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The Ultimate Pot Brownie Guide

Make the ultimate pot brownies!
Medicated gummies might rule the modern dispensary market,
but classic pot brownies are the homemade edible that have best
withstood the test of time.

Back in the ‘70s, it was pretty common for hippies to dump a dime
bag into a batch of
brownie batter.
What better way to
tune in and drop
out? With pot
brownies, they could
discretely medicate
all their friends (and
an occasional
gratuitous parent).

Although throwing a bag of weed into brownie batter can get you
high, it’s not the best way to make pot brownies. In fact, it can
actually be dangerous! The THC levels in modern cannabis make it
easy to over-medicate. There’s a better way.

This e-book will give you the tips and tricks you need to make
perfect, potent, delicious pot brownies. Then, we’ll guide you
through every step of the pot-brownie-making process—from
selecting the cannabis to serving up the perfect dose.

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When you see how fun it is to cook with cannabis, you might
decide to learn more about it. If so, the Cannabis Cooking Pro
Certificate Program can help you take your skills to the next level.

For now, read on to start the path towards becoming the stellar
edibles chef you always knew you could be. Happy baking!

Tip #1: Get Rid Of The Leaves

Cannabis leaves not only taste funky: they also have a lot of fiber!

Too much fiber can cause bloating, gas, and constipation.

Although the medical benefits of cannabis can counteract some
of these symptoms,
throwing whole cannabis
leaves into your batter will
never give you the best
brownie. Your brownies
will taste much better if
you keep the
cannabinoids but ditch the

To do this, you’ll need to extract the essential oil from your

cannabis and infuse it into butter before you add it to your recipe.

But what’s the best way to do this? There are so many ways to
extract cannabinoids! Entire training programs are devoted to
cannabis extraction.

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No need to worry!
For the pot brownie
recipe in this e-book,
we’ll use a simple
process that extracts
the cannabinoids
and infuses them
into butter—all at
the same time.

Tip #2: Decarb Before You Bake

Decarboxylation (or “decarb”) is a chemical reaction where the
carboxyl group (COOH) is released from cannabinoid acid
molecules when heat is applied. This process “activates” the
psychoactive properties of THCA, turning it into THC.

Basically, THC gets you high. THCA doesn’t.

If you add dried cannabis directly to your batter, it will not

decarboxylate completely in your oven. That means you’re giving
up a lot of potential potency. Let’s take a closer look.

Since THC decarboxylates at 220°F (105°C), it’s easy to assume that

if you bake a pan of brownies at 350°F (180°C), the cannabis will
get hot enough to decarboxylate. After all, 350°F (177°C) is much
hotter than 220°F (105°C).

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Unfortunately, this assumption is incorrect. When you bake a pan
of brownies, the batter never reaches the oven temperature.

Think about it.

Brownie batter
starts out fairly
cool. When you
put it in the
oven, it heats
from the outside
in. While the
cannabis leaves
near the outside
of the pan might
reach the oven temperature at the end of the baking cycle, the
leaves in the middle of the pan will definitely not.

That’s why you have to decarb before you bake. In fact, for
maximum potency, you should decarb your cannabis leaves and
flowers before you even begin the extraction and infusion process.

Tip #3: Pay Attention To Dosing

When you dump a bag of weed into your brownie batter, you have
no idea what the result will be. Will one bite make you so high that
you start hallucinating? Or will you need to eat 3 or 4 brownies to
feel any effect at all?

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The “take-what-you-get” method of dosing cannabis was much
safer in the 1970s. Back then, the average cannabis flower
contained only 3% THC.
Even 1990s weed only
contained around 4%
THC. The lower potency
made it almost
impossible to eat too
many edibles.

Nowadays, weed is likely

to contain 25% THC or more. That makes you much more likely to
have a bad experience if you don’t pay attention to dosing.

To avoid over-intoxication, customize your pot brownie doses

ahead of time.

Tip #4: Be Prepared

Even when dosed

correctly, edibles can be
tricky to consume.
Sometimes edibles affect
people more strongly
than smoking. Plus, the
long time between eating

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an edible and feeling the effects (usually 30 to 90 minutes) can
really throw some people off!

Bottom line: even a highly experienced pot smoker can over-

indulge when edibles are in play. Because of this, pot brownie
bakers should be aware of some first aid techniques for cannabis
over-intoxication—before they start handing out brownies!

In truth, once you have consumed enough cannabis to cause

over-intoxication, the only sure way to feel better is to wait until
the effects wear off. However, doctors sometimes recommend
these treatments to lessen the symptoms of intoxication:

• Move into a comfortable, supportive environment. Light touch,

such as hand holding, can help to calm you down.
• Use deep breathing and meditation techniques to remain calm.
• Take a hot shower.
• Take a sublingual dose of at
least 20 milligrams of CBD.
CBD is a CB receptor
antagonist, which means it
can block the receptors that
are overstimulated by THC.
• Inhale beta caryophyllene or
black pepper essential oil.

