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Reading Assignment- Geology


Oleh: Aditya Pradana

Nama : Raihan Fadel Muhammad

Sekolah : SMA Pribadi Bandung

a. Unduh E-Book Physical Geography McKnight’s oleh Darrel Hess pada EduOS
b. Bacalah dan buatlah summary antara 10 - 15 halaman (dapat disertai gambar/figure)
secara terstruktur dan rapih untuk materi geologi
c. Materi yang dirangkum adalah Chapter 13 (Introduction to Landform Study), Chapter
14 (The Internal Process) dan Chapter 15 (Preliminaries to Erosion: Weathering and
Mass Wasthing)
d. Buatlah rangkuman materi untuk Tiga Chapter.
e. Rangkuman dapat dibuat pada file word ini (mulai Hal.2)
f. Waktu pembuatan rangkuman hingga 27 Oktober 2023 Pukul 22:00 WIB.
g. Tuliskan Chapter Pilihan yang dirangkum pada tabel dibawah ini.

Summary Physical Geography
McKnight’s by Darrel Hess

Chapter 13


Due to limited direct exploration, scientists rely on indirect evidence and methods such as studying
seismic waves and monitoring Earth's magnetism and gravitational attraction.

The Earth's interior is characterized by increasing temperature and pressure with depth, driven by
the release of heat from the decay of radioactive elements. The structure consists of several
layers: the crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core.

The crust is the outermost layer and varies in thickness, with the oceanic crust being thinner and
denser than the continental crust. The mantle, the largest layer in terms of volume, consists of the
lithosphere, asthenosphere, and lower mantle. The lithosphere is rigid and includes the uppermost
mantle and the overlying crust. The asthenosphere is a plastic and easily deformable zone, while
the lower mantle is rigid again due to higher pressures.

Beneath the mantle, there is the outer core, believed to be molten, and the solid inner core. Both
cores are primarily composed of iron and nickel or iron and silicate. The movement of hot rock
through the mantle via convection, driven by the energy from the cores, plays a role in processes
like plate tectonics and volcanism.

This chapter also explains the generation of Earth's magnetic field in the outer core through the
geodynamo process. The magnetic field fluctuates over time, and periodic reversals occur.

The understanding of Earth's interior has been enhanced by the theory of plate tectonics, which
explains the movement and interactions of large, floating plates in the lithosphere. These
interactions at plate boundaries result in various geological phenomena.


The passage provides an overview of the composition and characteristics of Earth's crust, mantle,
and core. It explains that minerals are the building blocks of rocks and describes the criteria for a
substance to be considered a mineral. The passage also discusses the seven principal families of
minerals and provides examples of minerals within each family.

Furthermore, the passage explores the three major types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and
metamorphic. It explains how igneous rocks form from the solidification of magma or lava,
sedimentary rocks form through the accumulation and lithification of sediment, and metamorphic
rocks result from the transformation of preexisting rocks under high temperature and pressure.

The passage delves into the classification, characteristics, and examples of each rock type. It
covers the different textures and mineral compositions of igneous rocks, the formation processes
and types of sedimentary rocks, and the effects of heat and pressure on metamorphic rocks.

The concept of the rock cycle is introduced, highlighting the continuous transformation and
recycling of rocks over time. The passage also touches on the composition of continental and
oceanic crustal rocks, explaining that granite is predominant in continents, while basalt and gabbro
are common in the ocean floor.

Lastly, the concept of isostasy is discussed, which refers to the balance and adjustment of the
Earth's lithosphere in response to changes in mass distribution. Examples of isostatic adjustment,
such as uplift and subsidence, are provided to illustrate this phenomenon.


Landforms can range from small features like cliffs and sand dunes to larger ones like peninsulas
and mountain ranges. Analyzing landforms involves considering elements such as structure,
process, slope, and drainage. Drainage is particularly important in landform analysis.

Internal processes, such as folding, faulting, and volcanic activity, originate from within the Earth
and increase the relief of the land surface. External processes, known as denudation, operate at
the base of the atmosphere and diminish topographic irregularities. These processes can work in
opposition to each other and shape the Earth's surface over long periods of time.

