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Construction materials for general

MINERALOGY purpose buildings are supposed to

perform for a period of at least 50
 It is a branch of geology that years, (unless explicitly designed
focuses on the analysis of the for alternative age or the purpose
chemical composition, crystal is explicitly defined). Corrosion is a
structure, and physical grave factor which most engineers
characteristics of minerals and overlook/undermine. The basic
other mineralized artifacts, chemistry between atmospheric
particularly their optical qualities. gases and concrete
Mineralogy-specific research surfaces/exposed steel surfaces is
includes examinations of the origin very crucial.
and development of minerals as
well as their classification,
distribution, and uses. ELEMENTARY KNOWLEDGE
Georgius Agricula “The Father of ON SYMMETRY OF
 He was born on March 24, 1494, SYSTEMS
Glauchau, Saxony (Germany). Died
in November 21, 1555, Chemnitz.
He provided the foundations for
SYMMETRY - Observing the
the study of the Earth (and its symmetry of a crystal is often a way to
rocks, minerals, and fossils), in a distinguish one mineral from another.
systematic, recorded, way. Symmetry is a fundamental property of
Agricula spent a lot of time crystalline solids' atom arrangements that
studying and observing mining is used in crystallography. It is used
operations. describe crystals, find recurring elements
 His famous book about minerals in molecules, and to make almost all
are De Re Metallica, De natura calculations and data collection easier.
fossilium, and De Ortu et Causis The majority of symmetry types in
Subterraneorum. crystallography can be explained in terms
of an apparent movement of the object,
such as a rotation or translation. These
apparent movements are called symmetry
operation. The locations where the
MINERALOGY TO CIVIL symmetry operations occur such as a
ENGINEERING rotation axis, a mirror plane, an inversion
center, or a translation vector are
 Mineral properties are just as described as symmetry elements.
important as properties of
construction materials.
Two Distinct Methods of Describing unit cell is the building block of the crystal
Rotational Symmetry Operation structure and it explains in detail the
entire crystal structure along with its
 CARL HERMANN-MAUGUIN principal axes. Lattice constants or lattice
NOMENCLATURE – Is typically parameters are the length, edges of major
used to describe crystals and axes, and angle between unit cells.
crystallographic symmetry.
used to describe symmetry in  FACE-CENTERED CUBIC
discrete molecules, in optical
spectroscopy, and in quantum
systems describes the classes of crystals,
space group and lattices. Crystals and
CRYSTAL STRUCTURE -- Crystal space groups are grouped into seven
Structure is obtained by attaching atoms, crystal systems based on their point
groups of atoms or Crystal Structure is groups. The Seven Crystal Systems is a
defined as solids that have an atomic method for classifying crystals based on
structure with long-range, 3-dimensional their atomic structure and lattice. The
order. This structure develops as a result atomic lattice is a series of atoms that are
of the constituent particles' tendency to organized in a symmetrical pattern. With
arrange themselves in symmetrical the help of the lattice, the appearance and
patterns. Nicholas Steno made this physical properties of a stone will be
observation for the first time in 1669, and determined leading to identifying on
it later came to be known as the law of
constancy of interfacial angles. No matter THE SEVEN CRYSTAL
how big or small, where they are found, or SYSTEM
whether they are man-made or natural, which crystal system they belong to.
any two crystals are subject to the law.
The smallest group of particles in the
most unsymmetrical crystal
material that constitutes this repeating
system. In the triclinic system, all
pattern is the unit cell of the structure.
the axes are different lengths.
None of them meet at 90º. Based
UNIT CELLS on the three inclined angles the
- All crystalline
various forms of crystals are in the
minerals fit into one of the thirty-two
paired faces. Labradorite,
crystal classes that are spread throughout
Amazonite, Kyanite, Rhodonite,
seven different crystal systems. A crystal
Aventurine Feldspar, and
can be represented diagrammatically by
Turquoise are a few examples of
an orderly stacking of unit cells, the
common triclinic systems.
smallest component of a crystal lattice. A
 MONOCLINIC SYSTEM - external appearance. At the base of
Monoclinic System has three axes, a hexagonal system (rosssection of
two of which are at right angles to a prism), there will be six sides. In
one another and one of which is the trigonal system (base
inclined. All these three axes vary crosssection) there will be three
in sizes. Minerals that form in the sides. Crystal shapes in a trigonal
monoclinic system include azurite, system include threesided
brazilianite, crocoite, datolite, pyramids, Scalenohedral and
diopside, jadeite, lazulite, Rhombohedra. Some typical
malachite, orthoclase feldspars, examples include Ruby, Quartz,
staurolite, sphene, and Calcite, Agate, Jasper, Tiger’s Eyes
spodumene. and more.
this system there are three axes, all tetragonal system also has three
of which meet at 90º to each other axes that all meet at 90º. The
but it has different lengths. Based length of the primary axis might be
on their Rhombic structure the either short or long. The two axes
orthorhombic system includes are parallel and have the same
various crystal shapes namely length. Tetragonal crystals can be
pyramids, double pyramids, found in trapezohedra, pyrite,
rhombic pyramids, and pinacoids. double and eight-sided pyramids,
Some common orthorhombic four-sided prisms, and other
crystals include Topaz, Tanzanite, geometries based on their
Iolite, Zoisite, Danburite and more. rectangular core structure.
hexagonal systems, crystals have or cubic system of crystals is the
six sides. The three angles 1, 2, and first and most basic. The lengths of
3 are all contained in single plane all three angles are equal and they
called basal plane and are at 120 connect at right angles. Because of
degrees. These three are equal in the equality of the axes, minerals
length and meet at 60º to each in the cubic system are singly
other. Crystal shapes of hexagonal refractive or isotropic. All garnets,
systems include Double Pyramids, diamond, fluorite, gold, lapis lazuli,
Double-Sided Pyramids, and Four- pyrite, silver, sodalite, sphalerite,
Sided Pyramids. Examples include and spinel are examples of
sugilite, apatite, beryl, and minerals that develop in an
cancrinite.’ isometric system.
Mineralogists sometimes divide
the hexagonal system into two PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF
crystal systems, the hexagonal and
the trigonal, based on their
Minerals generally named on basis of polycrystalline materials are random. As a
Physical property (magnetic =magnetite), result, even if the individual grains are
predominant element (Cr =Chromite, Ba anisotropic, the material as a whole is
=Barite), Locality (Franklin, New Jersey isotropic because the disparities in
=Franklinite) and, Colour (Albus properties tend to average out. An
(L.white)=Albite) anisotropic material is one that has grains
that are typically deformed and stretched
in one or more directions throughout the
 In most circumstances, formation process. We'll talk about
distinguishing physical material formation later, but for now, let's
characteristics of minerals can be continue our discussion of crystalline
used to determine the its identity. structure at the atomic level.
Most minerals have distinct
physical characteristics that can be
structure, bonding forces, and chemical
used to identify and categorize
makeup of minerals all have a direct
them, including hardness, luster,
bearing on their physical characteristics.
color, streak, specific gravity,
The type of elements and the spacing
cleavage, fracture, and tenacity.
between them in a crystalline structure
Physical Properties of Minerals as affect bonding forces, which are electrical
Identifying Tools forces that exist between atoms and ions.
This means that multiple crystal
ISOTROPISM - Minerals are categorized structures can be seen in minerals with
based on their physical characteristics, the same chemical composition (as a
which might vary depending on the function of changes in P & T or both).
direction. Polymorphism is the term for the
phenomenon of materials having diverse
ANISOTROPIC - The mechanical and physical properties due to their
physical characteristics of a single crystal crystallization in various symmetry
can vary with orientation. Our models of systems. It is claimed that certain
the crystalline structure show that atoms minerals are polymorphous. Depending
should be able to slide over one another on how many mineral species are present
or distort in respect to one another more in a group, they may be dimorphic,
easily in some directions than others. An trimorphic, or polymorphic.
anisotropic material is one whose
characteristics change depending on the
crystallographic orientation.

