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Albert Einstein was born on 14 March in the year 1879

in Württemberg, Germany. He was educated at the

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.
Einstein was a theoretical physicist who discovered and
invented major theories of Physics. Albert Einstein
received honorary doctorate degrees in science and
philosophy. He got the Fellowships of all the leading
scientific academies in the world. His works were
recognized across the world and in 1921, Einstein won
the prestigious Nobel Prize for Physics for his
significant work on the photoelectric effect. Let us dig
into Albert Einstein’s inventions.

The Einstein–Szilard or Einstein refrigerator is
an absorption refrigerator which has no moving
parts, operates at constant pressure, and
requires only a heat source to operate. It was
jointly invented in 1926 by Albert Einstein and
his former student Leó Szilárd, who patented it
in the U.S. on November 11, 1930

The Robur Gas Absorption Heat Pumps (GAHP)

combine the advantages of the condensing
boilers and the electric heat pumps. Therefore,
they can produce hot water for heating and
domestic hot water purpose up to 149 °F and
cold water down to 23°F recovering renewable
energy from the environment (up to 32%).

In numerical analysis, Newton's method, also

known as the Newton–Raphson method,
named after Isaac Newton and Joseph
Raphson, is a root-finding algorithm which
produces successively better approximations
A reflecting telescope is a telescope that uses to the roots of a real-valued function.
a single or a combination of curved mirrors
that reflect light and form an image.


The celatone was a device invented by

Starting in 1820, Michael Faraday's
discoveries began to change the world of
chemistry and physics through a series of
experiments and inventions that still impact
technology and science today. Michael
Faraday's inventions include the Faraday
cage, the dynamo, the electric motor, and the
electric generator.

A homopolar generator is a DC electrical
generator comprising an electrically conductive disc or
cylinder rotating in a plane perpendicular to a uniform static
magnetic field. A potential difference is created between the
center of the disc and the rim (or ends of the cylinder) with
an electrical polarity that depends on the direction of rotation
and the orientation of the field. It is also known as a unipolar
generator, acyclic generator, disk dynamo, or Faraday disc.
The voltage is typically low, on the order of a few volts in the
case of small demonstration models, but large research
generators can produce hundreds of volts, and some systems

An electric motor is an electrical machine that converts

electrical energy into mechanical energy. Most electric motors
operate through the interaction between the motor's magnetic
field and electric current in a wire winding to generate force in
the form of torque applied on the motor's shaft
Nikola Tesla (July 10, 1856–January 7, 1943) was a Serbian-American
inventor, electrical engineer, and futurist. As the holder of nearly 300 patents,
Tesla is best known for his role in developing the modern three-
phase alternating current (AC) electric power supply system and for his
invention of the Tesla coil, an early advancement in the field of radio

In 1891, at the age of 35, Nikola Tesla

registered the mother of all his more
than 300 patents, known today as the
‘Tesla Coil’, an electrical transformer
composed of several coupled resonant
circuits. The inventor himself used
different variants of this coil as the
basis for a multitude of subsequent
experiments, in which he studied the
phenomena of phosphorescence or X-
rays, and explored new possibilities
for electric lighting and the wireless
transmission of power.

Radio Remote Control At the 1898 Electrical
Exposition in Boston’s Madison Square Gardens,
Tesla demonstrated an invention he called a
“telautomaton,” a three-foot-long, radio-controlled
boat propelled by a small battery-powered motor
and rudder. Members of the amazed crowd accused
Tesla of using telepathy, a trained monkey, or pure
magic to steer the boat.

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