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>, 1HH u A f f l U i ; u l 1MXU E\TRAOKI)I\AEY [PARI II

7 iutiionbed deductions —The follow iig deduction iann, ] H made iiom

the paj lion eftectne paj and all othei emolument-, pnable to a peisou subject
to the <\ct—
(I) upon the geneial 01 special otdei of the Cental i i _n "mine iT am
sum lequued to meet am public claim their m n against him
airy service debt tL \t ma\ be due Iiom him o \u seiTice claim
(II) am sum leqwied tc meet ^ompulson contnbutions to am Provident
Fund or an-y Bene\olcnt oi othei ti n ' a\)ipio\( ! b\ th& Ceatial
Krplunation —(1) Public claim means un public l( bt 01 disallowance
meludmg anj ovei issue made thiough an etioi as to tht facts 01 a deficiency
or niegulai expenditure of public mone\ or stoie of which aitei due investiga-
tion, no explanation satislacton to the Centiil GOT, eminent is ^i\en b \ the
peison who is responsible foi the same
(11) The aforesaid deductions shall be m addition to those specified m the
8 Limitation of powers of minor puniihnit) t actoidinq to ian~k —(1) A
commanding officer, if of the rank ot hquadion Ltadei oi ibo\c, ma\ without
the mtenentiou of a couit maitial award the minoi punishments specified m
Section 82 of the Act
(2) A commanding officei, or othei ofhcei e\eicismg the powers of a
commanding officer, if of the rank of Flight Lieutenant, shall ha^e the powers
ot punishment specified m the said Section, provided that he shall not aw aid
detention w field pun'shment ioi a period exceeding 7 d t \ s
(8) A commanding officer, oi othei otficei exeicismg the poweis ot a
commanding officer, who is below the lank of Flight Lieuten mt shall ha^ e
the poweis of punishment specified in the s^iid Section except the following,
in the case of non-commissioned officers, nameb, —
(a) seveie reprimand,
(b) depmation of acting rank and
(o) penal deduction undei clause (g) ot section 'J"2
ind, in the case of persons below non commissioned janks toiteituie of badge
Provided that such officei shall not awaid detention oi held punishment foi
a penod exceeding 7 days, or to the camp foi a penod exceeding 10 days
(4) Notwithstanding anjthing contained in sub rules (2) and (3) a superior
officei m a j , if he consideis desnable, restuct the powets undoi the said sub
rules of a commanding officei, or other officei below the i ink ot bquadron
Leader exeicismg the powers of a commanding offieei to am extent that he
thinks fit
9 Poweri of minoi punishment of Suboidwati f'ommandeii —(1) An
officer other than a commanding officei specified b\ the ( ommandei m Chief
with the consent of the Central Government m puisuance ot Section 92 of the
Act heremaftei letened to as suboidmate commmder maj awaid minor
punishments subject to the provisions of sub rule (2)
(2j The suboidmate commanders specified in the hist column of the table
below, if authorised in thig behalf b* the commanding officei oi othei officer
exeioi&ing the powers of a commanding officer, ma^ awaid to the persons
•peoified in the second column the minoi punishments specified in the third
column provided that, save when an officer of the rapk of Flight Lieutenant is
ohViating in an appointment normally held by mn officer of higher rank, or
when no subordinate commander of the rank of Squadron Leader or above is
available, an officer of the rank of Flight Lieutenant shall not be a u t h o r e d t*~>
awaul the punishment of fine.

Authority competent Person who mny

to award punish- be punished Punishment

•—? •—*~ •—~—- ~

Officer of the rank of (i) Reprimand.
Non-Commisaioned Officer
flight Lioutonnnt or
abovo. (ii) Admonition.

Airman below non-com- (i) Confinement to the Camp

missioned rank. for a period not exceeding 7

(ii) Extra Guards or duties not

exceeding 3 in number
(iii) Admonition.

(iv) Fine not exceeding 4 day*1

pay provided that an air-
man shall not be fined more
than 7 days' pay in any one

Offloer below the rank of Non-CommiBSioned officer Admonition.