ISOTROPIC - Alternately, a material is

said to be isotropic if its qualities are the
same in all directions. Before any
processing (deformation) of the material
is done, the grain orientations of many
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF luster are described by the labels
metallic and nonmetallic.
MINERALS  Metallic luster – Strictly
pertains to opaque
HARDNESS minerals, where the surface
totally reflects light. The
 One of the most helpful majority of ore minerals
characteristics for classifying with a high metal
minerals is their hardness, or concentration have a
capacity to withstand being metallic sheen. Gal, Mat,
scratched. The ability of one Pyt, etc. Sub-metallic,
mineral to scratch another mineral imperfect metallic shine.
determines its hardness.  Non-metallic luster – is the
collective name for various
additional luster kinds. It
mineralogist used a group of ten common
may be dazzling or dim
minerals to create a hardness scale. The
where there is poor
minerals are arranged on the scale in
reflection, which is brought
ascending order of hardness. Any mineral
on by light scattering from
with a lower number will scratch any
the mineral surface.
higher-numbered mineral.
1 – Talc
2 – Gypsum
3 – Calcite  The color of a mineral is among its
most glaring characteristics. When
4 – Fluorite recognizing a mineral, color should
be taken into account, but it should
5 – Apatite
never serve as the primary
6 – Orthoclase identifying feature.
 The properties of color are used to
7 – Quartz
classify minerals into three
8 – Topaz primary categories: idiochromatic,
allochromatic, and
9 – Corundum
10 - Diamond  IDIOCHROMATIC – are
“self-colored” as a result of
their composition. The
LUSTER mineral’s hue is a
consistent and predictable
 A mineral reflects light by having feature. Examples include
luster. The two main categories of the stones green Malachite,
red Cinnabar, and blue  Example is distinguishing Gold
Azurite. (yellow streak), and Chalcopyrite
 ALLOCHROMATIC – are (black streak).
“other-colored” due to trace
impurities in their
composition or defects in SPECIFIC GRAVITY
their composition or defects
in their structure. In this  Specific gravity is the ratio
case, the color is variable between the mass (weight) of a
and unpredictable property mineral and the mass (weight) of
of the mineral. Example are an equal volume of water. A
the blue in Amazonite mineral's specific gravity (SG) can
(orthoclase), yellow in be determined by dividing its
Heliodor (spodumene) and weight in air by the weight of an
the rose in rose quartz. equal volume of water. For
 PSEUDOCHROMATIC – instance, quartz with a density of
are “false-colored” due t 2.65 is 2.65 times as heavy as the
tricks in light diffraction. In same volume of water.
these cases, color is  SG= mineral mass/water mass
variable but a unique  Water has a specific gravity of 1.0.
property of the mineral. If a mineral has a specific gravity of
Examples are the colors 2.7, it is 2.7 times heavier than
produced by precious opal water. Minerals with a specific
and the shiller reflections of gravity under 2 are considered
labradorite. light, between 2 and 4.5 average,
and greater than 4.5 heavy. Most
minerals with a metallic luster are
STREAK heavy. The specific gravity may
slightly vary within a mineral
 The color of the powdered mineral because of impurities present in
is known as the streak, and this the minerals structure.
color is typically more helpful for
identification than the color of the
entire mineral sample. A streak
will appear if you rub the mineral
across a streak plate. The unglazed  The way in which a mineral breaks
back of a white porcelain along smooth flat planes is called
bathroom or kitchen tile can be cleavage. These breaks occur along
used to create a streak plate. planes of weakness in the
Because they are harder than the mineral's structure. However, if a
streak plate, some minerals won't mineral breaks along an irregular
streak. surface, it does not have cleavage.
 Quality of Cleavage: PERFECT,
 Tenacity describes the reaction of
a mineral to stress such as
 Minerals with perfect cleavage will
crushing, bending, breaking, or
cleave without leaving any rough
tearing. Certain minerals react
surfaces: a full, smooth plane is
differently to each type of stress.
formed where the crystal broke.
Since tenacity is composed of
Minerals with good cleavage also
several reactions to various
leave smooth surfaces, but often
stresses, it is possible for a mineral
leave over minor residual rough
to have more than one type of
surfaces. On minerals with poor
cleavage, the smooth crystal edge
 The different forms of tenacity are:
is not very visible, since the rough
 Brittle – mineral crushes to
surface is dominant. If a mineral
angular fragments (quartz)
exhibits cleavage, but it so poor
 Sectile – mineral can be cut
that it is hardly noticeable, it has
with a knife into thin
“indiscernible” cleavage. Minerals
shavings (Talc)
with no cleavage never exhibit any
 Malleable – mineral can be
cleavage, thus broken surfaces are
modified in shape without
fractured and rough.
breaking and can be
flattened to a thin sheet
(copper, gold)
 Flexible – mineral bend but
 If the mineral contains no planes of doesn’t regain its shape
weakness, it will break along once released (selenite,
random directions called fracture. gypsum)
 Conchoidal: smooth  Elastic – mineral bends and
fracture (Qua, glass) regains its original shape
 Uneven or irregular: rough when released (muscovite
and irregular surfaces and biotite mica)
 Fibrous and splintery:
sharp pointed fibers
(Asbestos, Serpentine) Other Diagnostic Characteristics
 Even: more or less smooth
surfaces, may resemble TRANSPARENCY – Objects are visible
cleavage when viewed through a mineral.
 Hackly: jagged fractures OPAQUENESS - No light is transmitted,
with very sharp edges even on the thinnest edges.
TRANSLUENCY - Light, but not an
image, is transmitted through a mineral.

