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Distance learning is a form of learning without a face-to-face contact with the teacher and delivered
via telecommunication. In the past, this involved correspondence courses wherein the student corresponded
with the teacher via mails. This turned out to be beneficial since universities added students without having to
construct classrooms while they enjoy being able to work anytime and anywhere at their convenience. With
the advent of newer technologies distance learning is delivered via computer-based media thus called online
learning or e-learning. This made classrooms borderless and learning boundless. This was enhanced by the
emergence of web 2.0 tools which made collaborative learning easier.

In the context of facing a pandemic, Universities and Colleges opts for Flexible Learning Environment.
In this module, online resources, portals and communities will be discussed.


At the end of this Module, you should be able to:

1. Describe a flexible learning environment and the different platforms used for flexible learning.
2. Recognize how innovative teachers use online resources and educational sites and portals for
online distance learning; and,
3. Reflected on the use of technology and on its relevance and appropriateness.


) Flexible Learning Environment

Learning nowadays is viewed differently. The present generation of learners has access to
information at their fingertips. The teacher is no longer seen as basically the dispenser of knowledge but
rather as one who expertly directs the learners to take their own track in searching for answers to questions
raised inside the classroom. Then they bring this back to the class for further discussion until perhaps
resolutions are agreed. They can search the web and discover a breadth of information related to the lesson.
They even have the patience to stay in front of the computer for an unusually longer time in search for more
articles and multimedia materials that simplify challenging topic. That is why they can sometimes learn more
than what is confined in the four corners of the classroom.

Online Distance Learning

Online distance learning is not a new concept. Some schools, higher education institutions in the
country, and educational agencies such as the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Innovations in
Educational Technology (SEAMO-INNOTECH) provide this mode of learning. It allows flexibility in learning to
a certain extent.
Online learning means that your educational tool is based on (and accessible from) the Internet. You
may also hear this as "cloud-based" education solutions. Regardless of its name, online learning programs
are anytime / anywhere tools, which also means learning from home. Students learn in the comfort of their
own homes or satellite areas set up by their schools.
Online learning tools are a staple of a blended learning environment. They are most often used in the
classroom during class time. As part of a blended learning environment, students use online learning for a
portion of class time before transitioning to class discussion, skills practice, lecture, or projects. There are
many reasons that teacher use online learning in the classroom. Instructors may use webinars, videos, audio
recordings, email, snail mail, or textbooks to teach their students.

Positive Impact of Online Distance Learning for Teachers and Students

Online Learning Tools Saves Teachers Time
The #1 complaint we hear from CTE teachers is teaching takes too much time outside the classroom.
Plus, every teacher is responsible for a lot of students these days. It's common for teachers to be responsible
for more than 200 students at a time. With so many learners depending on you, planning can take an eternity
outside the classroom. Then you must factor in grading, progress reports, one-on-one time, and other
teaching requirements.


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Online Tools Engage Students

There is a disturbing trend in education today. Students do not necessarily fail because they do not
understand the material they are learning. They fail because they are bored. Online learning eliminates
boredom as a factor of failure. The idea is that students lose interest in class-long lectures and projects.
Online learning gives the teacher more ways to jump among different teaching styles. So, the first portion of
class could feature bell work. Then, students can move into online learning modules, followed by a lecture
from the instructor. This is also known as a blended learning environment. By diversifying the way, you teach,
you maximize the advantages of each teaching style while minimizing their disadvantages. The results are
more engaged students who retain information better in the long run.

Online Distance Learning Is Worldwide

Students in any part of the world only need Internet access to learn, complete assignments, and earn
credentials in their field. There would be a time-zone difference and the student would have to meet that
challenge, but they could still complete a course from the other side of the world. This is perfect for students
separated from the school they want to attend, and it also helps students with packed schedules, social
anxiety, and / or health complications. But it is a great way for students to learn in circumstances where they
otherwise can't.

