories, educate themselves.
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7 Say what the man concludes you need to do to succeed in social media marketing.
To be human, natural and social.

78 • UNIT 7 - sociaL media

To start with

ACTIVITY 3 An example of social media marketing

Airbnb launched a series of live videos with the tagline “We Are Here”, which showed
travelers using Airbnb’s new “Places and Experiences” options. This campaign came
at a time when Airbnb wanted to grow and become more than just an accommodation
provider for travelers.
In this endeavor, the company announced the launch of its “Trips” platform using
Facebook Live. During the 24-hour launch period, people could post live videos of
themselves indulging in exciting activities at their travel location. […]
Airbnb used their Facebook Live campaign to show potential customers the wide array of thrilling activities that are
available to participate in all over the world. And, most importantly, they can easily experience these activities with Airbnb.
The campaign attracted over 6.2 million views of the six live streams around the world.
Debbi GourLey © 2020 SinGLe Grain, D.R. ■

8 Say how Airbnb tried to develop its reputation.

Airbnb created a Facebook Live platform where its users could post live videos of themselves in their travel

9 Explain what the purpose of this marketing campaign for Airbnb was.
By using its own customers to promote its website, Airbnb was hoping to attract new customers by showing
them what kind of experiences they could have with Airbnb.

ACTIVITY 4 Brands’ relationships with influencers

Consumers are reluctant to trust online brand messaging: up to 25.2% of U.S. Internet users blocked ads on their
devices in 2018. Instead, they turn to social media influencers: individuals who distinguish themselves through their
personal style and their ability to attract a large audience. What influencers wear, where they travel, and who they
listen to intrigue and inspire their followers. Increasingly, therefore, marketers look for opportunities to connect with
their customers by inserting their products and brands into influencers’ dialogues with followers. Marketers often
treat social media as a low-cost advertising channel. From this perspective, an influencer simply executes the upstream
part of a company’s brand strategy, driving sales by creating visibility through product placement on social networks.
ALiCe AuDreZet anD GwarLann De KerviLer, APriL 1st, 2019 © HarvarD Business PubLishinG ■

10 Explain who influencers are.

They are people who appeal to customers, often by their look or their attitude. They are brand ambassadors and
interact with people.

11 Say what the advantages are for companies to use influencers.

They attract a large audience; they inspire and dialogue with followers. They don’t cost much. They drive sales.

# glossary
Why has social media marketing become more and 23nca00

more popular?

◗ It offers visibility: Cela offre de la visibilité. ◗ It is cheap and fast: C’est peu coûteux et
© Éditions Foucher

◗ It attracts a lot of consumers: Cela attire rapide.

beaucoup de consommateurs. ◗ It boosts sales: Cela augmente les ventes.

UNIT 7 - sociaL media • 79

Text 1 Step by step

A fake influencer
on Instagram: Lil Miquela
1 Who is Lil Miquela?
Miquela Sousa is otherwise known as Lil Miquela. She is an
American character who was created by Trevor McFedries
and Sara DeCou. In 2016, the project began as an Instagram
5 profile. This profile gives a detailed explanation of Miquela
saying that she is a CGI (Computer Generated Image)
character and also a model. You’ll be shocked to learn that
Brud is a corporation that specializes in the creation of digital
devices. They invented a slew1 of other digital devices, but Lil
10 Miquela was their most successful. Miquela currently resides in
the city of Los Angeles, California.
Artificial influences are the most unreal of all. Meet Lil Miquela, also
known as Miquela Sousa, a CGI influencer with 2.9 million Instagram followers.
Except she’s not a person, Miquela is a digital influencer […]

15 In recent years, Instagram has seen the birth of a new species of influencer, one whose look,
agency and voice are controlled by major corporations who are mostly invisible to their human
followers. Despite the fact that their social media presence is still relatively new, these accounts
have the ability to transform digital marketing and raise some concerns in the real world.

The body of Miquela Sousa shone like the sun. You can probably guess the appearance if you’ve
20 ever observed it. When the light goes through the glass, it spreads out, making the glass shine
even brighter. She is in a similar predicament2. When the sunbeams on her, she shines brighter
and her face turns reddish. When she wears designer attire, her appearance becomes much more
intriguing. Her hair is brown, and her eyes are a combination of brown and grey. She prefers
to make two ponies3 instead of one or to let her hair open. Her look is one of the few secrets
25 that only a few people are aware of. She is a mysterious young lady whose personality exudes
something beautiful to those around her.
Miquela Sousa, or Lil Miquela, is a 19-year-old international pop sensation who was named one
of TIME Magazine’s “25 Most Influential People on the Internet” and she’s not human. She’s a
machine. Miquela began as a laboratory product of the wicked4 corporation Cain Intelligence
30 and is now a musician, change-seeker, and style visionary.
1 • foule 2 • situation difficile 3 • queue de cheval/couette 4 • méchant
Lil Miquela Face Reveal, Real Face, Age, Birthday, And More,
by C. Hariharan, June 15th, 2022 © FreshersLive.Com, D.R. ■

1 Have a look at the picture and read the title of the article.
Now say what you expect the article to be about.

❒ a. a trendy influencer on Instagram

❒ b. a mysterious influencer on Instagram

2 Read the text and say if Lil Miquela is real or a robot.

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Lil Miquela is a CGI character.

80 • UNIT 7 - sociaL media

Text 1

3 Say what Lil Miquela’s role is.

She’s a digital influencer.

4 Explain how important she is.

She has 2.9 million followers on Instagram.

5 Find words in the text that mean the same as:

a. tools: devices (l. 9) e. rays: sunbeams (l. 21)

b. lives: resides (l. 10) f. strange: intriguing (l. 23)

c. types: species (l. 25) g. called: named (l. 27)

d. worries: concerns (l. 18)

6 Say if these statements are Right or Wrong and justify by quoting from the text.

a. Lil Miquela became successful alone.

Wrong. She was her creators’ “most successful project” (l. 10).

b. Lil Miquela’s voice, words, and look are controlled by Instagram.

Wrong. They are “controlled by major corporations” (l. 16).

c. The presence of this kind of characters could well be perturbing in the long run.
Right. Their social media presence is “relatively new” and could “raise some concerns” (l. 18-19).

d. Lil Miquela’s body and eyes change according to the light.

Right. “When the sunbeams on her, she shines brighter and her face turns reddish” (l. 21).

e. Lil Miquela expresses an aura of beauty.

Right. Her personality “exudes something beautiful to those around her” (l.25-26).

f. The most influential people of TIME Magazine have contributed to her international reputation.
Wrong. She was named one of TIME Magazine’s “25 Most Influential People on the Internet” (l. 28).

7 Say what you understand by: “Miquela began as a laboratory product of the wicked
corporation Cain Intelligence and is now a musician, change-seeker, and style visionary.”
(l. 29)
It means that Lil Miquela not only is a digital influencer and a model, although she is unreal, but has also become
a musician gifted with other talents.

# glossary
What do you think of the relationship between 23nca00

(100-120 brands and influencers? To what extent should

words) influencers be careful not to be exploited?

◗ abuses: des abus ◗ a customised communication campaign: une campagne
◗ to bear something in mind: de communication personnalisée
garder quelque chose à l’esprit ◗ to respect someone’s privacy: respecter la vie privée de quelqu’un
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UNIT 7 - sociaL media • 81


Why it feels like Facebook is # vidéo

listening through your mic

Before watching
Have a look at the picture. Say what this man is doing
and what you expect the video to be about.
0:00 3:45
The Facebook man is spying on people. The video is likely
to explain the pervasive presence of Facebook in our personal lives.
◗ an advertiser: un annonceur
◗ to gather: recueillir, réunir
◗ to target: cibler
◗ to track: pister

Watching and understanding

1 What is the main topic? Choose among the following propositions.

❒ a. The dangers of Facebook ❒ b. The intrusion of Facebook in our lives ❒ c. A Facebook conspiracy

2 Explain what the woman tries to do at the beginning of the video. 0:00 to 0:30

She tries to buy a product called “Coldend” to help stop her cold.

3 Explain what happens to her at the very same time.

An ad for Coldend appears on Facebook.

4 Explain what the conspiracy theory is. 0:31 to 1:09 5 Say why Facebook does that.

It means that Facebook is listening to your microphone. It does that to better target ads at people.

6 Say what former Facebook employees explained about this theory.

They explained that there were technical and legal reasons that this theory isn’t true.

7 Explain why it feels like Facebook and its advertisers are listening.
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Because they are very good at tracking people online and offline. It feels like they are in the same room as you.

82 • UNIT 7 - sociaL media


8 Explain how the content of the woman’s bag makes its way back to Facebook. 1:10 to 1:57

She says that brands collect and buy data from the stores (thanks to loyalty cards for example) then use Facebook tools
to target users.

9 Complete the passage with words from the recording. 1:58 to 2:37

“Facebook and advertisers are actually following your footsteps . The Facebook app in your pocket and many
others gather your location using various methods: IP addresses, Wi-Fi networks around you and most
likely your direct permission to use your phone location.”

10 Explain what the medical app said about the woman blowing her nose. 2:37 to end

It said she did it the wrong way.

11 Say what the woman’s last suggestions are. 12 Say what her conclusion is.

To go into Facebook’s settings and turn off the ads and to do the You can create some distance between you
same with iPhones by limiting ad tracking. and this guy.

# audio
1. Read the following two-syllable verbs and
underline the stressed syllable. Then listen and check.
increase – nosedive – produce – project – contract

2. Read the following nouns and underline the stressed syllable.

Then listen and check.
increase – product – project – contract – student

3. Underline the correct rule concerning stressed syllables.

In most two-syllable verbs, the stress is on the (first/second) syllable.
In most two-syllable nouns, the stress is on the (first/second) syllable.

SPEAK 1. Put together all the information you have picked up and give an
FOR THE account of the video.
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2. Being tracked online by all sorts of apps is your fear. Explain

what precautions you could take.

UNIT 7 - sociaL media • 83

Text 2 Going further

Why digital marketing is important FOR TH E
for small business
1 (1) When small businesses get started, their focus (4) It’s clear that in today’s digital world, the first
is often on how to get their first group of customers place the average consumer looks for what they
through the door. They may rely on traditional 35 want is online. Whatever product or service they
forms of advertising, such as print ads and coupon are looking for, they will most likely start their
5 mailers or even big signs on the side of the road. search with Google. If you have no online presence
[…] While this strategy may bring in a trickle of at all, you won’t be found, and you can’t compete.
business, there is a better and easier way. Small […] By creating a web presence, your business is
businesses should consider the huge marketplace of 40 open for business even when it’s closed. You can
prospects online. No small business, no matter how create an atmosphere in which your customers
10 new, should overlook this vast marketplace. […] can come to you anytime day or night. At their
convenience, customers and prospects can send
(2) Small businesses sometimes believe that they
you emails with questions, make purchases and
don’t have the time or the money to be competitive 45 browse your inventory. Potential customers who
online. […] They may even think the best strategy have no way to physically come to you can still
is simply to wait for customers to show up. […] The do business with you, whether they are limited
15 problem with this approach is that your customers by disability, transportation or simply living too
and potential customers are already online. Right far away. […]
now. Today. There’s a good chance they might
already be looking for a business like yours, but if 50 (5) You can gradually get to know them and what
they can’t find you easily, they are probably going to they are hoping to find. […] By interacting with
20 choose someone else. […] They expect to find you people digitally, you can start to get to know what
there with a website and a social media presence. they are looking for. […] In this way, you start to
They may be looking for reviews so they can learn build a relationship with your customers. You
what other people are saying about your company 55 become much more than a business. You become
and whether it is a good place to do business. […] a trusted partner. […]

25 (3) For your business to be successful, you need to (6) Compared to advertising on TV, radio or through
pay attention to what your competitors are doing direct mail, digital marketing costs considerably
and learn from it. […] When you look at what your less and reaches a much wider audience at the
competitors are doing, you will get some idea of 60 same time. Using digital marketing to promote
what is working and what isn’t working. […] How your small business will help you to have a much
30 do they communicate their brand and what makes better chance of business success.
them unique? How well do they engage with the, 2020, D.R. ■
audience? Do you think you can do better?

1 Read the text carefully and match each paragraph with a title.

a. Your competitors are online • • §1

b. What advertising tools should you use? • • §2
c. Your customers are online • • §3
d. Benefits of online marketing • • §4
e. Be accessible to your customers • • §5
f. Get to know your target audience • • §6
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84 • UNIT 7 - sociaL media

Text 2

2 In the text, find words that mean the same as:

a. centre of attention (§1): focus f. involve oneself (§3): engage

b. depend (§1): rely g. rival (§4): compete

c. ignore (§1): overlook h. when it suits them (§4): at their convenience

d. appear (§2): show up i. look through (§4): browse

e. searching (§2): looking for

3 Match the following words with their opposite.

a. successful • • 1. tiny
b. huge • • 2. unfaithful
c. average • • 3. unprofitable
d. trustworthy • • 4. remarkable

4 Say if these statements are right or wrong and justify by quoting from the text.

a. What is important for small businesses is to use traditional forms of advertising.

Wrong: “Their focus is often on how to get their first group of customers”.

b. Small businesses should understand the importance of being present online.

Right: “No small business […] should overlook this vast marketplace.”

c. It doesn’t matter if your business is easy to find online or not, customers know the business
they want.
Wrong: “If they can’t find you easily they are probably going to choose someone else.”

d. It is easy for customers to communicate with small businesses online.

Right: “At their convenience, customers and prospects can send you emails with questions, make purchases
and browse your inventory.”

e. Being online changes your business relationships with customers.

Right: “You become much more than a business.
You become a trusted partner.”

5 List the advantages of being online for small businesses (in your own words).
– Small businesses have access to a large marketplace.
– They learn how to compete with other businesses.
– They remain open for business night and day.
– They broaden their target audience.
– They can interact with their customers and get to know them better.

WRITING 1. Give an account of the text in French in 200 words (+/– 10 %).
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2. What are the risks of using social media according to you? Try to give
EXAM examples of bad publicity posted on social media that have damaged a brand’s
reputation (200 words).

UNIT 7 - sociaL media • 85

Language at work Grammar p. 178

# exercices
Prétérit / present perfect

Lisez les deux phrases suivantes. Lisez la phrase suivante.

a. u They invented a slew of other digital devices. u In recent years Instagram has seen
the birth of new species of influencers.
b. u In 2016 the project began as an Instagram profile.
Dites comment est formé le present perfect
Dites comment est formé le prétérit de la phrase a. ci-dessus.

u On ajoute la terminaison « –ed » à la base verbale (invent), marque u Have + 3e forme du verbe irrégulier (to see, saw,
régulière du prétérit. seen).

Dites comment est formé le prétérit de la phrase b. Dites quelle utilisation du present perfect est
faite dans la phrase c.
u La 2e forme du verbe irrégulier begin est utilisée (to begin, began,
begun) dans la phrase b. u On fait le bilan depuis l’apparition des nouvelles
générations d’influenceurs jusqu’à aujourd’hui.
Dites quelle utilisation du prétérit est faite.
u Les phrases a et b renseignent sur le passé et l’origine de la création
du projet.

Concluez sur l’usage des deux temps.

u Le prétérit est utilisé pour indiquer que l’action est révolue (phrases a et b).
u Le present perfect est utilisé pour indiquer que l’action a démarré dans le passé mais se prolonge dans le présent (phrase c).


1 u Write the following sentences using the preterit

or the present perfect. 2 u Translate the sentences.

a. She just (start) a new job that she likes very much. She has just a. Elle vient (juste) de commencer un nouveau
started just a new job that she likes very much. travail qu’elle aime beaucoup.

b. They (become) fans a long time ago. They became fans a long b. Ils sont devenus des adeptes il y a longtemps.
time ago.

c. Since she (invest) in the fashion industry, she (make) a lot of money. c. Depuis qu’elle a investi dans la mode, elle s’est
Since she invested in the fashion industry, she has made a lot of money. fait beaucoup d’argent.

d. She (do) this for years. She has done this for years. d. Elle fait cela depuis des années.

e. They (see) that she was going to be their model. They saw that e. Ils ont vu qu’elle allait être leur mannequin.
she was going to be their model.

f. They immediately (decide) that they would become users of the site. f. Ils ont immédiatement décidé qu’ils deviendraient
They immediately decided that they would become users of the site. des utilisateurs du site.

g. I never (change) my opinion since the beginning of the movement. g. Je n’ai jamais changé d’opinion depuis le début
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I have never changed my opinion since the beginning of the movement. du mouvement.

h. She (wear) these clothes for years now. She has worn these clothes h. Elle porte ces vêtements depuis des années
for years now. maintenant.

86 • UNIT 7 - sociaL media

Let's be PRO!
Reacting to people’s
feedback on social networks
Your job

You work for Ryanair and are in charge of reading and answering travellers’
feedback posted on Ryanair website. You take into account the travellers’
experiences and suggest possible solutions such as refunds or special offers
in case of very bad experiences engaging Ryanair’s responsibility or simply
appreciate and thank travellers for their good feedback.

Your task

1 Read the feedback below posted on Ryanair’s website.

2 Write an appropriate answer to each.

 “We had a decent flight with Ryanair”

My Ryanair experience was average for a low-cost airline. The trip didn’t get off to the best start as the plane
was 15 minutes late to the gate and we boarded late as well, so we left about 45 minutes late.
But other than that, we had a decent flight with Ryanair, seats weren’t too bad but I wouldn’t travel more than
3 hours in them. The cabin crew were nice and ground staff as well.

 “We had the worst experience”

I just had the worst experience with Ryanair. Their app wouldn’t check in both me and my friend, and even
though we tried doing it both on the website and in the app, it just wouldn’t work. We even asked the help desk
to sort it out, but still nothing. When we arrived at the airport, we waited forever in the luggage queue,
only to be told that we had to go to the information desk. So we did and we again had to wait in line for
a very long time. I was told I had to pay 40 pounds as I wasn’t checked in, and I would have to apply for a refund
myself. I accepted. At that time, there were 20 min until the closing of the gate, and as I paid I was told that
it was now too late, our bags couldn’t be checked in and we would have to buy another flight for the next day.
So, we had to pay for another flight home the following day and a hotel to stay for the night.

◗ financial compensation:
une compensation financière
Looking after your e-reputation is important.
◗ grateful: reconnaissant
Here are some tips to respond to customer feedback: ◗ to hope: espérer
• Always stay polite and measured; ◗ to make up for: compenser
• Thank the customer for the feedback (bad or good); ◗ to see someone again: revoir
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• In case of bad feedback, apologise and express your regrets; ◗ the staff: le personnel
• Answer every comment point by point and explain if necessary;
• Keep it short and simple.

UNIT 7 - sociaL media • 87

Check point

2 Fill in the blanks with the words from

the list below:
brand image devoted sharing

1 Choose the right answer. friendly chat broadcast prospects

1. If you … confidential information from your computer,

you will be safe. a. Social media marketing is a powerful way for

❒ a. delete ❒ b. reset ❒ c. erased businesses of all sizes to reach prospects

and customers.
2. You could easily become a victim of identity…
❒ a. thieves. ❒ b. theft. ❒ c. thief. b. Great marketing on social media can bring
remarkable success to your business, creating
3. The people you are connected … may benefit … you
devoted brand advocates.
and vice versa.
❒ a. to … of ❒ b. with … of ❒ c. to … from c. Using social media marketing enables your
business to project its brand image across
4. It’s important that you create a … of meaningful
relationships with the people you’ve met. a variety of different social media platforms.

❒ a. network ❒ b. networking ❒ c. platform d. Social media marketing is a perfect channel

5. Once you’ve built a loyal following on social media, for sharing your best content with readers.
you’ll be able to post all your new …
e. Facebook’s casual, friendly environment
❒ a. audience. ❒ b. content. ❒ c. brands.
requires an active social media marketing strategy.
6. It … the ad marketer’s idea.
f. Facebook is a place people go to relax and
❒ a. was ❒ b. has been ❒ c. were
chat with friends.
7. They … it regularly for years and years and are not ready
to stop. g. Twitter is the social media marketing tool

❒ a. do ❒ b. did ❒ c. have done that lets you broadcast your updates across
the Web.
8. I … always records of my blog contents.
❒ a. have kept ❒ b. kept ❒ c. keeped

# glossary

Managing your social networks: ◗ a follower: quelqu’un qui suit, Social media issues: ◗ pervasive: envahissant(e)
gérer vos réseaux sociaux adhère les problèmes des réseaux sociaux ◗ privacy: l’intimité
◗ to link: relier ◗ reluctant: réticent(e)
◗ to back up: soutenir ◗ a ban: une interdiction
◗ a member: un(e) adhérent(e) ◗ a theft: un vol
◗ to broadcast: diffuser ◗ to block: bloquer
◗ to post: poster, afficher ◗ transparency: la transparence
◗ to build relationships: établir ◗ to browse: naviguer (ordinateur)
des relations ◗ a prospect: une perspective ◗ unethical: immoral(e)
◗ censorship: la censure
◗ to check: vérifier ◗ a professional network: ◗ unexpected: inattendu(e)
un réseau professionnel ◗ a channel: un canal
◗ a comment: un commentaire ◗ to conceal / hide from: cacher à ◗ unflattering: peu flatteur(se)
◗ to send, to dispatch: envoyer
◗ to compete with: concurrencer ◗ unfair: injuste
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◗ to share: partager ◗ to deter from: décourager de

◗ to delete/to erase: effacer ◗ dishonest: malhonnête ◗ visibility: la visibilité
◗ to stay in touch: rester en contact
◗ to deliver a message: passer ◗ identity theft: le vol d’identité
un message ◗ supportive: solidaire
◗ to tap into: se brancher sur ◗ misleading: trompeur(se)

88 • UNIT 7 - sociaL media

Consumption UNIT

Trends 8


1 Look at the picture. Say what recent trend in purchasing food ◗ a bumper sticker: un autocollant
de pare-choc
it refers to. ◗ a consumer:
un(e) consommateur(trice)
2 Say if you personally pay attention to buying your food locally. ◗ to grow, grew, grown: cultiver,
faire pousser
Mention the reasons why you do or you don’t.
◗ healthy: sain(e)
◗ lettuce /letis/: la laitue
◗ a local farmer: un(e) agriculteur(trice)
# vidéo Michael Pollan:
Why eat local? local(e)
0:00 „ 1:49 ◗ organic: bio
◗ to process food: transformer
1. Watch the video once. Say what Michael Pollan mainly talks la nourriture
about. ◗ produce: des produits agricoles
◗ seasonal: de saison
2. Pick up two remarkable figures at the beginning of the
◗ sustainable: durable
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video and say what they correspond to.

◗ a Twinkie: an American snack cake
3. List Michael Pollan’s arguments in favour of eating locally. ◗ urban sprawl: une étendue urbaine
◗ a vast amount: une très grande quantité

UNIT 8 - consumption trends • 89

To start with

ACTIVITY 1 Consumer choices

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Look at the pictures. Match each of them with a new trend in consumption.
Give the words that helped you do so.

a. Consumers are now sensitive to ethical concerns such as animal rights.

b. Consumers choose brands with high levels of personalisation in order to own unique products.
c. Consumers use their buying power to protest against the excessive use of plastic.
d. Consumers value the advice of their peers on Internet above everything else.
e. Many consumers seek bargains by buying second-hand clothes or furniture.
f. The speed of delivery is a crucial factor for consumers.

a b c d e f

Picture n° 1 3 2 6 5 4

animal rights customise excessive use advice bargains speed

Keywords cruelty free personali- of plastic second-hand of delivery
sation eco bag express

ACTIVITY 2 Paying more to avoid plastic packaging

Eight in ten consumers are trying to reduce their plastic Scientists and environmental campaigners have warned
waste and half would be willing to pay higher prices for eco- about the link to carbon emissions and the dangers to
friendly packaging, according to a survey that highlights the marine life since the turn of the century, but it is only in
impact of the Blue Planet documentary and the campaign to recent years that it has become a mainstream concern.
reduce such rubbish. The research by YouGov shows 46% This is widely attributed to David Attenborough’s 2017
of people in the UK feel guilty about the amount of plastic Blue Planet II documentary series, but a year before this,
they use, which is motivating them to consider changes in Greenpeace secured 350,000 signatures on a petition
their behaviour, including paying more so companies will to ban microbeads.
find alternatives to single-use plastics. […] Jonathan Watts, APriL 19th, 2019
© GuarDian News & MeDia ■

2 Read the text and say what the following are.

a • YouGov: a UK survey institution.

b • Blue Planet II: a documentary series by David Attenborough in 2017.

3 Say what these figures correspond to.

a • 80%: the amount of British consumers trying to reduce their plastic waste.
© Éditions Foucher

b • 50%: the amount of British consumers ready to pay higher prices for eco-friendly packaging.

c • 46%: the amount of people in the UK feeling guilty about the amount of plastic they use.

90 • UNIT 8 - consumption trends

To start with

4 Tick the right definition of “microbeads”.

❒ Decorative objects with a hole to make jewels.
❒ Tiny, non-biodegradable plastic particles used in cosmetics and biomedical research.
❒ Bacteria causing fermentation and diseases.

5 List the reasons why British consumers have become concerned about
the problem of plastic waste.
– David Attenborough’s documentary series entitled Blue Planet II encouraged them to reduce plastic waste.
– Scientists and environmental campaigners have warned about the link between carbon emissions and the
dangers to marine life.
– Greenpeace launched a petition demanding the ban of microbeads.

6 Say what solutions should be enforced to put an end to the problem of plastic
waste as regards packaging, plastic bags, plastic bottles and microbeads.
– Companies should be required by law to produce eco-friendly packaging.
– There should be a charge on all plastic bags.
– A deposit return scheme for plastic bottles should be put in place.
– Microbeads should be banned.

# audio
ACTIVITY 3 Consumption habits

7 Listen to five young people. Describe their consumption habits.

He is interested in technology, so he wears a HealthWatch, a smartwatch designed to help monitor

his health.

She is single and she uses the OpenTable US online platform, which pairs solo diners with other
solo diners or a group of diners.

Mark He craves for simplicity in food and buys local produce at Morrisons.

She is a “conscious consumer” and cares about animal welfare, so she has become a vegetarian
and goes to KFC for their Veggie Burger.

He is sensitive to the issue of plastic waste and its harmful effects on the planet, so he shops
Peter at environmentally conscious retailers such as Iceland, which has pledged to remove all plastic
packaging from its private label product range by 2023.

# glossary
EXPRESS Do you personally follow any of these trends? 23nca00

YOURSEL Explain why.

◗ What is important for me is…: ◗ Home delivery is convenient: La livraison à domicile est
Ce qui est important pour moi c’est… pratique.
◗ A cause I defend is…: Une cause ◗ No testing on animals: Pas de tests sur les animaux.
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que je défends est… ◗ You find bargains in second-hand stores: On trouve

◗ to urge to ban: exhorter à interdire de bonnes affaires dans les magasins d’occasion.

UNIT 8 - consumption trends • 91

Text 1 Step by step

Is livestream the future

of shopping?
1 It is hard to predict the future when it comes
to retail. On the one hand, we see declining
high streets being taken over by robots, while
on the other we see a (urban) revaluation of
5 traditional boutiques and craftsmanship. An
interesting hybrid of these two may be Kaan’s
Stream Store.

Jan Kaan is the owner of Kaan’s Kaashandel, with

stores in Alkmaar and Hoorn, the Netherlands.
10 Just like many other retailers, Kaan is experiencing
difficulties combining his physical stores with a
growing demand for online shopping.

Together with Dutch bank ABN AMRO, he set up Kaan’s

Stream Store – the first livestream store in the world that combines
15 the ease and reach of online shopping with the personal contact and
authenticity that a physical store has to offer.

It is really simple: you sit behind your computer and visit the website of Kaan’s
Stream Store. Once you have ‘entered’ the store, you can see what cheeses they
have in stock. You can order your cheeses, ranging from goat cheese to old cheese,
20 in any favourable amount. Moreover, you can ask Jan and his colleagues all your
cheese-related questions on the spot, just like in a ‘real’ store. Once you have
picked your order, you can easily pay through iDEAL, PayPal or credit card, and
the cheese will be delivered at your house.

WietZe GeLmers,, OCtober 18th, 2017, D.R. ■

1 Look at the picture and say what kind of product is sold in this retailer’s shop.
This shop sells Dutch cheese(s).

2 Read the text and describe how a livestream store works.

There is a video camera in the store, and you can see the salesperson live and talk to her or him, and order
the goods you want directly.
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92 • UNIT 8 - consumption trends

Text 1

3 Read the text and match the words and their French equivalents.

a. retail (l. 2) • • 1. commander

b. craftsmanship (l. 5) • • 2. l'artisanat
c. to order (l. 19) • • 3. sur-le-champ
d. to range from… to… (l. 19) • • 4. le commerce de détail
e. on the spot (l. 21 ) • • 5. aller de… à…

4 Pick up information about Kaan’s Stream Store.

a. Name of owner: Jan Kaan

b. Name of store: Kaan’s Kaashandel

c. Locations: Alkmaar and Hoorn in the Netherlands

5 Reorder the different steps for a customer to make a purchase.

a. The customer pays through iDEAL, PayPal or credit card.

b. The customer looks at the products in the store.

c. The customer places an order.

d. The customer goes online to Kaan’s Stream Store.

e. The customer can ask the salespeople questions.

f. The products are delivered to the customer’s home.

The right order is :

d ; b ; e ; c ; a ; f .

6 Say what the advantages of a livestream store are for shoppers.

A livestream store is a form of online shopping where shoppers have personal contact with the salesperson
and the authenticity of a physical store.

# glossary
Do you prefer shopping online or in a store? 23nca00

(200 words) Explain why.

◗ (to make) an impulse purchase: ◗ to enjoy the ability to: apprécier la possibilité de
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(faire) un achat impulsif ◗ from the comfort of their home: dans le confort
◗ a brick-and-mortar shop: un point de leur foyer
de vente physique

UNIT 8 - consumption trends • 93


Online consignment # vidéo

Before watching
1 • Look at the picture and describe what you see.
The picture shows a vast warehouse full of racks of clothes.

0:00 3:42

2 • Imagine what the video is going to be about. KEY W ORDS

I can imagine the video is going to be about a company which ◗ an item: un article
sells clothes online. ◗ to post something online: poster quelque
chose sur Internet
◗ a trend: une tendance, une mode
◗ used clothing: des vêtements d’occasion
◗ to wear: porter

Watching and understanding

1 Watch the whole video once. Say what it deals with.

The video deals with the trend of buying and selling used clothing online.