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Research shows that the terpene beta caryophyllene has an
anti-intoxicating effect.
• Chew on black peppercorns. Since black pepper is high in beta
caryophyllene, some patients chew on it to counteract over-
intoxication. Be careful if you try this method. Peppercorns can
cause discomfort if mistakenly inhaled or swallowed.

Over-intoxication can be frightening. You might feel like you are

dying. Remember, hallucinations, paranoia, or panic attacks are
common experiences during over-intoxication. The symptoms will
diminish as the THC wears off.

Recipe: The Ultimate Pot Brownies!

Now that you’ve got the basics, let’s start cooking! You can make
the Ultimate Pot Brownies in three easy steps:

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1. Infuse the butter.
2. Make the brownies.
3. Dose, package, and serve.

Let’s break it down.

1. Infuse The Butter

Making great cannabis butter comes down to four things: the

math, the cannabis, the butter, and the process. If you skimp on
any one of these, your cannabutter will not be as good as it could

The Math

The strength of your pot

brownies depends on the
serving size, how much
cannabis you use, and the
potency of that cannabis. You
can use CTU’s Single Recipe
Infusion Calculator to figure
out how much weed to use.

1. Open the Single Recipe

Infusion Calculator.
2. The Ultimate Pot Brownies recipe makes 32 servings. Type “32”
in How many servings in the recipe? box.

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3. In the How many mg of THC do you want per serving? box,
type how much THC you want to have in each dose. A standard
dose is 10 mg per serving.
4. Check the label on your cannabis package to get the THC/THCA
percentage. Type that number into the Percent of THCA in the
raw cannabis? box.

If you’re not sure of the THC/THCA percentage, 15% is a middle-

of-the-road guess for flower, 7% for sugar leaf, and 5% for trim.

Once you enter all three numbers into the calculator, it will tell you
how much cannabis to use in your recipe.

If you follow the recommendations in this e-book (32 servings with

10 mg of THC in each) and use cannabis with 15% THC, you will
need to use 2.82 grams of cannabis. For the mathematically
challenged, that’s an eighth of weed minus two or three bowls.

The Cannabis

Choose cannabis that’s

clean and free of
pesticides, fertilizers, and
additives. If you’re not
sure your weed is clean,
add a quart of water to
your infusion. Dirt and
small fiber particles will

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bind with the water, leaving you with a cleaner butter. You’ll be
able to remove the water by putting your infusion in the
refrigerator overnight after you strain it.

As discussed in Tip #2, it’s important to decarb your weed before

you put it in the brownies. In fact, it’s best to decarb your weed
before you infuse it into butter or oil.

Before decarbing your cannabis, chop it into small, pea-sized

pieces. Use an herb grinder, a knife, or scissors. Don’t use a coffee
grinder—that will powder your weed, resulting in a dirty, fiber-
filled butter.

It’s easy to decarb cannabis:

1. Preheat the oven to

212°F (100°C).
2. Place the cannabis (the
amount that you
calculated The Math
section) in a Pyrex
baking dish with a see-
through cover.
3. Place an oven thermometer on top of the herb. Cover the
baking dish and put it in the oven.
4. Check the thermometer every 10 minutes.

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5. When the temperature reaches 212°F (100°C), set the timer for
an hour and 20 minutes.
6. When the timer goes off, turn off the heat and remove the
baking dish from the oven using an oven mitt.

The Butter

You can use any kind of butter when you make cannabutter. In
fact, you can infuse any kind of oil at all! If you’re using butter, the
best butter to use is clarified butter, also known as ghee. For a
vegan brownie, coconut oil is a great substitute.

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Regular butter (the kind that comes in sticks) contains around 80
percent fat, 16 percent water, and 4 percent milk solids. When you
make a cannabis infusion, the 20% non-fat ingredients are lost in
the process. Because of this, if you use regular butter, you’ll need
to add 20% more butter than your recipe calls for.

In this recipe, use 170 grams of ghee, 170 grams of coconut oil, or
14.3 tablespoons (1 stick plus 6.3 tablespoons) of regular butter.

The Process

Now that you have the ingredients ready, it’s time to infuse your

1. Put the
cannabis in a
2. Pour in 170 grams of
ghee, 170 grams of
coconut oil, or 14.3
tablespoons (1 stick
plus 6.3 tablespoons)
of melted regular butter.
3. Plug in the crockpot and set it to the middle temperature.