TASTE - Taste can be used to help How rocks are formed?
identify some minerals, such as halite
(salt).  Through the process of erosion,
these fragments are removed from
ACID REACTION - Object reacts to their source and transported by
hydrochloric acid. The most wind, water, ice, or biological
distinguishing characteristic of calcite is activity to a new location. Once the
that it effervesces when hydrochloric acid sediment settles somewhere, and
is applied. Dolomite shows a reaction on a enough of it collects, the lowest
freshly broken or powdered surface. layers become compacted so
Testing for calcite, limestone, or dolomite tightly that they form solid rock.
calls for 10% hydrochloric acid, but
strong white vinegar can be substituted Rocks are composed of minerals. A
for the acid. mineral is a naturally occurring substance
which is usually solid, crystalline, stable
- Example: Acid test is used to test gold at room temperature and inorganic. There
with acid concentrates. Gold is a noble are almost 5000 known mineral species,
metal and is resistant to change by acid, yet the vast majority of rocks are formed
corrosion, or oxidation. The acid test is from combinations of a few common
applied to rub any colored gold item on a minerals, referred to as “rock-forming
black stone which will leave a visible minerals”. The rock-forming minerals are:
mark. By applying aqua fortis, this mark is feldspars, quartz, amphiboles, micas,
tested known as nitric acid which, except olivine, garnet, calcite, pyroxenes.
gold, dissolves the mark of all colored
gold items. Otherwise, it dissolves if the
remaining marks are tested by applying EXAMPLES OF ROCK
aqua regia (nitric acid and hydrochloric
MAGNESTISM - Magnetism is a
distinguishing characteristic of magnetite.
 Feldspar is the name applied to a
group of minerals that is the
rhombohedral (tilted cube), hexagonal
second most common of all the
(six-sided), etc.
minerals. All feldspars are
composed of aluminum, silicon,
and oxygen combined with varying
STUDY OF ROCK-FORMING amounts of one or more metals,
MINERALS particularly potassium, sodium,
and calcium. Feldspars have a
ROCK - The solid mineral material hardness of 6, have a smooth,
forming part of the surface of the earth glassy or pearly luster, and show
and other similar planets, exposed on the good cleavages along two planes at
surface or underlying the soil or oceans. nearly right angles to each other.
Specific gravity is about 2.6. The to Quartz than any other mineral.
streak is white, but the color of the It is the maximum abundant and
mineral is highly variable. widely allotted mineral
 Feldspars transform though determined at Earth’s surface. It is
hydrolysis —to form clay minerals abundant all over the arena. In any
plus some ions in solution. In other temperatures. It is abundant in
cases, the minerals dissolve igneous, metamorphic, and
completely, and their components sedimentary rocks. It is highly
go into solution. For example, resistant to both mechanical and
calcite (CaCO3) is soluble in acidic chemical weathering.
solutions.  With the temperatures above 867
°C (1,593 °F), betaquartz changes
General Information of Feldspar:
into tridymite, but the
Type: Mineral transformation is very slow
because bond breaking takes place
Mineral Classification: Silicate Chemical
to form a more open structure. At
Formula: KAlSi3O8 – NaAlSi3O8 –
very high pressures alpha-quartz
transforms into coesite and, at still
Streak: White higher pressures, stishovite. Such
phases have been observed in
Mohs Hardness: 6-6.5 impact craters.
Crystal System: triclinic, monoclinic General Information of Quartz:
Color: pink, white, gray, brown Type: Mineral
Luster: Vitreous Mineral Classification: Silicate Chemical
Fracture: conchoidal, uneven Formula: SiO2
The top feldspars producing countries are Streak: White Mohs
Turkey, India and Italy
Hardness: 7
Crystal System: trigonal
Color: Pure quartz is clear.
 is one of the most famous
minerals on the earth. It occurs in Color variance due to impurities: purple
essentially all mineral (amethyst), white (milky quartz), black
environments, and is the crucial (smoky quartz), pink (rose quartz) and
constituent of many rocks. It is yellow or orange (citrine).
likewise the maximum varied of all
Luster: vitreous, waxy, dull
minerals, taking place in all
distinct habits, and colorings. Fracture: conchoidal
There are more range names given
The top quartz producing countries are Luster: Vitreous, resinous
China, Japan and Russia
Fracture: Conchoidal, uneven
The countries that produces the most
 These minerals are found garnet are Canada, Brazil and Mali
throughout the world in
metamorphic, igneous, and
sedimentary rocks. Most garnet AUGITE
found near Earth's surface forms
 Augite is a rock-forming minerals
when a sedimentary rock with a
that commonly occurs in mafic and
high aluminum content, such as
intermediate igneous rocks such as
shale, is subjected to heat and
basalt, gabbro, andesite, and
pressure intense enough to
diorite. It is found in these rocks
produce schistor gneiss. Garnet is
throughout the world, wherever
also found in the rocks of contact
they occur. Augite is also found in
metamorphism, subsurface magma
ultramafic rocks and in some
chambers, lava flows, deep-source
metamorphic rock that form under
volcanic eruptions, and the soils
high temperatures. Augite has a
and sediments formed when
chemical composition of (Ca,Na)
garnet-bearing rocks are
(Mg,Fe,Al)(Si,Al)2O6 with many
weathered and eroded.
paths of solid solution.
 It is usually composed primarily of
 An increase in magma water vapor
the minerals quartz, feldspar, and
and a decrease in temperature
mica. When granite is subjected to
transforms augite into hornblende.
intense heat and pressure, it
changes into a metamorphic rock General Information of Augite:
called gneiss.
Type: Mineral
General Information of Garnite:
Mineral Classification: Pyroxene
Type: Mineral
Chemical Formula: 8[(Ca,Na)
Mineral Classification: Silicate Chemical (Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al)2O6]
Formula: X3Y2(SiO4)3 (Where X is often Streak: Light green to colorless
Ca or Mg, and Y is often Al or Fe)
Mohs Hardness: 5-6
Streak: White Mohs Hardness: 6.5-7.5
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Crystal System: Isometric (meaning
equality in dimension. For example, a Color: Black, brown, greenish, violet-
cube, octahedron, or dodecahedron) brown; in thin section, colorless to gray