2 Match the words and their definition. Give their French equivalents.

a. secondhand apparel • • 1. previously used clothing Des vêtements d’occasion

b. a consignment site • • 2. a purchase at less than the usual cost Une bonne affaire

c. a thrift store • • 3. a large building for storing items before they are sold Un entrepôt

d. a warehouse • • 4. a store that sells secondhand articles, especially clothes Une friperie
5. a place that sells used goods for owners (consignors)
e. a bargain • • Un site de dépôt-vente
at a low cost

f. a rack • • 6. a piece of furniture to hang clothes on Un présentoir, un portant

3 Fill in the blanks with the words you hear. 0:00 to 0:20

Buying and selling used clothing is one of the hottest online trends . Secondhand apparel is estimated
to be an $18 billion industry . One consignment site, called ThredUP, is selling more than 30,000 items
of clothing every day. John Blackstone shows us how shoppers are getting more for less.

4 Choose the elements used to justify the fact that ThredUP is called “a thrift store on steroids”. 0:20 to 0.35

❒ The warehouse is massive and crammed with racks

❒ It is the world’s largest online thrift store.
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of used clothing.

❒ They found drugs in some of the clothes. ❒ Tens of thousands of used items come in and out the store.

94 • UNIT 8 - consumption trends


Complete the sentences to explain 6 Give the reasons why:

how ThredUP works. 0:35 to 1:09
a. These items of clothing are a bargain: The pricing is 80 per cent off
a. ThredUP receives 100,000 items of used what somebody would pay in a retail store. So it is incredible value.
clothing everyday from people across the USA.

b. People part with clothing at a massive discount price: People want

b. If the item of clothing is clean and in nearly to get the clothes out of their home. It makes room in their closets.
new condition, it is posted online. What they really value is the convenience.

7 Listen to Sarah Jane Brower. Pick up the adjectives she uses as a bargain shopper. 1:10 to 1:29

a. fresh b. new c. modern

8 Say if the following statements are right or wrong. 1:30 to 2:08

Wrong: “There’s now a wide range of consignment sites and the competition
a. ThredUP is the only consignment store.
has never been tighter.”

b. The RealReal sells luxury items. Right: “The RealReal targets the market’s high end.”

c. The Hermes Birkin bag sells for around $380. Wrong: “The Hermes Birkin bag sells for around $38,000.”

d. Authenticators check the authenticity of Right: “The team of authenticators make sure expensive designer items
the expensive designer items sold on the site. are real.”

Say why Julie Wainwright 10 Fill in the blanks. 3:07 to end

is laughing. 2:07 to 2:51
Ebay is definitely the granddaddy of these online consignment shops. I think
Because she thinks that men it made it fashionable and cool to sell your things online and it also made
ask silly questions about it very cool and fashionable to buy things that other people had owned before
women’s clothes and fashion. online. Resale sites have succeeded partly by borrowing language from car salesmen.
Nothing in their overflowing warehouses is “used ” it is all just “pre-owned ”.

# audio
1. Classify the words according to the way 2. Listen to the recording
the final -s is pronounced: [iz], [s] or [z]. to check your answers and make up a rule.
amazes – bargains – boxes – businesses – choices – consumers – The pronunciation of the final -s depends on:
farmers – laughs – markets – months – peers – prices – products – the last sound of the word.
racks – shops – shoppers – trends – values – watches – wishes
The final -s is pronounced [Iz] after: /s/, /ks/, /z/, /tʃ/, /ʃ/.
[Iz]: amazes, boxes, businesses, choices, prices, watches, wishes
The final -s is pronounced [s] after: /t/, /k/, /p/, /f/, /θ/.
[s]: laughs, markets, months, products, racks, shops
The final -s is pronounced [z]: in all other cases.
[z]: bargains, consumers, farmers, peers, shoppers, trends, values

SPEAK 1. Put together all the information you have picked up. Give an account
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FOR THE of the video to the rest of the class.

EXAM 2. Discuss the benefits of thrift stores.

UNIT 8 - consumption trends • 95

Text 2 Going further

Consumers crave authenticity FOR TH E
1 Stackla recently conducted their Consumer EXAM
Content Report surveying 2,000 adults in the
U.S., UK and Australia to discover what content also disconnect with brands that try to fake it. On
they create, trust, reference and are influenced 30 average, 20% of consumers (and 30% of millennials)
5 by throughout the customer lifecycle. Here are have unfollowed a brand on social media because
the key findings. they felt their content was inauthentic. […]

(1) In a world of celebrity endorsements, spon- (3) Social platforms have become omnipresent,
sored posts and paid influencers, consumers enabling everyone with an Internet connection to
crave authenticity more than ever. Our survey 35 share their thoughts, experiences and recommen-
10 revealed that 86 % of people say authenticity is dations with the click of a button. Billions of pieces
important when deciding what brands they like of written and visual content are created by real
and support. This is especially true of younger people on social networks every day – and this is
generations – they now command $200 billion the content consumers find most genuine. In fact,
in annual spending power but are the least 40 60% of consumers said user-generated content is
15 engaged with brands. An overwhelming 90% the most authentic form of content – 3 times more
of millennials say brand authenticity is impor- authentic than brand-created content. […]
tant, proving that younger consumers prefer
(4) User-generated content isn’t just being refer-
“real and organic” over “perfect and pack-
aged”. […] enced by consumers, it’s actively driving them to
45 make new purchases. Over half of millennials have
20 (2) Unfortunately for most of today’s brands, made travel plans or decided to eat a restaurant
authenticity is something consumers feel that because of consumer-created content they saw on
they are lacking. 57% of respondents indicated social media. And once they have had a positive travel
that less than half of brand created content or dining experience, the vast majority of people are
resonates as authentic. People are not easily 50 likely to post about it online – 48 % of consumers
25 fooled either – 70% of the time, consumers are post on social media about places they have visited
able distinguish between consumer-created at least twice per month, and 39 % of people post
content and brand-created content. And not about food or beverages at least twice per month.
only can people tell the difference, but they
Peter CassiDy,
November 21st, 2017, © InDustry Dive 2020, D.R. ■

1 Read the whole text once. Say what content and sources people seek and find
most influential.
Most consumers want authenticity and trust the content that users are sharing on social media.

2 Match the words and their French equivalents.

a. to crave (l. 9) • • 1. manquer

b. spending power (l. 14) • • 2. authentique
c. millenials (l. 16) • • 3. être trompé(e)
d. to lack (l. 22) • • 4. simuler
e. to be fooled (l. 25) • • 5. désirer ardemment
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f. to fake (l. 29) • • 6. le pouvoir d'achat

g. genuine (l. 39) • • 7. la génération Y

96 • UNIT 8 - consumption trends

Text 2

3 Read the text again. Match each paragraph and the results of the survey.

a. Brands cannot fake authenticity. • • §1

b. Consumers fuel a cycle of posting and purchasing. • • §2
c. Consumers consider user-generated content most authentic. • • §3
d. Authenticity is more important than ever. • • §4

4 Provide information about the survey.

Name of the survey company Stackla

Number of people surveyed 2,000 adults

Countries they live in The US, the UK and Australia

Subject What content consumers

create, trust, reference
and are influenced by
on social media.

5 Say what the paradox is with young consumers.

Young consumers have great amount of spending power ($200 billion), however they want what is real,
authentic and organic, so they do not buy brands.

6 Explain what the sentence “people are not easily fooled” means.
Consumers are not deceived by brands and they can differentiate content written by brands from content written
by real people.

7 Say what type of content consumers prefer on social media. Explain why.
Consumers read posts written by real people sharing their thoughts and experiences on social networks because
they find it more genuine.

8 List the consequences of this trend on consumers.

– Consumers make travel plans or choose a restaurant after reading posts on social media.
– Consumers write posts about positive experiences with places they have visited, food or beverages.

WRITING 1. Give an account of the article in French in 200 words (+/– 10 %).
© Éditions Foucher

2. Are you surprised at the results of the survey or do they reflect your
EXAM personal experience of authenticity? (200 words, +/– 10 %)

UNIT 8 - consumption trends • 97

Language at work Grammar p. 178

# exercices
Parler de l’avenir

u The cheese will be delivered to your house as soon as you place your order.

Quel est le temps utilisé dans Quel sens donnez-vous à la phrase ?

la subordonnée de temps introduite
❒ We know that it will happen.
par as soon as (dès que) ?
❒ We hope that this will happen.
u Le présent
❒ We would like it to happen.

Traduisez la phrase en français et dites ce que vous constatez quant à l’emploi des temps.
u Le fromage sera livré chez vous dès que passerez votre commande.
Dans la subordonnée introduite par as soon as (dès que), on trouve le présent alors que cela se réfère à un futur.


1 u Put the verbs into the 2 u Translate the sentences into English.
appropriate form: will/won’t or
present. a. Il l’achètera quand il pourra se le permettre.
He will purchase it when he can afford it.
a. The livestream (start) as soon as
the customer (call). b. Quand les détaillants se rencontreront, ils auront beaucoup de choses
The livestream will start as soon as the à partager.
curstomer calls. When the retailers meet, they will have a lot of things to share.

b. Until the sales (open), I (not + buy) c. Aussi longtemps que les consommateurs ne feront pas attention

anything. à ce qu’ils achètent, ils ne feront pas d’économies.

Until the sales open, I won’t/will not buy As long as consumers do not pay attention to what they buy, they will not save

anything. money.

c. The products (not be) delivered d. Dès que je saurai que le produit est disponible, je le commanderai

to your house as long as the order sur-le-champ.

As soon as I know the product is available, I’ll order it on the spot.
(not + be) ready.
The products won’t be delivered to your e. Aussitôt que l’avis d’un pair sera publié sur les réseaux sociaux, je le lirai.
house as long as the order isn’t ready. As soon as a peer’s (piece of) advice is posted/published on social media, I will
read it.
d. I am certain these items (be) available
as soon as they (be) ordered. f. Quand les consommateurs connaîtront les avantages, ils choisiront
I am certain these items will be available ces articles.
as soon as they are ordered. When consumers know (about) the advantages, they will choose these items.

e. She (be) able to purchase this piece g. Quand ces voyageurs auront une expérience positive, ils mettront
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of clothing when she (have) money. un message en ligne.

She will be able to purchase this piece When these travellers have a positive experience, they will post about
of clothing when she has money. it online.

98 • UNIT 8 - consumption trends

Let's be PRO!
Dealing with a complaint
Your job
Mrs Mary Graham
Relax and Breathe
You are Steve McCollum, sales assistant at Furniture and 3 Fulton Street
Beyond Inc., a furniture company in Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta, GA 30305

A professional customer, Mary Graham, purchased a sofa Our ref.: MG/FB

in store for her office. She also ordered a discounted May 16, 2023

armchair, which was not available in store and was to

be paid for upon delivery. She paid an additional €50 Furniture & Beyond
12th Street
for delivery within a week. 17 days later, you received a Atlanta, GA 30303

letter of complaint from her. Dear Sirs,

service. I ordered an
I am writing to complain about your customer
May 7. Unfortunately,
Your task armchair on April 30 with a delivery scheduled on
over a week later I am surpris ed that the deadlin e hasn’t been met and the
armchair I ordered hasn’t been delivered to my office.
this delay and what you
1 Reply to Mary Graham’s letter to explain I would therefore like to know the reasons for
plan to do to addres s this matter.
that the situation is due to a strike by the I trust that you are prepared to offer compensation
for the inconvenience.
truck drivers of your regular shipping carrier. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
2 Say what you are ready to do in this matter.

Mary Graham

Manager, Relax and Breathe

Always leave a line between paragraphs, use clear and courteous words, use proper punctuation and spellings, try to be complete.
• Greeting
– When you don’t know the name of the addressee: Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Sirs:
Cher Monsieur, Chère Madame, Chers Messieurs,
– When you know the name of the addressee: Dear Mr/Mrs Jones: Cher(e) Monsieur/Madame Jones
Dear Mrs Woodstock: Chère Mme Woodstock
– When unsure of a woman’s marital status: Dear Ms Jones: Chère Madame Jones
• Subject: should be placed right under the greeting in capital letters or underlined.
• Opening: Mention the purpose of your letter: We refer to your letter of/we acknowledge receipt of your letter dated…:
Suite à votre courrier du…/Nous accusons réception de votre lettre du…
• Body suggestions
– Apologising
We were sorry to learn that…: Nous sommes désolés d’apprendre que…
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause: Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée.
– Explaining/justifying the situation
The delivery delays are due to a truck drivers’ strike with our main carrier:
Les retards de livraison sont dus à une grève des conducteurs routiers chez notre transporteur principal.
– Telling the customer what is being done to put matters right to meet their needs
We shall do our utmost to meet your expectactions: Nous ferons tout notre possible pour répondre à vos attentes.
– Offering a tailored solution
We are willing to grant a 10% discount on …: Nous sommes prêts à accorder une réduction de 10% sur…
• Friendly ending and complimentary close
We hope you find this satisfactory: Nous espérons que cela vous satisfait
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We remain at your disposal for any further information: Nous restons à votre disposition pour tout complément d’informations
– If you don’t know the name of the addressee: Yours faithfully/truly
– If you know the name of the addressee: Yours sincerely

UNIT 8 - consumption trends • 99

Check point
Fill in the blanks with these words:
bargains competitive prices

1 Choose the right answer. discounts new technologies online shopping

1. E-commerce sites often 4. To increase customer…
add… to their offer. the brand needs to sales used clothing
a. personalisation show its authenticity.
b. customised a. faithful a. During the sales period, consumers are
c. customisation b. confidence looking for bargains and discounts .
2. Online shopping means c. loyalty
purchases are ordered… 5. Today’s consumers are… b. New technologies have completely changed
and delivered… the to the speed the way people are consuming.
home of the buyer. of delivery.
c. The advantage for consumers is the possibility
a. from… back a. sensitive
b. of… to b. sensible of having very competitive prices .
c. from… to c. sensational d. Online shopping gives consumers the
3. This product is on…
possibility to order out of opening hours.
a. sell
b. sale e. Buying and selling used clothing is one
c. sold of the hottest online consumer trends.

3 Translate the sentence into English.

a. L’achat de vêtements d’occasion en ligne est une des nouvelles tendances de consommation.
Buying second-hand clothes online is one of the new consumer trends.

b. La plupart des acheteurs feront un achat après avoir regardé une vidéo en ligne.
Most shoppers will make a purchase after they watch an online video.

c. Dès que les marchés émergents se développeront, ils joueront un rôle énorme dans l’avenir du commerce en ligne.
As soon as emerging markets develop, they will play a massive role in the future of e-commerce.

d. Tous les consommateurs peuvent générer du contenu et partager leurs expériences en matière de voyage ou de
nourriture sur les réseaux sociaux.
All consumers can create content and share their experiences of travelling or food on social media.

# glossary

Conscious consumption: ◗ trustworthy: digne de confiance ◗ online shopping: l’achat en ligne

la consommation citoyenne ◗ values: des valeurs ◗ to order: commander
◗ to purchase: acheter
◗ authenticity: l’authenticité Shopping ◗ a rack: un présentoir
◗ awareness: la prise de conscience
◗ advice: des conseils ◗ a retailer: un détaillant
◗ craftsmanship: l’artisanat
◗ a bargain: une bonne affaire ◗ sales: des soldes
◗ healthy: sain(e)
◗ to seek, sought, sought: (re)chercher
◗ genuine: authentique ◗ to buy, bought, bought: acheter
◗ a shopper: un(e) acheteur(se)
◗ organic: bio ◗ a consumer: un(e) consommateur(trice)
◗ a shopping centre(UK)/mall(US):
◗ to process food: transformer la nourriture ◗ consumerism: le consumérisme un centre commercial
◗ produce: des produits (agricoles) ◗ to crave: désirer ardemment ◗ spending power: le/du pouvoir d’achat
◗ seasonal: saisonnier(ère) ◗ to customise: personnaliser ◗ a store: un grand magasin
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◗ secondhand: d’occasion ◗ to deliver: livrer ◗ a supplier: un fournisseur

◗ sustainable shopping: l’achat responsable ◗ a delivery: une livraison ◗ tight competition: une concurrence serrée
◗ to support: soutenir ◗ to grant a discount: accorder une ristourne ◗ a trend: une tendance
◗ a secondhand shop(UK)/thrift store(US): une friperie ◗ an item: un article ◗ a warehouse: un entrepôt

100 • UNIT 8 - consumption trends


Going Abroad


Describe the picture. ◗ to discover other cultures:

découvrir d’autres cultures
◗ to escape from routine life:
échapper à la routine
◗ to explore the world and
# vidéo Traveling during share experiences: explorer
your gap year le monde et partager des
0:00 „ 1:38
1. Read the title of the video and say what you expect it to be about. ◗ to go sightseeing: visiter
des sites touristiques
2. Say which reason for travelling abroad is NOT mentioned in the video. ◗ to meet people from
different backgrounds:
a • developing skills c • changing your routine rencontrer des gens
b • being independent d • enlarging your learning experience d’horizons différents

3. Quote one reason for choosing to travel in Canada or elsewhere that

is referred to in the video.
4. Say what the main requirements for travelling abroad are.
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UNIT 9 - going aBroad • 101

To start with

ACTIVITY 1 Worldwide travelling

1 Look at the picture and say which tourist
attractions you can identify and which
cities and countries they are located in.
The picture shows tourist attractions including the Statue
of Liberty in New York City, USA; Big Ben in London,
England; the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France; the Coliseum
in Rome, Italy; The Matterhorn in Switzerland; Christ the
Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany…

2 Say what people enjoy doing when they visit such places.
People enjoy sightseeing, visiting places, discovering the world, taking part in cultural visits.

ACTIVITY 2 Adapting to a new culture

Adapting to a new culture can be difficult, especially Be open-minded: Be open to accepting cultural
when moving abroad. Most people who live in a foreign differences and alternative ways of doing things. The
country for some time go through an adjustment period unfamiliar may be frightening at first but in time you
during which “Culture Shock” is experienced. Once will find yourself taking these once-unfamiliar situations
culture shock is understood, its effects can be minimised for granted.
dramatically. Be patient: Adapting to a new culture and country takes
Learn the language: Learning the national language(s) time. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to make
spoken in your adopted country will help you mistakes and learn from them as you go along.
communicate, and reduce the effects of culture shock Take time off: It’s natural to long for things to be the way
and misunderstanding. Being able to communicate with they were in your own country. Taking a break from all
the locals will minimise the stress of your move. that is unfamiliar helps. When adapting seems difficult,
Prepare for cultural differences: The more you know take part in a familiar activity (read a book, watch a
about the culture of your host country, the more prepared movie or listen to music in your home language). You
you will be for a different way of life, and the easier it will find that this will energise you and help you tackle
will be for you to cope with new ideas and experiences. any challenges that you are facing.
Misunderstandings due to cultural differences are a 22nD May 2018 © AGS, D.R. ■
reality but can be reduced through sensitivity and careful

3 Say what is recommended to avoid stress when moving abroad.

It is important to communicate with the locals and get to know the country you are moving to.

4 Explain what may happen when you go abroad.

You may not immediately accept the differences because they seem strange and unfamiliar to you.
You may even be a bit frightened.

5 Say what kind of attitude is suggested to help counter culture shock.

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You should be open-minded and patient and give yourself some time to think and react positively by actually
trying to do something else like reading or watching a movie to release the stress.

102 • UNIT 9 - going aBroad

To start with

ACTIVITY 3 Projects abroad: overseas volunteer projects & internships

6 Quote three reasons for sending volunteers abroad.
– To help where they are needed # vidéo
– To learn about the bigger picture
– To explore a different way of life

7 Say where the volunteers are going

to be supported.
In classrooms, out in the community, in the halls of a clinic,
in camps and in the streets. 0:00 2:42

8 Say what is expected of the voulunteers.

They are expected to give a hand, to put theory into practice, to keep up with tradition, to adapt for the future,
to discover and push their boundaries, to teach others to do the same.

ACTIVITY 4 What is intercultural management?

More than just awareness, Intercultural Management is In China, by contrast, silence is an important part of
an understanding and respect of other cultures within discussion, indicating good listening and contemplation,
an international context. In practice, it means cultural and not seen as something needing to be filled.
differences being acknowledged and managed openly, Intercultural Management is about opening the conver-
rather than ignored. sation around the nuances of different cultural approaches
In the United States, for example, the approach to work in business, so managers are aware of—and can respond
is very practical and task-orientated, where niceties can to—these differences in attitude and behavior.
be left out in email communication among colleagues for AnDy RouGhton, © BusinessBeCause, D.R. ■
the sake of time-saving efficiency.

9 Say what the difference is between the approach to work in the USA and China.
Say what impact it has on people who work in both countries.
In the US people are concentrated on their task and efficiency whereas in China people’s attitudes are more
focused on listening and remaining silent if needed. American people are probably more stressed and in a hurry
to obtain results while Chinese people favour relationships and time.

10 Say why it is crucial to be aware of cultural differences when working abroad.

Intercultural management helps people to adjust to a country and its working habits. It is the key to success.

# glossary
Say what you would expect from working abroad. 23nca00

◗ to discover other cultures and habits: découvrir ◗ to explore and share experiences: explorer
d’autres cultures et habitudes le monde et partager des expériences
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◗ to broaden my vision of things: élargir ma vision ◗ to meet people from different backgrounds:
des choses rencontrer des gens de milieux différents

UNIT 9 - going aBroad • 103

Text 1 Step by step

First work abroad experience

1 Peter is a German professional who we got talking with recently
about his various international work stints1. What made it
interesting was his true blue German observations of the American
work culture.
5 What was your first ‘work abroad’ experience like?
Peter: My first ‚abroad’ experience was in my 6th semester of college.
I spent 4 months in Norway, working as an intern at the Oslo University
College. My main motivation was curiosity – I was excited to see another
part of the world. Meeting so many interesting characters from around
10 the world and learning about their views on life was a fascinating experience.
The first actual working experience abroad was a period of 18 months spent in
California. I worked at “Veeco Instruments” in Santa Barbara. I had been fascinated with
the US since a short high school exchange at the age of 17. When one of my college professors got me in touch with
this company, I was set on going back to the US and experiencing the west coast. Later, I also spent time as a part of
15 National Instruments in Austin, Texas. I was really excited to take these chances and I made it happen.
What were the key learnings in your international work stint?
Peter: One of the major takeaways from working abroad was an idea of where my career would be headed.
I learned about American work life and work culture. In German work environments, people tend to exclude most
aspects of life outside of work, only exposing their professional sides. Americans, I believe, do not separate work life
20 from personal life as much as Germans would. In addition, Californian lifestyle contributed to a laid back atmosphere
among co-workers and also towards management. Here I learned that a positive attitude and a supportive environment
are able to reinforce the employees’ drive to work hard and contribute to the company’s success. Praise and positive
feedback played a major role when discussing projects. By German standards, constructive criticism in English often
comes disguised as approval and that could lead to misunderstandings.
25 Despite these positive experiences, I also learned about the minuscule significance of employment protection in
the US. In my first year, right before Christmas, about ten per cent of the staff, across all departments, were laid off
for profitability reasons. These kinds of measures can come as a shock to a European and gave me an idea of what
it means to stay alert and flexible as an employee in the US.
What were some of the challenges you experienced while working abroad?
30 Peter: My biggest challenge might have been my health. Like many visitors to the US, I was taken in by the variety
and presence of food everywhere. About four months in, I had to join a gym to get back in shape, experiencing
Californian fitness craze first hand.
What would be a tip for others trying to consider an International work stint?
Peter: Be as open as you can be: to new experiences, other approaches toward work, other views on life. Try and
35 learn about the culture you’re visiting, beforehand. And no matter what you believe, you know about a country and
its people – always be prepared for a culture shock.
1 • missions
Interview Peter ADeLharDt © EXPerteer GmbH,, D.R. ■

1 Read the title and tick the sentence that you think best corresponds to the text.
❒ a. An experience in a foreign country helps to find a better job.
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❒ b. Feedback is given on a first job abroad.

❒ c. Travelling offers experience abroad.

104 • UNIT 9 - going aBroad

Text 1

2 Match the following words with their opposites.

a. laid-back • • 1. dismissed
b. laid off • • 2. relaxed
c. praise • • 3. appearance
d. misunderstanding • • 4. passion
e. craze • • 5. approbation
f. shape • • 6. incomprehension

3 Say if these statements are right or wrong and justify by quoting from the text.

a. Peter’s interest in Norway was to broaden his knowledge.

Right. [His] motivation was curiosity. (l. 8)

b. Norway was his first work-abroad-experience.

Wrong. It was a period of 18 months spent in California. (l. 11)

c. Peter went to California at the age of 17 for his first work experience.
Wrong. It was a high school exchange at 17. (l. 13)

d. Peter got the job in the US thanks to a college professor who worked for the company.
Wrong. A college professor got him in touch with the company. (l. 13-14)

e. Peter had the chance to experience life in Texas.

Right. (He) spent time as a part of National Instruments in Austin, Texas. (l. 14-15)

4 Use your own words to explain the differences between Germans’ attitude to work
and that of Americans.
Possible answers: Germans are work-oriented and don’t mix work and personal life too much whereas Americans
tend to combine work and personal life. Americans are more laid-back. They support their colleagues and obtain
their support in return.

5 Explain what came as a shock to Peter.

Peter found out that there was a lack of protection offered to American employees.

6 Say what Peter’s main challenge was when working in the US.
His main challenge is health, staying in good physical condition.

7 Say what Peter’s last piece of advice is.

He suggests remaining open and prepared to face culture shock.

What do you think a student who wants to carry out # glossary
(120-140 a training session abroad needs to know?
◗ to be respectful and flexible: être respectueux ◗ a corporate culture: une culture d’entreprise
et flexible ◗ the customs and habits: les coutumes et les habitudes
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◗ to behave properly: se comporter correctement ◗ to take into account cultural differences: prendre
◗ a constructive approach: une approche en considération les différences culturelles

UNIT 9 - going aBroad • 105


Why travelling is important # vidéo

Before watching
Describe the picture and say what the recording is likely
to be about.
This young woman is dreaming of travelling. She is expecting
to see new landscapes, visit other countries and discover different 0:00 3:30
cultures around the world. She seems thrilled and enthusiastic
about going abroad…
The video is likely to deal with traveling experiences.
◗ to do couchsurfing: passer d’un canapé
à l’autre. Se loger gratuitement
◗ to face challenges: faire face à des défis
◗ to get out of your bubble: sortir de votre
◗ to go through experiences: faire des
◗ to push your limits: repousser vos limites

Watching and understanding

1 Say what the main idea of the video is.

❒ a. It is important for you to visit places and meet people.

❒ b. It is crucial to change your way of thinking.
❒ c. It is useful to be able to leave your relatives and family behind.

2 Say how important memories can be.

They bring you more happiness than material things.

According to the recording, say what people are likely to feel when they are old enough
to look back at things.

❒ a. nostalgic about the past

❒ b. happy to remember experiences
❒ c. glad to have had adventures
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106 • UNIT 9 - going aBroad


4 Say what vision of life travelling enables people to have.

People can see life from the outside and look at things differently.

5 Say what people are expected to gain from travelling.

They get to know more people, other travelers, cultures.

They get to see new landscapes, experience new things and learn about diversity.

6 Complete the following passage with words from the video. 1:55 to 2:09

Travelling actually makes you smarter . You learn new things all the time. When you travel,
you get into unusual situations and face different challenges . It makes you push
your limits, handle things better and come up with creative solutions.

7 Explain how people can avoid scary and challenging experiences from travelling. 2:57 to 3:11

People can choose their own kind of travel, it doesn’t have to be trekking in the mountains. They can do anything:
explore cities, do some couchsurfing, relax in nature, visit small villages.


1. Listen to the pronunciation of the letter “a” in the words below and classify them.
ball mall stale [Ɔ:]: ball, call, mall, stall
pale stall male [EI]: male, pale, stale
call legal global [Ə]: legal, global

2. Draw a conclusion in French.

La présence des 2 « ll » donne ici à la lettre « a » le son [Ɔ:].
La séquence « a – consonne – e » donne à la lettre « a » le son [ei].
La terminaison « al » (sans « e » après) donne à la lettre « a » le son [Ə].

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1. Give a quick account of the video.

FOR THE 2. Discuss. Say what you think the main advantages of travelling
EXAM and/or working abroad are.

UNIT 9 - going aBroad • 107

Text 2 Going further

How technology is FOR TH E
revolutionizing travel
1 (1) Technological advances have changed the (4) While planning my trip, I made all the
way we travel, and these new developments 30 hotel reservations online. I’ve been doing this
promise an even more interactive and exciting for years, but this time I found myself with a
experience. […] Today, nobody doubts tech- different surprise: they gave me the option of
5 nology’s importance in tourism and how it downloading a free guide about every city I was
has influenced and continues to shape the way going to visit. […] Travelling with a Smartphone
we travel: from the vacation destination we 35 and mobile data […] has been a revelation. It
choose, all the way to what we do once we’re reminded me of all my journeys and reserva-
there and even in the time after we’ve come tions; it was there to guide me when I got lost
10 back from our adventure. It is so prevalent in a city […], to keep me busy on long travels,
that according to a Google Travel study, 74 % or to help me find out interesting facts about
of travellers plan their trips on the Internet, 40 the places I was visiting.
while only 13 % still use travel agencies to
(5) When I come back from a trip, I always like
prepare them.
to review the hotels, restaurants, and activi-
15 (2) Who hasn’t gone somewhere just because ties I’ve been in and done to share with others
Ryanair was offering round-trip tickets my experience and help them on their upcom-
for 30 euros? If we merely feel like going 45 ing trip. I am a fan of the Internet philosophy:
somewhere, we go online and look for what collaborating and sharing knowledge so every-
the budget airlines are providing, we see what one can find it. […]
20 destination will be the cheapest, and voilà, let’s
(6) Steve Jobs said: “Technology is nothing.
go! This scenario, so ubiquitous1 today, was
unthinkable some years ago. […] What’s important is that you have a faith in
50 people, that they’re basically good and smart,
(3) I confess that I am one of those travellers and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful
that values the comfort that comes with mobile things with them.” We have the tools. Now the
25 technology; above all in those “non-stop trips.” question is: what are we going to do with them?
That’s why I want to share my experience in 1 • omniprésent
how technology has influenced my latest trip
to Budapest, Vienna, and Krakow. BeLÉn ViDaL,,
DeCember 5th, 2019, D.R. ■

1 Read the title and say what you expect the text to be about. Read the text
to check your answer.
The way we travel has been totally changed by technology.

