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Hindustan Copper Ltd.

Profit And Loss - Standalone - Actual - Schedules- [INR-Millions]

DESCRIPTI Mar-17 Mar-16 Mar-15 Mar-14 Mar-13 Mar-12 Mar-11 Mar-10 Mar-09

No of Mon 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
Gross Sales 12287.10 10742.22 11382.03 16250.47 14766.38 16414.39 12812.76 14298.48 13491.00
Sales 12169.41 10689.45 11274.94 16159.00 14752.71 16381.79 12812.76 14298.48 13491.00
Job Work / Contract Receipts
Proces 6.57 23.12 12.67 34.74 0.68 5.02
Revenue from property development
Revenue from wind power generation
Export Benefits
Sales - Scrap
Subsidy / Grants / Incentives
Profit on sale of assets/investments
Other 111.13 29.65 94.43 56.74 12.99 27.59
Less: Inter divisional transfers
Less: Sales Returns
Less: Excis 1068.14 1031.18 1208.22 1337.75 1502.83 1465.68 1102.75 1109.80 1394.79
Net Sales 11218.97 9711.05 10173.81 14912.72 13263.55 14948.72 11710.00 13188.68 12096.21
Increase/D -2713.47 -811.02 -181.97 -427.10 -424.36 241.56 -725.60 -254.46 1133.85
Openin 4425.58 3590.09 3487.14 3011.27 2442.18 2805.13 2043.06 1870.27 2562.54
Openin 165.09 128.48 87.75 108.80 230.70 89.27 126.11 44.44 486.02
Opening - Shares, Units and Bonds
Other Opening Balances
Less: C 6694.73 4425.58 3590.09 3487.14 3011.27 2442.18 2805.13 2043.06 1870.27
Less: C 609.02 165.09 128.48 87.75 108.80 230.70 89.27 126.11 44.44
Less: Closing - Shares, Units and Bonds
Less: Other Closing Balances
Inter division Transfer in transits
Excise 0.39 -61.08 38.29 -27.72 -22.83 -20.03 0.37 0.00 0.00
Stock Capitalised
Raw Mater 2939.29 454.15 306.45 668.27 552.20 715.40 498.94 4220.47 4011.62
Openin 2.02 1.58 0.14 0.31 0.31 116.59 513.36
Purcha 2936.09 445.26 308.02 668.27 552.06 606.24 459.91 4104.20 3614.85
Closin 2.20 2.02 1.58 0.14 0.31 0.31 116.59
Other Direct Purchases / Brought in cost
Stock on Amalgamation
Other 3.38 9.34 108.98 39.03
Raw Material Consumed Capitalised
Power & Fu 2027.42 1697.21 1761.06 1901.48 2511.40 1595.29 1209.72 1230.93 1744.14
Electri 2027.42 1697.21 1761.06 1901.48 2511.40 1595.29 1209.72 1230.93 1744.14
Less: Captive Consumption of Power
Oil, Fuel & Natural gas
Less: Captive Consumption of Fuel
Coals etc
Other power & fuel
Power & Fuel Capitalised
Employee C 3283.66 3230.00 3279.66 3603.55 3534.60 3379.33 2971.22 2866.96 2142.14
Salari 2792.26 2936.65 2998.00 2776.91 2647.59 2711.05 2317.86 2311.16 1816.31
Contri 238.06 226.28 233.17 225.53 214.17 216.63 207.35 216.21 119.35
Workm 178.89 175.22 152.90 161.58 175.75 148.91 170.69 103.62 138.83
Gratuit 74.46 -108.15 -104.41 439.53 497.09 302.75 275.33 235.97 67.65
Retrenchment Workers & VRS
Leave Travel Allowance
Leave Encashment
Amortisation of deferred stock compensation cost
Other Employees Cost
Employee Cost Capitalised
Other Manu 3686.86 3494.59 3084.91 3446.03 2533.91 2175.77 2906.28 1678.07 1617.47
Sub-contracted / Outsourced services
Proces 689.28 515.93 445.65 342.20 523.76 540.70 572.07 220.49