Flight Lieutonant.
Airman below non-com- (i) Confinement to tho Camp for
missioned rank. a period not exceeding 3 day*.
(il) Extra guards or duties not
exceeding 3 in number.

(Iii) Admonition.

10 Summary disposal of charge againnt officirs and warrant officers.—(1)

W hen an officer ov warrant officer is remanded for a summary disposal of the
charge against him, a aopy of the summary of evidence shall be delivered to
him free of charge as soon us practicable after its preparation, and in any
case not leas than forty-eight hours before such disposal.
(2) The officer dealing with the ease summarily under Section 86 of the Act,
shall hoar the witnesses, if any, in the presence of tBfe accused, but may
dispense with such hearing, if tho accused person consents in writing thereto,
(!)) If the accused person demands that the evidence against him be taken
on oath, such evidence shall be so taken The oath or affirmation shall be
administered by the officer dealing with the cape summarily.
(4) The aoousod may pfit questions in cross-examination to any witness,
call any witnesses and make a statement in his defgnoe.
U . Prescribed officers under Section 94 of the Act.—-The prescribed officers
for purposes of Soction 94 of the Act shall be, in the case df an officer or warrant
officer, the Comman^er-m-Chief and, in the oase of a person other than an
officer or warrant officer, the officer empowered to convene a court-martial for
his trial,
S. R. O. 127.—Tn exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Sec-
tion 4 ot the Army Act, I960 (X.LVI of 1950), and in supersession or the notifi-
cation of the Government of India in the Ministry ot Defence No. 7/K, dated
the 1st April 1950, the Central Government is ploased to apply the yaid Act to
the Forces maintained by tho, State of Madhya Bhurat with the following rnodi-
tiqfj^pns, namely.'—
In section 3 : —
(a) For clause (iv) the following c'ause shall be substituted, namely: —
"(iv) 'Commander-in Chief means the Hajpiamukh of the State of
Madhya Una rat."
(b) hi ClauM.1 (xxi) for the words "belonging to the Reserve Forces and
the Territorial Army when called out on permanent beivice" the
wordy "belonging to the Reserve Forces the Territorial Army
when called out on permanent service and Forces maintained by
Part B States to which this Act has been applied in pursuance of
Bub-Bection (1) of Section 4", shall be substituted.
[No. 17/E-l
S. R. 0. 128.—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Sec
tion 4 of the Army Act, 1050 (XLV1 of 1950), and in supersession of the notifi-
cation of the Government of India in (he Ministry ot Defence No. 8/F, dated
the 1st April 1050, the Central Government is pleased to apply the said Act_ to
the Forces maintained by the State of Patiala and East Punjab States Union
with the following modifications, namely: —
In section 3 : —
(a) For clause (iv) tho iollowirig elnuse shalJ be substituted, namely.—
*'(iv) 'Commatuler-in-Chief' means the Raiprnmukh of the State ol
Pabialii and East Punjab States Union".