2 Pick out words from the text that mean the same as:

a. to form (§1): to shape

b. widely used (§1): prevalent

c. to organise (§1): to plan

d. simply (§2): merely

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e. to evaluate (§5): to review

108 • UNIT 9 - going aBroad

Text 2

3 Pick out words from the text that mean the opposite of:

a. holding back (§2): providing

b. feasible (§2): unthinkable

c. to underestimate (§3): to value

d. unscheduled (§5): upcoming

e. disbelief (§6): faith

4 Explain why people fly with Ryanair.

People choose to fly with Ryanair because they want the cheapest flights.

5 Say what has changed in tourism today.

People now go online to look for new destinations, to find information about a trip, to book flights and hotels.

6 Explain who the losers in the tourism industry are. Explain why.
Travel agencies are the losers because a lot of travellers go online to plan their trips.

7 Say if these statements are right or wrong. Justify your answers by quoting from
the text.

a. Belén Vidal likes the comfort provided by technology for his trips.
Right: “I am one of those travellers that values the comfort that comes with mobile technology.”

b. Belén Vidal was given a free guide at the hotel reception desk.
Wrong: “they gave me the option of downloading a free guide about every city I was going to visit.”

c. The information he got thanks to his mobile was helpful and contributed to making his trip
easy and interesting.
Right: “it was there to guide me when I got lost in a city […], to keep me busy on long travels, or to help me find
out interesting facts about the places I was visiting.”

d. Belén Vidal enjoys collecting data for his next trip.

Wrong: “to share with others my experience and help them on their upcoming trip.”

8 Give your opinion on Steve Jobs’s statement.

I think that Steve Jobs was right to say that people can do wonderful things provided they have the right tools
at their disposal.

WRITING 1. Give an account of the article in French in 130 words (+/– 10 %).
© Éditions Foucher

2. Discuss the role of the Internet in the planning of a trip abroad.

EXAM (200 words, +/– 10 %)

UNIT 9 - going aBroad • 109

Language at work Grammar p. 178

# exercices
Infinitif ou V-ing ?

Observez les exemples suivants et dites pourquoi l’infinitif est utilisé.

a. u I want to share my experience online. To exprime souvent une finalité, un but. On le retrouve après
b. u We would like to volunteer with this association. les verbes de volonté.

c. u He wishes to visit Australia one day.

Observez les exemples suivants et dites pourquoi la forme en –ing est utilisée.

u If we feel like going somewhere, we go online La forme en –ing s’explique par l’emploi d’un verbe de goût
and look for a cheap destination.
(feel like, like, love, enjoy…).
u I love travelling in South America because I think
the landscape is beautiful there.
u While planning my trip, I made all the hotel La forme en –ing fait suite à une préposition (while, of…)
reservations online.
qui appelle une forme en –ing.
u On my phone, I have the option of downloading
a free guide of the city.


1 u Translate the following sentences into English.

a. Nous aimerions que vous puissiez nous faire un retour sur votre expérience à l’étranger.
We would like you to give us feedback on your experience abroad.

b. Sans savoir quelle destination vous avez choisie pour votre stage à l’étranger, nous ne pouvons pas vous aider.
Without knowing what destination you have chosen for your internship abroad, we cannot help you.

c. Nous vous avons demandé de partager votre expérience le plus possible.

We asked you to share your experience as much as possible.

d. J’adore visiter d’autres pays car cela m’aide à élargir ma vision du monde.
I love visiting other countries because it helps me enlarge my vision of the world.

2 u Add “to” when necessary.

a. They refused to give them a visa because they had not agreed to fill in the forms in advance.

b. They shouldn’t Ø agree to go on this kind of trip if they are not ready to do it.

c. I would love you to travel with me but I wouldn’t Ø accept your friend.

3 u Turn the verbs into the infinitive or V–ing.

a. (Car-share) enables people (travel) without (pay) much money.

Car-sharing enables people to travel without paying much money.

b. It encourages people (preserve) the environment and it is a fun thing (do).

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It encourages people to preserve the environment and it is a fun thing to do.

c. It is interesting (meet) new people when (travel) but it is difficult for those who hate (go) abroad.
It is interesting to meet new people when travelling but it is difficult for those who hate going abroad.

110 • UNIT 9 - going aBroad

Let's be PRO!
Booking a hotel
for a business trip
One of the keys to a successful business trip is securing appropriate
accommodation. Your choice of hotel can make or break a trip, and by
extension a deal. It is important to be mindful of the factors which can
help or hinder you on your journey.
Searching for a hotel in an unfamiliar city can prove time-consuming,
especially if you are visiting a country for the first time. Cultural factors
and language barriers serve only to add to the confusion. And when
you are travelling for business, time is money. Often, business trips
will be short and packed with important meetings and events. Finding
the perfect hotel for your trip can take several hours – time that you
probably don’t have to spare when planning an important journey.

Your job

You work as an executive assistant in the communication department

of an IT company. It is organising a seminar in London for ten of your
company’s representatives and eight guests from Tunisia, Germany
and Egypt.

Your task

1 You are in charge of booking hotel rooms in London

for 18 people for two nights. You need to check
with the hotel to provide them with conference Mention the need for:
room facilities and a catered lunch with special • a range of available spaces for
attention given to a multicultural public. corporate events, meetings, training days,
Write an email to the hotel to make bookings. conferences, film screenings and
2 The following week, call the hotel to make sure • rooms that can be used in conjunction
your booking has been correctly made. with each other or booked separately;
• the number of people each room can
KE YWO R DS • air-conditioning;
◗ We would be very grateful if…: • access to IT equipment: PC, projector,
Nous vous serions très reconnaissants screen, speakers, flip chart, WiFi;
• a caterer able to provide refreshments
◗ We want to enquire about
availability: Nous aimerions connaître ranging from sandwich lunches to buffets.
les disponibilités.
◗ Please send us details as soon
as possible: S’il vous plaît envoyez-nous
les précisions dès que possible.
◗ We require conference room
facilities: Nous demandons une salle
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de conférence équipée.

UNIT 9 - going aBroad • 111

Check point

1 Fill in the blanks with these words:

backpackers low-cost car-sharing culture clash availability

booking package tours gap year misunderstandings congestion

a. The trend today is to fly on low-cost airlines to get the cheapest prices.

b. Some people prefer to travel on package tours because they feel more secure, but a lot of young people like
adventure and travel as backpackers .

c. When the traffic is too hectic, car-sharing can be a very good solution to avoid congestion .

d. I am interested in booking a room in your hotel for two nights around the end of April and would like to enquire
about the availability for two people.

e. If you want to avoid misunderstandings between you and your foreign counterpart, use flexibility and diplomacy.

f. Taking a gap year is a rewarding experience that a lot of students have decided to choose.

g. To avoid a culture clash , you should learn about the traditions of the country you are visiting.

2 Choose the right answer. 3 Give a definition

of what a cross-
1. It feels good … on holiday. cultural experience is.
❒ a. be ❒ b. to be ❒ c. being The term “cross-cultural”
2. We told them … so soon, before … all the scenery. implies interaction with
❒ a. to not stop … to see ❒ b. not stopping … seeing ❒ c. not to stop … seeing people of different cultural,
ethnic, age and class
3. How about … foreign countries?
backgrounds. It goes beyond
❒ a. visiting ❒ b. visit ❒ c. to visit
the tourist type of experience.
4. I’d like them … slow tourism. It is learning how other people
❒ a. choosing ❒ b. to choose ❒ c. chose think about the world.

5. After … this exotic country they decided … other trips.

❒ a. visit … to plan ❒ b. visited … planning ❒ c. visiting … to plan

# glossary

Travelling: voyager Mobility: la mobilité A cross-cultural experience:

une expérience interculturelle
◗ abroad: à l’étranger ◗ car-sharing: le covoiturage
◗ accommodation: un hébergement ◗ convenient: pratique ◗ to be prejudiced: avoir des préjugés
◗ an airline: une compagnie aérienne ◗ cost-saving: économique ◗ a common language: une langue commune
◗ a backpacker: un randonneur ◗ to commute: faire la navette entre la maison ◗ to compromise: faire un compromis
◗ to book: réserver et le travail ◗ a culture clash: un choc des cultures
◗ to check in: (s’)enregistrer ◗ a gap year: une année sabbatique ◗ to decipher: déchiffrer
◗ a cruise: une croisière ◗ a highway: une autoroute ◗ foreign: étranger(ère)
◗ jetlag: la fatigue due au décalage horaire ◗ a means of transport(ation): un moyen ◗ to interact: interagir
de transport
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◗ low-cost: à petit prix ◗ a misunderstanding: un malentendu

◗ efficient: efficace ◗ to value: apprécier, tenir à
◗ sustainable tourism: le tourisme durable
◗ environmentally friendly: respectueux
◗ travel expenses: des frais de déplacement de l’environnement
◗ a trip: un voyage

112 • UNIT 9 - going aBroad

Business UNIT

and Ethics 10


Look at the picture and say what is wrong with the situation. ◗ behaviour: le comportement
Mention other behaviour you consider unethical in the workplace. ◗ to bully: intimider
◗ business ethics: l’éthique des
◗ fair: juste
◗ to file a report: faire un rapport
◗ to grasp: piger, comprendre
# vidéo Business ethics and
better decision making ◗ an invoice: une facture
0:00 „ 2:21 ◗ a newbie: un petit nouveau
◗ practices: des pratiques
1. Watch the video and say what the ethical dilemma is for Danny,
◗ right: juste, approprié
the new employee in the warehouse. ◗ to tell the truth: dire la vérité
2. Give your opinion on the situation: what questions should ◗ a tie-down: une sangle d’arrimage
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◗ unethical: contraire à l’éthique

Danny ask himself? What should he do? What would you do?
◗ a wireless card: une carte wifi
◗ wrong: faux, mauvais, injuste

UNIT 10 - Business and ethics • 113

To start with

ACTIVITY 1 The ethical dilemma

Bribery Quality
Child Labour Integrity

1 Look at the picture and describe the situation using these words:
a devil a fork to entice a manager an angel to pray

A devil with a fork is enticing a manager to use child labour and bribery, while an angel is encouraging him to
choose quality and integrity. The manager seems to be at a loss and does not know which path to take.

2 Say what this picture illustrates.

The picture shows that it is difficult for a company to choose between ethical business and profit.

3 Say what qualities you think are required to be an effective business leader.
I believe a business leader should behave ethically and that to be effective he or she should prefer ethics
to money.

ACTIVITY 2 Socially responsible companies

When the social responsibility efforts of businesses become part of company
culture, people take notice. This socially conscious company is leading the charge
in making the world a better place.
TOMS1 is known for their business model of providing one pair of shoes to a person
in need for every pair of shoes they sell. As admirable as that goal is, their fight
for human rights extends well beyond that. They also partner up with a number
of NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and other nonprofit organisations
to demonstrate ethical behavior. TOMS also helps to restore vision to visually-
impaired individuals, provides clean drinking water and builds businesses in
developing countries and fights bullying.
1 • an American shoe company
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PowerFuL CorPorate SoCiaL ResPonsabiLity (CSR) eXamPLes, Jonas SiCKLer,

OCtober 17th, 2018 © ■

114 • UNIT 10 - Business and ethics

To start with

4 Read the text and quote two examples of TOMS’ ethical actions.
TOMS provides one pair of shoes to a person in need for every pair of shoes they sell. TOMS partners up with
a number of NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and other nonprofit organisations.

5 Explain why TOMS is called a “socially responsible company”.

It can be said to be a socially responsible company because it demonstrates ethical behaviour.

# audio
ACTIVITY 3 What’s their point of view?

6 Listen to four management students comment on the statement, “Business and

ethics do not go together.” Fill in the grid with their arguments.


Being ethical gives security for long-term business, stability and respect.
Customers and competitors judge you on the basis of ethics, not profit.
Peter Mayle Disagrees

With advances in technologies and AI, unethical behaviour is discovered

very easily. Ignoring social responsibilities can cause a business to go
Gillian Montero Disagrees
bankrupt and disappear.

Unethical businesses are success stories because the very practice

of business is based on the idea of making a profit for oneself.
Janet Jones Agrees
So it is ridiculous to even try to associate it with ethics.

By indulging in unfair practices a business gains immediate benefits but

later on it will have to pay for its actions. Acting ethically takes time
John Reeds Disagrees
to succeed, but customers want to associate themselves with ethical
companies and not with cheats and liars.

# glossary
Do you think the public is powerful enough to force 23nca00

companies to conduct business ethically? Can you think
of companies that were made to change policy by the public?

◗ to be blamed for unethical behaviour: ◗ to (put) pressure (on) a company: faire pression sur
être accusé d’attitude contraire à l’éthique une société
◗ to boycott a business: boycotter une entreprise ◗ to sue: poursuivre en justice
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◗ to expose an error: dénoncer une erreur

UNIT 10 - Business and ethics • 115

Text 1 Step by step

Achieving gender equality

in the workplace
1 There are fewer women at every level of the management stack,
according to McKinsey [an American polling organisation]. They
make up 37 per cent of managers, 27 per cent of vice presidents,
and 17 per cent of the C-Suite1. The report finds that “attrition
5 does not explain the underrepresentation of women.” And that
“for every 100 men promoted to manager, 79 women are.” In
other words, hiring and promotion are key reasons why women
don’t advance to the higher ranks of an organisation. Of course,
there are likely other reasons, from bias to lack of mentorship.
10 What’s more, the pay gap between genders is pervasive and trenchant. According
to the Census Bureau, women earned about 80 per cent of what their male
colleagues did for the same job in 2017. This is not right. […]
Not only is gender equality the right goal to pursue, it also makes business
sense. McKinsey found that there is a correlation among gender and ethnic
15 diversity with profitability: Firms that have high amounts of gender diversity in
their leadership ranks were 15 per cent more likely to be more profitable than
corporations with fewer women.
This isn’t academic for me. Growing up in India, my parents taught me the
importance of treating everyone fairly. I kept their wisdom front of mind when
20 I traveled to the US as an immigrant to begin a career in financial services.
When I became the CEO of CitiMortgage during and after the great financial
crisis, I formed an executive team of people with different genders, races, and
orientations. They provided contrarian feedback and fresh ideas that wouldn’t
have occurred to me. In short, they made me a better CEO and our business
25 even stronger.
1 • most important senior executives (C is for Chief)

SanJiv Das, CNBC, JuLy 31st, 2019 © CNBC (UK) LimiteD 2020.
ALL riGhts reserveD ■

1 Look at the picture and say what sector of activity the company CitiMortgage
operates in.
CitiMortgage is a home loan company. It helps people buy a home or refinance one.

2 Link the words with their French equivalents.

a. the management stack (l. 1) • • 1. les niveaux de direction

b. attrition (l. 4) • • 2. un écart de salaire
c. mentorship (l. 9) • • 3. susceptible de
d. a pay gap (l. 10) • • 4. équitablement
e. pervasive and trenchant (l. 10) • • 5. omniprésent et virulent
f. likely to (l. 16) • • 6. fournir, apporter
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g. fairly (l. 19) • • 7. le mentorat

h. to provide (l. 23) • • 8. le taux de défection

116 • UNIT 10 - Business and ethics

Text 1

3 Fill in Sanjiv Das’s identity card.

Country of origin India

Reason for migrating to the US To make a career in financial services

Present position He is now the C.E.O.

Name of the company CitiMortgage

4 Say what these figures correspond to.

a. 37%: percentage of women managers.

b. 27%: percentage of women vice-presidents.

c. 17%: percentage of C-Suite women.

d. 79/100 women: when 100 men are promoted to manager, only 79 women are.

5 Match the reasons for the underrepresentation of women in companies

and their definition.

a. hiring • • 1. a difference of pay between men and women

b. promotion • • 2. absence of advice from a counsellor
c. bias • • 3. unfair policy stemming from prejudice
d. lack of mentorship • • 4. advancement in rank or position
e. gender pay gap • • 5. employing

6 Explain these sentences in your own words.

a. Gender equality makes business sense.

Gender equality is good for business.

b. There is a correlation between gender and ethnic diversity and profitability.

When a firm achieves diversity in management it makes more money.

7 Say what the consequences of forming a diverse management team were.

a. The team: they provided contrarian feedback and fresh ideas.

b. Sanjiv Das: he became a better CEO.

c. The business: it was even stronger.

# glossary
As you see it, what should companies do to empower 23nca00

(150 words) women and encourage gender equality in companies?

◗ to carry out meaningful reforms: mener ◗ to recruit women in leadership positions:
à bien des réformes significatives embaucher des femmes à des postes de responsabilité
◗ to examine internal practices: examiner ◗ to tackle the issue of the pay gap: s’attaquer
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les pratiques internes au problème de l’écart de rémunération

◗ to generate an action plan: générer un plan ◗ to welcome any idea on how to…: accueillir
d’action favorablement toute idée sur la manière de…

UNIT 10 - Business and ethics • 117


Go behind the scenes at # vidéo

a McDonald’s photo shoot

Before watching
1 • Look at the photograph of two Quarter Pounders with
cheese. Say why one looks more appetising than the other.
The ingredients appear more clearly; it looks larger than it actually
is; the details are emphasised and the colours are brighter. 0:00 3:27

2 • Imagine what the video is going to be about.

I imagine the video is going to be about how advertising makes
◗ to compare: comparer
the same burger look better in the photo, and what means and ◗ to enhance: mettre en valeur, rehausser
tools are being used to do that. ◗ to show: montrer
◗ side by side: côté à côte

Watching and understanding

1 Provide information about Hope Bagozzi. 0:00 to 0:18 2 Quote the question raised by Isabel.

Hope Bagozzi's job Director of marketing Why does your food look different in the
advertising than what is in the store?
Company she works for McDonald's

Country Canada

3 Correct the mistakes in the summary. 0:19 to 0:49

In the street, Hope Bagozzi orders a Quarter Pounder with mustard. She looks at the burger and says it looks bad and ugly.
In the store, Hope Bagozzi orders a Quarter Pounder with cheese. She looks at the burger and says it looks good and

4 Watch the scene in the photo studio and pick up information. 0:50 to 1:47

Where is Hope Bagozzi? In Watt studio

What for? For a photo shoot of the burger she has just bought.

Who is Noah? The food stylist

Who is Neil? The photographer

They are going to take a photo of the burger bought in the store and compare it with
What are they going to do?
the photo of the burger for advertising.

5 Say how long it takes to make: Name four identical ingredients that are used in the store
and in the studio.
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a. a burger: a minute
b. a photo of burger: several hours a. mustard b. ketchup c. onions d. buns

118 • UNIT 10 - Business and ethics


7 Reorder the visual tricks used to make the product look better than it actually is. 1:47 to 2:38

a. Compensating for the fact that ingredients lean forward and make the burger look crooked.

b. Showing the pickles, the condiments and the onions. The right order is:

c. Adding ketchup and cheese with a syringe to the front of the burger. b ; d ; a ; c .

d. Putting mustard, ketchup and pieces of cheese in the front so that people know what they have.

Watch the scene with Stuart, the image specialist. Fill in the blanks in the conclusion he makes
of the side-by-side comparison. 2:39 to end

“The less amount of retouching that we do to something, the less perfect it looks, but actually
it looks more appetising and more convincing .”

9 Say if the statements about the differences between the two pictures are right or wrong.
a. The colours are enhanced. Right

b. Stuart doesn’t correct accidents so that the burger looks natural. Wrong

c. Stuart creates a steam effect to make the bun look warm. Wrong

d. The burger from the store is smaller because the steam in the box makes the bun contract a little bit. Right

e. The ingredients in the studio burger are pulled to the foreground so that you can see them. Right


1. Say how -ea is pronounced in the following words:

reason – idea – fear – real – threat – leave – speak – breakfast – hear – bear – heart – Earth – research – great – health – reach – teach

[i:] as in sea: reason, leave, speak, reach, teach [eꞮ] as in play: great
[E] as in bed: threat, breakfast, health [ƐƏ] as in hair: bear
[ɜ:] as in bird: Earth, research [ꞮƏ] as in here: idea, fear, real, hear
[ɑ:] as in car: heart

2. Then listen to the recording to check your answers.

3. Fill in the blanks to make up a rule.
The <ea> letters correspond to different sounds, depending on the word.

SPEAK 1. Put together all the information you have picked up and give an account
FOR THE of the video to the rest of the class, then compare it with what they have
EXAM written.
2. Do you trust ads? Have you ever been fooled by a dishonest ad? Say when
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and how. You can think of diet products, prescription drugs, cosmetics, health
foods, travel, leisure, eco-friendly products, etc.

UNIT 10 - Business and ethics • 119

Text 2 Going further

Business as a tool for change FOR TH E
1 The Oslo Business for Peace Award is given annually EXAM
to business leaders for their outstanding business
worthy accomplishments; leaders who apply their
business energy ethically and responsibly, creating
5 stronger economic and societal value. […]
Marc Benioff is Chair, CEO and Co-Founder of Salesforce
and a pioneer of cloud computing. Salesforce is the
#1 provider of Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) software globally. Benioff established the ‘1-1-1
10 model’ of corporate philanthropy, whereby a company
contributes one percent of technology, equity, and
employee hours back to the communities it serves. MARC BENIOFF FELICITAS ‘JOJI’ JAMES MWANGI
Today, Salesforce is a Fortune 500 company with 54,000 Founder & CEO BAUTISTA PANTOJA Chair & CEO Equity
employees and 150,000 customers worldwide. He is an Salesforce Co-Founder & CEO Group Holdings
Coffee for Peace
15 outspoken advocate for business leaders supporting
causes such as LGBT rights, education inclusion, wealth
reallocation and alleviating homelessness. Benioff is Felicitas “Joji” Bautista Pantoja, Co-Founder of
leading a revolution in the tech sector to create a more 35 Coffee for Peace (Philippines) has dedicated her
equal, fair and sustainable way of doing business. […] career to building peace in conflict zones and
improving the lives of marginalized groups through
20 James Mwangi, Managing Director and Group CEO economic stability. Based in the Philippines, Coffee
of Equity Group Holdings (Kenya) is one of Africa’s for Peace uses coffee production as a tool to address
most renowned entrepreneurs. He is credited with 40 the economic, environmental and peace issues
democratizing financial access by giving the unbanked prevalent in conflict-affected communities. Today,
population opportunities for broader economic Coffee for Peace provides sustainable livelihoods for
25 participation. He has led Equity to become an integrated Indigenous and migrant groups in rural areas, enabling
financial services group operating in 6 African countries over 880 farmers to escape poverty and build their
with a client base of over 14 million. Dr. Mwangi’s 45 coffee production capacity. The company’s focus is
ability to merge economic theory to the practical on sustainable agriculture, peace and reconciliation
realities of village life enabled him to revolutionise between religious groups, environmental protection
30 the banking industry in Africa. Today, Equity is one and entrepreneurship.
of the most inclusive banks in the world with clients
across the socio-economic spectrum including youth © Business For PeaCe FounDation,
and women. […] SePtember 9th, 2020, ■

1 Look at the picture and say what you expect the article to be about.
In the picture we can see the portraits of three business leaders who won the Oslo Business for Peace Award.
So we can expect the article to explain why they won such an award.

2 Read the first paragraph and complete the sentence.

The Oslo Business for Peace Award is given every year to business leaders who run their
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businesses ethically and responsibly.

120 • UNIT 10 - Business and ethics

Text 2

3 Read the text and link the words with their French equivalents.

a. outstanding (§1) • • 1. alléger, soulager

b. business worthy (§1) • • 2. durable
c. equity (§2) • • 3. digne de l'entreprise
d. to alleviate (§2) • • 4. renommé(e)
e. sustainable (§2) • • 5. les fonds propres
f. renowned (§3) • • 6. exceptionnel(le)

4 Fill in the table with information about Marc Benioff and Salesforce.

Marc Benioff Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder of Salesforce and a pioneer of cloud computing.

The number 1 provider of software for the management of the relationships with customers.
It has 54,000 employees and 150,000 customers worldwide.

5 Choose the right definition of the 1-1-1 model of “corporate philanthropy”.

❒ Employees share their time between technology, corporation, and philanthropy.
❒ The company donates the equivalent of one percent of technology, equity, and employees’
time to good causes.

6 Tick the causes Marc Benioff defends.

❒ LGBT rights ❒ inclusion in education ❒ helping the homeless
❒ revolution in communication ❒ redistribution of wealth ❒ equality for collaborators

7 Say what Benioff’s aim is.

Marc Benioff wants to create a more equal, fair and sustainable way of doing business in the technology sector.

8 Read paragraph 3 and find phrases that mean the same.

a. allowing people who have no bank account to participate in the economy. “giving the unbanked
population opportunities for broader economic participation” (l. 23-25)

b. James Mwangi has adapted theory to the lives of villagers. “He has merged economic theory to
the practical realities of life in a village.” (l. 28-29)

c. totally change the way banks operate. “revolutionise the banking industry in Africa.” (l. 29-30)

d. clients belong to all the classes of society. “clients across the socio-economic spectrum” (l. 31-32)

9 Read the last paragraph and indicate the main problem for farmers in the Philippines.
Conflicts between different religious groups prevent local communities from developing economically.

10 Say how Felicitas “Joji” Bautista Pantoja helped the farmers.

She set up Coffee for Peace, a company that aims at developing sustainable agriculture and reconciliation between
conflicting religious groups.

WRITING 1. Give an account of the article.

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FOR THE 2. As you see it, which of the three business leaders most deserves the Oslo
EXAM Business for Peace Award? Justify your answer. (150 words, +/– 10 %)

UNIT 10 - Business and ethics • 121

Language at work Grammar p. 169

# exercices
Les groupes nominaux

Observez ce groupe nominal et indiquez si ces remarques sont correctes ou non.

u The Oslo Business for Peace Award VRAI FAUX

a. Ce groupe nominal est formé de quatre noms. ❒ ❒

b. Le nom le plus important est "Award". ❒ ❒
c. "Oslo" qualifie "business". ❒ ❒
d. "Business" est donc invariable. ❒ ❒
e. Pour traduire en français, on commence par le premier nom. ❒ ❒

Traduisez en français.

La récompense d’Oslo aux entreprises au service de la Paix

Dites quel groupe de mots fait référence à:

a. une entreprise b. une industrie c. la communication d. un dirigeant.

Puis traduisez en français.

Groupe de mots Référence Traduction

u a leading industry b. une industrie de premier rang

u an industry leader d. un dirigeant d'industrie

u a communication company a. une entreprise de communication

u company communication c. la communication d'entreprise


1 u Make noun groups. 2 u Translate into English.

a. leaders of businesses ➜ business leaders a. l’éthique des affaires: business ethics

b. the sector of technology ➜ the technology sector b. une base de clients: a client base

c. zones of conflict ➜ conflict zones c. un groupe des services: a service group

d. equality between genders ➜ gender equality d. la culture d’entreprise: company culture

e. inclusion in education ➜ education inclusion e. une séance photo: a photo shoot

f. the capacity of production of coffee ➜ coffee production capacity f. le marché du travail: the job market
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g. l’écart salarial: the pay gap

g. software for the management of the relationships with customers h. la diversité ethnique: ethnic diversity

➜ customer relationship management software i. le plafond de verre: the glas ceiling

122 • UNIT 10 - Business and ethics

Let's be PRO!
Recording and leaving
a voicemail message

Your job

You are Julie Dupont, a sales assistant in the sales department

at Accounts For Business, a company specialising in selling
accounting software programmes for companies. Among other
responsibilities, you are in charge of answering phone queries
and contacting customers.

Your task

1 On a piece of paper, prepare an automatic

message of absence. You can save it on an audio

2 Listen to the voicemail left by Mark Jones,

Head buyer at a company selling toys.

# audio

Then call him back and leave a message

to propose dates for a meeting with Lindsay
Walter, the sales Director:
– Monday 6 – 2.00-4.00 or Thursday 9 – 1.30-4.00.
– Inform him that the sales director will present all
the features added to the new software.

• Don’t forget to introduce yourself
◗ Julie Durand speaking: Julie Durand
and the company and give your
au téléphone
contact details and the purpose
◗ You have reached Julie Dupont: Vous
of your call. êtes sur la messagerie de Julie Dupont
• Phone communications are less ◗ Could you please…?: Pourriez-vous
formal than written ones, so calling s’il vous plaît… ?
your interlocutor by their first ◗ Don’t hesitate to/Feel free to…:
N’hésitez pas à…
name is common practice.
◗ (un)available: (in)disponible
• Be professional but friendly. Your
smile can be heard over the phone.
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UNIT 10 - Business and ethics • 123

Check point 2 Fill in the blanks with the following words:
empowered, financial, growth, inclusion, opportunities.
Today, about half the adult world lives in the informal economy, dealing exclusively
in cash. To be one of those estimated two billion people is to face financial
1 Choose the right
barriers that make life risky, expensive and inefficient. Financial inclusion
1. The bank supports … helps put people on a path out of poverty, creates productive, empowered
in its workforce. citizens, fosters business opportunities and fuels economic growth .
a. diversity and inclusion
b. inclusive diversity
c. diversion
3 Translate these newspaper headlines into French.
2. Promotion for women
is still difficult because a. Annual spending on ethical products: les dépenses annuelles en produits éthiques
of the … b. UK airport expansion: l’agrandissement de l’aéroport au Royaume-Uni
a. glass floor
b. top ceiling c. UN green investment scheme: le programme d’investissement vert des Nations-Unies
c. glass ceiling d. New York’s highest paid public employees: les employés publics de New York
3. It is very difficult to les mieux payés
bridge the … gap.
a. sexual e. Social media firms under new IT rules: Les entreprises de médias sociaux soumises
b. parity aux nouvelles règles informatiques
c. gender
4. The manager was
appreciated by his team
because he was good 4 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
at … women. a. The first ethical consideration is to treat employees unfairly and to recruit them
a. empower
on a basis of equal opportunity. The first ethical consideration is to treat employees
b. empowered
c. empowering fairly and to recruit them on a basis of equal opportunity.
5. He was … because of b. Fair trade ensures that small-scale farmers are exploited directly and at a fair price
his sexual preferences.
for their crops. Fair trade ensures that small-scale farmers are paid directly and at
a. discriminated against
b. discriminating a fair price for their crops.
c. discriminated c. Another ethical consideration is the impact the business has on the environment.
6. A lot of … and … are
It should maximise energy consumption and waste production. Another ethical
barriers to recruitment.
a. prejudices … bias consideration is the impact the business has on the environment. It should minimise
b. clichés … bias energy consumption and waste production.
c. prejudices … biases
d. A company should also initiate schemes to deteriorate the local community.
A company should also initiate schemes to improve the local community.