Schools Offering Online Learning/Courses in the Philippines

1. AMA University Online Education (AMA OEd)

AMA University Online Education is the first full online education in the Philippines. The online
university provides its students educational materials that they can access anytime and anywhere.

2. University of the Philippines Open University

Living up to its prestigious school counterparts, UPOU is a National Center of Excellence in Open and
Distance Education. Students go through independent study of specially designed learning materials (i.e.
print, video and multimedia). Moreover, interaction takes place through a virtual classroom, text, and
teleconferencing. Final exams are then conducted online or face-to-face at designated learning centers.

3. Polytechnic University of the Philippines Open University

The PUP Open University System (PUP OUS), also known as the “Pamantasang Bayan,” allows you
to choose from studying independently with the guidance of a tutor who grades and comments on your work,
or communicating with your classmates and teachers through an online classroom. The institution particularly
caters to professionals who wish to complete their degrees or graduate programs without having to take a
leave from their respective jobs. PUP OUS integrates professional insights in their curriculum, in collaboration
with the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and
other government agencies.

4. New Era University (NEU)

Through the NEU Open and Online University, New Era University caters to individuals who want to
learn on their own and believe that non-traditional learning is convenient and practical. There are two modes
of instruction used by NEU–OU. One is the asynchronous mode of delivery. In this mode, students can
access their learning materials anytime. These will be sent as email attachments. While the other mode is the
synchronous mode of delivery. In this mode, learners can attend classes in a virtual classroom. The video
conference will be conducted through NEU–OU’s Internet Broadcast Station.

5. Benguet State University – Open University

The Benguet State University – Open University was established in 1997 with the intention of
providing accessible education for Filipinos. Students are given course modules and can meet their
professors and classmates once a month. Consultations with professors are done through the internet,
telephone, or cellphone. This makes studying through BSU–OU accessible and affordable.

The Different Platforms

The flexible mode of learning uses a platform such as Moodle, Google classroom, Edmodo,
Schoology, etc. These are free programs designed for educational purposes. It has features that are patented
after the instructional activities of a teacher in a physical classroom. When you use this, you can hold a
lesson, post questions for discussion, hold an online chat discussion, give assessment activities and provide


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references or links to the other online materials. Features relevant to instruction and facilitating of learning.

Moodle was created by Martin Dougiamas, founder, and CEO of Moodle. MOODLE stands for
Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment which is an open source software. It is a Learning
Management System (LMS) that supports teaching and learning. Moodle enables you to create a private
learning space online full of engaging activities and material. You will always have full control of all your data
and the way your staff, students and clients are on-boarded into the system.
Dr. Martin Dougiamas is best known as the founder of the open-source Moodle LMS (used by over
60% of all higher education in the world). He is now the CEO of the Moodle project, which produces Moodle
Apps, Moodle Cloud, Moodle Educator Certifications, Moodle Workplace and more.
Martin has a mixed academic background with multiple post-graduate degrees in Computer Science
and Education and two honorary doctorates (from Spain and Belgium). He continues to focus on researching
how technology can support teaching and learning in open and human ways, especially when it supports the
UN’s sustainable development goals.

Features of Moodle

Open source
True, full-featured, open source ensures you can own your site and your content on your
own terms.

Full integration
Strong admin features to make it integrate perfectly into any situation and with
platforms and services like Google Apps, Microsoft Office 365, Next Cloud, and others.

Modern interface that can be customized through themes and settings to tailor your
site to your organization’s and learners’ needs.

Thousands of free community-created plugins to add new functionality to support students,
teachers, and administrators.

Build your multimedia content with full support for all students, following common
accessibility standards. Benefit from integrated accessibility checking tools when adding
and editing your text.

Strong support on mobile devices (phones, tablets, and laptops) with full functionality for

Analytics and tracking

Monitor your learners with enhanced completion tracking and personalized learning
plans, built from competency frameworks and learning objectives. Benefit from Moodle’s


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powerful analytics to predict and support learners at risk of failing.