(h) Tn clause (\\i) foi the words "belonging to the Koserve Foiees and
the TeriRonal \rm\ when called out on permanent serviHc", the
words "belonging to the Unnerve Forces, the Tevn'tjonal Army
when eal'ed out on permanent seivieo and Forces maintained by
Part B States to which this Act 1ms been applied in pursuance of
sub-section (]) of Seel ion 4 ', thall be substituted.
[No 18/E ]
S. R. 0. 129.—In exercise of the powers confer* ed by sub-section (U) oi Mec-
tion 4 o+ the Army Act 1050 (XI/Vf of 1950), and in supersession of the notifi-
cation of the Government of Tnclm m the. Ministry of Defence No 0/E, dated
the 1^1 Ap'il 1050, the Central Government ic pleased 1o apply the said Act to
the Forces maintained h\ the State of Hajasihan with the following modifica-
tions, namely —
In section 3 —
(a) For clause (iv) the following clause shall be substituted, namely.—
"(iv) 'Commander-m-Chicf nieanq the Hajpriimukh of the titute of
(b) In clause (xxi) for tVio words "belonging to the Reserve Forces and
the Territorial Army when called out on permanent service", the
words "belonging to (ho Reserve Forces, the, Territorial Army
when cal'ed out on permanent service and Forces maintained by
Paifc Ti States (o which this. Act has been applied in pursuance of
sub-section fl) of Section 4", bhal! be substituted,
[No 19/E.]
S, R. 0. 130.—Tn exercise of the powers conferred by mib-soction (1) of Ruc-
tion '1 of the Army Act 1950 (XLVI of 1050), und in supersession of the notifi-
cation of the Government ot India in tho Ministry of Defence No. 10/E dated
the Vt Vpnl 1950, the Central Government is pleased to apply the Kind Act to
the l'ones nmndained bv ihc StatH of Sau^ashtra with the following modifica-
t'ons, nnuiely —
Tn section fl —
(it) For clause (iv) the following clause shall be substituted, namely —
"(iv) 'Commnnder-in-0hiet' means the Ra]pramukh of the State of
Saura-shtra "•
(b) In clause (xvi) for (lie wordw "belonging to the Eeserve Forces and
the Territorial Arm\ when called out on permanent service", the
words ' belonging to the Hosorve Forces, the Territorial \rniv
when caUed out on peim.uient service and Forces maintained bv
I'aif B StrtfeH to which this Aot has been applied in pursuance of
Nrin-seefion (1) of Section 4", shall lie substituted
[No 20/ E ]
S. R. 0. 131.—In exercise ot the powers conterted by sub-section (1) of Sec-
tion 5 of the Army Act 10,50 (XLVI of 1950), and in supersession of the notifica-
tion of the Government of India in the Ministry of Defence No 11/E, dated
the 1st April 1950, the Central Government Ls pleased to direct that all persons
beloiiKii'K to the Land Forces ot tht States of Hyderabad, Mysore and Truvan-
core-Cochin shall be placed at the disposal of the Central Government
[No. 2yE,1

S. B. O. 132.—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Kec-

tion 5 of the Army Act, 1950 (XLVI of 1950), the Central Government is pleaded
to direct that all officers of the Land Forces of the States of Madhya Bbarat,
Patiala and East Punjab States Union, llivjasthnn and Sauitishtra shall be
placed at the dispose of the Central Government.
[No. 22/E.]
S. E. O, 133.—In exercise of the powers conferred by si^-section (1) of Sec-
tion 4 of the Army Act, 1960 (XI/Vl of 1950), and in supersession of the notifi-
cation of the Government of India in the Ministry of Defence, H. It. 0. 81, dated
the 24Mi June 1050 the Central Government in pleased to apply the said Act to
ForeeB maintained by the former Indian States of Banarae, Cooch-Behar, Bam-
pur, Tehri-Ga-rhwal, Bhopal, Tripura and Vindhya Pmdesh with the following
modification, namely: —
In clause (xxi) of Section S, for the words "belonging to the Beserve Forces
and the Territorial Army when culled out on permanent service"', the words
"belonging to the BeBtrve Forces, the Territorial Army when called out on
permanent service and Forces maintained by the former Indian States of
Banaras, Cooch-Behar, Bainpur, Tehri-Garhwal, Bhopal, Tripura and Vindhya
Pradesh", shall be substituted.
(No 28/E.]
8. H. O 134.—In exercisfe of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Sec-
tion 5 of the Army Act, 1950 (XLVI of 1950), the Central Government is pleased
to direct that all persons belonging to the Land Fow?nn of the State of Jummi
and Kashmir shall be placed at the disposal of the Central Government.
[No, 24/E.]
S.R.O. 135.—In exercise of the powers conferred by mib-section (1) of See
tion 5 of the Army Act, 1950 (XLVI of 1950), the Central Government is pleased
to direct that any part of the Land Foree of any of the States of Madhya Bharut,
Patiala and Kast Punjab States Union, Bajasthan mid Sa-urashtrn,, when
serving with any body oi the regular Army or under the command of any officer
of the rcRular Army »h<Ul be placed at the disposal of the Central Government

[No 25/E.]

H. M. PATEL, Secy.



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