# glossary
Core values: Misconduct: ◗ to lie: mentir
les valeurs fondamentales la mauvaise conduite ◗ misleading: trompeur(se)
◗ abuse of power: l’abus de pouvoir ◗ money laundering: le blanchiment d’argent
◗ a code of ethics: un code éthique
◗ a bias/prejudice: un préjugé ◗ piracy: le piratage
◗ commitment: l’engagement
◗ to cheat: tromper, tricher ◗ privacy: l’intimité
◗ corporate social responsibility (CSR):
la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE) ◗ counterfeiting: la contrefaçon ◗ to prosecute: engager des poursuites judiciaires
◗ diversity and inclusion: la diversité et l’inclusion ◗ corrupt: corrompu(e) ◗ profitable: profitable
◗ empowerment: l’autonomisation ◗ to deceive: tromper ◗ to steal, stole, stolen: voler
◗ fairness: la justice ◗ deceptive: trompeur(se) ◗ to sue somebody: intenter un procès
à quelqu’un
◗ fair trade: le commerce équitable ◗ to denounce: dénoncer
◗ a sweatshop: un atelier où les ouvriers sont
◗ gender equality: l’égalité entre les sexes ◗ to exploit: exploiter exploités
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◗ human rights: les droits de l’homme ◗ the gender gap: le fossé entre les sexes ◗ a takeover: une prise de contrôle, un rachat
◗ mentorship: le mentorat ◗ harassment: le harcèlement ◗ to violate norms: violer les normes
◗ a patent: un brevet ◗ insider dealing/trading: le délit d’initié ◗ to work overtime: faire des heures
◗ philanthropy: la philanthropie ◗ to jeopardise: mettre en danger supplémentaires

124 • UNIT 10 - Business and ethics

Making UNIT

a Difference

◗ an aid programme: un programme
1 Describe the picture. d’assistance
◗ to feature a story: faire un reportage
2 Say what the benefits of food distribution are. ◗ grateful: reconnaissant(e)
◗ involved: impliqué(e)
◗ a prosthetic device: une prothèse
◗ to raise funds: lever des fonds
# vidéo A helping hand ◗ to run a project: mener un projet
/23nca27 0:00 „ 1:58
◗ to step out: aller de l’avant
◗ student-run: géré par les étudiants
1. Watch the video. Describe the Helping Hand Project.
◗ to take for granted: considérer comme
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2. Say what students can do to raise funds and run projects that normal
◗ a volunteer: un(e) bénévole
can change their communities.

UNIT 11 - making a difference • 125

To start with

The social and solidarity economy


ACTIVITY 1 State (Public Sector) Private Sector


• state-owned or • sole proprietorships
administered • partnerships
1 Look at the diagram and say where the social enterprises or • joint stock companies
and solidarity economy is situated in the broader The Market
Social Economy (SE)
The social and solidarity economy is situated between the public • Co-ops & credit unions
• Other forms of SE
– Non-profits
sector and the private sector. Citizens organise collective action and – Charities & foundations
– Volunteer associations
mobilise with explicit economic, social and environmental objectives. – Service associations
– Social enterprises

re ci pr o cit y

2 Tick the economic actors that take part in the social and solidarity economy.
❒ for-profit enterprise ❒ co-operatives ❒ volunteer associations
❒ credit unions ❒ community organisations ❒ women’s self-help groups
❒ entrepreneurs ❒ fair-trade networks ❒ civil service

ACTIVITY 2 Subhalaxmi Cooperative in India

Subhalaxmi Cooperative, the flagship1 community women. It also bridges them to various welfare schemes
development initiative by Vedanta Aluminium in developed by the Indian government for their socio-
Jharsuguda (India), works in the realms of sustainable economic empowerment.
livelihood and women’s empowerment. Since its inception2 Today, the women run micro-enterprises like fast food
in 2008, it has grown to over 4,100 women members centres, poultry and vegetable farms, grocery stores, beauty
today – a testimony to the company’s commitment to parlours, tailoring centres and many more. The impact
the Sustainable Development Goals of Zero Hunger and of this initiative is evident in the fact that Subhalaxmi
Gender Equality. Cooperative now has a presence in 72 villages of Jharsuguda
The cooperative enables aspiring women with micro- and continues to grow in strength year on year.
finance, skill development, financial literacy, market linkage 1 • phare 2 • lancement
and is a support system for thousands of equally ambitious, SePtember 27th, 2022 © News RivetinG, D.R. ■

3 Read the text and provide information about Subhalaxmi Cooperative.

a • Fields of action: sustainable livelihood and women’s empowerment

b • Date of creation: 2008

c • Number of women members: 4,100

d • Country: India

4 Link the cooperative’s actions to the definitions.

a. empowerment • • 1. government programmes that provide aid to individuals or groups

b. micro-finance • • 2. the ability to manage finances, budgeting, and investments
c. skill development • • 3. connecting farmers and producers directly to markets
d. financial literacy • • 4. small amounts of money
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e. market linkage • • 5. improving people’s capabilities

f. welfare schemes • • 6. giving people confidence to control their lives and claim their rights

126 • UNIT 11 - making a difference

To start with

5 Pick out elements that show the cooperative is a success.

a • Companies: Women run micro-enterprises of all sorts, ranging from fast food centres to farms, grocery
stores, beauty parlours and tailoring centres.

b • Number of villages where the cooperative is present: 72 villages

c • Development: it continues to grow in strength year on year.

# audio
ACTIVITY 3 Microcredit

6 Listen to the interview with John Hooper, professor of economics.

7 Name the steps that led to the creation of the Grameen bank by Professor
Muhammad Yunus in Bangladesh in the early’ 80s.
First, Yunus lent 27 dollars to women weaving baskets.
Then, the women could / were able to restart their business and the debt was repaid in time.
Eventually, he created the Grameen Bank.

8 Say what the Grameen Bank does.

The Grameen Bank lends small amounts of money to poor people without asking for guarantees.

9 Explain why Grameen Bank challenges the way traditional banks usually
do business.
Microcredit is an affordable financial product and the Grameen Bank has an infrastructure capable of serving
millions of consumers.

10 Pick out figures about the emergence of citizen sector organisations

around the world in the last three decades.

a • The estimated volume of resources: $1 trillion.

b • The number of jobs at the global level: 19 million.

c • The non-profit sector is already equivalent to: the eighth-largest economy in the world.

11 Say what the positive impacts of increased access to products and services
are for low-income consumers and small producers.
Increased access to products and services significantly improves the lives of low-income consumers and small
producers, creates positive social change and develops innovations.

# glossary
Why does the social and solidarity economy 23nca00

especially matter in developing countries, do you think?

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◗ to address a problem prendre en charge un problème ◗ to gain control over… prendre

◗ to foster economic dynamism stimuler le dynamisme le contrôle de…

UNIT 11 - making a difference • 127

Text 1 Step by step

Wings cooperative
1 Wings is a new worker cooperative alternative to
Deliveroo, boasting superior ethical credentials.
Unlike Deliveroo, Wings have committed to paying
London Living Wage, currently £10.85, and provides
5 their workers the right to sick pay and other benefits.
Additionally, all deliveries use zero-emission transport,
usually bikes, many of which are electric. The venture
has branded itself as “good for riders, good for the
environment and good for society”. Most critically,
10 workers have a say and a stake in the business, with
the profits distributed to the workers who also govern
the enterprise democratically with all workers having
one vote in the decision-making process.
The venture has sprung from a spontaneous expression of mutual aid during the pandemic, when an informal
15 collective of delivery riders and organisers came together to fight food insecurity during the first lockdown in 2020.
They mobilised a network of over 100 volunteer riders to deliver free food parcels, which was a foundation from
which Wings has emerged.
Wings, however, is far more than another cooperative trying to take on an ethically questionable corporate giant.
It’s part of the Coop Cycle, a federation of worker-owned courier platforms spanning across 63 cities, that is itself
20 democratically governed by the member co-ops. The member co-ops use and develop shared software, which is
licensed so that only co-ops can use it. It also received expert advice and a small amount of funding from the UnFound
accelerator, operated by Cooperatives UK, alongside a modest grant from Islington council who recognised the
cooperative’s potential to boost the local community and economy. […]
One source of strength for Wings could be closer cooperation with the wider cooperative economy. “Subscription
25 box” services have seen a boom in recent years – ranging from food to shaving products, it’s becoming more
common for consumers to buy goods through automatically renewing orders instead of having to actively shop
for them. Perhaps we could see a future where worker owned courier co-ops like Wings deliver boxes of essential
goods sourced from co-ops – with coffee and tea from Revolver World, a UK based co-op online store that sources
its products from farmer owned co-ops in the developing world, milk from the farmer owned Arla Foods co-op, etc.
30 Perhaps the 4 million members strong Co-op Group could procure at least some of its delivery services to Wings?
Iwan Doherty, AuGust 26th, 2021 © MutuaL Interest MeDia,, D.R. ■

1 Look at the picture and read the title. Say what you expect the article to be about.
From its title we can guess the article is about a cooperative named Wings, which is owned by the couriers.
In the picture, we can see four men. Two of them are carrying delivery backpacks and one is holding a bicycle.

2 Read the text once and provide information about the company mentioned
in the article.
a. Name of the company: Wings
b. Type of company: worker-owned cooperative
c. Type of activity: food delivery

3 Tick the adjectives that you think best characterise Wings co-op.
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❒ new ❒ alternative ❒ superior ❒ ethical ❒ committed

❒ free ❒ electric ❒ environmentally friendly ❒ critical ❒ democratic

128 • UNIT 11 - making a difference

Text 1

4 Pick out words from the article that mean:

a. des qualifications (§1): credentials f. un livreur (§3): a courier

b. avoir son mot à dire (§1): to have a say g. couvrant, s’étendant à (§3): spanning

c. une participation dans (§1): a stake in h. une subvention (§3): a grant

d. le confinement (§2): lockdown i. allant de … à (§4): ranging from … to

e. attaquer (§3): to take on j. s’approvisionner (§4): to source

5 List the advantages for couriers in working for Wings.

a. Pay: couriers are paid the London Living Wage, which was £10.85 (12,61€) per hour in 2021.
b. Benefits: they have a right to sick pay and other benefits.
c. Means of transport: couriers use mostly electric bikes.
d. Rewards for workers: the profits are distributed to workers.
e. Mode of government: democratic with all workers having one vote.

6 Describe the way Wings started.

During the first lockdown in 2020, a collective of 100 volunteer riders came together to deliver free food parcels.
Wings emerged from this group.

7 Say what form of support each organisation gives Wings.

a. Coop Cycle, the federation of bike delivery co-ops: it provides licensed software that only co-ops can use.

b. UnFound accelerator, a business support programme: it gives expert advice and a small amount
of funding.

c. Islington council: it gave a modest grant because it recognised the cooperative’s potential to boost the local
community and economy.

8 Explain what a “subscription box” service is (l. 24).

Orders are automatically renewed so that consumers do not have to actively shop for some products such as food and

9 Say how Wings could help strengthen the wider co-op economy.
Wings could develop closer cooperation with other cooperatives, for instance they could deliver coffee and tea from
Revolver World, which sources its products from farmer-owned co-operatives in the developing world, or milk from the
farmer-owned Arla Foods co-op. Wings could deliver food to some of the four million members of the Co-op Group.

# glossary
As you see it, what are the advantages and risks
of a worker-owned cooperative? 23nca00
200 words)

◗ to claim a stake in the economy: réclamer sa part ◗ the lack of layers of management: l’absence de
dans l’économie niveaux de management
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◗ to figure out how to…: imaginer comment… ◗ Research shows that…: Les recherches montrent que…
◗ It can carry risks.: Cela peut comporter des risques. ◗ to take over a business: reprendre une affaire

UNIT 11 - making a difference • 129


Bee Better: How Bombas # vidéo

is helping the homeless

Before watching
Read the headline and look at the picture. Say what you
think the video is going to be about.
0:00 3:29
The video must be about a company called Bombas that donates
socks for the homeless.

◗ arch support: un soutien pour
la voute plantaire
Watching and understanding ◗ a bumble bee: un bourdon
◗ a bunch of: un tas de
1 Watch the whole video once and provide information about Bombas. ◗ to donate: faire (un) don (de)
◗ to get rid of: se débarrasser de
a. Product sold: socks
b. Name of company founders: Randy and Dave
c. The business model: one-for-one: one pair of socks donated for one pair

2 Match the words and their French equivalents. Explain how the project
started. 0:00 to 0:32
a. an item of clothing • • 1. un centre d'hébergement pour sans-abris
Bombas was founded after Dave
b. a homeless shelter • • 2. taper la main en signe de victoire
saw a Facebook post that
c. to fix • • 3. un vêtement
mentioned the need for socks at
d. a toe seam • • 4. vérifier
homeless shelters.
e. wear • • 5. arranger
f. to check • • 6. l'usure
g. lofty • • 7. une couture aux orteils
h. to high-five • • 8. noble, élevé

4 Reorder the sentences to reflect the logic in the building up of the project. 0:30 to 0:53

a. They started a company.

b. They became obsessed with the problem of people without clean socks.
c. They promised to donate a pair for socks for every pair they sold.
d. They borrowed an amazing idea.
e. They named the company Bombas after the Latin word for “bumble bee”.

1 2 3 4 5
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b a e d c

130 • UNIT 11 - making a difference


Fill in the blanks with these verbs to describe the way Randy and Dave made very comfortable socks:
add, celebrate, check, fix, go back, try on, use. 0:54 to 1:39

They started by trying on many socks. Then, they fixed all the usual problems with socks. They got rid
of the annoying toe seam. They added arch support and safe technology. They used the best cotton
and the best merino wool. After two years, they celebrated . Then they went back to work. They double-
checked the seams, the colours and the antimicrobial treatment.

6 Tick the reasons why Bombas is a success story. 1:40 to 2:10

❒ They turned their apartment into an office. ❒ They had some press to promote their business.
❒ They hired some smart people. ❒ They built a community of supporters.
❒ They adopted the one-for-one business model. ❒ They were endorsed by celebrities such as American actor
Zac Efron.
❒ They moved into a real office.

7 Say what the sales goal was and what the actual result is. 2:10 to 2:30

a. The goal: one million pairs sold in ten years.

b. The result: five million pairs sold in three and a half years.

8 Indicate who celebrated the success of the company. 2:30 to 2:50

a. Dave got a tattoo.

b. The design team was high-fived.
c. Customers were thanked for their support.

9 Explain why Randy says Bombas is “the most important pair of socks in the world”. 2:50 to end

Randy says Bombas is the most important pair of socks in the world because the five million pairs of socks purchased
in three and a half years mean five million acts of human kindness that give deprived people a little bit of comfort.


1. Underline the syllable that is stressed in each word. 2. Name the strong suffixes that determine
Then listen to the recording to check your answers. on which syllable a word is stressed.
a. economy – economic – economically a. —ic
b. social – sociability – socialisation
b. —ity
c. commune – community – communitarian
d. solidarity – opportunity – personality – society
c. —tion # audio
e. production – consumption – organisation – operation

SPEAK 1. Gather all the information you have picked up. Give an account of
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the video to the rest of the class.

EXAM 2. Discuss the advantages and limits of the so-called “one-for-one business

UNIT 11 - making a difference • 131

Text 2 Going further

Fairphone raises €2.5M FOR TH E
with crowdfunding
1 (1) When it comes to a world’s ethical smartphone, it (4) Amidst these unfair practices, the company is aiming
has to go through a fair production process that involves to make a positive impact across the value chain in
fair raw materials, production values, durability, waste mining, design, manufacturing and life cycle while
prevention and of course, full transparency as well. And expanding the market for products that put ethical
5 that’s what the Dutch startup Fairphone is all about! […] 30 values first. In fact, the company relies on a long shelf
life of the phone to reduce the wastage of resources. On
(2) In a recent development, Fairphone has raised
top of that, for each and every phone sold, three euros
around €2.5 million in a crowdfunding campaign directly go to the service organisation involved in the
through OnePlanetCrowd investment platform. Around recycling of electronic waste in developing countries.
1 800 investors gave a convertible loan to the company, 35 […]
10 where they can convert the loan into shares after a
specific time period. With this fund, the company is (5) After attracting €6.5 million from impact investors in
planning to launch a new phone, expand its foothold in 2017, this crowdfunding campaign is specially designed
the Southern European and the Scandinavian countries for the investment of smaller amounts starting at
as well. […] 250 euros that can be converted into shares via a
40 convertible loan. With this initiative, the company
15 (3) Founded in 2010, the Amsterdam-based Fairphone
hopes to kick off the better environmental and social
makes sure that the raw materials in the smartphone standards in mobile phone manufacturing. Moreover,
should not come from conflict areas. Since the phone the company also ensures the smartphone is not thrown
is assembled in China, the company also ensures that in the garbage after a few months of usage. […]
the workers receive fair wages too. According to the
20 company, they source the needed minerals from Congo, 45 (6) Amidst the increasingly large smartphone manu-
mostly from mines outside conflict zones. Having said facturers, the Dutch startup has been developing some
that, not all the materials needed for mobile phones are well-defined concepts in an attempt to develop devices
traded fairly. The company also adds that fair conditions more sustainable and eco-friendly. Having said that,
are more difficult to guarantee with electronic devices the amount of devices Fairphone manufactures is
25 than with food. […] 50 not massive! In this case, can the Fairphone radically
change the way things shape up during a controversial
production process through market pressure?, AuGust 17th, 2018, D.R. ■

1 Read the text and provide information.

Name of the company Nationality Product Main characteristic

Fairphone Dutch Smartphones Sustainable

2 Match each title with the paragraph it corresponds to.

a. Fairphone reduces resource wastage. §4 d. Convertible loans. §5

b. Fairphone has raised €2.5M with e. Attention to the provenance of raw

crowdfunding. §2 materials. §3
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c. Fairphone aims to bring an eco-friendly f. An ethical smartphone. §1

change in smartphone production. §6

132 • UNIT 11 - making a difference

Text 2

3 Match the words from the article (a-g) and their French equivalents (1-7).

a. shares (l.10) • • 1. une longue durée de vie

b. foothold (l.12) • • 2. une implantation
c. raw materials (l. 16) • • 3. une tentative de
d. to source (l. 20) • • 4. des actions
e. a long shelf life (l. 30) • • 5. des matières premières
f. an attempt to (l. 47) • • 6. se dérouler
g. to shape up (l. 51) • • 7. s'approvisionner en

4 Name the elements of a fair production process that make a smartphone ethical.

a. raw materials c. durability e. full transparency

b. production values d. waste prevention

5 Say what these figures correspond to.

a. €2.5 million: the amount of money raised by Fairphone in a crowdfunding campaign through the Oneplanetcrowd
investment platform.

b. 1,800: the number of investors who gave a convertible loan to the company.

c. € 250: the smallest amount you can invest.

6 Say what Fairphone needed the money for.

With this fund, the company is planning to launch a new phone, and expand its foothold in the Southern European
and Scandinavian countries.

7 List the ways the company makes sure that its smartphones are produced under
fair conditions.
– The raw materials and minerals do not come from conflict areas.
– The Chinese workers receive fair wages.
– They reduce their impact on the environment: they reduce the wastage of resources by ensuring a long shelf life
for the phone and by recycling. Also, for each phone sold, € 3 goes to the recycling of electronic waste
in developing countries.

8 Explain why it is not certain that Fairphone will change the future of the smartphone
Fairphone may not be able to change the future of the smartphone industry because the amount of devices
Fairphone manufactures is quite small.

WRITING 1. Give an account of the text in French in 200 words (+/– 10 %).
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FOR THE 2. Weigh up the pros and cons of working for a startup company
EXAM (200 words, +/– 10 %).

UNIT 11 - making a difference • 133

Language at work Grammar p. 183

# exercices
La voix passive

Soulignez les formes passives dans ces phrases.

a. u This crowdfunding campaign is designed for the investment of small amounts that can be converted into shares.

b. u Customers are ensured that the smartphone is not thrown in the garbage after a few months of use.

Traduisez ces phrases en français.

u Cette campagne de financement participatif est conçue pour investir de petits montants qui peuvent être convertis
en actions.

u Les consommateurs sont assurés que leur téléphone portable n’est pas jeté dans la poubelle après quelques mois

Comment la voix passive est-elle formée ? À quoi correspond-elle ?

u La voix passive se forme avec be conjugué, suivi du participe passé.


1 u Put the sentences into the passive voice starting c. The board has approved of the scheme.
with the underlined words. The scheme has been approved of.
a. Members own cooperatives. Cooperatives are owned
d. Members will hear of this new product.
by members.
This new product will be heard of.
b. Co-op members shared profits. Profits were shared
e. The volunteers are going to deal with the problem.
by co-op members.
The problem is going to be dealt with.
c. Cooperatives have balanced the need to be profitable
f. Organisers could not hope for a happier ending.
with members’ needs. Members’ needs have been balanced A happier ending could not be hoped for.
with the need to be profitable.
g. They must account for the difficulties.
d. The co-op may hit the target. The target may be hit The difficulties must be accounted for.
by the co-op.
3 u Translate the passive forms into French starting
e. If they can not reach the target amount, the business
with “On”.
will go away empty-handed. If the target amount can not be
a. Volunteers must be taken care of. On doit s’occuper
reached, the business will go away empty-handed.
f. The manager has given couriers electric bikes. Couriers
b. Two conditions must be met. On doit remplir deux
have been given electric bikes.
2 u Put the sentences into the passive voice c. The rules should be respected. On devrait respecter
starting with the underlined words (agents). Keep the les règles.
preposition after the verb as in the example.
d. A decision will have to be made. On devra prendre une
They take advantage of poor farmers
➜ Poor farmers are taken advantage of décision.
a. This NGO looks after impoverished farmers. e. More money may be needed. On peut avoir besoin de plus
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Impoverished farmers are looked after. d’argent.

b. The student-run organisation sent for an adviser. f. The amount could be drawn from the budget. On pourrait
An adviser was sent for. prendre la somme sur le budget.

134 • UNIT 11 - making a difference

Let's be PRO!
Making arrangements by email
Your job

You’re an intern in communications at OnlyOnePlanet, an environmental non-

governmental organization (NGO). Your job is to assist the manager with the
organization of the annual European conference in Bern, Switzerland.

Your task
You have received the email below from a conference participant.

Dear Organizers,
I’m planning to attend the OnlyOnePlanet annual conference in Bern in two weeks.
I’ve already registered for it. I was wondering if you could assist me in arranging
accommodation. As I don’t know Bern, it is very difficult for me to know where the best
hotels are situated. Would it be possible for you to book one for me?
I’d also like to know how to get to the conference venue from the airport.
Thank you for your help.
Looking forward to meeting you in Bern,
Tristan Zlavtec

Write a polite answer to this message including the following points:

• You do not deal with accommodation: direct him to the conference website for a list of
local hotels. There is a special rate for conference participants. Tell him to book as quickly as
possible as hotels close to the conference venue fill up early.
• Remind him that delegates are not supposed to fly to Bern: there are plenty of train
connections with the rest of Europe (environmental policy).
• Send a map of Bern and the bus timetable.
• Offer further assistance.

Dear Mr Zlavtec, • Declining politely
Thank you for your email. We have received your preregistration payment. Unfortunately, …
Unfortunately, we do not handle accommodation. We suggest that you contact any of the local I’m sorry, but…
hotels listed on the conference website to make a reservation. To receive a special rate, I’m afraid I can’t help
mention the name of the conference. The hotels close to the conference venue fill up early so you

it might be a good idea to act quickly. • Making polite

As per our Environmental Policy, we advise conference participants not to fly to the conference
Have you considered
to reduce their carbon footprint. Have you considered travelling by train? Bern is very well
+ V-ing?
connected to other European cities. You might want
Please find attached a map of Bern and the city bus timetable. to consider + V-ing
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further assistance. We suggest that you…
I might be a good idea
Best regards,
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We recommend that you…

We advise you to + V…

UNIT 11 - making a difference • 135

Check point

1 Match each verb with a noun to make meaningful phrases. Then give the French equivalent.

a. to raise b. to run c. to take d. to make e. to repay f. to provide

1. a debt 2. part in 3. a difference 4. funds 5. assistance 6. a project

a b c d e f

4 6 2 3 1 5

lever mener prendre faire la rembourser fournir

des fonds un projet part à différence une dette de l'aide

2 Put the sentences into the passive 3 Put the words in a logical order to make
form starting with the underlined words. meaningful sentences.

a. Aid programmes provide assistance to low-income a. be – dustbin – into – must – not – smartphones – the –
consumers. thrown
Low-income consumers are provided assistance Smartphones must not be thrown into the dustbin.
(by aid programmes).

b. The cooperative has changed Malik’s life b. are – clothing – in – item – homeless – most – shelters
tremendously. – requested – socks – the
Malik’s life has been changed tremendously Socks are the most requested clothing item
(by the cooperative). in homeless shelters.

c. Cooperatives will empower community members. c. are – cooperatives – in – of – management – members

Community members will be empowered – trained
(by cooperatives). Members of cooperatives are trained in management.

d. Bombas adopted the one-for-one business model.

The one-for-one business model was adopted d. and – countries – developing – economy – in – matters
(by Bombas). – social – solidarity – the
The social and solidarity economy matters
in developing countries.

# glossary

Volunteering: le bénévolat ◗ fair trade: le commerce équitable ◗ a non-profit organisation: une organisation
◗ grateful: reconnaissant(e) à but non lucratif
◗ an aid programme: un programme d’assistance ◗ to provide: fournir
◗ involved: impliqué(e)
◗ an association: une association ◗ to run a project: mener un projet
◗ a low-income consumer: un consommateur
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◗ to commit oneself: s’engager à faible revenus ◗ The Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE):
◗ a community: une communauté ◗ microcredit: le micro-crédit l’Économie Sociale et Solidaire (ESS)
◗ a cooperative: une coopérative ◗ an NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation): ◗ to step out: aller de l’avant
◗ to donate: faire un don une ONG (organisation non gouvernementale) ◗ to support: soutenir

136 • UNIT 11 - making a difference

Creating a UNIT

Planet 12


1 Describe the advertisement. Comment on the slogan and the name ◗ to cover up: camoufler
◗ to fool: berner
of the company.
◗ to fuel: alimenter
◗ to halve: réduire de moitié
2 Say what the artists are denouncing and what their demand is.
◗ peatland: une tourbière
◗ to pretend: faire semblant
◗ pristine: pur(e), intact(e)
◗ a scam: une escroquerie
# vidéo Uncover the greenwash scams
of the global oil industry
◗ to soak up: éponger
23nca22 0:00 „ 2:39 ◗ a scheme /ski:m/: un projet
◗ to threaten: menacer
1. Watch the video. Say what the claim made by Total, the French
◗ the timber industry: la filière bois
oil giant, is. ◗ wildlife: la faune et la flore
2. Pick up the arguments Greenpeace uses to prove that Total’s
claim is a greenwash scam.
3. Explain what you can do to fight greenwashing.
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UNIT 12 - creating a sustainaBLe pLanet • 137

To start with

ACTIVITY 1 Self-sustaining or wasteful?




1 Look at the diagrams and fill in the grid to say if the definitions apply
to the traditional linear economy or the circular economy.

Linear economy Circular economy

Take, make, dispose of ❒ ❒

Make, use, recycle ❒ ❒
Wasteful ❒ ❒
Self-sustaining ❒ ❒

2 Fill in the blanks with these words to define the circular economy:
flows, fossil, in use, renewable.
A truly circular economy keeps material resources in use for as long as possible.
It is driven by flows rather than stocks. It depends on renewable energy sources,
including wind, solar and bioenergy, rather than coal and other fossil fuels.

3 Classify the following words depending on whether they refer to the linear
economy or the circular economy.
car-pooling destruction of forests and lakes cycling eco-friendly shopping

disposable cutlery emissions of toxic substances flying non-polluting products

a plastic bag fossil energy recycling organic farming renewable energy

Linear economy Circular economy

destruction of forests and lakes car-pooling

disposable cutlery cycling
emissions of toxic substances eco-friendly shopping
flying non-polluting products
a plastic bag recycling
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fossil energy organic farming

renewable energy

138 • UNIT 12 - creating a sustainaBLe pLanet

To start with

ACTIVITY 2 Fighting climate change

„To compensate for the tons of greenhouse gases the „A growing number of investors are backing a shift away from the
executives’ plane trips reject into the atmosphere, the most carbon-intensive energy sources and into safe, sustainable
company began paying ClimateCare, an organisation energy. Investments in clean energy are the smart way to build
that supports projects that tackle poverty, promote prosperity for all, while protecting our planet. 688 institutions
energy independence and improve people’s health and and more than 58,000 individuals across 76 countries are now
wellbeing for a green future.ƒ committed to divestment, including major financial institutions.ƒ

„When we think of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, „A coalition of 16 of the world’s biggest cities, five banks,
solar panels and wind turbines come to mind first. one former U.S. president and companies have decided to
Renewable energies are getting cheaper and many modernise aging buildings. They have pledged to invest
countries are committing to relying more on them and billions of dollars to cut urban energy use and releases of
less on fossil fuels for their electricity needs.ƒ greenhouse gases linked to global warming.ƒ

4 Match each article (1-4) and one of the following headlines (a-d). Say which words
in the headline and the article itself have helped you do so.

1. • • a. International coalition to make buildings energy-efficient. coalition, buildings

2. • • b. Fossil fuel divestment funds double to $5 billion in a year. divesting, away from
3. • • c. Offsetting your carbon footprint. compensate
4. • • d. Can we rely on wind and solar energy? wind and solar

# audio
ACTIVITY 3 Reducing your carbon footprint

5 Listen to the recording and finish the sentences.

a • James thinks that: the biggest problem is global warming, because it affects every species on Earth.

b • Fanny is convinced that: chemical pollution is even worse because the amount of pesticides sprayed
on crops around the world has increased 26 times in the last 50 years.

c • Fanny worries that: it affects humans and the reproductive organs of fish, alligators and polar bears.

d • James is also worried about: water pollution which affects species living in water.

e • People should: switch to clean technology, such as electric cars, environment-friendly washing powders
and solar-powered energy. That means having the same benefits from our modern lifestyle without the pollution.