The concept of uniformitarianism is introduced, which suggests that the processes currently
shaping the Earth's landscape are the same processes that have shaped it in the past and will
continue to shape it in the future. This idea contrasts with the earlier concept of catastrophism,
which proposed that major geological features were formed through sudden catastrophic events.
Uniformitarianism emphasizes that landform development is an ongoing process and that the
current topography represents just one moment in a continuum of change.

This chapter discusses geologic time, which refers to the long periods over which geologic
processes operate. The age of the Earth is estimated to be around 4.6 billion years, and
understanding this vast time scale is crucial for studying landforms. The geologic time scale divides
Earth's history into eons, eras, periods, and epochs, with the most recent eon being the
Phanerozoic. The dates on the geologic time scale have been established through relative and
absolute dating methods based on the fossil record. This chapter also mentions the proposal to
designate the current epoch as the Anthropocene due to the significant impact of human activities
on the planet.


It highlights how the perspective and level of observation can vary depending on the scale at which
one examines a particular area.

The chapter provides an example of a location in north-central Colorado to illustrate different scales
of observation. At the largest scale, they describe hiking up Bighorn Mountain, where they can
closely observe streamflow and erosion. At a smaller scale, they describe traveling by car and
reaching a viewpoint on the mountain, which provides a wider view of the landscape and reveals
the relationships between rock type, vegetation, and slope. This chapter then discusses observing
the area from an airplane at a higher elevation, where the perspective changes and the larger
mountain range merges with a larger system. At an even larger scale, the perspective from the
International Space Station reveals the mountain range as part of a larger cordillera. Finally, the
smallest scale mentioned is the view from a spacecraft heading towards the Moon, where the

Rocky Mountains can be placed within the context of the North American continent's geological

While certain phenomena like weather, climate, ecosystems, and soils can exhibit predictable
patterns based on location, the distribution of landforms appears somewhat irregular on a global
scale. As a result, the focus shifts from studying landform distribution to understanding the
processes involved in the development of topography. This chapter highlights the importance of
studying these processes for a deeper understanding of systematic physical geography,
suggesting that understanding the mechanisms behind topographic development is more
significant than solely examining detailed landform distribution.

Chapter 14


The concept of continental drift, which describes the movement and shifting of Earth's continents
over geologic time, was initially met with skepticism by the scientific community. Alfred Wegener, a
German meteorologist and geophysicist, proposed the theory of continental drift in 1915. He
suggested that a supercontinent called Pangaea existed about 225 million years ago and
subsequently broke apart into the continents we see today. Wegener supported his hypothesis with
various lines of evidence, including the fit of continental margins, similarities in rock records, and
the distribution of fossils across continents.

Despite the substantial evidence presented by Wegener, his theory faced rejection due to two main
reasons. First, Earth's crust was believed to be too rigid to allow for such large-scale movements.
Second, Wegener did not provide a convincing mechanism to explain how the continents could
travel significant distances. As a result, continental drift was largely disregarded for several
decades following Wegener's work.

Although Wegener's ideas were initially dismissed, he continued his scientific pursuits in other
fields. Tragically, he perished during a meteorological expedition in Greenland in 1930, long before
his theory gained widespread acceptance.

It was only in the last half-century that the scientific community embraced the concept of plate
tectonics, which encompasses continental drift. Plate tectonics explains the movement of Earth's
lithospheric plates, which include the continents, and provides a framework for understanding the
dynamic nature of the planet's surface, including the formation of ocean basins, the collision of
continents, and the creation of mountain ranges.


The theory of plate tectonics gained acceptance in the scientific community in the mid-twentieth
century. It was supported by accumulating evidence about the dynamics of the ocean floors and
the Earth's crust. Researchers found that the ocean floor had distinct features such as abyssal
plains, seamount chains, and oceanic trenches. They also discovered a continuous ridge system
running across all the oceans, known as the midocean ridge system, which matched the coastlines
of the continents.

