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Analysis Students' Decision-Making Style in Mathematical Critical Thinking


Article · July 2018

DOI: 10.26666/rmp.ajtve.2018.1.2

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2 authors:

Rizky Nurul Hafni Elah Nurlaelah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


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Advanced Journal of Technical and Vocational Education, 2 (1): 07-12, 2018
e-ISSN: 2550-2174
© RMP Publications, 2018
DOI: 10.26666/rmp.ajtve.2018.1.2

Analysis the Students’ Decision-Making Style in Mathematical Critical Thinking Skill

Rizky Nurul Hafni1 and Elah Nurlaelah2

Postgraduate School, University Education of Indonesia,
Setiabudi No.229, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
Email: rizkynurulhafni@upi.edu1, elah_nurlaelah@upi.edu2

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know students’ critical thinking skill on two-variable linear
equation topic at VIII grade in order to recognize characteristics of the students' thinking based on decision-
making style. Method of this research is a qualitative case study by using descriptive type. Data are collected
by using test and interview. The results find that based on the category of students’ critical thinking skill,
Student 1 is in the moderate category, Student 2 is the low category, Student 3 is the high category, and
Student 4 is the very low. Consequently based on the decision-making style, Student 1 and Student 2 have
directive style, Student 3 has analytic style, and Student 4 is behavioral style.

Key words: Higher order thinking skill, Critical thinking skill, Decision-making style

INTRODUCTION Decision-making is one of a crucial phase of the thought

process. It is not a single process, but it is a compound
The one of education purpose is for developing the process consisting in seven steps, which are:
entire students’ potential, so they are capable of solving appreciating of a problem, gathering of information and
any problems in the various situation in real life. This data, analysing of data and information, developing of
statement will be found in the Law Number 20 of 2003 alternatives, evaluating of these alternatives, and finally
on National Education system: choosing of appropriate alternative [2].
“Education means conscious and well-planned Al Shra’ah in his research explained that decision-
effort in creating a learning environment and making is a tool for training of future leaders because
learning process so that learners will be able to participation in decision-making process improves
develop their full potential for acquiring spiritual leadership style and capacities. Being a good decision
and religious strengths, develop self-control, maker will lead students being a successful man in
personality, intelligence, morals and noble future because decision making process is considered as
character and skills that one needs for him/herself, the process of choosing the best alternative for reaching
for the community, for the nation, and for the State”. objectives in real life [2].
According to Rowe and Richard, decision-making styles
Next, in PP Number 17 of 2010 was emphasized that are expressed into four categories and dimensions,
the main purpose of national education is developing the namely; Firstly, Directive – this style tends to use data
students’ potential in order to be an individual that is that is based on fact and prefer structure. Secondly,
knowledgeable, capable, critical, creative and Analityc - this style tends to over-analyze a situation to
innovative. find the best possible solution. Thirdly, Conceptual –
The students’ potential is related to a cognitive this style characterize creative and a wide outlook.
development. According to Wells, “Cognitive Finally, Behavioral – this style is considered as the most
development is the construction of thought process, people-oriented style. It means that behavioral tends to
including remembering, problem solving, and decision give an opinion and its form is unstructured [3].
making, from childhood through adolescence to By classifying the students’ decision-making style, then
adulthood” [1]. it will aid them to find their thinking characteristic.
Furthermore, it will help them to change their mindset
Corresponding Author: Rizky Nurul Hafni, Postgraduate School, University Education of Indonesia, Setiabudi No.229, Bandung,
West Java, Indonesia. +6285362139053

Rizky Nurul Hafni / Advanced Journal of Technical and Vocational Education, 2(1) 2018, Pages: 07-12