# glossary
/ 23nca00
Are you concerned about the state of the
environment? What are you personally ready to do to limit pollution
and address climate change?

◗ to cut down on meat: réduire la consommation ◗ to reduce waste: réduire ses déchets
de viande ◗ to switch to low-carbon consumption:
◗ to implement a lifestyle change: mettre en œuvre passer à une consommation réduite en carbone
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un changement de mode de vie ◗ a vegetarian diet: un régime végétarien

◗ to make a big difference: faire une grande différence

UNIT 12 - creating a sustainaBLe pLanet • 139

Text 1 Step by step

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) can save the planet

1 Artificial Intelligence has great potential to save
our planet: detecting energy emission reductions,
optimizing energy production, monitoring
deforestation, predicting extreme weather conditions,
5 cleaning oceans and protecting inhabitants, and much
more. […]
A report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in
partnership with the World Economic Forum predicts
that by 2050, the oceans will contain at least 937 million
10 tons of plastic and only 895 million tons of fish. And
there are a lot of other such shocking facts. So, the
first implementation of AI technology is cleaning and protecting oceans from plastic. The company Razer
and startup CleanBot recently announced the development of a fully autonomous robot equipped with
artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies that can detect marine plastic within two meters in
15 rough waters. Powered by solar energy, the robot can collect up to 250 kg of plastic in just one cycle. […]
Recycling is a $200 billion industry, according to the Bureau of International Recycling. In most countries,
recycling is considered a public matter and not a personal responsibility. Did you know that only 9% of
all plastics are recycled? […] ZenRobotics Recycler is a waste sorting system that separates raw materials
from waste. The system is equipped with infrared sensors, a 3D sensor system, an RGB camera, and a metal
20 detector for waste identification. The recycling system allows the recovery of valuable raw materials from
construction waste. The artificial intelligence system is sold worldwide through a network of resellers in
49 countries.
Food waste is another growing problem worldwide, and while waste occurs at all stages of the process
(from production to consumption), consumers currently generate the most waste. […] AI platform
25 Winnow Vision identifies and weighs food waste thrown into AI-powered bins in commercial kitchens. This
platform can correctly identify unnecessary products in over 80% of cases. The startup also established
cooperation with the Swedish company IKEA, which installed Winnow Vision in all 23 store restaurants
in Great Britain and Ireland.
What’s next? According to PwC research, it estimates that artificial intelligence for environmental applications
30 could contribute $ 5.2 trillion to the global economy in 2030, which is 4.4% more than before. In the near
future, artificial intelligence can make energy markets much more efficient by unlocking new supplies,
reducing transaction costs, and making it easier for users to identify what they want to buy in the market.
Moreover, it is predicted to see such AI solutions as AI-designed intelligent, connected, and livable cities.
EDwin LisowsKi,, November 29th, 2021 © ReaDWrite, D.R. ■

1 Look at the picture and read the title. Say what you expect the article to be about.
From the title and the picture, we can guess the article deals with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to solve
the problems of polluting planet Earth.

2 Read the text once and say which paragraph each sentence summarizes.

a. AI-powered robots improve the recycling process. 3

b. An automated robot cleans oceans. 2
c. AI has a significant impact on the goals of sustainable development. 1
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d. AI will provide solutions in the future. 5

e. AI helps reduce food waste in restaurants. 4

140 • UNIT 12 - creating a sustainaBLe pLanet

Text 1

3 Pick up the English equivalents from the article.

a. la mise en œuvre (§2): implementation

b. la mer déchainée (§2): rough waters

c. un système de tri des déchets (§3): a waste sorting system

d. des matériaux bruts (§3): raw materials

e. des poubelles (§4): bins

f. déverrouillant (§5): unlocking

4 List the advantages of the robot developed by Razer and CleanBot.

a. The robot is fully autonomous.

b. The robot can detect marine plastic within two meters in rough waters.

c. The robot can collect up to 250 kg of plastic in just one cycle.

5 Provide information about ZenRobotics recycler.

a. What it does: it is a waste sorting system that separates raw materials from waste.

b. Equipment: it is equipped with infrared sensors, a 3D sensor system, an RGB camera and a metal detector.

c. How it is marketed: through a network of resellers in 49 countries.

6 Say why IKEA has installed Winnow Vision in 23 store restaurants.

Because this AI platform identifies and weighs food waste thrown into AI-powered bins in its kitchens, so it can avoid
food waste in Ikea restaurants and save money.

7 Explain how AI solutions will allow a reduction in our energy consumption.

AI will allow to find new energy suppliers, reduce transaction costs, identify what consumers want to buy and build
livable cities.

# glossary
For you, is building environmental sustainability 23nca00

200 words) a public matter or your personal responsibility?

◗ to develop renewable energy: développer les énergies ◗ to manage sewage treatment:
renouvelables gérer le traitement des eaux usées
◗ to ensure the conservation of biodiversity: assurer ◗ to minimize the damage:
la protection de la biodiversité minimiser les dégâts
◗ Government policies are needed to…: On a besoin ◗ to be responsible for:
de politiques gouvernementales pour… être responsable de
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UNIT 12 - creating a sustainaBLe pLanet • 141


Stop recycling! # vidéo

Before watching
Fill in the blanks with the following words to explain
the benefits of recycling: energy, jobs, our quality of life,
resources, waste and pollution. 0:00 2:03

a. It reduces waste and pollution.

b. It improves our quality of life.
c. It creates jobs.
d. It conserves resources.
◗ a bin: une poubelle
e. It saves energy. ◗ to break down: décomposer
◗ to produce: produire
◗ to reduce: réduire

Watching and understanding

Fill in the blanks in the young woman’s message about
plastic. 0:00 to 0:44

Her message is that we should stop recycling and focus more

on reducing .

2 Say why plastic is a huge problem.

Plastic is a huge problem because it is in everything from our clothes to the fish we eat.

3 Say what these figures about plastic correspond to.

a. 9 %: only 9 % of all the plastic that gets produced actually gets recycled.
b. 1950s: the date when we started mass-producing plastic.
c. 450 years: the time it takes for plastic to break down.
d. 60 %: percentage of plastic which is still on our planet.

4 Fill in the blanks with the words you hear. 0:44 to 0:56

Plastic production creates greenhouse gases which contribute

to climate change . What we need to understand about
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recycling is that it’s only as valuable as the market for it.

Recycling is a billion-dollar industry .

142 • UNIT 12 - creating a sustainaBLe pLanet


5 Reorder the different steps for plastic to be recycled. 0:53 to 1:13

a. put on the market

b. bought
The right order is:
c. processed
e ; c ; d ; a ; b .
d. baled
e. put in the recycling bin

6 Answer the questions to describe the problem of recycling plastic. 1:14 to 1:35

a. How much of the things in recycling bins are actually recycled?

50% of the things in recycling bins are actually recycled.

b. Which country did half of the buying and processing of plastic and paper recyclables until January 2018?
China did half of the processing of plastic and paper recyclables.
c. Why is the recycling industry in crisis?
The recycling industry is in crisis because China does not accept as much plastic waste as it used to.
d. What happens to plastic then?
Plastic is going to landfills and polluting the environment.

Say if the statements are right or wrong. Justify your answer

by quoting the video. 1:36 to end

a. Plastic is no longer produced.

Wrong: “We keep producing plastic”.
b. Demand for plastic is still high.
Right: “to meet demand”.
c. Plastic is polluting the Earth.
Right: “the Earth is swimming in plastic”.


1. Say how “O” is pronounced in these words:

carbon – cost – coast – environment – flood – flow – fossil – global – grow – hot –
low – offset – organic – pollution – product – shopping – solar – work – world

a. /Ə/ as in sector: carbon, environment, pollution d. /Ɔ:/ as in four: organic

b. /Ɔ/ as in job: cost, fossil, hot, offset, product, shopping e. /Ʌ/ as in love: flood
c. /ƏƱ/ as in no: coast, flow, global, grow, low, solar f. /ʒ:/ as in word: work, world

2. Listen to the recording to check your answers.

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1. Put together all the information you have picked up and give an account
FOR THE in English of the video.
EXAM 2. Discuss. Are you entirely sure of the benefits of recycling?

UNIT 12 - creating a sustainaBLe pLanet • 143

Text 2 Going further

Is Information Technology FOR TH E
bad for the environment?
1 The entire information technology (IT) sector and YouTube. These data centres are estimated
– from powering Internet servers to charging to currently consume at least 1 % of the world’s
smartphones – is already estimated to have the electricity every year, a figure that is expected to
same carbon footprint as the aviation industry’s rise in the future. They also account for about
5 fuel emissions. And it is on course to consume 30 0.3 % of global CO2 emissions. […]
as much as 20 % of the world’s electricity by
2030, according to Anders Andrae, who is The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) latest
based at Huawei Technologies. Streaming report suggested that despite the increased
video accounts for the biggest big chunk of the workload for data centres, which will triple
10 world’s Internet traffic. Watching video over by 2020, the amount of electricity used will
the Internet at home is roughly the same as
35 only go up by 3 %. This is down to continued
having two or three old-fashioned incandescent improvements in the efficiency of servers and
light bulbs on. […] data centre infrastructure, and a move to bigger
but more efficient centres.
As well as the power used by these devices,
15 energy is consumed by the networks that Some of the large technology companies have
distribute the content. More demand for the
40 been praised for being more open about how
technology also means more energy is required efficient they are. Facebook expects its new
to store and share vast amounts of information. data centre in Singapore will be powered
This is where data centres come in – often in by 100 % renewable energy, something that
20 vast buildings that house computer servers that Apple says already happens with all its global
store, process and distribute Internet traffic.
45 facilities. Many other firms have committed
The servers themselves require a great deal of to reaching that goal. Companies also make
cooling. Most of the world’s Internet traffic up for the amount of non-renewable energy
goes through these data centres and they host that they consume by supporting renewable
25 streaming platforms such as Netflix, Facebook energy projects.

BBC News, OCtober 12th, 2018 © BBC StuDios Distribution LtD ■

1 Read the text and choose the sentence(s) that correspond to its content.

a. Information technology has no impact on the environment.

b. Streaming and downloading films, music and series has a heavy cost to the environment.

c. As demand for data keeps growing on the Internet, so does the amount of energy needed.

2 Match these words and their equivalents.

a. to account for (l.9) • • 1. large quantities

b. a big chunk (l. 9) • • 2. to provide facilities for
c. vast amounts (l. 18) • • 3. acclaimed, glorified
d. to host (l. 24) • • 4. to compose, make up
e. praised (l. 40) • • 5. a large amount, a piece of
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144 • UNIT 12 - creating a sustainaBLe pLanet

Text 2

3 Say if these statements are right or wrong. Justify your answers by quoting
from the first paragraph.

a. The carbon footprint of the aviation industry’s fuel emissions is greater than that of the entire
information technology sector.
Wrong: “The entire information technology (IT) sector […] is already estimated to have the same carbon footprint
as the aviation industry’s fuel emissions.”

b. The consumption of electricity by the information technology sector will keep growing fast.
Right: “it is on course to consume as much as 20 % of the world’s electricity by 2030.”

c. The largest part of Internet traffic comes from streaming.

Right: “Streaming video accounts for the biggest part of the world’s Internet traffic.”

d. The consumption of electricity by traditionnal light bulbs is less than that of video streaming.
Wrong: “Watching video over the Internet at home is roughly the same as having two or three old-fashioned
incandescent light bulbs on.”

4 Explain what data centres are.

Data centres are vast buildings that house computer servers which store, process and distribute Internet traffic.

5 Say what these figures correspond to.

a. 1 %: data centres consume at least 1 % of the world’s electricity every year.

b. 0.3%: data centres account for about 0.3 % of global CO2 emissions.

c. triple: the workload for data centres will triple by 2020.

d. 3 %: the amount of electricity used will only go up by 3 %.

6 List the solutions for data centres to reduce their electricity consumption.
– The efficiency of servers and data centre infrastructure is continuously improving.
– Many data centres will be powered by 100 % renewable energy.
– Some companies support renewable energy projects.

WRITING 1. Give an account of the text in French in 200 words (+/– 10 %).
FOR THE 2. Answer the question in 160 words (+/– 10 %): What could you do to reduce
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EXAM your digital carbon footprint?

UNIT 12 - creating a sustainaBLe pLanet • 145

Language at work Grammar p. 184

# exercices
Exprimer une condition

Pour chaque phrase, dites si la condition est réalisable, soumise à une action ou une situation
hypothétique, ou ne s’est pas réalisée dans le passé.
u If companies made workplaces green,
a. La condition est une hypothèse.
it would reduce waste and costs.
u If the company had made its workplace green,
b. La condition ne s’est pas réalisée dans le passé.
it would have reduced waste and costs.
u If a company makes its workplace green,
c. La condition est réalisable.
it will reduce waste and costs.

Complétez les phrases suivantes avec le temps utilisé.

u Pour indiquer que des faits sont soumis à une condition irréelle, on utilise : le prétérit.

u Pour indiquer que la condition ne s'est pas réalisée dans le passé, on utilise : le pluperfect.

u Pour indiquer que la condition est réalisable et que l’événement peut se produire, on utilise : le présent


1 u Match each condition and the appropriate ending.

a. If scientists predict apocalyptic events, • • 1. many houses would be blown away.

b. If there is a big earthquake, • • 2. food would have to be airlifted.
c. If there was a strong hurricane, • • 3. we would have prepared for the catastrophe.
d. If towns were cut off by flooding, • • 4. there would have been fewer casualties.
e. If sea levels keep rising, • • 5. people can prepare for them.
f. If people had warned us, • • 6. many areas will be flooded.
g. If fewer people had lived in the city, • • 7. thousands of people will get killed.

2 u Transform the sentences starting with the prompts. 3 u Translate these sentences into English.

a. If big cities adopt climate adaptation strategies, a. S’il y avait moins de pollution, le monde serait
they will reduce the damage of rising temperatures. en meilleure forme. If there was less pollution, the world
➜ Environmentalists argued that if big cities adopted would be in a better shape.
climate adaptation strategies, they would reduce the damage
b. Si j’étais vous, je ne boirais pas cette eau. Que feriez-vous
of rising temperatures.
si vous tombiez malade ? If I were you, I wouldn’t drink
b. If companies want to maintain a positive branding this water. What would you do if you fell ill?
reputation, they will have to meet the standards. ➜ Experts
c. Ces projets réussiraient si on leur apportait plus d’aide.
said that if companies wanted to maintain a positive branding
These schemes would succeed if more aid was provided.
reputation, they would have to meet the standards.

c. If we act now, we can still keep climate change within the

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d. Si l’administration avait étudié le problème, une solution

1.5 C° target. ➜ Scientists maintained that if we acted
aurait été trouvée. If the administration had studied
now, we could still keep climate change within the 1.5 °C target.
the problem, a solution would have been found.

146 • UNIT 12 - creating a sustainaBLe pLanet

Let's be PRO!
How to write an effective memo
A memo (short for “memorandum”) is usually
a message sent from one person to several
recipients. Its format is similar to that of an
email. The purpose of a memo is to inform
members of an organisation about important
facts or details related to the organisation’s

Your job

You work for Powersupply Inc., a company that specialises in electrical equipment.
This company wants to improve its image by adopting a new policy to make its
workplace more sustainable.

Your task

Meredith James, the HR manager, asks you to write a memo to be

sent by email to encourage all the company’s employees to make
the workplace greener and give them tips on how to do so.

Use the tips below to help.

• Subject: A short sentence in the header that can be easily read.
• Opening: Introduce the reason, the fact that made the company
make such decision, step or policy and give the purpose of the memo.
– Today, every company should engage in more sustainable practices:
◗ avoid: éviter Aujourd’hui, chaque entreprise devrait s’engager dans des pratiques
◗ disposable/reusable: jetable/réutilisable plus durables
◗ favour … over …: privilégier … à … – The company has decided to…: l’entreprise a décidé de…
◗ to reduce waste: réduire le gaspillage
• Body: Explain clearly and assertively what action should be taken.
◗ soft mobility: transport doux (transport
utilisant des moyens non-motorisés) – Please make sure that…: Merci de vous assurer que…
◗ teleworking: le télétravail – You are asked/encouraged to…: il vous est demandé de…/vous êtes
◗ to turn off a device when not in use: encouragés à…
éteindre un appareil quand il n’est pas • Ending: Give the positive outcome of the action.
– We trust/are certain that daily individual actions will have a
tremendous collective impact: Nous croyons/sommes convaincus que
toute action individuelle au quotidien aura un énorme impact collectif
– Thank you for your cooperation: Merci pour votre collaboration
• Closing
– Regards, Best regards
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UNIT 12 - creating a sustainaBLe pLanet • 147

Check point
2 Give the English equivalents of the following

a. Lutter contre le changement climatique :

1 Make compounds. to fight climate change
Example: time to commute ➜ commuting time
b. Réduire sa part d’énergies polluantes :
a. A programme to recycle:
to reduce one’s share of polluting energies
a recycling programme
c. Menacer la biodiversité :
b. Buildings that are efficient in energy:
to threaten biodiversity
energy-efficient buildings
d. Les avantages et les défis des énergies renouvelables :
c. Shopping that is friendly to the environment:
the advantages and challenges of renewable energies
environment-friendly shopping
e. Mettre fin au gâchis de papier : to end paper waste
d. Products that do not pollute:
non-polluting products

e. A change in the style of life: a lifestyle change 4 Put the verbs in the appropriate form.

a. If we (continue) continue to stream videos,

f. A bin used to recycle: a recycling bin
the IT sector (consume) will consume 20 % of the world’s

3 Give a definition of the following. b. More energy (be) will be required if demand for
a. A green workplace: a workplace where everything technology (increase) increases .
is done to reduce waste and the carbon footprint. c. If demand for data (not keep) did not keep increasing,
b. A circular economy: an economy that keeps resources the demand for energy (not + be) would not be so high.
in use as long as possible. d. The employees (can) can switch off their
c. Data centres: vast buildings that house computer servers devices if the company (try) tries to reduce its
to store and distribute Internet traffic. carbon footprint.

d. Renewable energies: energy from sources that are e. These projects (succeed) would succeed if they (get)
infinite. got more support.

# glossary

Pollution: la pollution Climate change: Sustainable development:

le changement climatique le développement durable
◗ chemicals: des produits chimiques
◗ disposable: jetable ◗ carbon dioxide (CO₂): le dioxyde de carbone ◗ a biofuel: un biocarburant
◗ to dump toxic waste: jeter des déchets ◗ deadly/lethal/mortal: mortel(le) ◗ breathable air: l’air respirable
toxiques ◗ an endangered species: une espèce en voie ◗ conservation: la préservation
◗ exhaust fumes: des gaz d’échappement de disparition ◗ to clean up: nettoyer
◗ fossil fuels: des carburants fossiles ◗ harmful: dangereux(se) ◗ to curb: limiter
◗ to foul the air: souiller l’air ◗ the melting of the ice caps: la fonte ◗ eco-friendly shopping: les achats
◗ greenhouse gases: des gaz à effet de serre de la calotte glacière éco-responsables
◗ a landfill: une décharge, l’enfouissement ◗ rising sea levels: l’élévation du niveau ◗ an environmentalist: un(e) écologiste
des déchets de la mer
◗ non-polluting: non polluant
◗ a pesticide: un pesticide ◗ to threaten: menacer
◗ organic food: des aliments bio
◗ a pollutant: un polluant ◗ to upset the balance: déséquilibrer
◗ to recycle: recycler
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◗ rubbish/garbage: des déchets ◗ to use up resources: épuiser les ressources

◗ renewable energies: des énergies renouvelables
◗ to wipe out: anéantir, éradiquer
◗ to save: économiser
◗ a windmill/wind turbine: une éolienne
◗ a wind farm: un parc éolien

148 • UNIT 12 - creating a sustainaBLe pLanet

Method for the exam

Rédiger un CV
Le CV (Curriculum Vitae - GB) ou resume (US) est une présentation synthétique de votre parcours professionnel et
scolaire : il doit pouvoir être lu rapidement (en environ 60 secondes, soit le temps moyen passé à la lecture par les
Pensez à la méthode KISS : Keep It Short and Simple.

A L’accroche : Career Objective / Personal Profile

Elle permet au recruteur de savoir rapidement qui vous êtes et le poste que vous recherchez. En 2-3 lignes, décrivez
le poste recherché, votre projet professionnel et vos compétences.
Ex.: Computer Science graduate passionate about data engineering and machine learning.
Dedicated customer service manager with over three years’ experience.

B Les principales rubriques

CV/resume 2
Personal Details/
Contact Information
Awards &
Achievements Work Experience

Skills CV/resume
• languages
• computer skills


1. Personal Details / Contact Information Informations personnelles

• Si votre CV a vocation à être diffusé à l’international, ajoutez l’indicatif du pays devant votre numéro de téléphone
et indiquez votre nationalité.
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• Donnez votre profil Linkedin ou votre site Web personnel.

• Pour le Canada, les États-Unis, le Royaume-Uni, ne mentionnez pas vos âge, race, sexe ou situation familiale à
cause des lois anti-discriminatoires. Ne joignez pas de photo.


Method for the exam

2. Work Experience Expérience professionnelle

C’est la rubrique la plus importante dans les CV anglais et américain.
• Commencez par le poste le plus récent (reverse chronological order).
• Donnez tous les détails du poste : titre, type de contrat (part time/full time), niveau du poste (entry level,
internship), lieu, durée.
• Utilisez des verbes d’action positifs pour décrire votre expérience professionnelle :
analyse – lead – improve/upgrade – create – initiate – perform – plan – implement – carry out – conduct (a survey).
Successfully completed implementation of new accounting software a month ahead of schedule.
Managed a team of five employees.
• Ne négligez pas le bénévolat (volunteer work), très important dans un CV anglais ou américain.

3. Education
• Traduisez vos diplômes en anglais ou donnez un équivalent anglais ou américain.
• Ne laissez aucun acronyme français et n’employez pas de jargon.

Traduction de quelques filières et diplômes français

Baccalauréat The equivalent of A-levels (UK) / High school diploma (US)
BTS Post-baccalaureate vocational training certificate
Mention très bien With distinction
S Science major
ES Economics major
STG Specializing in business studies
Licence (en…) Bachelor’s degree (in…)
Lycée Secondary school (UK) / High school (US)
BAFA Youth work diploma

4. Skills Compétences
• Dans cette rubrique, indiquez toutes vos compétences techniques (technical skills) telles que les logiciels (software)
que vous connaissez et votre permis de conduire (driving licence).
• Indiquez aussi vos compétences linguistiques (language skills) par niveau.
Ex.: basic, intermediate, advanced, native speaker
• Si vous avez obtenu une certification reconnue internationalement, vous pouvez donner un score. Ex. : TOEIC = 780

• Spécificités du CV anglais : les rubriques References (noms et contacts de personnes qui peuvent appuyer la
candidature) et Awards and Achievements (concours gagnés, postes à responsabilité y compris dans les loisirs).

C Checklist pour ne rien oublier

Le CV est bien lisible. Il utilise une police professionnelle (ex. : Arial, minimum 11 pt).
La présentation est structurée et cohérente.
Des listes à puces sont utilisées pour éviter les longs paragraphes.
Le CV ne contient aucune erreur (grammaire, orthographe).
Toutes les informations sont vraies.
Il n’y a aucun « trou » non expliqué.
Toutes les informations sont explicites (acronymes expliqués). Il y a aucune abréviation.
L’expérience professionnelle est bien détaillée et décrite avec des verbes d’action.

D Sitographie
Quelques sites peuvent vous permettre de consulter des offres d’emploi et des modèles de CVs et de lettres de
motivation :
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Method for the exam

Rédiger une lettre de motivation

A Pourquoi envoyer une lettre de motivation ?

La lettre de motivation est avant tout une démonstration qui vise à :
– convaincre le recruteur que vous êtes la personne idéale pour le poste ;
– montrer votre personnalité et vos ambitions ;
– prouver au recruteur que vous connaissez son entreprise/institution/service ;
– détailler vos compétences, en citant notamment des exemples de contributions notables issues d’expériences
professionnelles du passé ou ce qui vous avez appris durant vos études.
Attention, il faut rester sincère et authentique et ne pas affirmer des qualités sans les illustrer. C’est une règle d’or
en anglais que les recruteurs connaissent : Show, don’t tell.

B La structure de la lettre de motivation

• La raison pour laquelle vous écrivez
1. • Ce que vous recherchez

• Vos qualifications/expériences/compétences qui font de vous la personne idéale pour

le poste
Démonstration • Ce que vous allez apporter à l’entreprise

• Insistez sur le fait que vous allez contribuer au rayonnement de l’entreprise/du service
3. • Remerciez et demandez un entretien

1. Introduction
Réponse à une annonce : I am writing in response to your advertisement for the position of / I wish to apply for
the position of… which was advertised in…
Candidature spontanée : I am writing to enquire if there are any vacancies with your company / department.

2. Démonstration
Démontrez, en 1 ou 2 paragraphes :
a. Que vous avez les qualifications/l’expérience/les compétences pour le poste (show that you’re the right fit).
I have over three years’ experience in the [sector] industry, and I believe the knowledge and skills acquired
during this time make me the perfect candidate for the role.
Si vous n’avez pas beaucoup d’expérience, mettez en avant ce que vous avez appris durant vos études :
During my course, I studied topics such as [topics or modules relevant to the position], and the skills learned from
these modules have given me an excellent foundation for building a career as a [Job Title].
b. Ce que pouvez apporter à l’entreprise. Essayez de répondre à la question que vous poserait un recruteur :
Why should we hire you?
Montrez que vous connaissez bien l’entreprise en ciblant ce qui l’intéressera.
In my current role as Senior Marketing Executive at [Company], I have been responsible for a 156% increase in
incoming client enquiries for our B2B product lines in less than a year, which has helped the business increase
its revenue by 55% year-on-year.
Vous pouvez également lister vos réussites sous la forme d’une courte liste.
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Method for the exam

3. Conclusion
• Si vous avez de l’expérience :
I am confident that I can bring this level of success with me to your company and help [name of the company]
build upon its reputation as [what the company is known for]. With my previous experience and expertise, I believe
I can contribute actively to the business at once.
• Si vous n’avez pas beaucoup d’expérience :
Despite my limited work experience, I believe my eagerness to learn, coupled with my [relevant skills] will help
[company name] build upon their reputation as [state their position in market – learned through your research].
• Remerciez et demandez un entretien :
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my application further.

C Le style et les formules

• Si possible, trouvez le nom de la personne responsable du recrutement en faisant des recherches. En dernier
recours, commencez par Dear Sir or Madam ou Dear Hiring Manager.
• Écrivez dans un style soutenu (à adapter selon l’entreprise) et clair. Ne faites pas de contractions : écrivez par
exemple I am et non I’m.
• Utilisez des polices classiques telles que le Times New Roman ou l’Arial. Évitez les polices inhabituelles, les
couleurs, le surlignage.
• Utiliser des verbes d’action pour décrire ce que vous avez accompli. Ex. : create / analyse / develop.
• N’oubliez pas de signer la lettre au stylo !

D Quelques astuces
Pour que votre lettre ait plus d’impact, évitez des mots vagues tels que : do, like, enjoy, really, very, well, lots, good,
success, want, show, go, important.

Ú Comparez ces deux phrases, similaires du point de vue du sens : quelle est celle qui a le plus d’impact ?
• I like doing well at work, and can give lots of examples to show how I really am good at it.
• I am motivated to work hard to achieve the best results, and I have demonstrated my ability to succeed on
several occasions.

Se vendre en montrant ce que l’on a accompli.
Copier/coller une lettre générique trouvée sur Internet.
Montrer ce que l’on va apporter à l’entreprise. Écrire plus d’une page.
Adapter la lettre à chaque poste. Laisser des erreurs de grammaire et d’orthographe.
Incorporer des mots-clés de l’annonce pour les lectures Répéter le CV.
informatisées des lettres et pour montrer que l’on a bien
lu l’annonce.
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Method for the exam

Rédiger son rapport de stage et le présenter à l’oral

Rédiger son rapport de stage

Lorsque vous rédigez un rapport de stage, vous devez ensuite le présenter devant un examinateur. Il est donc
important de bien organiser vos idées à l’écrit pour que votre oral s’en trouve facilité.
Le rapport de stage doit comporter trois éléments essentiels :
– les informations sur l’entreprise qui permettront d’établir un contexte de travail (A) ;
– les missions qui vous ont été confiées et votre évolution au sein de l’entreprise (B) ;
– l’analyse de ce que vous retirez professionnellement et personnellement de votre expérience (C).

A La présentation de l’entreprise
Indiquez le nom, le type, la taille, la localisation de l’entreprise et son secteur d’activité. Vous pouvez également
raconter brièvement son histoire ou ajouter un organigramme de l’entreprise.
During my two years of B-Tech I did two internships/During my two-year work-study program as part of my
vocational training. Pendant mes deux ans de BTS j’ai fait deux stages/Pendant mon alternance de deux ans dans
le cadre de ma formation professionnelle.
I did an internship in a company called… J’ai fait un stage dans une entreprise nommée…
It was created by … in … and specialises in… Elle a été créée par … en … et est spécialisée en…
It is located in … and employs … staff members. Elle est située à … et compte … employés.

B La description de vos tâches et de leur évolution

Indiquez le service dans lequel vous travailliez, le nom et poste de votre tuteur.
Vous pouvez décrire vos tâches de manière chronologique en commençant par des tâches simples, indiquer de
nouvelles responsabilités confiées grâce à une meilleure connaissance de l’entreprise. Vous pouvez également
indiquer les outils que vous avez utilisés (logiciels, documents papier, courriers-type, etc.) Enfin, vous pouvez terminer
par les tâches que vous faisiez en fin de stage avec l’aide d’un collaborateur ou en totale autonomie.
I worked in the … department and my tutor was … , the management assistant. Je travaillais dans le service … et
mon tuteur était …, assistant de gestion.
When I started, I had a small observation period. Quand j’ai commencé, j’ai fait une petite période d’observation.
Once I knew the company better, I was given the responsibility of… Quand j’en connaissais un peu plus sur
l’entreprise, on m’a donné la responsabilité de…
After a few days/weeks/months, as I gained in autonomy and self-confidence… Après quelques jours/semaines,
alors que je gagnais en autonomie et confiance en moi…
I started handling some more difficult tasks such as… J’ai commencé à gérer quelques tâches plus difficiles telles que…
At the end of my internship, I was handling … completely/wholly independently. À la fin de mon stage je gérais
… en totale autonomie.