By the 1960s, the theory of seafloor spreading emerged, explaining the significance of the
midocean ridges, trenches, and earthquakes. According to seafloor spreading, currents of magma
rise from the mantle, creating new oceanic crust at the midocean ridges. This new crust then

spreads laterally away from the ridges. Older crust descends into the mantle at subduction zones,
completing a cycle of creation and recycling of seafloor.

The validity of seafloor spreading was confirmed through various lines of evidence, including
paleomagnetism and ocean floor core sampling. Paleomagnetism showed that rocks on the ocean
floor contained a record of Earth's magnetic field, and the symmetrical pattern of magnetic
orientations on both sides of the ridges supported the idea of seafloor spreading. Core samples
from the ocean floor revealed that sediment thickness and fossil age increased with distance from
the ridges, providing further evidence for seafloor spreading.

The theory of plate tectonics suggests that Earth's lithosphere is composed of rigid plates that float
on the underlying asthenosphere. These plates consist of both oceanic and continental crust and
vary in size. The driving mechanism behind plate tectonics is thought to be convection within the
Earth's mantle, where hot, lower-density rock slowly rises to the surface and colder, denser
oceanic lithosphere sinks into the asthenosphere.

The rates of seafloor spreading vary in different regions, ranging from less than 1 cm per year to as
much as 10 cm per year. Plate tectonics provides a framework for understanding various geologic
processes and landforms on Earth's surface.


Plate boundaries are the areas where tectonic plates interact with each other. There are three
types of plate boundaries: divergent boundaries, convergent boundaries, and transform

Divergent boundaries occur when plates move away from each other. Magma from the
asthenosphere rises up between the plates, creating volcanic vents and basaltic lava on the ocean
floor. This process forms mid-ocean ridges, which are associated with earthquakes, volcanic
activity, and hydrothermal metamorphism. Divergent boundaries can also occur within continents,
resulting in continental rift valleys.

Convergent boundaries happen when plates collide. There are three types of convergent
boundaries: oceanic-continental convergence, oceanic-oceanic convergence, and continental-
continental convergence. In oceanic-continental convergence, the denser oceanic plate subducts
beneath the less dense continental plate, forming mountain ranges and oceanic trenches.
Volcanoes are also formed as magma rises through the overriding plate. In oceanic-oceanic
convergence, one oceanic plate subducts beneath the other, creating oceanic trenches and
volcanic island arcs. Continental-continental convergence leads to the formation of huge mountain
ranges, such as the Himalayas.

Transform boundaries occur when plates slide past each other horizontally. This movement
happens along transform faults, which are associated with seismic activity. Most transform faults
are found along mid-ocean ridges, but some extend through continental lithosphere. The San
Andreas Fault in California is an example of a transform boundary.

Plate tectonics is a framework that helps us understand how Earth's lithosphere has rearranged
over time. In Earth's history, there was a supercontinent called Rodinia, which eventually broke
apart and fused back together to form the continents Gondwana and Laurasia. These two
continents later joined to form the supercontinent Pangaea. Over time, continental fragmentation
occurred, leading to the opening of the North and South Atlantic Oceans, the movement of South

America, the rise of mountain ranges like the Andes and the Himalayas, and the splitting of Africa
along the Great Rift Valley.

If current plate movement continues, future scenarios include Australia straddling the equator,
Africa closing off the Mediterranean, East Africa becoming a large island, and changes in the size
of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The theory of plate tectonics explains various topographic
features such as mountain ranges, mid-ocean ridges, trenches, and volcanic zones, which are
associated with plate boundaries.

The Pacific Ring of Fire, surrounding the Pacific Ocean basin, is known for its high concentration of
earthquakes and active volcanoes. Plate boundaries, including subduction zones, transform
boundaries, and divergent boundaries, are found around the Pacific Rim. This region is home to
millions of people and has experienced significant volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis,
such as the eruptions of Mount St. Helens and Mount Pinatubo, the Northridge earthquake, and
the devastating 2004 Sumatra earthquake and tsunami.