and also train their thinking way to have a high cognitive “It is important to note that decision making is
complexity. Hollingsworth explained that by proposing primarily a cognitive process that combines the
high cognitive complexity, students would have the mental process of perception, action and coming to
capability to understand the world in more complex closure on stimuli. Cognitive style, on the other
ways [4]. In other words, cognitive complexity can be hand, is the patterning or linking of these thinking
described as a way done by an individual in viewing an processes and coming to closure the presence of
event by analyzing based on cognition process, thought ambiguity and uncertainty” [2].
and structure they have [5].
In the educational setting, the decision-making can be To sum up, the decision-making process is a way done
found in mathematical critical thinking skill. In this one to process and organise information and finally will
learning, the student will be guided to improve their arrive at a judgement or conclusion as the final solution
abilities, such as a higher level of concentration, more based on their problems.
in-depth analytical abilities, and improved thought
processing [6]. Decision-Making Style
To Ennis, “Critical thinking is the reasoanable and Decision making is a cognitive response expressing the
reflective thought focused on what to believe and do” way and manner a decision maker to think and respond
[7]. a the differences of decision situation to address the
Some writers like Glaser, Primack, and Wilson believed problem [3].
that critical thinking ability would influence directly the Rowe and Boulgarides defined, “Decision-making style
capacity for individuals to advance in applying a piece as the way one visualizes and thinks about situation. It
of information effectively in order to they are able to is the way we perceive and comprehend stimuli and how
decide the best alternative solution of any problems [8]. we choose to respond” [10].
The critical thinking is the significant process of taking Then, Rowe and Richard formulated decision style into
a decision. The skill possessed by students will four categories and dimensions, namely [3]:
encourage them to have the independent attitude in a. Directive, in this style, students will formulate any
solving any problems so it can stimulate the decision- problems by using data that is based on fact. Its
making process optimally. form is structured. There are some characteristics
Rajarendra, as well as Aizikovitsh & Amit, stated that possessed by students in this style, which are: (1)
mathematics is one of the subjects that can make be students tend to work based on task-oriented, (2)
more advanced in critical thinking skills. The similar students tend to own power or quality to decide a
thing also expressed by Heningsen and Stein, problem, (3) students work quickly, and (4)
"Mathematics learning can develop critical thinking students work in an organized manner without
skill in mathematics requires complex mathematical wasting time, money, and energy.
task that can encourage higher thinking skill"[9]. b. Analytic; this style has a tendency to over-analyze
All statements of some experts above declare that a situation to find the best possible solution. In this
mathematics can develop the students’ mathematical style, students tend to be more technical, to see
critical thinking skill by providing them with the things in detail, and may eventually become
exercises and tasks including indicators of mathematical autocratic.
critical thinking skill. Thus, if the students’ critical c. Conceptual; in this style, students will tend to think
thinking skill improve, then it can influence their creatively about solving any problems. In addition,
decision-making style. they also have a wide outlook. There are some
characteristics possessed by them, which are: (1)
THEORETICAL FOUNDATION their thought depend on feelings and intuition, (2)
they prefer to do the discussion and are willing to
Decision Making Process compromise, (4) they have the sense of curiosity,
The term ‘decision making’ means an outcome of open-minded, independent, and dislikes rules and
mental process guiding an individual to do the action of regulations.
carefully choosing several alternatives. These several d. Behavioral; students tend to offer opinions in this
alternatives will be evaluated to produce the final style. Moreover, it has the unstructured pattern.
solution in a stage of the decision-making process. They have the social decision-making style; it
Similar to the definition of decision making expressed means that their decision purpose for the sake of
by Dumler and Skinner that the decision-making process other people and lose control. In other words, it
is “A choice among competing alternatives and the has the strong emphasis on values and ethics.
implementation of the chosen alternatives” [2].
Decision making is also called as a cognitive process
leading to the process of choosing several alternatives to
obtain the best solution. Goodyear stated:
Rizky Nurul Hafni / Advanced Journal of Technical and Vocational Education, 2(1) 2018, Pages: 07-12