C L’analyse professionnelle
Ce dernier paragraphe doit être consacré à ce que vous avez appris professionnellement et personnellement. C’est
aussi ici que vous allez indiquer les documents et procédures éventuels que vous avez créés et que l’entreprise
utilise depuis. Vous pourrez également y indiquer vos projets à court ou long terme.
This work experience helped me gain specific skills. Cette expérience professionnelle m’a permis d’acquérir des
compétences spécifiques.
I learned to use specific software programs. J’ai appris à utiliser des logiciels spécialisés.
I created templates that the company can use on a daily basis. J’ai créé des modèles que l’entreprise peut utiliser
I particularly liked dealing with… J’ai particulièrement aimé m’occuper de…
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My short-term objective is to travel in order to… Mon objectif à court terme est de voyager afin de…
My goal is now to be hired permanently / to work as a… Mon objectif est maintenant d’être embauché à durée
indéterminée / de travailler en tant que…


Method for the exam

Présenter son rapport de stage à l’oral

Cette épreuve orale de 10 minutes est composée de 5 minutes de présentation orale en continu, puis de 5 minutes
de réponses aux questions posées par l’examinateur.

D La présentation orale en continu

Pour obtenir le plus de points à cette épreuve orale, vous devrez présenter votre stage en évitant de reproduire
mot pour mot le compte rendu écrit. Il ne faut donc surtout pas réciter son rapport de stage car il ne doit être
qu’un appui à votre présentation orale. Vous vous efforcerez plutôt de concevoir une présentation structurée, en
soulignant les points importants et les détails pertinents.
Pour vous aider, vous pouvez préparer une trame orale. N’hésitez pas à reformuler vos phrases, ajouter des mots
connecteurs, des chiffres, des sentiments, des informations qui ne figurent pas sur votre écrit et raconter
des anecdotes. Cet oral doit être vivant et donner envie à votre interlocuteur de vous écouter. Vous serez jugé(e)
sur votre analyse et non sur votre description.
Par exemple :
• Si, sur votre rapport de stage, vous avez rédigé « I was in charge of billing the customers. » « J’étais chargé(e)
de facturer les clients. »
Ú Reformulez et développez cette idée à l’oral : Every day, I handled customer invoicing. I drew up an invoice
on the Excel spreadsheet. Once my supervisor had checked it, I emailed it to the customer. Chaque jour, je gérais
la facturation clients. Je rédigeais une facture sur Excel. Après vérification de mon responsable, je l’envoyais au
client par e-mail.
Le but étant de montrer à l’examinateur que vous avez acquis le vocabulaire professionnel et que vous pouvez en
faire bon usage.
• Lorsque votre rapport de stage mentionne l’adresse de l’entreprise : The company is located in Marseille.
L’entreprise est située à Marseille.
Ú Développez et analysez à l’oral : It is a strategic location only a few minutes away from the main road. C’est
une situation stratégique à seulement quelques minutes de la nationale.
• Si vous avez écrit : The company works with private individuals and professionals. L’entreprise travaille avec
des particuliers et des professionnels.
Ú Reformulez en donnant des données chiffrées : The company works with 65% of private individuals and
35% of professionals. L’entreprise travaille avec 65 % de particuliers et 35 % de professionnels.
Pour développer vos idées, n’hésitez pas à utiliser des connecteurs logiques.
Indeed En effet
Actually En réalité
Mais aussi des adverbes accentuant votre jugement ou réflexion.
It is quite interesting… Il est tout à fait intéressant…
I strongly believe that… Je crois fortement que…
I am absolutely convinced that… Je suis absolument convaincu(e) que…
Racontez des anecdotes : I remember once… Je me souviens d’une fois…

E Les réponses aux questions posées par l’examinateur

Il est important d’anticiper les questions de l’examinateur. Pour vous préparer à cette partie d’épreuve, reportez-
vous à la Méthode Parler de son expérience professionnelle et répondre à des questions (p. 156). Il est recommandé
d’anticiper des questions qui seraient propres à votre entreprise et votre situation personnelle.

# grille
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Method for the exam

Gérér une situation de communication

Dans l’épreuve de production orale de BTS GPME, vous devez raconter une situation de communication vécue,
observée ou imaginée en réception, organisation d’événement, négociation ou gestion de conflit, après avoir rédigé
une fiche descriptive qui sert d’appui à l’examinateur.

A Décrire la situation à l’écrit

# annexe IV-1
Sur l’annexe IV-1, vous décrirez la situation que vous avez rencontrée.
• Nom/secteur d’activité. Name of the company, specialising in…
• Contexte : cadre dans lequel la situation s’est déroulée. In (month/year) I was working in my office when… En (mois/
année) je travaillais dans mon bureau lorsque… Someone rang at the door. Quelqu’un sonna à la porte. I opened
the door and a man started speaking in English. J’ai ouvert la porte et un homme commença à parler en anglais.
• Lieu/durée. The situation took place in the lobby/in my office and lasted … minutes. La situation s’est déroulée
à l’entrée/dans mon bureau et a duré … minutes.
• Techniques et outils de communication utilisés. I used active listening, body language, assertiveness… J’ai
utilisé l’écoute active, le langage corporel, l’assertivité… I used a notebook and a pen, a bilingual dictionary, a GPS
app… J’ai utilisé un cahier et un stylo, un dictionnaire bilingue, une application GPS…
• Présentation des protagonistes. An English-speaking delivery person/customer. Un livreur/client anglophone.
Myself as a (position) trainee. Moi-même en tant que (poste) stagiaire.
• Relations entre les protagonistes : dans cette partie, vous devez faire le lien avec les types de relations enseignés
en cours de communication. It was a distant complementary asymmetrical relationship because we had never met
before. C’était une relation asymétrique complémentaire éloignée car nous ne nous étions jamais vus.
• Problèmes. S/he only spoke English and had a strong accent. / I have very basic English. Il/Elle parlait seulement
anglais avec un fort accent. / J’ai un niveau d’anglais très basique.
• Enjeux. Ici aussi, il faut faire référence aux cours de communication. It was important/the issue was informing the
customer. Il était important/l’enjeu était de renseigner le client. It was an identity issue. C’était un enjeu identitaire.
• Solutions. I used empathy and asked simple questions. J’ai utilisé l’empathie et ai posé des questions simples.
I used conflict-solving techniques such as… J’ai utilisé des techniques de résolution de conflit telles que…
• Dénouement. We reached an agreement. Nous sommes arrivés à un accord. I gave him/her an appointment
with… Je lui ai donné un rendez-vous avec… Despite the language barrier, communication was efficient. Malgré la
barrière de la langue, la communication a été efficace.

B Présenter la situation de communication à l’oral

5 minutes seront consacrées à la présentation orale de votre situation de communication en continu. Comme pour
celle de votre stage, vous prendrez soin de ne pas reproduire mot pour mot la fiche écrite mais de l’enrichir par des
explications, clarifications et exemples.
• Si vous avez écrit : S/he was a regular customer. C’était un(e) client(e) régulièr(e).
Ú Reformulez et précisez à l’oral : I knew who she was because she is a loyal customer. Je savais qui c’était
car c’est une cliente fidèle.
• Si vous avez écrit : It was an identity issue. C’était un enjeu identitaire.
Ú Complétez vos propos à l’oral : Because I needed to give a good image of the company. Car je devais montrer
une bonne image de l’entreprise.
• Si vous avez écrit : S/he thanked me for my help. Il/Elle m’a remercié(e) pour mon aide.
Ú Développez à l’oral : I was relieved that I was able to meet the customer’s needs. J’étais soulagé(e) d’avoir
pu répondre aux besoins du client.

C Répondre aux questions de l’examinateur

Dans les 5 minutes suivantes, l’examinateur vous questionnera afin de vous amener à préciser les difficultés
rencontrées, les enjeux éventuels et les solutions apportées. Il est donc recommandé d’anticiper les questions qui
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pourraient vous être posées à la suite de votre présentation orale.

What was the most difficult moment of the interaction? Quel a été le moment le plus difficile de l’interaction ?
Would you handle the interaction differently today? Géreriez-vous l’interaction différemment aujourd’hui ?


Method for the exam

Parler de son expérience professionnelle

et répondre à des questions
Lors de l’évaluation de l’expression orale, vous serez amené(e) à parler de votre expérience professionnelle acquise
lors de vos stages. Pour ce faire, une préparation est nécessaire afin que puissiez en rendre compte de manière
personnelle avec pertinence et un vocabulaire professionnel.

A Présentez brièvement l’entreprise

Indiquez la durée de votre stage dans l’entreprise, son nom, sa localisation, sa spécialisation.
I did/carried out my internship/work placement/training period from … (month/year) to … (month/year) in a
company called…, located in … (city). J’ai réalisé mon stage de … à … dans une entreprise nommée … située à …
It specializes in selling, renting, producing… Elle est spécialisée dans la vente, la location, la production de…

B Parlez de vos tâches

Présentez-les de manière à ce que l’examinateur remarque leur évolution.
Let me tell you about my everyday tasks. Laissez-moi vous parler de mes tâches quotidiennes.
When I started my internship I learned how to… Quand j’ai commencé mon stage, j’ai appris à…
Greet/Welcome the customers Saluer/Accueillir les clients
Use selling techniques by observing my tutor and colleagues Utiliser des techniques de vente en observant mon
tuteur et mes collègues
Outtake customers’ payments Encaisser les clients
Highlight the features of a product Mettre en avant les caractéristiques d’un produit
Use the company’s software/ERP called… Utiliser le logiciel d’entreprise/PGI appelé…
When I knew the company better I was given more responsibilities such as… Quand j’ai acquis une meilleure
connaissance de l’entreprise, on m’a donné plus de responsabilités telles que…
Advising, negotiating Conseiller, négocier
Dealing with the after-sales service Gérer le service après-vente
Sending quotes and invoices Envoyer des devis et factures

C Analysez les difficultés rencontrées et vos acquis

At first, it was difficult/I found it hard to deal with…, to learn about… Au début, il était difficile de gérer…, d’apprendre…
But with time and practice, I gained skills in a specialised work environment. Mais avec le temps et la pratique,
j’ai acquis des compétences professionnelles dans un environnement professionnel spécialisé.
I also gained personal skills such as time management, teamwork… J’ai aussi acquis des compétences personnelles
telles que la gestion du temps, le travail d’équipe…
I can say it was a positive, fulfilling experience. Je peux dire que c’était une expérience positive, enrichissante.

D Énoncez vos projets et motivations

I have discovered a new work environment. J’ai découvert un nouvel environnement professionnel.
I enjoy negotiating, so I would like to work as a sales representative in a big/small company. J’apprécie la négociation,
donc j’aimerais travailler en tant que commercial dans une petite/grande entreprise.
I would like to travel and improve my language skills before working as a… J’aimerais travailler pour améliorer mes
compétences en langue avant de travailler comme…
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Method for the exam

Si le temps le permet, vous serez amené(e) à répondre à des questions sur l’expérience professionnelle acquise
lors de vos stages. Pour ce faire, une préparation est nécessaire afin que puissiez répondre avec pertinence, le
vocabulaire professionnel acquis et de manière la plus spontanée possible. Les questions sont très variables mais
en voici quelques exemples.

E Du plus général…
1. What were your working hours?
I usually worked from … to … with an hour and a half for lunch. Je travaillais généralement de … à … avec 1h30 de
2. How long was your commute?
It was a 30-minute drive/walk. C’était un trajet de 30 minutes en voiture/à pied.
3. How did you get along/get on with your colleagues?
I had a good relationship with some of my colleagues, who even became my friends. J’avais une bonne relation
avec certains de mes collègues qui sont même devenus des amis.
4. Can you describe a typical day?
I started my day checking the incoming e-mails. Je commençais ma journée en vérifiant les e-mails entrants.
I finished with putting the items back on shelves. Je finissais avec la remise en rayon des produits.
5. Have you ever had any summer/odd jobs before?
Yes, I was an order picker in 2023. Oui, j’étais préparateur/trice de commande en 2023.

F … au plus personnel
6. What were your first impressions when you started?
At first, I was a little shy with my new colleagues and afraid to make mistakes. Au début, j’étais un peu timide
avec mes collègues et j’avais peur de faire des erreurs.
7. Do you feel different today?
Yes, I am much more confident and mature. Oui, je suis plus sûr(e) de moi et mature.
8. What was your favourite task?
I particularly enjoyed advising my customers. J’ai particulièrement apprécié conseiller mes clients.
9. What task did you find the most difficult?
The most difficult one/thing was… Le plus difficile était…
– dealing with difficult customers de gérer les clients difficiles
– learning the specific vocabulary d’apprendre un vocabulaire spécialisé
10. Did you make mistakes?
Yes, once but I learnt from the experience. Oui, une fois, mais je l’ai utilisée en tant qu’expérience.
11. What achievement are you the most proud of?
I organised an event and my supervisor congratulated me. J’ai organisé un événement et mon/ma responsable
m’a félicité(e).
12. What professional and personal skills did you acquire?
I acquired selling/negotiation/management/IT skills. J’ai acquis des compétences en vente/négociation/management/
I gained organisation/time management skills. J’ai acquis des compétences en organisation/gestion du temps.
13. What type of company would you like to work for in the future ?
I would like to work in a bigger/smaller company specialising in… J’aimerais travailler dans une plus grande/petite
entreprise spécialisée dans…
I would like to start my own business in… J’aimerais ouvrir ma propre entreprise dans…

L’examinateur pourra, s’il le souhaite, vous demander de plus amples informations, des éclaircissements sur les
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réponses que vous lui aurez données ou élargir le sujet sur vos prochaines vacances ou vos loisirs, par exemple.


Method for the exam

Rédiger un compte rendu en français

d’un document en anglais
L’évaluation de la compréhension écrite comporte un compte rendu en français d’un document en anglais. Il s’agit
de restituer les informations principales et les enjeux du ou des documents de manière organisée. Le compte rendu
doit avoir un plan et les idées doivent être hiérarchisées.

A Lisez les informations fournies avec le texte

• Le titre : il permet d’anticiper le contenu du texte.
• La date de publication : elle vous permet de situer l’article dans le temps ou de le mettre en rapport avec un
événement que vous connaissez.
• La source : journal de qualité, hebdomadaire d’information, site internet…

B Collectez les informations utiles

• Lisez le texte en entier sans vous arrêter sur les difficultés de vocabulaire. Cela vous permet de répondre aux
4 questions en WH- : Who? de qui parle-t-on ?, Where? où cela se passe-t-il ?, When? à quelle date ?, What? de quoi
parle-t-on ?
• Effectuez une deuxième lecture active avec un crayon ou un surligneur, afin de dégager les idées principales.
Notez-les en français.
• Relevez les articulations du texte ou l’ordre logique : causes et conséquences, enchaînement, opposition,
concession, passé / présent / avenir, perspectives et limites…
• Distinguez bien les faits du ou des points de vue exprimés.
• Éliminez le superflu : exemples, détails inutiles et répétitions.
Ce n’est qu’une fois ce travail de repérage effectué que vous pourrez commencer la rédaction du compte rendu.

C Rédigez votre compte rendu

• Rédigez une courte introduction comportant :
– les sources du document : titre, date, journal, auteur ;
– le thème principal ;
– la problématique : les grands axes autour desquels s’organise votre compte rendu.
• Organisez votre plan de manière logique : les faits, les opinions. Votre compte rendu doit comporter des paragraphes
clairement séparés.
• Reformulez le texte en français. Ne faites pas un collage de bouts de phrases que vous avez traduits.
• Ne prenez pas parti, ne portez pas de jugement, évitez toute ironie, commentaire ou distance. Tenez-vous-en
au texte sans exprimer votre opinion.
• Si le sujet comporte plusieurs documents, ne résumez pas chaque document successivement mais trouvez un plan
qui vous permette de trouver les points de convergence ou d’opposition.
• Terminez par une phrase de conclusion.

D Faites une relecture attentive

• Relisez-vous en vous demandant si votre compte rendu est fidèle au document en anglais.
• Vérifiez que les différentes parties sont équilibrées : l’introduction ne peut pas être plus longue que le développement.
• Contrôlez la langue et l’orthographe : accents, pluriels, accords… Toute présentation sous forme de notes est
• Assurez-vous que vous avez respecté le nombre de mots demandé, généralement 200 mots + ou – 10 % et
indiquez-le précisément en bas de votre compte rendu.
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Method for the exam


A look at the spending habits of college students

1 While some students struggle to make ends meet, the 20 can spend hundreds of dollars on coffee each semester.
stereotypical college experience of eating Ramen Noodles, A large expense for many college students is electronics,
wearing clothes from Goodwill, and drinking cheap beer gadgets, and technology. Students rely on technology
is quickly disappearing. Much of this can be explained to access information, communicate with friends, and
5 by the changing demographics of today’s students. Less keep themselves entertained. These expenses are seen
than half (43%) of college students are 18-21. The typical 25 as necessities. […]
college student is in their mid-twenties, either lives at Personal care is another big expense for college students,
home or on campus, and has a job. Students no longer with $4 billion spent each year […]. Nationally, students
expect to complete college in 4 consecutive years, and spend more than $5 billion a year on clothes and shoes.
10 many fluctuate between full-time and part-time study By the time they reach college, full-time students represent
over a period of 5 to 7 years. The older the student, the 30 over sixty billion dollars in buying power. This amount
more money he or she generally has. usually increases once the student graduates and becomes
The typical college student gets an average of $757 a employed.
month from jobs, parents or other sources. Most money Marketers who can successfully reach these young adults
15 comes from work. […] with a quality product, positive message, and clear value,
College students spend most of their discretionary income 35 may enjoy decades of loyal purchasing and millions of
on food. Students spend more than $11 billion a year on dollars worth of free, word-of-mouth marketing. Hooking
snacks and beverages. Even students who live in the dorms someone while still in college is one way to do this.
and have meal plans spend a lot of money eating out. They © www.stateuniversity, november 13th, 2021. ■

A Relevez les informations utiles pour rédiger l’introduction : titre, date, source.
“A look at the spending habits of college students”, November 13th, 2021, the website www.stateuniversity.

B Lisez le texte et répondez aux 4 questions suivantes.

a. De qui parle-t-on ? Ú des étudiants américains
b. Où cela se passe-t-il ? Ú sur les campus des universités américaines
c. À quel moment ? Ú en novembre 2021
d. De quoi parle-t-on ? Ú des habitudes de consommation des étudiants américains

C Dégagez les idées principales sous forme de notes en français.

a. Changement de comportement de consommation des étudiants américains : ils consomment moins
de produits bon marché.

b. Âge moyen des étudiants : 25 ans.

c. Durée des études : entre 5 et 7 ans au lieu de 4 ans autrefois.
d. Argent disponible par mois en moyenne : 757 dollars par mois, principalement par leur travail.
e. Dépense moyenne par an : 13 000 dollars.
f. La plus grosse dépense : 11 milliards de dollars pour la nourriture, car beaucoup d’étudiants mangent à l’extérieur.
g. Dépenses nécessaires : appareils électroniques, communiquer avec les amis et se divertir.
h. Autres secteurs de dépenses : produits de toilette, vêtements et chaussures (5 milliards)
i. Conseil aux marques : il faut donc attirer les étudiants avec des produits de qualité et des valeurs claires pour
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s’assurer de leur fidélité quand ils entrent sur le marché du travail et que leur pouvoir d’achat augmente.

D Vous pouvez maintenant rédiger votre compte rendu en français en 160 mots + ou – 10 %.


Method for the exam

Rendre compte d’un document audio ou vidéo

Durant cette évaluation de la compréhension orale, vous effectuez deux écoutes espacées de 2 minutes d’un ou de
deux documents audio ou vidéo d’une longueur totale de 3 minutes. Vous en rendez compte par écrit ou oralement,
en anglais ou en français.

A Première écoute
• Lisez le titre écrit au tableau avant d’écouter le document audio ou vidéo.
• Si c’est une vidéo, regardez l’écran : les images permettent de comprendre des éléments de la narration en voix
off ou des entretiens.
• Identifiez le type de document : the news les informations, a news item une nouvelle, a report un reportage,
an interview un entretien, a conversation une conversation, a speech un discours, a passage from a radio show
un extrait d’émission de radio, a commercial une publicité, etc.
• Définissez le thème général du document. Cela vous permet d’anticiper des mots que vous connaissez déjà.
Par exemple, si l’enregistrement porte sur la protection de l’environnement, vous allez sans doute entendre : pollution,
electric, wind turbine, global warming, climate change…
• Soyez attentif à tous les indices sonores à votre disposition : voix, musique, bruits, etc.
• Après la première écoute, vous disposez d’un laps de temps pour reconstituer le sens général du document à
partir des mots et groupes de mots que vous avez notés.

B Deuxième écoute
• Complétez les informations rassemblées lors de la première écoute.
• Portez votre attention sur les noms, les dates, les chiffres, les lieux…
• Concentrez-vous sur ce dont vous êtes certain.

C Troisième écoute
• Complétez et vérifiez vos notes.
• Séparez les opinions des informations factuelles.

D L’organisation de votre présentation

• Commencez par une courte introduction comportant : la nature de l’enregistrement, le thème général, les
personnes qui parlent.
The main topic of the video is… Le sujet principal de la vidéo est…
The recording deals with / is about… L’enregistrement parle de…
• Définissez l’objectif visé. Montrez que vous comprenez les intentions du locuteur : describe décrire, explain
expliquer, inform informer, criticize critiquer, expose dénoncer, entertain divertir, etc.
• Présentez le contenu du document sans jugement ni commentaire personnel.
The columnist starts with a fact. L’éditorialiste commence par un fait.
Then, the anchorman introduces the idea that… Ensuite, le présentateur introduit l’idée que…
The newsreader informs us that… La présentatrice nous informe que…
The journalist exposes the fact that… Le journaliste dénonce le fait que…
• Dites en quoi le support est spécifique et ce qui en fait son intérêt.
The core of the issue lies in the fact that… Le cœur du problème se trouve dans le fait que…
The recording raises a ticklish issue. Cet enregistrement soulève un point délicat.
The figures testify to the importance of the phenomenon. Les chiffres témoignent de l’importance du phénomène.
She quotes a striking example. Elle cite un exemple frappant.
He gives a major piece of information. Il donne une information essentielle.
• Hiérarchisez les idées en distinguant les idées principales des idées secondaires ou des détails. On n’attend pas
uniquement un repérage de mots, mais leur mise en relation : problems and solutions problèmes et solutions,
causes et consequences causes et conséquences, pros and cons pour et contre, advantages and drawbacks
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avantages et inconvénients…
• L’important est de restituer tout ce que vous avez compris de l’enregistrement. Mais il ne s’agit pas de décrire
les images.


Method for the exam


A Première écoute # vidéo

a. Type of document: a news report

b. From the title Rapid grocery delivery firms set new retail trend, I expect the video to deal with:
the new retail trend of rapid grocery delivery firms

c. Words I can expect to hear: retail, grocery, delivery, dark store, efficient, saves time, competition, rapid, venture

d. Where? at Weezy dark store in South London

e. Who? a team of packers, a customer, the cofounder, an analyst

f. What? pros and cons of dark stores

B Deuxième et troisième écoutes

a. Reasons why Alister Dean uses the service: both he and his girl friend work a lot, so they have no time to spend
an hour on weekly shopping in a supermarket.

b. Aim of Whizz: to supply customers with grocery within 15 minutes of an order at prices similar to supermarkets.

c. Advantages over big stores mentioned by co-founder Alec Dent: much faster toward customers, provide
a better service.

d. Difficulties: compétition from supermarkets, Deliveroo and Uber.

e. For Natalie Berg, retail analyst from MBK Retail, the big challenge is: profitability
She thinks that in the future: there will be consolidation.

f. Final commentary: orders have jumped since Britain started to unlock restrictions and social lives got busier,
because shoppers know they can rely on a fifteen-minute delivery.

C Préparez-vous à présenter votre compte rendu.

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Method for the exam

Présenter un document écrit à l’oral

Lors de l’évaluation de l’expression orale en continu, vous devez rendre compte d’un document écrit à l’oral puis
produire un commentaire en anglais ou en français – selon votre BTS. Votre oral prend appui sur un article de presse
de 300 mots environ. Voici des conseils vous permettant d’aborder avec méthode et confiance cette épreuve orale.
Vous disposez de 20 minutes de préparation et de 10 minutes pour vos compte rendu et commentaire.

A La lecture crayon en main

• Repérez le titre, la date de publication et la source : an Internet site un site internet, a newspaper un journal,
specialised press la presse spécialisée, a weekly magazine un hebdomadaire…
• Identifiez le type de document : an article un article, a column un éditorial, a report un rapport, statistics des
• Définissez le thème principal.
• Soulignez les mots clés et encadrez les mots de liaison pour repérer les articulations.
• Notez en anglais les idées principales en marge des paragraphes.
• Utilisez un surligneur de couleur différente pour séparer les opinions et points de vue exprimés par :
– des adjectifs et des adverbes positifs ou négatifs : respectful / disrespectful, excellent / ridiculous, fortuna-
tely / unfortunately, politically correct / incorrect…
– des verbes et expressions d’opinion : I believe, I think, in my opinion, I regret, I was happy to learn, no doubt,
it is likely to, I wonder whether, I agree / disagree with…
– des auxiliaires de modalité : may, must, should, will…

B Le compte rendu
• L’introduction comporte :
– le titre du document : The article is entitled… Le titre de article est…
– la nature du document : an article / a column / a report by… un article / éditorial / reportage de…
– la source : It is taken from The Guardian. C’est extrait du Guardian.
– la date : It is dated April 2023. C’est daté d’avril 2023.
– le thème principal : The article is about / deals with the fact that… L’article parle du fait que… It raises the
problem of… Il soulève le problème de…
• Indiquez clairement les différentes étapes de votre présentation.
to begin / start with pour commencer, first of all premièrement, as an introduction en introduction
to sum up / summarise pour résumer
eventually / lastly / finally finalement, last but not least enfin et surtout
She concludes her interview by saying that… Elle conclut son entretien en disant que…
So much for my summary, now let me turn to my commentary. J’en ai terminé de mon résumé, je passe à mon
• Explicitez le point de vue du journaliste.
The columnist presents the situation as rather alarming. Le chroniqueur présente la situation comme plutôt alarmante.
According to the journalist, it is all very reassuring. Selon le / la journaliste, tout cela est très rassurant.
Indeed, the figures emphasise the devastating impact… En effet, les chiffres mettent en avant l’effet dévastateur…
The journalist comments upon the lack of an encouraging attitude from governments. Le / la journaliste émet un
commentaire sur l’absence d’attitude encourageante des gouvernements.
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Method for the exam

C Le commentaire
• Discutez le thème du document en élargissant le sujet. Vous pouvez évoquer les risques, les dangers, les
espoirs, les effets, les solutions…
We can easily guess that without drastic measures, we will be faced with serious difficulties in the future. Nous
pouvons facilement imaginer que, sans mesures drastiques, nous nous retrouverons face à de sérieuses difficultés
à l’avenir.
• Suggérez des solutions.
The gap between … and … needs to be bridged. Le fossé entre … et … doit être comblé.
We should face up the challenge. Nous devrions faire face au défi.
A means to improve the situation would be to… Un moyen d’améliorer la situation serait de…
I’ve always figured that in order to progress… J’ai toujours pensé que pour progresser…
We should draw a lesson from it. Nous devrions en tirer une leçon.
I believe we would stand more chances to improve the situation if… Je pense que nous aurions plus de chance de
voir la situation s’améliorer si…
• Prenez position et justifiez votre point de vue.
In my opinion À mon avis
To my mind Selon moi
As far as I’m concerned En ce qui me concerne
May I suggest that… Puis-je suggérer que…
I’d like to point out that… J’aimerais mettre en avant le fait que…
I find it interesting because… Je le trouve intéressant parce que…
I am convinced that… Je suis convaincu(e) que…
I wonder if… Je me demande si…
• Exprimez votre accord.
I think she is quite right. Je pense qu’elle a tout à fait raison.
I agree with the journalist about this point. Je suis d’accord avec le / la journaliste sur ce point.
I side with the editor. Je suis du même avis que l’éditorialiste.
• Mentionnez vos doutes.
I agree to a certain extent. Je suis d’accord jusqu’à une certaine limite.
It could / may be right. Cela pourrait être vrai.
We can’t say for certain that… On ne peut affirmer avec certitude que…
One should weigh the pros and the cons. Il faudrait peser le pour et le contre.
Another way of looking at this question is… Une autre manière d’aborder la question est…
Opinions are divided on that question. Les opinions sont partagées sur le sujet.
There are advantages but drawbacks too. Il y a des avantages mais aussi des inconvénients.
There is no definite / clear-cut answer. Il n’y a pas de réponse définitive / claire.
It is difficult to make a choice / difference. Il est difficile de faire le choix / la différence.
• Dites votre désaccord.
I disagree / don’t agree with this view. Je ne suis pas d’accord avec ce point de vue.
I don’t share that idea. Je ne partage pas cette idée.
That is what scares me. C’est ce qui me fait peur.
We should think of the consequences. Il faudrait penser aux conséquences.
We can reproach him with being… On peut lui reprocher d’être…
I do not believe it is right to… Je ne pense pas que ce soit bien / juste de…
I’m afraid the journalist is wrong. Je crains que le journaliste n’ait tort.
• Terminez par une conclusion personnelle.
Votre conclusion ne doit pas être une répétition de ce que vous avez déjà dit mais ouvrir des perspectives ou fournir
une manière personnelle d’envisager les choses.
To conclude, I would like to say that… Pour conclure, j’aimerais dire que…
I am going to conclude by saying that… Je vais conclure en disant que…
That was my conclusion. Thank you. C’est ma conclusion. Merci.
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Method for the exam

Écrire une lettre

A Le format de la lettre

Marie Durand Sender’s name, company, address
ABC Company
123 Avenue de la Canebière
13000 Marseille
FRANCE Name of the country for international mail

May 2, 2024 Date

Daniel Smith Recipient’s name, company, address

XYZ Company
Head buyer
456 South Beach
Miami, Fl 33130
USA Name of the country for international mail

Dear Sirs When you don’t know the recipient’s name
Dear Ms Smith When you don’t know a woman’s marital status
Dear Mrs Smith Used for a married woman (if she prefers)
Dear Mr Smith Used for a man
ENQUIRY Subject right under the greeting

Opening Purpose of the letter

Body Depends on the purpose of the letter

Complimentary close
Yours sincerely, When you know the recipient’s name
Yours faithfully, If you don’t know the recipient’s name

Signature Placed before the sender’s name

Marie Durand Sender’s name and title

Personal assistant Title

Enc. Enclosure(s): indicates the number or name

of documents enclosed if applicable
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Method for the exam

B Les phrases-type
• Annoncer le motif de la lettre
I am writing… J’écris…
– to enquire about… pour me renseigner au sujet de…
– to reply to your enquiry pour répondre à votre lettre de demande de renseignements
– to complain about… pour me plaindre de…
• Accuser réception
We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated (day Month). (NB : le mois commence par une majuscule) Nous accusons
réception de votre lettre datée du (jour mois).
Thank you for your letter of (day Month). Je vous remercie pour votre lettre du (jour mois).