We can easily understand of what the impact of technology in our current education system is
globally. It can change the various activities in the classroom that is efficient in discussing, minimal time
consume, more active participatory involvement, and a more enjoyable way to learn.
Some of these platforms that can help is Moodle that features many aspects for a more diverse
learning than our traditional customs of learning. That being maximize our time efficiently and providing a
convenient way to study, whenever and wherever we are.

Google Classroom
Google Classroom is a free service for teachers and students. It is an LMS platform that is accessible
google account. You can create classes and perform your roles and functions as a facilitator of learning. It is a
free web service, developed by Google for schools, that aims to simplify creating, distributing, and grading
assignments in a paperless way. The primary purpose of Google Classroom is to streamline the process of
sharing files between teachers and student.

Things you can do with Google Classroom

Add announcements and lesson material

Give your students announcements about your lesson. Add lesson materials in the announcements. That
way, students can find everything quickly. You can add materials from Google drive, connected to that Google
Classroom lesson, add files and images from your computer, add a YouTube video and add any other link you
want your students to visit.

Add Assignments
Just like adding an announcement, you can add an assignment to you course. It works the same way,
but here you get the option to add a due date. It will notify your students when they must make an assignment
and it will also appear in their Calendar.

Grade an Assignment
Afterwards, you can check and grade the assignments your students have handed in.

Manage Students
Of course, your students must be able to share comments or not. That is completely up to you.

In 2008, Edmodo was created by Nic Borg, Jeff O’Hara, and Crystal Hutter. Martina (2015) compared
Edmodo and google classroom in her blog. Although she discussed several commonalities, there are
apparently differences but with technology, things evolve in so short time. What is clear is that they were
created as apps that can integrate well with classroom activities.

What is Edmodo used for?

Edmodo is an educational website that takes the ideas of social network and refines them and makes
it appropriate for a classroom. Using Edmodo, students and teachers can reach out to one another and
connect by sharing ideas, problems, and helpful tips.

What is this guide for?

This is to be used as a resource. It is not a guide on how you should use Edmodo, but simply a how-
to. Edmodo is an incredibility flexible and powerful educational tool that can be adapted and used in just about
any class in a variety of ways.

Google Classroom vs. Edmodo: Key Features and Services Comparison

Both Google Classroom and Edmodo are designed to help teachers supplement their classroom
lessons. With both platforms, teachers can organize their course content, track assignment status and
communicate with students.
Google Classroom and Edmodo and compared them to LMS Comparison Guide.



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It is a social networking service and virtual learning environment for K-12 school academic content.
Also known as a learning management system (LMS) or course management system (CMS), the cloud-based
platform provides tools needed to manage an online classroom.

What makes Schoology great?

Focused on K-12 schools just like yours

Elementary students do not learn the same way as college students or adults. Schoology was
designed for all students-from Kindergarten through 12th grade-to be fully engaged with their learning.

Designed for district success

Schoology has spent the last 10 years learning from our 1,600+ customers and more than 20 million
users about what products and services classrooms, schools and entire districts need to be successful.

Bring your community together

Learning is not just about teachers and students. Schoology allows you to bring everyone together-
students, teachers, coaches, parents, administrators- with one communication and collaboration platform.

200+educational tools and platform integrations

Schoology has very tool your classroom needs and comes pre-integrated with more than 200+tools,
student information systems (SIS) and education platforms.

A massive open online course (MOOC) is a model for delivering learning content online to any person
who wants to take a course, with no limit on attendance.

1. MOOC-Based Alternative Credentials; what is the value for the learner?

With learners today earning more substantive credentials and, in some cases, academic credits
through MOOCs, the authors designed a study to investigate the benefits and costs to learners who are
engaging in a series of open, online courses that provide a culminating non-degree credential.

