Preparing The Students For The Main Reading Tasks

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Lesson Plan

Topic: Unit 8 The Didgeridoo (page 34)

Duration: 60 minutes
Warming: Call to students write the words studied yesterday on the board (10 mins)
o Hurricane ខ្យល់ព្យុះ
o Occur កើតឡើង
o Badly អាក្រក់
o Think គិត
o Town ទីក្រុង

 Pre-reading Task: Preparing the students for the main

reading tasks. (20 mins)
1. Pre-Teaching New Vocabulary
o Present កាដូ
o Wonder អស្ចា រ្យ
o Instrument ឧបករណ៍
o Ready រួចរាល់
o Proud មោទកភាព
- Ask to students listen audio track 25 (1 time)
- Ask to students read vocabulary (by together)
- Ask to students read vocabulary (by individual)
- Ask to students read and spell (by together)

2. Pre-reading task (Using picture and title of the text)

- Ask to students look at page 34-35
o What do you see in this picture?
o Find the word “ready and proud”

 Main-Reading Tasks (25 mins)

1. Read and find out the general information
- Ask to students listen audio track 24 (1 time)
- Ask to students read the passage (by individual volunteer)
- Ask to students read the passage (by side)
- Ask to students read the passage (by together)

2. Comprehension Questions
- Ask to students do exercise page 36-37
- Call to students write exercise on board

 Lesson Closure (5 mins)

- Thank you for coming, hard working today and enjoy your weekend
- GOOD BYE, see you on Monday.

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