Color: Generally brown, virtually all Luster: Vitreous and dull

colors, blue very rare
Fracture: Ranges from splintery to  Biotite - is a name used for a large
uneven group of black mica minerals that
are commonly found inigneous
You can find augite anywhere in the
and metamorphic rocks. These
include annite, phologopite,
siderophyllite, fluorophlogopite,
fluorannite, eastonite, and many
others. These micas vary in
 Hornblende is a field and chemical composition but are all
classroom name used for a group sheet silicate minerals with very
of dark-colored amphibole similar physical properties. A
minerals found in many types of generalized chemical composition
igneous and metamorphic rocks. for the biotite group is:
These minerals vary in chemical K(Mg,Fe)3(AlSi3O10)(F,OH)2
composition but are all double-  Biotite is black magnesium/iron-
chain inosilicates with very similar based mica of low commercial
physical properties. A generalized value. It appears in the form of thin
composition for the hornblende sheets which generally range from
group is: (Ca,Na)2- 0.003 mm to 0.1 mm in thickness.
3(Mg,Fe,Al)5(Si,Al)8O22(OH,F)2 Biotite first alters to interstratified
 At constant pressure of about 2kb, biotiteto vermiculite in which the
temperature decrease to near vermiculite is hydroxy-Al
950°C will cause crystallization of interlayered. The kaolinization of
hornblende to begin. If this is the biotite extends throughout the
first mineral to crystallize, this grain, the pseudomorphs retaining
curve also defines the maximum the morphology of the biotite
liquidus temperature for the precursor but having the optical
system. and structural properties of
General Information of Biotite:
General Information of Hornblende:
Type: Mineral
Type: Mineral
Mineral Classification: Mica
Mineral Classification: Silicate Chemical
Chemical Formula: K(Mg,Fe)3(AlSi3O10)
Formula: Double chain SiO4 with other (F,OH)2
elements Color: Generally dark black,
sometimes brown The countries with the Streak: White
most deposits of Hornblende are Norway,
Mohs Hardness: 2.5-3
Sweden and Italy
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Color: Black
Luster: Vitreous, may be pearly Color: purple, rosy, silver, gray
(lepidolite); dark green, brown, black
Fracture: Micaceous
(biotite); yellowish-brown, green white
You can find biotite in the United States of (phlogopite); colorless, transparent
America, Canada and Norway. (muscovite)
Luster: pearly to vitreous
MUSCOVITE The countries with the most Muscovite
deposits are India, Pakistan and Brazil
 Muscovite - is the most common
mineral of the mica family. It is an
important rock forming mineral
present in igneous, metamorphic,
and sedimentary rocks. Like other  Olivine- The mineral olivine is a
micas it readily cleaves into thin magnesium iron silicate with the
transparent sheets. Muscovite chemical formula (Mg,Fe)2SiO4. It
sheets have a pearly to vitreous is a type of nesosilicate or
luster on their surface. If they are orthosilicate. The primary
held up to the light, they are component of the Earth's upper
transparent and nearly colorless, mantle, [9] it is a common mineral
but most have a slight brown, in Earth's subsurface, but weathers
yellow, green, or rose color tint. quickly on the surface. For this
 Muscovite transforms into reason, olivine has been proposed
kaolinite through the intergrowths as a good candidate for accelerated
of two phases, mica and kaolinite. weathering to sequester carbon
A degradation series, muscovite → dioxide from the Earth's oceans
mica/montmorillonite → and atmosphere, as part of climate
montmorillonite → kaolinite also is change mitigation.
observed  With increasing depth, olivine (α-
phase) transforms to wadsleyite
General Information of Muscovite:
(β-phase), then to the spinel
Type: Mineral structure (γ-phase) and then to
perovskite + magnesio-wüstite.
Mineral Classification: Silicate
These transformations occur at P
Chemical Formula: Lepidolite and T conditions that match the
K(Li,Al)3(AlSi3O10) (O,OH, F)2, ; biotite 410 km, 520 km and 660 km
K(Mg, Fe)3(AlSi3O10) (OH)2; phlogopite discontinuities and are viewed as
KMg3(AlSi3O10) (OH)2; muscovite the cause of the seismic jumps.
KAl2(AlSi3O10) (OH)2
General Information of Olivine:
Mohs Hardness: 2.5-4 (lepidolite); 2.5-3
Category: Nesosilicate, Olivine group,
biotite; 2.5-3 phlogopite; 2-2.5 muscovite
Olivine series
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Formula : (repeating unit),(Mg,Fe)2SiO4 Canada, the United States, Britain,
China, Namibia, Pakistan, Belgium,
IMA symbol: Ol[1]
Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia,
Strunz classification: 9.AC.05 Peru, Brazil, Iceland, and Romania.
Many of the finest colored
Crystal system: Orthorhombic
specimens come from Mexico.
Space group: Pbnm (no. 62)  When calcite or aragonite
precipitate out of water containing
Color: Yellow to yellow-green dissolved calcium, which can take
Crystal habit: Massive to granular place through both biological and
nonbiological processes. The
Cleavage: Poor solubility of calcium carbonate
Fracture: Conchoidal (CaCO 3) is controlled largely by
the amount of dissolved carbon
Tenacity: brittle dioxide (CO 2) in the water. It will
Mohs scale hardness: 6.5–7 form a Limestone.