Corps de texte
• Se présenter
We are a company specialising in selling professionnel equipment. Nous sommes une entreprise spécialisée dans
la vente d’équipement professionnel.
We are known for the quality of our services, provided by qualified technicians. Nous sommes reconnus pour la
qualité de nos services fournis par des techniciens qualifiés.
• Annoncer une nouvelle
I regret to inform you that the meeting scheduled on (day Month) must be postponed. J’ai le regret de vous informer
que la réunion prévue le (jour mois) doit être reportée.
I am pleased to announce that the new edition of our catalogue is available. J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que
la nouvelle édition de notre catalogue est disponible.
• Attirer l’attention
I woud like to point out that… Je souhaiterais souligner que…
Please note that… Merci de noter que…
• Organiser
We would like to arrange a meeting with our sales manager. Nous souhaiterions organiser une réunion avec notre
directeur/trice commercial(e).
• Joindre un document
Please find enclosed an invitation to our open day. Veuillez trouver ci-joint une invitation pour notre journée
portes ouvertes.
You will find enclosed the invoice for your latest order. Vous trouverez ci-joint la facture de votre dernière commande.
• S’excuser
We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause. Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée.
• Commander
I would like to place an order for… Je souhaiterais passer une commande pour…
• Demander une action
Please confirm your availability as soon as possible. Merci de confirmer votre disponibilité dès que possible.
We would appreciate it if you could send us a quote. Nous vous serions reconnaissants de nous adresser un devis.
We look forward to hearing from you soon. Dans l’attente d’une réponse dans les meilleurs délais.
• Se tenir à disposition
I remain at your disposal for any further information. Je reste à votre disposition pour toute information complémentaire.

Salutations finales
Yours faithfully / Yours sincerely
Attention :
Thank you for your reply signifie Merci de votre réponse alors que Please reply signifie Merci de/Prière de répondre.
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Pour rédiger une lettre, la forme est aussi importante # modèles

que le fond. Voici quelques modèles. de lettres


Method for the exam

Écrire un e-mail
Écrire un email est moins formel qu’écrire une lettre. Aussi, les phrases doivent être claires et courtes, mais organisées
et efficaces.
L’utilisation du point d’interrogation est également acceptable.
Si vous écrivez en votre nom personnel, utilisez le pronom personnel « I » à la première personne du singulier ; si
vous écrivez en tant qu’entreprise, utilisez le pronom personnel « We » à la première personne du pluriel.

A 1er email

Date : 14 April 2023 Date of writing
From : Sender’s email
To : Adressee’s email
CC : Email of a person for information
only if applicable

Subject : Enquiry Demande de renseignements Purpose of the email

Dear Ms Brown Chère Madame Brown Opening salutation

I am writing to enquire about your range Purpose of the email
of professional equipment. Je vous écris pour
vous demander des informations sur votre gamme
d’équipement professionnel.

As we are a company specialising in home renovation, Depends on the purpose of the email
I may want to place orders in the near future.
Comme nous sommes une entreprise spécialisée dans
la rénovation de maison, je pourrais passer commande
très prochainement.
Therefore, could you please send me your current Requesting
brochure and price list? Aussi, pourriez-vous
m’adresser votre brochure et vos tarifs en cours ?
I look forward to your reply. Friendly ending
Dans l’attente d’une réponse,

Closing salutation
Yours sincerely. Formal

Henry Jackson First/last name
Head Buyer Directeur des Achats Title
ABC Company Company’s name
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Method for the exam

B 2e email

Date : 15 April 2023 Date of writing
From : Sender’s email
To : Adressee’s email
Attachment : Brochure and price list Name of the attachment
Brochure et tarifs
Subject: Invitation

Dear Mr Jackson, Cher Monsieur Jackson, Opening salutation

Thank you for your interest in our company. Purpose of the email
Nous vous remercions de l’intérêt que vous portez
à notre entreprise.
As per your request, please find attached the newest Reply to the enquiry
edition of our catalogue along with our current price list.
Comme demandé, je vous prie de trouver ci-joint la toute
dernière édition de notre catalogue ainsi que nos tarifs
en cours.

Our company is renowned for the qualityof its products Highlighting
and services provided by experienced technicians and
its customer service. Notre entreprise est réputée pour
la qualité de ses produits et services fournis par des
techniciens qualifiés et notre service clients.
I am pleased to attach an invitation to our open day Attaching
on 12 May, in our premises, for a demonstration on
our innovative equipment. Je suis heureuse de vous
inviter à notre journée Portes Ouvertes le 12 mai dans
nos locaux, pour une démonstration de notre équipement
Please confirm your availability by return e-mail as soon Requesting
as possible. Merci de confirmer votre disponibilité par
retour d’email dans les meilleurs délais.
I look forward to seeing you at the open day. Friendly ending
Dans la perspective de vous voir à la journée Portes ouvertes.

Closing salutation
Best regards. Less formal than Yours sincerely

Jane Brown First/last name
Sales Director Directrice commerciale Title
XYZ Company Company’s name

C Autres phrases types

We were surprised and disappointed with the delivery delays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Complaining
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Nous sommes surpris et déçus par les retards de livraison.

Would you be available on 10 June at 10AM for a meeting with the supplier? . . . . . . . . . . Arranging
Seriez-vous disponible le 10 juin à 10h pour une réunion avec le fournisseur ?


Method for the exam

L’épreuve du BTS NDRC

L’épreuve se déroule uniquement à l’oral. Trois compétences sont évaluées : la compréhension écrite, la prise de
parole en continu et la prise de parole en interaction.
C’est le niveau B2 du Cadre européen de référence pour les langues (CECRL) qui sert de référence pour l’évaluation
des compétences. Le niveau B2 implique une maîtrise générale et spontanée de la langue. Il signifie que vous avez
les capacités suivantes :
– comprendre le contenu essentiel de sujets concrets ou abstraits dans un texte complexe, y compris une discussion
technique dans sa spécialité ;
– communiquer avec spontanéité et aisance avec un locuteur natif ;
– s’exprimer de façon claire et détaillée sur une grande gamme de sujets, émettre un avis sur un sujet d’actualité et
exposer les avantages et les inconvénients de différentes possibilités.
Le coefficient de l’épreuve est de 3.

A Déroulement de l’épreuve
Nature de l’exercice Durée
1. Compte-rendu en français par le/la candidat(e) d’un document textuel
10 minutes
2. Entretien en français avec l’examinateur/trice sur le document textuel
3. Entretien en anglais avec l’examinateur dans le cadre d’une mise en situation professionnelle
20 minutes
et de son questionnement.
Préparation en loge 30 minutes
Durée totale de l’épreuve 60 minutes

B Exemple de mise en situation professionnelle

Se projeter dans une Consigne importante :
You work as a sales advisor at Tesla and have a
situation professionnelle il ne s’agit pas d’un jeu
meeting with a potential customer who is hesitating
de rôle, il faut se situer
to buy your Model 3 mostly because of the base
price of the car. Prepare your arguments to convince
him/her and satisfy his/her needs.
You may use the following hints: S’appuyer sur
– Its autonomy and the battery charging rate ces indications
– The delivery time / availability pour structurer son
– The after-sales service / maintenance argumentation.

C Conseils
• Dans un premier temps, présenter la situation, le contexte (reformulation du sujet), puis développer une analyse
de la situation (besoins, en fonction de la cible, du contexte culturel, du lieu…). Enfin, proposer une démarche
commerciale argumentée.
• Justifier, expliquer : l’argumentation doit être cohérente. Prendre appui sur les idées du texte et les documents fournis.
• Structurer son propos en utilisant des connecteurs de discours. Ex: First, that’s all I want to say about…, to conclude…
• Le jury n’évalue pas la qualité de la réponse commerciale, mais l’aptitude à construire un discours argumenté et
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Le groupe nominal
1 Quels noms sont toujours singuliers ?
• Matières : paper le papier, iron le fer, oil le pétrole, coal le charbon
Pour un élément : a cup of une tasse de, a glass of un verre de, a bottle of une bouteille de
• Ensembles : advice des conseils, evidence des preuves, news des nouvelles, information des informations, fruit des fruits
Pour un élément : a piece of
• Notions abstraites : freedom la liberté, happiness le bonheur, unemployment le chômage, work le travail
• Nom en -ics, -ty, –ing: economics l’économie, society la société, advertising la publicité
Certains noms changent de sens s’ils sont dénombrables ou indénombrables : room de la place / a room une pièce,
business les affaires / a business une entreprise, paper le papier / a paper un journal, glass le verre / glasses les lunettes

2 Quels noms sont invariables ?

• Objets en deux parties : jeans un jean, pyjamas un pyjama, trousers un pantalon, scissors des ciseaux
• Noms collectifs : people les gens, clothes les vêtements, customs la douane, police la police, stairs les escaliers,
staff les employés, goods les marchandises, accounts la comptabilité
• Singulier/pluriel identiques : a sheep / sheep un / des moutons, a fish / fish un / des poissons, a fruit / fruit un / des fruits

3 Comment choisir l’article ?

u Dénombrable
• Indéterminé singulier : a / an Ú She asked for a salary rise Elle a demandé une augmentation de salaire.
• Déterminé singulier : the Ú the company’s policy la politique de l’entreprise
• Indéterminé pluriel : Ø Ú Ø European countries des pays européens
• Déterminé pluriel : the Ú the worries of work les soucis au travail

u Indénombrable
• Indéterminé : Ø Ú I prefer Ø teamwork J’aime mieux le travail d’équipe.
• Déterminé : the Ú It’s the time for reform C’est l’heure des réformes.

4 Comment faire un nom composé ?

Le premier terme sert à qualifier le second et est toujours invariable :
• un nom : fellow members des collègues
• un adjectif : blackmail le chantage
• un nom verbal : a hiring policy une politique de recrutement
• un chiffre : a six-language statement une déclaration en six langues
• un verbe : know-how le savoir-faire
Le second terme est l’élément essentiel et peut être :
• un nom : corporate culture la culture d’entreprise, the job market le marché du travail
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• un nom verbal : decision-making la prise de décision, air conditioning l’air conditionné

• une particule : hands-on innovation l’innovation de terrain, grown-ups des adultes


5 Comment former les chiffres ?

1 one 10 ten 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 100 one / a hundred
2 two 20 twenty 12 twelve 22 twenty-two 200 two hundred
3 three 30 thirty 13 thirteen 23 twenty-three 2,000 two thousand
4 four 40 forty 14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 20,000 twenty thousand
5 five 50 fifty 15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 200,000 two hundred thousand
6 six 60 sixty 16 sixteen 26 twenty-six 2,000,000 two million
7 seven 70 seventy 17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 20,000,000 twenty million
8 eight 80 eighty 18 eighteen 28 twenty-eight 200,000,000 two hundred million
9 nine 90 ninety 19 nineteen 29 twenty-nine 2,000,000,000 two billion

6 Comment repérer la place dans une série ?

1st first 11th eleventh 21st twenty-first 31st thirty-first
2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty-second
3rd third 13th thirteenth 23rd twenty-third
4th fourth 14th fourteenth 40th fortieth 400th four hundredth

7 Comment donner une date ?

• La date peut s’écrire : March 23rd, 2026 ou 23 March 2026.
• Les années se lisent par groupes de deux chiffres : 2024 Ú twenty twenty-four.

8 Comment évoquer deux éléments ?

• Point commun : both Ú They both set up a business Ils ont tous les deux créé une entreprise.
• L’un ou l’autre : either Ú On either side of the street D’un côté ou de l’autre de la rue
• Choix entre deux : either… or Ú Either you stay or you go Ou tu restes, ou tu pars.
• Négation de deux éléments : neither Ú I know neither of them Je ne les connais ni l’un ni l’autre.
• Deux négations : neither… nor Ú He neither works nor helps Il ne travaille pas et n’aide pas non plus.

9 Comment exprimer une petite quantité ?

u Un peu
• Indénombrable : a little Ú He gave her a little advice Il lui a donné quelques conseils.
• Dénombrable : a few Ú A few people work here Quelques personnes travaillent ici.

u Peu
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• Indénombrable : little Ú We have little time Nous avons peu de temps.

• Dénombrable : few Ú Few projects are ready Peu de projets sont prêts.


10 Comment exprimer une quantité indéterminée ?

• Quantité non précisée : some Ú Some people Certaines personnes
• Éventail d’éléments : any Ú I’ll take any job Je prendrai n’importe quel boulot.
• Absence : no / not any Ú There was no / not any time Il n’y avait pas de / le temps.
• Réponse affirmative attendue : some Ú Do you want some tea? Tu prendras bien du thé ?
• Réponse négative attendue : any Ú Aren’t there any jobs? N’y a-t-il pas de travail ?

Les pronoms composés de some, any et no suivent les mêmes règles d’emploi.
somebody / someone quelqu’un anybody / anyone n’importe qui nobody / no one personne
something quelque chose anything n’importe quoi nothing rien
somewhere quelque part anywhere n’importe où nowhere nulle part

11 Comment traduire « la plupart » ?

• Nom déterminé : most of
– par un article défini : He works most of the time Il travaille la plupart du temps.
– par un possessif : Most of my colleagues have a bike La plupart de mes collègues ont un vélo.
– par un cas possessif : Most of Spielberg’s films La plupart de films de Spielberg
• Nom non-déterminé : most
Most Ø people fear globalisation La plupart des gens redoutent la mondialisation.

12 Comment exprimer une grande quantité ?

• Indénombrable : much Ú Do you need much time ? As-tu besoin de beaucoup de temps ?
• Dénombrable : many Ú There were many people Il y avait beaucoup de gens.
Dans tous les cas : a lot of / lots of / a great deal of / plenty of businesses are hard to manage Un tas d’entreprises
sont difficiles à gérer.

13 Comment dire que c’est « trop » ou « trop peu » ?

• too + adjectif It’s too difficult. C’est trop difficile.
• too + adjectif + a/an nom singulier It’s too easy a job. C’est un travail trop facile.
• too little + indénombrable I’ve got too little time. J’ai trop peu de temps.
• too few + dénombrable There were too few people. Il y avait trop peu de gens.
• too much + indénombrable There was too much work. Il y avait trop de travail.
• too many + dénombrable He made too many mistakes. Il a fait trop de fautes.

14 Comment traduire « tout » ?

• Totalité : all + nom pluriel Ú He’s paid all the bills Il a payé toutes les factures.
• Intégralité : the whole + nom singulier Ú He’s done with the whole job Il a fini tout le travail.
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• Chaque élément : every + nom singulier Ú I work every day Je travaille tous les jours.
• Individualité de chaque élément : each + nom singulier Ú Each of you has to Chacun d’entre vous doit le faire.
• Tous les possibles : any + nom singulier Ú Any man can do it Tout homme peut le faire.


15 Comment choisir un pronom personnel ?

Sujet I he / she / it we you they
Complément me him / her / it us you them

16 Comment choisir adjectifs et pronoms possessifs ?

Au contraire du français, le choix du possessif dépend du possesseur.
• Adjectifs possessifs : my, his / her / its, our, your, their
She set up her own business Elle a créé sa propre entreprise.
He started his job as a consultant Il a commencé son travail de consultant.
Each method has its advantages Chaque méthode a ses avantages.
Candidates promote their skills on social media Les candidats promeuvent leurs compétences sur les réseaux sociaux.
• Pronoms possessifs : mine, yours, his / hers / its, ours, yours, theirs
She is a colleague of mine / hers / ours C’est une de mes / ses / nos collègues.

17 Pronom réfléchi ou réciproque ?

u Réfléchi
• Référence à soi-même : She was looking at herself in the mirror Elle se regardait dans la glace.
• Insistance : I did it myself C’est moi qui l’ai fait.

u Non réfléchi
dress s’habiller, feel se sentir, fight se battre, meet se rencontrer, part se séparer, quarrel se quereller, shave se raser,
wash se laver

u Réciprocité
They were talking to each other Ils se parlaient.

18 Comment choisir un démonstratif ?

this/these: ce qui est proche that/those: ce qui est loin
Espace in this country dans ce pays-ci (où je suis) in that country dans ce pays-là
Temps these days de nos jours at that time/in those days dans ce temps-là
Affectivement this heart of mine ce cœur qui est le mien Oh, that girl! Oh, cette fille-là !
Devant un relatif Those who complained were fired Ceux qui
se sont plaints ont été virés.

19 Quand utiliser le génitif (cas possessif) ?

• Une ou des personnes : my colleague’s office le bureau de mon collègue, the executives’ meeting la réunion
des cadres, the children’s room la chambre des enfants
• Un groupe de personnes : the world’s population la population du monde
• Une unité de temps : an hour’s drive une heure de voiture, today’s paper le journal d’aujourd’hui, four days’ work
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4 jours / journées de travail

• Un lieu public (nom de lieu sous-entendu) : at the baker’s (shop) chez le boulanger, St Patrick’s (Cathedral)
la cathédrale St Patrick


20 Comment utiliser l’adjectif qualificatif ?

• Devant le nom : famous brands les marques célèbres
• Invariable (jamais de s) : very difficult negotiations des négociations très difficiles
• L’adjectif cardinal suit last / next / only / other : the last two devices les deux derniers dispositifs, the first two days
les deux premiers jours
• Les adjectifs sont séparés par une virgule sauf s’il y a opposition : a utopian, simplistic idea une idée utopique et
simpliste, a black and white photograph une photographie en noir et blanc
• Les adjectifs commençant par le préfixe a- ne peuvent être qu’attributs : The child is asleep L’enfant est endormi.
A sleeping child Un enfant endormi.

21 Comment former un adjectif composé ?

• Adjectif + adjectif light-blue bleu clair
• Adjectif + nom-ed high-priced à prix élevé
• Adjectif + verbe-ing far-reaching portant loin, hard-working travaillant dur
• Adjectif + participe passé wind-powered mû par le vent
• Adverbe + participe passé well-known célèbre
• Nom + adjectif sky-blue bleu ciel
• Nom + nom-ed gold-framed à monture en or
• Nom + participe passé heart-broken le cœur brisé, home-made fait maison
• Nom + verbe-ing French-speaking parlant français
• Numéral + nom a twenty-year-old student une étudiante de vingt ans

22 Comment utiliser les adjectifs de nationalité ?

• Adjectifs et noms semblables : American, the Americans
African, Asian, Australian, Austrian, Belgian, Brazilian, Egyptian, European, Indian, German, Italian,
Bangladeshi, Iraqi, Israeli, Pakistani, Saudi…
• Adjectifs et noms invariables : Chinese, the Chinese
Japanese, Lebanese, Portuguese, Senegalese, Swiss, Vietnamese…
• Adjectifs et noms différents : Spanish, Spaniards
British / Britons, Danish / Danes, Finnish / Finns, Jewish / Jews, Polish / Poles, Scottish / Scots, Swedish / Swedes,
Turkish / Turks…
• Adjectifs et noms dérivés : English, an Englishman, Englishwomen, the English
a Dutchman, a Frenchman, an Irishman, a Welshman…

23 Comment parler de tout un groupe ?

L’article défini the devant un adjectif a une valeur de généralisation : il renvoie à la classe complète des membres
du groupe. L’adjectif ne prend pas de s mais s’accorde avec un verbe pluriel.
Ex. : the poor les pauvres, the unemployed les chômeurs, the young les jeunes, the haves les nantis,
the have-nots les démunis
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24 Comment comparer ?
• Adjectif d’une syllabe ou deux syllabes en -y, -er, -ly : adjectif-er + than
It is faster and easier C’est plus rapide et plus facile.

• Adjectifs de deux syllabes ou plus : more + adjectif + than

They are more competitive than us Elles sont plus compétitives que nous.

• Comparatif d’infériorité : less + adjectif + than

They are less active than before Ils sont moins actifs qu’avant

• Comparatif d’(in)égalité : (not) as + adjectif + as

He is as tall as you, but not as thin Il est aussi grand que toi, mais pas aussi mince.

25 Comment exprimer la supériorité ?

• Adjectifs d’une syllabe ou deux syllabes en -y, -er, -ly: the + adjectif-est
She is the nicest and happiest person. C’est la personne la plus gentille et la plus heureuse.

• Adjectifs de deux syllabes ou plus : the most + adjectif

It’s the most expensive campaign C’est la campagne la plus chère.

• Superlatif d’infériorité : the least + adjectif

I bought the least expensive product J’ai acheté le produit le moins cher.

26 Quelles sont les formes irrégulières ?

Adjectif Comparatif Superlatif

much / many beaucoup more than plus que the most le / la plus

few peu fewer than moins que the fewest le / la moins

little peu less than moins que the least le / la moins

good bon(ne) better than meilleur(e) que the best le / la meilleur(e)

bad mauvais(e) worse than pire que the worst le / la pire

older than plus vieux(ille) que the oldest le / la plus vieux(ille)

old vieux(ille)
elder than plus âgé(e) que the eldest l’aîné(e)

later plus tard the last le / la dernier(ère)

late en retard
latter ce(tte) dernier(ère) the latest le / la plus récent(e)
the farthest / furthest le plus loin ;
far lointain(e) farther / further than plus loin que
le / la plus éloigné(e)
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27 Quand utiliser as et like ?

• Comparaison : like + nom
like father, like son tel père, tel fils
In his tudexo, he is dressed like a penguin En smocking, il ressemble à un pingouin.
• En tant que : as + nom
I speak to you as a friend Je te parle en ami.
He went to the party dressed as a cowboy Il est allé à la fête déguisé en cow-boy.
• Conjonction : as + subordonnée
Do as you like Fais comme tu veux.

28 Où placer l’adverbe ?
• Adverbe de manière : devant les mots qu’il modifie
Is that really what you think? Est-ce vraiment ce que tu penses ?
• Adverbe de temps imprécis : devant le verbe
He always reads reports Il lit toujours les rapports.
Have you ever worked as a volunteer? As-tu déjà travaillé comme bénévole ?

29 Comment choisir entre deux formes ?

Certains adjectifs peuvent fonctionner comme adverbes et leur forme en -ly a un sens différent.
• hard / hardly : He works hard Il travaille dur. He hardly works Il ne travaille guère.
• late / lately: She was late. Elle était en retard. I haven’t met him lately Je ne l’ai pas rencontré ces derniers temps.
• wrong / wrongly: They are wrong Ils ont tort. They wrongly called C’est à tort qu’on les appelle.

30 Comment traduire « même » ?

• Semblable : at the same time en même temps
• Référence à soi-même : I did it myself. Je l’ai fait moi-même.
• De la même manière : in the same way, similarly, likewise
• Tout de même, quand même : all the same, even so, for all that
• Y compris : Even you can do it Même toi tu peux le faire.
• Même si : even if / though

31 Comment traduire « encore » ?

• Continuité : He is still here Il est encore ici.
• Supplémentaire : We want more responsibilities Nous voulons encore des responsabilités.
• Une nouvelle fois : Can you say it again? Peux-tu le dire encore une fois ?
• Pas encore : I have not finished yet Je n’ai pas encore terminé.
• Avec un comparatif : It is even more complicated C’est encore plus compliqué.
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32 Quelle préposition utiliser ?

above / over au-dessus below / underneath en dessous (de) near près de
across à / au travers de (largeur) beside à côté de next to à côté de
among parmi between entre on sur
around autour by près de on top of sur le dessus de
at / in à in dans through à travers (épaisseur)
away from loin de in front of devant under sous
behind derrière in the middle of au milieu de

along le long de off décollant de out of sortant de
from venant de onto se posant sur to en direction de
into entrant dans

after après for depuis (durée) on time à l’heure
at à for the time being since depuis (point de départ)
before avant jusqu’à nouvel ordre till / until jusqu’à
currently actuellement from depuis to à
during durant in time à temps

33 Quelle préposition suit un adjectif ?

Certains adjectifs sont suivis d’une préposition différente du français qu’il convient de mémoriser.
absent from absent(e) de different from différent(e) de keen on féru(e) de
accustomed to habitué(e) à disppointed with / by déçu(e) de necessary for nécessaire à
addicted to accroché(e) à content with content(e) de pleased with content(e) de
amazed at surpris(e) par fond of aimant beaucoup prepared for sthg préparé(e) à qqch
amused at / with amusé(e) par free from libre de prevented from empêché(e) de
angry at / with / about glad about satisfait(e) de proud of fier(e) de
fâché(e) avec qq’un / qqchose ready for prêt(e) pour
good at bon(ne) en
astonished at étonné(e) de responsible for responsable de
grateful for reconnaissant(e) de
aware of conscient(e) de sad about triste de
happy about / with heureux(se) de
bad at mauvais(e) en satisfied with satisfait(e) de
hopeless at incompétent(e) en
certain about / of sûr(e) de sorry about désolé(e) de
independent from / of
crazy about fou(lle) de indépendant(e) de sorry for désolé(e) pour
curious about curieux(se) de interested in intéressé(e) par surprised at / by surpris(e) de
delighted with /about uneasy about / with
involved in impliqué(e) dans
enchanté(e) de mal à l’aise avec
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Le groupe verbal
34 Comment conjuguer Be ?
Présent Prétérit
I am we are I was we were
you are you are you were you were
he, she, it is they are he, she, it was they were

35 Comment traduire « il y a » ?
There + Be conjugué indique l’existence et s’accorde en nombre avec le nom qui suit.
• Présent : There is fairness Il y a de la justice. There are biases Il y a des préjugés.
• Prétérit : There was time Il y avait du temps. There were people Il y avait des gens.
• Present perfect: There has been a problem Il y a eu un problème.
• Futur : There will be empowerment Il y aura de l’autonomisation.
• Modal : There must be solutions Il doit y avoir des solutions.

36 Comment conjuguer Have ?

Présent Prétérit
I/we/you/they have
Affirmation I/he/she/it/we/you/they had
he/she/ it has
Do I/we/you/they have?
Interrogation Did I/he/she/it/we/you/they have?
Does he/she/it have?
I/we/you/they don’t have
Négation I/he/she/it/we/you/they didn’t have
he/she/ it doesn’t have

37 Quand employer Have ?

• Possession : He has two smartphones, but he doesn’t have a desktop computer Il a deux smartphones
mais il n’a pas d’ordinateur de bureau.
• Prendre : have breakfast / lunch / dinner / a drink / a shower / a bath prendre le petit-déjeuner / le déjeuner /
le dîner / un verre / une douche / un bain
• Present perfect : She has achieved diversity Elle a mis en place la diversité.
• Se faire faire : They had a house built Ils ont fait construire une maison.
• Obligation : Do they have to do it ? No, they don’t have to Doivent-ils le faire ? Non, ce n’est pas nécessaire.
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38 Comment former le présent simple ?

• Affirmation :
I enjoy cycling J’aime faire du vélo.
He appreciates ethical practises. Il apprécie les pratiques éthiques.
• Interrogation :
Do you promise? Le promets-tu ?
Does he guarantee it? Le garantit-il ?
• Négation :
I don’t negotiate Je ne négocie pas.
He doesn’t / does not compromise Il ne fait pas de compromis.

39 Quand employer le présent simple ?

Le présent simple décrit une action de manière neutre, objective, sans ajouter son opinion.
• Action habituelle avec des adverbes de fréquence : We always go on holiday in May Nous partons toujours
en vacances en mai.
• Action vraie en toute situation : The sun rises in the East Le soleil se lève à l’est.
• Référence à l’avenir : The plane leaves at 6 PM. L’avion part à 18 heures.
• Hypothèse réalisable : If I can, I do it Si je le peux, je le fais.

40 Quand employer le présent en be + V-ing ?

• Événement en cours de déroulement : Look ! It’s raining Regarde ! Il pleut.
• Intention, projet : I’m not cooking tonight Ce soir, je ne fais pas la cuisine.
• Fait récurrent : You’re always sleeping! Tu dors tout le temps !

41 Comment former le prétérit ?

• Affirmation :
He worked hard Il a travaillé dur.
She made her decision Elle prit sa décision.
• Interrogation :
Did it sell well? Est-ce que cela s’est bien vendu ?
• Négation :
It didn’t / did not meet the requirements Cela n’a pas répondu aux exigences.

42 Quand employer le prétérit simple ?

• Pour un moment précis du passé coupé du présent : I passed my A Levels in 2023 J’ai été reçu(e) au bac en 2023.
• Pour des faits irréels ou hypothétiques : If / If only / It’s high time / I wish I knew Si seulement je le savais.

43 Quand employer le prétérit be + V-ing ?

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Be + V-ing décrit la situation dans laquelle un événement passé s’est produit. Cela correspond à l’imparfait en français.
He was living happily when the war broke out Il vivait heureux quand la guerre éclata.


44 Quand employer le present perfect (has / have + participe passé) ?

• Bilan :
They have hired a new accountant Ils ont embauché un nouveau comptable.
• Avec already, just, recently, ever, never, not… yet :
Have you already / ever / just / recently seen it ? L’as-tu vu déjà / jamais / juste / récemment ?
No, I have never / not seen it yet Non, je ne l’ai jamais vu / pas encore.
• Durée :
How long have you worked here? Combien de temps travailles-tu dans cette entreprise ?
I have worked here for six months J’y travaille depuis six mois.
• Point de départ :
Since when has she managed the company? Depuis quand dirige-t-elle cette entreprise ?
She has managed it since 2018 Elle la dirige depuis 2018.

