FNMI - Current Events Assignment

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First Nations, Métis, and Inuit

Current Events
Directions: Recently, we learned about the history and issues that relate to First Nations,
Metis, and/or Inuit (FNMI) people. You will be asked to apply your newfound
knowledge to a current event affecting the Indigenous community by relating the
information to FNMI history and to you.

Working with a partner, you will first find an article that discusses the FNMI community.
Your article can be on any topic, positive or negative, as long as it is current and
discusses the FNMI people. Since this is a current event assignment, you are to choose an
article that is no more than 5 years old.

You will find your article either in a newspaper or online from a newspaper source:
Toronto Star, Macleans, The Globe and Mail, The National Post, CBC.ca, the following
website: Ammsa.com, or any other reputable national or local source. Your article must
be based on an issue occurring in Canada and approved by your teacher at least three
days before you submit your work. NOTE: You may not use articles on
Entertainment/Gossip websites (such as BuzzFeed).

Once you have found an article, you will complete the guided worksheet on page two (2)
of this document, which will help frame your project. The format of your actual
assignment is up to you: Google Slideshow, Video, etc. Try to use take the information
you completed on page 2 and put it in the form of a multimedia project.

This assignment is due by 11:59 pm on the date indicated on Google Classroom.

Current Issues Worksheet

1. Link to article:

2. Focus of the Article:

3. Headline of Article:

4. Source:
5. WHO is this article about?

6. WHAT is this story about? List four important facts from your article.

7. WHEN did the event take place?

8. WHERE is this event or issue occurring? (Specify city, reserve, region, etc.)

9. WHY is this story important?

10. CONNECT the article. What does it have to do with you? How can it be connected to anything we learned or
are learning about in class? Refer back to our introductory unit and refer to our opening lessons in your
explanation as well as the course material we are reading in class.

Criteria Level 4 (80-100%) Level 3 (70-79%) Level 2 (60-69%) Level 1 (50-59%)

Knowledge The student demonstrates a The student demonstrates The student demonstrates The student demonstrates
thorough understanding of a good understanding of a basic understanding of a limited understanding of
the FNMI community and the FNMI community and the FNMI community and the FNMI community and
its history. They accurately its history. They its history. They provide a its history. Their summary
summarize the article and summarize the article with general summary of the of the article lacks
provide insightful some accuracy and article and make some accuracy and their
provide relevant connections to FNMI
connections to FNMI connections to FNMI
connections to FNMI history are weak or
history. history.
history. absent.

The student critically

The student attempts to
analyzes the article, The student analyzes the The student's analysis of
analyze the article,
identifies key issues article, identifies key the article and
identify key issues
affecting the FNMI issues affecting the FNMI identification of key
affecting the FNMI
Thinking community, and provides community, and provides issues are limited or
community, and provide
well-reasoned arguments. reasoned arguments. They unclear. Their arguments
arguments. Their critical
They demonstrate a deep demonstrate a good level lack coherence and
thinking lacks depth and
level of critical thinking and of critical thinking. critical thinking.

The student
The student effectively communicates their ideas The student attempts to
The student's
communicates their ideas and connections communicate their ideas
communication of ideas
and connections by utilizing effectively using and connections using
and connections is unclear
a variety of multimedia multimedia tools. Their multimedia tools, but their
Communication and ineffective. Their
tools. Their presentation is presentation is mostly presentation lacks clarity
presentation lacks
clear, engaging, and clear, engaging, and and engagement.
organization, creativity,
demonstrates excellent demonstrates good Organization and
and engagement.
organization and creativity. organization and creativity are limited.

The student applies their

The student successfully
knowledge of FNMI The student attempts to
applies their knowledge of The student's application
history and issues to the apply their knowledge of
FNMI history and issues to of their knowledge of
current event and makes FNMI history and issues
the current event in a FNMI history and issues
Application connections to to the current event and
meaningful and insightful to the current event and
themselves, the course, make connections. Their
way. They make strong their connections are
and the world. Some connections lack depth
connections to themselves, limited or unclear.
connections may lack and clarity.
the course, and the world.
depth or clarity.


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