Luster: Vitreous General Information of Calcite:

Streak: colorless or white Diaphaneity: Chemical Classification: Carbonate

Transparent to translucent Specific Color: Usually white but also colorless,
gravity: 3.2–4.5[2][3][4][5] Optical gray, red, green, blue, yellow, brown,
properties: Biaxial (+) Refractive index orange
nα = 1.630–1.650 nβ = 1.650–1.670 nγ =
1.670–1.690 Birefringence δ = 0.040 Streak: White

Diaphaneity: Transparent to translucent Luster: Vitreous

Specific gravity: 3.2–4.5[2][3][4][5] Diaphaneity: Transparent to translucent

Optical properties: Biaxial (+) Cleavage: Perfect, rhombohedral, three

Refractive index nα = 1.630–1.650 nβ =
1.650–1.670 nγ = 1.670–1.690 Mohs Hardness: 3

Birefringence δ = 0.040 Specific Gravity: 2.7

Diagnostic Properties: Rhombohedral
cleavage, powdered form effervesces
CALCITE weakly in dilute HCl, curved crystal faces
 the most common form of natural and frequent twinning
calcium carbonate (CaCO3), a Chemical Composition: CaCO3
widely distributed mineral known
for the beautiful development and Crystal System: Trigonal
great variety of its crystals. The
primary producers of calcite are
Uses: Acid neutralization, a low-hardness Cleavage: Prismatic in two directions that
abrasive, soil conditioner, heated for the intersect at slightly less than 90 degrees.
production of lime
Mohs Hardness: 5.5 to 6
Specific Gravity: 3.2 to 3.6
Diagnostic Properties: Two cleavage
 Pyroxenes are the most significant directions intersecting at slightly less
and abundant group of rock- than 90 degrees. Green to black color.
forming ferromagnesian silicates.
Chemical Composition: A complex silicate.
They are found in almost every
(Ca,Na) (Mg,Fe,Al)(Si,Al)2O6
variety of igneous rock and also
occur in rocks of widely different Crystal System: Monoclinic
compositions formed under
Uses: No significant commercial use.
conditions of regional and contact
metamorphism. One country
where you can find pyroxene is
 A speculative model is also  Chlorite - chlorite, widespread
presented whereby the occurrence group of layer silicate minerals
of the garnet pyroxene occurring in both macroscopic and
transformation in blocks of clay-grade sizes; they are hydrous
eclogite which are sinking through aluminum silicates, usually of
the mantle provides a mechanism magnesium and iron. The name,
for deep-focus earthquakes from the Greek for “green, ” refers
General Information of Pyroxene: to chlorite's typical color. You can
find chlorite in Poland.
Chemical Classification: A single chain  Formation of the iron-rich chlorite
inosilicate in the lignite overburden shales
probably resulted from
Color: Dark green, black, brown
interactions between aluminous
Streak: White to gray to very pale green. smectite and solutions rich in
Augite is often brittle, breaking into ferrous Fe. Exposure of the
splintery fragments on the streak plate. overburden shales to oxidizing
These can be observed with a hand lens. conditions may result in the
Rubbing the debris with a finger produces transformation of chlorite to
a gritty feel with a fine white powder smectite with precipitation of
beneath. released Fe
Luster: Vitreous on cleavage and crystal General Information of Chlorite:
faces. Dull on other surfaces.
Chemical Classification: Silicate
Diaphaneity: Usually translucent to
opaque. Rarely transparent.
Color: Various shades of green. Rarely located in Balkan Peninsula,
yellow, white, pink, black Turkey, the island of Cyprus, the
Alps, Cuba, and New Caledonia.
Streak: Greenish to greenish gray
 Serpentinization is a geological
Luster: Vitreous, pearly, dull low-temperature metamorphic
process involves chemical
Diaphaneity: Transparent, translucent,
reactions which convert
anhydrous ferromagnesian silicate
Cleavage: Perfect in one direction minerals (pyroxene, olivine) into
hydrous silicate minerals
Mohs Hardness: 2 to 3 (serpentine) plus some other
Specific Gravity: 2.6 to 3.3 possibilities like brucite and
Diagnostic Properties: Color, hardness,
foliated appearance, feels slightly greasy General Information of Serpentine:

Chemical Composition: A generalized Chemical Classification: Silicate

formula: (X,Y)4-6(Si,Al)4O10(OH,O)8 The Color: Usually various shades of green,
"X" and "Y" in the formula represent ions, but can be yellow, black, white, and other
which might include: Fe+2, Fe+3, Mg+2, colors.
Mn+2, Ni+2, Zn+2, Al+3, Li+1, or Ti+4.
The composition and physical properties Streak: White
of chlorites vary as these ions substitute
Luster: Greasy or waxy
for one another in solid solution.
Diaphaneity: Translucent to opaque,
Crystal System: Monoclinic
rarely transparent
Uses: Very few industrial uses. Used as a
Cleavage: Poor to perfect
filler and as a constituent of clay.
Mohs Hardness: Variable between 3 and 6
Specific Gravity: 2.5 to 2.6
Diagnostic Properties: Color, luster,
 Serpentinite is a rock composed
fibrous habit, hardness, slippery feel
predominantly of one or more
serpentine group minerals, the Chemical Composition:
name originating from the (Mg,Fe,Ni,Al,Zn,Mn)2-
similarity of the texture of the rock 3(Si,Al,Fe)2O5(OH)4
to that of the skin of a snake.
Crystal System: Most serpentine minerals
Serpentinite has been called
are monoclinic.
serpentine or serpentine rock,
particularly in older geological Uses: A source of asbestos, architectural
texts and in wider cultural settings. stone, ornamental stone, gem material.
The most famous deposits are
STAUROLITE usually found in schist and gneiss with
muscovite mica and almandine garnet
 Staurolite - a mineral, basic iron
aluminum silicate, Chemical Composition:
Fe2Al2O7(SiO4)4(OH), occurring (Fe,Mg)2Al9Si4O23(OH)
in brown to black prismatic
Crystal System: Monoclinic Uses: Little
crystals, which are often twinned
industrial use
in the form of a cross. You can find
staurolite in Canada; North
Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia,
U.S.; Brazil; Brittany, France; and
Switzerland, especially along the  Epidote - a lustrous yellow-green
Saint Gotthard Pass crystalline mineral, common in
 Staurolite can alter to chlorite or metamorphic rocks. It consists of a
sericite and to a mixture of clay hydroxyl silicate of calcium,
minerals and iron oxides during aluminum, and iron. You can find
retrograde metamorphism and epidote in Austria.
weathering. Staurolite and kyanite  Epidote is a very common
can be found associated as hydrothermal alteration mineral.
epitaxial intergrowths, thanks to This alteration process, if it
their closely related crystal happens with feldspars, is known
structure. as epidotization.
General Information of Staurolite: General Information of Epidote:
Chemical Classification: Silicate Chemical Classification: Silicate
Color: Usually brown, reddish brown, Color: Usually yellowish green to
yellowish brown, brownish black, black, pistachio green, sometimes brownish
dark gray green to black
Streak: Colorless (harder than the streak Streak: Colorless
Luster: Vitreous to resinous
Luster: Vitreous, sometimes resinous
Diaphaneity: Transparent to translucent
Diaphaneity: Translucent to opaque, to nearly opaque
rarely transparent
Cleavage: Perfect in one direction,
Cleavage: Poor imperfect
Mohs Hardness: 7 to 7.5 Mohs Hardness: 6 to 7
Specific Gravity: 3.7 to 3.8 Specific Gravity: 3.3 to 3.5
Diagnostic Properties: Color, six-sided Diagnostic Properties: Color, cleavage,
crystals that are frequently twinned, specific gravity
Chemical Composition: Ca2(Al2,Fe)(SiO4)
Eight elements make up 98% of
Crystal System: Monoclinic Uses: the Earth’s crust these are oxygen,
Semiprecious gem. silicon, aluminum, iron,
magnesium, calcium, sodium and
potassium. The composition of
ZEOLITE minerals formed by igneous
processes is directly controlled by
 Zeolites are microporous,
the chemistry of the parent body.
crystalline aluminosilicate
For example, a magma rich in iron
materials commonly used as
and magnesium will form minerals
commercial adsorbents and
such as olivine and pyroxene (as
catalysts. They mainly consist of
found in basalt). Magma richer in
silicon, aluminum, oxygen. These
silicon will form more silicarich
positive ions can be exchanged for
minerals such as feldspar and
others in the current contacting
quartz (as found in granite). It is
electrolyte solution. H+ exchanged
unlikely that a mineral will be
zeolites are particularly useful as
found in a rock with dissimilar
solid acid catalysts. China is the
bulk chemistry unlike its own;
biggest producer of zeolite.
thus it is unlikely that andalusite
 The heat around 700 °C was
(Al2SiO5) would be found in an
sufficient to transform the natural
aluminum-poor rock such as a
zeolite to amorphous metazeolite.
Indeed, heating the zeolite
material at 800 °C was suggested
to decrease performance. It is
apparent that the activation of
natural zeolite by thermal
treatment results in a wide range
of outcomes. FORMATION OF ALL
General Information of Zeolite: MINERALS
Composition: Na2O.Al2O3.xSiO2.xH2O o Physical and chemical condition s
include factors such as
Mohs Hardness: 4.0 -5.0 temperature, pressure, presence of
Density: 2.0-2.1 g/ml water, pH, and amount of oxygen
available. Time is one of the most
Refractive Index: 1.470-1.494 important factors because it takes
Color: white to reddish tabular time for atoms to become ordered.
monoclinic tectosilicate crystals If time is limited, the mineral
grains will remain very small. The
Gravity: 2.1 to 2.2 presence of water enhances the
mobility of ions and can lead to the  IGNEOUS OR MAGMATIC -
formation of larger crystals over Igneous rocks and minerals
shorter time periods. solidify from molten rock, called
o Most of the minerals that make up magma below the Earth’s crust and
the rocks around us formed lava when flowing above ground.
through the cooling of molten These rocks and their mineral
rocks, known as magma. At the components, presented below, are
high temperatures that exist deep the result of processes that formed
within earth, some geological Earth and other rocky planets.
materials are liquid. As magma Igneous environments are integral
rises up through the crust, either to the recycling of Earth’s crust;
volcanic eruption or by more they produce the granite roots of
gradual process, it cools and the continental plates and basaltic
minerals crystallized. If the cooling rocks beneath the oceans. For
process is rapid (minutes, hours, those studying our dynamic planet,
days, or years), the components of igneous rocks and minerals are
the minerals will not have time to windows into Earth’s deep
become ordered and only small processes.
crystals can form before the rock  Igneous rocks and minerals
becomes solid. The resulting rock solidify from molten rock, called
will be fine grained (crystals less magma below the Earth’s crust and
than 1mm). If the cooling is slow lava when flowing above ground.
(from decades to millions of These rocks and their mineral
years), the degree of ordering will components, presented below, are
be higher and relatively large the result of processes that formed
crystals will form. In some cases, Earth and other rocky planets.
the cooling will be so fast Igneous environments are integral
(seconds) that the texture will be to the recycling of Earth’s crust;
glassy, which means that no they produce the granite roots of
crystals at all form. the continental plates and basaltic
o Minerals form in all geologic rocks beneath the oceans. For
environments and thus under a those studying our dynamic planet,
wide range of chemical and igneous rocks and minerals are
physical conditions, such as windows into Earth’s deep
varying temperature and pressure. processes.