45 Have done ou have been doing ?

• Bilan présent d’un fait passé :
I’ve downloaded the files J’ai téléchargé les fichiers.
• Centré sur le sujet de l’énoncé :
I’ve been conducting the negotiations and I’m exhausted J’ai mené les négociations et je suis épuisé(e). (conséquence)

46 Quand employer le pluperfect (had + participe passé) ?

• Lien entre deux moments révolus :
He said he had passed his exam the first time he had taken it Il a dit qu’il avait réussi son examen la première fois
qu’il l’avait passé.
I had never seen anything like it before. Je n’avais jamais rien vu de tel auparavant.

47 Comment parler de l’avenir ?

Le temps grammatical du futur n’existe pas en anglais. Pour se référer à l’avenir, on utilise différentes formes verbales.
• La réalisation de l’action paraît évidente : will
I am certain I will be hired Je suis sûr(e) que je serai engagé(e).
• Imminence de l’événement : Be about to
The meeting is about to start La réunion est sur le point de commencer.
• Prédiction à partir d’indices présents : going to
Look ! It is going to rain Regarde, il va pleuvoir.
• Intention, ce qui est prévu : Be + V-ing
The order is leaving tomorrow La commande part demain.
• Engagement pris, fait inéluctable : Be to
The CEO is to meet the staff Le PDG doit rencontrer le personnel.

48 Quel temps utiliser dans les subordonnées de temps ?

Après when quand, as soon as dès que, after après que, once une fois que, on trouve le présent, qui renvoie
à un événement futur.
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What will he do when he leaves the firm ? Que fera-t-il quand il aura quitté l’entreprise ?


49 Comment former l’impératif ?

• Forme affirmative :
Go! Pars ! / Partez !
Let me / her / him / it / them go! Laisse-moi / la / le / les partir !
Let’s go! Allons-y !
• Forme négative : Do not / don’t litter! Ne jetez pas vos papiers gras !
• Insistance : Do sit down. Asseyez-vous, je vous en prie.

50 Comment reconnaître la valeur de base des modaux ?

• Can: capacité, savoir-faire Ú He can face up to challenges Il sait faire face aux défis.
• Can’t / cannot: impossibilité, Ú He can’t be serious Il ne peut pas être sérieux.
• Could: capacité passée Ú They could make themselves heard Ils purent se faire entendre.
• Couldn’t / could not: incapacité passée Ú It couldn’t succeed Cela ne pouvait pas réussir.
• May: permission Ú You may go out alone Tu peux sortir seul.
• Mayn’t / may not : interdiction Ú You may not smoke here Tu ne peux pas fumer ici.
• Must: obligation Ú This statement must be qualified Ce jugement doit être pondéré.
• Mustn’t / must not: interdiction Ú You mustn’t lie Tu ne dois pas mentir.
• Will: futur Ú They will go on strike soon Ils feront bientôt grève.
demande polie Ú Will you help me? Veux-tu bien m’aider ?
• Won’t / will not: refus Ú I won’t be held responsible Je refuse d’être tenu pour responsable.
• Would: habitude passée Ú He would say anything Il disait n’importe quoi.
demande polie Ú Would you stop? Pourrais-tu cesser ?
• Wouldn’t: refus passé Ú He wouldn’t listen Il refusait d’écouter.
• Shall: proposition Ú Shall we grant them a loan? Voulez-vous que nous leur accordions un prêt ?
• Should: conseil Ú A lesson should be drawn On devrait tirer une leçon.
reproche Ú You should have told me Tu aurais dû me le dire.
• Shouldn’t: injonction Ú You shouldn’t smoke here Tu ne devrais pas fumer ici.

51 Comment exprimer une éventualité avec un modal ?

• Must: quasi certain Ú They must be aware Ils sont certainement conscients.
• Can: probable Ú He can be kidding Il est probable qu’il plaisante.
• May: 50/50 Ú It may prove wrong Cela peut se révéler faux.
• Could: incertain Ú It could be difficult Cela pourrait être difficile.
• Might: très incertain Ú He might be late Il se pourrait qu’il soit en retard.
• Should: invraisemblable Ú In case it should rain Au cas où il devrait pleuvoir.
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52 Comment construire deux verbes ?

• Base verbale après let, make, had better, would rather ou un auxiliaire de modalité.
It makes her cry Cela la fait pleurer.
You had better listen Tu ferais mieux d’écouter.
I would rather not download this app Je préférerais ne pas télécharger cette application.
You must call at once Tu dois appeler tout de suite.
• V-ing après une préposition ou un verbe d’appréciation : can’t stand / bear, mind, dislike, enjoy, hate, like,
love, prefer…
He is keen on reading Il adore lire.
I don’t mind working in this cubicle Cela ne me dérange pas de travailler dans ce bureau à cloison.
• To + base verbale après un verbe de pression sur autrui : allow, ask, expect, force, order, hope, persuade, tell,
want, would like…
Do you want them to travel with us? Veux-tu qu’ils voyagent avec nous ?
I expect them to accept the proposal Je m’attends à ce qu’ils acceptent la proposition.
I would like him to stay Je voudrais qu’il reste.

53 Quelle préposition après un verbe ?

Certains verbes sont suivis d’une préposition différente du français qu’il convient de mémoriser.
account for rendre compte de decrease by diminuer de look like ressembler à
accuse of accuser de depend on dépendre de long for avoir très envie de, désirer
agree to être d’accord pour disapprove of désapprouver mistake for prendre pour
agree with être d’accord avec escape from s’échapper de pay for payer
aim at chercher à hear from avoir des nouvelles de prevent from empêcher de
apologise for s’excuser de hear of entendre parler de profit by / from tirer profit de
approve of approuver hide from cacher à provide for subvenir aux besoins de
benefit from bénéficier de hope for espérer rely on faire confiance à / compter sur
blame for reprocher à increase by augmenter de remind of rappeler
borrow from emprunter à insist on insister sur reproach with reprocher de
break into entrer par effraction keep from doing empêcher de faire run out of être à court de
charge with accuser de laugh at se moquer de stand for représenter
confide in se confier à lack manquer de steal from voler à
congratulate for féliciter de listen to écouter succeed in parvenir à
consist of consister en look after surveiller think about penser à
cope with faire face à look at regarder think of envisager de
count on compter sur look for chercher threaten with menacer de
crave for avoir très envie de look forward to attendre avec written by écrit par
deal with traiter de impatience
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54 Comment former les verbes à particules (phrasal verbs) ?

Certaines particules associées à un verbe en changent le sens de base, par exemple : to give donner ; to give up
abandonner. Voici les principaux.
Les principales particules sont : about, across, along, around, away, back, down, in, off, out, over, round, through,
to et up.

break down faire s’effondrer get on with s’entendre avec put across communiquer
break out se declarer (guerre, get out sortir put aside mettre de côté
épidémie) get up se lever put off retarder
bring about provoquer give away révéler, offrir put on enfiler (un vêtement)
bring over amener, apporter give back rendre put through mettre en
bring up élever (un enfant) give in céder, se rendre communication
call off annuler give up abandoner put up with supporter
come in entrer go on (doing) continuer de (faire) set up monter (une affaire)
come along venir, accompagner keep out empêcher d’entrer show in faire entrer
come out sortir keep up with se maintenir au même stand out se détacher
cut down réduire, abattre niveau que stand up se lever
cut off couper (vivres, accès, let down décevoir take along emmener
électricité…) let in faire entrer take away emporter
cut up découper look back regarder derrière soi take off enlever (des vêtements)
fill in remplir (un formulaire) look down on toiser de haut take on prendre en charge, accepter
get across faire comprendre look up chercher (dictionnaire) take over reprendre
get along with s’entendre avec look up to admirer turn down refuser, baisser (le son)
get away partir make for se diriger vers turn into (se) transformer en
get back revenir make out comprendre turn out (to be) s’avérer (être)
get in entrer make up for compenser turn up se présenter, arriver
get off descendre (d’un bus, d’un train) pick up ramasser wake up se réveiller

55 Où placer le pronom dans un verbe à particule ?

Le pronom complément se place entre le verbe et la particule adverbiale.
Look it up in a dictionary Cherche-le dans un dictionnaire.
Comparez avec une préposition : Look at me! Regarde-moi ! © Éditions Foucher


56 Comment utiliser la voix passive ?

Avec la voix passive, on met en valeur l’objet de l’action de la voix active. Le passif correspond souvent
à la tournure impersonnelle « on » en français.

Le passif se forme avec le verbe be conjugué, suivi du participe passé.

• Présent : The co-op is owned by its members La coopérative est détenue par ses membres.
• Prétérit : The project was launched in 2021 Le projet fut lancé en 2021.

On peut combiner passif et aspect.

• Be + V-ing : This issue is being debated On est en train de discuter de cette question.
• Present perfect : His life has been changed Sa vie a été changée.
• Pluperfect : The model had been adopted Le modèle avait été adopté.

On peut combiner passif et modaux.

• Can : It cannot be denied. On ne peut le nier.
• Must : It must not be forgotten On ne doit pas l’oublier.
• Should : It should be remembered On devrait s’en souvenir.
• May : It might be taken Cela pourrait être pris.
• Will : It will be disccovered Cela sera découvert.
• Would : We would be informed if they were moving Nous serions prévenus s’ils déménageaient.

Les verbes prépositionnels conservent leur préposition.

Volunteers are taken care of On doit s’occuper des bénévoles.

Les verbes qui se construisent avec deux compléments ont deux formes passives selon ce que l’on veut
mettre en relief :
– la personne (complément d’attribution) : She was given the opportunity On lui a donné l’occasion.
– la chose (complément d’objet): The opportunity was given to her L’occasion lui a été donnée.
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La phrase
57 Comment former une phrase simple ?
• Forme affirmative : Sujet + verbe Ú I enjoy it J’aime ça.
• Forme interrogative : Auxiliaire + sujet + verbe ? Ú Do you like it? Aimes-tu ça ?
• Forme négative : Sujet + auxiliaire + négation + verbe Ú I don’t want to Je ne veux pas.
• Forme interro-négative : Auxiliaire + négation + sujet + verbe ? Ú Don’t you need it ? N’en as-tu pas besoin ?

58 Comment choisir un mot interrogatif ?

• Quoi ? What do you think? Qu’en pensez-vous ?
• Pour… quoi ? What do you want it for? Pour quelle raison en avez-vous besoin ?
• Quand ? When were you born? Quand es-tu né ?
• Où ? Where will you be? Où seras-tu ?
• Lequel ? Which do you prefer? Lequel préférez-vous ?
• Qui ? Who is talking? Qui parle ?
• À qui ? Whose books are they? À qui sont ces livres ?
• Pourquoi ? Why is he cross? Pourquoi est-il fâché ?
• Comment ? How are you? Comment allez-vous ?
• Quelle distance ? How far is the station? À quelle distance est la gare ?
• Quelle profondeur ? How deep is the lake? Quelle est la profondeur de ce lac ?
• Combien de temps ? How long have they been talking? Depuis combien de temps parlent-ils ?
• Quel nombre ? How many passengers are there? Combien de passagers y a-t-il ?
• Combien ? How much money do you need? Combien d’argent te faut-il ?
• Quelle fréquence ? How often can they meet? Tous les combien peuvent-ils se rencontrer ?
• Quel âge ? How old are you? Quel âge avez-vous ?

59 Comment faire un tag ?

• Énoncé négatif Ú Tag positif
It is not your office, is it? Ce n’est pas ton bureau, n’est-ce pas ?
Nobody is perfect, are they? Personne n’est parfait, n’est-ce pas ?
• Énoncé positif Ú Tag négatif
Mary bought a cell phone, didn’t she? Marie a acheté un portable, n’est-ce pas ?
Everybody is here, aren’t they? Tout le monde est là, n’est-ce pas ?

60 Comment exprimer une condition ?

• Condition réalisable : if + présent … will
If you see him, tell him I will call Si tu le vois, dis-lui que j’appellerai.
• Condition irréelle : if + prétérit … would
If they had money, they would make a deal S’ils avaient de l’argent, ils feraient affaire.
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• Encore plus irréel : if + were … would

If I were you, I would apply for the job Si j’étais toi, je présenterais ma candidature.
• Condition non réalisée dans le passé : if + pluperfect … would have + p. passé
He would have done it if he had wanted to Il l’aurait fait s’il l’avait voulu.


61 Comment choisir un pronom relatif ?

u Humain
• Sujet : who
I know the executive who planned it Je connais le cadre qui l’a projeté.
• Complément : whom / that / Ø
She is the applicant whom / that / Ø I interviewed C’est la candidate avec qui j’ai eu un entretien.
He is the promoter whom / that / Ø I have dealt with C’est le promoteur avec qui j’ai traité.
• Complément de nom : whose
The manager whose results are positive is my friend Le dirigeant dont les résultats sont positifs est mon ami.

u Non humain
• Sujet : which / that
It is a company which / that is $1 million worth C’est une entreprise qui vaut un million de dollars.
• Complément : which / that / Ø
It is the receipt which / that / Ø I was given C’est le reçu qu’on m’a donné.
• Complément de nom
The factory whose roof I can see is closed L’usine dont je vois le toit est fermée.
• Lieu : where
the place where l’endroit où
• Époque : when
the day when le jour où
• Cause : why
the reason why la raison pour laquelle

62 Comment traduire « ce que / ce qui » ?

• Annonce ce qui suit : what
What you’re saying is surprising Ce que tu dis est surprenant.
• Rappelle ce qui précède : which
He was late, which is like him Il était en retard, ce qui est bien son genre.

63 Comment rapporter des propos ?

u Pronoms personnels
‘I think we have to ’ Ú She said she thought they had to Elle a dit qu’elle pensait qu’ils devaient le faire.
‘You should be careful ’ Ú He said they should be careful. Il leur a dit d’être prudents.

u Marqueurs de temps
yesterday hier Ú the day before tomorrow demain Ú the next day le lendemain
last night hier soir Ú the night before, the previous night next week la semaine prochaine Ú the following week
la nuit précédente la semaine suivante

u Temps
• présent Ú prétérit
‘What do you mean ?’ Ú She asked / wondered what he meant Elle (se) demanda ce qu’il voulait dire.
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• prétérit / present perfect Ú pluperfect

‘I had no life of my own ’ Ú She said she had had no life of her own Elle dit qu’elle n’avait pas eu de vie à elle.
• impératif Ú infinitif
‘Don’t wait ’ Ú He told us not to wait Il nous a dit de ne pas attendre.

Linguistic Tools


to abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . insulter abuser to take advantage

to accommodate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . loger accommoder to prepare
to achieve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . réaliser achever to complete
actually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . en fait actuellement at present
affluence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . la richesse l’affluence rush
caution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . la prudence une caution a guarantee
a character . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un personnage le caractère nature
to charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . faire payer charger to load
a check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un contrôle un chèque a cheque
close . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . proche, serré(e) clos(e) closed
a commodity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . une marchandise la commodité convenience
comprehensive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . complet(ète) compréhensif(ve) understanding
a conductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un(e) contrôleur(se) un(e) conducteur(rice) a driver
a confection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . une friandise la confection ready-made clothes
consistent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cohérent(e) consistant(e) solid, thick
to contemplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . envisager contempler to gaze at
a copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un exemplaire une copie a reproduction
countenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l’expression (visage) la contenance capacity
to deceive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tromper décevoir to disappoint
a delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un retard un délai a time limit
to dispose of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . se débarrasser de disposer to arrange
a dispute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un conflit une dispute a quarrel, argument
distracted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fou(folle), égaré(e) distrait(e) absent-minded
engaged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . occupé(e) engagé(e) committed (artist)
an estate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un domaine un état a state, condition
eventually. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . finalement éventuellement possibly
expertise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . la compétence une expertise an expert’s report
extra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . supplémentaire extra first-rate
fortunate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . chanceux(se) fortuné(e) wealthy, well-off
gentle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aimable, doux(ce) gentil(le) nice, kind
grand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . grandiose grand(e) tall, big
grapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . le raisin une grappe a bunch (of grapes)
a habit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . une habitude les habits dress, clothes
hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un danger le hasard chance
inconvenient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inopportun(e) inconvenant(e) improper
indulgence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . le laisser-aller l’indulgence leniency
invaluable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inestimable non valable invalid, not valid
a lecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . une conférence la lecture reading
a location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un emplacement la location renting, a lease
a mechanic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un(e) mécanicien(ne) la mécanique engineering
© Éditions Foucher

a medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un médicament un(e) médecin a doctor

mercy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . la miséricorde merci thanks
a notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un avis, préavis une notice a note, instructions


Linguistic Tools

a partition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . une séparation une partition a score

petrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l’essence le pétrole oil, petroleum
a photograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . une photographie un(e) photographe a photographer
a phrase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . une expression une phrase a sentence
positive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . catégorique positif(ve) definite
to prevent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . empêcher prévenir to warn
proper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . adéquat(e) propre clean, decent
to recover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . se rétablir recouvrir to cover
refuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . les déchets un refus a refusal
to regard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . considérer regarder to look at
to relieve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . soulager relever to raise
to resume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . recommencer résumer to sum up
a route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un itinéraire une route a road
rude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . grossier(ère) rude rough, hard
sensible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . raisonnable sensible sensitive
a socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . une douille une soquette a sock
a store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un magasin un store a blind, shade
a suit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un costume une suite a sequel
to supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fournir supplier to implore
to survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . examiner surveiller to supervise
sympathetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . compatissant(e) sympathique nice, friendly
tentative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . timide une tentative an attempt
touchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . susceptible touché(e) moved
a tour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un voyage, circuit un tour a stroll, drive, turn
vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . les vacances une vacation a session, sitting
valid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . valable valide fit, well
a wagon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . un chariot un wagon a carriage, car
© Éditions Foucher


Irregular verbs



to bet bet bet parier [I:] [Ɛ] [Ɛ]

to burst burst burst éclater to deal dealt dealt distribuer
to cost cost cost coûter to dream dreamt dreamt rêver
to cut cut cut couper to lean leant leant pencher
to hit hit hit frapper to mean meant meant signifier
to hurt hurt hurt blesser to read read read lire
to let let let laisser
to put put put mettre to lead led led mener
to quit quit quit abandonner to leave left left partir
to set set set placer
to bleed bled bled saigner
to shut shut shut fermer
to feed fed fed nourrir
to split split split fendre
to speed sped sped se hâter
to spread spread spread étendre

to creep crept crept ramper

to bend bent bent courber to feel felt felt ressentir
to build built built construire to keep kept kept garder
to burn burnt burnt brûler to kneel knelt/ knelt/ s'agenouiller
kneeled kneeled
to learn learnt learnt apprendre
to meet met met rencontrer
to lend lent lent prêter
to sleep slept slept dormir
to send sent sent envoyer
to sweep swept swept balayer
to smell smelt/ smelt/ sentir
smelled smelled to weep wept wept pleurer
to spell spelt/ spelt/ épeler
spelled spelled [Ɔː] [Ɔː]
to spend spent spent dépenser to bring brought brought apporter
to spoil spoilt/ spoilt/ gâcher to buy bought bought acheter
spoiled spoiled
to fight fought fought combattre
to seek sought sought chercher
to have had had avoir to think thought thought penser
to make made made faire
to catch caught caught attraper
to teach taught taught enseigner
to lay laid laid poser
to pay paid paid payer to bear bore borne porter, supporter
to swear swore sworn jurer
to mow mowed mown tondre to tear tore torn déchirer
to sew sewed sewn coudre to wear wore worn porter un vêtement
to show showed shown montrer
to sow sowed sown semer

to beat beat beaten battre

© Éditions Foucher


Irregular verbs

[Ɔ] [Ɔ] [ƏƱ] [ƏƱ]

to forget forgot forgotten oublier to blow blew blown souffler
to get got got/gotten obtenir to grow grew grown croître
to lose lost lost perdre to know knew known savoir
to shoot shot shot tirer, abattre to throw threw thrown jeter
to shine shone shone briller
[Ʌ] [Ʌ]
[Ʌ] [Ʌ] to become became become devenir
to hang hung hung pendre to come came come venir
to stick stuck stuck coller to run ran run courir
to strike struck struck frapper
to swing swung swung balancer
to be was been être
to win won won gagner
to draw drew drawn dessiner
to eat ate eaten manger
[ƏƱ] [ƏƱ]
to fall fell fallen tomber
to awake awoke awoken se réveiller
to forbid forbade forbidden interdire
to break broke broken casser
to forgive forgave forgiven pardonner
to choose chose chosen choisir
to give gave given donner
to freeze froze frozen geler
to mistake mistook mistaken prendre par erreur
to sell sold sold vendre
to see saw seen voir
to speak spoke spoken parler
to shake shook shaken secouer
to steal stole stolen voler
to take took taken prendre
to tell told told raconter
to wake woke woken éveiller

[AꞮ] [Ɪ] [Ɪ]
to bite bit bitten mordre
to hide hid hidden cacher [I] [Æ] [Ʌ]
to light lit lit allumer to drink drank drunk boire
to slide slid slid glisser to ring rang rung sonner
to sing sang sung chanter
[EꞮ] [Ɛ] [Ɛ] to sink sank sunk couler
to say said said dire to spring sprang sprung jaillir, bondir
to stink stank stunk puer
to swim swam swum nager
to find found found trouver
to hear heard heard entendre
[AꞮ] [ƏƱ] [Ɪ]
to hold held held tenir
to drive drove driven conduire
to lie lay lain être allongé
to ride rode ridden chevaucher
to sit sat sat être assis
to rise rose risen se lever
to spit spat spat cracher
to write wrote written écrire
to stand stood stood se tenir debout
to understand understood understood comprendre
to wind wound wound enrouler to do did done faire
to fly flew flown voler
to go went gone aller
© Éditions Foucher



Améliorez votre prononciation

Pour vous faire comprendre à l’oral, vous devez respecter les règles de base de la phonétique en

A Ne vous fiez pas à la graphie d’un mot pour le prononcer

u En anglais, il n’y a pas de correspondance étroite entre la manière dont un mot s’écrit
et celle dont il se prononce. Si vous ne connaissez pas un mot, il est parfois difficile de deviner
comment le prononcer : il vous faut alors le chercher dans un dictionnaire en ligne qui vous permet
de l’entendre (
Par exemple, comment prononce-t-on recipe ?

u Un même son peut s’écrire de manières différentes.

• Par exemple, le son /i:/ s’écrit <ee> dans tree, <e> dans extreme, <ea> dans reason,
<ie> dans believe, <ei> dans receive, <ey> dans key, <eo> dans people, <i> dans machine.
• On troupe de nombreux homophones, des mots qui se prononcent de la même manière
mais qui s’écrivent différemment.
I/eye, fair/fare, find/fined, here/hear, our/hour, right/write, made/maid, mail/male, poor/pour,
sun/son, steal/steel, to/two, tail/tale, there/their, where/wear, wood/would…

u La même voyelle peut se prononcer de manières différentes.

• La lettre <o> se prononce /Ɔ/ dans hot, /Ɔ:/ dans four, /Əu/ dans don’t, no, /Ʌ/ dans love, blood,
flood, young et country, /I/ dans women, /Ə:/ dans work et world.
• Dans la phrase Her arm was near the cat but it went away when Mary called it.,
la lettre <a> se prononce de six manière différentes : /ɑ:/ dans arm, /Ɔ/ dans was, /Æ/ dans cat,
/Ə/ dans away, /EI/ dans Mary, /Ɔ:/ dans called.
• Attention à la prononciation de la lettre <i> qui peut être /I/ ou /AI/.
/i/ : children, company, decision, to live, service, study, subsidies, technology, video, wind
/ai/ : advertising, bias, child, China, decide, downsize, hierarchy, hire, life, micro, modernise,
pesticide, piracy, price, privacy, recognize, recycling, reliable, resign, riot, rise, title, virus

B Respectez l’accent tonique

u Contrairement au français, l’anglais n’est pas une langue syllabique. Tout mot porte un accent
tonique (stress). Dans les dictionnaires, il est indiqué par une apostrophe avant la syllabe accentuée.

u Un mot terminé par un suffixe fort (-ity, -tion, -ic) est accentué sur la syllabe qui le précède.

• -ity : ’charity, com’munity, stu’pidity, origi’nality, perso’nality, soc’iety, i’dentity

• -tion : asso’ciation, conser’vation, pol’lution, revo’lution
© Éditions Foucher

• -ic : ’classic, e’lectric, eco’nomic, enthusi’astic, opti’mistic, or’ganic

Exceptions : ’Arabic, ’Catholic, ’heretic, ’lunatic, ’politics, a’rithmetic


u La plupart des noms et des adjectifs de deux syllabes sont accentués sur la première syllabe :
‘export, ‘import, ‘contract, ‘object, ‘produce, ‘project, ‘present, ‘ethics, ‘money…
Mais si ce sont des verbes, l’accent est sur la deuxième syllabe : ex’port, im’port, con’tract, ob’ject,
pro’duce, pro’ject, pre’sent…

u Une voyelle non accentuée est réduite à / /, /i/ or /ai/.

La voyelle neutre /Ə/ est le son vocalique le plus fréquent de l’anglais oral.
• / / : ’Can d , ’pinion, ’obvi s, ‘sportsm n, ’Chin , J ’pan, ’It ly, ’sec nd, ’Brit n

• /i/ : i’conomy, ’bizness, ’surfice, ri’public, i’vent

• /ai/ : gai’gantic, hai’gienic

C Soignez la prononciation des consonnes finales

u Le -s final se prononce généralement /z/ :
degrees, retailers, earns, fails, prefers, behaves, studies, commutes, fills…
• Il se prononce /iz/
– après /s/ : businesses, choices, expresses, losses, places, reduces, devices, processes
– après /dʒ/ : packages, ranges
– après /ʃ/ : pushes, watches
– et après /dzIz/ : changes
• Il se prononce /s/
– après /f/ : laughs
– après /k/ : works, perks
– après /p/ : types
– et après /t/ : products

u Le -ed final se prononce généralement /d/ :

lived, hired, advertised, released, skilled, displayed, organised, totalled, happened…
• Il se prononce /id/
– après /t/ : participated, expected, shifted, graduated, motivated, marketed, targeted
– et après /d/ : needed, branded, succeeded, decided, loaded, crowded
• Il se prononce /t/
– après /p/ : shopped, skipped
– après/k/ : worked, packed
– après /f/ : laughed
– après /s/ : missed, experienced, purchased
– et après/ʃ/ : brainwashed, launched, matched, reached

D Adoptez la bonne intonation

u La voix tombe sur la dernière syllabe dans u La voix monte sur la dernière syllabe dans
les affirmations, les ordres et les questions les questions ouvertes (yes/no question)
© Éditions Foucher

avec mot interrogatif (wh-questions). ou pour exprimer un doute.

Our neighbour has bought a new flat. Did you see them leave the house ?
° — ° ° — ° — ( — ° — ° — ° &

Retouvez plus d’outils en ligne sur :

# mots # acronymes et
de liaison abréviations # glossaire

Crédits iconographiques
p. 5-1 . . . . . . . . . ph © Nattakorn/ p. 77 . . . . . . . . . ph © Shutterstock/By
p. 5-2 . . . . . . . . . ph © BullRun/ p. 78 . . . . . . . . . ph © For your inspiration / Shutterstock
p. 5-3 . . . . . . . . . ph © Monkey Business/ p. 79 . . . . . . . . . ph © oneinchpunch/
p. 5-4 . . . . . . . . . ph © p. 80 . . . . . . . . . . © Lil Miquela créé par Trevor McFedries et Sara DeCou
p. 7 . . . . . . . . . . ph © Newport Coast Media/ p. 89 . . . . . . . . . ph © Getty Images/FatCamera
p. 8 . . . . . . . . . . ph © Africa Studio/ p. 90-1 . . . . . . . ph © johndory/
p. 15 . . . . . . . . . ph © patt/ p. 90-2 . . . . . . . ph © Africa Studio/
p. 17 . . . . . . . . . ph © p. 90-3 . . . . . . . ph ©
p. 20 . . . . . . . . . ph © kolotype/ p. 90-4 . . . . . . . ph © koson_thamai/
p. 29 . . . . . . . . . ph © insta_photos/ p. 90-5 . . . . . . . ph © gabe9000c/
p. 32 . . . . . . . . . ph © Jacob Lund/ p. 90-6 . . . . . . . ph © charnsitr/
p. 41 . . . . . . . . . ph © Visual Capitalist p. 92 . . . . . . . . . ph © Miquel GONZALEZ/LAIF-REA
p. 42 . . . . . . . . . ph © WORLDPLAY GLOBAL PAYMENTS REPORT p. 101 . . . . . . . . ph © ittoilmatar/
2020 ; p. 102 . . . . . . . . ph © Zarya Maxim/
global-payments-report-trend-to-digital-wallets- p. 104 . . . . . . . . ph © Prostock-studio/
gaining-momentum p. 106 . . . . . . . . ph © Masson/
p. 44 . . . . . . . . . ph © Travel mania/ p. 113 . . . . . . . . ph © Andrey Popov/
p. 51 . . . . . . . . . ph © Pew Research Center p. 114 . . . . . . . . ph © HieroGraphic/
p. 53 . . . . . . . . . ph © Pixabay/DarenMehl p. 116 . . . . . . . . ph © Citi / D.R.
p. 54 . . . . . . . . . ph © Visual Capitalist p. 120-1 . . . . . . ph © Global Climate Action Summit, Nikki Ritcher
p. 56 . . . . . . . . . ph © Ami-Lou W/ Photography /
p. 65 . . . . . . . . . ph © ADOBE/Luciano Mortula-LGM p. 120-2 . . . . . . ph © Coffee for Peace – Oslo Business for Peace
p. 66-1 . . . . . . . ph © 300_librarians/ p. 120-3 . . . . . . ph © Equity Bank Group – Oslo Business for Peace
p. 66-2 . . . . . . . ph © Zuma Press/Alamy Stock Photo p. 125 . . . . . . . . ph © New Africa/
p. 67 . . . . . . . . . ph © Nike p. 128 . . . . . . . . ph © wings co-op
p. 68 . . . . . . . . . ph © wachiwit/ p. 137 . . . . . . . . ph © Artist HOGRE with permission
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Maquette : Favre&Lhaïk
Illustrations : Vincent Landrin

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