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RLC Transient Analysis

• To observe and trace the complete response of an RLC circuit to step

• To determine the time constant and check with the theoretically calculated

1 RLC Circuit

Figure 1: Network 1

1. Connect the circuit as show in Fig. 1. Observe and trace the waveform
appearing on the oscilloscope. Set frequency in range 200-500 Hz.

2. Verify theoretically.

1. The square waveform from the function generator or pulse generator may
be checked on DSO and adjusted to proper size before applying it to the
circuit. The time scale on DSO must also be calculated.
2. If one uses a pulse generator, the duration of positive pulse and lower level
should both be large enough for the response to die down before it start

2 Discussion
In this section you analyse and discuss your results. This section is paramount
as it gives indication about the ability of the author to interpret the results and
critically discuss his or her findings.

3 Conclusions
Here you summarize the essential aspects and findings of your work and analysis.

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