HSBC - US Downgrade

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Global Research

Financial Institutions Group

Equity Middle East North Africa

MENA Banks
US downgrade: Mostly a non-event for MENA Banks
Recent downgrade has no impact on MENA banks' capital and little risk of mark-to-market losses on US debt holdings Key transmission risk lies in rising spreads on FX funding and rising domestic inflation in MENA; impact on banks can be two-fold: positive for loan growth and negative for domestic funding costs Banks largely funded by deposits and equity located in countries with strong potential for loan growth should benefit; we are Overweight ANB, Samba, and Bank Muscat

9 August 2011
Aybek Islamov*, CFA Analyst HSBC Middle East Ltd +971 4423 6921 Vikram Viswanathan* Analyst HSBC Middle East Ltd +971 4423 6931 Shirin Panicker* Analyst HSBC Securities Egypt (SAE) +202 2529 8439 View HSBC Global Research at: *Employed by a non-US affiliate of HSBC Securities (USA) Inc, and is not registered/qualified pursuant to FINRA regulations Issuer of report: HSBC Bank Middle East Ltd

Transmission risk on the liabilities side is limited. MENA banks on average are well funded by domestic customer deposits and shareholders' equity. This makes them less vulnerable to potentially rising FX funding spreads. Banks in Egypt and Saudi Arabia offer the best funding quality. NBAD, ADCB, Burgan Bank, NBK, and Bank Muscat appear more vulnerable to rising wholesale FX funding costs. The wholesale debt ratio (see table on next page) varies between 20-30% of interest earnings assets. We, however, believe that such core banks are likely to gain Government support in the form of additional deposit funding if wholesale foreign funding was to be suddenly withdrawn. Risks from negative market-to-market on US Treasury securities are low. Our fixed income research and economics team expects the US Treasury yields to stay low at c2.5% and even decline. For more details on our macro views please refer to our recent report, US debt downgrade: another fine mess, published on 7 August (Stephen King et al). As a result, stable to declining yields pose no market value risk to US debt securities. Under the unlikely bearish scenario, i.e. if investors start panic selling US debt securities, UAE and Saudi banks with sizeable US bonds portfolios look vulnerable. We estimate book values can by reduced by 9-16% if we assume a very aggressive 20% haircut to US debt. The most affected banks should be FGB, Samba, and ANB. European debt remains small in proportion and we estimate impact on shareholders equity at 5% or less for the banks under our coverage. MENA banks have adequate capital. The US downgrade is unlikely to increase riskweighting for US bond holdings. The worst case scenario, which has negative implications to MENA banks' capital will be the USD losing its reserve currency status. Our FX research believes this is highly unlikely in the foreseeable future. In the meantime, MENA banks capital ratios vary between 15-23%. Lebanese banks are on the lower side with capital ratios of 11-12%.

Disclaimer & Disclosures This report must be read with the disclosures and the analyst certifications in the Disclosure appendix, and with the Disclaimer, which forms part of it

MENA Banks Financial Institutions Group 9 August 2011


MENA banks are funded by deposits and equity, NBAD, ADCB, NBK, Burgan Bank, and Bank Muscat have potential upside risk to wholesale funding costs. However, rich sovereigns should be able to refinance banks domestically Local currency, millions Abu Dhabi ADCB FGB NBAD UNB Egypt CIB CAE EGB NSGB Kuwait Burgan CBK NBK Lebanon Bank Audi Blom Bank Oman Bank Muscat NBO Qatar CBQ QNB Saudi ANB Al Rajhi Riyad Samba
Source: Company data, HSBC estimates


Interest Earning Assets (A) 155,320 127,655 202,615 77,997 70,639 21,833 5,242 59,095 3,769 3,324 11,682 38,655,762 30,604,029 5,455 1,719 55,392 212,684 111,135 158,630 167,724 178,244

Customer Deposits Shareholders Equity Wholesale debt ratio (B) (C) (A-B-C) / A 106,134 98,742 123,131 57,941 63,364 21,080 4,958 50,084 2,565 2,273 6,385 34,650,841 27,089,605 3,527 1,325 33,281 165,470 84,199 140,430 126,945 133,463 15,573 20,631 20,113 9,781 8,572 2,224 1,135 6,621 420 486 2,218 3,105,268 2,311,039 796 266 12,500 24,793 14,641 27,318 28,112 24,698 22% 6% 29% 13% -2% -7% -16% 4% 21% 17% 26% 2% 4% 21% 7% 17% 11% 11% -6% 8% 11%