2. Voice from Afar; Building the Academic Practitioner Bridge

Online applied graduate programs that target working professionals are rapidly growing in number.
One program at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health incorporated strategies to enhance the
learning experience by using authentic elements in course and program design.
Whilst Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) undeniably represent a change of scale, they are
nevertheless part of the age‐old concept of distance learning. MOOCs are defined by their audience and their
format. These courses are open to one and all and have no physical limitations because they are completely
digitized and accessible over the Internet with no barriers. The MOOCs are distinguished by two main types:
"MOOC" or "trans missive MOOC" that guides the students like a teacher along a clearly defined path; and
connectivist MOOC in which learners themselves construct their own course.

Synchronous and Asynchronous

In programming, synchronous operations block instructions until the task is completed, while
asynchronous operations can execute without blocking other operations.
Asynchronous operations are generally completed by firing an event or by calling a provided callback
An online chat at real time is the Synchronous session. Course participants meet in a virtual classroom and
discuss in the topic of lesson. So, wherever they are situated in the world, they agree on a scheduled session
and log in to join the live class. The LMS has this feature. The teacher called as the online tutor facilities the
discussion. Ideas are posted in an actual live class. One cannot lecture and take all the time in explaining. In
this mode, the course participants are made to engage in the flow of discussion that is why, the online tutor
has a plan out the instruction guide in facilitating the discourse.
Another important feature is the Asynchronous session. This is when questions or task are posted,
and course participants answer the question or post their reply at any time most convenient to them. They can
still participate in the discussion by replying to the post. One advantage is that you can take your time when
Both synchronous and asynchronous transmission have their benefits and limitations. Asynchronous
transmission is used for sending a small amount of data while asynchronous transmission is used for sending


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bulk amount of data. Thus, we can say that both synchronous and asynchronous transmission are essential
for the overall process of data transmission.

Blended Learning

Blended Learning is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and
opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods. Another way of handling
flexible learning is by combining modalities of instructional delivery. Kinds of Blended Learning is highly
context dependent. Therefore, a universal conception of it is hard to come by.
Blended Learning is a combination of learning activities wherein a part of the lesson is delivered
online while the other part is handled in actual physical setting of a classroom. It requires the physical
presence of both teacher and student, with some elements of students, with some elements of students
control over time, place, path, or pace.
Blended learning is a term increasingly used to describe the way e-learning is being combined with
traditional classroom methods and independent study to create a new, hybrid teaching methodology. It
represents a much greater change in basic technique than simply adding computers to classrooms; it
represents, in many cases, a fundamental change in the way teachers and students approach the learning

Kinds of Blended Learning

Model 1: Face-to-Face Driver

In the face-to-face model, the teacher delivers the curricula most of the time and utilizes online
learning at certain times with the purpose to augment or provide an alternative experience. Instruction is
provided in a computer laboratory or assigned tasks are uploaded online.

Model 2: Rotation
In a course or subject, students rotate on a fixed schedule between learning online in a one-to-one,
self-paced learning environment and being inside the classroom with a face-to-face teacher. This is the model
that is in between the traditional face-to-face earning and online learning.

Model 3: Flex
This model uses online platform that delivers most of the course. Support to learning provides as
needed through on-site support or by an online tutor who facilitates the tutorial or small groups sessions.
Sessions can be arranged into synchronous or asynchronous. Course participants may work on their tasks at
any convenient time if it is within the confines of the course duration.

Model 4: Online Lab

The online lab model uses an online platforms in delivering the course but located in a physical
classroom or computer laboratory. Online lab model of blended learning may be enrolled in a traditional
classroom courses at the same time and therefore have blocked schedules.

Model 5: Self-Blend
The Self-Blend Model is a system provided by the school where the students can choose the courses
they would like to have in addition to their typical brick-and-mortar classroom classes. This model is always
remote a major difference from the online lab.

Model 6: Online Driver

The online-driver model utilizes a platform and a teacher that delivers all curricula. Students remotely
work on their program most of the time. If ever there is face-to-face component, it is made optional or if ever it
is required for students to go to the physical learning environment such in a school, then it can be
extracurricular activities augmenting the curriculum.