Plate tectonic theory has seen important additions over time, including the concepts of hot spots
and accreted terranes. Hot spots are areas where volcanic activity occurs in the interior of a
tectonic plate, away from plate boundaries. These hot spots are believed to be caused by relatively
stationary mantle plumes, which are narrow columns of heated material rising through the Earth's
mantle. The movement of the tectonic plate eventually carries the volcanoes or hot spot features
away from the plume, creating a trail of progressively older volcanic activity. Examples of hot spot
locations include the Hawaiian Islands, Yellowstone National Park, Iceland, and the Galapagos

Accreted terranes, on the other hand, explain the presence of different types of rocks along the
margins of continents. Terranes are small to medium-sized pieces of lithosphere that have been
carried by moving plates and eventually fused, or accreted, to the edge of another plate. These
terranes can consist of slices of oceanic lithosphere or entire old island arcs that have joined with
the continent's margin. They are distinct from the surrounding plate in terms of their geological
composition. The accumulation of accreted terranes has contributed to the growth of continents,
and examples can be found in regions such as Alaska, western Canada, and the western United

While plate tectonic theory has significantly enhanced our understanding of Earth's internal
processes, there are still unanswered questions. Some midplate mountain ranges and regions of
seismic activity, such as the Appalachians and the Ural Mountains, are not fully understood. The
details of heat flow within Earth and the relationships between mantle plumes and overall plate
movement patterns are still being studied. Nevertheless, our current knowledge of plate tectonics
provides a solid foundation for comprehending the global patterns of continents, mountain ranges,
and ocean basins. To understand more localized topographic features, further exploration of
internal processes associated with tectonic movement is necessary.


Volcanism refers to the origin and movement of molten rock, including explosive volcanic eruptions
and the solidification of molten material below the surface. Volcanic activity is primarily associated
with plate boundaries and hot spots. The Pacific Ring of Fire is the most notable area of volcanism,
with about 75% of the world's volcanoes located there. Active volcanoes are those that have

erupted recently or are likely to erupt again, and there are about 550 active volcanoes in the world.
Volcanoes provide vital services to the planet, such as releasing water vapor and essential
elements for plant growth. The nature of volcanic eruptions is influenced by the chemistry of the
magma, with high-silica felsic magmas producing explosive eruptions and thick lava flows, while
low-silica mafic magmas result in more fluid lava flows. Intermediate magmas exhibit a combination
of these characteristics.

Lava flows are the result of molten rock spreading outward from a volcanic crater or a fissure. As
the lava cools and solidifies, it maintains a parallel orientation with the surface it flows over. The
topographic expression of a lava flow is often a flat plain or plateau, and sequential flows can
create layers resembling sedimentary rock. Columnar basalt is a distinctive feature formed when
basaltic lava cools uniformly, resulting in hexagonal columns. Flood basalt refers to extensive lava
flows that occur from fissures associated with hot spots, covering large areas with layers of lava.
The timing of major flood basalt eruptions in the past has been linked to mass extinctions.

Volcanic peaks can take various forms depending on the type of magma and eruption style. Shield
volcanoes are broad and low-lying, composed of layers of basaltic lava flows. Composite
volcanoes, or stratovolcanoes, are symmetrical and steep-sided, with alternating layers of
pyroclastic material and lava flows. Lava domes, or plug domes, are formed by thick and viscous
lava that bulges up from the vent, growing from below and within. Cinder cones are small, cone-
shaped peaks formed by the accumulation of ejected pyroclastic materials. Calderas are large,
basin-shaped depressions that result from the collapse or explosive eruption of a volcano. They
can be tens of kilometers in diameter and are often associated with significant volcanic activity.

Examples of volcanic features include the shield volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands, such as
Mauna Loa, the composite volcanoes like Mt. Fuji in Japan and Mt. Rainier in Washington, the lava
domes of the Mono Craters in California, cinder cones found in association with other volcanoes,
and calderas such as Crater Lake in Oregon and Yellowstone Caldera in Wyoming.