MENA Banks Financial Institutions Group 9 August 2011


Near term forex-debt refinancing requirement (2011/12) appears low; CBQs refinancing requirement screens the highest Local currency, millions Qatar CBQ QNB Kuwait NBK Burgan Oman Bank Muscat UAE FGB NBAD UNB ADCB Saudi Samba Riyad ANB Al Rajhi Egypt NSGB CIB CAE EGB Lebanon Bank Audi Blom Bank
Source: Company data, HSBC estimates

Interest-bearing liabilities (IBL) (A) 48,735 191,951 10,459 3,485 4,695 119,593 184,031 70,079 144,931 155,138 139,456 97,983 146,000 51,753 68,692 22,251 5,230 38,501,135 29,934,012

Foreign exchange debt (FX debt) 10,993 12,136 109 112 6,680 14,458 3,673 18,273 1,825 909 165 24 0 -

FX debt maturing in 2011/2012 (B) 4,186 6,714 112 5,308 2,884 6,893 0 0 0 0 -

% IBL (B / A)

9% 3% 0% 0% 2% 4% 2% 0% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

MENA Banks Financial Institutions Group 9 August 2011


US treasury yields are likely to remain lower for longer. Negative mark-to-market of US bonds is therefore unlikely event; in a very aggressive bearish scenario, ANB, Samba and FGB look most vulnerable assuming a 20% drop in market value of US debt securities In local currency millions Qatar CBQ QNB Kuwait NBK Burgan Oman Bank Muscat UAE FGB NBAD UNB ADCB Saudi Arabia Samba Riyad ANB Al Rajhi Egypt NSGB CIB CAE EGB Lebanon Bank Audi Blom Bank Investment portfolio (IP) Fx assets: America Fx assets: Europe Fx assets: Others Fx assets: TOTAL Shareholders 20% haircut on Fx % shareholders equity (A) Assets in America equity (B/A) (B) 14,103 39,010 2,218 424 796 20,631 20,113 9,781 15,573 211 25 32 n/a 1 1,836 155 n/a 213 2,950 2,062 2,451 33 352 403 35 5 92,897 226,743 1% 0% 1% n/a 0% 9% 1% n/a 1%

10,024 45,000 1,081 133 322 14,988 21,396 4,333 8,263

1,055 123 160 n/a 6 9,178 773 n/a 1,064

345 236 56 n/a 10 1,102 5,199 n/a 184

132 3,981 107 n/a 25 85 1,380 n/a 230

1,532 4,340 322 27 40 10,366 7,352 844 1,479

64,882 33,822 32,841 28,887 14,776 24,454 5,833 1421.6 15,913,314 14,806,903

14,749 10,311 12,253 164 1,759 2,017 174 27 464,487 1,133,716

3,598 2,827 1,009 24 667 52 38 634,184 191,633

1,711 792 47 567 0 21.3 0 0 2041970 733,786

20,058 13,930 13,309 731 2,426 2,090 174 27 3,140,641 2,059,135

25,429 29,233 15,291 30,317 6,747 7,771 1,836 1,171 3,648,735 2,724,112

12% 7% 16% 0% 5% 5% 2% 0% 3% 8%

Source: Company data, HSBC estimates

MENA Banks Financial Institutions Group 9 August 2011


European debt holdings appear low in proportion, potential impact on shareholders equity is between 0-5% on a 20% haircut Investment portfolio (IP) Qatar CBQ QNB Kuwait NBK Burgan Oman Bank Muscat UAE FGB NBAD UNB ADCB Saudi Arabia Samba Riyad ANB Al Rajhi Egypt NSGB CIB CAE EGB Lebanon Bank Audi Blom Bank Fx assets: America Fx assets: Fx assets: Fx assets: Shareholders 20% haircut on Fx Europe Others TOTAL equity (A) Assets in Europe (B) 345 236 56 n/a 10 1,102 5,199 n/a 184 3,598 2,827 1,009 24 667 52 38 614,056 67,304 132 3,981 107 n/a 25 85 1,380 n/a 230 1,711 792 47 567 0 21.3 0 0 1,394,532 733,785 1,532 4,340 322 27 40 10,366 7,352 844 1,479 20,058 13,930 13,309 731 2,426 2,090 174 27 2,473,075 1,934,805 14,103 39,010 2,218 424 796 20,631 20,113 9,781 15,573 25,429 29,233 15,291 30,317 6,747 7,771 1,836 1,171 3,648,735 2,724,112 69 47 11 5 2 220 1,040 16 37 720 565 202 5 133 10 8 122,811 13,461 % shareholders equity (B/A)

10,024 45,000 1,081 133 322 14,988 21,396 4,333 8,263 64,882 33,822 32,841 28,887 14,776 24,454 5,833 1421.6 8,901,792 5,247,897

1,055 123 160 n/a 6 9,178 773 n/a 1,064 14,749 10,311 12,253 164 1,759 2,017 174 27 464,487 1,133,716

