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Nuriddinov Muhriddin

Dr. Yeonmin Kim

Poetry, Prayer, and Song
Oct. 22, 2023
Diving into the resemblance and contrasts between Poetry and Prose
Literature embraces a number of literary genres, each with its unique characteristics and
purposes. Poetry and prose are two different forms of this definition that present a point to an
audience. While poetry typically includes structured forms, figurative language and rhyme,
prose, on the other hand, directly relates to narrative writing style with no academic
limitations. In this paper, I will examine the ways in which poetry both resembles and
distinguishes itself from prose, highlighting the fascinating interplay between them.
Although poetry and prose can differ in many ways possible, they enhance a common
ground in their use of language to convey complex emotions and ideas. Both poetry and prose
utilize language as a means of communication for carrying thoughts through an audience,
making them underlying elements of human expression. While poetry uses metaphorical
language to create emotional impact, prose, however, employs basic language form and
diction. Both of these literature forms are to harness the ultimate power of language to attach
with their readers. Amanda Gorman once stated that “Poetry has never been the language of
barriers, it’s always been the language of bridges”. Both literary forms are more likely to
address some of the universal subjects such as controversial issues, love attachments or
environmental experiences. Despite the fact that poetry tends to awake deep thoughts and
awake emotional bridges, prose’s mission is to serve to tell a story regarding above-
mentioned topics. In Poetry and its Others, Jahan Ramazani argues, poetry “stands outside
mechanisms of regulative authority, it has the freedom to question and disrupt the legal
norms that have sometimes legitimized the dehumanization of subject peoples”.
Form and structure are probably the most vivid distinctions standing out between poetry
and prose. Poetry is to use rhythmic and structural tools such as line breaks, meter and rhyme.
Despite prose being written directly into paragraphs with the relation of correct grammar
rules, it is obvious that poetry utilizes rhyme so that is creates a tone for the poem, generating
emotions and ideas. In addition, poetry gives an enormous focus and emphasis on using
correct forms of sound and balance of language. Prose, in spite of having sound qualities
through language, is not really dependent of rhythmic sound-based tools. When it comes to
“Law and poetry”, Philip comments, “both share an inexorable concern with language – the
“right” use of the “right” words, phrases, or even marks of punctuation; precision of
expression is the goal shared by both” (191). Even though it relies more on “Law and poetry”
concern, one can realize how enormously a language can have an impact on not only both
poetry and prose, but also all other literature forms.
In conclusion, poetry and prose both go with similarity in terms of their use of language
coupled with themes, yet they can be separated when it comes to their form and purpose.
While both forms play a great role in literature, delivering their privileged experiences to the
readers, prose comprehends straight basic way of representation as opposed to poetry which
thrives in undergoing deep thoughts and emotions. Ultimately, the parallels and contrasts
between poetry and prose encounter the width of human creativity and the importance of
language in literature.

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