Millions of people worldwide live near active or potentially active volcanoes, including more than 50
volcanoes in the United States. These volcanoes pose various hazards that can affect human
populations. Volcanic gases, such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and fluorine, are released
during eruptions and can have harmful effects on both people and the environment. Lava flows,
which can be fast-moving and destructive, primarily cause property damage rather than loss of life.
Composite volcanoes and lava domes often erupt explosively, forming eruption columns that can
reach high altitudes and release volcanic bombs and ash. Pyroclastic flows, characterized by hot
gases, ash, and rock fragments, can travel at extremely high speeds, causing destruction in their
path. Volcanic mudflows, known as lahars, are another common hazard associated with composite
volcanoes, occurring when rain or melting snow and glaciers mix with volcanic debris, creating fast-
moving mud and boulder flows that can bury nearby areas. Tragic examples of volcanic hazards
include the 1986 release of carbon dioxide in Lake Nyos, which resulted in the death of 1700
people, and the 1902 pyroclastic flow from Mont Pelée that destroyed the city of St. Pierre and
killed most of its inhabitants.

Volcanoes pose hazards to surrounding regions, and their activity can be unpredictable. The
Cascade Range in North America has several potentially active volcanoes, and the increasing
population in these areas puts more people at risk. Efforts have been made to assess volcanic
hazards and anticipate major eruptions. Monitoring techniques include measuring changes in the
slope of a volcano, monitoring gas composition and quantity, observing earthquake activity, and

using remote cameras. The eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 serves as an example of a
devastating eruption. It unleashed a lateral blast, followed by a vertical explosion and the formation
of an eruption column. Ash was carried by winds over a large area, pyroclastic flows and lahars
occurred, and significant property damage and loss of life resulted. Mount St. Helens continues to
show activity, and while it is uncertain when another major eruption will occur, it is likely in the long
run. The knowledge gained from monitoring such volcanoes helps authorities make informed
decisions about evacuations in the event of future eruptions.


Intrusive igneous features refer to structures formed when magma solidifies below Earth's surface.
These structures are called igneous intrusions and can vary in shape, size, and composition. The
intrusion process can disturb the surrounding rock through assimilation, heating, or splitting it.
Contact metamorphism occurs in the country rock near the intrusion due to the heat and pressure.
The main types of igneous intrusions are batholiths, volcanic necks, laccoliths, sills, dikes, and
veins. Batholiths are large underground bodies of igneous rock that form the core of mountain
ranges. Volcanic necks are the solidified pipes of extinct volcanoes. Laccoliths are mushroom-
shaped intrusions formed between horizontal layers of rock. Sills are horizontal sheets of magma
forced between existing rock layers. Dikes are vertical or near-vertical intrusions that often form
sheer-sided walls. Veins are thin fractures filled with igneous rock formed by hydrothermal fluids.


Folding is a geological process that occurs when rocks are subjected to pressure, causing them to
bend. This deformation, known as tectonism, can result from factors such as the rise of molten
material or plate movements. Folding is particularly evident in sedimentary rocks, which were
originally deposited horizontally and become bent or tilted over time. Folding can occur at various
scales, ranging from centimeters to tens of kilometers. Common types of folds include monoclines,
anticlines (upfolds), synclines (downfolds), overturned folds, and overthrust folds. These folds
create distinct topographic features, where anticlines form ridges and synclines form valleys.
However, the relationship between folding and topography can sometimes be inverted. The Ridge-
and-Valley section of the Appalachian Mountains serves as an example of an area where folding
has produced parallel mountains and valleys over a significant distance.


Faulting is a geological process that occurs when rocks break apart and move along a fault line
due to tectonic forces. There are four main types of faults: normal faults, reverse faults, thrust
faults, and strike-slip faults. Normal faults result from tension stresses and produce steep fault
zones where the upper block slides down. Reverse faults are formed by compression stresses,
causing the upper block to slide up the fault plane. Thrust faults involve the overriding of an
upthrown block over a downthrown block at a low angle. Strike-slip faults occur when blocks slide
horizontally past each other. Faults can create distinct topographic features such as fault scarps,
which are steep cliffs marking the edge of a vertically displaced block. Landforms associated with
faulting include tilted fault-block mountains, horsts (uplifted blocks between parallel faults), grabens
(downthrown blocks between parallel faults), and rift valleys (elongated valleys formed at divergent
plate boundaries). In strike-slip faulting, landforms such as fault troughs, sags, and offset streams
can be observed.