0% 0% 1% 1% 0% 1% 5% 0% 0% 3% 2% 1% 0% 2% 0% 0% 0% 3% 0%

Source: Company data, HSBC estimates

MENA Banks Financial Institutions Group 9 August 2011


Disclosure appendix
Analyst Certification
The following analyst(s), economist(s), and/or strategist(s) who is(are) primarily responsible for this report, certifies(y) that the opinion(s) on the subject security(ies) or issuer(s) and/or any other views or forecasts expressed herein accurately reflect their personal view(s) and that no part of their compensation was, is or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation(s) or views contained in this research report: Aybek Islamov, Vikram Viswanathan and Shirin Panicker

Important disclosures
Stock ratings and basis for financial analysis

HSBC believes that investors utilise various disciplines and investment horizons when making investment decisions, which depend largely on individual circumstances such as the investor's existing holdings, risk tolerance and other considerations. Given these differences, HSBC has two principal aims in its equity research: 1) to identify long-term investment opportunities based on particular themes or ideas that may affect the future earnings or cash flows of companies on a 12 month time horizon; and 2) from time to time to identify short-term investment opportunities that are derived from fundamental, quantitative, technical or event-driven techniques on a 0-3 month time horizon and which may differ from our long-term investment rating. HSBC has assigned ratings for its long-term investment opportunities as described below. This report addresses only the long-term investment opportunities of the companies referred to in the report. As and when HSBC publishes a short-term trading idea the stocks to which these relate are identified on the website at Details of these short-term investment opportunities can be found under the Reports section of this website. HSBC believes an investor's decision to buy or sell a stock should depend on individual circumstances such as the investor's existing holdings and other considerations. Different securities firms use a variety of ratings terms as well as different rating systems to describe their recommendations. Investors should carefully read the definitions of the ratings used in each research report. In addition, because research reports contain more complete information concerning the analysts' views, investors should carefully read the entire research report and should not infer its contents from the rating. In any case, ratings should not be used or relied on in isolation as investment advice.

Rating definitions for long-term investment opportunities

Stock ratings

HSBC assigns ratings to its stocks in this sector on the following basis: For each stock we set a required rate of return calculated from the cost of equity for that stocks domestic or, as appropriate, regional market established by our strategy team. The price target for a stock represents the value the analyst expects the stock to reach over our performance horizon. The performance horizon is 12 months. For a stock to be classified as Overweight, the implied return must exceed the required return by at least 5 percentage points over the next 12 months (or 10 percentage points for a stock classified as Volatile*). For a stock to be classified as Underweight, the stock must be expected to underperform its required return by at least 5 percentage points over the next 12 months (or 10 percentage points for a stock classified as Volatile*). Stocks between these bands are classified as Neutral. Our ratings are re-calibrated against these bands at the time of any 'material change' (initiation of coverage, change of volatility status or change in price target). Notwithstanding this, and although ratings are subject to ongoing management review, expected returns will be permitted to move outside the bands as a result of normal share price fluctuations without necessarily triggering a rating change. *A stock will be classified as volatile if its historical volatility has exceeded 40%, if the stock has been listed for less than 12 months (unless it is in an industry or sector where volatility is low) or if the analyst expects significant volatility. However,

MENA Banks Financial Institutions Group 9 August 2011


stocks which we do not consider volatile may in fact also behave in such a way. Historical volatility is defined as the past month's average of the daily 365-day moving average volatilities. In order to avoid misleadingly frequent changes in rating, however, volatility has to move 2.5 percentage points past the 40% benchmark in either direction for a stock's status to change.

Rating distribution for long-term investment opportunities

As of 08 August 2011, the distribution of all ratings published is as follows: Overweight (Buy) 51% (27% of these provided with Investment Banking Services) Neutral (Hold) Underweight (Sell) 37% 12% (20% of these provided with Investment Banking Services) (19% of these provided with Investment Banking Services)

Analysts, economists, and strategists are paid in part by reference to the profitability of HSBC which includes investment banking revenues. For disclosures in respect of any company mentioned in this report, please see the most recently published report on that company available at * HSBC Legal Entities are listed in the Disclaimer below.

Additional disclosures
1 2 3 This report is dated as at 09 August 2011. All market data included in this report are dated as at close 08 August 2011, unless otherwise indicated in the report. HSBC has procedures in place to identify and manage any potential conflicts of interest that arise in connection with its Research business. HSBC's analysts and its other staff who are involved in the preparation and dissemination of Research operate and have a management reporting line independent of HSBC's Investment Banking business. Information Barrier procedures are in place between the Investment Banking and Research businesses to ensure that any confidential and/or price sensitive information is handled in an appropriate manner.

MENA Banks Financial Institutions Group 9 August 2011


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