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Questions Answers

1. Can you tell me a brief background of

yourself? (Name, age, year of completion,
years of professional experience should be
included; ask additional questions if possible.)

2. Is it your dream to become a pharmacist?

3. Can you tell us your journey on how you

became a pharmacist?

4. What do you think is the main role or job of

a ___ pharmacist? (The blank space pertains
to the type of pharmacist the interviewee is.)

5. Do you feel or think that your job is


6. What do you think is/are the best part of

being a ____ pharmacist?

7. If there’s a best part, then what do you

think is the worst part or unpleasant part of
your job?

8. How do you provide customer or patient


9. As a pharmacist who has been working for

__ years, what qualities should a pharmacist
possess whether they are working in a
community, hospital, or public setting?

10. Among all the qualities that you have

mentioned, what do you believe is the most
important quality? Why?

11. Having worked in healthcare for many

years, what do you think is your greatest
contribution in the healthcare system of the

12. What issues do you believe a pharmacy

faces the most difficulty resolving, and why?

13. What can you say or what piece of advice

will you give to aspiring pharmacists?

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