Earthquakes are abrupt shaking of the Earth's crust caused by the movement along a fault line.
They can range from mild tremors to intense shaking that lasts for minutes. Earthquakes result
from the sudden release of energy due to the displacement along a fault, which can occur at
varying depths. The energy released during an earthquake travel through the Earth in different
types of seismic waves, including primary (P) waves, secondary (S) waves, and surface waves. P
waves are the fastest and first to be felt, while S waves and surface waves follow. Seismologists
use seismographs and the arrival times of these waves to determine the earthquake's focus

The magnitude of an earthquake describes the amount of energy released. Magnitudes are
calculated on a logarithmic scale, with each increase in magnitude representing a 32-fold increase
in energy. The Richter scale, although commonly known, is not ideal for comparing large
earthquakes. The moment magnitude scale is now widely used for larger quakes. Thousands of
earthquakes occur worldwide each year, but most are too small to be felt. Large earthquakes, with
magnitudes of 6 or higher, can cause significant damage and loss of life, while great earthquakes,
with magnitudes of 8 or higher, are rare and extremely powerful.

The intensity of ground shaking during an earthquake can vary locally, influenced by factors such
as geology and proximity to the epicenter. Ground shaking can be amplified in loose, unstable
sediments, and liquefaction can occur in water-saturated materials, leading to subsidence and
damage. Landslides can also be triggered by earthquakes. Water movements associated with
earthquakes can result in seiches in lakes and reservoirs, as well as tsunamis in oceans.
Tsunamis, large seismic sea waves, can be extremely destructive when they reach coastal areas.

While it is possible to measure and describe the intensity of ground shaking and anticipate
potential shaking in future earthquakes using intensity scales, there is currently no technology that
can predict earthquakes accurately.



The passage discusses the complex internal processes that shaped the topographic features of a
mountainous section in northwestern Montana, specifically Glacier National Park. The region was
previously below sea level and accumulated sedimentary rocks over millions of years. Igneous
activity, including flood basalt and intrusions, added variety to the sediments. Contact
metamorphism occurred due to the heat of the igneous material, transforming some sedimentary
rocks into metamorphic rocks. After a period of being above sea level, the region sank again and
experienced mountain building, resulting in the formation of the Rocky Mountains. Lateral pressure
and folding of the rock layers created an anticline, which was eventually overturned and faulted.
The Lewis Overthrust, a significant thrust fault, pushed the Precambrian rocks over the younger
Cretaceous strata, creating mountains without roots. Chief Mountain is an erosional outlier known
as a klippe.

Chapter 15


Denudation refers to the overall process of breaking down, wearing away, and removal of rock
material, resulting in a lowering of continental surfaces. It involves three main activities: weathering,
mass wasting, and erosion. Weathering is the breakdown of rock by atmospheric and biotic factors,
while mass wasting is the downhill movement of broken rock material due to gravity. Erosion

involves the removal, transportation, and deposition of fragmented rock material over larger areas.
These processes collectively shape the landscape.

Weathering primarily leads to the fragmentation of bedrock, breaking large rock units into smaller,
less cohesive ones. Mass wasting causes the downslope movement of rock material, leaving
surface scars and depositing debris further downhill. Although often overlooked, weathering and
mass wasting are critical in shaping landforms. For instance, the Grand Canyon is primarily
attributed to the erosive power of the Colorado River, but weathering and mass wasting are
responsible for most of the forms seen in the canyon. The river's role is mainly to transport
sediment loosened by weathering and mass wasting. Additionally, the Grand Canyon exhibits
differential weathering, where some types of rock are more easily weathered than others.