Repair 249.75 260.79 338.43 279.71 243.80 185.32 199.08 254.73 239.31
13.46 10.73 28.32 15.80 17.72 7.86 12.47 5.24 9.68
Plant &
184.03 246.66 204.15 178.24 133.69 154.46 212.42 109.02
50.88 66.03 63.45 59.76 47.84 43.78 32.15 37.07 120.61
Resea 6.05 0.46 2.16 2.03
Plant & Machinery Hire Charges
Royalty 1010.56 598.86 533.26 670.27 672.29 606.60 610.39 373.39 262.48
Freight 755.08 985.35 800.81 942.17 746.24
Packing Material Consumed
Stores 966.58 1114.92 966.76 1031.89 1062.80 840.99 760.01 798.58 928.82
Up keep and Maintenance Charges 131.31
Project Expenses
Hire Charges - Mfg
Other 9.56 18.73 179.79 30.80 16.47 30.88 55.54
Manufacturing Expenses Capitalised
General an 379.38 379.41 473.86 481.31 561.67 451.13 778.82 74.71 77.52
Rent, 45.78 99.01 157.25 166.24 219.42 163.46 482.96 58.71 59.97
20.79 12.26 13.65 11.13 9.11 8.18 7.24 10.48 5.16
Rates &24.99
Taxes 86.75 143.60 155.11 210.32 155.28 475.72 48.24 54.80
Other rent
Insuran 14.22 9.20 9.94 13.08 14.06 13.24 7.02 5.89 11.85
Repairs & Maintenance - Others
Printin 5.63 5.81 5.65 6.32 5.59 6.12 4.15
Profess 34.49 22.71 33.95 21.37 15.90 14.96 18.59
Travel 32.80 45.49 42.70 48.50 44.05 31.93 54.54
Paymen 4.10 3.80 4.25 3.74 3.35 3.20 4.53 2.36 1.45
Hire C 25.02 25.92 25.64 39.41 118.25 88.04 98.85
Packing expenses
Commu 12.59 11.81 10.03 9.00 8.01 7.57 7.55
Training Expenses
Wealth Tax
Direct 20.96 23.78 17.75 17.04 18.54 15.98 9.45 7.75 4.26
Other 183.78 131.89 166.70 156.63 114.49 106.62 91.19
Administration Expenses Capitalised
Selling and 95.69 50.08 35.24 46.49 778.36 891.91 63.84 509.42 744.77
Distribution Expenses
Advert 12.55 26.61 16.88 22.58 17.31 13.79 16.78
Sales Commissions & Incentives 0.73 7.02
Discou 83.14 23.47 18.36 23.91 32.18 73.17 47.06 143.50 194.72
Freight and Forwarding 429.63 583.91 10.77 174.88
Handling and Clearing Charges 299.25 221.04 354.42 356.90
Sales tax
Other Selling Expenses 11.25
Selling Expenses Capitalised
Miscellane 267.54 128.01 143.98 150.02 131.37 162.51 196.73 1018.40 1515.95
Deferred Revenue Expenditure Written Off
Bad debts/advances written off
Provisi 2.25 45.10 19.96 7.05 2.68 1.19 15.38 1.67 15.54
Loss on disposal of fixed assets (net) 0.64 5.41 0.81
Loss o 59.64 163.89
Loss on sale of non-trade current investments
Diminution in the value of Long Term Investments 0.02
Provisi 40.32 16.79 45.50 66.74 75.85 105.42 118.20 679.42 574.15
Loss on Future and Options
Loss on buy-back of shares/debentures
Other 165.33 66.11 78.52 75.59 52.84 55.89 63.14 331.91 761.57
Miscellaneous Expenses Capitalised
Less: Expenses Capitalised
Total Expe 9966.37 8622.42 8903.18 9870.04 10179.15 9612.89 7899.94 11344.50 12987.45
Operating P 1252.59 1088.63 1270.64 5042.68 3084.41 5335.82 3810.06 1844.18 -891.25
Other Inc 1178.27 572.35 669.19 1028.40 2504.37 849.52 556.60 528.09 1202.47
Interes 242.13 270.21 440.93 479.31 550.62 382.34 248.41 268.49 393.72
143.50 193.91 334.18 376.08 482.00 322.61 180.66 201.17 342.21
Interest on Debentures & Bonds