MINERAL FORMATION minerals are the result of
sedimentation, a process whose
raw materials are particles from
other rocks that have undergone  The minerals in the original rock
weathering or erosion. were formed at one set of
conditions, but were then
 Earth is always changing. As rocks subjected to different conditions of
and minerals become exposed at heat, pressure, and H2O
its surface, the weathering process abundance in Earth’s crust. They
changes them through exposure to responded to that change by
air, water, ice, and life. Weathering transforming to become minerals
is often accompanied by erosion, stable under the new conditions.
or the transportation of weathered Metamorphic rocks and minerals
materials by flowing water, wind, record the history of the dynamic
ice, and gravity. Weathering Earth.
counteracts Earth’s dynamic  When magma erupts onto Earth’s
building processes and, over surface, it is called lava. Lava cools
millions of years, has produced the much more rapidly than magma
clays, soils, and salts critical to the when it is below the surface. In a
survival of life on Earth—including cooling lava, mineral crystals do
our own. not have time to form and are very
 Water on Earth, such as the water small. The chemical composition
in the oceans, contains chemical will be the same as if the magma
elements mixed into a solution. cooled slowly. Existing rocks may
Various processes can cause these be heated enough so that the
elements to combine to form solid molecules are released from their
mineral deposits. structure and can move around.
 When water evaporates, it leaves The molecules may match up with
behind a solid precipitate of different molecules to form new
minerals. When the water in glass minerals as the rock cools. This
A evaporates, the dissolved occurs during metamorphism.
mineral particles are left behind
 Tufa towers form when calcium-
rich spring water at the bottom of  HYDROTHERMAL - in which
Mono Lake bubbles up into the minerals are chemically
alkaline lake. The tufa towers precipitated from hot solutions
appear when lake level drops. within Earth.
 Hydrothermal processes require
hot water, which dissolves
 METAMORPHIC – in which minerals and transports their
new minerals form at the expense components where the water goes,
of earlier ones owing to the effects along fractures and through
of changing, usually increasing of porous rocks. As the water travels,
temperature or pressure or both it cools—or other conditions
on some existing rock type. change—and the dissolved
materials can be deposited in Similarly, geodes, which are
spaces in the surrounding rocks, rounded, hollow, or partially
forming veins or pockets of hollow bodies commonly found in
minerals. limestones, may contain well-
 Magma heats nearby underground formed crystals lining the central
water, which reacts with the rocks cavity. Geodes form as a result of
around it to pick up dissolved mineral deposition from solutions
particles. As the water flows such as groundwater.
through open spaces in the rock
and cools, it deposits solid
minerals. The mineral deposits COAL AND PETROLEUM
that form when a mineral fills
cracks in rocks are called veins. - Coal and petroleum are both products
 When minerals are deposited in of the decomposition of prehistoric plant
open spaces, large crystals form. life that existed millions of years ago. This
(Amethyst formed when large decomposing vegetation began to
crystals grew in open spaces inside accumulate, resulting in the formation of
the rock. These special rocks are peat. Geological processes generated heat
called geodes) and pressure over time to convert these
 The first three processes generally minerals into coal. These are also called
lead to varieties of rocks in which
different mineral grains are closely COAL
intergrown in an interlocking
fabric. Hydrothermal solutions, as fossil fuels.
and even solutions at very low o Coal formation occurred millions
temperatures (e.g., groundwater),
of years ago, where plants
tend to follow fracture zones in
completed their life cycle and
rocks that may provide open
wilted. New plants replaced them,
spaces for the chemical
they went through a life cycle, and
precipitation of minerals from
the entire process repeated itself
solution. It is from such open
over the years, resulting in the
spaces, partially filled by minerals
accumulation of dead plants on the
deposited from solutions, that
earth's surface.
most of the spectacular mineral
o This resulted in the formation of a
specimens have been collected. If a
very thick layer of dead
mineral that is in the process of
decomposed materials that
growth (as a result of
compressed plant matter and
precipitation) is allowed to
washed away all decayed
develop in a free space, it will
materials. Over time, physical and
generally exhibit a welldeveloped
chemical changes occurred as a
crystal form, which adds to a
result of heat and temperature
specimen’s aesthetic beauty.
removing all oxygen from plant
layers, leaving only carbon-rich  SUBBITUMINOUS - coal has a
material, culminating in the lower heating value than
creation of coal. bituminous coal. It is a category of
coal which appears as grey-black
TYPES OF COAL or dark brown. It ranges from hard
to soft as it represents an
intermediate stage between low
- Coal is a readily combustible rock
quality lignite and higher quality
containing more than 50% by weight of
bituminous coal. The carbon
carbon. Coal formed can be of three types
content of subbituminous coal
depending on the amount of oxygen,
varies from 70-76%.
carbon and hydrogen they contain.
 ANTHRACITE – (considered by
 PEAT – (decay of vegetative some to be a type of metamorphic
material) - First stage of rock) - The highest rank of coal. It
transformation and it contains less is a hard, brittle, and black lustrous
than 40 to 55 percent carbon. It coal, often referred to as hard coal,
burns like wood, gives less heat, containing a high percentage of
emits more smoke and leaves a lot fixed carbon and a low percentage
of ash. of volatile matter. It contains 80-
 LIGNITE – (compressed peat) - 95 percent of carbon. It ignites
aka brown coal, is the lowest grade slowly and burns with a short blue
coal with the least concentration of flame.
carbon. Lignite has a low heating
value and a high moisture content
and is mainly used in electricity The Philippines has 19 coal districts. The
generation. It contains 40-55 largest total coal resource is estimated at
percent of carbon. 570 Mmt of subbituminous coal is located
 BITUMINOUS – (compressed in the Semirara coal district located on
lignite) - Bituminous coal is a Semirara Island. The smallest coal
middle rank coal between resource at 0.7 Mmt is the lignite-
subbituminous and anthracite. subbituminous coal in the Quirino coal
Bituminous coal usually has a high district. The combines lignite and
heating value and is used in subbituminous coal resources, using the
electricity generation and steel classification by GCRDD and including
making. It contains 40-80 percent Semirara and Surigao coal districts, are
of carbon. It is dense, compact, and about 1,899.2 MMT, Which make up about
is usually of black color. Its 84 percent of the total coal resources of
moisture and volatile content is 15 the Philippines. The remaining resources
to 40 percent. Its calorific value is are composed of bituminous and semi-
very high due to high proportion of
carbon and low moisture. PETROLEUM