Weathering is the initial process that breaks down and fragments rock masses through mechanical
disintegration and chemical decomposition. It occurs at the interface of the lithosphere and
atmosphere, gradually weakening and aging rock surfaces. Exposed bedrock is particularly
susceptible to weathering, resulting in a change in color, texture, and looseness compared to
unexposed bedrock.

Rock openings play a significant role in weathering. These openings allow weathering agents like
water, air, and plant roots to penetrate the rock and initiate the weathering process. There are
various types of rock openings, including microscopic openings between crystals or grains, joints
(cracks without appreciable displacement), faults (breaks with relative displacement), lava vesicles
(small holes in cooling lava), and solution cavities (holes formed in carbonate rocks through

Joints are the most common rock openings and are crucial in facilitating weathering. They divide
rock masses into blocks of different sizes and provide avenues for weathering agents to attack the
bedrock. Joint systems, where sets of parallel fractures intersect, can create regular patterns in
stratified rock. Master joints, which extend over long distances and through thick rock layers, act as
planes of weakness that are more susceptible to weathering and erosion, influencing the formation
of landscape features such as valleys and cliffs.


Weathering agents, including atmospheric components such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water
vapor, as well as temperature changes and biotic activities, contribute to the breakdown of rocks.
There are three main categories of weathering: mechanical, chemical, and biotic. Mechanical
weathering involves the physical disintegration of rock without changing its chemical composition.
Frost wedging, where water freezes and expands in rock fractures, is a significant mechanical
weathering process. Salt wedging occurs when salts crystallize and pry apart rock grains.
Temperature changes and exfoliation, where curved layers peel off bedrock, are other forms of
mechanical weathering. Chemical changes and biotic activities, such as plant root penetration and
animal burrowing, can also contribute to mechanical weathering. Over time, mechanical
weathering breaks down rocks into smaller fragments, accelerating the process as more rock
surface area is exposed.

Weathering can be categorized into mechanical, chemical, and biological processes. Mechanical
weathering involves the physical breakdown of rocks without any change in their chemical
composition. Chemical weathering, on the other hand, is the decomposition of rocks through

chemical reactions. Most minerals are susceptible to chemical alteration when exposed to
atmospheric and biotic agents. Factors such as temperature and moisture play a significant role in
the effectiveness of chemical weathering. High temperatures and abundant precipitation enhance
chemical weathering, while arid and cold environments tend to have more mechanical weathering.

Chemical weathering processes include oxidation, hydrolysis, and carbonation. Oxidation occurs
when minerals react with oxygen, resulting in the formation of new compounds that are softer and
more easily removed than the original minerals. Hydrolysis involves the chemical union of water
with a substance, leading to the formation of a new compound that is weaker than the original.
Carbonation occurs when carbon dioxide dissolves in water, forming carbonic acid, which reacts
with carbonate rocks like limestone.

Biological weathering involves the contribution of living organisms to the weathering process. Plant
roots can penetrate cracks in rocks, causing physical disintegration. Lichens, which consist of
algae and fungi, can weaken rocks through mineral leaching and physical flaking. Animal
burrowing also mixes soil and can contribute to rock disintegration.

Differential weathering is the concept that different types of rock weather at different rates and to
different extents. Weaker rocks are more susceptible to weathering, erosion, and mass wasting
compared to stronger rocks. The local environment, including climate, influences the rate of
weathering. High temperatures and abundant precipitation promote weathering, while arid
environments may exhibit more mechanical weathering.


Mass wasting, also known as mass movement, is the process in which weathered material is
moved downslope under the influence of gravity. It is the second step in the denudation process,
following weathering and preceding erosion. Gravity plays a significant role in mass wasting,
causing material to move downhill.

Several factors influence mass wasting events. The angle of repose is the steepest angle at which
loose fragments or cohesive layers of soil can remain at rest on a slope without sliding. Water
increases the mobility of rock material by reducing friction between particles and adding weight and
buoyancy. Clay, which readily absorbs water, can make slopes very slippery and prone to
movement. In subarctic regions, mass wasting can be triggered by the heaving action of frozen
groundwater and the presence of thawed, water-saturated ground over permafrost.