on Others76.30 106.75 103.23 68.62 59.73 67.75 67.32 51.51
Divide 0.47 31.67 37.57 32.69 84.72 53.92 49.09 2.22
Commission Received
Export Incentives
Profit 2.87 4.05 0.92 0.58 1.19 0.83 7.65 16.84
Profits 4.97 25.06 29.35 36.20 55.30 29.95
Income from mutual Funds
Income from other investments
Diminution in carrying cost of investments
Sale of Scrap - Other Income 30.35 45.41 47.28
Service Fee 8.62 47.49 59.19
Gain on Forward Contracts/Forex
Foreig 113.34 1.05 0.02
Lease / Rental Income
Grants from Government
Transfer from capital reserve / Capital grants
Bad debts recovered
Provis 54.74 31.12 30.62 151.05 1624.86 53.25 38.76 8.32 155.75
Claims 0.36 13.26 12.55 6.43 3.78 4.60 5.92
Sale of Power
Others 759.39 210.24 116.54 315.56 188.29 322.43 176.78 143.92 523.76
Operating P 2430.86 1660.99 1939.82 6071.08 5588.77 6185.34 4366.66 2372.27 311.23
Interest 109.63 14.41 6.83 23.19 42.83 15.27 41.85 34.93 68.15
Interest on Debenture / Bonds
Interest on Term Loan 8.53
Interest on Fixed deposits
Interest on Vehicle Loan
Interes 25.21 0.06 0.08 0.20 0.05 0.23 0.04 2.16 9.15
Interest on Working Capital Loans
Bank C 19.49 13.12
Other I 64.94 1.23 6.75 22.98 42.78 15.04 41.81 32.77 50.47
Interest Capitalised
PBDT 2321.23 1646.58 1932.99 6047.90 5545.95 6170.07 4324.82 2337.35 243.08
Depreciati 1419.03 1190.13 1128.51 1741.41 1509.82 1440.56 972.71 178.90 188.22
Profit Befo 902.20 456.45 804.48 4306.49 4036.13 4729.51 3352.11 2158.45 54.86
Exceptional Income / Expenses
Profit (Loss) on Sale of fixed assets
Profit (Loss) on Sale of Investments
Restructuring Cost / Reversal of provisions
Accidental Loss / Damages
Inventory Write off
Other exceptional Expenses
Other exceptional Income
Profit Befo 902.20 456.45 804.48 4306.49 4036.13 4729.51 3352.11 2158.45 54.86
Provision f 323.80 19.89 128.50 1442.26 479.69 1494.88 1111.12 611.60 157.95
Curren 260.90 217.60 316.30 1445.80 797.00 1587.06 1077.50 647.70 59.80
Deferre 62.90 -197.72 -187.81 -3.54 -317.30 -92.18 33.62 -36.10 92.65
Fringe Benefit tax 5.50
MAT credit entitlement
Other t 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Profit Afte 578.40 436.56 675.98 2864.23 3556.44 3234.63 2240.99 1546.85 -103.09
Extra items
Adjustments to PAT
Profit Bala 6429.62 6262.41 10592.62 9028.40 6821.15 4904.41 3909.25 2362.12 2464.91
Appropriat 7008.02 6698.97 11268.61 11892.62 10377.59 8139.05 6150.24 3908.97 2361.83
General Reserve 102.32 217.54 266.73 242.58 169.00
Interim Dividend - Equity 138.78 462.61
Proposed Equity Dividend 925.22 925.22 925.22 462.61
Preference Dividend
Corporate Dividend Tax 28.25 157.24 157.24 150.09 151.88
Statutory Reserve
Other Appropriati 167.04 178.05 -0.27 -0.29 -0.29
Capital Redemption Reserve
Profit 7008.02 6429.62 10923.52 10592.62 9028.40 6821.15 4904.41 3909.25 2362.12
Equity Div 4.00 3.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
Earnings P 0.63 0.47 0.73 3.10 3.84 3.50 2.42 1.67 -0.11
Adjusted E 0.63 0.47 0.73 3.10 3.84 3.50 2.42 1.67 -0.11