Planning and managing blended learning experiences are very similar to planning and managing a
brick and mortar school with courses or subjects integrating technology. It needs to be system wide as the
school plans, develops guidelines for students to follow for the use of technology in a blended format and
provide a resource guide.

Online Communities of Learning/Social Networking


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When we consider online networking, internet users immediately referred to Facebook. Everybody
seems to have a Facebook account and uses these to communicate. If the teaching and learning situation,
you work an information, data and collaborate with classmates’ friends, teachers and other members of
society, then social networking can also be appropriately employed as an educational tool.

What is networking?

- is defined as that group of individuals who communicates and connects on a regular basis.
- The action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social

Social Networking Platforms

- Different ways to communicate with friends can be through the internet or mobile devices on can
have a personal page where a profile can be built in a social networking site. Through this site, one can
contact friends or share resources and interest. Topics being discussed can be posted and made known
therefore read by many or it can be discreet through a direct chat.
- Social networking services have been evolving for more than a decade.
- Initially, these social networking service allowed users to construct their personal profile so have
now evolved to sharing of multimedia resources.

There are varied platforms available where one can create a personal account. Some of these
popular social networking sites include Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Flicker, Youtube, and LinkedIn among

- Apparently is the biggest social networking site founded in 2004 based in Menlo Park, California?
- The most popular social network apparently is Facebook.
- used by most people, it allows users to post their profile, blogs, pictures, and video.
- founded in 2004 based in Menlo Park, California.
-Does not only provide social networking service but it also gives online news.
-Breaking news has taken a new twist with this social networking website.
-Twitter is the site where users post and interact with messages called “tweets” restricted only 140
-Release latest news.
-Founded on March 21, 2006 in San Francisco, California.
-It is another social networking website for work.
-When one is trying to find a job and many not have contacts, LinkedIn helps one search for career
-Founded on December 14, 2002 and launch on May 5, 2003.
-The website lets one upload his educational qualifications, skills, work history, and relevant
Google +
-It is designed to be a total communication social networking.
-Launched in 2011, Google is its parent and it is more advantageous if its kept as a browser for
users are connected even if they are outside Google + site.
-It is an American video-sharing website where users can upload, view, and even share video clips
or multimedia productions.
-It is a free social network site to join and use.
-The largest and most popular video-based social media website.
-Founded on February 14, 2005.
-It is another social media tool that like YouTube, is often thought of as otherwise.
-Was designed as a catalogue of ideas or project ideas by its founder Ben Silberman.
-This platform consists of digital bulletin boards where businesses can pin their content.
-100 million users.


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-It is a platform where users share visual stories.

-This system allows users to post photos with captions allowing followers to like or comment on
one’s pots.
-Photos shared have a wide range of coverage – trips, food, business products.
-Many of its users use it to post information about travel, fashion, food, art, and similar subjects.
-Launched on October 6, 2010.
-It is a networking site that combines social media and blogging.
-Users can post whatever they like such as photos, videos, quotes, music, and links.
-Was founded by David Karp in February 2007.
-It is another popular social networking website where members can make friends, post blogs and
photos, videos.
-MySpace to keep up with their favorite artists, have an update on the music industry, see what their
friends are listening to, and connect with people who have similar music preferences.
-It is an image and video hosting website that was created by Ludicorp in 2004.
- Acronym for “Blog Early, Blog Often”.
-Founded by Husband-and-wife team Michel and Xochi Birch in January 2005 at their home in San

Benefits of using Social Networking Sites

-The world has become a global village through connectivity.
-Getting connected to family and friends is now a few clicks away.
-It is an easy access to keeping in touch with friends or keeping tabs on family.
-A major advantage of social networking websites is that they provide a lot of information.
-Social networking websites can support learning or augment educational activities.

Dangers of using Social Networking Sites

-One major risk is making friends with strangers who may be a predator or a cyberbully.
-Topping these risks is also the danger of users getting hooked on internet and may learn to ignore
the real world.