Mass wasting can occur in different forms, including fall, slide, flow, and creep. Rockfall, or fall, is
the simplest form where pieces of rock detach from a steep slope and roll or bounce downslope.
Talus refers to the accumulated fragments at the base of a slope, forming cone-shaped heaps or
aprons. Talus cones often grow as new material falls onto them, with an angle of repose typically
around 35° to 40°. In certain mountain areas, large masses of talus may slowly move downslope
under their own weight, resembling glaciers and known as rock glaciers.

It is worth noting that in some parts of the world, climate change may contribute to increased
instability and susceptibility to mass movement, possibly due to ice melting within talus cones or
rock glaciers.

Landslides are sudden and catastrophic collapses of slopes, often triggered by heavy rain or
earthquakes. They involve the rapid movement of large masses of rock and soil without fluid flow.

Landslides can occur without the presence of water or clay, but water can contribute to their
occurrence. Slides can also be initiated by the erosion of a stream that undercuts a slope.

The immediate effects of a landslide include a deep scar on the hill where it originated, a ridge or
cone of debris at the bottom of the slope, and the formation of a natural dam that can create a new
lake in the valley. Landslides can involve both regolith (loose surface material) and bedrock.

Another form of mass wasting is called a slump, which is a type of rotational slide where the
moving material tilts down and back while the lower portion moves upward and outward. Slumps
are characterized by crescent-shaped scarps and bulging lobes of debris.

Flow is another type of mass wasting where a section of a slope becomes unstable due to the
addition of water and moves downhill. Flows can be rapid or gradual and typically cover larger
areas. They are often shallow and include soil, regolith, and sometimes bedrock. Gravity and the
presence of water, especially clay, play important roles in flow movement.

Earthflows are common types of flows that occur when water-saturated slopes move a limited
distance downhill, usually after heavy rainfall. They are characterized by distinct scars on the slope
and bulging lobes of material on the valley floor. Earthflows are less dangerous but can cause
property damage and block transportation lines.

Mudflows are flows that occur in arid and semiarid regions when heavy rain follows a long dry
spell. They pick up fine debris from hillsides and flow down-valley with the consistency of wet
concrete. Mudflows can carry large rocks and boulders and can be more rapid and dangerous than
earthflows. Mudflows often occur in piedmont zones at the foot of mountains, where human
settlements are located.

Creep is a slow and gradual form of mass wasting characterized by the downhill movement of soil
and regolith. It is a widespread phenomenon that occurs on slopes all over the world, ranging from
steep, sparsely vegetated slopes to gentle slopes with dense plant cover. Creep is driven by
various factors, with the alternation of freeze/thaw or wet/dry conditions being the most significant.
When water in the soil freezes, it displaces soil particles upward and perpendicular to the ground
surface. Upon thawing, the particles settle downward, pulled slightly downslope by gravity. This
repetitive process leads to the overall downhill movement of the slope.

Other factors that contribute to creep include activities that disturb the soil and regolith on slopes,
such as burrowing animals, growth of plant roots, and seismic events. Despite its pervasiveness,
creep is a very slow process, often measuring only a fraction of a centimeter per year. Its effects
are typically not visually apparent and are usually recognized through the displacement of human-
built structures, tilting of fence posts and utility poles, and disturbance of retaining walls and

Creep does not create distinct landforms but rather results in a gradual smoothing of the land
surface by diminishing slope angles and lowering hilltops. In certain conditions, particularly on
steep grassy slopes, grazing animals can enhance soil creep, forming a network of hillside ridges
called terracettes. Solifluction is a specialized form of creep observed in high-latitude and high-
elevation tundra landscapes beyond the treeline. It occurs when the near-surface layer of the
ground thaws during the summer but cannot percolate deeper due to underlying permafrost. The
saturated surface material slowly sags downslope, creating irregular lobes with a fish-scale pattern.
Solifluction is characterized by limited vegetation and the scarcity of drainage channels.


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