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any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such Data. Accord Fintech especially states that it has no fi
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Mar-08 Mar-07 Mar-06 Mar-05 Mar-04 Mar-03 Mar-02 Mar-01 Sep-99 Mar-97

12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 12.00 12.00

18420.27 18006.65 10544.11 5595.62 5193.94 5061.11 6055.58 9466.47 4801.93 9802.35
18397.91 17996.37 10537.59 5591.14 5188.73 5056.76 6049.84 9455.81 4794.85 9802.35

22.36 10.28 6.52 4.48 5.21 4.35 5.74 10.66 7.08 0.00

2462.77 2462.91 1367.31 762.87 696.81 712.65 779.25 1373.26 628.94 1287.71
15957.50 15543.74 9176.80 4832.75 4497.13 4348.46 5276.33 8093.21 4172.98 8514.65

-429.72 -725.88 109.06 -596.45 -26.00 146.41 444.98 -287.40 87.00 -42.33
2248.63 1301.10 1521.23 953.42 1061.27 1261.45 1368.73 1375.29 1099.62 1339.56
370.21 591.86 480.79 452.15 318.30 265.89 603.60 309.63 672.30 901.99

2562.54 2248.63 1301.10 1521.23 953.42 1061.27 1261.45 1368.73 1375.29 1363.34
486.02 370.21 591.86 480.79 452.15 318.30 265.89 603.60 309.63 920.54


0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

6059.69 5584.04 2528.42 297.18 482.30 777.73 1062.26 1736.94 566.78 4095.63
1160.21 1543.84 0.84 6.31 0.84 69.37 115.88 184.88 78.04 1207.27
5412.84 5200.40 4071.42 291.71 487.77 709.21 1015.74 1667.94 673.63 3508.56
513.36 1160.21 1543.84 0.84 6.31 0.84 69.37 115.88 184.88 620.20

1851.65 1709.78 1589.32 1059.66 1314.50 1502.88 1684.20 2458.86 1298.14 1353.39
1851.65 1709.78 1589.32 1059.66 1314.50 1502.88 1684.20 2458.86 1298.14 1353.39
2134.85 1756.53 1273.44 1133.96 2184.98 2478.65 5532.81 2424.28 1967.35 1907.66
1592.50 1322.31 1008.81 722.69 766.49 951.82 1086.49 1922.30 1545.26 1485.72
154.23 90.30 91.01 74.67 81.12 99.91 114.19 213.77 163.22 122.46
138.89 137.10 62.72 60.94 62.21 73.12 82.60 172.88 108.22 260.33
249.23 206.81 110.90 10.08 7.67 21.82 20.19 6.22 77.95 39.15
265.57 1267.50 1331.99 4229.34 109.11 72.69

1412.29 1242.80 907.58 932.28 591.68 621.67 732.77 1102.24 702.97 1166.64

190.85 121.52 93.75 60.13 58.81 63.82 67.35 83.01 52.36 81.69
14.44 12.84 5.69 3.73 4.53 5.03 4.88 7.29 3.32 13.07
82.52 48.46 66.46 44.21 37.21 38.59 41.76 46.78 33.24 38.55
93.89 60.22 21.59 12.19 17.07 20.20 20.71 28.95 15.81 30.07

329.96 370.09 157.23 156.21 101.85 88.92 91.64 154.44 70.24 74.56

817.60 707.96 614.23 557.33 422.83 439.63 545.68 809.96 523.60 880.77
6.34 23.30 152.27 25.50 25.50 49.75 38.83

67.53 43.23 19.08 6.34 8.19 3.81 2.59 5.08 17.94 129.62

121.80 64.42 31.61 32.88 34.57 32.59 38.44 54.79 38.78 40.01
108.50 51.01 22.78 23.95 21.96 17.23 21.02 31.49 23.85 19.93
20.72 7.39 6.36 6.23 7.79 5.76 8.98 14.98 12.27 9.32
87.78 43.62 16.42 17.72 14.17 11.47 12.04 16.51 11.58 10.61

11.15 11.38 6.11 7.03 10.35 12.86 14.96 19.45 12.49 18.39

2.09 2.04 1.60 1.10 1.38 1.62 0.98 1.66 1.21 0.99
0.06 0.00 1.12 0.81 0.89 0.88 1.48 2.20 1.23 0.70