Safeguarding Oneself When Using Social Networking Sites

You need to understand and take precautionary measures to safeguard yourself in social networking
websites. Networking can be confined and monitored within the school system. Students can use social
networking platforms design for educational purposes that will allow students to post share and discuss
insights gained from an activity. There are a lot of sites that the students can use to collaborate when an
exchange of knowledge just like a social networking platform. One drawback, however, is that sometimes
youngsters are not enticed to use this social networking platforms because they are not as attractive as
Facebook or twitter.
When young users prefer to use a social networking website that is outside of the school system
teach them to stay safe to some precautionary cautionary measures:

1. A social networking account has passwords and login details. Secure passwords and keep them private.
2. Log out every time you use public computers.
3. Regularly check privacy settings of social networking websites so that only direct friends or those
particularly known can see the post.
4. Online post are saved and may become a permanent part of their online reputation. As you use the internet
you leave a digital footprint which can be traced back to you.
5. Do not accept invite from contacts unless you know them personally or you are sure of their identity.
6. Seriously consider the effect of possible post on others before deciding to do so. If post could be
considered offensive or humiliating another person then you refrain from posting or uploading it.
7. Using appropriate language is essential the tone when communicating or sending social networking
messages should be respectful.
8. Better be safe than sorry you should accept friends and connections when you are sure of the person's
identity personally meeting someone you only met online if discourage even if the sincerity of having a
person meeting looks convincing it would be better if you will be accompanied.


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9. When there is an indication of harassment or abuse it is advised that you report this by clicking the report
button of accuse. It is better still to talk to friends or trusted adults about the case.
10. Bullying takes place even in social networking websites. Cyberbullying uses the sites messages update
and other functions to harass, intimidate, humiliate, taunt, or pick on the individual. When this happens, you
can do the following actions:
A. ignore the behavior by not responding at all
B. block the person
C. click the report button of abuse
D talk to a trustworthy adult about it

Connecting with friends and having an active life on social networking websites have its rewards.
However, when one is not taking precautionary steps there is also imminent danger. It is more beneficial if you
understand its potential when used properly.

Online resources have made an entire revolution in education, not only because they are convenient
and accessible, but because they make the entire process of teaching and learning more interesting and
memorable. There are free and paid online resources for college students and they usually complement one
another quite well. Each student will prefer different resources according to their subjects of interest and
learning styles, but there are universally great tools that impress nearly every student who tries them.


With your group mates, look for educational sites and portals. Search the web and select more examples of
tools or applications that are examples of the functions that technology can be used when enhancing lessons.


In general, web pages and documents on the internet that provide useful information are also known
as online resources. While an online resource is archetypal data and educational in nature, any support
software available online can also be considered a resource.
Types of Online Resources
Electronic Journals - also known as e - journals, and electric serials, are scholarly journals or intellectual
magazines that can be accessed via electronic transmission.

E-book - is an electronic version of a traditional print book that can be read by using a personal computer or
by using an E-book reader.

Online Database - is database accessible from a local network or the Internet, as opposed to one that is in
store locally on an individual computer or its attached storage.

Websites - is a collection of related network web resources, such as web pages, multimedia content, which
are typically identified with a common domain name, and published on at least one web server.

The range of online resources is considerable and growing all the time. The type, quality and
usefulness of resources varies enormously especially for academic users there are both free and fee
resources. New users should be made aware of the differences, benefits, and drawbacks of various kinds of

A lot of information is found in the net. These can be explored and studied to determine their
relevance to the lesson. There are concerned parties that host educational services through websites and
portals. Like a door, the portal opens to a virtual room where activities, applications, articles provide ideas and
suggest ways on the use of technology tools.

There are many websites found on the internet. Some have got importance while some are aimed at
just brain washing of the people who view those websites. The importance is depicted when the contents of
the thing come into great use of specific group of people.

What are Educational Sites?


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Educational sites or educational websites can include websites that have games, videos, or topic
related resources learning and supplement classroom teaching.
These websites help make the process of learning entertaining and attractive to the students,
especially in two days age.