following from data, statements, evidence,

judgments, belief, opinions, concepts, descriptions,
questions, or another form of representation.
5. Explanation - present the results of reasoning to
justify that the arguments used that came from the
evidential, conceptual, methodological, and
contextual considerations.
6. Self-regulation – it consists of self-examination and
self-correction to monitor cognitive activities,
elements used in learning activities, and results
Through approaching FRISCO (Focus, Reason,
Fig 1 Decision-making matrix
Inference, Situation, Clarity, and Overview), Ennis
formulated six basic elements of critical thinking, which
Critical thinking
The father of critical thinking, John Dewey, defined the critical
are; Firstly, Focus – introducing some situation.
thinking as ‘reflective thinking’ that have a definition as Secondly, Reason – supporting the conclusion.
follows: Secondly, Inference – assessing the acceptable and
“Active, persistent, and careful consideration of any sufficient to make a decision. Next, Situation – having
belief or supposed form of knowledge in the light of the the supporting situation such as both physical and social
grounds that support it, and the further conclusions to environment. It is not only thinking activity but also the
which it tends, constitutes reflective thought… It is a meaning of what to hold and to assess by the thinker.
conscious and voluntary effort to establish belief upon Another step is Clarify – explaining the clear and
a firm basis of reason” [11]. explicit message will avoid ambiguity. The final step is
Overview – verifying the final decision [14].
According to Gokhale, the critical thinking is a thinking
process involving the actions of analysis, synthesis, and METHOD
evaluation concept [12].
On the other hand, Ennis, Henri, and Garisson Design research
formulated their theories of critical thinking as a The method of research is a qualitative case study by
problem-solving process. There are five stages using descriptive type to analyse the decision-making
involving this process, which are: focusing and style of students’ mathematical critical thinking skill. In
observing on a question or problem, asking and this research, there are four students as subjects studied
answering questions for clarification of problem, and they are students in VIII grade of Junior High
judging and understanding the situation of the problem, School.
analysing the problem, making and evaluation decisions Instruments
or solutions, and finally deciding on an action [8]. The instrument of research is a test consisting of
Moreover, Facione described the critical thinking indicators of mathematical critical thinking skill. The
process in six competencies, namely [13]: topic is a two-variable linear equation. The following
1. Interpretation – comprehend and express the table shows the indicators of students' critical thinking
meaning of the variety of situations, experiences, ability:
data, judgements, procedures, belief or criteria
2. Analysis – identify the interferential and actual Table 1 Indicators of Mathematical Critical Thinking Skill.
relationships among statements, questions, concepts, Indicators Explanation
descriptions, or other forms of representation Interpretation Understanding problem by writing what
intended to express belief, judgement, experiences, information obtained from the question.
reasons, information, or opinions.
Analysis Identifying the relations among statements,
3. Evaluation – asses credibility of statements or other questions, and concepts given by expressing
representation of person’s perception, experience, them in the mathematical model and
situation, judgement, belief, or opinion, as well as presenting the arguments correctly.
evaluate the strength of the actual or inferential
Evaluation Using the correct strategy to solve the
relationships among statements, descriptions, questions and doing the calculation correctly
questions or another form of representation is called and completely.
an evaluation phase.
Inference Stating the correct conclusion.
4. Inference - identify and secure elements to conclude
reasonable conclusions; state conjecture and To obtain the data of students’ mathematical critical
hypothesis; as well as deduce the consequences thinking skill, then there are the rules of scoring used to

Rizky Nurul Hafni / Advanced Journal of Technical and Vocational Education, 2(1) 2018, Pages: 07-12

score the students' answer. The criteria od scoring is a The value of the percentage of the students’ critical
rubric score modified by Facione and Ismaimuza [13]. thinking skill obtained from the calculation above will
be categorized according to the table below:
Table 2 Rubric Score of Mathematical Critical
Thinking Skill. Table 3 Category of Percentage of Mathematical Critical
Thinking Skill.
Indicators Explanation Score
Interpretation  Student did not write what 0 Interpretation (%) Category
known and asked the 81,25  X  100 Very high
 Student wrote what known 1 71.5  X  81,25 High
and asked the question, but
their answer is not correct. 62,5  X  71.5 Moderate
 Student wrote what known 2
and asked the question 43,75  X  62,5 Low
correctly, but their answer is
not complete. 0  X  43,75 Very low
 Students wrote what known 3
and asked the question
After assessing the students’ answer sheet based on the
correctly and completely.
indicators of mathematical critical thinking skill, then
Analysis  Student did not make the 0 the students’ answer sheet will be analysed according to
mathematical model of the the decision-making style. The types of decision-
question given
making used in this study are as follows:
 Student made the 1
mathematical model, but their
answer is not correct. Table 4 Types of Decision-making style.
 Student made the 2
Types Explanation
mathematical model
correctly, but their answer is Analytic This style represents that student will
not complete. solve a problem by more accurate and
 Student made the 3 more detail, well structured and more
mathematical model technical.
correctly and completely. Directive This style represents that student will
Evaluation  Student did not use the 0 formulate any problems by using data
strategy in solving question. that is based on fact. Its form is
 Student used the strategy, but 1 structured.
their strategy is not correct. Conceptual This style represents that student are
 Student used the strategy creative and a wide outlook in solving
correctly but their strategy is 2 a problem.
not complete. Behavioral This style represents that student tends
 Student used the strategy 3
to give an opinion and unstructured.
correctly and completely.
Inference  Student did not make a 0
 Students made a conclusion, 1
In this research, there are four students as subjects
but their conclusion is not
correct. studied and they are students in VIII grade of Junior
 Students made a conclusion 2 High School. The topic is two-variable linear equation
correctly, but their conclusion including the indicators of critical thinking skill.
is not complete. Based on the result of the scoring of critical thinking
 Students made a conclusion 3 skill, it was found that Student 1 is in the moderate
correctly and completely. category, Student 2 is the low category, Student 3 is the
high category, and Student 4 is the very low category.
Here is shown result of scoring each student:
The way of the calculation of percentage values is as follows:
𝑺𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒃𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅
𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 = 𝒙𝟏𝟎𝟎%
𝑴𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒍 𝑺𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆

