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Name : Rani Kholidaziya

NIM : 7777230005
Subject : Literature in ELT
Lecturer : Dr. Hj. Nurhaedah Gailea, M. Hum

A. What level of students do you think the poem could be used, and why do you
use it (is it appropriate for them)?
From my perspective, the poem by John Ardent with the title "I'm an old, old
lady" can be used in upper elementary until intermediate level (around 4th-6th
grade until 12th grade), depending on how the assessment is taken from the poem.
I'm on the mind that this poem could be appropriate from upper elementary
because it doesn't use a very difficult figure of speech and can be understood by
students even at the lower level.

B. What skill that can be improved with that kind of poem?

I believe that all of these skills can be improve by using literature (in this case
is poem) as the material of learning English. As a teacher we can provide both
receptive skills and productive skills to our students by reading the poem, when
the others listening to the poem. We also can ask the students to use the right
intonation and gestures so they provide good pronunciation and speaking ability,
after that we can ask them to write some reflection regarding the poem or even
ask them to make another poem regarding the previous one.

Referring to A and B:
1. Determine what strategies can be applied?
According to Tomlinson (1986), he divided some sample of lesson using
poem specifically the poem by John Ardent with the title "I'm an old, old lady"
for upper elementary until intermediate level:
- The teachers used the poem as a medium to compare to the real conditions in
the students’ environment. The teachers can divide the students into groups
and they are given photographs of old people and they asked to describe or
comment on the old people that they know.
- The teachers can use the poem as individual tasks by making the students
think about what are the words that probably shown in the poem “I’m an old,
old lady”. Then the teachers play or read aloud the poem and then the students
find out if there are any words that they expected to come in the poem.
- The students can decide if they want to make a group or individual, and then
the teachers let them read the poem and practice reciting the poem in different
ways. The students also can paint the old lady based on their imagination or
the teachers can give them photographs of old ladies and the students have to
choose which one is the suitable photograph of the old lady in the poem “I’m
an old, old lady”. The students are then expected to accept the old lady’s
invitation ('That's me. Now: you.') and write a poem about themselves.

2. Mention time allocation that is applicable for Pre-Reading Activity and

explain in detail what will you do with your students?
In my experience, the ideal time for pre-reading activity is about 10 minutes.
In these 10 minutes, the teachers can give the trigger for students by building the
background knowledge regarding the poem. The students can be prepared for
their experience with the poem, which makes them want to know more about the
poem. The teacher can use these activities can build up the student's interest in the
- Discussing the interesting topics related to the theme of the poem
- Give the students the context for the poem by using drawings, photographs,
sound, etc.
- Reading the poem which is related to the theme
- Giving the students various experiences by the teachers related to the
characters and theme of the poem
3. Mention time allocation that is applicable for While Reading Activity and
explain in detail what will you do with your students?
I believe that while reading activity is taking the longest time allocation
because it’s all about the main content of the material. The ideal time to allocate
while reading activity is around 30-40 minutes. In this part the teachers can let the
students listen to the poem, it can be by tape or the teachers can read it first. The
teacher also can provide the students with some images, or even some sound
effects regarding the poem so the students have a good mood and enthusiasm in
listening to the poem. Then the teachers can ask them to practice it or understand
the context of the poem. The teachers also can ask them to write another poem
regarding the topic of the poem.
4. Mention time allocation that is applicable for Post Reading Activity and
explain in detail what will you do with your students?
In post-reading activity, it can be the judgment time for the teacher to see how
far the students understand the material. I assume it will take 10-20 minutes to do
this activity. In the post-reading activity, the students can dramatize the poem or
even turn the poem into some other literary work like a short story. Of course, it
depends on how the activity is appropriate for students at their level.

Tomlinson, B. (1986). Using poetry with mixed ability language classes. ELT
Journal, 40(1), 33–41.

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