anthracite coal.
o Petroleum, also called crude oil, is o Petroleum reservoirs can be found
a fossil fuel. Like coal and natural beneath land or the ocean floor.
gas, petroleum was formed from Their crude oil is extracted with
the remains of ancient marine giant drilling machines. Crude oil
organisms, such as plants, algae, can appear very fluid, volatile
and bacteria. Over millions of liquids and also viscous, semisolid
years of intense heat and pressure, materials. It is usually black or
black with a greenish tinge in
PETROLEUM color. Sometimes it can be reddish,
greenish-yellow, light yellow, or
these organic remains (fossils) transparent. Natural gas is a
transformed into carbon-rich colorless and odorless gas.
substances we rely on as raw
materials for fuel and a wide
variety of products. PRODUCTS OF PETROLEUM
o The geological conditions that
would eventually create petroleum
formed millions of years ago, when - petroleum products are obtained as a result
plants, algae, and plankton drifted of refining crude oil in oil refineries
in oceans and shallow seas. These
 GASES - Gaseous products
organisms sank to the seafloor at
obtained from the refinery are
the end of their life cycle. Over
hydrogen, fuel gas, ethane,
time, they were buried and
propane, and butane. Propane and
crushed under millions of tons of
butane are collectively known as
sediment and even more layers of
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG),
plant debris.
which is a portable and suitable
o Eventually, ancient seas dried up
fuel for light industrial use and
and dry basins remained, called
domestic heating (cooking).
sedimentary basins. Deep under
 GASOLINE - Gasoline uses include
the basin floor, the organic
application in internal combustion
material was compressed between
engines, commonly used in private
Earth’s mantle, with very high
and commercial vehicles.
temperatures, and millions of tons
 DIESEL - It is commonly used in
of rock and sediment above.
trucks, buses and public transport,
Oxygen was almost completely
locomotives, farm and heavy
absent in these conditions, and the
equipment. Diesel has greater
organic matter began to transform
energy and power density than
into a waxy substance called
kerogen. With more heat, time, and
 KEROSENE - It is used extensively
pressure, the kerogen underwent a
globally in cooking and space
process called catagenesis, and
heating. It is also the basic fuel for
transformed into hydrocarbons.
modern jet engines.
 FUEL OIL - It can be used as a  Coal and petroleum are formed as
power source of lamps, heaters, a result of degradation of ancient
stoves, engines and lanterns plant life which lived millions of
typically at home in furnaces and years ago. These dead plant matter
boilers. The machinery of farming, started to pile up, eventually
mining or quarrying machinery or forming a substance called peat.
even bunkering ships uses fuel oil. Over time, heat and pressure from
geological processes transformed
these materials into coal.
THE ORIGIN AND  The petroleum industry is first
encountered in the archaeological
OCCURRENCE OF COAL record near Hit in what is now
AND PETROLEUM Iraq. Hit is on the banks of the
Euphrates river and is the site of
an oil seep known locally as The
COAL Fountains of Pitch. There asphalt
was quarried for use as mortar
 is a nonrenewable fossil fuel that is
between building stones as early
combusted and used to generate
as 6000 years ago.
electricity. Mining techniques and
 Oil and gas had already been used
combustion are both dangerous to
in some capacity, such as in lamps
miners and hazardous to the
or as a material for construction,
environment; however, coal
for thousands of years before the
accounts for about half of the
modern era, with the earliest
electricity generation in the United
known oil wells being drilled in
China in 347 AD.
 They are obtained in igneous and
PETROLEUM metamorphic rocks at the cracks,
crevices, faults, or joints. In
 also called crude oil, is a fossil fuel. sedimentary rocks, several
Like coal and natural gas, minerals like Coal, petroleum, and
petroleum was formed from the some forms of iron ore have been
remains of ancient marine concentrated as a result of
organisms, such as plants, algae, deposition, accumulation, and
and bacteria. Over millions of concentration for long periods
years of intense heat and pressure, under great heat and pressure.
these organic remains (fossils)
transformed into carbon-rich
substances we rely on as raw
materials for fuel and a wide
variety of products.
CHEMICAL STRUCTURE and 45.80 million tons with a strip
ratio of 8.4 m³/ton, respectively.
o Venezuela is the leading country in
COAL terms of oil reserves, with over
304 billion barrels of oil beneath
 As for its chemical composition, its surface. Saudi Arabia is a close
coal is a mixture of high-molecular second with 298 billion, and
weight polycyclic aromatic Canada is third with 170 billion
compounds, such as benzene barrels of oil reserves.
C6H6, toluene C6H5CH3, xylene
C6H4(CH3)2, naphthalene C10H8,
anthracene C14H10, pyrene
C16H10 and their derivatives with
high mass fraction of carbon, as
well as of water and volatile

 Chemically, petroleum consists
principally of hydrogen and
carbon, but also contains small
percentages of oxygen, nitrogen,
sulfur, and traces of metals, such
as vanadium, cobalt, and nickel.
The common organic compounds
include alkanes (paraffins),
naphthenes, aromatics, and



o Three mineable coal areas: Unong,

Himalian and Panian, are located
in Semirara island, with the
mineable reserves given as 16.70
million tons each, with a strip ratio
of 7.5 m³/ton, 37.50 million tons
with a strip ratio of 11.3 m³/ton

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