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4. Run the crockpot for 4 hours, stirring and checking the
temperature every hour. Adjust the settings to keep the
temperature at around 150°F (65°C).
5. After 4 hours, turn off the crockpot.
6. Line a strainer with four layers of cheesecloth and place it on
top of a large container.
7. Pour the oil/cannabis
mixture into the lined
strainer. Allow 10 to 15
minutes for the liquid to
strain through.
8. Wearing gloves, fold the
plant matter into the
cheesecloth and gently
squeeze the remaining
liquid into the strainer.
9. If you added water to
the infusion, put everything in the refrigerator overnight. When
the butter solidifies, dump out the water and make your
brownies with the solid block of butter that remains. If you
didn’t add water, you’re good to go.

Now that you’ve infused the butter with cannabis, you’re ready to
make the Ultimate Pot Brownies!

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2. Make The Brownies

Let’s make some brownies! Here’s what you’ll need:

• 4 ounces chocolate chips

• 3/4 cups infused butter or oil
• (Optional) Regular butter (add regular butter if the infused
butter is a little short)
• 2 cups sugar
• 3 large eggs
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 cup all-purpose flour

Here’s what you’ll do:

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F

2. Butter a 9- by 13-inch baking pan with regular butter.
3. Melt the chocolate and infused butter in the microwave.
4. Add the sugar, stirring until well blended.
5. Beat in the eggs (one at a time) and vanilla until well blended.
6. Stir in the flour.
7. Spread the batter evenly into the prepared pan.
8. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until toothpick inserted into center
comes out with a few fudgy crumbs. Do NOT overbake.
9. Cool the brownies in the pan on a wire rack.

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3. Dose, Package, and Serve

Now that you’ve baked the Ultimate Pot Brownies, it’s time to
dose, package, and serve them responsibly.


So your brownies are out of the oven, and they smell divine! You
might think you’re finished, but you still have one more step to get
it right: cutting the brownies into standardized pieces.

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To make your brownie doses standard, all of your brownies should
be the same size. To do this:

1. Empty the entire brownie block onto a flat surface.

2. Use a ruler and a knife to mark the places where you’ll cut the
3. On the long (13”) side, make a small cut at 1.75 inches from one
end. Then, make 6 more marks—one mark every 1.5 inches. (The
slightly wider brownies on each end make up for the rounded
corners of the pan.)
4. Do the same thing on the other long side.
5. For each short (9”) side, make 3 cuts that are 2.25 inches apart
and 2.25 inches from each end.
6. Carefully cut the brownies on the marks you made.

That’s it! You now have evenly dosed brownies.


If you ever made pot

brownies before, you know
that it’s really easy to eat
too many pot brownies—
especially if they taste
amazing! And since they’re
pot brownies, you might
even forget how many you ate.

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The key to fixing this potential problem is good packaging.

Put each brownie in an individual bag. Label the bag with the
dose and the date. That way, anyone who eats a brownie knows
exactly what they’re getting—even if you’re not there to tell them.

You can keep your brownies at room temperature for a week or in

the refrigerator for a few weeks. If you want to store them longer,
put the individually bagged brownies in a freezer bag and put it in
the freezer, where you can store the Ultimate Pot Brownies for up
to 3 months.


When you serve

your brownies to
guests, keep in
mind this well-
known maxim:
“Start low and go

If your guests have

never eaten edibles
before, they should start with a 5 milligram serving—half of an
Ultimate Pot Brownie if you followed the guidelines in this recipe.
This is true even for habitual cannabis smokers. Edibles can affect
people very differently than smoking.

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If your guests have used legal edibles before, they probably know
their preferred dose. Those guests can just check out the brownie
label and consume accordingly.

Start A Cannabis Cooking Career Today!

Congratulations—you just made the Ultimate Pot Brownies!

Did you love making

these cannabis edibles?
Then why not turn your
passion into a career?
Enroll in the Cannabis
Cooking Pro
Certification Program at
Cannabis Training
University and start your
cannabis cooking career today!

Since 2009, Cannabis Training University has led the charge in

online cannabis education, offering more information, more
training, and a higher level of cannabis knowledge than ever
before. Students enrolled in the Cannabis Cooking Pro
Certification Program gain access to over 100 hours of content,
downloads, and e-books by Ed Rosenthal.

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Don’t take our word for it. Hear from real CTU graduates how their
Marijuana 101 Certificate helped them!

By earning your Cannabis Cooking Pro certification from CTU, you

prove to the world that you know the cannabis plant and industry
inside and out. When you get a certificate from CTU, your friends,
family, and future employer can verify it! Just tell them to type the
number at the bottom of your certificate at this website!

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When you graduate from CTU, you will have the training you need
to make the best possible cannabis edibles. You will also set
yourself apart from the pack if you decide to find a job in the

The cannabis industry is growing fast. There’s never been a better

time to improve your cannabis knowledge. Sign up for a CTU
cannabis certification program today!

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