Rizky Nurul Hafni / Advanced Journal of Technical and Vocational Education, 2(1) 2018, Pages: 07-12

Table 5 Score and Percentage of Student’s Mathematical student’s answer sheet, he just focused to make the
Critical Thinking Skill. mathematical model and calculate the answer.
According to the result of the interview, he has been
Indicators Student
understood the problem given. He assumed these phases
1 2 3 4 (interpretation and inference) were not the crucial
Interpretation 0 0 3 0 phases in solving the problem. Even so, both indicators
were fulfilled in the interview session indirectly, but if
Analysis 3 3 3 1
it was reviewed from the critical thinking skill in
Evaluation 3 3 3 1 writing, he has not succeeded in both indicators because
Inference 2 0 3 1 he did not write these phases on his answer sheet.
Total 8 6 12 3 Consequently, he is appropriate as the directive style, in
which the result of the interview also found that he
Percentage 66.7% 50% 100% 25%
solved the problem quickly and his answer was enough
Note: Maximal score = 12
organized without wasting time.
Based on the students’ answer sheet found that there are
three students could answer the question correctly
whereas one student could not answer it. But, if their
answer is assessed based on the indicator of the critical
thinking skill found that that Student 1 is in the moderate
category, Student 2 is the low category, Student 3 is the
high category, and Student 4 is the very low.
For instance, consider the following problem: Given the
width of a rectangle is 4cm shorter than its length. If the
circumference of the rectangle is 32 cm, then determine
the length of the rectangle!
Student 1 was able to answer the question correctly. Fig 3 The answer sheet of Student 2
According to the indicators of critical thinking skill,
Student 1 fulfill 3 (three) indicators, which are: analysis, Student 3 could solve the question well. He met all
evaluation and inference. While on the interpretation indicators of the critical thinking skill, which are:
phase, he did not do. Based on the interview result, he interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference.
assumed that the initial phase, interpretation, is not an Based on the interview result, he has also been able to
important step in solving the problem because he could provide a reason for the conclusion obtained. Therefore,
solve this question correctly. However, the he is acceptable in the analytic style because he has
interpretation phase in critical thinking did not fulfilled found a solution technically in more detail and well
by him. It can conclude that his answer is structure and structured.
based the fact on making the correct mathematical
model and doing the correct calculation. Hence, he
adequates the directive style in decision-making style.

Fig 4 The answer sheet of Student 3

Student 4 has not been understood the problem well.

Fig 2 The answer sheet of Student 1 This happened because he was incapable of drawing
conclusions or relationships among the data or
Student 2 answered the question correctly, but he only information provided on the question. This expressed
fulfilled 2 (two) indicators of the critical thinking skill, that the first and second phases of the critical thinking,
those are analysis and evaluation. He did not do i.e. interpretation and analysis were not achieved. As a
interpretation and inference phases. Based on the result, the Thus, he is categorized as the behavioral

Rizky Nurul Hafni / Advanced Journal of Technical and Vocational Education, 2(1) 2018, Pages: 07-12

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