10 Educational Websites to Help You Teach for Free

EdX: – is an online education stop and MOOC provider, contributing high-quality programs from the
world’s best colleges and universities to students throughout.

Academic Earth: – the website provides a large of educational choices to the student
from conventional to modern studies.

Internet Achieve: – is an authoritative website collecting the originals from several great

Big Think: – these specialists draft reports and release tutorials for the disciples, following the
content is more filtered by the commentary crew of the website, giving real material to the students.

Coursera: – it is entirely a user-friendly website. Scholars can find prominent colleges and a
sharable computerized course certificate.

Brightstorm: – they deliver guidance in all matters from mathematics to science, history,
and different subjects.

CosmoLearning: – this specific gateway implements educational as well as skill-based

knowledge to the learners.

Futures Channel: - it only outlines the important data feeding to the obstacles
confronted by scholars.

Howcast: – it is one-stop solution websites for all the questions, none of the above online
educational portals have these diverse sectors.

Khan Academy: – is an online coaching portal as an educational website.

What is a portal?

Web portal/portal is specially designed website that provides information catered from various
sources such as emails, online, forums, search engines in a uniform way.
Web portals often provide a look and feel for organizations and enterprises, and provide access
control procedures.
It is important that we carefully consider what websites to introduce to the students. It is essential that
the websites that are safe (that have no adult ads or links) and have reliable content.
Educational portals that provide resources for the educational or instructional activities of a specific
group of individuals are like the enterprise resource portals found in the corporate world. Some educational
institutions provide access commercial software via a network or internet connection.

What is the right mindset of a teacher in using of the digital tool?

With the fast-paced development of technology, educational sites portals or applications change is
inevitable. Working on a tool at the moment, will for sure change as designers continually work to upgrade the
features and design the tool to integrate new aspects. This is expected, that is why knowing a digital tool and
its features may not be enough because there is a tendency of it evolving through time. As you prepare to
become a teacher by learning how to utilize this digital tools. You need to have the right mindset or a way of
thinking how these tools can be effectively integrated in the lesson.
A lot of features may find it daunting to use a technology tool in a lesson. The anxiety to explore the
possibility can be overwhelming. But for one who has the openness to learn and continuously study the
features of the tool can possibly lead to a more productive way of designing a technology enhanced lesson.
Hold on to the positive attitude and openness to learn. Nurture the curiosity and sustain the passion to


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improve practice. Persevere as you learn to adapt to the evolving digital tools. Once you get the habit of
exploring the tools perhaps taking one step at a time and expanding your ideas on how to create your videos
will eventually see your transformation as a teacher.


With your group mates, analyze the following slogan: “Change your Word, Change your Mindset”.
Write your answer to the following questions:
1. How changing your words can change your mindset?
2. What is the correct mindset of a digital literate educator?
3. What is the correct mindset of a digital literate student?


Here are some pointers to remember:

 The teacher is no longer seen as basically the dispenser of knowledge but rather as one who expertly
directs the learners to take their own track in searching for answers to questions raised inside the
 Online learning tools are a staple of a blended learning environment.
 The flexible mode of learning uses a platform such as Moodle, Google classroom, Edmodo, Schoology,
 Blended learning is a term increasingly used to describe the way e-learning is being combined with
traditional classroom methods and independent study to create a new, hybrid teaching methodology.
 There are a lot of sites that the students can use to collaborate when an exchange of knowledge just like
a social networking platform.
 Web pages and documents on the internet that provide useful information are also known as online
 Educational sites or educational websites can include websites that have games, videos, or topic related
resources learning and supplement classroom teaching.
 Web portal/portal is specially designed website that provides information catered from various sources
such as emails, online, forums, search engines in a uniform way.


Bilbao, et al. (2019). Technology for teaching and learning 1. Quezon City, PH: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

TED Ideas worth Spreading

Smaldino, S. (2005). Instructional technology and media for learning, 8th Ed. New Jersey: Pearson
Prentice Hall



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