785.74 853.47 728.23 555.54 400.21 241.06 270.91 396.36 203.65 235.91

44.44 29.63 0.65 0.60 0.75 0.83 0.93 0.85 0.88 1.58

267.36 418.99 430.86 218.12 195.88

72.12 40.57 22.30 159.22
373.99 334.28 274.42 177.60 203.59 240.24 269.98 395.51 202.77 234.33

27.83 30.00 0.00 0.00

1642.53 1481.21 1106.55 713.32 695.33 645.93 895.02 985.83 718.03 662.66

418.73 362.75 11.03 3.79 42.61 14.21 3.04 8.10 4.41 8.95
25.30 0.05 0.33
91.66 11.26 11.48 31.96 29.09 11.84

707.26 758.36 486.36 533.81 496.47 479.66 682.61 657.81 535.91 414.55

5.07 1.01 0.02 0.58 0.29 0.00

491.24 268.39 592.83 163.24 156.25 152.04 177.36 290.25 165.59 238.82

13578.83 11966.36 8274.19 4128.38 5677.57 6446.93 10661.39 8871.90 5582.70 9419.56
2378.68 3577.38 902.61 704.37 -1180.44 -2098.47 -5385.05 -778.69 -1409.72 -904.91
1084.81 359.32 643.65 419.83 1392.12 1397.17 4412.65 286.99 419.82 208.19
425.99 120.59 23.28 11.19 29.25 25.49 25.29 63.91 14.53 116.67
383.10 93.84 8.19 0.71 15.32 10.43 8.44 45.23 3.54

42.89 26.75 15.09 10.47 13.92 15.06 16.85 18.68 10.99 116.67

98.52 20.10 545.22 37.01 3.10 0.44 0.73 5.49 4.43 6.03
21.75 120.63 20.34 19.12 34.80 29.47 26.35 25.89 23.36 25.83

287.96 26.73 13.24

265.57 1267.49 1283.34 4156.60

122.13 44.64 28.82 10.20 4.74 5.82 177.04 127.19 305.29

3.78 1.05 0.94 3.47 0.58 7.48 3.54 3.01 3.68 5.38

124.68 52.31 25.06 73.27 25.44 31.90 23.11 61.50 68.53 54.28
3463.49 3936.70 1546.26 1124.19 211.68 -701.30 -972.41 -491.70 -989.90 -696.72
280.11 348.53 385.39 429.92 596.24 595.70 674.33 1161.28 511.53 406.70
8.66 57.74 248.85 296.60 395.19 397.45 319.82 262.86 150.82
124.74 142.21 10.66 140.40 402.75 24.24 72.60

2.52 12.31 68.69 115.68 164.71 168.44 177.12 308.14 248.88 185.68

144.19 136.26 57.19 17.64 36.34 29.81 36.98 187.53 87.59 147.42

3183.38 3588.17 1160.88 694.28 -384.56 -1297.00 -1646.73 -1652.98 -1501.43 -1103.42
158.42 269.88 158.71 173.65 177.03 179.99 193.66 311.46 218.70 202.74
3024.96 3318.29 1002.16 520.62 -561.60 -1476.99 -1840.39 -1964.44 -1720.12 -1306.17

3024.96 3318.29 1002.16 520.62 -561.60 -1476.99 -1840.39 -1964.44 -1720.12 -1306.17
560.35 178.84 -56.68 -39.18
480.00 210.70
76.95 -34.76 -59.20 -39.18
3.40 2.90 2.52

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2464.61 3139.45 1058.84 559.81 -561.60 -1476.99 -1840.39 -1964.44 -1720.12 -1306.17

-4098.74 -7233.45 -7816.43 -8361.88 -7800.63 -6324.00 -4483.98 -2519.83 -799.76 1264.95
-1634.13 -4094.00 -6757.58 -7802.08 -8362.23 -7800.99 -6324.37 -4484.27 -2519.88 -41.21

-0.31 4.74 475.86 14.35 -0.35 -0.36 -0.36 -0.30 -0.05 -0.49
2464.91 -4098.74 -7233.45 -7816.43 -8361.88 -7800.63 -6324.00 -4483.98 -2519.83 -40.72
0.00 0.00 0.00
3.21 4.09 1.45 0.77 -1.55 -4.07 -5.07 -5.41 -5.64 -4.28
3.21 4.09 1.45 0.77 -1.55 -4.07 -5.07 -5.41 -5.64 -4.28

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